— 🇺🇦🐱 https://mas.corq.co/@rogue_corq 🏳️🌈🇺🇦 (@rogue_corq) May 21, 2023
Hét, az éghajlatváltozás ellen tiltakozó aktivista bemászott a római Trevi-kútba, és hígított szenet öntöttek a vízbe, hogy az feketére színeződjön – olvasható a Guardian cikkében. A lap szerint az Ultima Generazione (Utolsó generáció) csoport tüntetői „Nem fogunk fizetni a fosszilis üzemanyagokért” feliratú transzparenseket tartottak a magasba, és azt kiabálták: „Országunk haldoklik”
⚫️Carbone vegetale nell'acqua della Fontana di Trevi 🚰
1 casa su 4 in Italia è vulnerabile alle alluvioni.
Quanto dobbiamo ancora aspettare perché chi è al governo intervenga concretamente? pic.twitter.com/Au9fniQYrN
— Fondo Riparazione | Ultima Generazione (@UltimaGenerazi1) May 21, 2023
Ezt követően egyenruhás rendőrök gázoltak a vízbe, hogy elfogják az aktivistákat, miközben sok turista fényképezte az eseményeket.
Roberto Gualtieri, Róma polgármestere elítélte a tiltakozást: „Elég volt ezekből a művészeti örökségünk elleni abszurd támadásokból” – írta a Twitteren.
Greta Thunberg was briefly detained by Norway police during a demonstration in Oslo, removing her and other activists from the finance ministry. The campaigners are demanding the removal of wind turbines from reindeer pastures on Sami Indigenous land https://t.co/Rpk2xVmS2Ypic.twitter.com/xt0MFI6Vbq
Indigenous and environmental activists, including Greta Thunberg, blocked access to several Norwegian ministries, expanding a protest to demand the removal of wind turbines from reindeer pastures https://t.co/1T2XKXy1YApic.twitter.com/wwDn7dUP2f
Climate strike week 230. We are currently in Lützerath, a German village threatened to be demolished for an expansion of a coal mine. People have been resisting for years. Join us here at 12 or a local protest tomorrow to demand that #LützerathBleibt !#ClimateStrikepic.twitter.com/hGrCK6ZQew
?ITALY ?? | A #fire ravaged an 8-storey building in east of #Rome (Colli Aniene district) killing one person and wounding at least 9, Italian officials said. Rome Firefighters managed to control the flames and an investigation is open. More than 100 residents are now homeless. pic.twitter.com/IdNtQlX6Vr
Climate activists from Extinction Rebellion (XR) took direct action on Sunday by plugging the holes on ten golf courses across Spain. https://t.co/iuXA1X5qgh
Climate Activists Plug Holes on Golf Courses Across Spain to Protest Excessive Water Usage Amid Drought Climate activists from Extinction Rebellion (XR) took direct action on Sunday by plugging the holes on ten golf courses across Spain. The demonstration https://t.co/jCKSIkA0zepic.twitter.com/msNSjdC3Ba
— UK News in Pictures(@UKNIP247) (@uknip247) July 3, 2023
? One of those disrupting the #BBCProms, Kate Logan, a 38-year-old mum of two from London, said:
“Many years ago, I sang with a youth choir at the Albert Hall, never imagining I would one day disrupt a performance here to draw attention to the planetary crisis we find ourselves… pic.twitter.com/OULUVrLwDc
Climate activists from @Thisis_Rigged have sprayed red paint on the Scottish Parliament building. They claim it’s due to ‘Scot Gov silence on new oil and gas’ - after the UK Gov granted 100 new exploration licenses. #HeartNewspic.twitter.com/BWxtJ3MoXA
?BREAKING: Climbers are on the roof of Rishi Sunak’s mansion draping it in 200 metres of oily-black fabric to drive home the dangerous consequences of a new drilling frenzy.#StopRosebank#NoNewOilpic.twitter.com/oeb36Wi2QU
Mit Requiem und Trauerzug machten die Organisation "Protect our Winters" sowie die Katholische und die Evangelische Kirche am Dienstag auf das Schmelzen der Gletscher aufmerksam. https://t.co/fDvCGD6mZO
🔥 Jennifer and Cole cut the fence into the private airfield at Stansted where @taylorswift13's jet is parked, demanding an emergency treaty to end fossil fuels by 2030.
🩸OIL K!LLS 🩸 Wir protestieren erneut beim Flughafen. Die Regierung muss eingreifen: Unterzeichnet den Vertrag zum Ausstieg aus Kohle, Öl und Gas bis 2023 - so schützen wir nicht nur die Menschen in Österreich, sondern machen auch unsere Proteste überflüssig#oilkillspic.twitter.com/U1TNfGwYkm
— Letzte Generation Österreich (@letztegenAT) July 27, 2024
🔥 Oil Kills! Internationale Protestkampagne gestartet!
‼️ Aktuell befinden sich Unterstützer*innen der Letzten Generation auf dem Rollfeld des Flughafens Köln/Bonn und beeinträchtigen so den Flugverkehr. Gleichzeitig wird weltweit in über 10 Ländern an Flughäfen protestiert!… pic.twitter.com/RLSsVSwMfS
— Letzte Generation (@AufstandLastGen) July 24, 2024
Climate activists breach security at four German airports, temporarily suspended flights on Thursday morning.
The Last Generation campaign group said in a statement that eight activists had stopped or reduced traffic at the Berlin, Cologne-Bonn, Nuremberg and Stuttgart airports… pic.twitter.com/YTrTXwSMo1
— Breaking Aviation News & Videos (@aviationbrk) August 15, 2024