Array ( [count_posts] => 10 [cache_key] => Query_Posts::global::hu::YTo1OntzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiaHUiO3M6NzoiZG9tYWlucyI7YToxOntpOjA7czo2OiJwb2RpamkiO31zOjY6Im9mZnNldCI7aTowO3M6OToidGF4X3F1ZXJ5IjthOjE6e2k6MDthOjM6e3M6ODoidGF4b25vbXkiO3M6ODoicG9zdF90YWciO3M6NToiZmllbGQiO3M6MjoiaWQiO3M6NToidGVybXMiO2E6MTp7aTowO2k6OTY4Mzt9fX1zOjExOiJhZnRlckxvY2tlciI7aTowO30= [has_result] => 1 [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 171695 [content] =>Sárlavina öntötte el a kirgizisztáni Os városát és az azonos nevű tartomány északi részének több települését hétfőn; a heves esőzések okozta áradás és az iszapömlések következtében két ember meghalt, hárman pedig eltűntek – jelentette a helyi média.
Az Ak-Buura folyó áradása miatt kialakult iszapfolyam öt falut árasztott el a körzetben, elöntötte a tartományi székhely központi piacát, autókat sodort el, az embereket pedig a háztetőkre kényszerítette. A sárlavina következtében 788 lakóépület és kilenc intézmény, köztük iskolák és kórházak rongálódtak meg, az elektromos állomások és távvezetések sérülései miatt 7500 ember maradt áram nélkül – közölték a hatóságok.
A jelentések szerint a katasztrófában egy hétéves kislány és egy nő életét vesztette, a mentőcsapatok további három embert keresnek, akiket a sárlavinák sodortak el.
Os városában vészhelyzetet hirdettek az iszapömlések következményeinek kezelésére, illetve a sürgős intézkedések végrehajtásának biztosítására.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Sárlavina öntötte el a kirgizisztáni Os városát és az azonos nevű tartomány északi részének több települését hétfőn; a heves esőzések okozta áradás és az iszapömlések következtében két ember meghalt, hárman pedig eltűntek – jelentette a helyi média. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1721119800 [modified] => 1721086522 ) [title] => Többen meghaltak egy iszapömlés miatt Kirgizisztánban [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 171695 [uk] => 171751 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 171699 [image] => Array ( [id] => 171699 [original] => [original_lng] => 826493 [original_w] => 2160 [original_h] => 1213 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 168 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 431 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 575 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1536 [height] => 863 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1150 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 2160 [height] => 1213 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1721126190:3 [_oembed_e6383f90068bfd239dab6872cf9259c3] =>[_oembed_time_e6383f90068bfd239dab6872cf9259c3] => 1721075581 [_thumbnail_id] => 171699 [_edit_last] => 12 [translation_required] => 1 [views_count] => 886 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_dd6c7bf64821a5d3823eea442d9a7564] =>Dualarımız Qardaş Kırgızıstan icin
— Nigar Ogeday🇹🇷🇦🇿🇹🇲🇰🇬🇰🇿🇺🇿🇵🇰🇭🇺 (@ogeday_nigar) July 14, 2024
🇰🇬 Kırgızistan'ın Oş ilinde Ak-Buura nehrinin taşması sonucu günlerdir sel ve su baskınları hayatı felç etti.
Sel ve su baskını yolları, köprüleri ve elektrik trafo merkezlerini kullanılamaz hale getirdi.[_oembed_time_dd6c7bf64821a5d3823eea442d9a7564] => 1721109002 [_oembed_48ccf9856b8f1a766b128c06739faf6b] =>Breaking News🚨:A two storey building Secondary School collapses on students writing exams in Jos,Nigeria.
— Urban Insight (@urbaninsight_) July 12, 2024
Some students are trapped inside the collapsed building .
Cranes are currently at the scene to help rescue trapped victims
We hope every one is safe🙏🏻🇳🇬❤️[_oembed_time_48ccf9856b8f1a766b128c06739faf6b] => 1721109002 [_oembed_1fb955967142ef73a042f4312d163354] =>#WorldNews: Twelve children were killed in #SouthAfrica early Wednesday when a minibus taking them to school in #Johannesburg overturned and caught fire after being hit by another vehicle, the government said.
— LBCI Lebanon English (@LBCI_News_EN) July 10, 2024[_oembed_time_1fb955967142ef73a042f4312d163354] => 1721109003 [_oembed_de959f27cbb3e5425ed20c4f72505b29] =>Una fuerte tormenta azotó ayer martes en Bruselas, capital de Bélgica 🇧🇪 (Jul 9, 2024)#brussels #belgium #storm
— Centinela35 (@Centinela_35) July 10, 2024
📹: @AleaJactaEs666[_oembed_time_de959f27cbb3e5425ed20c4f72505b29] => 1721109003 [_oembed_21d3b5365ad401606d9523c509e621bf] =>Belgian summer at its best
— Jorge Valero (@europressos) July 9, 2024[_oembed_time_21d3b5365ad401606d9523c509e621bf] => 1721109003 [_oembed_e2a4b26e4d5004625a2cdb4725ea8e06] =>Storm breaks over Brussels after one of the first half days of summer.
— Gareth Harding 🇺🇦 (@garethharding) July 9, 2024[_oembed_time_e2a4b26e4d5004625a2cdb4725ea8e06] => 1722060643 [_oembed_312f6d0349f8ef273490ba0f82850e09] =>A shooting at a care home in Daruvar, Croatia, leaves five dead and several injured, prompting condolences from the Prime Minister and calls for a thorough investigation.#Croatia #Daruvar #Shooting #CareHome #Tragedy #Investigation 🕊️
— TemA English (@EnglishTema) July 22, 2024[_oembed_time_312f6d0349f8ef273490ba0f82850e09] => 1725200107 [_oembed_1993cd4dfdeb7b436444922495e91fa9] =>A bus on the #MakranHighway Coastal Highway crashed, killing 12 pilgrims. Additionally, #bus in Pakistan-ruled Kashmir fell into a ravine, 22 deaths#BusAccident #Rawalpindi #Kahuta #PakistanBusAccident #KahutaBusAccident #GirariBridge #TheDailyIntake
— The Daily Intake (@dailyintake2023) August 25, 2024[_oembed_time_1993cd4dfdeb7b436444922495e91fa9] => 1730482932 [_oembed_f273565866fa371c0360096e5527f9b0] => [_oembed_time_f273565866fa371c0360096e5527f9b0] => 1730993378 [_oembed_7d2291b9e1648320ef3ca236fab5aae4] =>After everything said in Kazan, Russian murderers have resumed their usual business. This proves once again that aggression cannot be stopped by words alone but only by decisive action in defense of the state and the people against whom this war is waged.
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) October 26, 2024
Over the past evening…[_oembed_time_7d2291b9e1648320ef3ca236fab5aae4] => 1738088151 [_oembed_a21c911fdbbb8073396a13c7c5fae5cb] =>Kartalkaya Kayak Merkezi’nde yangın: 10 ölü 32 yaralı
— NOW HABER (@nowhaber) January 21, 2025
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, İçişleri Bakanı Ali Yerlikaya ve Sağlık Bakanı Kemal Memişoğlu yangının çıktığı Kartalkaya’ya hareket etti.[_oembed_time_a21c911fdbbb8073396a13c7c5fae5cb] => 1738088151 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 25 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Videók [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 16475 [1] => 9683 [2] => 8376 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => halálos áldozatok [1] => Kirgizisztán [2] => sárlavina ) ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 157571 [content] =>Consequences of today's attack on Kyiv. 4 dead reported #RussiaIsATerroristState @POTUS @FLOTUS @VP @SecBlinken @KJP46 @SecDef
— україночка_з_гарними_очима (@MarisChelo) January 18, 2025A zavargások oka a helyi lakosok és a valószínűleg egyiptomi és pakisztáni diákok közötti közelmúltbeli verekedés.
Helyi kiadványok szerint Biskek mintegy ezer lakosa vonult utcára, hogy „védje a sajátjait”.
Állítások szerint többen megrohamozták a kollégiumot, és ablakokat, ajtókat kezdtek betörni. A rendőrség teljes állományát készültségbe helyezték.
A Belügyminisztérium ellenőrzés alá vontnak nevezte a biskeki helyzetet, és bejelentette három külföldi letartóztatását, akik május 14-én kezdték a verekedést.
A tüntetők követelése a külföldiek feletti ellenőrzés megerősítése és a fogvatartottak kitoloncolása.
A rendőrkapitányság vezetőjének a helyi lakosokkal folytatott tárgyalásait követően a tömeg feloszlásnak indult.
[type] => post [excerpt] => A Kirgizisztáni Állami Nemzetbiztonsági Bizottság az üzbég különleges szolgálatokkal együttműködve egy melléképület alatt a Kirgiz Köztársaságot és az Üzbég Köztársaságot összekötő alagutat fedezett fel. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1655314800 [modified] => 1655293549 ) [title] => Már a második titkos földalatti alagutat fedeztek fel Üzbegisztán és Kirgizisztán között [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 86251 [uk] => 86163 ) [trid] => vik3255 [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 86164 [image] => Array ( [id] => 86164 [original] => [original_lng] => 48301 [original_w] => 890 [original_h] => 562 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 189 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 485 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 890 [height] => 562 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 890 [height] => 562 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 890 [height] => 562 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 890 [height] => 562 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1655282750:5 [_oembed_3e34d3eb3afb2bbcdd35008d8e8ead12] => [_oembed_time_3e34d3eb3afb2bbcdd35008d8e8ead12] => 1655282598 [_thumbnail_id] => 86164 [_edit_last] => 5 [views_count] => 2308 [_hipstart_feed_include] => 1 [_oembed_669b87f73312be616743378f25ad059a] =>[_oembed_time_669b87f73312be616743378f25ad059a] => 1655282751 [_oembed_6a8bd7f13ebdc8b7e82596c8dd390024] => [_oembed_time_6a8bd7f13ebdc8b7e82596c8dd390024] => 1655282751 [_oembed_6d16cb268607da826129bba4ec28033e] =>Kırgızistan'da yaşanan olaylar sırasında Eski Devlet Başkanı Almazbek Atambaev'in aracı kurşunlandı.
— Doğukan (@dogukaanayar) October 9, 2020[_oembed_time_6d16cb268607da826129bba4ec28033e] => 1706100160 [_oembed_a2cbca2019e3a67593f264cb6961f7c7] =>⚡️In Kyrgyzstan, a Mi-8 military helicopter crashed at the Frunze-1 air base, — the local Kabar agency reports.
— FLASH (@Flash_news_ua) January 17, 2024
Eight injured and one dead soldier, four injured in intensive care.
👉 Follow@Flash_news_ua[_oembed_time_a2cbca2019e3a67593f264cb6961f7c7] => 1706100160 [_oembed_4851ae5e2cf31434a49c24ecc2d3e1c2] =>Russian media report that a Russian Mi-8 helicopter has crashed in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) January 17, 2024
Local media report eight injured and one dead soldier.[_oembed_time_4851ae5e2cf31434a49c24ecc2d3e1c2] => 1709035782 [_oembed_4a8fe8f39b43228d73f0524468c278d4] =>Explosion occurred at thermal power plant in Bishkek. Five people injured
— The Truth of Kazakhstan (ORDA.KZ Media) (@Ordakazakhstan_) February 2, 2024
According to preliminary data, a boiler exploded.
Five employees of the station received severe burns and poisoning from combustion products, writes .
/1[_oembed_time_4a8fe8f39b43228d73f0524468c278d4] => 1715698406 [_oembed_1e8a1f385136a776742dad25bd75a3e7] => [_oembed_time_1e8a1f385136a776742dad25bd75a3e7] => 1719750447 [_oembed_f185f29d3f50b256c69d48ce8a5eed27] =>Мини-грузовик с мороженым сорвался с горы и сбил 29 детей на республиканском празднике в Сузакском районе в Кыргызстане. Об этом пишет агентство «Кабар».
— Дождь (@tvrain) May 2, 2024
В больнице остаются 18 детей и подростков: семеро из них в реанимации, трое в тяжелом состоянии.
По данным МВД страны,…[_oembed_time_f185f29d3f50b256c69d48ce8a5eed27] => 1719750448 [_oembed_2c4d472e0d8b00feb36cb4e2abc2906e] =>Мини-грузовик с мороженым сорвался с горы и сбил 29 детей на республиканском празднике в Сузакском районе в Кыргызстане. Об этом пишет агентство «Кабар».
— Дождь (@tvrain) May 2, 2024
В больнице остаются 18 детей и подростков: семеро из них в реанимации, трое в тяжелом состоянии.
По данным МВД страны,…[_oembed_time_2c4d472e0d8b00feb36cb4e2abc2906e] => 1719750448 [_oembed_efe907c0d4664283c1d159f0d89cb50b] =>Explosion occurred at thermal power plant in Bishkek. Five people injured
— The Truth of Kazakhstan (ORDA.KZ Media) (@Ordakazakhstan_) February 2, 2024
According to preliminary data, a boiler exploded.
Five employees of the station received severe burns and poisoning from combustion products, writes .
/1[_oembed_time_efe907c0d4664283c1d159f0d89cb50b] => 1719750448 [_oembed_eeab5c675f2a32b3a68c6651f53898c9] =>⚡️In Kyrgyzstan, a Mi-8 military helicopter crashed at the Frunze-1 air base, — the local Kabar agency reports.
— BLYSKAVKA (@blyskavka_ua) January 17, 2024
Eight injured and one dead soldier, four injured in intensive care.
👉 Follow
@Flash_news_ua[_oembed_time_eeab5c675f2a32b3a68c6651f53898c9] => 1719750448 [_oembed_e6383f90068bfd239dab6872cf9259c3] =>Russian media report that a Russian Mi-8 helicopter has crashed in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) January 17, 2024
Local media report eight injured and one dead soldier.[_oembed_time_e6383f90068bfd239dab6872cf9259c3] => 1722710607 [_oembed_eacbd7f8ad9e34986782fd4d0ec0c701] =>Dualarımız Qardaş Kırgızıstan icin
— Nigar Ogeday🇹🇷🇦🇿🇹🇲🇰🇬🇰🇿🇺🇿🇵🇰🇭🇺 (@ogeday_nigar) July 14, 2024
🇰🇬 Kırgızistan'ın Oş ilinde Ak-Buura nehrinin taşması sonucu günlerdir sel ve su baskınları hayatı felç etti.
Sel ve su baskını yolları, köprüleri ve elektrik trafo merkezlerini kullanılamaz hale getirdi.[_oembed_time_eacbd7f8ad9e34986782fd4d0ec0c701] => 1736623294 [_oembed_05e1f56af2216c3bcff52c3e9128c858] =>(Daily Mail) A shocking video shows the moment a zookeeper is fatally attacked and eaten alive by lions after going inside their cage to 'impress his girlfriend'.
— RebelwithoutaReason (@RebelwoaReason) December 31, 2024
The guard, named as F. Iriskulov, 44, unknowingly caught his final moments on camera as he filmed himself entering…[_oembed_time_05e1f56af2216c3bcff52c3e9128c858] => 1737886275 [_oembed_33c2d5972cea872397429d72f9524d7a] => [_oembed_time_33c2d5972cea872397429d72f9524d7a] => 1737886275 [_oembed_4705df6de078e071bb7c72f4f9570fa7] => [_oembed_time_4705df6de078e071bb7c72f4f9570fa7] => 1737886275 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 17 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Sürgős [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 9683 [1] => 102282 [2] => 5938 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Kirgizisztán [1] => titkos alagut [2] => Üzbegisztán ) ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 68065 [content] =>After an investigation by both U.S. and Mexican federal and local law enforcement, a tunnel was discovered that runs under the U.S.-Mexican border from El Paso, Texas to the City of Juarez, Mexico.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) January 10, 2025Puccs kitervelésének gyanújával őrizetbe vettek tizenöt embert Kirgizisztánban – közölték a helyi biztonsági szolgálatok pénteken.
A letartóztatott személyeket, akiknek a nevét nem hozták nyilvánosságra, azzal gyanúsítják, hogy a vasárnapi parlamenti választások előtt ezer agresszív fiatal részvételével tartott tüntetésekkel káoszt okozva előkészítették a terepet a hatalomátvételhez – közölte a kirgiz nemzetbiztonsági bizottság.
A tájékoztatás szerint ez a csoport azt tervezte, hogy nagyszabású tüntetéseket szervez a fővárosban, Biskekben, majd a rendvédelmi szerveket összecsapásokra késztetve fokozza a feszültséget, és erőszakkal átveszi a hatalmat.
A bizottság szerint a rendőrség a házkutatások során lefoglalt lőfegyvereket és lőszereket.
A Kazahsztánnal és Kínával határos Kirgizisztánt 30 évvel ezelőtti (1991. augusztus 31.) függetlenné válása óta politikai válságok sújtják. Három forradalom is volt, amely elnököket buktatott meg. Aszkar Akajev volt az első, aki 2005-ben a tüntetők nyomására lemondott. Öt évvel később, 2010-ben Kurmanbek Bakijev is kénytelen volt távozni a hatalomból.
A tavalyi parlamenti választásokat az akkori elnök, Szooronbaj Dzsejenbekov javára elkövetett csalás miatti tüntetések követték. A fővárosban, Biskekben a tüntetők elfoglalták a kormány kulcsfontosságú épületeit, és több százan megsérültek a rendőrséggel történt összecsapásokban. A szavazás eredményét végül érvénytelenítették, és Szadir Zsaparov politikust kinevezték ideiglenes miniszterelnökké, miután kiengedték a börtönből. Zsaparovot 2021 januárjában széles körű támogatással elnökké választották.
A közép-ázsiai országban november 28-án tartanak parlamenti választásokat, amelyeken az induló pártok jelentős része az elnök szövetségese, és az elnöknek teljes ellenőrzése van a kormány felett. Elemzők szerint a parlamenti választás formálisnak tekinthető. Ugyanakkor Zsaparov népszerűsége töretlen a választók körében, ami a szövetségeseinek kedvez.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Puccs kitervelésének gyanújával őrizetbe vettek tizenöt embert Kirgizisztánban – közölték a helyi biztonsági szolgálatok pénteken. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1638005820 [modified] => 1637970035 ) [title] => Puccsistákat fogtak Kirgizisztánban [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 68065 [uk] => 68112 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 68066 [image] => Array ( [id] => 68066 [original] => [original_lng] => 302503 [original_w] => 1125 [original_h] => 633 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 576 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1125 [height] => 633 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1125 [height] => 633 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1125 [height] => 633 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1638028249:8 [_thumbnail_id] => 68066 [_edit_last] => 12 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 2130 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_77dfeca592e86bb02f13d9faddccac02] =>[_oembed_time_77dfeca592e86bb02f13d9faddccac02] => 1638169515 [_oembed_669b87f73312be616743378f25ad059a] =>En medio de fuertes medidas de seguridad, trasladamos a Bogotá a alias ‘Otoniel’, el narcotraficante asesino de policías, soldados, líderes sociales y reclutador de menores. Con su captura se marca el final del Clan del Golfo. #ElQueLaHaceLaPaga
— Iván Duque ?? (@IvanDuque) October 24, 2021[_oembed_time_669b87f73312be616743378f25ad059a] => 1638407849 [_oembed_6a8bd7f13ebdc8b7e82596c8dd390024] => [_oembed_time_6a8bd7f13ebdc8b7e82596c8dd390024] => 1638407849 [_oembed_35150d275e86f0ceb7a0239629a647b8] => [_oembed_time_35150d275e86f0ceb7a0239629a647b8] => 1638407849 [_oembed_001840067186322eb7d3e4ed361181df] => [_oembed_time_001840067186322eb7d3e4ed361181df] => 1640478334 [_oembed_57f5290074e410e3221db6c61832f374] => [_oembed_time_57f5290074e410e3221db6c61832f374] => 1648458777 [_oembed_3e34d3eb3afb2bbcdd35008d8e8ead12] => [_oembed_time_3e34d3eb3afb2bbcdd35008d8e8ead12] => 1655894179 [_oembed_4929b7c93e77e594c99199fe63824b1b] => [_oembed_time_4929b7c93e77e594c99199fe63824b1b] => 1658681016 [_oembed_742edc470e137fd32dae55e467d30d36] =>Kırgızistan'da yaşanan olaylar sırasında Eski Devlet Başkanı Almazbek Atambaev'in aracı kurşunlandı.
— Doğukan (@dogukaanayar) October 9, 2020[_oembed_time_742edc470e137fd32dae55e467d30d36] => 1658681016 [_oembed_56d4d8693d261be6779db485e5333d23] =>Happening rn: MOCs & EDs of orgs across the country are risking arrest at the Capitol. #BansOffOurBodies @CPDAction
— Maegan LLerena ? (@maeganllerena) July 19, 2022[_oembed_time_56d4d8693d261be6779db485e5333d23] => 1658681016 [_oembed_3a5d6c39938d186f99f8c18b341ae2bd] =>Multiple members of Congress, including @AOC, being arrested by Capitol Police for blocking traffic outside the Supreme Court in abortion rights demonstration:
— Andrew Solender (@AndrewSolender) July 19, 2022[_oembed_time_3a5d6c39938d186f99f8c18b341ae2bd] => 1661599484 [_oembed_0b460c8b39983ec67082d5cab0cce5cf] =>#Russian journalist Daria Aslamova was detained in #Kosovo on charges of espionage, reports the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kosovo Xhelal Sveçla.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) August 7, 2022[_oembed_time_0b460c8b39983ec67082d5cab0cce5cf] => 1678806560 [_oembed_48a96a7009e39b1b1eb89f371068700f] =>Greta Thunberg was briefly detained by Norway police during a demonstration in Oslo, removing her and other activists from the finance ministry. The campaigners are demanding the removal of wind turbines from reindeer pastures on Sami Indigenous land
— Reuters (@Reuters) March 1, 2023[_oembed_time_48a96a7009e39b1b1eb89f371068700f] => 1678806561 [_oembed_9915bb5ed166d9718ac27e458fbc461f] =>Indigenous and environmental activists, including Greta Thunberg, blocked access to several Norwegian ministries, expanding a protest to demand the removal of wind turbines from reindeer pastures
— Reuters (@Reuters) February 28, 2023[_oembed_time_9915bb5ed166d9718ac27e458fbc461f] => 1678806561 [_oembed_4d8f0820d82cdefbfd130c87a65de501] =>(Pakistan) - A Mob Have Smashed Their Way Into Warburton Police Station, In Nankana Sahib, Dragged A Man To His Death For Blasphemy, Before Burning His Body#shuttletvnews
— ShuttleTV (@shuttletvnews) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_4d8f0820d82cdefbfd130c87a65de501] => 1680165781 [_oembed_46457f08514b3022a3e905be8a604f6e] =>W dn.18.03 do??próbowało nielegalnie przedostać się z??90 i Sudanu.
— Straż Graniczna (@Straz_Graniczna) March 19, 2023
Najwięcej na odcinku #PSGBiałowieża - 31 os.-ob.Afganistanu,Syrii,Iraku. #PSGMielnik i #PSGCzeremcha -zatrzymano 4 kurierów-ob.Ukrainy[_oembed_time_46457f08514b3022a3e905be8a604f6e] => 1682241241 [_oembed_bc9942e7b2fe7bba6d6865bc4c24be99] => [_oembed_time_bc9942e7b2fe7bba6d6865bc4c24be99] => 1684231514 [_oembed_4b5345599c059db53894ec907b932059] =>Breaking: Russia’s main security agency said it had detained Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, a U.S. citizen, for what it described as espionage
— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) March 30, 2023[_oembed_time_4b5345599c059db53894ec907b932059] => 1684231515 [_oembed_0d297706c2aef53f203b3269295d58be] =>Rangers abducted PTI Chairman Imran Khan, these are the visuals. Pakistan’s brave people must come out and defend their country.
— PTI (@PTIofficial) May 9, 2023[_oembed_time_0d297706c2aef53f203b3269295d58be] => 1684231515 [_oembed_b04d0841044ec44c4e17e9554c6e0210] =>Weltweite Aktion gegen kalabrische #Mafia-Organisation ‘Ndrangheta: Ermittlungen auch in #Thüringen. Laut @mdr_th & @faznet geht es bei Operation "#Eureka" gegen Drogenhandel & Geldwäsche. Verbindungen zu alten Mafia-Ermittlungen in #Erfurt
— Katharina König-Preuss ? (@KatharinaKoenig) May 3, 2023[_oembed_time_b04d0841044ec44c4e17e9554c6e0210] => 1685972470 [_oembed_df53f5875ffc95065aae5e93118593f0] => [_oembed_time_df53f5875ffc95065aae5e93118593f0] => 1690895483 [_oembed_10b9990ad89494921aba6062d2755932] => [_oembed_time_10b9990ad89494921aba6062d2755932] => 1696847874 [_oembed_d8fc0b2c48d49eff3993457ff7099ef5] =>During the searches of the brothers’ residences, German authorities discovered bomb-making chemicals, including a package of urea fertilizer and hydrogen peroxide.
— Strutting & fretting ????????? (@fimetic) May 26, 2023[_oembed_time_d8fc0b2c48d49eff3993457ff7099ef5] => 1696847874 [_oembed_e85efc34ae6e4807b3fcf8601af23fa9] =>Romanian tourist arrested after trying to steal chunks of marble from Acropolis
— New York Post (@nypost) September 20, 2023[_oembed_time_e85efc34ae6e4807b3fcf8601af23fa9] => 1698393315 [_oembed_6d16cb268607da826129bba4ec28033e] =>?? Greta Thunberg arrested during climate protest in London.
— Genius Bot X (@GeniusBotX) October 17, 2023[_oembed_time_6d16cb268607da826129bba4ec28033e] => 1708285240 [_oembed_a2cbca2019e3a67593f264cb6961f7c7] =>⚡️In Kyrgyzstan, a Mi-8 military helicopter crashed at the Frunze-1 air base, — the local Kabar agency reports.
— FLASH (@Flash_news_ua) January 17, 2024
Eight injured and one dead soldier, four injured in intensive care.
👉 Follow@Flash_news_ua[_oembed_time_a2cbca2019e3a67593f264cb6961f7c7] => 1708285240 [_oembed_4851ae5e2cf31434a49c24ecc2d3e1c2] =>Russian media report that a Russian Mi-8 helicopter has crashed in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) January 17, 2024
Local media report eight injured and one dead soldier.[_oembed_time_4851ae5e2cf31434a49c24ecc2d3e1c2] => 1708516810 [_oembed_4a8fe8f39b43228d73f0524468c278d4] =>Explosion occurred at thermal power plant in Bishkek. Five people injured
— The Truth of Kazakhstan (ORDA.KZ Media) (@Ordakazakhstan_) February 2, 2024
According to preliminary data, a boiler exploded.
Five employees of the station received severe burns and poisoning from combustion products, writes .
/1[_oembed_time_4a8fe8f39b43228d73f0524468c278d4] => 1715413113 [_oembed_17bf4e01dcb41060636a7c096bd540a5] =>Мини-грузовик с мороженым сорвался с горы и сбил 29 детей на республиканском празднике в Сузакском районе в Кыргызстане. Об этом пишет агентство «Кабар».
— Дождь (@tvrain) May 2, 2024
В больнице остаются 18 детей и подростков: семеро из них в реанимации, трое в тяжелом состоянии.
По данным МВД страны,…[_oembed_time_17bf4e01dcb41060636a7c096bd540a5] => 1715413113 [_oembed_b6305144e67ddf6981e4c79a4f1821c2] =>V MOSKVI JE ARETIRAN PRODUCENT REUTERS: Konstantin Gabov je osumljen,da je pripravljal materiale za YouTube kanal Navalny LIVE.
— Mira Hace (@MiraHace) April 28, 2024
Celotno sporočilo pokojnega "vodje" skrajne opozicije Navalnega je bilo o korupciji v Rusiji, toda s producenti,ki jih financira Reuters - zdi se, 1/2[_oembed_time_b6305144e67ddf6981e4c79a4f1821c2] => 1715413114 [_oembed_6b5aa0ed53a3e0a9237ac9a328101552] =>Innenministerin Faeser zu mutmaßlicher chinesischer #Spionage: „Der im aktuellen Fall betroffene Bereich militärisch nutzbarer innovativer Technologien aus🇩🇪 ist besonders sensibel. Umso wichtiger ist es, hier so konsequent zu begegnen, wie es uns in diesem Fall gelungen ist.“
— Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat (@BMI_Bund) April 22, 2024[_oembed_time_6b5aa0ed53a3e0a9237ac9a328101552] => 1717525511 [_oembed_81b3623e8ec21e04e75ec0ead76133e1] =>Madhouse News
— Giuseppe Menefrego (@menefr1) May 20, 2024
The Tverskoy Court has fined Moscow resident Stanislav Netesov, who dyed his hair yellow and blue, under the article on discrediting the army.
Maybe they should just ban the colors yellow and blue altogether? The sun and the sky? Don't look up or you'll go jail...[_oembed_time_81b3623e8ec21e04e75ec0ead76133e1] => 1724563836 [_oembed_337c19217c01d42596c67a7358ca396d] =>🔴Chaos prevails in many parts of England; Violence between immigrants and British citizens is escalating.
— World War 3 (@ww3view) August 4, 2024
In the footage, it can be seen that immigrants started to respond to the British who attacked them. #Iran #Israel[_oembed_time_337c19217c01d42596c67a7358ca396d] => 1726604170 [_oembed_3e795cea19907567a816a1f157405eda] =>At least 118 eagles, 107 hawks among thousands of birds trafficking ring killed, prosecutors say - CBS News
— Nicole (@NicoleOutside) September 5, 2024[_oembed_time_3e795cea19907567a816a1f157405eda] => 1732297880 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 9683 [1] => 828 [2] => 24386 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Kirgizisztán [1] => letartóztatás [2] => puccskísérlet ) ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 49648 [content] =>Jail for neo Nazi Piotr Kucharski, who pretended to be Wagner Group mercenary. He was arrested drunkenly brandishing a dagger at a Viking war reinactment in Suffolk
— CourtNewsUK (@CourtNewsUK) November 1, 2024A Kirgizisztán és Tádzsikisztán határának kialakult feszültség miatt a kirgiz fél megkezdte a lakosság kitelepítését a határ menti településekről. Az okokat hivatalosan nem nevezték meg.
A helyi honlap adatai szerint a Cson-Alaji Unzsu-Bulakból kitelepítik az időskorúakat, nőket és gyermekeket. Az evakuáltakat arra kérik, hogy jöjjenek Daroot-Korgon településre. Ugyanakkor a kormány Os megyei megbízott képviselője nem kommentálta a kialakult helyzetet.
A tádzsik fél június 4-én éjjel, annak ellenére, hogy korábban megegyeztek az államhatár kijelöléséről, egy konténert helyezett el a határszakasz egy egyeztetett szakaszára az Os megyei Unzsu-Bulak település környékén, ezzel 1000 méter mélyen behatolt Kirgizisztán területére.
Kamcsibek Tasijev, Kirgízia Állambiztonsági Bizottsága vezetője a helyszínre repült tárgyalni.
[type] => post [excerpt] => A Kirgizisztán és Tádzsikisztán határának kialakult feszültség miatt a kirgiz fél megkezdte a lakosság kitelepítését a határ menti településekről. Az okokat hivatalosan nem nevezték meg. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1622984580 [modified] => 1622979125 ) [title] => Kirgizisztán megkezdte a kitelepítést a Tádzsikisztánnal való határszakaszon tapasztalható eszkaláció miatt [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 49648 [uk] => 49616 ) [trid] => ild5234 [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 49617 [image] => Array ( [id] => 49617 [original] => [original_lng] => 496868 [original_w] => 1200 [original_h] => 800 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 200 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 512 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 683 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1622968328:12 [_thumbnail_id] => 49617 [_edit_last] => 12 [views_count] => 2942 [_oembed_7f915d7c2f4de9ac3ce1cbb4822e4456] =>[_oembed_time_7f915d7c2f4de9ac3ce1cbb4822e4456] => 1622950379 [_oembed_240d6fbdc2a40e6318cdbb1993e25ac8] =>Tens of thousands evacuate flooded areas as cyclone #Yaas nears #India
— RT (@RT_com) May 25, 2021
More:[_oembed_time_240d6fbdc2a40e6318cdbb1993e25ac8] => 1622950379 [_oembed_e736c87c003af1de6cdb759502ffd102] =>Cyclone #YAAS is going to landfall tomorrow morning at Dhamara, Odisha.
— Deepak Kumar Mahanta (@deepakalwaysurs) May 25, 2021[_oembed_time_e736c87c003af1de6cdb759502ffd102] => 1622950380 [_oembed_669b87f73312be616743378f25ad059a] =>Already started. After #faani now #Yaas
— DEBAJYOTI ?? (@debajot8909000) May 25, 2021
Praying ??? #saveodisha[_oembed_time_669b87f73312be616743378f25ad059a] => 1622950380 [_oembed_6a8bd7f13ebdc8b7e82596c8dd390024] => [_oembed_time_6a8bd7f13ebdc8b7e82596c8dd390024] => 1622950380 [_oembed_35150d275e86f0ceb7a0239629a647b8] => [_oembed_time_35150d275e86f0ceb7a0239629a647b8] => 1622950380 [_oembed_3e34d3eb3afb2bbcdd35008d8e8ead12] => [_oembed_time_3e34d3eb3afb2bbcdd35008d8e8ead12] => 1655920792 [_oembed_5ddf426945bdd756f66de4800fefc93e] =>Kırgızistan'da yaşanan olaylar sırasında Eski Devlet Başkanı Almazbek Atambaev'in aracı kurşunlandı.
— Doğukan (@dogukaanayar) October 9, 2020[_oembed_time_5ddf426945bdd756f66de4800fefc93e] => 1674506618 [_oembed_aabfcc67a85250bcff6e63edf63e3434] =>Yo #Sacramento you ok?
— Big Nick Energy (@HalfSight) January 8, 2023[_oembed_time_aabfcc67a85250bcff6e63edf63e3434] => 1677841979 [_oembed_ff77b4858fac94e9566e4813eaeafe18] =>More Videos Strong 7.1-magnitude earthquake hits eastern #Tajikistan, near the border with China an Hour ago.
— Disaster News (@Top_Disaster) February 23, 2023
TELEGRAM JOIN ?[_oembed_time_ff77b4858fac94e9566e4813eaeafe18] => 1678697793 [_oembed_8b7dcea1d6a9ad127d299f916a73cbca] =>Severe floods affect Kahang, Kluang district, in Johor, Malaysia #flood #johor #malaysia #kahang #kluang
— Global News (@un121) March 1, 2023[_oembed_time_8b7dcea1d6a9ad127d299f916a73cbca] => 1678697793 [_oembed_9c51409603b02946fd06b4b5aa4ca94b] =>MALAYSIA'S TERRIBLE FLOOD TODAY 5 MARCH 2023, PASRAH CITIZENS!! FLOODING JOHOR MALAYSIA TODAY
— The World Is In Danger (@Tume_Live) March 5, 2023[_oembed_time_9c51409603b02946fd06b4b5aa4ca94b] => 1705919941 [_oembed_6d16cb268607da826129bba4ec28033e] =>An Icelandic volcano erupts again, endangering the village of Grindavik (population 3,500). Evacuation is underway.#Grindavik
— elessarchik (@elessarchik) January 14, 2024[_oembed_time_6d16cb268607da826129bba4ec28033e] => 1706283185 [_oembed_a2cbca2019e3a67593f264cb6961f7c7] =>⚡️In Kyrgyzstan, a Mi-8 military helicopter crashed at the Frunze-1 air base, — the local Kabar agency reports.
— FLASH (@Flash_news_ua) January 17, 2024
Eight injured and one dead soldier, four injured in intensive care.
👉 Follow@Flash_news_ua[_oembed_time_a2cbca2019e3a67593f264cb6961f7c7] => 1706283185 [_oembed_4851ae5e2cf31434a49c24ecc2d3e1c2] =>Russian media report that a Russian Mi-8 helicopter has crashed in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) January 17, 2024
Local media report eight injured and one dead soldier.[_oembed_time_4851ae5e2cf31434a49c24ecc2d3e1c2] => 1708189833 [_oembed_4a8fe8f39b43228d73f0524468c278d4] =>Explosion occurred at thermal power plant in Bishkek. Five people injured
— The Truth of Kazakhstan (ORDA.KZ Media) (@Ordakazakhstan_) February 2, 2024
According to preliminary data, a boiler exploded.
Five employees of the station received severe burns and poisoning from combustion products, writes .
/1[_oembed_time_4a8fe8f39b43228d73f0524468c278d4] => 1717401621 [_oembed_f087a7268aab9ef76a529a162c614255] =>Мини-грузовик с мороженым сорвался с горы и сбил 29 детей на республиканском празднике в Сузакском районе в Кыргызстане. Об этом пишет агентство «Кабар».
— Дождь (@tvrain) May 2, 2024
В больнице остаются 18 детей и подростков: семеро из них в реанимации, трое в тяжелом состоянии.
По данным МВД страны,…[_oembed_time_f087a7268aab9ef76a529a162c614255] => 1719750848 [_oembed_f185f29d3f50b256c69d48ce8a5eed27] =>An Icelandic volcano erupts again, endangering the village of Grindavik (population 3,500). Evacuation is underway.#Grindavik
— elessarchik (@elessarchik) January 14, 2024[_oembed_time_f185f29d3f50b256c69d48ce8a5eed27] => 1719822959 [_oembed_2c4d472e0d8b00feb36cb4e2abc2906e] =>Мини-грузовик с мороженым сорвался с горы и сбил 29 детей на республиканском празднике в Сузакском районе в Кыргызстане. Об этом пишет агентство «Кабар».
— Дождь (@tvrain) May 2, 2024
В больнице остаются 18 детей и подростков: семеро из них в реанимации, трое в тяжелом состоянии.
По данным МВД страны,…[_oembed_time_2c4d472e0d8b00feb36cb4e2abc2906e] => 1719822959 [_oembed_efe907c0d4664283c1d159f0d89cb50b] =>Explosion occurred at thermal power plant in Bishkek. Five people injured
— The Truth of Kazakhstan (ORDA.KZ Media) (@Ordakazakhstan_) February 2, 2024
According to preliminary data, a boiler exploded.
Five employees of the station received severe burns and poisoning from combustion products, writes .
/1[_oembed_time_efe907c0d4664283c1d159f0d89cb50b] => 1719822959 [_oembed_eeab5c675f2a32b3a68c6651f53898c9] =>⚡️In Kyrgyzstan, a Mi-8 military helicopter crashed at the Frunze-1 air base, — the local Kabar agency reports.
— BLYSKAVKA (@blyskavka_ua) January 17, 2024
Eight injured and one dead soldier, four injured in intensive care.
👉 Follow
@Flash_news_ua[_oembed_time_eeab5c675f2a32b3a68c6651f53898c9] => 1719822959 [_oembed_e6383f90068bfd239dab6872cf9259c3] =>Russian media report that a Russian Mi-8 helicopter has crashed in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) January 17, 2024
Local media report eight injured and one dead soldier.[_oembed_time_e6383f90068bfd239dab6872cf9259c3] => 1722260746 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 17 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Sürgős [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 42282 [1] => 9683 [2] => 795 [3] => 42281 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => határszakasz [1] => Kirgizisztán [2] => kitelepítés [3] => Tádzsikisztán ) ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 32803 [content] =>Dualarımız Qardaş Kırgızıstan icin
— Nigar Ogeday🇹🇷🇦🇿🇹🇲🇰🇬🇰🇿🇺🇿🇵🇰🇭🇺 (@ogeday_nigar) July 14, 2024
🇰🇬 Kırgızistan'ın Oş ilinde Ak-Buura nehrinin taşması sonucu günlerdir sel ve su baskınları hayatı felç etti.
Sel ve su baskını yolları, köprüleri ve elektrik trafo merkezlerini kullanılamaz hale getirdi.öbbentően enyhe ítéletet hoztak egy 13 éves kislány megerőszakolása miatt. A közép-ázsiai országban komoly problémát jelent a nők elleni erőszak, egy felmérés szerint a kirgiz nők 83 százaléka élt át legalább egyszer családon belüli bántalmazás.
Egy a közelmúltban hozott bírósági ítélet ráirányította a közfigyelmet Kirgizisztában a nők elleni erőszakra és a rendszerszintű diszkriminációra. A napokban zárult le egy nagy nyilvánosságot kapott büntetőper, amelyben három férfit vádoltak egy 13 éves lány megerőszakolásával. A lányt családja szerint fél év alatt többször is bántalmazták, a nemi erőszakról videót is készítettek, és azzal fenyegetőztek, hogy azt megmutatják az osztálytársainak.
Az áldozat teherbe esett, abortuszt hajtottak végre rajta, az elszenvedett trauma miatt jelenleg is pszichiátriai klinikán ápolják.
A héten nagy felháborodást váltott ki, hogy az elkövetők a bűntett súlyához képest rendkívül enyhe ítéletet kaptak: az egyik férfit, bár bűnösnek találták, csak fél évre ítélték, két társát pedig felmentették. Sajtóhírek szerint az egyik vádlott a per során többször elaludt. Az ítélet kihirdetésekor az áldozat édesanyja a Szabad Európa orosz nyelvű kiadásának úgy nyilatkozott, „kiderült, hogy itt nincs igazságszolgáltatás”.
Az ítélet ellen (amely egybeesett az ENSZ a nemi megkülönböztetésen alapuló erőszak elleni 16 napos kampányával) tüntetést is tartottak Bisekben, Kirgizisztán fővárosában.
Az eset és az ENSZ-kampány miatt egyre nagyobb figyelmet kap Kirgizisztánban a nők elleni erőszak, ami súlyos méreteket ölt a közép-ázsiai országban. A Kloop nevű kirgiz lap által idézett felmérés szerint a kirgiz nők mintegy negyedét bántalmazza házastársuk. A felmérésen megszólaló nők 83 százaléka azt mondta, férje vagy más családtagja eddig legalább egyszer bántalmazta már fizikailag, szexuálisan vagy lelkileg.
Egy másik felmérés szerint a kirgizisztáni nők mintegy harmada úgy gondolja, van olyan helyzet, ahol elfogadható, hogy egy férfi megverje a feleségét, például akkor, ha a nő odaégeti az ételt, nem végzi el a házimunkát, vagy nem szolgálja ki szexuálisan a férjét.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Megdöbbentően enyhe ítéletet hoztak egy 13 éves kislány megerőszakolása miatt. [autID] => 4 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1607947840 [modified] => 1607946808 ) [title] => Országos felháborodást váltott ki, tüntetéshez vezetett Kirgizisztánban egy büntetőper [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 32803 [uk] => 32966 ) [aut] => avecsorinszka [lang] => hu [image_id] => 32805 [image] => Array ( [id] => 32805 [original] => [original_lng] => 82332 [original_w] => 1023 [original_h] => 575 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1023 [height] => 575 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1023 [height] => 575 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1023 [height] => 575 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1023 [height] => 575 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1607940105:4 [_thumbnail_id] => 32805 [_edit_last] => 4 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 2917 [_oembed_43f30d2eb1ee060bbb55b987cfaa66f7] =>[_oembed_time_43f30d2eb1ee060bbb55b987cfaa66f7] => 1607940071 [_oembed_a8289fee85ff2eed3ba4d4c802e73272] =>Black bloc extremists smash up a grocery store using weapons at the riot in Paris. They assault journalists for filming.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) December 5, 2020[_oembed_time_a8289fee85ff2eed3ba4d4c802e73272] => 1607940071 [_oembed_32879c5cb3546e01b1f9ae40921e9379] =>Une barricade dressée avenue Gambetta face aux forces de l'ordre en tête de cortège contre la #Precarite et les #ViolencesPolicieres / #LoiSecuriteGlobale
— Thibault Izoret (@TIM_7375) December 5, 2020[_oembed_time_32879c5cb3546e01b1f9ae40921e9379] => 1607940072 [_oembed_2da7458681ccf62204f06abba727078a] =>? INFO - #Paris : Manifestation contre la #LoiSecuriteGlobale prétexte une nouvelle fois à de nouveaux affrontements avec les #policiers pour des éléments radicalisés. (?@ClementLanot) #LFI #BlackBlocs #Violence
— FranceNews24 (@FranceNews24) December 5, 2020[_oembed_time_2da7458681ccf62204f06abba727078a] => 1607940072 [_oembed_112ccf1e3f60c8f628257b9f05f95124] =>Les papiers et le mobilier de la banque est brûlé dans la rue #5decembre #manifestation #LoiSecuriteGlobale #StopLoiSecuriteGlobale #PPLSecuriteGlobale #paris #SecuriteGlobale
— Grégoire Mandy (@gregoire_mandy) December 5, 2020[_oembed_time_112ccf1e3f60c8f628257b9f05f95124] => 1607940072 [_oembed_7537cd91b9cd505303ea6e64c3478fb6] =>?? FLASH - Une #banque est ouverte et son mobilier brûlé devant lors de la #manifestation à #Paris ce #5decembre. (? @gregoire_mandy pour Mediavenir) #LoiSecuriteGlobale
— Mediavenir (@Mediavenir) December 5, 2020[_oembed_time_7537cd91b9cd505303ea6e64c3478fb6] => 1607940073 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_67c097509f2fc6c3317bd651dcb80e1f] =>Intervention des pompiers avenue Gambetta sur les véhicules enflammés alors qu'un incendie semble se déclarer dans un Crédit Mutuel,aux pieds d'un immeuble résidentiel #manifestation #5decembre #paris #pompiers
— Thibault Izoret (@TIM_7375) December 5, 2020[_oembed_time_67c097509f2fc6c3317bd651dcb80e1f] => 1607940663 [_oembed_91f2b22773f8e68fd6f14a25879c5ed4] =>Klasyczny obrazek z Żoliborza w trakcie #StrajkKobiet.
— Marcin Wyrwał (@Wyrwal) December 13, 2020
Dziś nie inaczej.[_oembed_time_91f2b22773f8e68fd6f14a25879c5ed4] => 1607940663 [_oembed_298ebdd713f0cf2f71a9ce20081f76f4] =>W wielu miastach w Polsce zorganizowano dzisiaj manifestacje. Ich uczestnicy protestują przeciw obecnej polityce rządu.
— tvn24 (@tvn24) December 13, 2020
ZOBACZ więcej i przeczytaj w @tvn24:[_oembed_time_298ebdd713f0cf2f71a9ce20081f76f4] => 1607940664 [_oembed_484a83087368dcbedf25d193a259e0cb] => [_oembed_time_484a83087368dcbedf25d193a259e0cb] => 1607940664 [_oembed_669b87f73312be616743378f25ad059a] =>??Tak zaczęliśmy 13 grudnia??Świńskie łby ? Niesprzedana kapusta ? Zmarnowane ziemniaki? Rozbite jaja ?❌Dom Jarosława Kaczyńskiego oznaczony❗️‼️‼️‼️❗️✅ ⚫️Tak zaczął się w Warszawie 13 grudnia⚫️? Tym, którzy nas nie szanują nie damy spać do południa ???Nie będziemy płakać nad własnym grobem‼️ ⛔️za 5 - tkę Kaczyńskiego, ⛔️za plucie rolnikom w twarz ⛔️ za niszczenie nas i naszych rodzin❌zamknęli gastronomię -gdzie many sprzedać?!❌odcięli od eksportu (‚skuteczna’polityka - embargo) ❌brak możliwości eksportu ziemniaków??❌zmonopolizowali rynek wewnętrzny❌pozwalają na wyzysk rolników ➡️Oszukują, nie dbają wiec mają za swoje⬅️Nasze problemy będziemy pokazywać i niech nikt już nie mówi, że myśli, że jest dobrze!Kto nas wspiera ten wie, że warto! też pomóc nam bronić odważnych ludzi, którzy wykonują takie akcje.
Posted by Agrounia on Saturday, December 12, 2020[_oembed_time_669b87f73312be616743378f25ad059a] => 1608014307 [_oembed_6a8bd7f13ebdc8b7e82596c8dd390024] => [_oembed_time_6a8bd7f13ebdc8b7e82596c8dd390024] => 1608014307 [_oembed_7c625caf3347fc939a1796bb788fba30] => [_oembed_time_7c625caf3347fc939a1796bb788fba30] => 1611416384 [_oembed_97fd7ed333a375d00772623d34e6fb01] =>Kırgızistan'da yaşanan olaylar sırasında Eski Devlet Başkanı Almazbek Atambaev'in aracı kurşunlandı.
— Doğukan (@dogukaanayar) October 9, 2020[_oembed_time_97fd7ed333a375d00772623d34e6fb01] => 1611416384 [_oembed_0d71d0e37e6fac26976fc647ffbdc996] =>"STOP SELLING ANDY NGO'S BOOK"
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) January 11, 2021
A crowd of #antifa have gathered outside @Powells bookstore in downtown Portland to demand they pull my book from their website. The store has already announced it won't stock the book on shelves.[_oembed_time_0d71d0e37e6fac26976fc647ffbdc996] => 1611416384 [_oembed_2afd9cc7fc8d0e6037aab8843d36a20b] =>"We will shut down the store every day!"
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) January 11, 2021
It looks like @Powells bookstore in downtown Portland has evacuated its customers after #antifa showed up to demand that my book, Unmasked, be banned.[_oembed_time_2afd9cc7fc8d0e6037aab8843d36a20b] => 1611416385 [_oembed_f4ed13ad4b832b90c766b351486da596] => [_oembed_time_f4ed13ad4b832b90c766b351486da596] => 1613356316 [_oembed_1e995931e3c8f6aa9e2f8e6e402d0f2c] => [_oembed_time_1e995931e3c8f6aa9e2f8e6e402d0f2c] => 1615869092 [_oembed_35150d275e86f0ceb7a0239629a647b8] => [_oembed_time_35150d275e86f0ceb7a0239629a647b8] => 1619913181 [_oembed_f4bbc556f838cd4f8311874feeeadde5] => [_oembed_time_f4bbc556f838cd4f8311874feeeadde5] => 1622128257 [_oembed_0ec390dab3003c3cebf9459c7956b435] =>"We have to show up every day until they stop selling that f—king book"
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) January 11, 2021
An #antifa protester outside @Powells Books explains that stopping the release of my upcoming book would be like stopping the historical publication of Hitler's "Mein Kampf."[_oembed_time_0ec390dab3003c3cebf9459c7956b435] => 1622128257 [_oembed_539e26ea3320d1cb505c7bd31c09452e] => [_oembed_time_539e26ea3320d1cb505c7bd31c09452e] => 1626572677 [_oembed_3d937f82eaf73a8c3d081d0f371bc3aa] =>[_oembed_time_3d937f82eaf73a8c3d081d0f371bc3aa] => 1627639375 [_oembed_8e10f6e14bf912d8665488a6f1e4690e] =>Protestujúci dav sa pokúša dostať dnu do parlamentu
Posted by Denník N on Friday, July 23, 2021[_oembed_time_8e10f6e14bf912d8665488a6f1e4690e] => 1627639375 [_oembed_3dbb53aaf75c98ae9e342353a1ea4233] =>Tüntetés a parlament előtt
Posted by Új Szó on Friday, July 23, 2021[_oembed_time_3dbb53aaf75c98ae9e342353a1ea4233] => 1627639375 [_oembed_9f56a3d038fc5ae2a9aeefc683676164] =>La répression à #Paris#Manif14juillet
— Laurent pour AB7 Média (@laurentbigfr) July 14, 2021[_oembed_time_9f56a3d038fc5ae2a9aeefc683676164] => 1627639376 [_oembed_4e1e38a6e0e9a446c63147ea8eb1f2af] =>Manifestation contre le #PassSanitaire en cours à Paris, plusieurs milliers de personnes. #VaccinObligatoire
— Remy Buisine (@RemyBuisine) July 14, 2021[_oembed_time_4e1e38a6e0e9a446c63147ea8eb1f2af] => 1627639376 [_oembed_2e0765bff8e4d8d92d3830effb977017] =>Premiers affrontements avec les CRS à la manifestation contre le #PassSanitaire à Paris
— France Bleu Paris (@francebleuparis) July 14, 2021[_oembed_time_2e0765bff8e4d8d92d3830effb977017] => 1627639376 [_oembed_325a707ff2a5f005d5d0dc9acceff543] =>#Annecy #Manif14juillet
— PaTSiM (@_Pat_Sim_) July 14, 2021
"Vacciné au Génépi"#Macron t'es foutu, les Savoyard sont dans la rue.
#NonAuPassSanitaire, #NonALaVaccinationObligatoire[_oembed_time_325a707ff2a5f005d5d0dc9acceff543] => 1627639376 [_oembed_45cba4e9b61d903d298feffa1b65907f] =>?? Réponse face à la palissade arrachée devant la préfecture de #Nantes ? les Lacrimos.
— La DécaLée ? (@Tracy19M) July 14, 2021
? Marion Lopez #PassSanitaire
#Manif14juillet[_oembed_time_45cba4e9b61d903d298feffa1b65907f] => 1627639377 [_oembed_148bdf4e4f6b24c18641017f56b3b16f] =>Marseille la Rebelle scande " #liberte " Bravo #14juillet #VaccinObligatoire
— LE GÉNÉRAL Officiel? (@LE_GENERAL_0FFL) July 14, 2021[_oembed_time_148bdf4e4f6b24c18641017f56b3b16f] => 1627639377 [_oembed_e904903ca0dfbbc90db49f7372a431de] =>A peine commencée, la police charge et utilise du gaz lacrymogènes pour disperser la manifestation contre le pass sanitaire à #Paris. (@CharlesBaudry) #Manif14juillet #14juillet #VaccinObligatoire
— Anonyme Citoyen (@AnonymeCitoyen) July 14, 2021[_oembed_time_e904903ca0dfbbc90db49f7372a431de] => 1627639377 [_oembed_ac64a86606583978300265a75d1d6579] =>@AnonymeCitoyen cortège pacifique gazé à Lyon #Manif14juillet
— Dams (@Ezork5) July 14, 2021[_oembed_time_ac64a86606583978300265a75d1d6579] => 1628557370 [_oembed_17cae2c9ea83cba2f4a5d58242db885d] =>Перший в Україні прайд у форматі рейву РЕЙВАХ ПРАЙДБіля Офісу Президента проходить перший в Україні прайд у форматі рейву РЕЙВАХ ПРАЙД — протест зокрема вимагає ухвалення законопроєкту #5488 «Про боротьбу з проявами дискримінації» та проведення реформи поліції й судової системи
Posted by on Friday, July 30, 2021[_oembed_time_17cae2c9ea83cba2f4a5d58242db885d] => 1629885228 [_oembed_bf96ff5a8f354a337ad5850718e80068] =>Thousands of people marching today in #Beirut to mark a year since the deadly port blast and protest against impunity
— Jean-Marc Mojon (@mojobeirut) August 4, 2021
Full UPDATE @AFP by @tonyggabriel and @kristybellegeha#Lebanon[_oembed_time_bf96ff5a8f354a337ad5850718e80068] => 1629885229 [_oembed_2a9c81dd8d6de9d847fc4efa8b9641aa] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_0006320c90cb7d0be3ec875b9153c167] =>A shot of today's massive turnout at the #BeirutBlast protest, one year after the explosion that killed at least 218 in Lebanon.#انفجار_مرفأ_بيروت
— Beirut Today (@bey_today) August 4, 2021[_oembed_time_0006320c90cb7d0be3ec875b9153c167] => 1630811393 [_oembed_fa579966d6b063fd781195ccc5875ad8] =>Active shooter in Downtown Portland.
— Sean Carmitchel (@ACatWithNews) August 23, 2021[_oembed_time_fa579966d6b063fd781195ccc5875ad8] => 1630811393 [_oembed_6e1199e6b17d8f2fa264aa780558fb16] =>#BREAKING: Violent clashes have reportedly broken out between 'ANTIFA' and the 'Proud Boys' in Portland, Oregon.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) August 22, 2021[_oembed_time_6e1199e6b17d8f2fa264aa780558fb16] => 1630811393 [_oembed_86d2cddc98c2045dec7b02ffb5f68737] =>Major clash between Proud Boys and Antifa happening now on 122nd in Portland
— Zane Sparling (@PDXzane) August 22, 2021
Pepper spray and airsoft deployed, fighting ongoing in the streets[_oembed_time_86d2cddc98c2045dec7b02ffb5f68737] => 1630811393 [_oembed_cb26ea1233b2cfd77a42f2aef0013bb5] =>Proud Boys hold rally in northeast Portland and according to witnesses on the scene a 'left-wing agitator' drove a white van into the rally and crashed. The individual was then bear maced and chased out of the parking lot, according to witnesses
— Jorge Ventura Media (@VenturaReport) August 22, 2021[_oembed_time_cb26ea1233b2cfd77a42f2aef0013bb5] => 1635363063 [_oembed_94915c227f64fea4fdc8f4ce0548f67b] =>Une soirée de violences observée mardi à Alençon, dans l'Orne
— BFMTV (@BFMTV) October 27, 2021[_oembed_time_94915c227f64fea4fdc8f4ce0548f67b] => 1635363064 [_oembed_cba35915eb9950d0ac9855850f8e4849] => [_oembed_time_cba35915eb9950d0ac9855850f8e4849] => 1635363064 [_oembed_2706f63a26442c500985bc3f8799d878] =>Tirs de mortier sur la police et véhicules incendiés : nous sommes en Normandie, à #Alençon, et pas en Seine-Saint-Denis.
— Nicolas Bay (@NicolasBay_) October 27, 2021
Et ce n’est même pas le nouvel an…[_oembed_time_2706f63a26442c500985bc3f8799d878] => 1635363064 [_oembed_f39c2231a1b00b35ca149f02be95ea95] =>Scenes from the shootings towards protesters in #Beirut. They demanded not to politicize the investigations into the #Beirut_port explosion.#لبنان #لبنان_ينهار #Lebanon
— Hashtag Elyoum (@Hashtagelyoum) October 14, 2021[_oembed_time_f39c2231a1b00b35ca149f02be95ea95] => 1635363064 [_oembed_2cbe2a9810439c00dedad2b594986198] =>#BREAKING
— loveworld (@LoveWorld_Peopl) October 14, 2021
Shooting started from Furn Al-Shebak towards the protestors.
Amal Movement security shot back to suppress the fire.#BreakingNews #Video #Shooting[_oembed_time_2cbe2a9810439c00dedad2b594986198] => 1635363065 [_oembed_dc4a880b9bf4d504abd99603f6d729ce] =>Warning: Strong Visuals showing gunfire.
— Migrant News (@news_migrant) October 14, 2021
Several casualties feared after an armed clash in #Beirut during a protest against the judge heading the Beirut Port blast investigation. #Lebanon
#لبنان ??? #الطيونة #حركة_امل
#سمير_جعجع #حزب_الله #القاضي_بيطار L[_oembed_time_dc4a880b9bf4d504abd99603f6d729ce] => 1636935909 [_oembed_85dcfd3038ef95109e2382e825baa6b1] => [_oembed_time_85dcfd3038ef95109e2382e825baa6b1] => 1637141846 [_oembed_2e819b407c77c1928133a64ec186e1e5] => [_oembed_time_2e819b407c77c1928133a64ec186e1e5] => 1637901679 [_oembed_2a696763d314f1cbe88518d23fbdd5e6] => [_oembed_time_2a696763d314f1cbe88518d23fbdd5e6] => 1638168142 [_oembed_7c887238f33b2910a8266e16571af5cb] =>?@MOC_GOV_GE released video footage of #Saakashvili eating porridges and drinking natural juices. 1/3
— TV Imedi (@tv_imedi) November 6, 2021
Source: @MOC_GOV_GE[_oembed_time_7c887238f33b2910a8266e16571af5cb] => 1639804385 [_oembed_35351559d13d428c529b4a9d82ade159] => [_oembed_time_35351559d13d428c529b4a9d82ade159] => 1639804385 [_oembed_d0d14554757e59a37ca7fce752ea3240] => [_oembed_time_d0d14554757e59a37ca7fce752ea3240] => 1652692204 [_oembed_1b46937f3d7744286fa78e245535622c] =>??Austria: Large protest against compulsory vaccination and Covid restrictions in Vienna - Crowd is obviously growing week after week
— Ben Schaack (@BuyingStrength) December 4, 2021[_oembed_time_1b46937f3d7744286fa78e245535622c] => 1652692204 [_oembed_da0b8ec480bcb6b0c7c333e15f5501c1] =>JUST NU: Våldsamma upplopp – tre personer har skjutits av polisen i Norrköping, enligt källor till NT • Aftonbladets är på plats • Följ liverapporteringen
— Aftonbladet (@Aftonbladet) April 17, 2022[_oembed_time_da0b8ec480bcb6b0c7c333e15f5501c1] => 1652692204 [_oembed_f475ae01398fc278907d720740fee97f] => [_oembed_time_f475ae01398fc278907d720740fee97f] => 1655472985 [_oembed_814f0ba46341299b0e66d5257caf2e1a] =>??? Ottawa. Canadá
— Rita Silvino (@SilvinoRita) February 19, 2022[_oembed_time_814f0ba46341299b0e66d5257caf2e1a] => 1655472986 [_oembed_93f968e60ea9e65d621fbfe24e8971f2] =>Le proteste delle #donne #afghane: bloccato il traffico nel 2°Distretto di #Kabul #riaprireiliceifemminili
— Giampaolo Poniciappi (@Infoconte) May 29, 2022[_oembed_time_93f968e60ea9e65d621fbfe24e8971f2] => 1655472986 [_oembed_762727532f8aed66c4d7b5ea3b8d730b] => [_oembed_time_762727532f8aed66c4d7b5ea3b8d730b] => 1655472986 [_oembed_3e34d3eb3afb2bbcdd35008d8e8ead12] => [_oembed_time_3e34d3eb3afb2bbcdd35008d8e8ead12] => 1655563788 [_oembed_4929b7c93e77e594c99199fe63824b1b] => [_oembed_time_4929b7c93e77e594c99199fe63824b1b] => 1659005152 [_oembed_742edc470e137fd32dae55e467d30d36] =>Brave women & girls demonstrate in #Kabul now! Although #Taliban arrested & tortured them before, they still walk out to complain Taliban’s behavior & cruelty.
— Massoud Hossaini (@Massoud151) May 29, 2022[_oembed_time_742edc470e137fd32dae55e467d30d36] => 1659005153 [_oembed_56d4d8693d261be6779db485e5333d23] =>Happening rn: MOCs & EDs of orgs across the country are risking arrest at the Capitol. #BansOffOurBodies @CPDAction
— Maegan LLerena ? (@maeganllerena) July 19, 2022[_oembed_time_56d4d8693d261be6779db485e5333d23] => 1659005153 [_oembed_e4cb075506ed878544c11982d11054ec] =>Multiple members of Congress, including @AOC, being arrested by Capitol Police for blocking traffic outside the Supreme Court in abortion rights demonstration:
— Andrew Solender (@AndrewSolender) July 19, 2022[_oembed_time_e4cb075506ed878544c11982d11054ec] => 1659005153 [_oembed_6152ecd0dee059d93eff62d0c7a55dd0] =>Iran's?? Yazid mullah regime is deliberately trying to dry up Lake Urmia. Stop it It is the duty of every Azerbaijani??, whether northern or southern!#Save_Urmia_Lake #Save_Lake_Urmia #SaveLakeUrmia #SaveUrmiaLake
— Turan_Rzayev (@turan_rzayev) July 16, 2022[_oembed_time_6152ecd0dee059d93eff62d0c7a55dd0] => 1659005153 [_oembed_078a125e481a80dbdc68b82b6adf548b] => [_oembed_time_078a125e481a80dbdc68b82b6adf548b] => 1659005154 [_oembed_3b1317cbfa50e3ccf7ecc5849b22576c] => [_oembed_time_3b1317cbfa50e3ccf7ecc5849b22576c] => 1659005154 [_oembed_684164c330d644f28f977d317e49fc9c] =>NOW - Protesters storm the presidential palace in Sri Lanka's
— (@disclosetv) July 9, 2022[_oembed_time_684164c330d644f28f977d317e49fc9c] => 1659784066 [_oembed_2b3b78f7377ba37c8e6526b543e1a4b8] => [_oembed_time_2b3b78f7377ba37c8e6526b543e1a4b8] => 1659784067 [_oembed_99349a1de3b56cc7c08e73e77a43ecfa] =>NOW - Protestors storm #Iraq’s parliament in
— (@disclosetv) July 27, 2022[_oembed_time_99349a1de3b56cc7c08e73e77a43ecfa] => 1662707099 [_oembed_69a3e82b8f9a104dd58a398dcdaf6d1d] =>Extinction Rebellion protesters superglue themselves inside House of Commons
— Lynne Armstrong #FBPE #FBPPR #RejoinEU ? (@Neuron_Therapy) September 2, 2022[_oembed_time_69a3e82b8f9a104dd58a398dcdaf6d1d] => 1662707099 [_oembed_16c9829d0a8fd939c16b08eb0175756d] => [_oembed_time_16c9829d0a8fd939c16b08eb0175756d] => 1664268548 [_oembed_cd937bc3dff2309fbd0ad0161ee2621f] => [_oembed_time_cd937bc3dff2309fbd0ad0161ee2621f] => 1664268549 [_oembed_00bda01636ca7ca8bfa16f6452ebdb86] => [_oembed_time_00bda01636ca7ca8bfa16f6452ebdb86] => 1664268549 [_oembed_1c87321f3d50efaef61de277d95855a0] => [_oembed_time_1c87321f3d50efaef61de277d95855a0] => 1665491403 [_oembed_ad7054d4cc77df684cb9e73359281420] => [_oembed_time_ad7054d4cc77df684cb9e73359281420] => 1666456636 [_oembed_8a78a442d388419df9e3639afdc9a12f] =>It's a simple idea: We demand the govt scrap the energy price rises and deliver affordable energy for all. We will build a million pledges and by Oct 1st if the govt and energy companies fail to act we will cancel our direct debits. Read more here:
— Don't Pay. (@dontpayuk) June 18, 2022[_oembed_time_8a78a442d388419df9e3639afdc9a12f] => 1666456636 [_oembed_54f5841caf2d73706fc3ace64d775ec1] =>Massive demonstrations against #Qais_Said today in #Tunisia's capital #Tunis
— NippySweety4Freedom (@Syrians4J) October 15, 2022[_oembed_time_54f5841caf2d73706fc3ace64d775ec1] => 1667389661 [_oembed_c1f2aff1b346e95945b7cf30fa4ed614] =>#LondonProtest
— Cumulo White (@CumuloWhite) October 22, 2022[_oembed_time_c1f2aff1b346e95945b7cf30fa4ed614] => 1670705770 [_oembed_3c236f010bc0dae012adbd82e77dd8bb] =>Demonstration in Athens, as today marks 14 years since 15-year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos was killed by police, back in 2008. This protest comes one day after #Greece police shot a 16-year-old teenager in the head. #Γρηγοροπουλος #16χρονος
— Savvas Karmaniolas (@savvaskarma) December 6, 2022[_oembed_time_3c236f010bc0dae012adbd82e77dd8bb] => 1670705771 [_oembed_93218552d2a66835898b90f368db5d44] =>?? Garment workers in Bangladesh joining #MakeAmazonPay with @NazmaAkter73
— UNI Global Union (@uniglobalunion) November 25, 2022[_oembed_time_93218552d2a66835898b90f368db5d44] => 1672420123 [_oembed_943c284472a2af8b6066797bdb48d2d9] => [_oembed_time_943c284472a2af8b6066797bdb48d2d9] => 1672420123 [_oembed_e3cdad6123cbbd63224e8be51a82b3ad] =>WATCH: #BNNFrance Reports
— Gurbaksh Singh Chahal (@gchahal) December 23, 2022
Clashes erupted in #Paris following the shooting at the #Kurdish Cultural Center. #France[_oembed_time_e3cdad6123cbbd63224e8be51a82b3ad] => 1672420124 [_oembed_c2e007a2bca553f0a36d0335910946c8] =>Non... Les CHINOIS, ILS SONT CHEZ EUX!
— AD (@AD53968024) October 17, 2022
C'est vous qui devez respecter la LOI INTERNATIONALE.
C'est quoi PRO DÉMOCRATIE pour vous ???
Comme en ALLEMAGNE??
???[_oembed_time_c2e007a2bca553f0a36d0335910946c8] => 1672420124 [_oembed_feb76bcba14359d3b103f68e4de1bb08] =>Presidenta Boluarte @DinaErcilia anuncia que enviará a @congresoperu proyecto ley para adelantar elecciones generales para abril 2024. Veamos si las aguas se calman en #Peru #Andahuaylas #Apurimac con ese anuncio
— AZPITIA (@Azpitia) December 12, 2022[_oembed_time_feb76bcba14359d3b103f68e4de1bb08] => 1674741417 [_oembed_1551c219d2bc0db4976e5e7a98a45866] =>מה שאתם רואים פה היום זו הפגנה בעד המדינה. אנשים שאוהבים את המדינה באו כדי להגן על הדמוקרטיה שלה, על בתי המשפט שלה, על הרעיון של חיים משותפים וטוב משותף. יש פה אוהבי ישראל שבאו להפגין למען מדינה יהודית דמוקרטית לפי ערכי מגילת העצמאות. אנחנו לא נוותר עד שננצח.
— יאיר לפיד - Yair Lapid (@yairlapid) January 21, 2023
? אלעד גוטמן[_oembed_time_1551c219d2bc0db4976e5e7a98a45866] => 1674741418 [_oembed_1ef48f4367294cd0f3cfbef53ee8dfa0] =>Climate strike week 230. We are currently in Lützerath, a German village threatened to be demolished for an expansion of a coal mine. People have been resisting for years. Join us here at 12 or a local protest tomorrow to demand that #LützerathBleibt !#ClimateStrike
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) January 13, 2023[_oembed_time_1ef48f4367294cd0f3cfbef53ee8dfa0] => 1679074401 [_oembed_91f953381aeacc34cbdfaf081b83c7d5] =>NOT ON BBC NEWS.#Paris police charge and attack protestors with batons ?
— Anti Lockdown Alliance(GLOBAL) (@Demo2020cracy) March 11, 2023[_oembed_time_91f953381aeacc34cbdfaf081b83c7d5] => 1679074401 [_oembed_029ccdd8efad826171ae2904646d014d] =>Paris??? they seem happy.
— Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) March 11, 2023[_oembed_time_029ccdd8efad826171ae2904646d014d] => 1679074401 [_oembed_c21faf327bd3244b4ab52f468d3cb553] =>À #Nantes, la manifestation a rassemblé entre 13.000 (selon la préfecture) et 25.000 personnes (selon l'intersyndicale). Des tensions ont éclaté à plusieurs reprises et du gaz lacrymogène a été utilisé par les forces de l'ordre #ReformeDesRetraites #greve11mars @Le_Figaro
— Laurène Trillard (@laurenetrillard) March 11, 2023[_oembed_time_c21faf327bd3244b4ab52f468d3cb553] => 1679074402 [_oembed_02f9cf189b284c67c11778103ba9f15a] =>"Take a look, EU!
— Shame Movement (@Shamemovement) March 7, 2023
When was the last time you saw someone hold your flag like that?''[_oembed_time_02f9cf189b284c67c11778103ba9f15a] => 1679074402 [_oembed_ba4c51ffcf857c48a55cba140cde3e10] =>Braća u Gruziji se trenutno bore za slobodu svoje zemlje od pro-ruske vlasti koja nameće diktatorske zakone! Rusija nema šanse za još jedno ratište jer je sve svoje snage koncentrisala na Ukrajinu. Ovo je pravi geopolitički trenutak da Gruzija izađe iz ralja Rusije. #EU #Georgia
— Quisling (@Quisling15) March 8, 2023[_oembed_time_ba4c51ffcf857c48a55cba140cde3e10] => 1680329042 [_oembed_2db223bc57664e80302afc03952edc83] =>City hall of Bordeaux is on fire - Protests in France have become extremely violent and gone almost out of control.
— Ashok Swain (@ashoswai) March 23, 2023[_oembed_time_2db223bc57664e80302afc03952edc83] => 1683890450 [_oembed_31dacfd1a0772c727a97d6b58f3c4d94] =>Organisers of the #NotMyKing protest have been arrested - police won't say what for
— Republic (@RepublicStaff) May 6, 2023[_oembed_time_31dacfd1a0772c727a97d6b58f3c4d94] => 1683890451 [_oembed_c17cb4293d444c9a2badee368bb86668] => [_oembed_time_c17cb4293d444c9a2badee368bb86668] => 1683890451 [_oembed_bc46290115eb06baaa162b9b314f45f4] => [_oembed_time_bc46290115eb06baaa162b9b314f45f4] => 1685184154 [_oembed_bc9942e7b2fe7bba6d6865bc4c24be99] => [_oembed_time_bc9942e7b2fe7bba6d6865bc4c24be99] => 1685184154 [_oembed_5a3bbbedbf06e47ade6e392b1964c858] =>“NOT MY KING”…???
— Pelham (@Resist_05) May 6, 2023[_oembed_time_5a3bbbedbf06e47ade6e392b1964c858] => 1686927466 [_oembed_51ea38b8c29e8a43b208a1394892fe71] =>Solidaritätsproteste für Lina E.: Linksextreme randalieren in Leipzig
— ntv Nachrichten (@ntvde) June 3, 2023[_oembed_time_51ea38b8c29e8a43b208a1394892fe71] => 1686927466 [_oembed_856ac0f9cdbed95cd7f8b7db3b1d9922] =>Hagel von Pflastersteinen gegen die Polizei in #Connewitz. Antifaschisten nehmen bewusst schwere Verletzungen und Tod von Polizisten in Kauf. Und der CDU-Innenminister Schuster dachte die Aufhebung des Haftbefehls gegen #LinaE würde die Antifa beruhigen.?#le0206 #Leipzig
— Dokumentation Linksextremismus (@DokumentationL) June 2, 2023[_oembed_time_856ac0f9cdbed95cd7f8b7db3b1d9922] => 1697548648 [_oembed_31e363a4f27660ec9ed6e73c8be151ed] => [_oembed_time_31e363a4f27660ec9ed6e73c8be151ed] => 1697548649 [_oembed_d098eabd30a38caef7dd7d8c7aea2e11] =>NEW: Mass looting breaks out in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as criminals were seen stealing IPhone 15s from the Apple Store.
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) September 27, 2023
Luckily, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explained in 2020 why people loot: To feed their families!
I’m sure those IPhone 15s will taste great.
“They go out and…[_oembed_time_d098eabd30a38caef7dd7d8c7aea2e11] => 1697548649 [_oembed_ce5490331ed24292352b9cd79e31e2e1] =>American dream. The usual suspects loot numerous stores in Philadelphia
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) September 27, 2023[_oembed_time_ce5490331ed24292352b9cd79e31e2e1] => 1697548649 [_oembed_2461976d1c45e6a594e04bbc45ebea86] => [_oembed_time_2461976d1c45e6a594e04bbc45ebea86] => 1697548649 [_oembed_0c6a5cda993b93ac33baeaec1b02778c] =>#blackFatigue #blackCrimesMatter
— Dick Hammer (@DickHammer48) September 27, 2023
Looting is still ongoing in #Philadelphia PA. #Phillylooting #Phillyriots
Streamer named Meatball was directing more than 150,000 followers to loot liquor store, Popeyes, Apple & more before taken into custody.
More smiles need to be wiped…[_oembed_time_0c6a5cda993b93ac33baeaec1b02778c] => 1697548650 [_oembed_533a44fb6a12be95d1d3621be9392e8c] =>Thousands of Czechs rally in Prague to demand the government’s resignation. Canada is postponing a trade mission to India that federal Trade Minister Mary Ng had spent the past four months promoting as key to the government’s …
— Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs (@Journal_INDOPAC) September 16, 2023[_oembed_time_533a44fb6a12be95d1d3621be9392e8c] => 1697816702 [_oembed_b1b775bdd132512649f165fc1697f29d] =>Chaos in Rome. Left-wing extremists and pro-Hamas Muslims want Islamic Jihad in Europe. This madness must be stopped now.
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) October 13, 2023[_oembed_time_b1b775bdd132512649f165fc1697f29d] => 1699623068 [_oembed_5cc47129f9d228ecd0f16ca570dabd8d] => [_oembed_time_5cc47129f9d228ecd0f16ca570dabd8d] => 1699623068 [_oembed_e1a6e543bbc4473e5584aace1215e824] =>????? ??: A large crowd gathered in New York in support of Palestine.#Gaza #Hamas #Palestine #Israel #Gazabombing #starlinkforgaza #غزة_الآن
— Andrew Joseph✪ (@bit_mako) October 28, 2023[_oembed_time_e1a6e543bbc4473e5584aace1215e824] => 1699623068 [_oembed_514868b4695d64491fa6c30e61d2aa03] =>Chanting “no more weapons, no more war,” hundreds of anti-Zionism Jewish Americans and their supporters protested at New York’s Grand Central station, demanding Israel stop committing “genocide” in blockaded Gaza
— TRT World (@trtworld) October 28, 2023[_oembed_time_514868b4695d64491fa6c30e61d2aa03] => 1701968005 [_oembed_1235b6203c8342c299d88edc1ccd32df] =>? GBN Exclusive: ‘What we’ve seen, I’m afraid, is the re-emergence of antisemitism’
— GB News (@GBNEWS) November 26, 2023
Former Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, speaks to GB News as he attends the March Against Antisemitism in London.[_oembed_time_1235b6203c8342c299d88edc1ccd32df] => 1701968005 [_oembed_29e9ad1e9be43c2469aee79b00c36bf3] =>A huge crowd walks shoulder to shoulder to #MarchAgainstAntisemitism.
— Campaign Against Antisemitism (@antisemitism) November 26, 2023
What an incredible sight.[_oembed_time_29e9ad1e9be43c2469aee79b00c36bf3] => 1701968006 [_oembed_c2c5f7afcf355d2b2b3af7061a6411ea] =>Beautiful scenes in London ????
— Bella Wallersteiner ?? (@BellaWallerstei) November 26, 2023[_oembed_time_c2c5f7afcf355d2b2b3af7061a6411ea] => 1701968006 [_oembed_0a4fe45f2d1ee2130355a086c69aa5af] =>More than 50 000 people marching against antisemitism in London right now!
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 26, 2023
Strangely, so far no cases of vandalism, hateful slogans nor violent attacks against the police like during the anti-Israel marches in previous weeks…
????[_oembed_time_0a4fe45f2d1ee2130355a086c69aa5af] => 1701968006 [_oembed_17a9ba7a60ccd4d6504040639756baf8] =>More than 50 000 people have gathered for the March Against Antisemitism in London today.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 26, 2023
????[_oembed_time_17a9ba7a60ccd4d6504040639756baf8] => 1701968006 [_oembed_47a03b1e9108c5fde33efeec7d003f3e] =>Dublin bus alight.
— MichaeloKeeffe (@Mick_O_Keeffe) November 23, 2023[_oembed_time_47a03b1e9108c5fde33efeec7d003f3e] => 1701968007 [_oembed_20a0f776dfe18a1e979b211750cb8e49] =>Now: Police cars getting lit up by the Irish youths ?#Ireland #Dublin #BlackFridayDeals #Dubliners #Riots
— We Know Your Game ?♂️ (@WeKnow_1234) November 23, 2023[_oembed_time_20a0f776dfe18a1e979b211750cb8e49] => 1701968007 [_oembed_34dbb78596c5568049e9ec4ca153e360] =>A Dublin Bus has been set on fire as unrest grows after a knife attack on a woman and children in Dublin City Centre | Read more:
— RTÉ News (@rtenews) November 23, 2023[_oembed_time_34dbb78596c5568049e9ec4ca153e360] => 1701968007 [_oembed_f90c50dc5a1d9b9dd7c00fe404e982ec] =>Violent disturbances unfolded in Dublin city centre this evening following a stabbing incident in which three young children and a woman were injured. A garda car was set ablaze following clashes between protestors and the public order unit |
— RTÉ News (@rtenews) November 23, 2023[_oembed_time_f90c50dc5a1d9b9dd7c00fe404e982ec] => 1704654135 [_oembed_422a2abfe2e7a671474719960b9313af] =>🇷🇸 Following their electoral defeat last Sunday, the pro-Western "Serbia against violence" coalition has made good on its promise by mobilizing thousands for a major protest in the streets of Belgrade.
— DD Geopolitics (@DD_Geopolitics) December 24, 2023
Their primary demand is the annulment of the recent election results and the…[_oembed_time_422a2abfe2e7a671474719960b9313af] => 1704654135 [_oembed_bb0964e1677f015a4db1142bce456078] => [_oembed_time_bb0964e1677f015a4db1142bce456078] => 1704868754 [_oembed_2faa5dc8e9f4a6efa5ce50c97218f24f] =>Dramatic scenes in front of the Assembly of Belgrade as the protesters destroy glass on the windows and doors.#Serbia#Belgrad
— Politics World Wide Web (@PetrosVarelas) December 24, 2023[_oembed_time_2faa5dc8e9f4a6efa5ce50c97218f24f] => 1704868754 [_oembed_79bbebeb17984288be9f40b2f0979eee] =>
— Lady Kate Chamberlayne (@KateChamberlay2) January 8, 2024
Farmers protesting in Neubrandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
According to the Fat Cats at the @BBC this isn't happening.[_oembed_time_79bbebeb17984288be9f40b2f0979eee] => 1704868754 [_oembed_7d09d1baac3a427ba274ef84f800b24a] =>Farmer strike in Germany.
— Politics Fact (@politicsfact1) January 8, 2024
Farmers have used hundreds of tractors to block access to highways across the eastern state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.#Germany #GoldenGlobes #Mistgabelmob #B0801 #tatort #SupremeCourt[_oembed_time_7d09d1baac3a427ba274ef84f800b24a] => 1704868754 [_oembed_f0bee976162a2843dd8dbd533f80ccaa] =>Wegen Protesten von Bauern gegen Sparbeschlüsse der Bundesregierung ist die B213 im Bereich Lastrup (Landkreis Cloppenburg) zwischen den Abfahrten Stapelfeld und Löningen/Meerdorf blockiert.
— Cellesche Zeitung (@cezett) January 8, 2024[_oembed_time_f0bee976162a2843dd8dbd533f80ccaa] => 1704868754 [_oembed_85ac7c7dd4ab769bd8564ebd439fe9cc] =>8 de janeiro de 2024
— Karina Michelin (@karinamichelin) January 8, 2024
O protesto nacional dos agricultores na Alemanha começou! E está programado para durar até o dia 15 de janeiro.
Os agricultores bloquearam as entradas de duas cidades na manhã desta segunda-feira: Cottbus e Brandenburg an der Havel.
A polícia informou às…[_oembed_time_85ac7c7dd4ab769bd8564ebd439fe9cc] => 1704868755 [_oembed_532b64488e2d7f4722f9d2cb0aec849f] =>Auch in Potsdam rollen die ersten Traktoren. Einige Anwohner winken den #Landwirten unterstützend zu. #Bauernproteste
— Apollo News (@apollo_news_de) January 8, 2024[_oembed_time_532b64488e2d7f4722f9d2cb0aec849f] => 1704868755 [_oembed_075042420f00be26bc46016740f2839f] =>#Bauern sind in Berlin angekommen, fahren gerade mit Polizeibegleitung von Siegessäule zum Brandenburger Tor @tonline
— Annika Leister (@AnnLei1) January 7, 2024[_oembed_time_075042420f00be26bc46016740f2839f] => 1704868755 [_oembed_b3eeacd8a66d574580b29467b0b73b3e] =>"Patience is over!" Thousands of German farmers block Berlin and Germany to protest against the planned increase in fuel taxes wanted by socialist politicians.
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) January 8, 2024[_oembed_time_b3eeacd8a66d574580b29467b0b73b3e] => 1704868755 [_oembed_fda83a694f1c61ef1804cd6047aa8d82] =>Bauern-Blockade: 8000 Demonstranten! Grünen-Politiker wird in München von Bühne gebuht
— FOCUS online (@focusonline) January 8, 2024[_oembed_time_fda83a694f1c61ef1804cd6047aa8d82] => 1704868756 [_oembed_16aab7f851eeec51a72cd65420f567a4] =>München 💪💪💪 der Wahnsinn
— D.R (@DR8516826984211) January 8, 2024[_oembed_time_16aab7f851eeec51a72cd65420f567a4] => 1704868756 [_oembed_36becc28443b76fa3d849d5402d413dc] => [_oembed_time_36becc28443b76fa3d849d5402d413dc] => 1704868756 [_oembed_3ec2728405f80cd18bef40fee64710cc] =>More footage from Germany, where hundreds of tractor drivers blocked roads in Berlin, Munich, Bremen and many other German cities.
— cvetko35 (@cvetko35) January 8, 2024[_oembed_time_3ec2728405f80cd18bef40fee64710cc] => 1706167840 [_oembed_f96170c9cdf6bcb0548414f94db10706] =>Telegram blocked six channels covering the protests in Bashkortostan for two days. The channels "Kushtau Bayram", RusNews, "The One from Bashkort", "Nuclear Ant", "As it is about Bashkortostan" and "Irandyk Sabantuy" disappeared from open access yesterday and today.
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) January 17, 2024
These news…[_oembed_time_f96170c9cdf6bcb0548414f94db10706] => 1706167840 [_oembed_6d16cb268607da826129bba4ec28033e] =>The situation in Bashkortostan continues to escalate, Russian media report.
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) January 17, 2024
Russian law enforcers continue beating up the locals who came to support public activist Fail Alsynov. Reportedly, they also use tear gas.[_oembed_time_6d16cb268607da826129bba4ec28033e] => 1706167840 [_oembed_a2cbca2019e3a67593f264cb6961f7c7] =>⚡️In Kyrgyzstan, a Mi-8 military helicopter crashed at the Frunze-1 air base, — the local Kabar agency reports.
— FLASH (@Flash_news_ua) January 17, 2024
Eight injured and one dead soldier, four injured in intensive care.
👉 Follow@Flash_news_ua[_oembed_time_a2cbca2019e3a67593f264cb6961f7c7] => 1706167840 [_oembed_6932f403f544801209443adccb945439] => [_oembed_time_6932f403f544801209443adccb945439] => 1706167840 [_oembed_5c3a20b620a235378deb2ec31b7711dc] => [_oembed_time_5c3a20b620a235378deb2ec31b7711dc] => 1708285857 [_oembed_51d3172c61c659b4d089e17ad379e52f] => [_oembed_time_51d3172c61c659b4d089e17ad379e52f] => 1708285857 [_oembed_c23ceab3efc905cfc9889b1f6ae0fc3b] => [_oembed_time_c23ceab3efc905cfc9889b1f6ae0fc3b] => 1708285857 [_oembed_143883ee59e0a5076c32c11baf7644be] => [_oembed_time_143883ee59e0a5076c32c11baf7644be] => 1714416456 [_oembed_d534aeb1a5cf8514a9295070e6acf104] =>Russian media report that a Russian Mi-8 helicopter has crashed in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) January 17, 2024
Local media report eight injured and one dead soldier.[_oembed_time_d534aeb1a5cf8514a9295070e6acf104] => 1719750994 [_oembed_c17c747b48c0b7a17b0b9f41ee09080c] =>No es Palestina, tampoco Ucrania; es Buenos Aires, que arde en protestas contra el “libertario” Milei.
— Juan el Mestizo (@elmestizojuan) June 12, 2024
Milei, en seis meses, convirtió a la Argentina en un estado fallido.[_oembed_time_c17c747b48c0b7a17b0b9f41ee09080c] => 1719750994 [_oembed_e6383f90068bfd239dab6872cf9259c3] =>❗️Así lucen las calles de Buenos Aires ante las protestas por la ley de bases
— Sepa Más (@Sepa_mass) June 12, 2024[_oembed_time_e6383f90068bfd239dab6872cf9259c3] => 1722608092 [_oembed_10647c078e407f01a877e4658d6281e4] =>Dualarımız Qardaş Kırgızıstan icin
— Nigar Ogeday🇹🇷🇦🇿🇹🇲🇰🇬🇰🇿🇺🇿🇵🇰🇭🇺 (@ogeday_nigar) July 14, 2024
🇰🇬 Kırgızistan'ın Oş ilinde Ak-Buura nehrinin taşması sonucu günlerdir sel ve su baskınları hayatı felç etti.
Sel ve su baskını yolları, köprüleri ve elektrik trafo merkezlerini kullanılamaz hale getirdi.[_oembed_time_10647c078e407f01a877e4658d6281e4] => 1723041540 [_oembed_e997bc4e46110c5f8f9b5133a8622897] =>"Mallorca no se vende".
— Telediarios de TVE (@telediario_tve) July 21, 2024
Palma vuelve a salir a la calle para protestar contra el turismo masivo.
La última hora con Pau Fons
🔸[_oembed_time_e997bc4e46110c5f8f9b5133a8622897] => 1729326655 [_oembed_dfe99ef0f6b0ec124228c64e32724d21] =>#Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg was detained again🤡
— Lew Anno Suport#Israel #Ukraine 24/2-22 (@anno1540) October 5, 2024
This time, the girl, together with other activists, blocked a key street in Brussels, calling on the European Union to cancel subsidies for oil and gas production[_oembed_time_dfe99ef0f6b0ec124228c64e32724d21] => 1732374346 [_oembed_a4a7af9b6951e8933bb032e85beec4c7] =>Večeras u Novom Sadu.
— Radio 021 (@Radio021) November 5, 2024
Pratite uživo na
Foto: S. R.[_oembed_time_a4a7af9b6951e8933bb032e85beec4c7] => 1732374346 [_oembed_4a5cc5a0f83ef7ee16e81ca19b861a39] =>Trenutno u Novom Sadu. Kod Železničke stanice se okupio veliki broj ljudi.
— Radio 021 (@Radio021) November 5, 2024
Sve informacije pratite na[_oembed_time_4a5cc5a0f83ef7ee16e81ca19b861a39] => 1732374347 [_oembed_dea70d615be74129a0e73bc648933d81] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_eb56bb7da6ff7252b4c6e023dd012625] =>Haos u Novom Sadu. Mladića sa kapuljačama, noseći maske i imajući palice u rukama, razbili su prozore na Gradskoj kući
— Radio 021 (@Radio021) November 5, 2024[_oembed_time_eb56bb7da6ff7252b4c6e023dd012625] => 1735819024 [_oembed_bb934b0563a0243eb8cbfa94bb621ad1] =>The individual who ran into a crowd with a car at a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany has been identified as Talib Al-Abdulmohsen… an atheist and well know activists and Zionist.
— Pelham (@Resist_05) December 21, 2024
Watch the media bury this story…🇩🇪[_oembed_time_bb934b0563a0243eb8cbfa94bb621ad1] => 1735819024 [_oembed_6205c5d24b4ed75f609bbd5bd57072c6] =>BREAKING: Thousands of Germans are currently protesting in Magdeburg against Mass Immigration after the Christmas market attack by a Saudi Arabian immigrant yesterday.
— Cillian (@CilComLFC) December 21, 2024
The people of Germany are NOT going to play nice anymore. They’ve had enough.[_oembed_time_6205c5d24b4ed75f609bbd5bd57072c6] => 1736669334 [_oembed_7d1bed84942f60a9da8e5cefda24b379] =>Earlier today, armed extremists set fire to a Christmas tree in Suqaylabiyah in Hama, Syria. Local channels say they were Uzbek militants.
— The Cradle (@TheCradleMedia) December 23, 2024
HTS apologized for the incident and promised to deal with any future threats, but many Christians do not believe this will happen.[_oembed_time_7d1bed84942f60a9da8e5cefda24b379] => 1736669335 [_oembed_f7e87c971f2a6a1a452fb2aeb1136309] =>Protest tonight in Damascus by Christian community after reports surfaced that a Christmas tree was lit on fire in Homs.
— Mohamad El Chamaa (@MohamdEch) December 23, 2024[_oembed_time_f7e87c971f2a6a1a452fb2aeb1136309] => 1737653936 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 900 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Kriminális [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 9683 [1] => 1444 [2] => 308 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Kirgizisztán [1] => nemi erőszak [2] => tüntetés ) ) ) [model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [offset] => 0 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 9683 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [_model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [offset] => 0 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 9683 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [_domains] => Array ( [podiji] => 1 ) [status] => 1 [from_cache] => )Confrontos durante manifestações pela morte de Ramy Elgaml. Meloni condena violência #EuropeNews
— Euronews Português (@euronewspt) January 12, 2025
Kirgizisztán (1 Oldal)