Array ( [count_posts] => 9 [cache_key] => Query_Posts::global::hu::YTo1OntzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiaHUiO3M6NzoiZG9tYWlucyI7YToxOntpOjA7czo2OiJwb2RpamkiO31zOjY6Im9mZnNldCI7aTowO3M6OToidGF4X3F1ZXJ5IjthOjE6e2k6MDthOjM6e3M6ODoidGF4b25vbXkiO3M6ODoicG9zdF90YWciO3M6NToiZmllbGQiO3M6MjoiaWQiO3M6NToidGVybXMiO2E6MTp7aTowO2k6ODU2Njt9fX1zOjExOiJhZnRlckxvY2tlciI7aTowO30= [has_result] => 1 [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 109454 [content] =>Egy nőt sikerült kimenekíteniük a romok alól az ukrán mentőknek, akik a nagyszabású földrengés következményeinek felszámolására utaztak Törökországba.
A hírt Szerhij Kruk, a Rendkívüli Helyzetek Állami Szolgálatának (DSZNSZ) vezetője közölte.
Elmondása szerint a nő 8 napja tartózkodott a romok alatt, s ő az első, akit megmentett a csapat.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Egy nőt sikerült kimenekíteniük a romok alól az ukrán mentőknek, akik a nagyszabású földrengés következményeinek felszámolására utaztak Törökországba. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1676552580 [modified] => 1676552483 ) [title] => Ukrán mentők menekítettek ki egy nőt, aki 8 napja feküdt a romok alatt Törökországban [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 109454 [uk] => 109329 ) [trid] => vik3255 [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 109330 [image] => Array ( [id] => 109330 [original] => [original_lng] => 216034 [original_w] => 1140 [original_h] => 760 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 200 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 512 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 683 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1140 [height] => 760 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1140 [height] => 760 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1140 [height] => 760 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1676545283:5 [_thumbnail_id] => 109330 [_edit_last] => 5 [views_count] => 2527 [_hipstart_feed_include] => 1 [_oembed_1885e13c650cbf1dd6d7f2d16d09bb12] =>[_oembed_time_1885e13c650cbf1dd6d7f2d16d09bb12] => 1676545383 [_oembed_aabfcc67a85250bcff6e63edf63e3434] =>BREAKING: A 5.3 magnitude earthquake has struck Târgu Jiu, Romania.
— Upward News (@UpwardNewsHQ) February 13, 2023[_oembed_time_aabfcc67a85250bcff6e63edf63e3434] => 1677921783 [_oembed_363378628b0a4a70bc041ccd9f19bfd0] =>More Videos Strong 7.1-magnitude earthquake hits eastern #Tajikistan, near the border with China an Hour ago.
— Disaster News (@Top_Disaster) February 23, 2023
TELEGRAM JOIN ?[_oembed_time_363378628b0a4a70bc041ccd9f19bfd0] => 1677934771 [_oembed_4ae6275e07beeabaaf9501b7e913b68c] =>Malatya'da 5.6 şiddetindeki deprem sonrası bir binanın yıkıldığı anlar.
— Yunus Özdemir (@yohannisqecrinn) February 27, 2023
Bir vatandaşımız hayatını kaybetti
110 vatandaşımızın yaralı olduğu bildirildi.#GeçmişOlsunTürkiye #GeçmişOlsunMalatya Kahramanmaraş Afşin Elbistan
Kayseri #malatyadeprem[_oembed_time_4ae6275e07beeabaaf9501b7e913b68c] => 1677934772 [_oembed_91bc2e08ed7ba5b280efe510b6b64404] =>Konya’da oluşan 4.3 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından Karapınar ilçesinde 37 m çapında, 12 m derinliğinde bir obruk oluşmuş .Bu da Ne Ola ki .. #pütürge boşanma #Tacikistan #cumartesi
— Bay Pozitif (@BayPozitif06) February 25, 2023[_oembed_time_91bc2e08ed7ba5b280efe510b6b64404] => 1678388877 [_oembed_4bc33702e2590172f9172212e63d4dbe] =>Dog in Turkey found alive after 22 days under the rubble
— BNO News Live (@BNODesk) March 1, 2023[_oembed_time_4bc33702e2590172f9172212e63d4dbe] => 1679302165 [_oembed_099b3242eb627481ba55500747817bc2] =>⚠️ || Estremece un fuerte sismo a Ecuador, así las primeras imágenes de un supermercado.#Cuenca #Guayaquil #Sismo #Ecuador #Terremoto #Ahora #Earthquake #CurulPuebla
— Curul Puebla (@CurulPuebla) March 18, 2023[_oembed_time_099b3242eb627481ba55500747817bc2] => 1679302165 [_oembed_a6659cb95ae58bbcaf7193f58f5455db] =>A 6.8 magnitude earthquake around Ecuador’s second-largest city kills at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets.
— NBC News World (@NBCNewsWorld) March 18, 2023[_oembed_time_a6659cb95ae58bbcaf7193f58f5455db] => 1679302165 [_oembed_109f953044a295675efd79f5a0f731ed] =>#Earthquake Ecuador ? Daños importantes en #Machala
— ?????????????? (@EarthquakeChil1) March 18, 2023[_oembed_time_109f953044a295675efd79f5a0f731ed] => 1679302166 [_oembed_97c2aee29e8ff93d90ea2a5658d36d85] =>بعد كارثة #الزلزال_المدمر.. فيضانات جارفة تجتاح جنوب #تركيا
— Erem News - إرم نيوز (@EremNews) March 15, 2023
#selfelaketi #Şanlıurfa #Adiyaman[_oembed_time_97c2aee29e8ff93d90ea2a5658d36d85] => 1679302166 [_oembed_b21d34dcc521c27a49f9b2341fa62aa5] =>Depremin üzerinden 38 gün geçti hâlâ vatandaşımızı çadırlardan kurtaramadık.
— Ezgi (@ezgimorad) March 15, 2023
Bu görüntüleri haketmiyoruz.#selfelaketi #Adiyaman #Malatya #Urfa #yagmur #deprem #sanliurfasel #balikligol[_oembed_time_b21d34dcc521c27a49f9b2341fa62aa5] => 1679302166 [_oembed_3f0bce666a9db9fb135d160a02a25940] => [_oembed_time_3f0bce666a9db9fb135d160a02a25940] => 1681968890 [_oembed_a7008c6c3f6cb39031817fe4b8613802] =>Sakın bundan beteri mi var demeyin! En beterinin beteri var.. bu yüzden Allah beterinden muhafaza eylesin deriz. Ahir zamanın en çetin sürecinden geçiyoruz beterinden korunalım inşAllah??#Adiyaman #selfelaketi #yagmur #sanliurfasel #balikligol #BalıklıGoel #şanlıurfa
— Yasemin SUBAŞI (@YaseminSubasi03) March 15, 2023[_oembed_time_a7008c6c3f6cb39031817fe4b8613802] => 1681968890 [_oembed_e2a3e3bc229ca8458714cfcb4e46d2e8] =>Terrible news of a fire outbreak at a hotel in Istanbul's Pendik district.
— Daily Turkic (@DailyTurkic) March 24, 2023[_oembed_time_e2a3e3bc229ca8458714cfcb4e46d2e8] => 1683484153 [_oembed_7d318b0c7b967a7249dd6b675136a2e4] =>#Turkey has neutralised Abu Hussein al-Qurayshi, leader of the #IslamicState (IS) terror group, during an intelligence operation in #Syria, President #RecepTayyipErdogan has announced.
— Bilkul Online: Business & Lifestyle News (@bilkulonline) May 1, 2023[_oembed_time_7d318b0c7b967a7249dd6b675136a2e4] => 1683484153 [_oembed_4d641c97188de7be77fa753935ceb0d0] =>In Izmir, a multi-storey building caught fire, some of the residents jumped out of the windows
— Spriter (@Spriter99880) April 27, 2023[_oembed_time_4d641c97188de7be77fa753935ceb0d0] => 1683484154 [_oembed_da4fa654f39ae73a71fdb7a923aaf35b] =>A devastating fire has raged at a holiday hotspot for Brits, forcing some flat block residents to jump off their balconies to escape the blaze
— Daily Star (@dailystar) April 28, 2023[_oembed_time_da4fa654f39ae73a71fdb7a923aaf35b] => 1683484154 [_oembed_6f60f0dba28deb43f6e60873a30d50fd] =>Adana’da kuvvetli yağış ve dolu sele neden oldu! Doluyla karışık şiddetli yağış var. Şehrin bir çok yerinde trafik kilit. Lütfen tüm belediyelerimiz teyakkuza geçsin. Allah afetinden korusun!
— Adanacity (@bizadanaliyik) April 21, 2023[_oembed_time_6f60f0dba28deb43f6e60873a30d50fd] => 1683484154 [_oembed_3006d8b9f143af240e43bc14bd1d4705] =>Son Dakika: Adana'da bazı yerlerde 30 santimetre dolu yağdı. İşte dolu sonrası oluşan görüntüler... ?
— Hava Forum (@HavaForum) April 21, 2023
#adana #yagmur #dolu[_oembed_time_3006d8b9f143af240e43bc14bd1d4705] => 1686912893 [_oembed_09ef06526ba66e42b3233aab2d17e99f] =>#BREAKING #Explosion at #rocket and explosives factory in #Turkey kills 5 #pakustv #NYC #Ankara #Turkiye
— Ch.Amjad Ali (@saada186) June 10, 2023[_oembed_time_09ef06526ba66e42b3233aab2d17e99f] => 1687255205 [_oembed_6d3d0884721fd222700acad5bb47b6e5] =>BREAKING NEWS: Deep earthquake rattled the Philippines today, fortunately with no immediate major damage or casualties reported.
— Zee Business (@ZeeBusiness) June 15, 2023
Read more on ZeeBiz: #Philippines #tremors[_oembed_time_6d3d0884721fd222700acad5bb47b6e5] => 1687705633 [_oembed_22d77a95f5d3957b1f7c9caf23cc961a] =>? Vidéo impressionnante du #seisme qui a secoué l'ouest de la France ce vendredi en fin de journée. L'épicentre était situé entre Niort et La Rochelle.
— Actus Meteo (@actus_meteo) June 17, 2023
? Alain Doyen | #earthquake[_oembed_time_22d77a95f5d3957b1f7c9caf23cc961a] => 1687705633 [_oembed_1c9a5af33f2edf02a9d3270fc9587adf] => [_oembed_time_1c9a5af33f2edf02a9d3270fc9587adf] => 1689507886 [_oembed_f615e6273216a4f76bd07ec3126dd654] =>? Les 500 habitants du village de La Laigne ont été évacués après le tremblement de terre @SDIS17 @Gendarmerie_017 #CharenteMaritime #seisme #tremblementdeterre
— France Bleu La Rochelle (@Bleu_Rochelle) June 17, 2023
➡️[_oembed_time_f615e6273216a4f76bd07ec3126dd654] => 1689507886 [_oembed_3307234ddbd51921204894ab2e418034] =>? Grebaštica, Šibenik trenutno?
— Kolajna (@_KoVlajna_) July 13, 2023
Svake godine isto, a sezona požara u Šibenskoj i Zadarskoj županiji tek krenula...[_oembed_time_3307234ddbd51921204894ab2e418034] => 1689507887 [_oembed_29cb5620861f22076e09a82bebf5ba65] => Nagy erdőtűz dúl Törökországban #foryou #foryourpage #hírek #hiradohu #tűz #törökország #nekedbe #fyp
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_29cb5620861f22076e09a82bebf5ba65] => 1690524555 [_oembed_e01471f9189709e5d80298c3ffaa59ac] =>??? Adana'da meydana gelen 5.5 büyüklüğündeki deprem sonrası kırsal alanda toz bulutu oluştu#deprem oldu #Kayseri #Earthquake #Kahramanmaraş #Turkey
— Eren ??? (@Eren50855570) July 25, 2023[_oembed_time_e01471f9189709e5d80298c3ffaa59ac] => 1692114316 [_oembed_3655783ce013432b91ab1228cade700e] =>Malatya'da saat 20.48'de 5,3 büyüklüğünde meydana gelen deprem, güvenlik kamerasına yansıdı
— Anadolu Ajansı (@anadoluajansi) August 10, 2023[_oembed_time_3655783ce013432b91ab1228cade700e] => 1692114316 [_oembed_a37a30cbaf4ae8a4b58203b8faf21b8f] =>A large explosion struck the grain silos in the Turkish port of Derince today. The cause is yet unknown.
— Status-6 (@Archer83Able) August 7, 2023
Derince is one of the few ports in Turkey under government control.
According to CNN Türk, at least 5 people were injured and taken to the hospital.[_oembed_time_a37a30cbaf4ae8a4b58203b8faf21b8f] => 1692274823 [_oembed_6598bd45c7f85ed6f8ce8354e0257767] =>A 6.0 magnitude earthquake just hit the Hokkaido region in Japan. #Tokyo #Japan #Breaking
— News Detector (@LiveNewsPlace) August 11, 2023[_oembed_time_6598bd45c7f85ed6f8ce8354e0257767] => 1693204378 [_oembed_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] =>3 earthquakes in Colombia in half an hour :
— Anand Panna (@AnandPanna1) August 18, 2023
The fastest was 6.3 intensity, 1 killed; A part of the roof of Parliament collapsed
Moment when 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit #Bogotá in #Colombia #earthquake #sismo #ultimahora #terremoto #SismosColombiaSGC #tremor[_oembed_time_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] => 1694874264 [_oembed_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] =>? #BREAKING | #Morocco | #earthquake | #Marrakech |#الزلزال | #المغرب
— Bot News (@BotNews18) September 9, 2023
There is almost nothing left of Adassil village in Morocco. You can hear the absolute heartbreak in this mans voice.[_oembed_time_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] => 1694874264 [_oembed_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] =>Moment of building collapse after the strong #earthquake hits in #Marrakesh of #Morocco.
— Anil Kumar Verma (@AnilKumarVerma_) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] => 1694874265 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>Horrific moment of collapse caught on security camera? #Morocco #earthquake #moroccoearthquake #deprem #زلزال #زلزال_المغرب #fas #fas_depremi #morocco #maroc #earthquake
— Muhammad Arif Khan (@M_Arif61) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1696916030 [_oembed_cae3677670cd9cc9e0e4b680fc307671] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_cae3677670cd9cc9e0e4b680fc307671] => 1699812918 [_oembed_6c24a73ab41c18f9144e01d1a9091484] =>#BREAKING: North India including bihar patna , delhi ncr , Gurgaon , haryana and Nepal hit by a scary earthquake.#earthquake #Delhi #Nepal #DelhiNCR #Noida #Tremors #भूकंप #Bihar #Patna
— Vidarbha Times (@VidarbhaaTimes) November 3, 2023[_oembed_time_6c24a73ab41c18f9144e01d1a9091484] => 1699812919 [_oembed_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] =>#Earthquake (#σεισμός) possibly felt 19 sec ago in #Greece. Felt it? Tell us via:
— EMSC (@LastQuake) November 3, 2023
⚠ Automatic crowdsourced detection, not seismically verified yet. More info soon![_oembed_time_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] => 1699812919 [_oembed_984495a799200a11cf9f65b7c8445c91] => A földrengés sújtotta Afganisztánnak nemzetközi segítségre van szüksége az újjáépítéshez #fy #fyp #nekedbe #hiradohu #hirek #afganisztán #katasztrófa #földrengés #újjáépítés #túlélők
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_984495a799200a11cf9f65b7c8445c91] => 1701877120 [_oembed_36becc28443b76fa3d849d5402d413dc] => [_oembed_time_36becc28443b76fa3d849d5402d413dc] => 1704731273 [_oembed_550e993fefa5156e6cd2cbf2dd2fbc54] => [_oembed_time_550e993fefa5156e6cd2cbf2dd2fbc54] => 1704731273 [_oembed_ef71de304a3ba0c3f3c5bb6019a764f6] =>BREAKING NEWS: ???
— Bondie ?????? (@jamesbond007nzl) November 22, 2023
7.0 - 98 km E of Port-Olry, Vanuatu at a depth of 22.5km
BASED ON ALL AVAILABLE DATA... THERE IS NO TSUNAMI THREAT FROM THIS EARTHQUAKE[_oembed_time_ef71de304a3ba0c3f3c5bb6019a764f6] => 1706970885 [_oembed_9a93850628c8d28b96e89d5037c2f231] =>Turkish media reports that in protest against the war in Gaza, an armed individual has taken employees of the Procter & Gamble plant hostage in Kocaeli province.
— Rat Bastard (@RRespawned) February 1, 2024
The police are on the scene. No further details yet.[_oembed_time_9a93850628c8d28b96e89d5037c2f231] => 1706970885 [_oembed_7765e2890d7305cfe37678a50df96313] => [_oembed_time_7765e2890d7305cfe37678a50df96313] => 1707926736 [_oembed_ecd4bbdc9f40e2bcb33bd497c59c738d] =>#BREAKING
— ⚡️🌎 World News 🌐⚡️ (@ferozwala) February 1, 2024
Türkiye: The shooter was apprehended & all #hostages were released in the P&G Chemicals factory in #Türkiye, Turkish media report.
Some staff at a Procter & Gamble factory in northwestern Turkiye had been taken hostage by an armed man apparently protesting against…[_oembed_time_ecd4bbdc9f40e2bcb33bd497c59c738d] => 1707926737 [_oembed_836f3eadbb9b24a988c3183646fd47d5] =>Milletimizin başı sağ olsun🇹🇷
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) February 3, 2024
Bu akşam Gaziantep Havalimanına gitmek için Hatay Havalimanından havalanan Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Havacılık Daire Başkanlığı envanterine kayıtlı EM 708 kuyruk numaralı helikopterimiz, Gaziantep'in Nurdağı ilçesi Kartal Köyü mevkiinde kaza kırıma…[_oembed_time_836f3eadbb9b24a988c3183646fd47d5] => 1708002376 [_oembed_48b34dfd57cce955f09656fbcf47fa0a] =>🚨Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές εξόρυξης στον κόσμο συνέβη στο Erzincan 🇹🇷 πριν λίγο
— 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚 ™_ (@prokaliptika1) February 13, 2024
Κατέρρευσε το ορυχείο κυανιούχου χρυσού Anagold στο İliç , και έγινε τάφος για τους εργάτες .Το κυάνιο διαχύθηκε στον Ευφράτη ποταμό δίπλα στο ορυχείο καθιστώντας το νερό δηλητηριώδες[_oembed_time_48b34dfd57cce955f09656fbcf47fa0a] => 1708002376 [_oembed_45eeee7a7e58677e30594254c12b74ed] =>❗🪨🇹🇷 - A huge landslide left several workers buried underground at the Copler gold mine (Anagold Mining) in the Iliç district of Erzincan province, Turkey.
— 🔥🗞The Informant (@theinformantofc) February 13, 2024
The mountain has literally descended on the mine and Mountains of cyanide and sulfur waste have migrated and millions of…[_oembed_time_45eeee7a7e58677e30594254c12b74ed] => 1708002376 [_oembed_f83c3078648243760aa0530e6a71edd3] =>🚨🇵🇭EARTHQUAKE OF MAGNITUDE 5.6 STRIKES MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) February 10, 2024
Source: Reuters[_oembed_time_f83c3078648243760aa0530e6a71edd3] => 1711710438 [_oembed_da80f219c415f3881a7cb95a432d8b06] =>#UPDATE At least five people were killed and an estimated 1,000 homes destroyed when a magnitude 6.9 earthquake rocked flood-stricken northern Papua New Guinea, officials say.
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) March 25, 2024
"So far, around 1,000 homes have been lost," East Sepik Governor Allan Bird said, adding that emergency…[_oembed_time_da80f219c415f3881a7cb95a432d8b06] => 1712406211 [_oembed_db4c56b5de5a48ee2b6ef866be1e12c7] =>TAIPEI, Taiwan— A 7.4-magnitude earthquake, followed by several strong aftershocks, struck off the east coast of Taiwan on Wednesday morning, killing four people and injuring at least 57, according to Taiwan’s fire department. It also damaged buildings and caused landslides. The…
— (اصغرعلی)Asgher Ali (@itsAsgherAli) April 3, 2024[_oembed_time_db4c56b5de5a48ee2b6ef866be1e12c7] => 1712406212 [_oembed_3d43d8206a697a59eab4569e671834e1] =>7.4 magnitude #earthquake on highway in eastern #Taiwan$BUBBLE $BLOCK $TRIP $MOJO
— Gopal Prajapati🕵️ (@cmd_gopal) April 3, 2024[_oembed_time_3d43d8206a697a59eab4569e671834e1] => 1712406212 [_oembed_3827d3423583e6e69ab1a04601a549f6] =>#BREAKING_NEWS
— Sanju (@SanjayBhat46892) April 3, 2024
ताइवान और जापान में #earthquake
साथ में सुनामी की भी आशंका ।🙏#Taiwan #Japan #Tsunami #earthquake #OMG #Election2024 #SanjaySingh #Kejriwal #RCBvsLSG[_oembed_time_3827d3423583e6e69ab1a04601a549f6] => 1714048551 [_oembed_81fdeb410a13676baebb55754e755457] => [_oembed_time_81fdeb410a13676baebb55754e755457] => 1714048551 [_oembed_161dd474495498c03af867d956e87398] =>Bugün Antalya Konyaaltı ilçesinde bulunan Sarısu-Tünektepe teleferik hattını taşıyan direklerden birinin devrilmesi sonucu vagonlardan biri kayalık bölgeye düşmüş; teleferikte bulunun 1 vatandaşımız maalesef hayatını kaybetmiş, 7 kişi ise yaralanmıştır
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) April 12, 2024
AFAD ve Antalya Büyükşehir…[_oembed_time_161dd474495498c03af867d956e87398] => 1716190096 [_oembed_cb4c753eee1a0641b08fc00396456207] =>2️⃣2️⃣ ilde Bölücü Terör Örgütüne (BTÖ) yönelik düzenlenen “BOZDOĞAN-39” operasyonlarında haklarında kesinleşmiş hapis cezası ile aranma kaydı bulunan 2️⃣3️⃣9️⃣ şüpheli yakalandı❗️
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) May 16, 2024
Teröristlerin hiçbirine göz açtırmayacağız. Güvenlik güçlerimizin üstün gayretleriyle milletimizin…[_oembed_time_cb4c753eee1a0641b08fc00396456207] => 1718300713 [_oembed_fc8b9c867204025eb2035a56c4a6b442] =>#WATCH: A two-story house in the Oya district of Wajima City after earthquake of magnitude 5.9 hits central Japan.#Oya #Japan #WajimaCity #Earthquake #Japanearthquake
— upuknews (@upuknews1) June 3, 2024[_oembed_time_fc8b9c867204025eb2035a56c4a6b442] => 1718722200 [_oembed_d43219cefba1a25a486e02758ee8c25f] =>Two pilots died in a training plane crash in central Turkey
— S p r i n t e r F a m i l y (@SprinterFamily) June 4, 2024[_oembed_time_d43219cefba1a25a486e02758ee8c25f] => 1719655151 [_oembed_aca16d437bd44e9e8af114189c3e9d9a] =>Dostlar lütfen futbol gündemini fln bırakın sadece bu taga odaklanalim elimizden gelen tek şey bu düzgün yapalım 🙏#YangınBölgesineAcilHelikopter#Diyarbakır
— Tuğra 🇹🇷 (@FerdiVekili19O7) June 20, 2024[_oembed_time_aca16d437bd44e9e8af114189c3e9d9a] => 1719655151 [_oembed_111cb9860bdf9490f1e2295d5c50d5c1] =>Two pilots died in a training plane crash in central Turkey
— S p r i n t e r F a m i l y (@SprinterFamily) June 4, 2024[_oembed_time_111cb9860bdf9490f1e2295d5c50d5c1] => 1719655152 [_oembed_f09fdda2eb06eca4144d8a145cfb11f3] =>#WATCH: A two-story house in the Oya district of Wajima City after earthquake of magnitude 5.9 hits central Japan.#Oya #Japan #WajimaCity #Earthquake #Japanearthquake
— upuknews (@upuknews1) June 3, 2024[_oembed_time_f09fdda2eb06eca4144d8a145cfb11f3] => 1720777005 [_oembed_372b96175a3f23007ae1d517e47262a2] =>Torbalı izmir'deki Sanayi Tüpü'nün
— KURULUŞ HABER (@KurulusHaber) June 30, 2024
Patlama Anı Kameralara Yansıdı#SonDakika #patlama[_oembed_time_372b96175a3f23007ae1d517e47262a2] => 1720777005 [_oembed_249ccba5801394f15530d50f2189dc26] =>Turkey blast:
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) January 5, 2017
- Explosion near courthouse in Izmir
- 10 injured
- 2 "attackers" killed, 1 at large - local media[_oembed_time_249ccba5801394f15530d50f2189dc26] => 1720777005 [_oembed_2f5fab0de500857b5a744bf444f77cc0] =>📷Assos Antik Kenti'ni de etkileyen yangından kareler.
— Milliyet Arkeoloji Dergisi (@DergiArkeoloji) June 27, 2024
[Anadolu Ajansı-İHA][_oembed_time_2f5fab0de500857b5a744bf444f77cc0] => 1721109152 [_oembed_eb084d7d2ce52bef457a8a99d10c121f] =>Pogroms have been going on for several days in Turkey amid the rape of a 7-year-old girl by a migrant from Syria
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) July 3, 2024
Turkish police detained more than 470 participants in anti-Syrian pogroms. The riots began after the detention of a Syrian accused of raping a child in Kayseri…[_oembed_time_eb084d7d2ce52bef457a8a99d10c121f] => 1725026345 [_oembed_4946960de44f928ffc2aa4be4b58eb6b] =>Magnitude 5.7 earthquake strikes northeast Taiwan. All MRT lines in #Taipei and #NewTaipeiCity have resumed service ‼️
— TVBS World Taiwan (@tvbsworldtaiwan) August 15, 2024[_oembed_time_4946960de44f928ffc2aa4be4b58eb6b] => 1725026346 [_oembed_d1731335db611a029975890523b8d6a0] =>4.4 magnitude earthquake near Highland Park, California. Felt throughout #LosAngeles #breaking
— Chaudhary Parvez (@ChaudharyParvez) August 13, 2024[_oembed_time_d1731335db611a029975890523b8d6a0] => 1725360562 [_oembed_0602905bafe3c7fb96fdcafdc2332530] =>tremor de terra em lisboa. #sismo #terramoto #earthquake
— Filipe (@castlvess) August 26, 2024[_oembed_time_0602905bafe3c7fb96fdcafdc2332530] => 1725604020 [_oembed_3a61ea5f40557fdf43440e9c7d674585] =>No hay daños personales, ni materiales, reportados hasta el momento.
— Nayib Bukele (@nayibbukele) August 28, 2024
Electricidad, telefonía, internet, todo funcionando a la normalidad.
Gracias a Dios.[_oembed_time_3a61ea5f40557fdf43440e9c7d674585] => 1730140027 [_oembed_931c2a9654a3eb43d92591dcebaf28d6] =>Özel Harekat ekipleri TUSAŞ'ın önünde.
— BPT (@bpthaber) October 23, 2024[_oembed_time_931c2a9654a3eb43d92591dcebaf28d6] => 1735919477 [_oembed_cd99ce5f2171924aeef7df0af8f7f4ed] =>#WATCH | 12 people killed in ammunition factory blast in Northwest Turkey#TurkeyBlast #AmmunitionFactoryBlast #TurkeyTragedy #TurkeyDisaster
— CLR.CUT (@clr_cut) December 24, 2024[_oembed_time_cd99ce5f2171924aeef7df0af8f7f4ed] => 1741487336 [_oembed_127f94695bd8e45f259112f3583a58aa] =>Over 100 people have reportedly died from consuming counterfeit alcohol in Turkey, prompting a government warning to tourists.
— Daily Star (@dailystar) February 11, 2025[_oembed_time_127f94695bd8e45f259112f3583a58aa] => 1741487336 [_oembed_0a05eeab017450f8eadbdc6a6ff87e62] => {{unknown}} [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 11 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Kiemelt téma [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 1038 [1] => 8566 [2] => 990 [3] => 1067 [4] => 9601 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => földrengés [1] => megmentés [2] => Rendkívüli Helyzetek Állami Szolgálatának (DSZNSZ) [3] => Törökország [4] => túlélő ) ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 109209 [content] =>Turkey Issues Fake Alcohol Warning After More Than 100 People Die From Poisoning In Tourist Hotspots
— NDTV WORLD (@NDTVWORLD) February 12, 2025Újabb túlélőket találtak a romok alatt kedden Törökországban a február 6-i dél-törökországi földrengések mentési munkálatainak kilencedik napján – jelentette az Anadolu török állami hírügynökség.
Kahramanmaras tartomány Dulkadiroglu körzetében a 198. órában hoztak a felszínre egy testvérpárt, egy 17 éves fiút és 21 éves bátyját. A fiatalok kimentéséhez a mentőcsapatok öt méter hosszú folyosót alakítottak ki a törmelékek között. A kiszabadítás pillanataiban a fiúk integettek a kameráknak, a fiatalabbik pedig újságírói kérdésre válaszolva azt is elmondta, hogy jól van.
A mentésben részt vevő egyik önkéntes úgy nyilatkozott: először azt hallották meg, hogy valaki a romok között üti a falat, majd a mentőkutyák is visszaigazolták, hogy túlélők vannak a helyszínen. A fiúk egyik nagybátyja örömében úgy fogalmazott: „Nem is tudom, mit mondjak, az unokaöcséim épségben, egészségben kerültek elő. Allah megajándékozott bennünket.”
A testvérpár édesanyját két nappal ezelőtt szintén élve hozták a felszínre.
Ugyancsak a 198. órában Adiyaman tartományban, három óra munkát követően egy 18 éves fiút mentettek ki a törmelékek fogságából.
Miközben a török mentőcsapatok számos helyszínen folytatják a keresést, és az utolsó túlélőt is igyekeznek felkutatni, a romok eltakarítása is zajlik már.
Törökországban a hivatalos adatok szerint eddig 31 643-an vesztették életüket a múlt hétfői földrengésekben.
Kedden, a szerencsétlenség óta először összeül Ankarában a török kormányzat. A tanácskozást ezúttal kivételesen nem az államfői palotában, hanem a katasztrófavédelem központjában tartják. Több olyan miniszter, aki a katasztrófa helyszínén tartózkodik, videóhívás keretében vesz részt az ülésen. Az egyetlen napirendi pont a február 6-i földrengéssorozat.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Újabb túlélőket találtak a romok alatt kedden Törökországban a február 6-i dél-törökországi földrengések mentési munkálatainak kilencedik napján – jelentette az Anadolu török állami hírügynökség. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1676392200 [modified] => 1676389772 ) [title] => Törökországban a földrengés utáni kilencedik napon egy testvérpárt találtak élve [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 109209 [uk] => 109172 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 109173 [image] => Array ( [id] => 109173 [original] => [original_lng] => 167189 [original_w] => 610 [original_h] => 385 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 189 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 610 [height] => 385 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 610 [height] => 385 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 610 [height] => 385 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 610 [height] => 385 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 610 [height] => 385 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1676382573:5 [_thumbnail_id] => 109173 [_edit_last] => 5 [views_count] => 1866 [_oembed_b2e418b6816defc2e1e7e6b92bb707a2] => [_oembed_time_b2e418b6816defc2e1e7e6b92bb707a2] => 1676382574 [_oembed_91bc2e08ed7ba5b280efe510b6b64404] =>[_oembed_time_91bc2e08ed7ba5b280efe510b6b64404] => 1678732739 [_oembed_363378628b0a4a70bc041ccd9f19bfd0] =>Dog in Turkey found alive after 22 days under the rubble
— BNO News Live (@BNODesk) March 1, 2023[_oembed_time_363378628b0a4a70bc041ccd9f19bfd0] => 1678732739 [_oembed_109f953044a295675efd79f5a0f731ed] =>Malatya'da 5.6 şiddetindeki deprem sonrası bir binanın yıkıldığı anlar.
— Yunus Özdemir (@yohannisqecrinn) February 27, 2023
Bir vatandaşımız hayatını kaybetti
110 vatandaşımızın yaralı olduğu bildirildi.#GeçmişOlsunTürkiye #GeçmişOlsunMalatya Kahramanmaraş Afşin Elbistan
Kayseri #malatyadeprem[_oembed_time_109f953044a295675efd79f5a0f731ed] => 1679679189 [_oembed_97c2aee29e8ff93d90ea2a5658d36d85] =>بعد كارثة #الزلزال_المدمر.. فيضانات جارفة تجتاح جنوب #تركيا
— Erem News - إرم نيوز (@EremNews) March 15, 2023
#selfelaketi #Şanlıurfa #Adiyaman[_oembed_time_97c2aee29e8ff93d90ea2a5658d36d85] => 1679679189 [_oembed_b21d34dcc521c27a49f9b2341fa62aa5] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_bab7127f90d1b3dc0380914bcd523b62] =>Depremin üzerinden 38 gün geçti hâlâ vatandaşımızı çadırlardan kurtaramadık.
— Ezgi (@ezgimorad) March 15, 2023
Bu görüntüleri haketmiyoruz.#selfelaketi #Adiyaman #Malatya #Urfa #yagmur #deprem #sanliurfasel #balikligol[_oembed_time_bab7127f90d1b3dc0380914bcd523b62] => 1680422170 [_oembed_a7008c6c3f6cb39031817fe4b8613802] =>[EMSC] M4.3 Mar-25 06:36:27 UTC, CENTRAL TURKEY, Depth:10.0km, #quake
— Earthquakes (@earthquakesApp) March 25, 2023[_oembed_time_a7008c6c3f6cb39031817fe4b8613802] => 1680422170 [_oembed_3f0bce666a9db9fb135d160a02a25940] => [_oembed_time_3f0bce666a9db9fb135d160a02a25940] => 1681722240 [_oembed_da4fa654f39ae73a71fdb7a923aaf35b] =>Terrible news of a fire outbreak at a hotel in Istanbul's Pendik district.
— Daily Turkic (@DailyTurkic) March 24, 2023[_oembed_time_da4fa654f39ae73a71fdb7a923aaf35b] => 1682663805 [_oembed_6f60f0dba28deb43f6e60873a30d50fd] =>Adana’da kuvvetli yağış ve dolu sele neden oldu! Doluyla karışık şiddetli yağış var. Şehrin bir çok yerinde trafik kilit. Lütfen tüm belediyelerimiz teyakkuza geçsin. Allah afetinden korusun!
— Adanacity (@bizadanaliyik) April 21, 2023[_oembed_time_6f60f0dba28deb43f6e60873a30d50fd] => 1682663805 [_oembed_e2a3e3bc229ca8458714cfcb4e46d2e8] =>Son Dakika: Adana'da bazı yerlerde 30 santimetre dolu yağdı. İşte dolu sonrası oluşan görüntüler... ?
— Hava Forum (@HavaForum) April 21, 2023
#adana #yagmur #dolu[_oembed_time_e2a3e3bc229ca8458714cfcb4e46d2e8] => 1684232370 [_oembed_7d318b0c7b967a7249dd6b675136a2e4] =>#Turkey has neutralised Abu Hussein al-Qurayshi, leader of the #IslamicState (IS) terror group, during an intelligence operation in #Syria, President #RecepTayyipErdogan has announced.
— Bilkul Online: Business & Lifestyle News (@bilkulonline) May 1, 2023[_oembed_time_7d318b0c7b967a7249dd6b675136a2e4] => 1684232371 [_oembed_4d641c97188de7be77fa753935ceb0d0] =>In Izmir, a multi-storey building caught fire, some of the residents jumped out of the windows
— Spriter (@Spriter99880) April 27, 2023[_oembed_time_4d641c97188de7be77fa753935ceb0d0] => 1684232371 [_oembed_3006d8b9f143af240e43bc14bd1d4705] =>A devastating fire has raged at a holiday hotspot for Brits, forcing some flat block residents to jump off their balconies to escape the blaze
— Daily Star (@dailystar) April 28, 2023[_oembed_time_3006d8b9f143af240e43bc14bd1d4705] => 1687020656 [_oembed_6d3d0884721fd222700acad5bb47b6e5] =>#BREAKING #Explosion at #rocket and explosives factory in #Turkey kills 5 #pakustv #NYC #Ankara #Turkiye
— Ch.Amjad Ali (@saada186) June 10, 2023[_oembed_time_6d3d0884721fd222700acad5bb47b6e5] => 1687355921 [_oembed_22d77a95f5d3957b1f7c9caf23cc961a] =>? Vidéo impressionnante du #seisme qui a secoué l'ouest de la France ce vendredi en fin de journée. L'épicentre était situé entre Niort et La Rochelle.
— Actus Meteo (@actus_meteo) June 17, 2023
? Alain Doyen | #earthquake[_oembed_time_22d77a95f5d3957b1f7c9caf23cc961a] => 1687355921 [_oembed_09ef06526ba66e42b3233aab2d17e99f] =>? Les 500 habitants du village de La Laigne ont été évacués après le tremblement de terre @SDIS17 @Gendarmerie_017 #CharenteMaritime #seisme #tremblementdeterre
— France Bleu La Rochelle (@Bleu_Rochelle) June 17, 2023
➡️[_oembed_time_09ef06526ba66e42b3233aab2d17e99f] => 1687355921 [_oembed_29cb5620861f22076e09a82bebf5ba65] =>BREAKING NEWS: Deep earthquake rattled the Philippines today, fortunately with no immediate major damage or casualties reported.
— Zee Business (@ZeeBusiness) June 15, 2023
Read more on ZeeBiz: #Philippines #tremors[_oembed_time_29cb5620861f22076e09a82bebf5ba65] => 1691135349 [_oembed_1c9a5af33f2edf02a9d3270fc9587adf] => [_oembed_time_1c9a5af33f2edf02a9d3270fc9587adf] => 1691135349 [_oembed_f615e6273216a4f76bd07ec3126dd654] =>??? Adana'da meydana gelen 5.5 büyüklüğündeki deprem sonrası kırsal alanda toz bulutu oluştu#deprem oldu #Kayseri #Earthquake #Kahramanmaraş #Turkey
— Eren ??? (@Eren50855570) July 25, 2023[_oembed_time_f615e6273216a4f76bd07ec3126dd654] => 1691135349 [_oembed_3307234ddbd51921204894ab2e418034] =>? Grebaštica, Šibenik trenutno?
— Kolajna (@_KoVlajna_) July 13, 2023
Svake godine isto, a sezona požara u Šibenskoj i Zadarskoj županiji tek krenula...[_oembed_time_3307234ddbd51921204894ab2e418034] => 1691135349 [_oembed_6598bd45c7f85ed6f8ce8354e0257767] => Nagy erdőtűz dúl Törökországban #foryou #foryourpage #hírek #hiradohu #tűz #törökország #nekedbe #fyp
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_6598bd45c7f85ed6f8ce8354e0257767] => 1693127021 [_oembed_a37a30cbaf4ae8a4b58203b8faf21b8f] =>3 earthquakes in Colombia in half an hour :
— Anand Panna (@AnandPanna1) August 18, 2023
The fastest was 6.3 intensity, 1 killed; A part of the roof of Parliament collapsed
Moment when 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit #Bogotá in #Colombia #earthquake #sismo #ultimahora #terremoto #SismosColombiaSGC #tremor[_oembed_time_a37a30cbaf4ae8a4b58203b8faf21b8f] => 1693127022 [_oembed_e01471f9189709e5d80298c3ffaa59ac] =>A 6.0 magnitude earthquake just hit the Hokkaido region in Japan. #Tokyo #Japan #Breaking
— News Detector (@LiveNewsPlace) August 11, 2023[_oembed_time_e01471f9189709e5d80298c3ffaa59ac] => 1693127022 [_oembed_3655783ce013432b91ab1228cade700e] =>Malatya'da saat 20.48'de 5,3 büyüklüğünde meydana gelen deprem, güvenlik kamerasına yansıdı
— Anadolu Ajansı (@anadoluajansi) August 10, 2023[_oembed_time_3655783ce013432b91ab1228cade700e] => 1693127022 [_oembed_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] =>A large explosion struck the grain silos in the Turkish port of Derince today. The cause is yet unknown.
— Status-6 (@Archer83Able) August 7, 2023
Derince is one of the few ports in Turkey under government control.
According to CNN Türk, at least 5 people were injured and taken to the hospital.[_oembed_time_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] => 1694420554 [_oembed_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] =>Moment of building collapse after the strong #earthquake hits in #Marrakesh of #Morocco.
— Anil Kumar Verma (@AnilKumarVerma_) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] => 1694420555 [_oembed_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] =>Horrific moment of collapse caught on security camera? #Morocco #earthquake #moroccoearthquake #deprem #زلزال #زلزال_المغرب #fas #fas_depremi #morocco #maroc #earthquake
— Muhammad Arif Khan (@M_Arif61) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] => 1695795391 [_oembed_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] =>? #BREAKING | #Morocco | #earthquake | #Marrakech |#الزلزال | #المغرب
— Bot News (@BotNews18) September 9, 2023
There is almost nothing left of Adassil village in Morocco. You can hear the absolute heartbreak in this mans voice.[_oembed_time_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] => 1697954654 [_oembed_cae3677670cd9cc9e0e4b680fc307671] => A földrengés sújtotta Afganisztánnak nemzetközi segítségre van szüksége az újjáépítéshez #fy #fyp #nekedbe #hiradohu #hirek #afganisztán #katasztrófa #földrengés #újjáépítés #túlélők
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_cae3677670cd9cc9e0e4b680fc307671] => 1700505161 [_oembed_6c24a73ab41c18f9144e01d1a9091484] =>#BREAKING: North India including bihar patna , delhi ncr , Gurgaon , haryana and Nepal hit by a scary earthquake.#earthquake #Delhi #Nepal #DelhiNCR #Noida #Tremors #भूकंप #Bihar #Patna
— Vidarbha Times (@VidarbhaaTimes) November 3, 2023[_oembed_time_6c24a73ab41c18f9144e01d1a9091484] => 1700505161 [_oembed_984495a799200a11cf9f65b7c8445c91] =>#Earthquake (#σεισμός) possibly felt 19 sec ago in #Greece. Felt it? Tell us via:
— EMSC (@LastQuake) November 3, 2023
⚠ Automatic crowdsourced detection, not seismically verified yet. More info soon![_oembed_time_984495a799200a11cf9f65b7c8445c91] => 1701456560 [_oembed_9a064b1200e16583cef6d6da16949288] =>BREAKING NEWS: ???
— Bondie ?????? (@jamesbond007nzl) November 22, 2023
7.0 - 98 km E of Port-Olry, Vanuatu at a depth of 22.5km
BASED ON ALL AVAILABLE DATA... THERE IS NO TSUNAMI THREAT FROM THIS EARTHQUAKE[_oembed_time_9a064b1200e16583cef6d6da16949288] => 1703521241 [_oembed_a0ebcb207b2d7418b1f9c9f21d2f6fb8] =>The 6.2-magnitude #earthquake that jolted Jishishan county in Northwest #China's Gansu province late Monday evening has killed 100 people in the province and 11 people in Qinghai province, according to official data.
— Ifeng News (@IFENG__official) December 19, 2023[_oembed_time_a0ebcb207b2d7418b1f9c9f21d2f6fb8] => 1703521241 [_oembed_f7a5a4890b86a8e1355ac009258e55fa] =>#InPics | Devastating earthquake strikes China, claiming over 110 lives.#ChinaEarthquake #NaturalDisaster #Earthquake #DisasterRelief #Awazthevoice
— Awaz-The Voice (@AwazThevoice) December 19, 2023[_oembed_time_f7a5a4890b86a8e1355ac009258e55fa] => 1703521242 [_oembed_36becc28443b76fa3d849d5402d413dc] => [_oembed_time_36becc28443b76fa3d849d5402d413dc] => 1704993889 [_oembed_550e993fefa5156e6cd2cbf2dd2fbc54] => [_oembed_time_550e993fefa5156e6cd2cbf2dd2fbc54] => 1704993889 [_oembed_7765e2890d7305cfe37678a50df96313] => [_oembed_time_7765e2890d7305cfe37678a50df96313] => 1708090432 [_oembed_ecd4bbdc9f40e2bcb33bd497c59c738d] =>More than 100 people died in China as a result of a powerful earthquake.
— SSN News (@Grogozak) December 19, 2023
Strong tremors of magnitude 6.2 occurred late in the evening in Gansu province in the north-west of the country. As a result of the disaster, more than 200 people were injured.[_oembed_time_ecd4bbdc9f40e2bcb33bd497c59c738d] => 1708090432 [_oembed_ef71de304a3ba0c3f3c5bb6019a764f6] =>Milletimizin başı sağ olsun🇹🇷
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) February 3, 2024
Bu akşam Gaziantep Havalimanına gitmek için Hatay Havalimanından havalanan Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Havacılık Daire Başkanlığı envanterine kayıtlı EM 708 kuyruk numaralı helikopterimiz, Gaziantep'in Nurdağı ilçesi Kartal Köyü mevkiinde kaza kırıma…[_oembed_time_ef71de304a3ba0c3f3c5bb6019a764f6] => 1708090433 [_oembed_9a93850628c8d28b96e89d5037c2f231] =>Turkish media reports that in protest against the war in Gaza, an armed individual has taken employees of the Procter & Gamble plant hostage in Kocaeli province.
— Rat Bastard (@RRespawned) February 1, 2024
The police are on the scene. No further details yet.[_oembed_time_9a93850628c8d28b96e89d5037c2f231] => 1708090433 [_oembed_45eeee7a7e58677e30594254c12b74ed] =>#BREAKING
— ⚡️🌎 World News 🌐⚡️ (@ferozwala) February 1, 2024
Türkiye: The shooter was apprehended & all #hostages were released in the P&G Chemicals factory in #Türkiye, Turkish media report.
Some staff at a Procter & Gamble factory in northwestern Turkiye had been taken hostage by an armed man apparently protesting against…[_oembed_time_45eeee7a7e58677e30594254c12b74ed] => 1709071769 [_oembed_836f3eadbb9b24a988c3183646fd47d5] =>🚨🇵🇭EARTHQUAKE OF MAGNITUDE 5.6 STRIKES MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) February 10, 2024
Source: Reuters[_oembed_time_836f3eadbb9b24a988c3183646fd47d5] => 1710508780 [_oembed_48b34dfd57cce955f09656fbcf47fa0a] =>🚨Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές εξόρυξης στον κόσμο συνέβη στο Erzincan 🇹🇷 πριν λίγο
— 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚 ™_ (@prokaliptika1) February 13, 2024
Κατέρρευσε το ορυχείο κυανιούχου χρυσού Anagold στο İliç , και έγινε τάφος για τους εργάτες .Το κυάνιο διαχύθηκε στον Ευφράτη ποταμό δίπλα στο ορυχείο καθιστώντας το νερό δηλητηριώδες[_oembed_time_48b34dfd57cce955f09656fbcf47fa0a] => 1710508780 [_oembed_f83c3078648243760aa0530e6a71edd3] =>❗🪨🇹🇷 - A huge landslide left several workers buried underground at the Copler gold mine (Anagold Mining) in the Iliç district of Erzincan province, Turkey.
— 🔥🗞The Informant (@theinformant_x) February 13, 2024
The mountain has literally descended on the mine and Mountains of cyanide and sulfur waste have migrated and millions of…[_oembed_time_f83c3078648243760aa0530e6a71edd3] => 1712245577 [_oembed_da80f219c415f3881a7cb95a432d8b06] =>#UPDATE At least five people were killed and an estimated 1,000 homes destroyed when a magnitude 6.9 earthquake rocked flood-stricken northern Papua New Guinea, officials say.
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) March 25, 2024
"So far, around 1,000 homes have been lost," East Sepik Governor Allan Bird said, adding that emergency…[_oembed_time_da80f219c415f3881a7cb95a432d8b06] => 1712827218 [_oembed_db4c56b5de5a48ee2b6ef866be1e12c7] =>TAIPEI, Taiwan— A 7.4-magnitude earthquake, followed by several strong aftershocks, struck off the east coast of Taiwan on Wednesday morning, killing four people and injuring at least 57, according to Taiwan’s fire department. It also damaged buildings and caused landslides. The…
— (اصغرعلی)Asgher Ali (@itsAsgherAli) April 3, 2024[_oembed_time_db4c56b5de5a48ee2b6ef866be1e12c7] => 1712827218 [_oembed_3d43d8206a697a59eab4569e671834e1] =>7.4 magnitude #earthquake on highway in eastern #Taiwan$BUBBLE $BLOCK $TRIP $MOJO
— Gopal Prajapati🕵️ (@cmd_gopal) April 3, 2024[_oembed_time_3d43d8206a697a59eab4569e671834e1] => 1712827218 [_oembed_3827d3423583e6e69ab1a04601a549f6] =>#BREAKING_NEWS
— Sanju (@SanjayBhat46892) April 3, 2024
ताइवान और जापान में #earthquake
साथ में सुनामी की भी आशंका ।🙏#Taiwan #Japan #Tsunami #earthquake #OMG #Election2024 #SanjaySingh #Kejriwal #RCBvsLSG[_oembed_time_3827d3423583e6e69ab1a04601a549f6] => 1714046354 [_oembed_81fdeb410a13676baebb55754e755457] => [_oembed_time_81fdeb410a13676baebb55754e755457] => 1714046354 [_oembed_cb4c753eee1a0641b08fc00396456207] =>Bugün Antalya Konyaaltı ilçesinde bulunan Sarısu-Tünektepe teleferik hattını taşıyan direklerden birinin devrilmesi sonucu vagonlardan biri kayalık bölgeye düşmüş; teleferikte bulunun 1 vatandaşımız maalesef hayatını kaybetmiş, 7 kişi ise yaralanmıştır
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) April 12, 2024
AFAD ve Antalya Büyükşehir…[_oembed_time_cb4c753eee1a0641b08fc00396456207] => 1718022620 [_oembed_161dd474495498c03af867d956e87398] =>#WATCH: A two-story house in the Oya district of Wajima City after earthquake of magnitude 5.9 hits central Japan.#Oya #Japan #WajimaCity #Earthquake #Japanearthquake
— upuknews (@upuknews1) June 3, 2024[_oembed_time_161dd474495498c03af867d956e87398] => 1718022620 [_oembed_2f5fab0de500857b5a744bf444f77cc0] =>2️⃣2️⃣ ilde Bölücü Terör Örgütüne (BTÖ) yönelik düzenlenen “BOZDOĞAN-39” operasyonlarında haklarında kesinleşmiş hapis cezası ile aranma kaydı bulunan 2️⃣3️⃣9️⃣ şüpheli yakalandı❗️
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) May 16, 2024
Teröristlerin hiçbirine göz açtırmayacağız. Güvenlik güçlerimizin üstün gayretleriyle milletimizin…[_oembed_time_2f5fab0de500857b5a744bf444f77cc0] => 1720523688 [_oembed_f09fdda2eb06eca4144d8a145cfb11f3] =>Pogroms have been going on for several days in Turkey amid the rape of a 7-year-old girl by a migrant from Syria
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) July 3, 2024
Turkish police detained more than 470 participants in anti-Syrian pogroms. The riots began after the detention of a Syrian accused of raping a child in Kayseri…[_oembed_time_f09fdda2eb06eca4144d8a145cfb11f3] => 1720523688 [_oembed_372b96175a3f23007ae1d517e47262a2] =>Torbalı izmir'deki Sanayi Tüpü'nün
— KURULUŞ HABER (@KurulusHaber) June 30, 2024
Patlama Anı Kameralara Yansıdı#SonDakika #patlama[_oembed_time_372b96175a3f23007ae1d517e47262a2] => 1720523689 [_oembed_249ccba5801394f15530d50f2189dc26] =>Turkey blast:
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) January 5, 2017
- Explosion near courthouse in Izmir
- 10 injured
- 2 "attackers" killed, 1 at large - local media[_oembed_time_249ccba5801394f15530d50f2189dc26] => 1720523689 [_oembed_d43219cefba1a25a486e02758ee8c25f] =>📷Assos Antik Kenti'ni de etkileyen yangından kareler.
— Milliyet Arkeoloji Dergisi (@DergiArkeoloji) June 27, 2024
[Anadolu Ajansı-İHA][_oembed_time_d43219cefba1a25a486e02758ee8c25f] => 1720523689 [_oembed_eb084d7d2ce52bef457a8a99d10c121f] =>Dostlar lütfen futbol gündemini fln bırakın sadece bu taga odaklanalim elimizden gelen tek şey bu düzgün yapalım 🙏#YangınBölgesineAcilHelikopter#Diyarbakır
— Tuğra 🇹🇷 (@FerdiVekili19O7) June 20, 2024[_oembed_time_eb084d7d2ce52bef457a8a99d10c121f] => 1724155854 [_oembed_4946960de44f928ffc2aa4be4b58eb6b] =>Magnitude 5.7 earthquake strikes northeast Taiwan. All MRT lines in #Taipei and #NewTaipeiCity have resumed service ‼️
— TVBS World Taiwan (@tvbsworldtaiwan) August 15, 2024[_oembed_time_4946960de44f928ffc2aa4be4b58eb6b] => 1724155854 [_oembed_5ba5bf63ac2cf514a9deb639f5acae00] =>4.4 magnitude earthquake near Highland Park, California. Felt throughout #LosAngeles #breaking
— Chaudhary Parvez (@ChaudharyParvez) August 13, 2024[_oembed_time_5ba5bf63ac2cf514a9deb639f5acae00] => 1724155854 [_oembed_425f27391aebdab4f29426d083520ab5] =>🇯🇵 There was a 6.9 magnitude earthquake south of Miyazaki. Tsunami warning issued for parts of Japan#japan #地震
— Eren 𝕮🇹🇷 (@Eren50855570) August 8, 2024[_oembed_time_425f27391aebdab4f29426d083520ab5] => 1724155854 [_oembed_b466c6ede9c8a8fcd6cbb72f8beef5d3] =>Many report feeling strong shaking from today's M6.9 #earthquake in Miyazaki, southern #Kyushu, Japan, and sharing their scary experience. We share some videos and photos.#地震 #日本@fumina2377 @y0927y_orix @fm_kirishima
— Earthquake Forecasting Global - Quantectum (@QuantectumG) August 8, 2024[_oembed_time_b466c6ede9c8a8fcd6cbb72f8beef5d3] => 1724155855 [_oembed_3ff26ad08f4091790ad3b5d06c3a4748] =>#BREAKING
— Sanjeev 🇮🇳 (@sun4shiva) August 8, 2024
जापान में 7.1 तीव्रता की भूकंप आई #Japan #earthquake #tsunami #宮崎県 #津波[_oembed_time_3ff26ad08f4091790ad3b5d06c3a4748] => 1724155855 [_oembed_d1731335db611a029975890523b8d6a0] =>🇯🇵 | NEW IMAGES OF JAPAN EARTHQUAKE 🚨
—®️ (@sustainme_in) August 8, 2024
The earthquake initially rated 6.9 has been revised to 7.1. Extensive damage reported and a #tsunami risk remains. #Miyazaki #earthquake #Japan#earthquake #earthquakes #Japan[_oembed_time_d1731335db611a029975890523b8d6a0] => 1724996926 [_oembed_0602905bafe3c7fb96fdcafdc2332530] =>tremor de terra em lisboa. #sismo #terramoto #earthquake
— Filipe (@castlvess) August 26, 2024[_oembed_time_0602905bafe3c7fb96fdcafdc2332530] => 1725720687 [_oembed_3a61ea5f40557fdf43440e9c7d674585] =>No hay daños personales, ni materiales, reportados hasta el momento.
— Nayib Bukele (@nayibbukele) August 28, 2024
Electricidad, telefonía, internet, todo funcionando a la normalidad.
Gracias a Dios.[_oembed_time_3a61ea5f40557fdf43440e9c7d674585] => 1729963560 [_oembed_ef2ffdda2f0213367fefce116be92d4d] => [_oembed_time_ef2ffdda2f0213367fefce116be92d4d] => 1736513747 [_oembed_931c2a9654a3eb43d92591dcebaf28d6] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_ddaabd71ed5808f36a526f311d2e6b62] =>Özel Harekat ekipleri TUSAŞ'ın önünde.
— BPT (@bpthaber) October 23, 2024[_oembed_time_ddaabd71ed5808f36a526f311d2e6b62] => 1738579038 [_oembed_7ea612e5e279778b500dc853f861e04a] => [_oembed_time_7ea612e5e279778b500dc853f861e04a] => 1738579038 [_oembed_7d2291b9e1648320ef3ca236fab5aae4] =>Bolu’daki yangında ciddi ihmaller olduğu iddia ediliyor. Yangın alarmının çalmadığı, yangın söndürme sistemi ve yangın merdiveninin bulunmadığı belirtiliyor. Ayrıca Kartalkaya’da itfaiye biriminin olmaması ve ekiplerin ilçe merkezlerinden gelmesi müdahaleyi geciktirmiş.#Bolu
— hasan iyibildiren (@hiyibildiren_) January 21, 2025[_oembed_time_7d2291b9e1648320ef3ca236fab5aae4] => 1738579038 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 41 [2] => 49 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => A nap hírei [1] => Cikkek [2] => Hírek [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 1038 [1] => 8566 [2] => 1067 [3] => 219814 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => földrengés [1] => megmentés [2] => Törökország [3] => törökországi földrengés ) ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 108996 [content] =>Kartalkaya Kayak Merkezi’nde yangın: 10 ölü 32 yaralı
— NOW HABER (@nowhaber) January 21, 2025
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, İçişleri Bakanı Ali Yerlikaya ve Sağlık Bakanı Kemal Memişoğlu yangının çıktığı Kartalkaya’ya hareket etti.éthónapos kisbabát mentettek ki a romok alól a törökországi mentőcsapatok Hatay tartományban 128 órával azt követően, hogy hétfőn 7,8-es erősségű pusztító földrengés sújtotta Törökországot és Szíriát – számolt be a Maszol a dpa hírügynökségre hivatkozva.
A gyermek csodával határos módon túlélte a katasztrófát, a mentés után kórházba szállították.
Bár már régen túllépték a mentés szempontjából kulcsfontosságú 72 órát, a mentőcsapatok még keresik a túlélőket. Szombaton arról számoltak be, hogy Adiyaman tartományban kimentettek egy török házaspárt, miután 129 órát töltöttek a romok alatt, három lányuk azonban vélhetően meghalt.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Kéthónapos kisbabát mentettek ki a romok alól a törökországi mentőcsapatok Hatay tartományban 128 órával azt követően, hogy hétfőn 7,8-es erősségű pusztító földrengés sújtotta Törökországot és Szíriát. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1676208840 [modified] => 1676201067 ) [title] => Igazi csoda: 2 hónapos csecsemőt mentettek ki Törökországban 128 órával a földrengés után [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 108996 [uk] => 109012 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 108998 [image] => Array ( [id] => 108998 [original] => [original_lng] => 159958 [original_w] => 1161 [original_h] => 605 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 156 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 400 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 534 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1161 [height] => 605 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1161 [height] => 605 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1161 [height] => 605 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1676202903:3 [_oembed_95bb53f195c08bfa80056b9400677db2] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_b2e418b6816defc2e1e7e6b92bb707a2] =>[_oembed_time_b2e418b6816defc2e1e7e6b92bb707a2] => 1676193636 [_thumbnail_id] => 108998 [_edit_last] => 5 [views_count] => 1864 [_oembed_ed6992e05d4533e947991f0b63fca50d] => [_oembed_time_ed6992e05d4533e947991f0b63fca50d] => 1676201643 [_oembed_921392d638cea26d2f5435784cb5eda7] =>5.8 magnitude earthquake hit #Indonesia's eastern,#EMSC said.
— Dileep kumar khatri (@DileepKumarPak) February 9, 2023
The #earthquake occurred at 06:28 GMT at a depth of 43 kilometers with the epicenter located 10 kilometers west of the city of #Jayapura in the #eastern province of #Papua.#Karyawati #Earthquake
Source:ammon news[_oembed_time_921392d638cea26d2f5435784cb5eda7] => 1676201644 [enclosure] => 1646019 video/mp4 [_oembed_1885e13c650cbf1dd6d7f2d16d09bb12] =>We will not turn its head away from the tragedy ??is going through, not even when ?? is the subject of a full fledged invasion.87 rescuers,paramedics,with proper gear have arrived to assist and liquidate the aftermath from the earthquake. Life is the most valuable thing
— Meri Akopyan (@_Akopyan_Meri) February 8, 2023[_oembed_time_1885e13c650cbf1dd6d7f2d16d09bb12] => 1676620241 [_oembed_4ae6275e07beeabaaf9501b7e913b68c] =>BREAKING: A 5.3 magnitude earthquake has struck Târgu Jiu, Romania.
— Upward News (@UpwardNewsHQ) February 13, 2023[_oembed_time_4ae6275e07beeabaaf9501b7e913b68c] => 1678035318 [_oembed_91bc2e08ed7ba5b280efe510b6b64404] =>Konya’da oluşan 4.3 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından Karapınar ilçesinde 37 m çapında, 12 m derinliğinde bir obruk oluşmuş .Bu da Ne Ola ki .. #pütürge boşanma #Tacikistan #cumartesi
— Bay Pozitif (@BayPozitif06) February 25, 2023[_oembed_time_91bc2e08ed7ba5b280efe510b6b64404] => 1678885651 [_oembed_363378628b0a4a70bc041ccd9f19bfd0] =>Dog in Turkey found alive after 22 days under the rubble
— BNO News Live (@BNODesk) March 1, 2023[_oembed_time_363378628b0a4a70bc041ccd9f19bfd0] => 1678885651 [_oembed_4bc33702e2590172f9172212e63d4dbe] =>Malatya'da 5.6 şiddetindeki deprem sonrası bir binanın yıkıldığı anlar.
— Yunus Özdemir (@yohannisqecrinn) February 27, 2023
Bir vatandaşımız hayatını kaybetti
110 vatandaşımızın yaralı olduğu bildirildi.#GeçmişOlsunTürkiye #GeçmişOlsunMalatya Kahramanmaraş Afşin Elbistan
Kayseri #malatyadeprem[_oembed_time_4bc33702e2590172f9172212e63d4dbe] => 1679649665 [_oembed_099b3242eb627481ba55500747817bc2] =>⚠️ || Estremece un fuerte sismo a Ecuador, así las primeras imágenes de un supermercado.#Cuenca #Guayaquil #Sismo #Ecuador #Terremoto #Ahora #Earthquake #CurulPuebla
— Curul Puebla (@CurulPuebla) March 18, 2023[_oembed_time_099b3242eb627481ba55500747817bc2] => 1679649665 [_oembed_a6659cb95ae58bbcaf7193f58f5455db] =>A 6.8 magnitude earthquake around Ecuador’s second-largest city kills at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets.
— NBC News World (@NBCNewsWorld) March 18, 2023[_oembed_time_a6659cb95ae58bbcaf7193f58f5455db] => 1679649665 [_oembed_109f953044a295675efd79f5a0f731ed] =>#Earthquake Ecuador ? Daños importantes en #Machala
— ?????????????? (@EarthquakeChil1) March 18, 2023[_oembed_time_109f953044a295675efd79f5a0f731ed] => 1679649666 [_oembed_97c2aee29e8ff93d90ea2a5658d36d85] =>بعد كارثة #الزلزال_المدمر.. فيضانات جارفة تجتاح جنوب #تركيا
— Erem News - إرم نيوز (@EremNews) March 15, 2023
#selfelaketi #Şanlıurfa #Adiyaman[_oembed_time_97c2aee29e8ff93d90ea2a5658d36d85] => 1679649666 [_oembed_b21d34dcc521c27a49f9b2341fa62aa5] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_a7008c6c3f6cb39031817fe4b8613802] =>Depremin üzerinden 38 gün geçti hâlâ vatandaşımızı çadırlardan kurtaramadık.
— Ezgi (@ezgimorad) March 15, 2023
Bu görüntüleri haketmiyoruz.#selfelaketi #Adiyaman #Malatya #Urfa #yagmur #deprem #sanliurfasel #balikligol[_oembed_time_a7008c6c3f6cb39031817fe4b8613802] => 1680598235 [_oembed_3f0bce666a9db9fb135d160a02a25940] =>Terrible news of a fire outbreak at a hotel in Istanbul's Pendik district.
— Daily Turkic (@DailyTurkic) March 24, 2023[_oembed_time_3f0bce666a9db9fb135d160a02a25940] => 1681562192 [_oembed_da4fa654f39ae73a71fdb7a923aaf35b] => [_oembed_time_da4fa654f39ae73a71fdb7a923aaf35b] => 1682865488 [_oembed_6f60f0dba28deb43f6e60873a30d50fd] =>Adana’da kuvvetli yağış ve dolu sele neden oldu! Doluyla karışık şiddetli yağış var. Şehrin bir çok yerinde trafik kilit. Lütfen tüm belediyelerimiz teyakkuza geçsin. Allah afetinden korusun!
— Adanacity (@bizadanaliyik) April 21, 2023[_oembed_time_6f60f0dba28deb43f6e60873a30d50fd] => 1682865488 [_oembed_7d318b0c7b967a7249dd6b675136a2e4] =>Son Dakika: Adana'da bazı yerlerde 30 santimetre dolu yağdı. İşte dolu sonrası oluşan görüntüler... ?
— Hava Forum (@HavaForum) April 21, 2023
#adana #yagmur #dolu[_oembed_time_7d318b0c7b967a7249dd6b675136a2e4] => 1682966609 [_oembed_4d641c97188de7be77fa753935ceb0d0] =>In Izmir, a multi-storey building caught fire, some of the residents jumped out of the windows
— Spriter (@Spriter99880) April 27, 2023[_oembed_time_4d641c97188de7be77fa753935ceb0d0] => 1682966609 [_oembed_e2a3e3bc229ca8458714cfcb4e46d2e8] =>A devastating fire has raged at a holiday hotspot for Brits, forcing some flat block residents to jump off their balconies to escape the blaze
— Daily Star (@dailystar) April 28, 2023[_oembed_time_e2a3e3bc229ca8458714cfcb4e46d2e8] => 1683308332 [_oembed_6d3d0884721fd222700acad5bb47b6e5] =>#Turkey has neutralised Abu Hussein al-Qurayshi, leader of the #IslamicState (IS) terror group, during an intelligence operation in #Syria, President #RecepTayyipErdogan has announced.
— Bilkul Online: Business & Lifestyle News (@bilkulonline) May 1, 2023[_oembed_time_6d3d0884721fd222700acad5bb47b6e5] => 1687359123 [_oembed_22d77a95f5d3957b1f7c9caf23cc961a] =>? Vidéo impressionnante du #seisme qui a secoué l'ouest de la France ce vendredi en fin de journée. L'épicentre était situé entre Niort et La Rochelle.
— Actus Meteo (@actus_meteo) June 17, 2023
? Alain Doyen | #earthquake[_oembed_time_22d77a95f5d3957b1f7c9caf23cc961a] => 1687359123 [_oembed_09ef06526ba66e42b3233aab2d17e99f] =>? Les 500 habitants du village de La Laigne ont été évacués après le tremblement de terre @SDIS17 @Gendarmerie_017 #CharenteMaritime #seisme #tremblementdeterre
— France Bleu La Rochelle (@Bleu_Rochelle) June 17, 2023
➡️[_oembed_time_09ef06526ba66e42b3233aab2d17e99f] => 1687359123 [_oembed_3006d8b9f143af240e43bc14bd1d4705] =>BREAKING NEWS: Deep earthquake rattled the Philippines today, fortunately with no immediate major damage or casualties reported.
— Zee Business (@ZeeBusiness) June 15, 2023
Read more on ZeeBiz: #Philippines #tremors[_oembed_time_3006d8b9f143af240e43bc14bd1d4705] => 1687359123 [_oembed_1c9a5af33f2edf02a9d3270fc9587adf] =>#BREAKING #Explosion at #rocket and explosives factory in #Turkey kills 5 #pakustv #NYC #Ankara #Turkiye
— Ch.Amjad Ali (@saada186) June 10, 2023[_oembed_time_1c9a5af33f2edf02a9d3270fc9587adf] => 1689495086 [_oembed_f615e6273216a4f76bd07ec3126dd654] => [_oembed_time_f615e6273216a4f76bd07ec3126dd654] => 1689495086 [_oembed_3307234ddbd51921204894ab2e418034] =>? Grebaštica, Šibenik trenutno?
— Kolajna (@_KoVlajna_) July 13, 2023
Svake godine isto, a sezona požara u Šibenskoj i Zadarskoj županiji tek krenula...[_oembed_time_3307234ddbd51921204894ab2e418034] => 1689495086 [_oembed_3655783ce013432b91ab1228cade700e] => Nagy erdőtűz dúl Törökországban #foryou #foryourpage #hírek #hiradohu #tűz #törökország #nekedbe #fyp
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_3655783ce013432b91ab1228cade700e] => 1691865563 [_oembed_a37a30cbaf4ae8a4b58203b8faf21b8f] =>A large explosion struck the grain silos in the Turkish port of Derince today. The cause is yet unknown.
— Status-6 (@Archer83Able) August 7, 2023
Derince is one of the few ports in Turkey under government control.
According to CNN Türk, at least 5 people were injured and taken to the hospital.[_oembed_time_a37a30cbaf4ae8a4b58203b8faf21b8f] => 1692551058 [_oembed_e01471f9189709e5d80298c3ffaa59ac] =>A 6.0 magnitude earthquake just hit the Hokkaido region in Japan. #Tokyo #Japan #Breaking
— News Detector (@LiveNewsPlace) August 11, 2023[_oembed_time_e01471f9189709e5d80298c3ffaa59ac] => 1692551059 [_oembed_6598bd45c7f85ed6f8ce8354e0257767] =>Malatya'da saat 20.48'de 5,3 büyüklüğünde meydana gelen deprem, güvenlik kamerasına yansıdı
— Anadolu Ajansı (@anadoluajansi) August 10, 2023[_oembed_time_6598bd45c7f85ed6f8ce8354e0257767] => 1692697484 [_oembed_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] =>3 earthquakes in Colombia in half an hour :
— Anand Panna (@AnandPanna1) August 18, 2023
The fastest was 6.3 intensity, 1 killed; A part of the roof of Parliament collapsed
Moment when 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit #Bogotá in #Colombia #earthquake #sismo #ultimahora #terremoto #SismosColombiaSGC #tremor[_oembed_time_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] => 1694509941 [_oembed_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] =>Moment of building collapse after the strong #earthquake hits in #Marrakesh of #Morocco.
— Anil Kumar Verma (@AnilKumarVerma_) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] => 1694509942 [_oembed_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] =>Horrific moment of collapse caught on security camera? #Morocco #earthquake #moroccoearthquake #deprem #زلزال #زلزال_المغرب #fas #fas_depremi #morocco #maroc #earthquake
— Muhammad Arif Khan (@M_Arif61) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] => 1695923959 [_oembed_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] =>? #BREAKING | #Morocco | #earthquake | #Marrakech |#الزلزال | #المغرب
— Bot News (@BotNews18) September 9, 2023
There is almost nothing left of Adassil village in Morocco. You can hear the absolute heartbreak in this mans voice.[_oembed_time_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] => 1698681639 [_oembed_cae3677670cd9cc9e0e4b680fc307671] => A földrengés sújtotta Afganisztánnak nemzetközi segítségre van szüksége az újjáépítéshez #fy #fyp #nekedbe #hiradohu #hirek #afganisztán #katasztrófa #földrengés #újjáépítés #túlélők
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_cae3677670cd9cc9e0e4b680fc307671] => 1700072231 [_oembed_6c24a73ab41c18f9144e01d1a9091484] =>#BREAKING: North India including bihar patna , delhi ncr , Gurgaon , haryana and Nepal hit by a scary earthquake.#earthquake #Delhi #Nepal #DelhiNCR #Noida #Tremors #भूकंप #Bihar #Patna
— Vidarbha Times (@VidarbhaaTimes) November 3, 2023[_oembed_time_6c24a73ab41c18f9144e01d1a9091484] => 1700072231 [_oembed_984495a799200a11cf9f65b7c8445c91] =>#Earthquake (#σεισμός) possibly felt 19 sec ago in #Greece. Felt it? Tell us via:
— EMSC (@LastQuake) November 3, 2023
⚠ Automatic crowdsourced detection, not seismically verified yet. More info soon![_oembed_time_984495a799200a11cf9f65b7c8445c91] => 1701373751 [_oembed_36becc28443b76fa3d849d5402d413dc] =>BREAKING NEWS: ???
— Bondie ?????? (@jamesbond007nzl) November 22, 2023
7.0 - 98 km E of Port-Olry, Vanuatu at a depth of 22.5km
BASED ON ALL AVAILABLE DATA... THERE IS NO TSUNAMI THREAT FROM THIS EARTHQUAKE[_oembed_time_36becc28443b76fa3d849d5402d413dc] => 1704629564 [_oembed_550e993fefa5156e6cd2cbf2dd2fbc54] => [_oembed_time_550e993fefa5156e6cd2cbf2dd2fbc54] => 1704629564 [_oembed_836f3eadbb9b24a988c3183646fd47d5] => [_oembed_time_836f3eadbb9b24a988c3183646fd47d5] => 1708550567 [_oembed_48b34dfd57cce955f09656fbcf47fa0a] =>🚨Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές εξόρυξης στον κόσμο συνέβη στο Erzincan 🇹🇷 πριν λίγο
— 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚 ™_ (@prokaliptika1) February 13, 2024
Κατέρρευσε το ορυχείο κυανιούχου χρυσού Anagold στο İliç , και έγινε τάφος για τους εργάτες .Το κυάνιο διαχύθηκε στον Ευφράτη ποταμό δίπλα στο ορυχείο καθιστώντας το νερό δηλητηριώδες[_oembed_time_48b34dfd57cce955f09656fbcf47fa0a] => 1708550567 [_oembed_7765e2890d7305cfe37678a50df96313] =>❗🪨🇹🇷 - A huge landslide left several workers buried underground at the Copler gold mine (Anagold Mining) in the Iliç district of Erzincan province, Turkey.
— 🔥🗞The Informant (@theinformantofc) February 13, 2024
The mountain has literally descended on the mine and Mountains of cyanide and sulfur waste have migrated and millions of…[_oembed_time_7765e2890d7305cfe37678a50df96313] => 1708550568 [_oembed_ecd4bbdc9f40e2bcb33bd497c59c738d] => [_oembed_time_ecd4bbdc9f40e2bcb33bd497c59c738d] => 1708550568 [_oembed_ef71de304a3ba0c3f3c5bb6019a764f6] =>Milletimizin başı sağ olsun🇹🇷
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) February 3, 2024
Bu akşam Gaziantep Havalimanına gitmek için Hatay Havalimanından havalanan Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Havacılık Daire Başkanlığı envanterine kayıtlı EM 708 kuyruk numaralı helikopterimiz, Gaziantep'in Nurdağı ilçesi Kartal Köyü mevkiinde kaza kırıma…[_oembed_time_ef71de304a3ba0c3f3c5bb6019a764f6] => 1708550568 [_oembed_9a93850628c8d28b96e89d5037c2f231] =>Turkish media reports that in protest against the war in Gaza, an armed individual has taken employees of the Procter & Gamble plant hostage in Kocaeli province.
— Rat Bastard (@RRespawned) February 1, 2024
The police are on the scene. No further details yet.[_oembed_time_9a93850628c8d28b96e89d5037c2f231] => 1708550568 [_oembed_45eeee7a7e58677e30594254c12b74ed] =>#BREAKING
— ⚡️🌎 World News 🌐⚡️ (@ferozwala) February 1, 2024
Türkiye: The shooter was apprehended & all #hostages were released in the P&G Chemicals factory in #Türkiye, Turkish media report.
Some staff at a Procter & Gamble factory in northwestern Turkiye had been taken hostage by an armed man apparently protesting against…[_oembed_time_45eeee7a7e58677e30594254c12b74ed] => 1711880133 [_oembed_da80f219c415f3881a7cb95a432d8b06] =>🚨🇵🇭EARTHQUAKE OF MAGNITUDE 5.6 STRIKES MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) February 10, 2024
Source: Reuters[_oembed_time_da80f219c415f3881a7cb95a432d8b06] => 1712929763 [_oembed_db4c56b5de5a48ee2b6ef866be1e12c7] =>TAIPEI, Taiwan— A 7.4-magnitude earthquake, followed by several strong aftershocks, struck off the east coast of Taiwan on Wednesday morning, killing four people and injuring at least 57, according to Taiwan’s fire department. It also damaged buildings and caused landslides. The…
— (اصغرعلی)Asgher Ali (@itsAsgherAli) April 3, 2024[_oembed_time_db4c56b5de5a48ee2b6ef866be1e12c7] => 1712929763 [_oembed_3d43d8206a697a59eab4569e671834e1] =>7.4 magnitude #earthquake on highway in eastern #Taiwan$BUBBLE $BLOCK $TRIP $MOJO
— Gopal Prajapati🕵️ (@cmd_gopal) April 3, 2024[_oembed_time_3d43d8206a697a59eab4569e671834e1] => 1712929763 [_oembed_f83c3078648243760aa0530e6a71edd3] =>#BREAKING_NEWS
— Sanju (@SanjayBhat46892) April 3, 2024
ताइवान और जापान में #earthquake
साथ में सुनामी की भी आशंका ।🙏#Taiwan #Japan #Tsunami #earthquake #OMG #Election2024 #SanjaySingh #Kejriwal #RCBvsLSG[_oembed_time_f83c3078648243760aa0530e6a71edd3] => 1712929764 [_oembed_3827d3423583e6e69ab1a04601a549f6] =>#UPDATE At least five people were killed and an estimated 1,000 homes destroyed when a magnitude 6.9 earthquake rocked flood-stricken northern Papua New Guinea, officials say.
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) March 25, 2024
"So far, around 1,000 homes have been lost," East Sepik Governor Allan Bird said, adding that emergency…[_oembed_time_3827d3423583e6e69ab1a04601a549f6] => 1713351120 [_oembed_81fdeb410a13676baebb55754e755457] =>Bugün Antalya Konyaaltı ilçesinde bulunan Sarısu-Tünektepe teleferik hattını taşıyan direklerden birinin devrilmesi sonucu vagonlardan biri kayalık bölgeye düşmüş; teleferikte bulunun 1 vatandaşımız maalesef hayatını kaybetmiş, 7 kişi ise yaralanmıştır
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) April 12, 2024
AFAD ve Antalya Büyükşehir…[_oembed_time_81fdeb410a13676baebb55754e755457] => 1713351120 [_oembed_161dd474495498c03af867d956e87398] => [_oembed_time_161dd474495498c03af867d956e87398] => 1717315826 [_oembed_fc8b9c867204025eb2035a56c4a6b442] =>2️⃣2️⃣ ilde Bölücü Terör Örgütüne (BTÖ) yönelik düzenlenen “BOZDOĞAN-39” operasyonlarında haklarında kesinleşmiş hapis cezası ile aranma kaydı bulunan 2️⃣3️⃣9️⃣ şüpheli yakalandı❗️
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) May 16, 2024
Teröristlerin hiçbirine göz açtırmayacağız. Güvenlik güçlerimizin üstün gayretleriyle milletimizin…[_oembed_time_fc8b9c867204025eb2035a56c4a6b442] => 1718254722 [_oembed_cb4c753eee1a0641b08fc00396456207] =>Two pilots died in a training plane crash in central Turkey
— S p r i n t e r F a m i l y (@SprinterFamily) June 4, 2024[_oembed_time_cb4c753eee1a0641b08fc00396456207] => 1718353407 [_oembed_826f125044bd1291361f43a0dcc4a92b] =>#WATCH: A two-story house in the Oya district of Wajima City after earthquake of magnitude 5.9 hits central Japan.#Oya #Japan #WajimaCity #Earthquake #Japanearthquake
— upuknews (@upuknews1) June 3, 2024[_oembed_time_826f125044bd1291361f43a0dcc4a92b] => 1720721466 [_oembed_2f5fab0de500857b5a744bf444f77cc0] => [_oembed_time_2f5fab0de500857b5a744bf444f77cc0] => 1720721466 [_oembed_f09fdda2eb06eca4144d8a145cfb11f3] =>Pogroms have been going on for several days in Turkey amid the rape of a 7-year-old girl by a migrant from Syria
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) July 3, 2024
Turkish police detained more than 470 participants in anti-Syrian pogroms. The riots began after the detention of a Syrian accused of raping a child in Kayseri…[_oembed_time_f09fdda2eb06eca4144d8a145cfb11f3] => 1720721466 [_oembed_372b96175a3f23007ae1d517e47262a2] =>Torbalı izmir'deki Sanayi Tüpü'nün
— KURULUŞ HABER (@KurulusHaber) June 30, 2024
Patlama Anı Kameralara Yansıdı#SonDakika #patlama[_oembed_time_372b96175a3f23007ae1d517e47262a2] => 1720721467 [_oembed_249ccba5801394f15530d50f2189dc26] =>Turkey blast:
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) January 5, 2017
- Explosion near courthouse in Izmir
- 10 injured
- 2 "attackers" killed, 1 at large - local media[_oembed_time_249ccba5801394f15530d50f2189dc26] => 1720721467 [_oembed_d43219cefba1a25a486e02758ee8c25f] =>📷Assos Antik Kenti'ni de etkileyen yangından kareler.
— Milliyet Arkeoloji Dergisi (@DergiArkeoloji) June 27, 2024
[Anadolu Ajansı-İHA][_oembed_time_d43219cefba1a25a486e02758ee8c25f] => 1720721467 [_oembed_5ba5bf63ac2cf514a9deb639f5acae00] =>Dostlar lütfen futbol gündemini fln bırakın sadece bu taga odaklanalim elimizden gelen tek şey bu düzgün yapalım 🙏#YangınBölgesineAcilHelikopter#Diyarbakır
— Tuğra 🇹🇷 (@FerdiVekili19O7) June 20, 2024[_oembed_time_5ba5bf63ac2cf514a9deb639f5acae00] => 1723273848 [_oembed_425f27391aebdab4f29426d083520ab5] =>🇯🇵 There was a 6.9 magnitude earthquake south of Miyazaki. Tsunami warning issued for parts of Japan#japan #地震
— Eren 𝕮🇹🇷 (@Eren50855570) August 8, 2024[_oembed_time_425f27391aebdab4f29426d083520ab5] => 1723273848 [_oembed_b466c6ede9c8a8fcd6cbb72f8beef5d3] =>Many report feeling strong shaking from today's M6.9 #earthquake in Miyazaki, southern #Kyushu, Japan, and sharing their scary experience. We share some videos and photos.#地震 #日本@fumina2377 @y0927y_orix @fm_kirishima
— Earthquake Forecasting Global - Quantectum (@QuantectumG) August 8, 2024[_oembed_time_b466c6ede9c8a8fcd6cbb72f8beef5d3] => 1723273848 [_oembed_3ff26ad08f4091790ad3b5d06c3a4748] =>#BREAKING
— Sanjeev 🇮🇳 (@sun4shiva) August 8, 2024
जापान में 7.1 तीव्रता की भूकंप आई #Japan #earthquake #tsunami #宮崎県 #津波[_oembed_time_3ff26ad08f4091790ad3b5d06c3a4748] => 1723273848 [_oembed_eb084d7d2ce52bef457a8a99d10c121f] =>🇯🇵 | NEW IMAGES OF JAPAN EARTHQUAKE 🚨
—®️ (@sustainme_in) August 8, 2024
The earthquake initially rated 6.9 has been revised to 7.1. Extensive damage reported and a #tsunami risk remains. #Miyazaki #earthquake #Japan#earthquake #earthquakes #Japan[_oembed_time_eb084d7d2ce52bef457a8a99d10c121f] => 1724242784 [_oembed_4946960de44f928ffc2aa4be4b58eb6b] =>Magnitude 5.7 earthquake strikes northeast Taiwan. All MRT lines in #Taipei and #NewTaipeiCity have resumed service ‼️
— TVBS World Taiwan (@tvbsworldtaiwan) August 15, 2024[_oembed_time_4946960de44f928ffc2aa4be4b58eb6b] => 1724242785 [_oembed_0602905bafe3c7fb96fdcafdc2332530] =>4.4 magnitude earthquake near Highland Park, California. Felt throughout #LosAngeles #breaking
— Chaudhary Parvez (@ChaudharyParvez) August 13, 2024[_oembed_time_0602905bafe3c7fb96fdcafdc2332530] => 1725528262 [_oembed_d1731335db611a029975890523b8d6a0] =>No hay daños personales, ni materiales, reportados hasta el momento.
— Nayib Bukele (@nayibbukele) August 28, 2024
Electricidad, telefonía, internet, todo funcionando a la normalidad.
Gracias a Dios.[_oembed_time_d1731335db611a029975890523b8d6a0] => 1725528262 [_oembed_3a61ea5f40557fdf43440e9c7d674585] =>tremor de terra em lisboa. #sismo #terramoto #earthquake
— Filipe (@castlvess) August 26, 2024[_oembed_time_3a61ea5f40557fdf43440e9c7d674585] => 1730275660 [_oembed_0a05eeab017450f8eadbdc6a6ff87e62] =>Özel Harekat ekipleri TUSAŞ'ın önünde.
— BPT (@bpthaber) October 23, 2024[_oembed_time_0a05eeab017450f8eadbdc6a6ff87e62] => 1739730352 [_oembed_ddaabd71ed5808f36a526f311d2e6b62] =>Yunanistan’ın Santorini Adası çevresinde başlayan sismik hareketlilik devam ediyor. Bölgede 26 Ocak'tan bu yana deprem fırtınası yaşanıyor. Son deprem ise bu sabah saatlerinde meydana geldi. AFAD saat 06.36'da meydana gelen depremin büyüklüğünü 4,5 olarak duyurdu. Yunanistan ise…
— İstanbul Ankara Haber (@istanbulAnkaraH) February 6, 2025[_oembed_time_ddaabd71ed5808f36a526f311d2e6b62] => 1739730352 [_oembed_cd99ce5f2171924aeef7df0af8f7f4ed] =>Bolu’daki yangında ciddi ihmaller olduğu iddia ediliyor. Yangın alarmının çalmadığı, yangın söndürme sistemi ve yangın merdiveninin bulunmadığı belirtiliyor. Ayrıca Kartalkaya’da itfaiye biriminin olmaması ve ekiplerin ilçe merkezlerinden gelmesi müdahaleyi geciktirmiş.#Bolu
— hasan iyibildiren (@hiyibildiren_) January 21, 2025[_oembed_time_cd99ce5f2171924aeef7df0af8f7f4ed] => 1741803559 [_oembed_127f94695bd8e45f259112f3583a58aa] =>Over 100 people have reportedly died from consuming counterfeit alcohol in Turkey, prompting a government warning to tourists.
— Daily Star (@dailystar) February 11, 2025[_oembed_time_127f94695bd8e45f259112f3583a58aa] => 1741803560 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 41 [2] => 49 [3] => 25 [4] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => A nap hírei [1] => Cikkek [2] => Hírek [3] => Videók [4] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 1038 [1] => 8566 [2] => 1067 [3] => 9601 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => földrengés [1] => megmentés [2] => Törökország [3] => túlélő ) ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 108994 [content] =>Turkey Issues Fake Alcohol Warning After More Than 100 People Die From Poisoning In Tourist Hotspots
— NDTV WORLD (@NDTVWORLD) February 12, 2025A február 6-i földrengés egyik leginkább érintett törökországi Gaziantep városában 115 óra után élve sikerült kimenekíteni egy várandós nőt a romok alól.
A hírt az Anadolu hírügynökség közölte – írja a Jevropejszka pravda.
Ugyanezen a helyszínen egy 9 éves kislányt is sikerült élve kiemelni a romok közül, a gyerek 108 órát volt a törmelékek fogságában, családtagjai mind meghaltak.
[type] => post [excerpt] => A február 6-i földrengés egyik leginkább érintett törökországi Gaziantep városában 115 óra után élve sikerült kimenekíteni egy várandós nőt a romok alól. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1676204460 [modified] => 1676198857 ) [title] => 115 órával a törökországi földrengés után élve sikerült kimenekíteni egy várandós nőt a romok alól [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 108994 [uk] => 108930 ) [trid] => vik3255 [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 108932 [image] => Array ( [id] => 108932 [original] => [original_lng] => 175202 [original_w] => 859 [original_h] => 483 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 859 [height] => 483 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 859 [height] => 483 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 859 [height] => 483 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 859 [height] => 483 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1676191658:5 [_thumbnail_id] => 108932 [_edit_last] => 5 [views_count] => 1337 [_hipstart_feed_include] => 1 [_oembed_ed6992e05d4533e947991f0b63fca50d] =>[_oembed_time_ed6992e05d4533e947991f0b63fca50d] => 1676191630 [_oembed_921392d638cea26d2f5435784cb5eda7] =>5.8 magnitude earthquake hit #Indonesia's eastern,#EMSC said.
— Dileep kumar khatri (@DileepKumarPak) February 9, 2023
The #earthquake occurred at 06:28 GMT at a depth of 43 kilometers with the epicenter located 10 kilometers west of the city of #Jayapura in the #eastern province of #Papua.#Karyawati #Earthquake
Source:ammon news[_oembed_time_921392d638cea26d2f5435784cb5eda7] => 1676191630 [_oembed_b2e418b6816defc2e1e7e6b92bb707a2] =>We will not turn its head away from the tragedy ??is going through, not even when ?? is the subject of a full fledged invasion.87 rescuers,paramedics,with proper gear have arrived to assist and liquidate the aftermath from the earthquake. Life is the most valuable thing
— Meri Akopyan (@_Akopyan_Meri) February 8, 2023[_oembed_time_b2e418b6816defc2e1e7e6b92bb707a2] => 1676314218 [_oembed_4ae6275e07beeabaaf9501b7e913b68c] => [_oembed_time_4ae6275e07beeabaaf9501b7e913b68c] => 1678435420 [_oembed_91bc2e08ed7ba5b280efe510b6b64404] =>Konya’da oluşan 4.3 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından Karapınar ilçesinde 37 m çapında, 12 m derinliğinde bir obruk oluşmuş .Bu da Ne Ola ki .. #pütürge boşanma #Tacikistan #cumartesi
— Bay Pozitif (@BayPozitif06) February 25, 2023[_oembed_time_91bc2e08ed7ba5b280efe510b6b64404] => 1678518409 [_oembed_363378628b0a4a70bc041ccd9f19bfd0] =>Dog in Turkey found alive after 22 days under the rubble
— BNO News Live (@BNODesk) March 1, 2023[_oembed_time_363378628b0a4a70bc041ccd9f19bfd0] => 1678518409 [_oembed_a7008c6c3f6cb39031817fe4b8613802] =>Malatya'da 5.6 şiddetindeki deprem sonrası bir binanın yıkıldığı anlar.
— Yunus Özdemir (@yohannisqecrinn) February 27, 2023
Bir vatandaşımız hayatını kaybetti
110 vatandaşımızın yaralı olduğu bildirildi.#GeçmişOlsunTürkiye #GeçmişOlsunMalatya Kahramanmaraş Afşin Elbistan
Kayseri #malatyadeprem[_oembed_time_a7008c6c3f6cb39031817fe4b8613802] => 1679941508 [_oembed_4bc33702e2590172f9172212e63d4dbe] =>Terrible news of a fire outbreak at a hotel in Istanbul's Pendik district.
— Daily Turkic (@DailyTurkic) March 24, 2023[_oembed_time_4bc33702e2590172f9172212e63d4dbe] => 1679941508 [_oembed_099b3242eb627481ba55500747817bc2] =>⚠️ || Estremece un fuerte sismo a Ecuador, así las primeras imágenes de un supermercado.#Cuenca #Guayaquil #Sismo #Ecuador #Terremoto #Ahora #Earthquake #CurulPuebla
— Curul Puebla (@CurulPuebla) March 18, 2023[_oembed_time_099b3242eb627481ba55500747817bc2] => 1679941508 [_oembed_a6659cb95ae58bbcaf7193f58f5455db] =>A 6.8 magnitude earthquake around Ecuador’s second-largest city kills at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets.
— NBC News World (@NBCNewsWorld) March 18, 2023[_oembed_time_a6659cb95ae58bbcaf7193f58f5455db] => 1679941509 [_oembed_109f953044a295675efd79f5a0f731ed] =>#Earthquake Ecuador ? Daños importantes en #Machala
— ?????????????? (@EarthquakeChil1) March 18, 2023[_oembed_time_109f953044a295675efd79f5a0f731ed] => 1679941509 [_oembed_97c2aee29e8ff93d90ea2a5658d36d85] =>بعد كارثة #الزلزال_المدمر.. فيضانات جارفة تجتاح جنوب #تركيا
— Erem News - إرم نيوز (@EremNews) March 15, 2023
#selfelaketi #Şanlıurfa #Adiyaman[_oembed_time_97c2aee29e8ff93d90ea2a5658d36d85] => 1679941509 [_oembed_b21d34dcc521c27a49f9b2341fa62aa5] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_3f0bce666a9db9fb135d160a02a25940] =>Depremin üzerinden 38 gün geçti hâlâ vatandaşımızı çadırlardan kurtaramadık.
— Ezgi (@ezgimorad) March 15, 2023
Bu görüntüleri haketmiyoruz.#selfelaketi #Adiyaman #Malatya #Urfa #yagmur #deprem #sanliurfasel #balikligol[_oembed_time_3f0bce666a9db9fb135d160a02a25940] => 1681886495 [_oembed_da4fa654f39ae73a71fdb7a923aaf35b] => [_oembed_time_da4fa654f39ae73a71fdb7a923aaf35b] => 1682753143 [_oembed_6f60f0dba28deb43f6e60873a30d50fd] =>Adana’da kuvvetli yağış ve dolu sele neden oldu! Doluyla karışık şiddetli yağış var. Şehrin bir çok yerinde trafik kilit. Lütfen tüm belediyelerimiz teyakkuza geçsin. Allah afetinden korusun!
— Adanacity (@bizadanaliyik) April 21, 2023[_oembed_time_6f60f0dba28deb43f6e60873a30d50fd] => 1682753144 [_oembed_e2a3e3bc229ca8458714cfcb4e46d2e8] =>Son Dakika: Adana'da bazı yerlerde 30 santimetre dolu yağdı. İşte dolu sonrası oluşan görüntüler... ?
— Hava Forum (@HavaForum) April 21, 2023
#adana #yagmur #dolu[_oembed_time_e2a3e3bc229ca8458714cfcb4e46d2e8] => 1683463877 [_oembed_7d318b0c7b967a7249dd6b675136a2e4] =>#Turkey has neutralised Abu Hussein al-Qurayshi, leader of the #IslamicState (IS) terror group, during an intelligence operation in #Syria, President #RecepTayyipErdogan has announced.
— Bilkul Online: Business & Lifestyle News (@bilkulonline) May 1, 2023[_oembed_time_7d318b0c7b967a7249dd6b675136a2e4] => 1683463878 [_oembed_4d641c97188de7be77fa753935ceb0d0] =>In Izmir, a multi-storey building caught fire, some of the residents jumped out of the windows
— Spriter (@Spriter99880) April 27, 2023[_oembed_time_4d641c97188de7be77fa753935ceb0d0] => 1683463878 [_oembed_6d3d0884721fd222700acad5bb47b6e5] =>A devastating fire has raged at a holiday hotspot for Brits, forcing some flat block residents to jump off their balconies to escape the blaze
— Daily Star (@dailystar) April 28, 2023[_oembed_time_6d3d0884721fd222700acad5bb47b6e5] => 1687277939 [_oembed_22d77a95f5d3957b1f7c9caf23cc961a] =>? Vidéo impressionnante du #seisme qui a secoué l'ouest de la France ce vendredi en fin de journée. L'épicentre était situé entre Niort et La Rochelle.
— Actus Meteo (@actus_meteo) June 17, 2023
? Alain Doyen | #earthquake[_oembed_time_22d77a95f5d3957b1f7c9caf23cc961a] => 1687277939 [_oembed_09ef06526ba66e42b3233aab2d17e99f] =>? Les 500 habitants du village de La Laigne ont été évacués après le tremblement de terre @SDIS17 @Gendarmerie_017 #CharenteMaritime #seisme #tremblementdeterre
— France Bleu La Rochelle (@Bleu_Rochelle) June 17, 2023
➡️[_oembed_time_09ef06526ba66e42b3233aab2d17e99f] => 1687277940 [_oembed_3006d8b9f143af240e43bc14bd1d4705] =>BREAKING NEWS: Deep earthquake rattled the Philippines today, fortunately with no immediate major damage or casualties reported.
— Zee Business (@ZeeBusiness) June 15, 2023
Read more on ZeeBiz: #Philippines #tremors[_oembed_time_3006d8b9f143af240e43bc14bd1d4705] => 1687277940 [_oembed_29cb5620861f22076e09a82bebf5ba65] =>#BREAKING #Explosion at #rocket and explosives factory in #Turkey kills 5 #pakustv #NYC #Ankara #Turkiye
— Ch.Amjad Ali (@saada186) June 10, 2023[_oembed_time_29cb5620861f22076e09a82bebf5ba65] => 1690787502 [_oembed_1c9a5af33f2edf02a9d3270fc9587adf] =>??? Adana'da meydana gelen 5.5 büyüklüğündeki deprem sonrası kırsal alanda toz bulutu oluştu#deprem oldu #Kayseri #Earthquake #Kahramanmaraş #Turkey
— Eren ??? (@Eren50855570) July 25, 2023[_oembed_time_1c9a5af33f2edf02a9d3270fc9587adf] => 1690787502 [_oembed_f615e6273216a4f76bd07ec3126dd654] => [_oembed_time_f615e6273216a4f76bd07ec3126dd654] => 1690787502 [_oembed_3307234ddbd51921204894ab2e418034] =>? Grebaštica, Šibenik trenutno?
— Kolajna (@_KoVlajna_) July 13, 2023
Svake godine isto, a sezona požara u Šibenskoj i Zadarskoj županiji tek krenula...[_oembed_time_3307234ddbd51921204894ab2e418034] => 1690787503 [_oembed_3655783ce013432b91ab1228cade700e] => Nagy erdőtűz dúl Törökországban #foryou #foryourpage #hírek #hiradohu #tűz #törökország #nekedbe #fyp
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_3655783ce013432b91ab1228cade700e] => 1693374935 [_oembed_6598bd45c7f85ed6f8ce8354e0257767] =>A large explosion struck the grain silos in the Turkish port of Derince today. The cause is yet unknown.
— Status-6 (@Archer83Able) August 7, 2023
Derince is one of the few ports in Turkey under government control.
According to CNN Türk, at least 5 people were injured and taken to the hospital.[_oembed_time_6598bd45c7f85ed6f8ce8354e0257767] => 1693680969 [_oembed_a37a30cbaf4ae8a4b58203b8faf21b8f] =>3 earthquakes in Colombia in half an hour :
— Anand Panna (@AnandPanna1) August 18, 2023
The fastest was 6.3 intensity, 1 killed; A part of the roof of Parliament collapsed
Moment when 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit #Bogotá in #Colombia #earthquake #sismo #ultimahora #terremoto #SismosColombiaSGC #tremor[_oembed_time_a37a30cbaf4ae8a4b58203b8faf21b8f] => 1693680969 [_oembed_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] =>A 6.0 magnitude earthquake just hit the Hokkaido region in Japan. #Tokyo #Japan #Breaking
— News Detector (@LiveNewsPlace) August 11, 2023[_oembed_time_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] => 1695051226 [_oembed_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] =>? #BREAKING | #Morocco | #earthquake | #Marrakech |#الزلزال | #المغرب
— Bot News (@BotNews18) September 9, 2023
There is almost nothing left of Adassil village in Morocco. You can hear the absolute heartbreak in this mans voice.[_oembed_time_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] => 1695051226 [_oembed_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] =>Moment of building collapse after the strong #earthquake hits in #Marrakesh of #Morocco.
— Anil Kumar Verma (@AnilKumarVerma_) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] => 1695051226 [_oembed_e01471f9189709e5d80298c3ffaa59ac] =>Horrific moment of collapse caught on security camera? #Morocco #earthquake #moroccoearthquake #deprem #زلزال #زلزال_المغرب #fas #fas_depremi #morocco #maroc #earthquake
— Muhammad Arif Khan (@M_Arif61) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_e01471f9189709e5d80298c3ffaa59ac] => 1695051226 [_oembed_cae3677670cd9cc9e0e4b680fc307671] =>Malatya'da saat 20.48'de 5,3 büyüklüğünde meydana gelen deprem, güvenlik kamerasına yansıdı
— Anadolu Ajansı (@anadoluajansi) August 10, 2023[_oembed_time_cae3677670cd9cc9e0e4b680fc307671] => 1700467890 [_oembed_6c24a73ab41c18f9144e01d1a9091484] =>#BREAKING: North India including bihar patna , delhi ncr , Gurgaon , haryana and Nepal hit by a scary earthquake.#earthquake #Delhi #Nepal #DelhiNCR #Noida #Tremors #भूकंप #Bihar #Patna
— Vidarbha Times (@VidarbhaaTimes) November 3, 2023[_oembed_time_6c24a73ab41c18f9144e01d1a9091484] => 1700467890 [_oembed_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] =>#Earthquake (#σεισμός) possibly felt 19 sec ago in #Greece. Felt it? Tell us via:
— EMSC (@LastQuake) November 3, 2023
⚠ Automatic crowdsourced detection, not seismically verified yet. More info soon![_oembed_time_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] => 1700467890 [_oembed_953cd134f646d678437cd5cefa16e672] => A földrengés sújtotta Afganisztánnak nemzetközi segítségre van szüksége az újjáépítéshez #fy #fyp #nekedbe #hiradohu #hirek #afganisztán #katasztrófa #földrengés #újjáépítés #túlélők
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_953cd134f646d678437cd5cefa16e672] => 1704090711 [_oembed_39eb2b192bd0277579e18fc8ecf62bc7] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_36becc28443b76fa3d849d5402d413dc] =>Bus crash leaves ten dead after fog sparks pile up on motorway in Turkey
— The Sun (@TheSun) December 28, 2023[_oembed_time_36becc28443b76fa3d849d5402d413dc] => 1705419029 [_oembed_45eeee7a7e58677e30594254c12b74ed] => [_oembed_time_45eeee7a7e58677e30594254c12b74ed] => 1708367321 [_oembed_7765e2890d7305cfe37678a50df96313] =>🚨🇵🇭EARTHQUAKE OF MAGNITUDE 5.6 STRIKES MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) February 10, 2024
Source: Reuters[_oembed_time_7765e2890d7305cfe37678a50df96313] => 1708367321 [_oembed_ecd4bbdc9f40e2bcb33bd497c59c738d] => [_oembed_time_ecd4bbdc9f40e2bcb33bd497c59c738d] => 1708367321 [_oembed_ef71de304a3ba0c3f3c5bb6019a764f6] =>Milletimizin başı sağ olsun🇹🇷
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) February 3, 2024
Bu akşam Gaziantep Havalimanına gitmek için Hatay Havalimanından havalanan Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Havacılık Daire Başkanlığı envanterine kayıtlı EM 708 kuyruk numaralı helikopterimiz, Gaziantep'in Nurdağı ilçesi Kartal Köyü mevkiinde kaza kırıma…[_oembed_time_ef71de304a3ba0c3f3c5bb6019a764f6] => 1708367321 [_oembed_9a93850628c8d28b96e89d5037c2f231] =>Turkish media reports that in protest against the war in Gaza, an armed individual has taken employees of the Procter & Gamble plant hostage in Kocaeli province.
— Rat Bastard (@RRespawned) February 1, 2024
The police are on the scene. No further details yet.[_oembed_time_9a93850628c8d28b96e89d5037c2f231] => 1708367321 [_oembed_836f3eadbb9b24a988c3183646fd47d5] =>#BREAKING
— ⚡️🌎 World News 🌐⚡️ (@ferozwala) February 1, 2024
Türkiye: The shooter was apprehended & all #hostages were released in the P&G Chemicals factory in #Türkiye, Turkish media report.
Some staff at a Procter & Gamble factory in northwestern Turkiye had been taken hostage by an armed man apparently protesting against…[_oembed_time_836f3eadbb9b24a988c3183646fd47d5] => 1711306806 [_oembed_48b34dfd57cce955f09656fbcf47fa0a] =>🚨Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές εξόρυξης στον κόσμο συνέβη στο Erzincan 🇹🇷 πριν λίγο
— 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚 ™_ (@prokaliptika1) February 13, 2024
Κατέρρευσε το ορυχείο κυανιούχου χρυσού Anagold στο İliç , και έγινε τάφος για τους εργάτες .Το κυάνιο διαχύθηκε στον Ευφράτη ποταμό δίπλα στο ορυχείο καθιστώντας το νερό δηλητηριώδες[_oembed_time_48b34dfd57cce955f09656fbcf47fa0a] => 1711306806 [_oembed_da80f219c415f3881a7cb95a432d8b06] =>❗🪨🇹🇷 - A huge landslide left several workers buried underground at the Copler gold mine (Anagold Mining) in the Iliç district of Erzincan province, Turkey.
— 🔥🗞The Informant (@theinformant_x) February 13, 2024
The mountain has literally descended on the mine and Mountains of cyanide and sulfur waste have migrated and millions of…[_oembed_time_da80f219c415f3881a7cb95a432d8b06] => 1713342061 [_oembed_db4c56b5de5a48ee2b6ef866be1e12c7] =>TAIPEI, Taiwan— A 7.4-magnitude earthquake, followed by several strong aftershocks, struck off the east coast of Taiwan on Wednesday morning, killing four people and injuring at least 57, according to Taiwan’s fire department. It also damaged buildings and caused landslides. The…
— (اصغرعلی)Asgher Ali (@itsAsgherAli) April 3, 2024[_oembed_time_db4c56b5de5a48ee2b6ef866be1e12c7] => 1713342062 [_oembed_3d43d8206a697a59eab4569e671834e1] =>7.4 magnitude #earthquake on highway in eastern #Taiwan$BUBBLE $BLOCK $TRIP $MOJO
— Gopal Prajapati🕵️ (@cmd_gopal) April 3, 2024[_oembed_time_3d43d8206a697a59eab4569e671834e1] => 1713342062 [_oembed_3827d3423583e6e69ab1a04601a549f6] =>#BREAKING_NEWS
— Sanju (@SanjayBhat46892) April 3, 2024
ताइवान और जापान में #earthquake
साथ में सुनामी की भी आशंका ।🙏#Taiwan #Japan #Tsunami #earthquake #OMG #Election2024 #SanjaySingh #Kejriwal #RCBvsLSG[_oembed_time_3827d3423583e6e69ab1a04601a549f6] => 1715334415 [_oembed_81fdeb410a13676baebb55754e755457] =>Bugün Antalya Konyaaltı ilçesinde bulunan Sarısu-Tünektepe teleferik hattını taşıyan direklerden birinin devrilmesi sonucu vagonlardan biri kayalık bölgeye düşmüş; teleferikte bulunun 1 vatandaşımız maalesef hayatını kaybetmiş, 7 kişi ise yaralanmıştır
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) April 12, 2024
AFAD ve Antalya Büyükşehir…[_oembed_time_81fdeb410a13676baebb55754e755457] => 1715334416 [_oembed_fc8b9c867204025eb2035a56c4a6b442] => [_oembed_time_fc8b9c867204025eb2035a56c4a6b442] => 1718880337 [_oembed_cb4c753eee1a0641b08fc00396456207] =>Two pilots died in a training plane crash in central Turkey
— S p r i n t e r F a m i l y (@SprinterFamily) June 4, 2024[_oembed_time_cb4c753eee1a0641b08fc00396456207] => 1718880337 [_oembed_161dd474495498c03af867d956e87398] =>#WATCH: A two-story house in the Oya district of Wajima City after earthquake of magnitude 5.9 hits central Japan.#Oya #Japan #WajimaCity #Earthquake #Japanearthquake
— upuknews (@upuknews1) June 3, 2024[_oembed_time_161dd474495498c03af867d956e87398] => 1718880337 [_oembed_249ccba5801394f15530d50f2189dc26] =>2️⃣2️⃣ ilde Bölücü Terör Örgütüne (BTÖ) yönelik düzenlenen “BOZDOĞAN-39” operasyonlarında haklarında kesinleşmiş hapis cezası ile aranma kaydı bulunan 2️⃣3️⃣9️⃣ şüpheli yakalandı❗️
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) May 16, 2024
Teröristlerin hiçbirine göz açtırmayacağız. Güvenlik güçlerimizin üstün gayretleriyle milletimizin…[_oembed_time_249ccba5801394f15530d50f2189dc26] => 1719767068 [_oembed_d43219cefba1a25a486e02758ee8c25f] =>📷Assos Antik Kenti'ni de etkileyen yangından kareler.
— Milliyet Arkeoloji Dergisi (@DergiArkeoloji) June 27, 2024
[Anadolu Ajansı-İHA][_oembed_time_d43219cefba1a25a486e02758ee8c25f] => 1719767068 [_oembed_aca16d437bd44e9e8af114189c3e9d9a] =>Dostlar lütfen futbol gündemini fln bırakın sadece bu taga odaklanalim elimizden gelen tek şey bu düzgün yapalım 🙏#YangınBölgesineAcilHelikopter#Diyarbakır
— Tuğra 🇹🇷 (@FerdiVekili19O7) June 20, 2024[_oembed_time_aca16d437bd44e9e8af114189c3e9d9a] => 1719767068 [_oembed_111cb9860bdf9490f1e2295d5c50d5c1] =>Two pilots died in a training plane crash in central Turkey
— S p r i n t e r F a m i l y (@SprinterFamily) June 4, 2024[_oembed_time_111cb9860bdf9490f1e2295d5c50d5c1] => 1719767068 [_oembed_2f5fab0de500857b5a744bf444f77cc0] =>#WATCH: A two-story house in the Oya district of Wajima City after earthquake of magnitude 5.9 hits central Japan.#Oya #Japan #WajimaCity #Earthquake #Japanearthquake
— upuknews (@upuknews1) June 3, 2024[_oembed_time_2f5fab0de500857b5a744bf444f77cc0] => 1720776448 [_oembed_f09fdda2eb06eca4144d8a145cfb11f3] =>Pogroms have been going on for several days in Turkey amid the rape of a 7-year-old girl by a migrant from Syria
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) July 3, 2024
Turkish police detained more than 470 participants in anti-Syrian pogroms. The riots began after the detention of a Syrian accused of raping a child in Kayseri…[_oembed_time_f09fdda2eb06eca4144d8a145cfb11f3] => 1720776449 [_oembed_372b96175a3f23007ae1d517e47262a2] =>Torbalı izmir'deki Sanayi Tüpü'nün
— KURULUŞ HABER (@KurulusHaber) June 30, 2024
Patlama Anı Kameralara Yansıdı#SonDakika #patlama[_oembed_time_372b96175a3f23007ae1d517e47262a2] => 1720776449 [_oembed_eb084d7d2ce52bef457a8a99d10c121f] =>Turkey blast:
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) January 5, 2017
- Explosion near courthouse in Izmir
- 10 injured
- 2 "attackers" killed, 1 at large - local media[_oembed_time_eb084d7d2ce52bef457a8a99d10c121f] => 1724503533 [_oembed_4946960de44f928ffc2aa4be4b58eb6b] =>Magnitude 5.7 earthquake strikes northeast Taiwan. All MRT lines in #Taipei and #NewTaipeiCity have resumed service ‼️
— TVBS World Taiwan (@tvbsworldtaiwan) August 15, 2024[_oembed_time_4946960de44f928ffc2aa4be4b58eb6b] => 1724503533 [_oembed_5ba5bf63ac2cf514a9deb639f5acae00] =>4.4 magnitude earthquake near Highland Park, California. Felt throughout #LosAngeles #breaking
— Chaudhary Parvez (@ChaudharyParvez) August 13, 2024[_oembed_time_5ba5bf63ac2cf514a9deb639f5acae00] => 1724503533 [_oembed_425f27391aebdab4f29426d083520ab5] =>🇯🇵 There was a 6.9 magnitude earthquake south of Miyazaki. Tsunami warning issued for parts of Japan#japan #地震
— Eren 𝕮 (@Eren50855570) August 8, 2024[_oembed_time_425f27391aebdab4f29426d083520ab5] => 1724503534 [_oembed_b466c6ede9c8a8fcd6cbb72f8beef5d3] =>Many report feeling strong shaking from today's M6.9 #earthquake in Miyazaki, southern #Kyushu, Japan, and sharing their scary experience. We share some videos and photos.#地震 #日本@fumina2377 @y0927y_orix @fm_kirishima
— Earthquake Forecasting Global - Quantectum (@QuantectumG) August 8, 2024[_oembed_time_b466c6ede9c8a8fcd6cbb72f8beef5d3] => 1724503534 [_oembed_3ff26ad08f4091790ad3b5d06c3a4748] =>#BREAKING
— Sanjeev 🇮🇳 (@sun4shiva) August 8, 2024
जापान में 7.1 तीव्रता की भूकंप आई #Japan #earthquake #tsunami #宮崎県 #津波[_oembed_time_3ff26ad08f4091790ad3b5d06c3a4748] => 1724503534 [_oembed_d1731335db611a029975890523b8d6a0] =>🇯🇵 | NEW IMAGES OF JAPAN EARTHQUAKE 🚨
—®️ (@sustainme_in) August 8, 2024
The earthquake initially rated 6.9 has been revised to 7.1. Extensive damage reported and a #tsunami risk remains. #Miyazaki #earthquake #Japan#earthquake #earthquakes #Japan[_oembed_time_d1731335db611a029975890523b8d6a0] => 1725479576 [_oembed_931c2a9654a3eb43d92591dcebaf28d6] =>tremor de terra em lisboa. #sismo #terramoto #earthquake
— Filipe (@castlvess) August 26, 2024[_oembed_time_931c2a9654a3eb43d92591dcebaf28d6] => 1736340174 [_oembed_b7776bd12ff4d87eff4f090d02fbeef7] =>#WATCH | 12 people killed in ammunition factory blast in Northwest Turkey#TurkeyBlast #AmmunitionFactoryBlast #TurkeyTragedy #TurkeyDisaster
— CLR.CUT (@clr_cut) December 24, 2024[_oembed_time_b7776bd12ff4d87eff4f090d02fbeef7] => 1737205441 [_oembed_ef2ffdda2f0213367fefce116be92d4d] =>At least 126 people killed after strong earthquake hits China’s Tibet as rescue efforts are under way, with tremors felt as far away as Nepal, India and Bhutan.
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) January 7, 2025
— in pictures[_oembed_time_ef2ffdda2f0213367fefce116be92d4d] => 1737205441 [_oembed_ddaabd71ed5808f36a526f311d2e6b62] => [_oembed_time_ddaabd71ed5808f36a526f311d2e6b62] => 1737973165 [_oembed_7ea612e5e279778b500dc853f861e04a] =>Bolu’daki yangında ciddi ihmaller olduğu iddia ediliyor. Yangın alarmının çalmadığı, yangın söndürme sistemi ve yangın merdiveninin bulunmadığı belirtiliyor. Ayrıca Kartalkaya’da itfaiye biriminin olmaması ve ekiplerin ilçe merkezlerinden gelmesi müdahaleyi geciktirmiş.#Bolu
— hasan iyibildiren (@hiyibildiren_) January 21, 2025[_oembed_time_7ea612e5e279778b500dc853f861e04a] => 1737973165 [_oembed_7d2291b9e1648320ef3ca236fab5aae4] => [_oembed_time_7d2291b9e1648320ef3ca236fab5aae4] => 1737973166 [_oembed_0a05eeab017450f8eadbdc6a6ff87e62] =>Kartalkaya Kayak Merkezi’nde yangın: 10 ölü 32 yaralı
— NOW HABER (@nowhaber) January 21, 2025
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, İçişleri Bakanı Ali Yerlikaya ve Sağlık Bakanı Kemal Memişoğlu yangının çıktığı Kartalkaya’ya hareket etti.[_oembed_time_0a05eeab017450f8eadbdc6a6ff87e62] => 1739777597 [_oembed_cd99ce5f2171924aeef7df0af8f7f4ed] =>Yunanistan’ın Santorini Adası çevresinde başlayan sismik hareketlilik devam ediyor. Bölgede 26 Ocak'tan bu yana deprem fırtınası yaşanıyor. Son deprem ise bu sabah saatlerinde meydana geldi. AFAD saat 06.36'da meydana gelen depremin büyüklüğünü 4,5 olarak duyurdu. Yunanistan ise…
— İstanbul Ankara Haber (@istanbulAnkaraH) February 6, 2025[_oembed_time_cd99ce5f2171924aeef7df0af8f7f4ed] => 1741271464 [_oembed_127f94695bd8e45f259112f3583a58aa] =>Over 100 people have reportedly died from consuming counterfeit alcohol in Turkey, prompting a government warning to tourists.
— Daily Star (@dailystar) February 11, 2025[_oembed_time_127f94695bd8e45f259112f3583a58aa] => 1741271465 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 1038 [1] => 8566 [2] => 1067 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => földrengés [1] => megmentés [2] => Törökország ) ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 103716 [content] =>Turkey Issues Fake Alcohol Warning After More Than 100 People Die From Poisoning In Tourist Hotspots
— NDTV WORLD (@NDTVWORLD) February 12, 2025Egy vietnami olajipari szolgáltató hajó 154 embert mentett ki egy süllyedő hajóról az Andamán-tengeren, majd átadta őket a mianmari haditengerészetnek – közölte az állami média.
Aktivisták megerősítették, hogy a csoport a kisebbségi rohingja muzulmánokból állt.
A Hai Duong 29 nevű hajó Szingapúrból tartott Mianmar felé, amikor szerdán a mianmari partoktól mintegy 460 kilométerre délre észrevette a bajba jutott hajót – közölte a VTC News helyi hírügynökség csütörtökön késő este.
A beszámoló szerint a hajó motorja nem működött, és víz szivárgott a hajótestbe – áll a VTC News jelentésében. Hozzátették, hogy a hajó egy órával azután süllyedt el, hogy a fedélzeten lévőket kimentették. A 154 kimentett ember közül 40 nő és 31 gyerek volt. Őket csütörtökön átadták a mianmari haditengerészetnek – áll a jelentésben. Nem volt azonban világos, hogy mi történik velük ezután.
A rohingják évek óta üldözött kisebbségnek számítanak Mianmarban, és sokan életüket kockáztatják, amikor rozoga vízi járműveken megpróbálnak eljutni a túlnyomórészt muzulmánok lakta Malajziába és Indonéziába.
Elvándorlásuk folytatódik Mianmarból és a szomszédos Bangladesben lévő menekülttáborokból. Ez a helyzet felerősödött a mianmari hadsereg 2017-es erőszakos fellépését követően. A délkelet-ázsiai országot jelenleg a hadsereg irányítja, amely 2021-ben államcsínnyel került a hatalomba.
Az ENSZ menekültügyi szervezete (UNHCR) a múlt héten azt mondta, hogy idén „drámaian megnőtt” azoknak az embereknek a száma, akik megpróbáltak átkelni az Andamán-tengeren Mianmar és Banglades között.
Idén eddig legalább 1900-an keltek át, hatszor annyian, mint 2020-ban, és idén legalább 119-en haltak meg a menekülni próbálók közül.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Egy vietnami olajipari szolgáltató hajó 154 embert mentett ki egy süllyedő hajóról az Andamán-tengeren, majd átadta őket a mianmari haditengerészetnek. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1670706000 [modified] => 1670697884 ) [title] => Több mint százötven migránst mentett ki a tengerből egy vietnami hajó [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 103716 [uk] => 103756 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 103718 [image] => Array ( [id] => 103718 [original] => [original_lng] => 286227 [original_w] => 1280 [original_h] => 960 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 225 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 576 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 768 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1280 [height] => 960 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1280 [height] => 960 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1280 [height] => 960 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1670757498:3 [_oembed_9512773956a1810898fad0b8bb380323] =>[_oembed_time_9512773956a1810898fad0b8bb380323] => 1670690517 [_thumbnail_id] => 103718 [_edit_last] => 5 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 1696 [_oembed_7c0d1f8f5cb276c682bc81c6e521362c] =>According to phone conversation with the people on the boat carrying 160 Rohingya and a Rohingya, the boat is still Floating and urgently needs to be rescued. Datuk Seri @anwaribrahim, please be requested for a coordinated rescue efforts.
— Aung Kyaw Moe (@akmoe2) December 7, 2022[_oembed_time_7c0d1f8f5cb276c682bc81c6e521362c] => 1670690686 [_oembed_d9cf9853171314d752649b55d71e9600] =>Türkiye's behaviour towards 92 migrants whom we rescued at the borders today,is a shame for civilisation. We expect Ankara to investigate the incident and protect at last, its borders with the EU.
— Νότης Μηταράκης - Notis Mitarachi (@nmitarakis) October 15, 2022[_oembed_time_d9cf9853171314d752649b55d71e9600] => 1670690686 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_f9955110abd926a5e6fb021b2e12f59d] => [_oembed_time_f9955110abd926a5e6fb021b2e12f59d] => 1671547631 [_oembed_b2e418b6816defc2e1e7e6b92bb707a2] => [_oembed_time_b2e418b6816defc2e1e7e6b92bb707a2] => 1677421088 [_oembed_1fca1c752ee7ccf6e8885bde6eab298a] => [_oembed_time_1fca1c752ee7ccf6e8885bde6eab298a] => 1679331014 [_oembed_98af840339668188764431a457647f89] => [_oembed_time_98af840339668188764431a457647f89] => 1686446661 [_oembed_d106093de7edbc6a78af76e2524ae8f9] =>#Varese, imbarcazione ribaltata nel lago Maggiore: recuperati nella notte i corpi senza vita di tre persone. Proseguono le ricerche di un quarto disperso, impegnati sommozzatori ed elicottero dei #vigilidelfuoco [#29maggio 7:15]
— Vigili del Fuoco (@vigilidelfuoco) May 29, 2023[_oembed_time_d106093de7edbc6a78af76e2524ae8f9] => 1720006267 [_oembed_4ed0dd02709953b788636d6ad67453f9] =>According to phone conversation with the people on the boat carrying 160 Rohingya and a Rohingya, the boat is still Floating and urgently needs to be rescued. Datuk Seri @anwaribrahim, please be requested for a coordinated rescue efforts.
— Aung Kyaw Moe (@akmoe2) December 7, 2022[_oembed_time_4ed0dd02709953b788636d6ad67453f9] => 1721455680 [_oembed_d7b9f96673c09e960b3810c472f69b56] =>The rescue operation to return the Iranian Moudge class frigate Sahand (IRIS-74), which had fallen on her side gone wrong, and the ship is now fully sunk.
— Mehdi H. (@mhmiranusa) July 9, 2024[_oembed_time_d7b9f96673c09e960b3810c472f69b56] => 1722535349 [_oembed_41530e6ff8d2dd72ebf88ae62fa079a6] =>Killer whales sink $128K yacht in ‘terrifying’ 2-hour Mediterranean Sea attack: ‘Like watching wolves hunt’
— Curvymodelwin (@Curvymodelwin) July 27, 2024[_oembed_time_41530e6ff8d2dd72ebf88ae62fa079a6] => 1722535349 [_oembed_bd4306d88f02278bff290cd94c5e7739] =>The wreck of MV Noongah has been identified after being tragically lost at sea 55 years ago.
— CSIRO (@CSIRO) July 25, 2024
We helped identify the wreck as part of a collaborative project with Heritage NSW, The Sydney Project as well as members of the public.[_oembed_time_bd4306d88f02278bff290cd94c5e7739] => 1722535350 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 17 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Sürgős [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 18674 [1] => 549 [2] => 8566 [3] => 2328 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => elsüllyedt hajó [1] => illegális bevándorló [2] => megmentés [3] => menekültek ) ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 54724 [content] =>On 23 August 1969, MV Noongah departed Newcastle with 26 crew. Two nights later, the ship was lost. Until now.
— CSIRO (@CSIRO) July 25, 2024
This is the story of how we use our ocean exploration capabilities and work with partners to help find and identify long lost shipwrecks. egy férfit Libéria partjainál. A férfi egy teherhajó legénységének tagja volt, ám a hajó elsüllyedt, ő pedig 49 órán át a tenger közepén hánykolódott, arra várva, hogy megmentsék, írja a Sky.
A libériai hajó július 17-én hagyta el a kikötőt, noha – mint kiderült – nem tartotta be az alapvető biztonsági követelményeket. A parti őrség még aznap délután vészjelzést észlelt, mivel a teherhajó süllyedni kezdett.
A hajó legénysége 28 főből állt, közülük 11-et 36 órás keresés után mentettek meg. 17 ember eltűnt, az utasok pontos száma viszont nem ismert, ugyanis a hajónak nem volt engedélye utasszállításra.
A mentésről a Sky News oldalán videó is látható.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Megmentettek egy férfit Libéria partjainál. A férfi egy teherhajó legénységének tagja volt, ám a hajó elsüllyedt, ő pedig 49 órán át a tenger közepén hánykolódott, arra várva, hogy megmentsék, [autID] => 4 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1627050600 [modified] => 1627049463 ) [title] => Két napra a tenger közepén rekedt egy férfi, miután elsüllyedt a hajója [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 54724 ) [aut] => avecsorinszka [lang] => hu [image_id] => 54725 [image] => Array ( [id] => 54725 [original] => [original_lng] => 62132 [original_w] => 1200 [original_h] => 630 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 158 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 403 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 538 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 630 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 630 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 630 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1627038664:10 [_thumbnail_id] => 54725 [_edit_last] => 10 [views_count] => 1723 [_oembed_1947fba8735ee7087898071672b112ca] =>[_oembed_time_1947fba8735ee7087898071672b112ca] => 1627037312 [_oembed_4757ae9c61165fcf223ea65a53104c6c] =>A man’s love for man’s best friend is a powerful force. Kaleb Benham from Grass Valley took on a 350 pound bear that was attacking his rescue dog, “Buddy.” Kaleb said he heard a growl the saw the bear dragging buddy “by his head.” So he tackled the bear and punched it
— Anna Giles (@AnnaGilesTV) December 4, 2020[_oembed_time_4757ae9c61165fcf223ea65a53104c6c] => 1627037313 [_oembed_9512773956a1810898fad0b8bb380323] =>We are all immensely proud of our Chongqing Consul General, Stephen Ellison, who dived into a river on Saturday to rescue a drowning student and swim her to safety.
— UK in China ?? (@ukinchina) November 16, 2020[_oembed_time_9512773956a1810898fad0b8bb380323] => 1674073572 [_oembed_b2e418b6816defc2e1e7e6b92bb707a2] =>According to phone conversation with the people on the boat carrying 160 Rohingya and a Rohingya, the boat is still Floating and urgently needs to be rescued. Datuk Seri @anwaribrahim, please be requested for a coordinated rescue efforts.
— Aung Kyaw Moe (@akmoe2) December 7, 2022[_oembed_time_b2e418b6816defc2e1e7e6b92bb707a2] => 1677258655 [_oembed_826f125044bd1291361f43a0dcc4a92b] => [_oembed_time_826f125044bd1291361f43a0dcc4a92b] => 1720042934 [_oembed_d106093de7edbc6a78af76e2524ae8f9] => [_oembed_time_d106093de7edbc6a78af76e2524ae8f9] => 1720042934 [_oembed_591d09d627757c32f842f75db4dfbef4] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_5f516aa706bd49ce0567873ef2cb3662] =>According to phone conversation with the people on the boat carrying 160 Rohingya and a Rohingya, the boat is still Floating and urgently needs to be rescued. Datuk Seri @anwaribrahim, please be requested for a coordinated rescue efforts.
— Aung Kyaw Moe (@akmoe2) December 7, 2022[_oembed_time_5f516aa706bd49ce0567873ef2cb3662] => 1720042935 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 41 [2] => 49 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => A nap hírei [1] => Cikkek [2] => Hírek [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 47190 [1] => 8566 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => hajótörött [1] => megmentés ) ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 32176 [content] =>We are all immensely proud of our Chongqing Consul General, Stephen Ellison, who dived into a river on Saturday to rescue a drowning student and swim her to safety.
— UK in China 🇬🇧 (@ukinchina) November 16, 2020Egy kaliforniai férfi, Kaleb Benham összeverekedett egy medvével, hogy megmentse „Buddy” nevű pitbull kutyáját – írja a Fox News alapján az Origo.
A kutya hálaadás előtti napon a nevadai házuk előtt játszott, amikor a férfi morgást hallott, és meglátta, hogy a kutyája egy medve szájában van.
„Morgást hallottam, és láttam, hogy 250–300 méterre egy medve a fejénél fogva vonszolja a kutyámat, csak arra tudtam gondolni, hogy megmentsem őt – mesélte a férfi.
Kaleb Benham utána futott, majd arcon vágta a több mint 150 kilogrammos vadállatot.
Csak odarohantam, megragadtam a torkánál, és elkezdtem ütni a fejét, a szemét, mindaddig, míg el nem engedte – mondta Benham.
A férfi félt, hogy elveszíti Buddyt. A legközelebbi állatorvosi rendelőt ugyanis egy pozitív koronavírus eset után bezárták. Ezért egy távolabbi állatkórházba sietett a kutyával.
A kórházban azonnal megműtötték Buddyt, akit 3 órával később néhány öltéssel és kapoccsal ugyan, de haza vihetett a gazdája. Várhatóan teljesen fel fog majd épülni.
A medve a támadás óta már többször visszatért a házukhoz, Benham nem tudja, hogy tarthatná távol az állatot.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Egy kaliforniai férfi, Kaleb Benham összeverekedett egy medvével, hogy megmentse „Buddy” nevű pitbull kutyáját. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1607367600 [modified] => 1607295857 ) [title] => A medve szájából mentette ki kutyáját egy amerikai férfi [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 32176 [uk] => 32264 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 32177 [image] => Array ( [id] => 32177 [original] => [original_lng] => 78489 [original_w] => 1259 [original_h] => 651 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 155 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 397 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 529 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1259 [height] => 651 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1259 [height] => 651 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1259 [height] => 651 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1607410599:3 [_thumbnail_id] => 32177 [_oembed_1947fba8735ee7087898071672b112ca] =>[_oembed_time_1947fba8735ee7087898071672b112ca] => 1607288657 [_edit_last] => 12 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 4261 [_oembed_4757ae9c61165fcf223ea65a53104c6c] =>A man’s love for man’s best friend is a powerful force. Kaleb Benham from Grass Valley took on a 350 pound bear that was attacking his rescue dog, “Buddy.” Kaleb said he heard a growl the saw the bear dragging buddy “by his head.” So he tackled the bear and punched it
— Anna Giles (@AnnaGilesTV) December 4, 2020[_oembed_time_4757ae9c61165fcf223ea65a53104c6c] => 1607288659 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_9512773956a1810898fad0b8bb380323] =>We are all immensely proud of our Chongqing Consul General, Stephen Ellison, who dived into a river on Saturday to rescue a drowning student and swim her to safety.
— UK in China ?? (@ukinchina) November 16, 2020[_oembed_time_9512773956a1810898fad0b8bb380323] => 1671719066 [_oembed_b2e418b6816defc2e1e7e6b92bb707a2] =>According to phone conversation with the people on the boat carrying 160 Rohingya and a Rohingya, the boat is still Floating and urgently needs to be rescued. Datuk Seri @anwaribrahim, please be requested for a coordinated rescue efforts.
— Aung Kyaw Moe (@akmoe2) December 7, 2022[_oembed_time_b2e418b6816defc2e1e7e6b92bb707a2] => 1678067993 [_oembed_7d16f8982157bf4a392dcc142777dfb3] => [_oembed_time_7d16f8982157bf4a392dcc142777dfb3] => 1691780437 [_oembed_591d09d627757c32f842f75db4dfbef4] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_4e784a9009ed3a83c993ba79acc6073b] =>Unbearably Unexpected: Iraqi Airways Flight Delayed as Furry Stowaway Makes a Daring Escape! Watch the heart-pounding moment as a surprise passenger scampers free just moments before takeoff at Dubai airport. ?✈️ #FurryEscape #AirportAdventures @airlinevideos
— Abayomi Ahmed (@AbayomiAhmed00) August 7, 2023[_oembed_time_4e784a9009ed3a83c993ba79acc6073b] => 1720388726 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 25 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Videók [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 23170 [1] => 23171 [2] => 8566 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => kutya [1] => medve [2] => megmentés ) ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 30693 [content] =>Unbearably Unexpected: Iraqi Airways Flight Delayed as Furry Stowaway Makes a Daring Escape! Watch the heart-pounding moment as a surprise passenger scampers free just moments before takeoff at Dubai airport. 🐻✈️ #FurryEscape #AirportAdventures @airlinevideos
— Abayomi Ahmed (@AbayomiAhmed00) August 7, 2023Kínában Nagy-Britannia főkonzulja mentett meg egy fiatal lányt, aki majdnem egy folyóba fulladt. A helyszínen több szemtanú is állt, azonban csak a tisztviselő ugrott a vízbe. A hírt a BBC közölte.
Az információk szerint az eset még november 14-én történt, a lány egy szikláról csúszott a folyóba. Először megpróbált egyedül megbirkózni a helyzettel, azonban az ár egy gyalogos híd alá sodorta. A 61 éves főkonzul beúszott a lányhoz, majd a part közelében már dobtak nekik egy mentőövet.
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