Array ( [count_posts] => 2 [cache_key] => Query_Posts::global::hu::YTo1OntzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiaHUiO3M6NzoiZG9tYWlucyI7YToxOntpOjA7czo2OiJwb2RpamkiO31zOjY6Im9mZnNldCI7aToxMDtzOjk6InRheF9xdWVyeSI7YToxOntpOjA7YTozOntzOjg6InRheG9ub215IjtzOjg6InBvc3RfdGFnIjtzOjU6ImZpZWxkIjtzOjI6ImlkIjtzOjU6InRlcm1zIjthOjE6e2k6MDtpOjIwNTk2O319fXM6MTE6ImFmdGVyTG9ja2VyIjtpOjA7fQ== [has_result] => 1 [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 41209 [content] =>Amíg új értesülések nem érkeznek az AstraZeneca-vakcina esetleges mellékhatásaival kapcsolatban, Olaszországban és Írországban is felfüggesztik használatát – jelentették vasárnap a helyi egészségügyi hatóságok.
Norvégia példáját követve csütörtökön Bulgáriában, Dániában és Izlandon is a felfüggesztés mellett döntöttek, vasárnap pedig az olaszországi Piemont tartományban is hasonló döntést hoztak.
A vakcina használatát követően ugyanis egyes pácienseknél súlyos vérrögképződés jelentkezett, bár az egyértelmű ok-okozati összefüggést tudományosan még nem igazolták. Egy szombati bejelentés szerint Norvégiában már négy ilyen eset is előfordult.
Az írországi felfüggesztést ez utóbbi hír alapján tanácsolta az illetékes egészségügyi hatóság elővigyázatosságból – írja az MTI.
Az oltások leállítása várhatóan tovább lassítja Európa immunizálását – jegyezte meg a DPA német hírügynökség.
Korábban Ausztriában is felfüggesztették az AstraZeneca oltóanyagát, miután hasonló tünetek nyomán meghalt egy ápolónő, ott azonban később ismét zöld utat kapott brit-svéd oltóanyag. Tegnap írtunk arról, hogy egy szlovákiai tanárnő is elhunyt a vakcina beadását követően két héttel.
Olaszországban szintén egy tanár halt meg az oltás után egy nappal, miután Biella városában az AstraZeneca vakcináját kapta. Halálának körülményeit még vizsgálják, a brit–svéd oltóanyag használatát azonban azonnali hatállyal felfüggesztették. Azokat, akiket vasárnapra regisztráltak erre a vakcinára, hazaküldték az oltóállomásokról. A régióban így egyelőre csak a Pfizer–BioNTech és a Moderna oltóanyagaival folytatják az oltási programot. Piemont tartomány egészségügyi tanácsosa, Luigi Genesio Icardi elővigyázatosságból hozott döntésnek nevezte a felfüggesztést.
Korábban az AstraZeneca két sorozatának felhasználását függesztették fel Szicíliában, miután az oltás után néhány esetben szintén vérrögképződést észleltek. Egy katona halála miatt vizsgálatot indítottak.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Amíg új értesülések nem érkeznek az AstraZeneca-vakcina esetleges mellékhatásaival kapcsolatban, Olaszországban és Írországban is felfüggesztik használatát – jelentették vasárnap a helyi egészségügyi hatóságok. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1615797120 [modified] => 1615762659 ) [title] => Olaszországban meghalt egy férfi – felfüggesztették az AstraZeneca-vakcina használatát több országban [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 41209 [uk] => 41199 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 41200 [image] => Array ( [id] => 41200 [original] => [original_lng] => 81146 [original_w] => 1140 [original_h] => 705 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 186 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 475 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 633 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1140 [height] => 705 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1140 [height] => 705 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1140 [height] => 705 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1615755460:5 [_thumbnail_id] => 41200 [_edit_last] => 5 [views_count] => 3554 [_oembed_624aaeabecace26a8bf22181c595353b] => [_oembed_time_624aaeabecace26a8bf22181c595353b] => 1617798645 [_oembed_ba9b0852f893b2cd7c8b37d5bd5152a2] =>[_oembed_time_ba9b0852f893b2cd7c8b37d5bd5152a2] => 1617959540 [_oembed_d82a391ad4aa521032803840f7300ffa] =>Appears that a car smashed into the barrier. Two people are on stretchers. Can’t see whether it’s an officer or civilian
— Jacqui Heinrich (@JacquiHeinrich) April 2, 2021[_oembed_time_d82a391ad4aa521032803840f7300ffa] => 1617959540 [_oembed_dcad0db3d480286c20d38a2a1a558cdb] =>??A helicopter just landed on the east front of the Capitol. I’ve never seen anything like this before. ever.
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) April 2, 2021[_oembed_time_dcad0db3d480286c20d38a2a1a558cdb] => 1619388122 [_oembed_b6ca890aa6ca22a4abc7aa6efb08a449] =>NEW - 3 dead, 2 injured after shooting at Somers House Bar, in #Kenosha, Wisconsin. Suspect at large.
— ? (@disclosetv) April 18, 2021[_oembed_time_b6ca890aa6ca22a4abc7aa6efb08a449] => 1620335710 [_oembed_e17d1e3c0b94fbc1794ae1097966fcf2] =>Jānis Grīnbergs, VUGD Operatīvās vadības pārvaldes priekšnieks: Durvis bija dzelzs ar koda atslēgu, bija problēma tikt tur iekšā. Par to, ka uguns varētu pāriet uz blakus esošajām ēkām, šobrīd uztraukties vairs nevajadzētu. Ir tikai konkrētās ēkas dzēšana šobrīd.
— LTV Ziņu dienests (@ltvzinas) April 28, 2021[_oembed_time_e17d1e3c0b94fbc1794ae1097966fcf2] => 1620335711 [_oembed_22588bb58a8291c5e00f1176e7bb4436] =>Jānis Grīnbergs, VUGD Operatīvās vadības pārvaldes priekšnieks: Dzēšanas darbi turpinās. Ugunsgrēka platība ir aptuveni 140 kvadrātmetri, bet lokalizācijas vēl nav, tāpēc platība tiks precizēta. Uguns nedaudz izplatās pa jumta konstrukcijām un siltinājumiem.
— LTV Ziņu dienests (@ltvzinas) April 28, 2021[_oembed_time_22588bb58a8291c5e00f1176e7bb4436] => 1620429281 [_oembed_a7684059b253eb30a1ab0f77b8ef2be4] =>Many injured and dead after collapse of a platform with thousands of people during the massive #Jewish celebration of #LagBaomer on Mount #Meron #Israel #breaking #BreakingNews
— Biblical Watchman (Breaking News Alerts) (@Satoshian2) April 30, 2021[_oembed_time_a7684059b253eb30a1ab0f77b8ef2be4] => 1620429281 [_oembed_27dae1d1bae61d2b6950ba562349dd12] =>Israel:40 people crushed to death, after 'disastrous' crush at bonfire festival #Israel #LagBaomer #MountMeron
— Amit.sahu (@amitsahujourno) April 30, 2021[_oembed_time_27dae1d1bae61d2b6950ba562349dd12] => 1620429281 [_oembed_8908daf9b816faa2d6a32a6a37fcbbb6] =>At least 21 people killed, more than 30 injured as result of road accident in Haiti #Haiti #roadaccident
— ILKHA (@IlkhaAgency) April 29, 2021[_oembed_time_8908daf9b816faa2d6a32a6a37fcbbb6] => 1621354303 [_oembed_2299778b4e8de1c1f2a735446ef113d2] =>BREAKING: Mass shooting in a school in Russia’s city Kazan, multiple people killed. Students jumping off from the school’s window during the scene
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) May 11, 2021[_oembed_time_2299778b4e8de1c1f2a735446ef113d2] => 1621354303 [_oembed_ffff8dd4826199fa47543421f88cf12b] => [_oembed_time_ffff8dd4826199fa47543421f88cf12b] => 1622601409 [_oembed_727ee9cc0a09d1aa6c3734f6248b8482] =>#BREAKING : In #Kazan two unidentified people opened fire on school killing nine people and injuring ten others. One of the shooter has already been detained while the security forces has blocked the second shooter on the fourth floor of the school, and the arrest is underway.
— Sushmit Patil Сушмит Патил सुश्मित पाटिल (@PatilSushmit) May 11, 2021[_oembed_time_727ee9cc0a09d1aa6c3734f6248b8482] => 1622903921 [_oembed_08bf3d6bca153da4b922c720ba09b1bd] =>Two journalists (Siraj Abishov and Maharram Ibrahimov) stepped on a mine and died while carrying out their service duties in Kalbajar. Armenia doesn't provide a map of the mined areas within the borders of Azerbaijan, it is trying to bury new mines in the territory of Azerbaijan.
— Araz ASLANLI (@ArazAslanli) June 4, 2021[_oembed_time_08bf3d6bca153da4b922c720ba09b1bd] => 1624630944 [_oembed_855e76179698ab29e54a249f75d46acd] =>VIDEO: One dead as freight train topples onto Mexican homes.
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) June 16, 2021
A freight train has derailed and toppled onto houses alongside the tracks in western Mexico, killing one resident and injuring three others, emergency services say[_oembed_time_855e76179698ab29e54a249f75d46acd] => 1625549617 [_oembed_b9f7cd3c122f23346cf4c95ee7972f19] =>#SAR Container ship #MSCMessina with 28 crew about 425nm from #PortBlair reported fire in engine room AM 25 Jun & one...
Posted by Indian Coast Guard on Friday, June 25, 2021[_oembed_time_b9f7cd3c122f23346cf4c95ee7972f19] => 1628332057 [_oembed_c184cbe2dff457460a86afb0b7eecea5] => [_oembed_time_c184cbe2dff457460a86afb0b7eecea5] => 1628730208 [_oembed_187d2d5e987a4fbedad551ea5c422a35] =>#WARNING | Police were called to a nightclub in Tottenham after reports of a number of people unwell.
— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) July 31, 2021
One 21-year-old man subsequently died in hospital.
An investigation is ongoing[_oembed_time_187d2d5e987a4fbedad551ea5c422a35] => 1630697725 [_oembed_4505f4a900b32405a17c7db8c3e07498] =>AKTUÁLNE: LETECKÁ TRAGÉDIA PRI SKALICI, ZAHYNULI TRAJA ĽUDIAPolicajti spolu s hasičmi a záchranármi aktuálne zasahujú...
Posted by Polícia Slovenskej republiky on Friday, August 27, 2021[_oembed_time_4505f4a900b32405a17c7db8c3e07498] => 1630697725 [_oembed_0e9ff93e03f160283b191691c989f3a9] =>PICTURED: Twin toddlers among 17 people killed in Tennessee flash floods
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) August 22, 2021[_oembed_time_0e9ff93e03f160283b191691c989f3a9] => 1630697726 [_oembed_5c1609c512b45aff9c36ba575d09f0d0] =>Heavy rainfall leads to severe flooding in Waverly Tennessee, USA#flashflood #waverly #Floods #rainfall #tennessee #disaster #flooding
— Unbelievable Events (@UnbelievableEv1) August 22, 2021[_oembed_time_5c1609c512b45aff9c36ba575d09f0d0] => 1635854751 [_oembed_d2d1fd0aee95abc3110fc59916f5c688] => [_oembed_time_d2d1fd0aee95abc3110fc59916f5c688] => 1635867079 [_oembed_29e0de5d104a0edcae910d0c5089f578] =>#Breaking : Atleast Two dead & 9 injured in an explosion and fire in laboratory of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, Jiangsu. #BreakingNews #China #江苏 #南京 #南京航空宇宙大学 #南京 #explosion #Jiangsu #Nanjing #中国 #india
— The HbK (@The5HbK) October 24, 2021[_oembed_time_29e0de5d104a0edcae910d0c5089f578] => 1635867079 [_oembed_777b8a9320889383742be5db3c38a1b0] =>Sono vicino alla #Sicilia e al popolo catanese in queste ore drammatiche per la forte ondata di maltempo. Il Governo deve intervenire subito, con tutte le iniziative necessarie. #Catania
— Giuseppe Conte (@GiuseppeConteIT) October 26, 2021[_oembed_time_777b8a9320889383742be5db3c38a1b0] => 1635867079 [_oembed_da99e162aebb680715a2ebae87b45fdf] =>?LIVE da #Catania ⚠️#26ottobre #alluvionecatania
— 3B Meteo (@3BMeteo) October 26, 2021[_oembed_time_da99e162aebb680715a2ebae87b45fdf] => 1635867080 [_oembed_1c07ebf16b0047c9f715e9e1e6ba5676] =>Video inviato mi da mio fratello di questa mattina a Catania centro, macchina portate vie.
— Ant@72 (@Anto72web) October 26, 2021[_oembed_time_1c07ebf16b0047c9f715e9e1e6ba5676] => 1635867080 [_oembed_def9743fab3eae1c5ee96a55fc9384b9] =>Ho il cuore in gola per #Catania ,città stupenda che amo.
— Elena (@punk_hearts) October 26, 2021
Per favore diamo visibilità al problema. #alluvione #Sicilia #Sicily #Italy[_oembed_time_def9743fab3eae1c5ee96a55fc9384b9] => 1637541171 [_oembed_2d43f9848e3e399507b530d5f6de0dd2] =>REMINDER: #Malahat Update: To repair flood damage, #BCHwy1 will be CLOSED overnight tonight (7pm-6am) between West Shore Parkway and Tunnel Hill, and following nights (6pm-6am) from from Nov 17-22.
— BC Transportation (@TranBC) November 17, 2021
Currently single lane alternating.
More: #yyj #yyjtraffic[_oembed_time_2d43f9848e3e399507b530d5f6de0dd2] => 1637541172 [_oembed_855ee3b8d46100aa051fe1ec462ecc00] =>Vancouver is now cut off from the rest of Canada by road. They probably should have gone for 1.5 degrees last Saturday really. #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Vancouver #Canada #floods #COP26
— Brendan May (@bmay) November 16, 2021[_oembed_time_855ee3b8d46100aa051fe1ec462ecc00] => 1637541172 [_oembed_de858428f057a4b5ac33ad4ab741c2e0] =>A Polish soldier is dead after an accident along the border with #Belarus.
— The Intel Crab (@IntelCrab) November 13, 2021[_oembed_time_de858428f057a4b5ac33ad4ab741c2e0] => 1640208991 [_oembed_1471d3842f5d8c7551709edaed115c97] =>In Navarra, the pre-alarm level is activated due to flooding: three rivers are about to overflow their banks #flood #flooding #floods #FlashFlood #heavyrain #HeavyRains #tormenta #thunderstorm #rainfall #alluvione #lluvias #lluvia
— Aleksander Onishchuk (@Brave_spirit81) December 9, 2021[_oembed_time_1471d3842f5d8c7551709edaed115c97] => 1644750448 [_oembed_0610d92a974b736bf527d6895f008351] =>UPDATE: 2 arrested after a shooting outside a school in Richfield kills one student and injures another. Shown is a new photo of Jamari Rice, who was shot and killed.
— Star Tribune (@StarTribune) February 2, 2022[_oembed_time_0610d92a974b736bf527d6895f008351] => 1644750448 [_oembed_9be0c55ce5427f5a2db01d6f45dca1d8] =>? Richfield, MN | School Shooting | One student killed and another in critical condition. Murderer still at large.
— ? Democracy Spot ?? ?️? ???? ❤️ (@Democracy_Spot) February 1, 2022[_oembed_time_9be0c55ce5427f5a2db01d6f45dca1d8] => 1644750448 [_oembed_71d37d68c1622638419b513943f1e43a] =>“I’m just heartbroken this happened.” Friends & classmates of Jahmari Rice gathering outside the South Education Center in Richfield. He was fatally wounded outside there earlier today. #jahmari #shooting #friends #mourning
— Richard Reeve (@richardreeve317) February 2, 2022[_oembed_time_71d37d68c1622638419b513943f1e43a] => 1644750448 [_oembed_709b3fa81a96fc4bd21b75dd7a104cdc] =>?Debido al aluvión en el sector de la Gasca, desde la Sala de Operaciones se coordinó el despacho de recursos de @BomberosQuito, @CruzPichincha, @Salud_CZ9, @PoliciaEcuador.
— ECU 911 Quito (@ECU911Quito) February 1, 2022
Personal de @AMT_Quito informa que existen vías cerradas. ⚠️
Al momento, se reportan 3 fallecidos.[_oembed_time_709b3fa81a96fc4bd21b75dd7a104cdc] => 1644750449 [_oembed_17a7d6f0d274dc05f309591288b5a1f4] => [_oembed_time_17a7d6f0d274dc05f309591288b5a1f4] => 1645943447 [_oembed_b3cbfd629c652734912f621be14f5db5] =>Sector de La Gasca, #Quito #lagasca
— Andrés Olmedo (@Anfolmedo) February 1, 2022[_oembed_time_b3cbfd629c652734912f621be14f5db5] => 1648469188 [_oembed_c2f99b36ea98633c064038aff6f59acc] =>Gunfire errupts at a car show in Dumas today injuring around 10 individuals.
— SnarkyMedia (@SnarkyMedia) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_c2f99b36ea98633c064038aff6f59acc] => 1648469189 [_oembed_bbdacd52e835f771c0ab417e6aff4996] =>? #Bus #Ucraina, #vigilidelfuoco impegnati con due autogru per sollevare il mezzo ribaltato [#13marzo 9:30]#A14 Forlì-Cesena
— Vigili del Fuoco (@emergenzavvf) March 13, 2022[_oembed_time_bbdacd52e835f771c0ab417e6aff4996] => 1652888750 [_oembed_f9d667da5aebed4289f1398fa27c41a2] =>Trois morts dans un accident d’avion au décollage de Trémuson
— Le Télégramme (@LeTelegramme) April 10, 2022
➡️[_oembed_time_f9d667da5aebed4289f1398fa27c41a2] => 1652888750 [_oembed_fc0f8d9a1b0011fdb620022685f35df7] => [_oembed_time_fc0f8d9a1b0011fdb620022685f35df7] => 1658664739 [_oembed_30f5c7b2ceb9c3ba33bca072aecd4327] =>While trying to leave #Mariupol, the ?? occupiers killed Lithuanian director Mantas Kvedaravičius, who is the author of the documentary Mariupolis.
— ArmyInform (@armyinformcomua) April 2, 2022
RIP #StopRussia #RussianWarCrimes[_oembed_time_30f5c7b2ceb9c3ba33bca072aecd4327] => 1659720236 [_oembed_34c92ad423a7441b023b0fe552aaa19a] =>The Weeknd concert-goer dies after falling 40ft from escalator in horror fall
— The Latest Celebrity News 24/7 (@smackgirls) July 21, 2022[_oembed_time_34c92ad423a7441b023b0fe552aaa19a] => 1660570018 [_oembed_f182b9e1736af3234e9d06dc81c75ab3] =>Im Wild- und Freizeitpark Klotten fiel am Samstag eine Frau aus einer Achterbahn. Die 57-Jährige starb trotz Wiederbelebungsversuchen am Unfallort.
— BERLINER KURIER (@BERLINER_KURIER) August 7, 2022[_oembed_time_f182b9e1736af3234e9d06dc81c75ab3] => 1661070815 [_oembed_f213f5130fd82b0669ff48d018df189e] =>Se ha caido el escenario del Medusa, varios heridos y dicen que algún muerto, suspendido el festival.
— Arturo104 (@Arturo104_) August 13, 2022
El mayor festival de España y nos ponen a todos en peligro montando mal un escenario?? Que cojones es esto hermano #medusa #medusa2022 #FestivalMedusa[_oembed_time_f213f5130fd82b0669ff48d018df189e] => 1662645520 [_oembed_7d8f2d8fc2b6f490845cb15aa3d9cf2f] =>Muere una niña de 20 meses por la fuerte tormenta de granizo en la Bisbal d'Empordà. Las bolas de 10 cm de diámetro han dejado además varios heridos, como a un chico al que una piedra le rompió la clavícula. También han llegado a romper cristales de coches y tejados de casas.
— La Vanguardia (@LaVanguardia) August 31, 2022[_oembed_time_7d8f2d8fc2b6f490845cb15aa3d9cf2f] => 1662645520 [_oembed_8b0df9a6fb713e040acc8003965b4565] =>Hem passat por de veritat
— Jon Lemon (@Johny_lemoni) August 30, 2022[_oembed_time_8b0df9a6fb713e040acc8003965b4565] => 1666544101 [_oembed_362488492167956877c48154f6030c69] =>BREAKING: A white male teen wearing camouflage is in custody after he used a rifle to kill five people in a mass shooting in Raleigh, North Carolina, including an off-duty law enforcement officer.
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) October 14, 2022[_oembed_time_362488492167956877c48154f6030c69] => 1666544101 [_oembed_f112e956b13ead681c7bf50bcb963a4f] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2fc954f81fd2a1058977ffabccc76dda] =>#BREAKING: Multiple people dead including an off-duty cop, multiple others injured, in a shooting in the Hedingham neighborhood of Raleigh, North Carolina.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) October 13, 2022
Raleigh police report an active shooter.
Photos from the area shared with me.[_oembed_time_2fc954f81fd2a1058977ffabccc76dda] => 1670244065 [_oembed_ea0b9d6068f62f5186490575102f1fbb] =>One person was killed in a bus rollover, according to Brandeis University, which chartered the bus. The accident happened near the Brandeis campus in Waltham, Massachuetts.
— CNN (@CNN) November 20, 2022[_oembed_time_ea0b9d6068f62f5186490575102f1fbb] => 1672232345 [_oembed_81accb529b0816f05b97525873b1eeab] =>#FRAMAR d'un côté les supporters marocains de l'autre les supporters français. Tirs de mortiers à plein régime
— Midi Libre Montpellier (@MLMontpellier) December 14, 2022[_oembed_time_81accb529b0816f05b97525873b1eeab] => 1672232345 [_oembed_61bfbb0b0bc43edda2e981d419f76d0c] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) December 14, 2022
Moroccan fans are now also rioting in Brussels,[_oembed_time_61bfbb0b0bc43edda2e981d419f76d0c] => 1672232345 [_oembed_2da00139d3803ceb7a641bacf6bf00f3] =>Brussels, Belgium:
— Adam Albilya - אדם אלביליה (@AdamAlbilya) December 14, 2022
- A resident had to hide the French flag after Moroccan fans cursed her and threw objects on the balcony of her apartment.[_oembed_time_2da00139d3803ceb7a641bacf6bf00f3] => 1672232346 [_oembed_d54fd0e3e4a27fcef6b7d924a42af03e] =>Velký požár zachvátil obchodní centrum “Mega Khimki” na okraji Moskvy.
— Filip Horký (@FilipHorky) December 9, 2022
Video: RIA[_oembed_time_d54fd0e3e4a27fcef6b7d924a42af03e] => 1672232346 [_oembed_9e2c024debf94693881b21b9319db74a] =>#Moscow shopping mall Mega Khimki. Over 10,000 m2 (2.5 acres) on fire.
— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) December 9, 2022[_oembed_time_9e2c024debf94693881b21b9319db74a] => 1672232346 [_oembed_4e9f13c016312f89e17a56250d5cda47] =>⚡️ The moment of explosion in "Mega Khimki" Moscow Mall. Video from local social media.
— FLASH (@Flash_news_ua) December 9, 2022
? Follow @Flash_news_ua[_oembed_time_4e9f13c016312f89e17a56250d5cda47] => 1672232346 [_oembed_78a52176b645c55b5e0804b57a649f00] =>Another fire in Moscow. This time at Mega Khimki shopping center. Arson is suspected according to Russian media
— Olga Lautman ?? (@OlgaNYC1211) December 9, 2022[_oembed_time_78a52176b645c55b5e0804b57a649f00] => 1678638383 [_oembed_fa3e9e90e981545731e7307653713e5f] =>#BREAKING #CHILE
— LoveWorld (@LoveWorld_Peopl) February 4, 2023
There ARE more than 204 wildfires raging in Chile.
More than 13 people lost their lives. #BreakingNews #UltimaHora #ŇUBLE #BÍOBÍO #Wildfires #Incendio #Tornado[_oembed_time_fa3e9e90e981545731e7307653713e5f] => 1678638383 [_oembed_d769f9995cd5a19a75cbad688cd5e6cd] =>Cómo no querer a los bomberos wn si son héroes sin capa
— El Lalo (@Lalo_Monsalvez) February 3, 2023
Esto pasó ahora en camino a #Magdalena #Coelemu #Ñuble[_oembed_time_d769f9995cd5a19a75cbad688cd5e6cd] => 1682350160 [_oembed_33fa1f5701ea684518e9f3b6ddc7e1a4] =>#BREAKING One person killed in Dutch train crash: emergency services
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) April 4, 2023[_oembed_time_33fa1f5701ea684518e9f3b6ddc7e1a4] => 1683185318 [_oembed_13477d23529a7a49a16f5c26b6f66bc0] => [_oembed_time_13477d23529a7a49a16f5c26b6f66bc0] => 1683185319 [_oembed_aa0a379a45c62d0cf8167c8780552b57] => [_oembed_time_aa0a379a45c62d0cf8167c8780552b57] => 1685034899 [_oembed_e24f4e8bbe90e4c44f308cae5bd5653b] =>Russian troops hit Mykolaiv overnight with four Kalibr missiles, damaging two houses, an apartment building, and a historical building, the military said.
— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) April 27, 2023
? Ukraine's Southern Command/Facebook[_oembed_time_e24f4e8bbe90e4c44f308cae5bd5653b] => 1685034899 [_oembed_465d2c4aaf357cbef19333d6fd32ff5c] => [_oembed_time_465d2c4aaf357cbef19333d6fd32ff5c] => 1686386781 [_oembed_29307cd7b471e10869914338f2e59131] =>Police say the suspect was quickly taken into custody and there is no active threat at the hospital.
— NBC12 WWBT Richmond (@NBC12) May 10, 2023[_oembed_time_29307cd7b471e10869914338f2e59131] => 1687344071 [_oembed_fad84c9e1d7dbd6cc99d9f94696729ba] =>Från gripandet efter jakten på två misstänkta för skjutningarna i Farsta ikväll.
— Carla Filt ????????? (@HALLONSA) June 10, 2023[_oembed_time_fad84c9e1d7dbd6cc99d9f94696729ba] => 1691010210 [_oembed_0fac795924e34dac837933910556ab15] =>Typhoon #EgayPH (DOKSURI)
— Bayanihan Today ?? (@BayanihanToday) July 26, 2023
Issued at 8:00 AM, 26 July 2023
Valid for broadcast until the next bulletin at 11:00 AM today.
TYPHOON EGAY WOBBLES OVER THE WATERS NEAR FUGA ISLAND[_oembed_time_0fac795924e34dac837933910556ab15] => 1691010211 [_oembed_5d25d8ef1fec34332d8ca94f95954c8b] =>Typhoon Doksuri wreaked havoc in the northern Philippines, claiming at least one life and displaced over 12,000 people.
— DW News (@dwnews) July 26, 2023[_oembed_time_5d25d8ef1fec34332d8ca94f95954c8b] => 1691010211 [_oembed_55bf3f8cfcf441aca255e48447785ee0] =>A violent storm has cause major damage in La Chaux-de-Fonds of Switzerland ??
— Disaster News (@Top_Disaster) July 24, 2023
TELEGRAM JOIN ?[_oembed_time_55bf3f8cfcf441aca255e48447785ee0] => 1691010211 [_oembed_2d9a0912e9c75d1f33cf04e6754f2fea] => [_oembed_time_2d9a0912e9c75d1f33cf04e6754f2fea] => 1694341542 [_oembed_e1b2d35a6e39ed525e15e1b78e50a982] =>? [#EnDirect] ⚠️ Un pylône haute tension (enfin, ce qu’il en reste)… à La Chaux-de-Fonds (CH) non loin de la France. De telles images au cœur d’une ville de 37.000 habitants sur notre continent, sont inédites. Le phénomène (ici) correspond à une macrorafale. ⛈️ #Orages #Jura
— Météo Franc-Comtoise (@Meteo_FC_) July 24, 2023[_oembed_time_e1b2d35a6e39ed525e15e1b78e50a982] => 1694341542 [_oembed_14ea765a7f3cf27f696aac6442630a6f] =>江苏盐城局地遭遇龙卷风 致2人死亡15人受伤。
— 谷恒条野 (@BuuCooX) August 13, 2023
8月13日16时15分左右受强对流天气影响,江苏省盐城市大丰区部分镇出现龙卷风自然灾害。经专家鉴定,该龙卷等级为EF2级(中等强度)。[_oembed_time_14ea765a7f3cf27f696aac6442630a6f] => 1694341543 [_oembed_4b593662b337b7afc8d4ad38be93a158] =>A tornado killed at least two people and injured 15 in China's eastern Jiangsu province
— Reuters (@Reuters) August 14, 2023[_oembed_time_4b593662b337b7afc8d4ad38be93a158] => 1698239528 [_oembed_63a37ed0a0f1d65ebdda9074af76f686] =>At least one dead in Guatemala protests demanding orderly transition of govt
— Reuters (@Reuters) October 17, 2023[_oembed_time_63a37ed0a0f1d65ebdda9074af76f686] => 1702062732 [_oembed_ca8ed85015235887642129b632ae0697] =>Bulgaria and Romania experienced the impact of severe weather conditions over the weekend, resulting in two fatalities. Strong winds, heavy rain and snowfall, caused power disruptions and blocked roads in the eastern regions of both countries.
— Euronews Albania (@EuronewsAlbania) November 19, 2023[_oembed_time_ca8ed85015235887642129b632ae0697] => 1702062732 [_oembed_a55a26d1f4eca45133c5460fbe67957e] =>Hurricane in Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
— The National Independent (@NationalIndNews) November 19, 2023[_oembed_time_a55a26d1f4eca45133c5460fbe67957e] => 1702062732 [_oembed_1720720c33abe306faf2761dcfbef7d9] =>Hurricane force wind in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, Russia.
— Kirill Bakanov (@WeatherSarov1) November 19, 2023[_oembed_time_1720720c33abe306faf2761dcfbef7d9] => 1703061854 [_oembed_56a2eac6b596857aed6e399738c816ff] =>Girl, 2, dies after catching rare virus from a PIGEON - and doctors don't know how she got infected
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) December 7, 2023[_oembed_time_56a2eac6b596857aed6e399738c816ff] => 1705307607 [_oembed_c6c5bda0c149e0645875d48035f64af9] =>Ein Toter und mehrere Verletzte bei Klinikbrand in Uelzen
— BR24 (@BR24) January 5, 2024[_oembed_time_c6c5bda0c149e0645875d48035f64af9] => 1705307607 [_oembed_e2bf8b5f415466c3e62f69b2c1c6eeb5] =>Stabbing Incident in The Hale, N17: Young Man in Critical Condition
— London & UK Street News (@CrimeLdn) December 21, 2023[_oembed_time_e2bf8b5f415466c3e62f69b2c1c6eeb5] => 1706183296 [_oembed_c6d55311d9b4e8bc5cb2d6dc1e1670b5] =>Fisherman dies after having leg bitten off by great white shark while diving for scallops
— New York Post (@nypost) January 9, 2024[_oembed_time_c6d55311d9b4e8bc5cb2d6dc1e1670b5] => 1712410029 [_oembed_6ad7f5b50ed559620b5d74c364d04d17] =>One international client killed by elephant in Kafue National Park from lufupa Lodge during Safari. Two injured and being evacuated to Lusaka. Full details being awaited from the operator through the Senior Warden Kafue Region. Very unfortunate indeed.
— Gina (@ginnydmm) April 2, 2024[_oembed_time_6ad7f5b50ed559620b5d74c364d04d17] => 1714654862 [_oembed_32927e230a24320d927e340d752be805] =>#BREAKING: A tight-knit Torres Strait community is calling for the removal of a 3.5m crocodile after the body of a missing 16-year-old boy was found on Saibai Island. Our thoughts are with the boy's family. Latest:
— Cairns Post (@TheCairnsPost) April 19, 2024[_oembed_time_32927e230a24320d927e340d752be805] => 1717244595 [_oembed_5318748c4ff84e00f91d109beccdeacc] =>Today a @UN vehicle was struck in Gaza, killing one of our colleagues & injuring another.
— António Guterres (@antonioguterres) May 13, 2024
More than 190 UN staff have been killed in Gaza.
Humanitarian workers must be protected.
I condemn all attacks on UN personnel and reiterate my urgent appeal for an immediate humanitarian…[_oembed_time_5318748c4ff84e00f91d109beccdeacc] => 1719399923 [_oembed_3864c11a3a567fff5f70faf56f9c8bbe] =>🇮🇹 Fight erupts in the Italian parliament
— Rahini (@rahini1207) June 13, 2024
RT[_oembed_time_3864c11a3a567fff5f70faf56f9c8bbe] => 1719832565 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>🇮🇹 Fight erupts in the Italian parliament
— Rahini (@rahini1207) June 13, 2024
RT[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1721394011 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1721394011 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1721394011 [_oembed_7f9c591b59b64f591afb43181bd3e03b] =>[_oembed_time_7f9c591b59b64f591afb43181bd3e03b] => 1728918212 [_oembed_d25f701fd2c096101473ae9cd95908c5] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_d0a7c1bceb94f9a7582536c79456e8c6] =>ISRAEL: TERROR: One person was killed Hy'd and eight others were wounded in a terror stabbing attack at the Beersheba central bus station. The Palestinian terrorist was shot and killed by security forces.
— KolHaolam (@KolHaolam) October 6, 2024[_oembed_time_d0a7c1bceb94f9a7582536c79456e8c6] => 1731587732 [_oembed_d71767c039ab34186a7e75bba89f7313] =>Zhuhai, China: A driver intentionally crashed into pedestrians near a sports center. Multiple injuries reported; medical teams responding.#China
— The ViRAL Videos (@The_viralvideo_) November 11, 2024[_oembed_time_d71767c039ab34186a7e75bba89f7313] => 1734809597 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 3521 [2] => 49 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => COVID-19 HU [2] => Hírek [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 33335 [1] => 20596 [2] => 581 [3] => 18973 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => AstraZeneca [1] => felfüggesztés [2] => halálos áldozat [3] => koronavírus- vakcina ) ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 29558 [content] =>Моторошна ДТП у столиці
— ГЛАВКОМ (@GLAVCOM_UA) December 7, 2024
У Києві на Дніпровській набережній автівка на смерть збила жінку.
Попередньо в автомобілі знаходилася нетвереза компанія.
📹 BerCrime (ült ugyanis, hogy Erich Zwettler több ponton is hibázhatott, és elkerülhető lehetett volna, hogy a fiatal szélsőséges gyilkosságokat kövessen el.
Nem sokkal a bécsi támadás után nagyon furcsa információk láttak napvilágot, miután kiderült, hogy a fiatal elkövető, aki pár nappal ezelőtt négy ártatlan ember életét oltotta ki az osztrák fővárosban, erősen kötődni akart a terrorizmushoz. Sokáig úgy tűnt, hogy más támadók is lehetnek, de a jelek végül arra utaltak, hogy egyedül követte el a gyilkosságokat. Az ISIS elismerte a támadást.
9 perccel az első segélyhívás után már halott volt a támadó, végeztek vele a rendőrök. Abban a pár percben azonban négy ember halálát okozta, és egy rendőrt súlyosan megsebesített. Egy hamis bombamellényt is viselt a megtévesztés miatt, miközben pontosan tudta, hogy mit csinált, képzettnek tűnt.
Egy kegyetlen videó is napvilágot látott róla, ami bejárta a világot a támadás kapcsán. Az is kiderült, hogy egy alkalommal a szomszédja majdnem lebuktatta, aki semmit sem tudott arról, hogy mire készül az ISIS embere.
Börtönben is ült, amiért az ISIS-hez akart csatlakozni. Az osztrák állampolgársággal is rendelkezett terrorista idő előtt kerülhetett szabadlábra. A bécsi terrorellenes ügynökség főnökét időközben felfüggesztették, mivel kínos információk kerültek napvilágra.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Kiderült ugyanis, hogy Erich Zwettler több ponton is hibázhatott, és elkerülhető lehetett volna, hogy a fiatal szélsőséges gyilkosságokat kövessen el. [autID] => 4 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1604760044 [modified] => 1604758424 ) [title] => A véres bécsi terrortámadás után felfüggesztették a terrorelhárítás főnökét [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 29558 [uk] => 29570 ) [aut] => avecsorinszka [lang] => hu [image_id] => 29560 [image] => Array ( [id] => 29560 [original] => [original_lng] => 742383 [original_w] => 2560 [original_h] => 1600 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 188 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 480 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 640 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1536 [height] => 960 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1280 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 2560 [height] => 1600 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1604757611:3 [_thumbnail_id] => 29560 [_edit_last] => 4 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 3888 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_3864c11a3a567fff5f70faf56f9c8bbe] =>[_oembed_time_3864c11a3a567fff5f70faf56f9c8bbe] => 1719939202 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 900 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Kriminális [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 20597 [1] => 20596 [2] => 13458 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Erich Zwettler [1] => felfüggesztés [2] => terrorelhárítás ) ) ) [model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [offset] => 10 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 20596 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [_model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [offset] => 10 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 20596 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [_domains] => Array ( [podiji] => 1 ) [status] => 1 [from_cache] => )🇮🇹 Fight erupts in the Italian parliament
— Rahini (@rahini1207) June 13, 2024
felfüggesztés (2 Oldal)