Mindenki meghalt annak a katonai helikopternek a fedélzetén, amely humanitárius bevetésen volt a kolumbiai Cumbario településen, mielőtt eddig tisztázatlan okból lezuhant.
Lezuhant egy katonai helikopter Kolumbia keleti részén, a nyolcfős személyzet összes tagja életét vesztette – számolt be az MTI a kolumbiai légierő közleménye alapján.
A Huey II típusú helikopter Vichada megyében található Cumaribo településnél szenvedett balesetet. A gépet egy kiterjedt kutatóakció nyomán sikerült csak megtalálni.
A legénység egy humanitárius bevetésen volt – írta Gustavo Petro elnök az X-en, egyben részvétét fejezte ki a halottak családtagjainak.
Rutinrepülés közben lezuhant egy Mi–28-as helikopter a kalugai régióban, a személyzet életét vesztette – közölte csütörtökön az orosz védelmi minisztérium.
„A helikopter néptelen területen zuhant le. A földön nem keletkeztek károk. A személyzet életét vesztette” – hangzott a tájékoztatás.
Az előzetes verzió szerint a helikopter műszaki hiba miatt zuhant le.
Az orosz légierő vizsgálóbizottságot küldött a baleset helyszínére.
Korábban a régió kormányzója, Vlagyiszlav Sapsa arról számolt be, hogy a helikopter a Zsidrai járásban zuhant le, a helyszínre mentőegységet küldtek.
A court in Yekaterinburg has convicted Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich of espionage and sentenced him to 16 years in a high security penal colony. The trial has been dismissed as a ‘sham’ by US officials & the WSJ. pic.twitter.com/1tSodId4pR
RUSSIAN MEDIA: Prominent Russian economist Valentina Bondarenko was found dead today in front of her Moscow-area apartment building after "falling out of the window accidentally." pic.twitter.com/Wr0NraCUxu
Mikhail Rogachev, the former vice-president of Yukos, a now-defunct oil and gas company, fell from a window in Moscow, according to Russian media https://t.co/nJKqBrUSRV
A retired senior Russian official close to both Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin's secret services has reportedly died after falling down the stairs of his country house and breaking his neck.
Former director of the Federal Migration Service, Konstantin Romodanovsky, 67, died… pic.twitter.com/lxwpzooXBk
Otro más que se añade a la lista. Konstantin Romodanovsky, espía considerado los "ojos y oídos" de Putin, muere después d "caerse por las escaleras y romperse el cuello" en la más reciente de las ya no tan misteriosas muertes del denominado “Death State”https://t.co/MqeVyVI629pic.twitter.com/8pKcXHeGDZ
Maksim Yeremin, a former colonel and head of the counterterrorism unit in Russia's Federal Security Service, died at 50 after choking on a piece of meat while dining at a Moscow restaurant on the 25th. pic.twitter.com/Nnt4YYnrfW
Footage claimed to show Hundreds of North Korean Soldiers training at a Russian Military Base near the City of Sergeyevka in the Primorsky Krai Region of Eastern Russia, which is roughly 100 Miles from Russia’s Small Land-Border with North Korea. pic.twitter.com/AxZ0Um48V8
Gyakorlatozás közben lezuhant két japán katonai helikopter a szigetország déli részén lévő Izu-szigetek fölött, egy ember meghalt, további hetet keresnek – jelentette be vasárnap az ország védelmi minisztere.
Sajtótájékoztatóján Kihara Minoru elmondta, a helikopterek vélhetően összeütköztek. Szakai Jositaka, a japán tengeri önvédelmi erők vezérkari főnöke leszögezte, hogy az incidenshez feltehetően nincs másik országnak köze.
A gyakorlatozásban csak japán erők vettek részt, a térségben pedig nem észleltek külföldi hajókat, légijárműveket.
Initial report suggests at least 3 people were stabbed on the street near the Kumamoto City Hall. A man in his 20s has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.
Initial report suggests at least 3 people were stabbed on the street near the Kumamoto City Hall. A man in his 20s has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.
Hárman meghaltak és hárman megsérültek kedden reggel egy helikopterbalesetben a svájci Wallis kantonban, a szomszédos Ausztriában pedig egy kisrepülőgép szerencsétlenségében életét vesztette a pilóta – közölték a helyi hatóságok.
A helikopter, amely síelőket vitt fel a svájci Alpok 3668 méter magas Petit Combin csúcsára, lecsúszott az északi lejtőn a leszállóhelyről. A gép fedélzetén a pilóta mellett egy hegyi vezető és négy síelő tartózkodott – ismertette Wallis kanton rendőrsége.
Ausztria Tirol tartományában kedden leltek egy rá egy szombat délben eltűnt Cessna 172 típusú kisgép roncsaira. Az osztrák rendőrség közlése szerint a gépen egyetlen utas volt, egy német állampolgárságú pilóta, akinek holttestét a törmelék között megtalálták.
A baleset helyszíne mintegy 2800 méteres magasságban van egy hófedte térségben, ahol az előző napok kutatóakcióit nagyban nehezítette a viharos és csapadékos időjárás.
Flooding in #Oman has killed at least 16 people, many of them schoolchildren, authorities say following the discovery of the bodies of a child and three adults.https://t.co/H8B0xQm0dK
Heavy rains and flash floods have swept parts of the Gulf region, killing at least 18 people in Oman and causing travel disruption in the UAE ⤵️ https://t.co/l4aYrxrLhc
Сar flew into a crowd during a rally in Sri Lanka: 7 people were killed, and more than 20 injured
According to the local portal Daily Mirror, the driver failed to control the car. Whether he was injured, is not reported. The injured were hospitalized, some of them in critical… pic.twitter.com/pyp42eRNPj
The recent floods in Baghlan province have caused widespread devastation. According to reports, it has taken numerous lives and destroyed hundreds of homes resulting in displacement. Kindly help the victims by donating 👇🏼https://t.co/vcB5AbI0DF#Baghlan#Afghanistanpic.twitter.com/4kR8nMusDn
— Bashir Gharwal غروال (@bashir_gharwall) May 10, 2024
London: Four people including a child have been injured following a shooting in Hackney, east London, outside a restaurant. The shooter was on a motorcycle and fled away after shooting.
A fire broke out in a building housing workers in the city of Mangaf in southern Kuwait early on Wednesday, killing at least 41 people including 5 Indians, senior police officers told state media.#Kuwait#Mangafpic.twitter.com/XLcbZpRUWm
Breaking News🚨:A two storey building Secondary School collapses on students writing exams in Jos,Nigeria. Some students are trapped inside the collapsed building . Cranes are currently at the scene to help rescue trapped victims We hope every one is safe🙏🏻🇳🇬❤️ pic.twitter.com/K0wuDtSYlr
#WorldNews: Twelve children were killed in #SouthAfrica early Wednesday when a minibus taking them to school in #Johannesburg overturned and caught fire after being hit by another vehicle, the government said.https://t.co/nixAyhfh3F
— LBCI Lebanon English (@LBCI_News_EN) July 10, 2024
❗️🌊🇦🇹 - A stationary storm brought more than 80 l/m² of rain to Sankt Anton am Arlberg in Tyrol, village in Austria, a flash flood has just swept away parts of the city. pic.twitter.com/AynS4IRBKb
Megtalálták azt az amerikai katonai helikoptert, ami eltűnt, miközben öt tengerészgyalogost szállított Nevadából Kaliforniába. A legénységet eltűntként kezelték, de a legújabb frissítés szerint nem élték túl a balesetet.
A helikopter kedden a nevadai Clark megyei Creech légibázisról a San Diegóban található Miramar tengerészgyalogsági bázisra repült, amikor annak eltűnését jelentették – írja az ABC.
A tűzoltókat az eltűnt helikopter utolsó ismert koordinátáihoz irányították, azonban ott nem találtak semmit – írja a NyTimes
A CH-53E Super Stallion típusú helikoptert San Diegótól keletre, a kaliforniai Pine Valleyben találták meg, néhány órával azután, hogy a hatóságok megkezdték a keresést írja a CBS.
Az öt eltűnt katonát napokig keresték, a csütörtöki frissítés szerint a katonák nem élték túl a balesetet – írja a CBS frissítése.
Nehéz szívvel és mély szomorúsággal osztozom a 3. tengerészgyalogos repülőszázad és a „Repülő Tigrisek” öt kiváló tengerészgyalogosának elvesztésében, akik tegnap este egy kiképzési repülés során meghaltak – mondta Michael J. Borgschulte vezérőrnagy.
Conditions in Berrien County, MI remain hazardous due to lake effect snow, reduced visibility, and blowing snow. Here's a look at cameras on I-94 courtesy of @MDOT_Southwest. A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect until 11 AM EST Wednesday with additional accumulations up to 2". pic.twitter.com/obkkPQZXAQ
An investigation is underway in rural southwestern Virginia, where authorities found a woman dead inside a natural cave on Friday. There are hundreds of caves in that area. https://t.co/3DGqGRaquK
ALERT:#DPD is investigating a shooting in the 5000 block N Orleans Ct. Six victims located. Extent of injuries unknown at this time. Investigation is ongoing. Officers are working to develop suspect information. #Denverpic.twitter.com/xzYGU79nFT
The National Weather Service warns of a severe snowstorm in California's Sierra Nevada mountains, with up to 12 feet of snow forecasted over the weekend. pic.twitter.com/MnfAwGTn95
Some attendees of the Kansas City Chiefs playoff game in January suffered frostbite, with 12 people requiring amputation surgeries for fingers and toes, according to a Kansas City hospital.https://t.co/An0CnCVseF
Timelapse of an intense tornado warned storm moving into downtown Houston, Texas this evening. Watch as the skyline disappears as blinding rain and destructive winds move in. Video courtesy of @EarthCam. #TXwxpic.twitter.com/3lSUt87LTD
Crowded public bus hijacked, taken on wild high-speed chase down Atlanta freeway; 1 killed: A passenger was killed by a gunshot wound after a suspect hijacked a transit bus in metro Atlanta and led authorities on a high-speed chase into a neighboring… https://t.co/WNlRstbaZ4pic.twitter.com/Sqgo198VBn
Crowded public bus hijacked, taken on wild high-speed chase down Atlanta freeway; 1 killed: A passenger was killed by a gunshot wound after a suspect hijacked a transit bus in metro Atlanta and led authorities on a high-speed chase into a neighboring… https://t.co/WNlRstbaZ4pic.twitter.com/Sqgo198VBn
A Somerset, Kentucky man -- Jesse Kipf -- was sentenced to 81 months in prison for illegally accessing the Hawaii Death Registry System to fake his own death to avoid paying child support. pic.twitter.com/JPblsYAr3x
✋️ Who here thinks we should send the National Guard to Aurora Colorado to deal with these armed gangs of undocumented Venezuelan? This is domestic terrorism and FBI presence is needed. 👀😳 pic.twitter.com/vjvzoSCCC5
Your votes matter this November. An armed Venezuelan gang has taken control of an apartment complex as well as other parts of town in Aurora Colorado. Is this what you want? I never thought I'd live to see the day something like this happens in the U.S. straight out of a movie https://t.co/Zru9WhMCA5
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis says the viral videos of armed Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment buildings is just a figment of the "imagination" of local leaders. Fmr apartment resident Cindy Romero absolutely DESTROYS Polis:
Latalia Anjolie Margalli, 22, is now charged with 2nd degree murder and five counts of 2nd degree assault with a dangerous weapon in the weekend downtown Minneapolis car assault that left a teen dead, five injured. Charges indicate that Margalli started the fight with a male she… pic.twitter.com/0m7XSnGFkH
The US THAAD system is deployed near Nevatim air base in Israel. This site is managed by the US Army Missile Conmand 1st Space Brigade. It acts as an anti-ballistic missile base.
THAAD uses the AN/TPY-2 radar to track enemy ballistic missiles as they fly into space, the radar… pic.twitter.com/TwzbamqTGx
🚨#WATCH: As a major fire breaks out at a recycling Lithium Battery plant triggering massive explosions leading to mandatory evacuations⁰⁰📌#Fredericktown | #Missouri
Watch as numerous fire departments rush to the scene of a major fire at a lithium battery recycling plant in… pic.twitter.com/rLZIV11zCy
Rövid időn belül újabb helikopter-baleset történt az Egyesült Államok hadseregének kötelékében, ezúttal Ausztrália északi részén.
A mentési munkálatok jelenleg is folyamatban vannak, viszont a fedélzeten tartózkodók egy részét még mindig nem találják. Összesen 20 tengerészgyalogos tartózkodott azon az amerikai katonai helikopteren, ami Ausztrália északi partjánál zuhant le.
Az Al Jazeera azt írja, az Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) szerint több embert kimentettek, miután egy Osprey V-22-es lezuhant a Melville-sziget közelében, Darwintól mintegy 60 kilométerre.
Az ausztrál védelmi minisztérium közleménye szerint a baleset az Ausztrália, az Egyesült Államok, Kelet-Timor, Indonézia és a Fülöp-szigetek hadseregének részvételével évente megrendezett Predator Run gyakorlat alatt következett be.
Az Ausztrál Védelmi Erők (ADF) közölték, az Osprey fedélzetén nem tartózkodott ausztrál személyzet. Egyelőre sok a kérdőjel, nem erősítették meg, hogy vannak-e halálos áldozatok, és mi okozhatta a becsapódást.
A fighter jet crashed into a parking lot during an airshow in Michigan, with crew members ejecting before the aircraft went down. No serious injuries have been reported. https://t.co/Z9YmLN3ncXpic.twitter.com/zLmdazMBf9
When you go to Burning Man for fun in the desert but it rains six inches and floods and you think you're just going to drive out of the mud because you have a Jeep Wrangler.#BurningMan#BurningMan2023pic.twitter.com/8MJ12wUYjF
BREAKING REPORT: North Dakota State Senator killed in small plane crash along with his wife and two kids just after taking off from Utah airport..
"Senator Doug Larsen, his wife Amy, and their two young children died in a plane crash last evening in Utah" -Republican Senate… pic.twitter.com/tXvY5sTmfQ
BREAKING: Suspect in Lewiston, Maine, mass shooting identified as Robert Card, a firearms instructor in the US Army reserve who was recently discharged from a mental health facility after reporting hallucinations. pic.twitter.com/ACmYdb0kBX
An outbreak of salmonella poisoning linked to bagged, precut onions has sickened at least 73 people in 22 states, including 15 who were hospitalized, U.S. health officials said Tuesday. https://t.co/G4KZZod4n0
?? | ÚLTIMA HORA: Al menos 18 personas resultan heridas y 2 muertas después de un tiroteo masivo durante una celebración de Halloween en Ybor City, Tampa, Florida. pic.twitter.com/arilfpr8s3
LOCATED: Mavis Christian Jr., was found dead. Police believe he turned the gun on himself.
More from MPD: On November 19, 2023, at 3:31 a.m., officers located who is believed to be the suspect, Mavis Christian Jr., inside the white Chevrolet Malibu in the 3000 Block of Alta… pic.twitter.com/KGIQfWpQjH
A charter bus carrying students from a high school was rear-ended by a semitruck on an Ohio highway Tuesday, leaving six people dead and at least 18 others injured, according to officials. https://t.co/UY1tCnWki7
A graduate student and three other people were injured in random stabbings on the campus of Louisiana Tech University, officials say. https://t.co/QYQ6qK0acl
#BREAKING : Plane crash reported on I-26 in Asheville, officials confirm According to the Federal Aviation Administration, a single-engine Diamond DA-40 crashed Thursday around 8:15 p.m. on Interstate 26 near Asheville Regional Airport. The FAA says two people were on board… pic.twitter.com/mcwoU8rlZU
#planecrash UPDATE: police are turning around vehicles at the back of the cue behind the wrecked plane on #I26. This is for traffic too close to the wreck to take detours. Still no word on how many people were injured when the plane hit the interstate. #Asheville@WLOS_13pic.twitter.com/t9dsNa7POj
Nearly 30 people have been sent to hospitals following multiple anhydrous ammonia leaks at a cheese factory in Greeneville, Tennessee on Wednesday morning, according to officials.https://t.co/Grw7LuSeZR
A crash involving dozens of vehicles along a foggy stretch of California’s Interstate 5 in southern California has left two people dead and nine others injured.
The crew of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Margaret Norvell seized over a ton of cocaine with an estimated street value of more than $32.2 million dollars on Tuesday, according to authorities. https://t.co/zjts4Boufq
At least 6 IRGC's Fateh-110 missiles hit the Mossad base in Erbil, Iraq.
The United States funds Kurdish separatist groups in this region, which engage in sabotage, terrorism and espionage against Iran. pic.twitter.com/C7AInoIfQV
U.S. CENTCOM Strikes Houthi Terrorist Missile Launchers
In the context of ongoing multi-national efforts to protect freedom of navigation and prevent attacks on U.S. and partner maritime traffic in the Red Sea, on Jan. 17 at approximately 11:59 p.m. (Sanaa time), U.S. Central… pic.twitter.com/MMCQbzr1f7
An investigation is underway in rural southwestern Virginia, where authorities found a woman dead inside a natural cave on Friday. There are hundreds of caves in that area. https://t.co/3DGqGRaquK
Conditions in Berrien County, MI remain hazardous due to lake effect snow, reduced visibility, and blowing snow. Here's a look at cameras on I-94 courtesy of @MDOT_Southwest. A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect until 11 AM EST Wednesday with additional accumulations up to 2". pic.twitter.com/obkkPQZXAQ
ALERT:#DPD is investigating a shooting in the 5000 block N Orleans Ct. Six victims located. Extent of injuries unknown at this time. Investigation is ongoing. Officers are working to develop suspect information. #Denverpic.twitter.com/xzYGU79nFT
The National Weather Service warns of a severe snowstorm in California's Sierra Nevada mountains, with up to 12 feet of snow forecasted over the weekend. pic.twitter.com/MnfAwGTn95
Some attendees of the Kansas City Chiefs playoff game in January suffered frostbite, with 12 people requiring amputation surgeries for fingers and toes, according to a Kansas City hospital.https://t.co/An0CnCVseF
Timelapse of an intense tornado warned storm moving into downtown Houston, Texas this evening. Watch as the skyline disappears as blinding rain and destructive winds move in. Video courtesy of @EarthCam. #TXwxpic.twitter.com/3lSUt87LTD
Crowded public bus hijacked, taken on wild high-speed chase down Atlanta freeway; 1 killed: A passenger was killed by a gunshot wound after a suspect hijacked a transit bus in metro Atlanta and led authorities on a high-speed chase into a neighboring… https://t.co/WNlRstbaZ4pic.twitter.com/Sqgo198VBn
Crowded public bus hijacked, taken on wild high-speed chase down Atlanta freeway; 1 killed: A passenger was killed by a gunshot wound after a suspect hijacked a transit bus in metro Atlanta and led authorities on a high-speed chase into a neighboring… https://t.co/WNlRstbaZ4pic.twitter.com/Sqgo198VBn
A Somerset, Kentucky man -- Jesse Kipf -- was sentenced to 81 months in prison for illegally accessing the Hawaii Death Registry System to fake his own death to avoid paying child support. pic.twitter.com/JPblsYAr3x
✋️ Who here thinks we should send the National Guard to Aurora Colorado to deal with these armed gangs of undocumented Venezuelan? This is domestic terrorism and FBI presence is needed. 👀😳 pic.twitter.com/vjvzoSCCC5
Your votes matter this November. An armed Venezuelan gang has taken control of an apartment complex as well as other parts of town in Aurora Colorado. Is this what you want? I never thought I'd live to see the day something like this happens in the U.S. straight out of a movie https://t.co/Zru9WhMCA5
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis says the viral videos of armed Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment buildings is just a figment of the "imagination" of local leaders. Fmr apartment resident Cindy Romero absolutely DESTROYS Polis:
Latalia Anjolie Margalli, 22, is now charged with 2nd degree murder and five counts of 2nd degree assault with a dangerous weapon in the weekend downtown Minneapolis car assault that left a teen dead, five injured. Charges indicate that Margalli started the fight with a male she… pic.twitter.com/0m7XSnGFkH
The US THAAD system is deployed near Nevatim air base in Israel. This site is managed by the US Army Missile Conmand 1st Space Brigade. It acts as an anti-ballistic missile base.
THAAD uses the AN/TPY-2 radar to track enemy ballistic missiles as they fly into space, the radar… pic.twitter.com/TwzbamqTGx
Szolgálatteljesítés közben lezuhant egy magyar katonai helikopter Horvátországban – közölte a magyar Honvédelmi Minisztérium.
A Magyar Légierő két Airbus H145-ös helikoptere légi kiképzési feladatot teljesített a horvát légtérben, amikor az egyik helikopter – három emberrel a fedélzetén – egyelőre tisztázatlan körülmények között, Horvátország középső részén lezuhant.
A mentőcsapatok megtalálták a helikopter roncsait, átkutatásuk során egyelőre két katona holttestét találták meg, harmadik társukat még keresik.
Közölték azt is, hogy a tárca azonnal megkezdte a családok kiértesítését, a fejleményekről a Honvédelmi Minisztérium és a Magyar Honvédség folyamatosan tájékoztat.
A baleset a Cikola kanyonban történt.
Az N1 tévé értesülései szerint a legénység harmadik tagja utáni kutatáshoz a horvát légierő két gépe is csatlakozott, ezt a horvát védelmi minisztérium is megerősítette.
A 24sata azt írja, hogy a helikopter a korábbi hírekkel szemben nem a Krka nemzeti park területén, hanem egy Natura2000 hálózathoz tartozó természetvédelmi területen zuhant le.
A Jutarnji List értesülései szerint a legénység harmadik tagja utáni kutatásban a katonaság két gépe mellett a rendőrség, a tűzoltóság, valamint a horvát magashegyi mentőszolgálat is részt vesz.
A lap úgy tudja, a helikopter pilótája egy Zipline drótkötélnek ütközhetett, mert nem vette észre a völgyek közt húzódó drótot. Az ütközés után azonnal lezuhant és kigyulladt.
Novák Katalin köztársasági elnök a közösségi oldalán részvétét fejezte ki a balesetben elhunyt honvédek hozzátartozóinak.
?? | URGENTE: Helicóptero del Ejército de Colombia, que cumplía labores de abastecimiento, se precipitó en Quibdó. El presidente Petro ordenó a las autoridades "desplazarse a la zona para atender la emergencia e investigar las causas de lo sucedido". pic.twitter.com/LonsEGRDP6
U pogonu osječke tvrtke "Drava international" kod prigradskog naselja Brijest u srijedu poslije ponoći došlo je do požara uskladištene plastike na otvorenom prostoru, koji pokušavaju lokalizirati profesionalne i dobrovoljne vatrogasne postrojbe.https://t.co/erDA4QW2Xr
Police were notified at 9:37 a.m. on Tuesday that a man had set himself on fire on St Mark's Square in the centre of #Zagreb, #Croatia, where the government and parliament buildings are located#BreakingNewshttps://t.co/6MrM8PYDH5
Man sets himself on fire in Zagreb. Chiefs of Staff from Central European NATO countries meet in Split. Water level of the Danube River stagnating. https://t.co/MciDQDKhwO
A baleset okát nem sikerült megállapítani. A helikopter zuhanását azonban nem ellenséges támadás okozta.
Lezuhant egy helikopter amerikai katonai személyzettel Szíria északkeleti részén. 22 katona különböző súlyosságú sérüléseket szenvedett – jelentette az Egyesült Államok Fegyveres Erőinek Központi Parancsnoksága (CENTCOM) június 13-án, kedden.
Az incidens június 11-én történt. A sérülteket kórházba szállították, 10 katona az intenzív osztályon kezelődik.
A terror attack carried out by #SDF militia with a car bomb targeted a market in Turkish controlled Azaz town. A woman and 2 children were killed, with more people wounded. pic.twitter.com/caN2DemtZF
A fedélzeten lévő mind a négy embert kórházba vitték, de csak az egyikük sérült meg. Az ANSA és az Adnkronos hírügynökség híradása szerint a helikopter személyzete elektromos vezetékek átvizsgálását végezte, amikor baleset érte.
Az Emilia-Romagnát sújtó árvizekben már legkevesebb 14 ember vesztette életét.
Giorgia Meloni olasz kormányfő egy nappal lerövidítette hirosimai látogatását, ahol a világ legfejlettebb ipari országait tömörítő G7 csúcstalálkozóján vett részt, hogy személyesen felügyelje az árvízi védekezést.
#Varese, imbarcazione ribaltata nel lago Maggiore: recuperati nella notte i corpi senza vita di tre persone. Proseguono le ricerche di un quarto disperso, impegnati sommozzatori ed elicottero dei #vigilidelfuoco [#29maggio 7:15] pic.twitter.com/bNTW3lkQHm
Reputo gravissimo, indegno e segno di grande inciviltà, che un turista sfregi uno dei luoghi più celebri al mondo, il Colosseo, per incidere il nome della sua fidanzata. Spero che chi ha compiuto questo gesto venga individuato e sanzionato secondo le nostre leggi. pic.twitter.com/p8Jss1GWuY
— Gennaro Sangiuliano (@g_sangiuliano) June 26, 2023
At least 177 people, including 27 crew members, were rescued by Italy’s coast guard after a fire broke out in the engine room of a ferry that was traveling to Porto Empedocle in Sicily from the island of Lampedusa https://t.co/wg886NXveopic.twitter.com/CVmaSiJGLJ
Vi sarebbero per ora almeno due morti accertati e una quarantina di feriti nell'incidente del pullman precipitato da un cavalcavia a Mestre. Il tragico bilancio sembra essere destinato a salire Le prime foto tratte da fermi immagini del Tg1 e Tg2 Rai https://t.co/cUObC24Hyfpic.twitter.com/F4AsbA5maJ
Un’immane tragedia ha colpito questa sera la nostra comunità. Ho disposto da subito il lutto cittadino, in memoria delle numerose vittime che erano nell’autobus caduto. Una scena apocalittica, non ci sono parole. pic.twitter.com/APnsQoPMkL
The recent floods in Baghlan province have caused widespread devastation. According to reports, it has taken numerous lives and destroyed hundreds of homes resulting in displacement. Kindly help the victims by donating 👇🏼https://t.co/vcB5AbI0DF#Baghlan#Afghanistanpic.twitter.com/4kR8nMusDn
— Bashir Gharwal غروال (@bashir_gharwall) May 10, 2024
Satnam Singh è morto, dopo essere stato caricato su un furgoncino per essere scaricato davanti a casa sua insieme alla moglie. Abbandonato insieme al suo braccio tranciato dal macchinario, poggiato su una cassetta per ortaggi. Lasciato lì morire da quello che non è un datore di… pic.twitter.com/ywO6Kd3Cj6
Austrian Airlines A320 severely damaged by a hailstorm while on approach to Vienna Airport in Austria. Despite the damage to the aircraft's nose and windscreen the pilots landed safely. pic.twitter.com/AIa7aL9HEQ
— Breaking Aviation News & Videos (@aviationbrk) June 9, 2024
A serious accident involving a tourist bus in Italy left one person dead and many others injured on Sunday, according to the Italian news agency ANSA. https://t.co/WuE0FUr5Hb
Scenes of #flooding in Modigliana in the Emilia-Romagna region of NE Italy this evening. Was only in May last year the town saw severe flooding. This, along with the central European floods earlier in the week, surely ringing alarm bells? pic.twitter.com/LN01dqiS2W
At least 14 people died, and others are missing in Bosnia and Herzegovina after heavy rain and landslides destroyed homes, roads, and bridges. The municipality of Jablanica, southwest of Sarajevo, was completely cut off.pic.twitter.com/8aBwt4cqRn
Oroszország délkelet-európai részén, a Volgográdi területen kedden lezuhant egy mentőhelikopter, a pilóta életét vesztette, utasok nem voltak a fedélzeten – számolt be az MTI a helyi egészségügyi szolgálatra hivatkozva.
„A légi mentőszolgálatot kiszolgáló egyik helikopter utasok nélkül zuhant le a bázisra való visszatérés közben. A pilóta a helyszínen meghalt” – mondta a hivatal szóvivője, hozzátéve, hogy a helikoptert lakott területen kívül érte baleset.
A katasztrófavédelmi szolgálat korábban azt közölte a TASZSZ orosz hírügynökséggel, hogy az előzetes adatok szerint a Kazan Ansat típusú helikopter a Volgográd melletti Erzovka faluba repült. A pilóta egy erre a feladatra szerződött szakosított szervezet alkalmazottja volt – pontosította az egészségügyi szolgálat.
A Kazan Ansat egy könnyű, többcélú, 7-9 üléses orosz helikopter, mely 1235 kg hasznos teher szállítására alkalmas. A helikoptert a világ egyik legnagyobb ilyen gyártójának, a kazanyi helikoptergyárnak a tervezőirodája fejlesztette ki. Itt gyártják a Mi-8-as, a Mi-17-es és a Mi-24-es típusú helikoptereket is. A gyár évente 12 ezer helikoptert állít elő.
Breaking: Russia’s main security agency said it had detained Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, a U.S. citizen, for what it described as espionage https://t.co/5mr3h7uroZ
?? | URGENTE: Helicóptero del Ejército de Colombia, que cumplía labores de abastecimiento, se precipitó en Quibdó. El presidente Petro ordenó a las autoridades "desplazarse a la zona para atender la emergencia e investigar las causas de lo sucedido". pic.twitter.com/LonsEGRDP6
A Slovak man in a wetsuit and with a swim ring was detained at the border of Estonia and the Russian Federation. He was trying to get to Russia by the Narva River. pic.twitter.com/1lU7bSfTDf
One of the worst days ever for the Russian Air Force: Today, at least 4 aircraft- an Su-34 strike jet, an Su-35 fighter and two Mi-8 helicopters, were shot down by anti-air missiles over Bryansk Oblast within Russia.
An Air India plane flying from New Delhi to San Francisco landed in Russia after it developed an engine problem, officials said. The airline is expected to send a replacement aircraft so the passengers could continue their travel to the U.S. https://t.co/DdoNRGu2ui
⚡️The Russian Air Force has reportedly struck at the fuel depot in #Voronezh, where #Wagner PMC troops were reported, to deprive them of access to fuel, local media reported. pic.twitter.com/IfXch2ncty
"There are rumours about the death of the head of Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin. We directly say that we suspect the Kremlin officials led by Putin of an attempt to kill him!
Russian General Gennady Zsidko and Lieutenant General Gennady Lopirev have been killed. The cause of their deaths are unclea. pic.twitter.com/Z1IvnSeuQF
Russian state media reporting a huge fire at Novorossiysk’ oil terminal, which is Russia’s main oil export hub in the area as well as the route by which the majority of Kazakh oil hits world markets. Unclear if drone strikes involved https://t.co/BJwwwdv2GBpic.twitter.com/YvTmEQcrMS
A fire that had erupted on #Russia's nuclear-powered container ship Sevmorput was put out, authorities said. No one was injured in the incident, occurred in one of the cabins of the vessel & affected an area of some 30 square meters, the emergency department of Murmansk region pic.twitter.com/LVjsThLXMv
— Bilkul Online: Business & Lifestyle News (@bilkulonline) December 25, 2023
The warehouse of a large online store Wildberries is on fire in St. Petersburg. The area of the fire is 70 thousand square meters, the Russian Emergencies Ministry said
Russian media report that the damage from the fire may amount to 10-11 billion rubles (approximately 126… pic.twitter.com/Qnz7IgkHN2
Madhouse News The Tverskoy Court has fined Moscow resident Stanislav Netesov, who dyed his hair yellow and blue, under the article on discrediting the army. Maybe they should just ban the colors yellow and blue altogether? The sun and the sky? Don't look up or you'll go jail... pic.twitter.com/RZ0djnadGc
❗К 25 годам колонии приговорили новосибирского айтишника, обвиняемого в поджоге военкомата, в результате которого никто не пострадал
Восточный окружной военный суд Новосибирска признал новосибирца Илью Бабурина выиновным в терроризме, в покушении на организацию содействию… pic.twitter.com/aJvUagtyA8
RUSSIAN MEDIA: Prominent Russian economist Valentina Bondarenko was found dead today in front of her Moscow-area apartment building after "falling out of the window accidentally." pic.twitter.com/Wr0NraCUxu
A court in Yekaterinburg has convicted Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich of espionage and sentenced him to 16 years in a high security penal colony. The trial has been dismissed as a ‘sham’ by US officials & the WSJ. pic.twitter.com/1tSodId4pR