Az ungvári határátkelőn jelentős mennyiségű modern technikai eszközt foglaltak le, melyeket egy buszban akartak becsempészni az országba.
Az információk szerint az Iphone-okat egy menetrend szerinti buszban rejtették el, a sofőr azt állította, hogy semmilyen árucikket nem szállít, amiért vámilletéket kellene fizetnie. Az alapos ellenőrzés során azonban 400 mobiltelefont, köztük 169 Iphone-t találtak. A lefoglalt csempészáru értéke közel 10 millió hrivnya.
Az ügyben folyik a nyomozás, a hatóságok mind a technikai eszközöket, mind pedig a buszt is lefoglalták.
Az eset július 1-jén történt a Szabadság sugárúton, a megyeszékhelyen. A hatóságokhoz kijevi idő szerint 20 órakor érkezett a bejelentés a lopásról.
A bejelentő elmondta, hogy egy ismeretlen személy arcon ütötte, majd elvette telefonját. Adott személyleírást is, s az operatív csoport azonnal elindult a helyszínre. Néhány férfira figyeltek fel, akik a hatóságok láttán észrevehetően zavartan viselkedtek.
A rendőrök megmotozták őket és egyiküknél megtalálták az említett mobiltelefont. A tettest őrizetbe vették, az ügyben eljárást indítottak.
Multiple members of Congress, including @AOC, being arrested by Capitol Police for blocking traffic outside the Supreme Court in abortion rights demonstration:
#Russian journalist Daria Aslamova was detained in #Kosovo on charges of espionage, reports the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kosovo Xhelal Sveçla.
⚡️ Police detain people suspected of stealing Banksy graffiti in Kyiv Oblast.
The people who cut down the part of the wall insulation with the graffiti on it reportedly said they wanted to sell the artwork and transfer the money to Ukraine’s Armed Forces.
It’s official. As of June 19th, I now serve my nation as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy in the Department of Energy.
BREAKING: Passengers onboard an Aeromexico flight duck for cover after it was shot at in Culiacan, Mexico. At least one bullet hit the fuselage in the moments after El Chapo's son was captured.
An #Aeromexico Connect Embraer 190 and a #Mexico Air Force #FAM Boeing 737 (serial 3526) were hit by gunfire during violent incidents near the #Culiacan International Airport, this in the wake of the capture of El Chapo Guzmán's son, Ovidio Guzmán.
— The Latin American Aviation Historical Society (@The_LAAHS) January 5, 2023
Greta Thunberg was briefly detained by Norway police during a demonstration in Oslo, removing her and other activists from the finance ministry. The campaigners are demanding the removal of wind turbines from reindeer pastures on Sami Indigenous land
Indigenous and environmental activists, including Greta Thunberg, blocked access to several Norwegian ministries, expanding a protest to demand the removal of wind turbines from reindeer pastures
Breaking: Russia’s main security agency said it had detained Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, a U.S. citizen, for what it described as espionage
Rangers abducted PTI Chairman Imran Khan, these are the visuals. Pakistan’s brave people must come out and defend their country.
During the searches of the brothers’ residences, German authorities discovered bomb-making chemicals, including a package of urea fertilizer and hydrogen peroxide.
— Strutting & fretting ????????? (@fimetic) May 26, 2023
Spanish police have recovered gold jewelry worth €60 million illegally taken from Ukraine in 2016. Police arrested three Spaniards and two Ukrainians, including the "main suspect," an Orthodox Church priest who was attempting to sell the jewelry.
A young man has been found living under the hidden stairs of a shopping mall in #Shanghai for over half a year without anyone knowing. A ergonomic chair, a tent, a table and a computer - he cleaned up the small place and even used an inverter to generate electricity.
Innenministerin Faeser zu mutmaßlicher chinesischer #Spionage: „Der im aktuellen Fall betroffene Bereich militärisch nutzbarer innovativer Technologien aus🇩🇪 ist besonders sensibel. Umso wichtiger ist es, hier so konsequent zu begegnen, wie es uns in diesem Fall gelungen ist.“
— Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat (@BMI_Bund) April 22, 2024
Madhouse News The Tverskoy Court has fined Moscow resident Stanislav Netesov, who dyed his hair yellow and blue, under the article on discrediting the army. Maybe they should just ban the colors yellow and blue altogether? The sun and the sky? Don't look up or you'll go jail...