Array ( [count_posts] => 1 [cache_key] => Query_Posts::global::hu::YTo1OntzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiaHUiO3M6NzoiZG9tYWlucyI7YToxOntpOjA7czo2OiJwb2RpamkiO31zOjY6Im9mZnNldCI7aToxMDtzOjk6InRheF9xdWVyeSI7YToxOntpOjA7YTozOntzOjg6InRheG9ub215IjtzOjg6InBvc3RfdGFnIjtzOjU6ImZpZWxkIjtzOjI6ImlkIjtzOjU6InRlcm1zIjthOjE6e2k6MDtpOjUxNjU2O319fXM6MTE6ImFmdGVyTG9ja2VyIjtpOjA7fQ== [has_result] => 1 [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 59415 [content] =>A heves esőzések miatt áradások sújtják Marylandet, több jármű, köztük egy iskolabusz is elakadt az utakon – írja a Fox News.
10 diákot mentettek ki egy iskolabuszból Marylandben szerdán, miután a busz megakadt a megáradt vízben. A heves esőzések miatt rengeteg út járhatatlan lett.
Frederick megye rendőrsége, tűzoltósága és katasztrófavédelmi egységei vettek részt a mentésben. A busz éppen hazafelé tartott, egy hídon próbált átmenni, amit addigra már elárasztott a víz, de nem tudott tovább haladni.
A hatóságok mind a tíz diákot és a buszsofőrt is épségben kimentették az elakadt buszból. Mindegyik gyereket haza tudták vinni a szüleikhez. Ezzel párhuzamosan az összes iskolabuszt visszarendelték az iskolákba, és azt kérték a szülőktől, hogy az intézményekkel együttműködve oldják meg a gyerekek hazajutását.
Eddig nem követelt halálos áldozatot az időjárás a megyében, de csak szerdán 15 alkalommal volt szükség a hatóságok segítségére. Azóta több mint 80 utat lezártak.
[type] => post [excerpt] => A heves esőzések miatt áradások sújtják Marylandet, több jármű, köztük egy iskolabusz is elakadt az utakon – írja a Fox News. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1630588260 [modified] => 1630586428 ) [title] => Iskolabuszból mentették a diákokat, mert elárasztotta a víz Maryland útjait [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 59415 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 59416 [image] => Array ( [id] => 59416 [original] => [original_lng] => 28301 [original_w] => 492 [original_h] => 271 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 165 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 492 [height] => 271 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 492 [height] => 271 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 492 [height] => 271 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 492 [height] => 271 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 492 [height] => 271 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1630575630:12 [_oembed_32ff96fe7ca548f1f4b50e22fd6919fd] =>[_oembed_time_32ff96fe7ca548f1f4b50e22fd6919fd] => 1630575158 [_oembed_426d533b980b34922e149c9648226512] =>This is a picture of the rescue, provided by the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office. The school system says the water wasn’t this high when the bus driver drove down the road, and that the driver did the right thing by stopping and calling for help upon seeing the water
— Aimee Cho (@AimeeCho4) September 1, 2021[_oembed_time_426d533b980b34922e149c9648226512] => 1630575218 [_thumbnail_id] => 59416 [_edit_last] => 12 [views_count] => 2217 [_oembed_2518cb63581cb1d2691ca507a4ad0f71] =>As the rain slows down and stops, please remember that rivers and creeks will continue to rise.Unless you absolutely...
Posted by Frederick County Sheriff's Office, MD - Integrity Driven • Community Built on Wednesday, September 1, 2021[_oembed_time_2518cb63581cb1d2691ca507a4ad0f71] => 1630575482 [_oembed_7fd5fb0b9d2ecc16fff893f051ba6a80] =>Kim Jong-un calls for relief in flood-hit areas of North Korea
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) August 8, 2021[_oembed_time_7fd5fb0b9d2ecc16fff893f051ba6a80] => 1630575482 [_oembed_7bb2b9501682d67249e66fc21c097c5b] =>Homes destroyed and thousands evacuated after North Korea floods
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) August 8, 2021[_oembed_time_7bb2b9501682d67249e66fc21c097c5b] => 1630575483 [_oembed_918151eeab7b272e978388b77a97e407] => [_oembed_time_918151eeab7b272e978388b77a97e407] => 1630575483 [_oembed_d4e175c8fc89b01172c46f2801162c4a] =>We revealed extensive flood damage in North Korea using satellite imagery on Weds, now KCTV admits it with video of the broken bridges, destroyed homes and fields in the same exact areas
— Colin Zwirko (@ColinZwirko) August 6, 2021
These images are in Sinhung main town and surrounding area[_oembed_time_d4e175c8fc89b01172c46f2801162c4a] => 1630575483 [_oembed_faa4b3a6669fa79cf9863abcfe8077e3] =>Navy helicopter crew spent nearly 24 hours on mountain before being rescued.
— Lucas Tomlinson (@LucasFoxNews) July 18, 2021[_oembed_time_faa4b3a6669fa79cf9863abcfe8077e3] => 1634344542 [_oembed_e5b38608012b9d82d281f20d9ff3d5b0] => [_oembed_time_e5b38608012b9d82d281f20d9ff3d5b0] => 1636272883 [_oembed_72a49e6e4a61716a7f15240a9a66785e] => [_oembed_time_72a49e6e4a61716a7f15240a9a66785e] => 1636272884 [_oembed_70958b0c893f4b398e5d9c6faf99adf6] => [_oembed_time_70958b0c893f4b398e5d9c6faf99adf6] => 1637191934 [_oembed_d863ba214d07f5f07d9e9ff0c65a2010] => [_oembed_time_d863ba214d07f5f07d9e9ff0c65a2010] => 1638449387 [_oembed_de858428f057a4b5ac33ad4ab741c2e0] =>Allagamenti San Pietro D'Olba: strade come cascate #Maltempo #SanPietroD'Olba #Liguria
— Local Team (@localteamtv) October 4, 2021[_oembed_time_de858428f057a4b5ac33ad4ab741c2e0] => 1639931983 [_oembed_ee02cf239860ac2bff29e1ea10784012] => [_oembed_time_ee02cf239860ac2bff29e1ea10784012] => 1642005149 [_oembed_6c8aebb65305bd216ba9dac434671b5c] => [_oembed_time_6c8aebb65305bd216ba9dac434671b5c] => 1653215180 [_oembed_24cf700154fb61f51a3786c53c6b36a8] =>In Navarra, the pre-alarm level is activated due to flooding: three rivers are about to overflow their banks #flood #flooding #floods #FlashFlood #heavyrain #HeavyRains #tormenta #thunderstorm #rainfall #alluvione #lluvias #lluvia
— Aleksander Onishchuk (@Brave_spirit81) December 9, 2021[_oembed_time_24cf700154fb61f51a3786c53c6b36a8] => 1653215180 [_oembed_4cc8d38d117a38aa8f6c00cda8e3d836] => [_oembed_time_4cc8d38d117a38aa8f6c00cda8e3d836] => 1653215181 [_oembed_12f65dcbbbe9aa4170c84ba59f49d712] =>Valencia ahora mismo, ¡impresionante! #valencia #tormenta #tormentavalencia #inundaciones #rayo #tormenta #storm #tormentavalencia #inundacionesvalencia #lluvia #riada #riadavalencia
— Meteo Extrema (@meteoextrema) May 3, 2022[_oembed_time_12f65dcbbbe9aa4170c84ba59f49d712] => 1653215181 [_oembed_97cd6ecd3645a257e064eb1cd49eac87] => [_oembed_time_97cd6ecd3645a257e064eb1cd49eac87] => 1653215181 [_oembed_da52badfb930b4053b30f7091038a777] =>Horrible la tormenta de Valencia, así está la zona del velódromo #tormenta #storm #valencia #tormentavalencia #riada #riadavalencia #inundaciones #inundaciom #inundacionesvalencia #rayo #nubes #lluvia #truenos #valència #malvarrosa #a7 #velodromovalencia #paterna
— Meteo Extrema (@meteoextrema) May 3, 2022[_oembed_time_da52badfb930b4053b30f7091038a777] => 1657391045 [_oembed_475bd1c19e37beffbbe0d52f62c830a3] =>25 dead, four million stranded in Bangladesh floods
— ZAQS World News (@ZAQSNews) June 18, 2022[_oembed_time_475bd1c19e37beffbbe0d52f62c830a3] => 1657703437 [_oembed_7445991d67655f4a9299ed84c801707a] =>Visuals of the flashflood that occured near Amarnath Cave this evening. @adgpi launches 6 rescue teams including Army helicopter for aid of Yatris in Cloud burst affected area at lower Amarnath Cave site.
— PIB in Jammu Kashmir & Ladakh (@PIBSrinagar) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_7445991d67655f4a9299ed84c801707a] => 1657703437 [_oembed_ddbbf07bf73ebb344a172fd72ecb135e] => [_oembed_time_ddbbf07bf73ebb344a172fd72ecb135e] => 1659103622 [_oembed_2617e6c39ea905c4a64eb44b58de7330] =>Severe flooding has again hit parts of Sydney??
— BBC Weather (@bbcweather) July 3, 2022
150-300mm has fallen in just 24hrs in parts of New South Wales (Sydney’s MONTHLY average for July is around 100mm)
More heavy rain to come over the next few days too | Matt[_oembed_time_2617e6c39ea905c4a64eb44b58de7330] => 1660400562 [_oembed_8d89f25bb0ee41eea965c8e781a17780] => [_oembed_time_8d89f25bb0ee41eea965c8e781a17780] => 1661701875 [_oembed_7e82c6e00e37448e6ffb22bd9507a9d6] =>Drone shots of the #Flooding in #Kentucky after it the water has receded several feet. #KyWx
— WxChasing- Brandon Clement (@bclemms) July 28, 2022[_oembed_time_7e82c6e00e37448e6ffb22bd9507a9d6] => 1662994519 [_oembed_1c5116bb8865dbc2d1bb40a49af06807] =>Pakistan and other developing countries are paying a horrific price for the intransigence of big emitters that continue to bet on fossil fuels.
— António Guterres (@antonioguterres) September 10, 2022
From Islamabad, I am issuing a global appeal:
Stop the madness.
Invest in renewable energy now.
End the war with nature.[_oembed_time_1c5116bb8865dbc2d1bb40a49af06807] => 1666348918 [_oembed_198947e4049cc0c257566b1fd6638169] =>West Bengal: Flash flood during Durga Visarjan in Jalpaiguri leaves 8 dead, several missing
— (@OpIndia_com) October 6, 2022[_oembed_time_198947e4049cc0c257566b1fd6638169] => 1666348918 [_oembed_4540db9cd59f2f8827b4e6b5de63df46] =>?? Jalpaiguri (West Bengal, India), October 06 (KMS): As many as eight persons, including four women, have died of drowning and several persons are missing because of flash floods during a Hindu religious ceremony in the Indian state of West Bengal.
— ???? ??????? ??? ??????? (@72powpow) October 6, 2022[_oembed_time_4540db9cd59f2f8827b4e6b5de63df46] => 1666348919 [_oembed_91eb6557187e92fe1e0facbdfc45f938] =>#Prayagraj #highcourt yesterday's #lightning @jnmet @samvaish93 @ArunGD34 @Sani_bjp @ramanathan4548
— Monsoon Tv India (@Aashish77257678) September 24, 2022[_oembed_time_91eb6557187e92fe1e0facbdfc45f938] => 1677049367 [_oembed_8ea72a6b9724dbee336a2b4e8b1a47ca] => [_oembed_time_8ea72a6b9724dbee336a2b4e8b1a47ca] => 1683270712 [_oembed_e135ba6a408d81be216cc37f75bae779] => [_oembed_time_e135ba6a408d81be216cc37f75bae779] => 1685092992 [_oembed_9ad8647d0dc48d65c25fea0149633ab1] =>An eyewitness said immediately after the crash, the driver stepped out of the bus, ripped his clothes off and started screaming.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) February 9, 2023[_oembed_time_9ad8647d0dc48d65c25fea0149633ab1] => 1687088502 [_oembed_d6b1714e925fd0b327b39f2a11551b60] =>Heute kam es aufgrund eines Oberleitungsschadens zu einem Brand im Terfener Tunnel. Die Rettungskette und Evakuierung haben gut funktioniert. Alle Personen des NJ420 wurden mittlerweile evakuiert. Danke an alle Einsatzkräfte vor Ort! #ÖBBStreckeninfo
— ÖBB (@unsereOEBB) June 7, 2023
© ÖBB / Gasser-Mair[_oembed_time_d6b1714e925fd0b327b39f2a11551b60] => 1691653828 [_oembed_1cd0973e819c81f213ca275841ec3f03] =>Iz vasi Dolnja Bistrica v občini Črenšovci so zaradi poplavljanja Mure evakuirali 500 ljudi. Razmere bodo kritične še 24 ur.
— ?MMC RTV Slovenija (@rtvslo) August 5, 2023[_oembed_time_1cd0973e819c81f213ca275841ec3f03] => 1691653828 [_oembed_c04f2ec2989e86f645207d25bdd9310d] =>Reševalne enote v Dolnji Bistrici hodijo po hišah in praznijo eno za drugo. Več na:
— N1 Slovenija (@n1slovenija) August 5, 2023[_oembed_time_c04f2ec2989e86f645207d25bdd9310d] => 1693304624 [_oembed_6aa124c9a6e7bdcb7a70d945f3c08927] =>At least three people died and more than 31,000 were evacuated in central Chile by Tuesday, after heavy rainfall triggered severe flooding in the region, local officials said.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) August 24, 2023
Find more:[_oembed_time_6aa124c9a6e7bdcb7a70d945f3c08927] => 1696273076 [_oembed_2699d05ca0b11d027fc3312e64b602b3] =>Escaped crocodiles add to perils of floods in southern China
— News (@Just20366402) September 12, 2023[_oembed_time_2699d05ca0b11d027fc3312e64b602b3] => 1696273076 [_oembed_0375e7547ee475c7f2dcbb13c30f3e58] =>?? Heavy flooding in southern China has led to the release of more than 70 crocodiles ?? #ChinaFloods #ABJhukegaNehi #AppleEvent #china
— World Insights (@WorldInsights_) September 13, 2023[_oembed_time_0375e7547ee475c7f2dcbb13c30f3e58] => 1696273076 [_oembed_13ef60c3aeda40c649450eb065ea6cb0] =>#Crocodiles on the loose in #China after escaping during #typhoon #flooding.#Crocodile #Maoming
— Dragonfly (@DragonflyTimes) September 12, 2023[_oembed_time_13ef60c3aeda40c649450eb065ea6cb0] => 1697788045 [_oembed_b038ac2b3f60790124809a51b31531a9] => Átszakadt egy folyó töltése Thaiföldön #fy #fyp #nekedbe #hiradohu #árvíz #thaiföld #yom #folyó #elönt ázsia
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_b038ac2b3f60790124809a51b31531a9] => 1699908239 [_oembed_c7315cbd157faef1f9626c74d34376a7] =>At least 177 people, including 27 crew members, were rescued by Italy’s coast guard after a fire broke out in the engine room of a ferry that was traveling to Porto Empedocle in Sicily from the island of Lampedusa
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 30, 2023[_oembed_time_c7315cbd157faef1f9626c74d34376a7] => 1700659760 [_oembed_2fc30c5401e7f5c3663f16550794f7e1] => Drónfelvételek az észak-franciaországi árvízkárokról #fy #fyp #nekedbe #hiradohu #hirek #árvíz #katasztrófa #franciaország #pasdecalais #eső #csapadék
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_2fc30c5401e7f5c3663f16550794f7e1] => 1700659760 [_oembed_1fb89f5c4d1f0d15b9c08895c21b0ce1] =>Kreis #Ravensburg: Schwerer Schulbus-#Unfall in #BadenWürttemberg
— #WorldinMyEyes (@TPeddersen) November 13, 2023[_oembed_time_1fb89f5c4d1f0d15b9c08895c21b0ce1] => 1704352669 [_oembed_06e27f0076b613acbd41aff41d8663e6] =>Flash flooding strikes Machans Beach, Cairns, Australia 🌧️🌊 Stay vigilant in the face of #CycloneJasper's impact. | Dec 17 2023 #Floods #Cairns#HeavyRain #HeavyRainFall
— Iyarkai (@iyarkai_earth) December 18, 2023[_oembed_time_06e27f0076b613acbd41aff41d8663e6] => 1707993377 [_oembed_52d64f5b2b22d55ae8a7888dfdc38c72] => Szinte teljesen víz alá került San Diego #foryou #foryourpage #árvíz #sandiego #hírek #hiradohu #nekedbe #fyp
♬ original sound - -[_oembed_time_52d64f5b2b22d55ae8a7888dfdc38c72] => 1708846295 [_oembed_e5adc1c606c29206c2e524c4fa3ac6fc] => [_oembed_time_e5adc1c606c29206c2e524c4fa3ac6fc] => 1712589344 [_oembed_6b747ac117dd3b9fe3eccd4e5efe8524] => [_oembed_time_6b747ac117dd3b9fe3eccd4e5efe8524] => 1716232518 [_oembed_f8ac6d49b3650d762669b26acf6767d2] =>Schulbus-Unfall in #Fürth-#Erlenbach +++ 12 Schüler und Busfahrer verletzt +++ Bus rollt laut Polizei 60 Meter weit führerlos in eine Wiese
— HIT RADIO FFH (@FFHRegional) February 14, 2024[_oembed_time_f8ac6d49b3650d762669b26acf6767d2] => 1716232518 [_oembed_7af8d3f5220f2df095c4382a81c59a84] =>#Dubai Rains are back⛈️
— Ansh Pandey (@pandeyism_) May 2, 2024
Visuals from the City as Weather Alert Warns of More Rainstorms....[_oembed_time_7af8d3f5220f2df095c4382a81c59a84] => 1716232518 [_oembed_6fffc63b5b9b0572f1e041086a7f6018] =>Dubai looks beautiful even in massive rain.
— Moments & memories (@momentmemori) May 2, 2024[_oembed_time_6fffc63b5b9b0572f1e041086a7f6018] => 1716232518 [_oembed_8cb052472f5e29d09da969d3e66d21c2] =>Mall of the Emirates in Dubai affected by Storm…
— xoom (@Mr_Xoom) April 16, 2024[_oembed_time_8cb052472f5e29d09da969d3e66d21c2] => 1716232518 [_oembed_7e27fd76e0deae1a75b312c2a8220efd] =>Flooding in #Oman has killed at least 16 people, many of them schoolchildren, authorities say following the discovery of the bodies of a child and three adults.
— Al Arabiya English (@AlArabiya_Eng) April 16, 2024[_oembed_time_7e27fd76e0deae1a75b312c2a8220efd] => 1716232519 [_oembed_ab708cb3cc739a5b37ad3ba25f1364f3] =>Heavy rains and flash floods have swept parts of the Gulf region, killing at least 18 people in Oman and causing travel disruption in the UAE ⤵️
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) April 16, 2024[_oembed_time_ab708cb3cc739a5b37ad3ba25f1364f3] => 1716232519 [_oembed_3be113c518483235363eb945f1bdeeb2] =>Unprecedented rain hits #Dubai
— Chennai Weather-Raja Ramasamy (@chennaiweather) April 16, 2024[_oembed_time_3be113c518483235363eb945f1bdeeb2] => 1716232519 [_oembed_0b33614b0b644f24ed38bc2ed957a365] =>ALERT: Stay-home advisory issued as heavy rain lashes all 7 Emirates including
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) April 16, 2024[_oembed_time_0b33614b0b644f24ed38bc2ed957a365] => 1717507758 [_oembed_648a66d0947802419523900a5f9ded78] =>Another video Heavy floods in #Shaoguan, #Guangdong on(2024-04-20)#china #floods
— Siraj Noorani (@sirajnoorani) April 22, 2024[_oembed_time_648a66d0947802419523900a5f9ded78] => 1719729587 [_oembed_311b8a9e75272e560108ee413b5f7605] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_a5eaaffcae0dd7204fdfd9a1b58f81cd] => [_oembed_time_a5eaaffcae0dd7204fdfd9a1b58f81cd] => 1719729587 [_oembed_82fb63b16c6cc66b30dfc397c173e019] =>This is a picture of the rescue, provided by the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office. The school system says the water wasn’t this high when the bus driver drove down the road, and that the driver did the right thing by stopping and calling for help upon seeing the water
— Aimee Cho (@AimeeCho4) September 1, 2021[_oembed_time_82fb63b16c6cc66b30dfc397c173e019] => 1719729587 [_oembed_9341ebfb9485beba3f13b573c8b45032] =>#Dubai Rains are back⛈️
— Ansh Pandey (@pandeyism_) May 2, 2024
Visuals from the City as Weather Alert Warns of More Rainstorms....[_oembed_time_9341ebfb9485beba3f13b573c8b45032] => 1719729587 [_oembed_7a8fc9b7a13f65d2460ea6b6cf73ecf1] =>Dubai looks beautiful even in massive rain.
— Moments & memories (@momentmemori) May 2, 2024[_oembed_time_7a8fc9b7a13f65d2460ea6b6cf73ecf1] => 1719729588 [_oembed_c6180751348d255da072e4bb424a10f4] => [_oembed_time_c6180751348d255da072e4bb424a10f4] => 1719814612 [_oembed_6e11ec112fab5f4c2bd5fb534d1ae2bc] =>Mall of the Emirates in Dubai affected by Storm…
— xoom (@Mr_Xoom) April 16, 2024[_oembed_time_6e11ec112fab5f4c2bd5fb534d1ae2bc] => 1722500901 [_oembed_c7df8095e85e07e5fac59bde3f17aeec] =>#PILNE / Wstrząs w kopalni Rydułtowy. Żyje 32-letni górnik odnaleziony po ponad dwóch dobach#kopalnia #wypadek #gornictwo #rydułtowy
— (@Kronika24pl) July 13, 2024[_oembed_time_c7df8095e85e07e5fac59bde3f17aeec] => 1722500902 [_oembed_0cb244395332f4bc2c2dda6cdc74e13e] =>#SawalIndiaKa | डूबी गलियां, कमर तक पानी... ये है दिल्ली के JJ Colony की कहानी@Ankit_Tyagi01 | @thakur_shubhang | #Delhi | #JJColony | #WaterLogging | #Atishi | #ManojTiwari
— NDTV India (@ndtvindia) July 11, 2024[_oembed_time_0cb244395332f4bc2c2dda6cdc74e13e] => 1722500902 [_oembed_48ccf9856b8f1a766b128c06739faf6b] =>ଦିଲ୍ଲୀ ଜେଜେ କଲୋନୀର କିପରି ରହିଛି ସ୍ଥିତି ଆକାଶମାର୍ଗରୁ ଦେଖନ୍ତୁ । #delhi #flood #KanakNews
— Kanak News (@kanak_news) July 11, 2024[_oembed_time_48ccf9856b8f1a766b128c06739faf6b] => 1722500902 [_oembed_7b6e0a4ebf2200809ba45fa73c6f9b1e] =>#WorldNews: Twelve children were killed in #SouthAfrica early Wednesday when a minibus taking them to school in #Johannesburg overturned and caught fire after being hit by another vehicle, the government said.
— LBCI Lebanon English (@LBCI_News_EN) July 10, 2024[_oembed_time_7b6e0a4ebf2200809ba45fa73c6f9b1e] => 1722500902 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>Pakistan Melting glacier leaves hundreds homeless in Skardu #NewsDawn #Pakistan
— News on Pakistan (@87_pakistan) July 7, 2024[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1725355259 [_oembed_2e680c9736f8175eb6a2e3d812a945d5] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_2e680c9736f8175eb6a2e3d812a945d5] => 1726641764 [_oembed_9d82dcc03bed17210fcdc60caf2704d0] =>Nearly 5 million people are impacted by floods in Bangladesh, triggering a nationwide volunteering effort with people arriving from Dhaka and other parts of the country to lend a hand with rescues and delivering aid.
— CNN International PR (@cnnipr) August 26, 2024
CNN's @amcoren reports from Feni[_oembed_time_9d82dcc03bed17210fcdc60caf2704d0] => 1726641765 [_oembed_eef79ad8a1f619ca21160c7369410099] =>In Feni, due to shortage of boats fr rescuing & providing food aid to flood victims, makeshift boats made fm drums r being used. Expressions of victims standing on these boats clearly reveal their helplessness #FloodInBangladesh #HumanitarianCrisis #Bangladesh #PrayForBangladesh
— Mithu 🇧🇩 (@MithuHassan321) August 23, 2024[_oembed_time_eef79ad8a1f619ca21160c7369410099] => 1729663855 [_oembed_f051ac4adb0b5943f90ee726bd370736] => [_oembed_time_f051ac4adb0b5943f90ee726bd370736] => 1732290231 [_oembed_c0d61b53fb0f8f3427c6479a1bcb7578] =>Heavy flood on the street due to extreme rain in Cannes, France 🇫🇷 (23.09.2024)
— Disaster News (@Top_Disaster) September 23, 2024
Video: France 3 Côte d'Azur
TELEGRAM JOIN 👉[_oembed_time_c0d61b53fb0f8f3427c6479a1bcb7578] => 1733298723 [_oembed_bb300a5b87d13c4c289688b4f91e944d] =>Malaga, Spain this
— Volcaholic 🌋 (@volcaholic1) November 13, 2024[_oembed_time_bb300a5b87d13c4c289688b4f91e944d] => 1733298723 [_oembed_14f33b4dd0b3304571f94c7ec7e072ea] =>Volunteers working together to clear out floodwater in a suburb of Valencia, Spain.
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) November 11, 2024
[📹 Anna Romeu][_oembed_time_14f33b4dd0b3304571f94c7ec7e072ea] => 1733298724 [_oembed_c024aa4cd100b63d12ad59c6ea0980e9] =>Alhaurín, Malaga, Spain this afternoon. What part of RED WARNING don't people
— Volcaholic 🌋 (@volcaholic1) November 13, 2024[_oembed_time_c024aa4cd100b63d12ad59c6ea0980e9] => 1733298724 [_oembed_48e290eed84e14e69c59b9393f7f8601] =>Victoria Street, Malaga,
— Volcaholic 🌋 (@volcaholic1) November 13, 2024[_oembed_time_48e290eed84e14e69c59b9393f7f8601] => 1733298724 [_oembed_266876eec1237833b355d31d98f7105a] =>Critical situation in Benamargosa, Málaga, as river water starts flooding lower areas.#DANA
— Volcaholic 🌋 (@volcaholic1) November 13, 2024[_oembed_time_266876eec1237833b355d31d98f7105a] => 1733298724 [_oembed_06647b9822d94bbf9fa13ee89edbdb14] =>Que barbaridad la que está cayendo, esta todo el centro de malaga inundado...
— El Santo 𓆰𓆪 (@ClumSyy_LoL) November 13, 2024[_oembed_time_06647b9822d94bbf9fa13ee89edbdb14] => 1733298725 [_oembed_176f061807bf3830c6d6773f650ec8b3] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 3, 2024
The Spanish people are furious with Prime Minister Sanchez after having been abandoned by the authorities during and after the recent flooding disaster that has claimed more than 200 lives.
As he visited the flooded areas today, the people chased him & his team away.[_oembed_time_176f061807bf3830c6d6773f650ec8b3] => 1733298725 [_oembed_2dc50d221fb89abb146a16e1a113f17f] =>Me ha gustado hoy el rey: templado y valiente, aguantando y dando la cara mientras Sánchez se largaba y a Mazón, como es bajito, no se le veía. Lo que no comprendo es cómo se ha presentado allí acompañado de esa gentuza.
— Arturo Pérez-Reverte (@perezreverte) November 3, 2024[_oembed_time_2dc50d221fb89abb146a16e1a113f17f] => 1733298725 [_oembed_f16b3eb44aba6af538b9b8c911058f5b] =>🇪🇸 A crowd of furious flood survivors threw mud and shouted insults at the Spanish King, Felipe VI, as he visited a devastated town in Spain’s Valencia region.
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) November 3, 2024
Read more here ⬇️[_oembed_time_f16b3eb44aba6af538b9b8c911058f5b] => 1733298725 [_oembed_c237f5ae98eff308a7a192c66e4ba82c] =>Los vecinos indignados, destrozan el coche del Presidente socialista Pedro Sánchez cuando huía de Paiporta, Valencia
— Lady Habsburg (@lady_habsburg) November 3, 2024
Mientras el Rey y la Reina dan la cara con los vecinos y hacen suyas sus reivindicaciones, necesidades y sobre todo su tremendo dolor e impotencia por lo sucedido[_oembed_time_c237f5ae98eff308a7a192c66e4ba82c] => 1733298725 [_oembed_844e62318c27830f4e3546f73b91a9b1] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_9a1412ca98c8ab65bcac41838a6e1156] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_af0d229e2b097d902da83fc9fdef879c] =>Las cámaras de Aragón Televisión captan como los vecinos de Paiporta le dicen a la reina Letizia que el enfado no es con ella o el Rey sino con Sánchez:
— Capitán Gral de los Tercios/Virrey de las Américas (@capTercio) November 3, 2024
‘Por ustedes, por ustedes no es"
Luego se abraza con una vecina mientras llora desconsolada.
El pueblo ha dictado sentencia.[_oembed_time_af0d229e2b097d902da83fc9fdef879c] => 1739435049 [_oembed_0174f35c79ad3a999c7f3e0109a12a85] =>Ingham & Townsville getting smashed with rain.
— Jet Ski Bandit (@fulovitboss) February 2, 2025[_oembed_time_0174f35c79ad3a999c7f3e0109a12a85] => 1739435049 [_oembed_fb841bb221f99722afb2b9275f059d55] =>Severe flooding in Ingham, Queensland, Australia as water continues to rise. #flood #inundacion #inondations
— Disasters Daily (@DisastersAndI) February 2, 2025[_oembed_time_fb841bb221f99722afb2b9275f059d55] => 1739435049 [_oembed_b92e21c19c003974c99ac1e76cfb87ac] => [_oembed_time_b92e21c19c003974c99ac1e76cfb87ac] => 1739435049 [_oembed_8080d36e59bdc10016961888beff3643] => [_oembed_time_8080d36e59bdc10016961888beff3643] => 1739435049 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 25 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Videók [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 6757 [1] => 51656 [2] => 20375 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => árvíz [1] => iskolabusz [2] => mentés ) ) ) [model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [offset] => 10 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 51656 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [_model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [offset] => 10 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 51656 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [_domains] => Array ( [podiji] => 1 ) [status] => 1 [from_cache] => )Severe flooding in Townsville, Queensland, Australia #flood #inundacion #inondation
— Disasters Daily (@DisastersAndI) February 1, 2025