Array ( [count_posts] => 1 [cache_key] => Query_Posts::global::hu::YTo1OntzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiaHUiO3M6NzoiZG9tYWlucyI7YToxOntpOjA7czo2OiJwb2RpamkiO31zOjY6Im9mZnNldCI7aTowO3M6OToidGF4X3F1ZXJ5IjthOjE6e2k6MDthOjM6e3M6ODoidGF4b25vbXkiO3M6ODoicG9zdF90YWciO3M6NToiZmllbGQiO3M6MjoiaWQiO3M6NToidGVybXMiO2E6MTp7aTowO2k6NTA4MTM7fX19czoxMToiYWZ0ZXJMb2NrZXIiO2k6MDt9 [has_result] => 1 [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 58597 [content] =>Egy hónap sem telt el azóta, hogy a belga kormánykoalíciót kis híján megbuktató migránsok éhségsztrájkja befejeződött, máris újra hallatnak magukról a brüsszeli hajléktalan, papírokkal nem rendelkező bevándorlók – V4NA nemzetközi hírügynökség.
Ezúttal ugyan kevesebben vannak és egyelőre éhségsztrájkot sem folytatnak, de számuk így is jelentős: 250 személy, túlnyomórészt észak-afrikai származású férfi, nő és gyermek vesz részt az akcióban, melynek keretében elfoglalták a fővárosi Kredietbank régi székházát.
Az épületet állítólag nyitva találták, mivel előzőleg önkényes lakásfoglalók tartózkodtak benne. A bank épületét a csoport a korábban hetekig elfoglalt fővárosi Béguinage templom mintájára semleges zónának nyilvánította. Emellett egy rögtönzött nagykövetséget is létesítettek az egykori székházban. A fővárosi templomot, valamint a VUB állami egyetem és az ULB brüsszeli szabadegyetem bizonyos épületeit a belga kormány nevezte ki semleges zónának, ahol a két hónapig éhségsztrájkoló több száz migráns intézhette az ügyeit.
A dokumentumokkal nem rendelkező migránsok az épület bejáratánál hatalmas feliratokat is elhelyeztek, melyek egyikén azt írják, hogy a Vivaldi elnevezésű kormánykoalíció megfeledkezett róluk. Egy másik feliraton pedig a követeléseiket közlik: a migránsok azt szeretnék elérni, hogy a kormány tartózkodási engedélyt és munkát biztosítson számukra.
Az eseményekről beszámoló Rtbf szerint a szóban forgó papír nélküli bevándorlók már huzamosabb ideje Belgiumban tartózkodnak. Van köztük olyan, aki már tíz éve vagy még több ideje Brüsszelben él és dolgozik, ám tisztában vannak vele, hogy nem túl jók az esélyeik. Ezért azt a stratégiát választották, hogy a Brüsszel és Molenbeek határán lévő kerületben telepednek le és megpróbálják maguk mellé állítani a környék lakóit, ily módon kívánják megmutatni a szövetségi kormánynak, hogy jelen vannak, szerveződnek és eltökéltek az ügyük érvényesítésében.
Elmondásuk alapján tartózkodási engedélyt és legális munkát szeretnének. Annak ellenére, hogy nem rendelkeznek dokumentumokkal, többségük dolgozik ugyan, de bizonytalan munkakörülmények között, nagyon alacsony bérekért és szociális juttatásokat sem kapnak, ezért szeretnék, hogy a belga kormány legalizálja őket.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Egy hónap sem telt el azóta, hogy a belga kormánykoalíciót kis híján megbuktató migránsok éhségsztrájkja befejeződött, máris újra hallatnak magukról a brüsszeli hajléktalan, papírokkal nem rendelkező bevándorlók – V4NA nemzetközi hírügynökség. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1629908820 [modified] => 1629901857 ) [title] => Migránsok foglalták el egy brüsszeli bank épületét (videó) [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 58597 [uk] => 58690 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 58600 [image] => Array ( [id] => 58600 [original] => [original_lng] => 68608 [original_w] => 770 [original_h] => 433 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 770 [height] => 433 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 770 [height] => 433 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 770 [height] => 433 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 770 [height] => 433 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1629972765:8 [_oembed_2a9c81dd8d6de9d847fc4efa8b9641aa] =>[_oembed_time_2a9c81dd8d6de9d847fc4efa8b9641aa] => 1629890952 [_thumbnail_id] => 58600 [_edit_last] => 12 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 2799 [_oembed_8b1bd2cdc157802a9b5e5b2bb2545c86] =>Les "sans-papiers" ouvrent une ambassade à Molenbeek !!
— pierrebxl (@pierrebxl) August 24, 2021[_oembed_time_8b1bd2cdc157802a9b5e5b2bb2545c86] => 1629891059 [_oembed_5b17414a9a10b92f1183680b2bbdaa6e] =>Large protests are underway today all across France against the Macron government domestic vaccine pass.
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) August 7, 2021
?Paris, France[_oembed_time_5b17414a9a10b92f1183680b2bbdaa6e] => 1629891059 [_oembed_21558ded72eb32b158c63de17967fbd6] =>Tense scenes in Paris as thousands gather to protest the expanded covid passport that comes into effect on Monday. The health pass requires vaccination status or negative tests to use flights, trains or to enter recreational venues, malls & health clinics.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 7, 2021[_oembed_time_21558ded72eb32b158c63de17967fbd6] => 1629891059 [_oembed_d93a1630be97ad733871080dbbb1ee53] =>Premiers jets de gaz lacrymogènes à François Verdier. Le face à face avec la police commence. #Toulouse #passsanitaire #7aout #vaccin #covid19
— Clément Gassy (@CRgassy) August 7, 2021[_oembed_time_d93a1630be97ad733871080dbbb1ee53] => 1629891060 [_oembed_17cae2c9ea83cba2f4a5d58242db885d] =>Devant l’hôpital de la Timone à #Marseille, les manifestants applaudissent les soignants qui font de même #manifestation7aout #conseilconstitutionnel #vaccinationobligatoire
— Amaury Baqué (@AmauryBaque) August 7, 2021[_oembed_time_17cae2c9ea83cba2f4a5d58242db885d] => 1629891060 [_oembed_bf96ff5a8f354a337ad5850718e80068] =>Thousands of people marching today in #Beirut to mark a year since the deadly port blast and protest against impunity
— Jean-Marc Mojon (@mojobeirut) August 4, 2021
Full UPDATE @AFP by @tonyggabriel and @kristybellegeha#Lebanon[_oembed_time_bf96ff5a8f354a337ad5850718e80068] => 1629891060 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_0006320c90cb7d0be3ec875b9153c167] =>A shot of today's massive turnout at the #BeirutBlast protest, one year after the explosion that killed at least 218 in Lebanon.#انفجار_مرفأ_بيروت
— Beirut Today (@bey_today) August 4, 2021[_oembed_time_0006320c90cb7d0be3ec875b9153c167] => 1629907214 [_oembed_fa579966d6b063fd781195ccc5875ad8] =>Active shooter in Downtown Portland.
— Sean Carmitchel (@ACatWithNews) August 23, 2021[_oembed_time_fa579966d6b063fd781195ccc5875ad8] => 1629907214 [_oembed_6e1199e6b17d8f2fa264aa780558fb16] =>#BREAKING: Violent clashes have reportedly broken out between 'ANTIFA' and the 'Proud Boys' in Portland, Oregon.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) August 22, 2021[_oembed_time_6e1199e6b17d8f2fa264aa780558fb16] => 1629907215 [_oembed_86d2cddc98c2045dec7b02ffb5f68737] =>Major clash between Proud Boys and Antifa happening now on 122nd in Portland
— Zane Sparling (@PDXzane) August 22, 2021
Pepper spray and airsoft deployed, fighting ongoing in the streets[_oembed_time_86d2cddc98c2045dec7b02ffb5f68737] => 1629907215 [_oembed_97dfae21be96378233e2fc5f0484e984] =>Proud Boys hold rally in northeast Portland and according to witnesses on the scene a 'left-wing agitator' drove a white van into the rally and crashed. The individual was then bear maced and chased out of the parking lot, according to witnesses
— Jorge Ventura Media (@VenturaReport) August 22, 2021[_oembed_time_97dfae21be96378233e2fc5f0484e984] => 1629907215 [_oembed_d9ec1db9c1191d29b859e9987774e637] =>Németország ... közterület ... fényes nappal ... Magyarország államalapításának évfordulóján ... a Nagykövetség előtt...
Posted by Kőházy Ferenc on Saturday, August 21, 2021[_oembed_time_d9ec1db9c1191d29b859e9987774e637] => 1629907215 [_oembed_90c20acd612173462ceb7d2fc69f8a23] => [_oembed_time_90c20acd612173462ceb7d2fc69f8a23] => 1631682378 [_oembed_f5dfe47cb4a40a50329104d115f7847f] =>+++ Demo, heute +++In den vergangenen Jahren hat die ungarische Regierung eine Reihe von schrecklichen Angriffen gegen...
Posted by QueerLive on Friday, August 20, 2021[_oembed_time_f5dfe47cb4a40a50329104d115f7847f] => 1633844523 [_oembed_c6652d46a90616bf0e4a13c51794dec1] =>Thousands of people in Ljubljana, Slovenia block main roads to protest against the COVID-19 health pass.
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) September 29, 2021
The health pass is mandatory in order to work, access a gas station, shopping centres, and health services except for emergency care.[_oembed_time_c6652d46a90616bf0e4a13c51794dec1] => 1633844523 [_oembed_72ba76805789d1a5f4004fc5353e55f2] => [_oembed_time_72ba76805789d1a5f4004fc5353e55f2] => 1634683536 [_oembed_08e2da4e811ad9260931d75a06547b3f] => [_oembed_time_08e2da4e811ad9260931d75a06547b3f] => 1634683536 [_oembed_2706f63a26442c500985bc3f8799d878] =>Ni še konec.
— Radio Študent (@radiostudent) September 29, 2021[_oembed_time_2706f63a26442c500985bc3f8799d878] => 1635592488 [_oembed_f39c2231a1b00b35ca149f02be95ea95] =>Scenes from the shootings towards protesters in #Beirut. They demanded not to politicize the investigations into the #Beirut_port explosion.#لبنان #لبنان_ينهار #Lebanon
— Hashtag Elyoum (@Hashtagelyoum) October 14, 2021[_oembed_time_f39c2231a1b00b35ca149f02be95ea95] => 1635592489 [_oembed_2cbe2a9810439c00dedad2b594986198] =>#BREAKING
— loveworld (@LoveWorld_Peopl) October 14, 2021
Shooting started from Furn Al-Shebak towards the protestors.
Amal Movement security shot back to suppress the fire.#BreakingNews #Video #Shooting[_oembed_time_2cbe2a9810439c00dedad2b594986198] => 1635592489 [_oembed_a537f9976a7cc8f2a9f93d2f161e26ea] => [_oembed_time_a537f9976a7cc8f2a9f93d2f161e26ea] => 1635953570 [_oembed_cb26ea1233b2cfd77a42f2aef0013bb5] =>Warning: Strong Visuals showing gunfire.
— Migrant News (@news_migrant) October 14, 2021
Several casualties feared after an armed clash in #Beirut during a protest against the judge heading the Beirut Port blast investigation. #Lebanon
#لبنان ??? #الطيونة #حركة_امل
#سمير_جعجع #حزب_الله #القاضي_بيطار L[_oembed_time_cb26ea1233b2cfd77a42f2aef0013bb5] => 1635953570 [_oembed_94915c227f64fea4fdc8f4ce0548f67b] =>Une soirée de violences observée mardi à Alençon, dans l'Orne
— BFMTV (@BFMTV) October 27, 2021[_oembed_time_94915c227f64fea4fdc8f4ce0548f67b] => 1635953570 [_oembed_cba35915eb9950d0ac9855850f8e4849] => [_oembed_time_cba35915eb9950d0ac9855850f8e4849] => 1635953570 [_oembed_2a696763d314f1cbe88518d23fbdd5e6] => [_oembed_time_2a696763d314f1cbe88518d23fbdd5e6] => 1637928190 [_oembed_2e819b407c77c1928133a64ec186e1e5] => [_oembed_time_2e819b407c77c1928133a64ec186e1e5] => 1637928190 [_oembed_85dcfd3038ef95109e2382e825baa6b1] => [_oembed_time_85dcfd3038ef95109e2382e825baa6b1] => 1637928190 [_oembed_dc4a880b9bf4d504abd99603f6d729ce] =>Tirs de mortier sur la police et véhicules incendiés : nous sommes en Normandie, à #Alençon, et pas en Seine-Saint-Denis.
— Nicolas Bay (@NicolasBay_) October 27, 2021
Et ce n’est même pas le nouvel an…[_oembed_time_dc4a880b9bf4d504abd99603f6d729ce] => 1637928190 [_oembed_7c887238f33b2910a8266e16571af5cb] =>?@MOC_GOV_GE released video footage of #Saakashvili eating porridges and drinking natural juices. 1/3
— TV Imedi (@tv_imedi) November 6, 2021
Source: @MOC_GOV_GE[_oembed_time_7c887238f33b2910a8266e16571af5cb] => 1640183277 [_oembed_b09a93257a4d29b62002181e1271da33] => [_oembed_time_b09a93257a4d29b62002181e1271da33] => 1640183277 [_oembed_35351559d13d428c529b4a9d82ade159] => [_oembed_time_35351559d13d428c529b4a9d82ade159] => 1640183277 [_oembed_39abfdfa3a9f659857339ff563d1a967] => [_oembed_time_39abfdfa3a9f659857339ff563d1a967] => 1645242675 [_oembed_da0b8ec480bcb6b0c7c333e15f5501c1] =>??Austria: Large protest against compulsory vaccination and Covid restrictions in Vienna - Crowd is obviously growing week after week
— Ben Schaack (@BuyingStrength) December 4, 2021[_oembed_time_da0b8ec480bcb6b0c7c333e15f5501c1] => 1648221811 [_oembed_c78c20503786c96d24e488d97f2c8483] =>??? Ottawa. Canadá
— Rita Silvino (@SilvinoRita) February 19, 2022[_oembed_time_c78c20503786c96d24e488d97f2c8483] => 1648221812 [_oembed_7067e0fcb928bbf7bccc9779e8282550] =>Abejas en la Alameda, frente a La Moneda por protesta de apicultores. [Slowmo]
— 8livier (@olivierhdezz) January 3, 2022[_oembed_time_7067e0fcb928bbf7bccc9779e8282550] => 1648221812 [_oembed_d0d14554757e59a37ca7fce752ea3240] => [_oembed_time_d0d14554757e59a37ca7fce752ea3240] => 1651580136 [_oembed_1b46937f3d7744286fa78e245535622c] =>Police in Chile detained at least three people as beekeepers protested in Santiago to draw attention to the decade-long drought conditions in the country and its effect on the bee population.
— ABC News (@ABC) January 4, 2022[_oembed_time_1b46937f3d7744286fa78e245535622c] => 1651580136 [_oembed_762727532f8aed66c4d7b5ea3b8d730b] => [_oembed_time_762727532f8aed66c4d7b5ea3b8d730b] => 1652782488 [_oembed_f475ae01398fc278907d720740fee97f] => [_oembed_time_f475ae01398fc278907d720740fee97f] => 1654496036 [_oembed_814f0ba46341299b0e66d5257caf2e1a] =>JUST NU: Våldsamma upplopp – tre personer har skjutits av polisen i Norrköping, enligt källor till NT • Aftonbladets är på plats • Följ liverapporteringen
— Aftonbladet (@Aftonbladet) April 17, 2022[_oembed_time_814f0ba46341299b0e66d5257caf2e1a] => 1654496037 [_oembed_93f968e60ea9e65d621fbfe24e8971f2] =>Le proteste delle #donne #afghane: bloccato il traffico nel 2°Distretto di #Kabul #riaprireiliceifemminili
— Giampaolo Poniciappi (@Infoconte) May 29, 2022[_oembed_time_93f968e60ea9e65d621fbfe24e8971f2] => 1654496037 [_oembed_2b3b78f7377ba37c8e6526b543e1a4b8] => [_oembed_time_2b3b78f7377ba37c8e6526b543e1a4b8] => 1659685028 [_oembed_e4cb075506ed878544c11982d11054ec] =>Brave women & girls demonstrate in #Kabul now! Although #Taliban arrested & tortured them before, they still walk out to complain Taliban’s behavior & cruelty.
— Massoud Hossaini (@Massoud151) May 29, 2022[_oembed_time_e4cb075506ed878544c11982d11054ec] => 1659685028 [_oembed_684164c330d644f28f977d317e49fc9c] =>Iran's?? Yazid mullah regime is deliberately trying to dry up Lake Urmia. Stop it It is the duty of every Azerbaijani??, whether northern or southern!#Save_Urmia_Lake #Save_Lake_Urmia #SaveLakeUrmia #SaveUrmiaLake
— Turan_Rzayev (@turan_rzayev) July 16, 2022[_oembed_time_684164c330d644f28f977d317e49fc9c] => 1660741501 [_oembed_4929b7c93e77e594c99199fe63824b1b] => [_oembed_time_4929b7c93e77e594c99199fe63824b1b] => 1660741502 [_oembed_742edc470e137fd32dae55e467d30d36] =>NOW - Protestors storm #Iraq’s parliament in
— (@disclosetv) July 27, 2022[_oembed_time_742edc470e137fd32dae55e467d30d36] => 1660741502 [_oembed_56d4d8693d261be6779db485e5333d23] =>Happening rn: MOCs & EDs of orgs across the country are risking arrest at the Capitol. #BansOffOurBodies @CPDAction
— Maegan LLerena ? (@maeganllerena) July 19, 2022[_oembed_time_56d4d8693d261be6779db485e5333d23] => 1660741502 [_oembed_69a3e82b8f9a104dd58a398dcdaf6d1d] =>Multiple members of Congress, including @AOC, being arrested by Capitol Police for blocking traffic outside the Supreme Court in abortion rights demonstration:
— Andrew Solender (@AndrewSolender) July 19, 2022[_oembed_time_69a3e82b8f9a104dd58a398dcdaf6d1d] => 1661940001 [_oembed_cd937bc3dff2309fbd0ad0161ee2621f] => [_oembed_time_cd937bc3dff2309fbd0ad0161ee2621f] => 1663092275 [_oembed_00bda01636ca7ca8bfa16f6452ebdb86] => [_oembed_time_00bda01636ca7ca8bfa16f6452ebdb86] => 1663092275 [_oembed_99349a1de3b56cc7c08e73e77a43ecfa] =>It's a simple idea: We demand the govt scrap the energy price rises and deliver affordable energy for all. We will build a million pledges and by Oct 1st if the govt and energy companies fail to act we will cancel our direct debits. Read more here:
— Don't Pay. (@dontpayuk) June 18, 2022[_oembed_time_99349a1de3b56cc7c08e73e77a43ecfa] => 1663092276 [_oembed_16c9829d0a8fd939c16b08eb0175756d] => [_oembed_time_16c9829d0a8fd939c16b08eb0175756d] => 1664517168 [_oembed_1c87321f3d50efaef61de277d95855a0] => [_oembed_time_1c87321f3d50efaef61de277d95855a0] => 1665309302 [_oembed_ad7054d4cc77df684cb9e73359281420] => [_oembed_time_ad7054d4cc77df684cb9e73359281420] => 1666705622 [_oembed_8a78a442d388419df9e3639afdc9a12f] =>Extinction Rebellion protesters superglue themselves inside House of Commons
— Lynne Armstrong #FBPE #FBPPR #RejoinEU ? (@Neuron_Therapy) September 2, 2022[_oembed_time_8a78a442d388419df9e3639afdc9a12f] => 1666705622 [_oembed_3c236f010bc0dae012adbd82e77dd8bb] =>Massive demonstrations against #Qais_Said today in #Tunisia's capital #Tunis
— NippySweety4Freedom (@Syrians4J) October 15, 2022[_oembed_time_3c236f010bc0dae012adbd82e77dd8bb] => 1670006506 [_oembed_09f888486729f6f402aa2d294f249682] =>?? Garment workers in Bangladesh joining #MakeAmazonPay with @NazmaAkter73
— UNI Global Union (@uniglobalunion) November 25, 2022[_oembed_time_09f888486729f6f402aa2d294f249682] => 1670006506 [_oembed_de91eae9d88fb3d912db42999deb70c9] =>residents of guangzhou reportedly tear down covid barriers & march against covid restrictions
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) November 14, 2022
very rare instance of resistance against the[_oembed_time_de91eae9d88fb3d912db42999deb70c9] => 1670006507 [_oembed_c1f2aff1b346e95945b7cf30fa4ed614] =>BREAKING: CHINA, Guangzhou City -- Police fired a shot to enforce the total lockdown now.
— Songpinganq (@songpinganq) November 11, 2022
November 11th, 2022. Midnight[_oembed_time_c1f2aff1b346e95945b7cf30fa4ed614] => 1670950566 [_oembed_93218552d2a66835898b90f368db5d44] =>Demonstration in Athens, as today marks 14 years since 15-year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos was killed by police, back in 2008. This protest comes one day after #Greece police shot a 16-year-old teenager in the head. #Γρηγοροπουλος #16χρονος
— Savvas Karmaniolas (@savvaskarma) December 6, 2022[_oembed_time_93218552d2a66835898b90f368db5d44] => 1672335435 [_oembed_943c284472a2af8b6066797bdb48d2d9] => [_oembed_time_943c284472a2af8b6066797bdb48d2d9] => 1672335435 [_oembed_e3cdad6123cbbd63224e8be51a82b3ad] =>WATCH: #BNNFrance Reports
— Gurbaksh Singh Chahal (@gchahal) December 23, 2022
Clashes erupted in #Paris following the shooting at the #Kurdish Cultural Center. #France[_oembed_time_e3cdad6123cbbd63224e8be51a82b3ad] => 1672335436 [_oembed_c2e007a2bca553f0a36d0335910946c8] =>Non... Les CHINOIS, ILS SONT CHEZ EUX!
— AD (@AD53968024) October 17, 2022
C'est vous qui devez respecter la LOI INTERNATIONALE.
C'est quoi PRO DÉMOCRATIE pour vous ???
Comme en ALLEMAGNE??
???[_oembed_time_c2e007a2bca553f0a36d0335910946c8] => 1672335436 [_oembed_1551c219d2bc0db4976e5e7a98a45866] =>Presidenta Boluarte @DinaErcilia anuncia que enviará a @congresoperu proyecto ley para adelantar elecciones generales para abril 2024. Veamos si las aguas se calman en #Peru #Andahuaylas #Apurimac con ese anuncio
— AZPITIA (@Azpitia) December 12, 2022[_oembed_time_1551c219d2bc0db4976e5e7a98a45866] => 1674220634 [_oembed_feb76bcba14359d3b103f68e4de1bb08] =>Climate strike week 230. We are currently in Lützerath, a German village threatened to be demolished for an expansion of a coal mine. People have been resisting for years. Join us here at 12 or a local protest tomorrow to demand that #LützerathBleibt !#ClimateStrike
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) January 13, 2023[_oembed_time_feb76bcba14359d3b103f68e4de1bb08] => 1674723374 [_oembed_c17cb4293d444c9a2badee368bb86668] => [_oembed_time_c17cb4293d444c9a2badee368bb86668] => 1680446478 [_oembed_5677dd9da0c2810ca4cde334fa4b67d1] =>מה שאתם רואים פה היום זו הפגנה בעד המדינה. אנשים שאוהבים את המדינה באו כדי להגן על הדמוקרטיה שלה, על בתי המשפט שלה, על הרעיון של חיים משותפים וטוב משותף. יש פה אוהבי ישראל שבאו להפגין למען מדינה יהודית דמוקרטית לפי ערכי מגילת העצמאות. אנחנו לא נוותר עד שננצח.
— יאיר לפיד - Yair Lapid (@yairlapid) January 21, 2023
? אלעד גוטמן[_oembed_time_5677dd9da0c2810ca4cde334fa4b67d1] => 1680446479 [_oembed_ba4c51ffcf857c48a55cba140cde3e10] =>Greta Thunberg na symbolicznej trumnie polskiego górnictwa.
— Jakub Wiech (@jakubwiech) March 24, 2023
Zdjęcie naszego redaktora @ByzdraKarol.[_oembed_time_ba4c51ffcf857c48a55cba140cde3e10] => 1680446479 [_oembed_1ef48f4367294cd0f3cfbef53ee8dfa0] =>City hall of Bordeaux is on fire - Protests in France have become extremely violent and gone almost out of control.
— Ashok Swain (@ashoswai) March 23, 2023[_oembed_time_1ef48f4367294cd0f3cfbef53ee8dfa0] => 1680446479 [_oembed_91f953381aeacc34cbdfaf081b83c7d5] =>NOT ON BBC NEWS.#Paris police charge and attack protestors with batons ?
— Anti Lockdown Alliance(GLOBAL) (@Demo2020cracy) March 11, 2023[_oembed_time_91f953381aeacc34cbdfaf081b83c7d5] => 1680446479 [_oembed_029ccdd8efad826171ae2904646d014d] =>Paris??? they seem happy.
— Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) March 11, 2023[_oembed_time_029ccdd8efad826171ae2904646d014d] => 1680446480 [_oembed_bc46290115eb06baaa162b9b314f45f4] => [_oembed_time_bc46290115eb06baaa162b9b314f45f4] => 1685362886 [_oembed_bc9942e7b2fe7bba6d6865bc4c24be99] => [_oembed_time_bc9942e7b2fe7bba6d6865bc4c24be99] => 1685362886 [_oembed_2db223bc57664e80302afc03952edc83] =>À #Nantes, la manifestation a rassemblé entre 13.000 (selon la préfecture) et 25.000 personnes (selon l'intersyndicale). Des tensions ont éclaté à plusieurs reprises et du gaz lacrymogène a été utilisé par les forces de l'ordre #ReformeDesRetraites #greve11mars @Le_Figaro
— Laurène Trillard (@laurenetrillard) March 11, 2023[_oembed_time_2db223bc57664e80302afc03952edc83] => 1685362886 [_oembed_31dacfd1a0772c727a97d6b58f3c4d94] =>Organisers of the #NotMyKing protest have been arrested - police won't say what for
— Republic (@RepublicStaff) May 6, 2023[_oembed_time_31dacfd1a0772c727a97d6b58f3c4d94] => 1685362887 [_oembed_5a3bbbedbf06e47ade6e392b1964c858] =>“NOT MY KING”…???
— Pelham (@Resist_05) May 6, 2023[_oembed_time_5a3bbbedbf06e47ade6e392b1964c858] => 1687359885 [_oembed_51ea38b8c29e8a43b208a1394892fe71] =>Solidaritätsproteste für Lina E.: Linksextreme randalieren in Leipzig
— ntv Nachrichten (@ntvde) June 3, 2023[_oembed_time_51ea38b8c29e8a43b208a1394892fe71] => 1687359885 [_oembed_9e5249dda3e38238f3a60adc451d2696] => [_oembed_time_9e5249dda3e38238f3a60adc451d2696] => 1687705993 [_oembed_7fc38578fe4b9a406fee650dcebad401] =>Hagel von Pflastersteinen gegen die Polizei in #Connewitz. Antifaschisten nehmen bewusst schwere Verletzungen und Tod von Polizisten in Kauf. Und der CDU-Innenminister Schuster dachte die Aufhebung des Haftbefehls gegen #LinaE würde die Antifa beruhigen.?#le0206 #Leipzig
— Dokumentation Linksextremismus (@DokumentationL) June 2, 2023[_oembed_time_7fc38578fe4b9a406fee650dcebad401] => 1690363154 [_oembed_856ac0f9cdbed95cd7f8b7db3b1d9922] =>„Kein #Rammstein in #Berlin!“: Protest gegen die heute startenden Berlin-Konzerte der Band im #Olympiastadion. Die Demonstranten zogen vom Theodor-Heuss-Platz aus zum Olympiaplatz. Dort zählte die Polizei rund 300 Teilnehmer. @keinrammstein #Video
— Berliner Zeitung (@berlinerzeitung) July 15, 2023[_oembed_time_856ac0f9cdbed95cd7f8b7db3b1d9922] => 1697373081 [_oembed_31e363a4f27660ec9ed6e73c8be151ed] => [_oembed_time_31e363a4f27660ec9ed6e73c8be151ed] => 1697373082 [_oembed_d098eabd30a38caef7dd7d8c7aea2e11] =>NEW: Mass looting breaks out in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as criminals were seen stealing IPhone 15s from the Apple Store.
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) September 27, 2023
Luckily, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explained in 2020 why people loot: To feed their families!
I’m sure those IPhone 15s will taste great.
“They go out and…[_oembed_time_d098eabd30a38caef7dd7d8c7aea2e11] => 1697373082 [_oembed_ce5490331ed24292352b9cd79e31e2e1] =>American dream. The usual suspects loot numerous stores in Philadelphia
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) September 27, 2023[_oembed_time_ce5490331ed24292352b9cd79e31e2e1] => 1697373082 [_oembed_2461976d1c45e6a594e04bbc45ebea86] => [_oembed_time_2461976d1c45e6a594e04bbc45ebea86] => 1697373082 [_oembed_0c6a5cda993b93ac33baeaec1b02778c] =>#blackFatigue #blackCrimesMatter
— Dick Hammer (@DickHammer48) September 27, 2023
Looting is still ongoing in #Philadelphia PA. #Phillylooting #Phillyriots
Streamer named Meatball was directing more than 150,000 followers to loot liquor store, Popeyes, Apple & more before taken into custody.
More smiles need to be wiped…[_oembed_time_0c6a5cda993b93ac33baeaec1b02778c] => 1697373082 [_oembed_b1b775bdd132512649f165fc1697f29d] =>Thousands of Czechs rally in Prague to demand the government’s resignation. Canada is postponing a trade mission to India that federal Trade Minister Mary Ng had spent the past four months promoting as key to the government’s …
— Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs (@Journal_INDOPAC) September 16, 2023[_oembed_time_b1b775bdd132512649f165fc1697f29d] => 1699783942 [_oembed_5cc47129f9d228ecd0f16ca570dabd8d] => [_oembed_time_5cc47129f9d228ecd0f16ca570dabd8d] => 1699783942 [_oembed_e1a6e543bbc4473e5584aace1215e824] =>????? ??: A large crowd gathered in New York in support of Palestine.#Gaza #Hamas #Palestine #Israel #Gazabombing #starlinkforgaza #غزة_الآن
— Andrew Joseph✪ (@bit_mako) October 28, 2023[_oembed_time_e1a6e543bbc4473e5584aace1215e824] => 1699783942 [_oembed_533a44fb6a12be95d1d3621be9392e8c] =>Chanting “no more weapons, no more war,” hundreds of anti-Zionism Jewish Americans and their supporters protested at New York’s Grand Central station, demanding Israel stop committing “genocide” in blockaded Gaza
— TRT World (@trtworld) October 28, 2023[_oembed_time_533a44fb6a12be95d1d3621be9392e8c] => 1699783943 [_oembed_514868b4695d64491fa6c30e61d2aa03] =>Chaos in Rome. Left-wing extremists and pro-Hamas Muslims want Islamic Jihad in Europe. This madness must be stopped now.
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) October 13, 2023[_oembed_time_514868b4695d64491fa6c30e61d2aa03] => 1701421830 [_oembed_1235b6203c8342c299d88edc1ccd32df] =>? GBN Exclusive: ‘What we’ve seen, I’m afraid, is the re-emergence of antisemitism’
— GB News (@GBNEWS) November 26, 2023
Former Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, speaks to GB News as he attends the March Against Antisemitism in London.[_oembed_time_1235b6203c8342c299d88edc1ccd32df] => 1701421830 [_oembed_29e9ad1e9be43c2469aee79b00c36bf3] =>A huge crowd walks shoulder to shoulder to #MarchAgainstAntisemitism.
— Campaign Against Antisemitism (@antisemitism) November 26, 2023
What an incredible sight.[_oembed_time_29e9ad1e9be43c2469aee79b00c36bf3] => 1701421831 [_oembed_c2c5f7afcf355d2b2b3af7061a6411ea] =>Beautiful scenes in London ????
— Bella Wallersteiner ?? (@BellaWallerstei) November 26, 2023[_oembed_time_c2c5f7afcf355d2b2b3af7061a6411ea] => 1701421831 [_oembed_0a4fe45f2d1ee2130355a086c69aa5af] =>More than 50 000 people marching against antisemitism in London right now!
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 26, 2023
Strangely, so far no cases of vandalism, hateful slogans nor violent attacks against the police like during the anti-Israel marches in previous weeks…
????[_oembed_time_0a4fe45f2d1ee2130355a086c69aa5af] => 1701421831 [_oembed_17a9ba7a60ccd4d6504040639756baf8] =>More than 50 000 people have gathered for the March Against Antisemitism in London today.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 26, 2023
????[_oembed_time_17a9ba7a60ccd4d6504040639756baf8] => 1701421831 [_oembed_47a03b1e9108c5fde33efeec7d003f3e] =>Dublin bus alight.
— MichaeloKeeffe (@Mick_O_Keeffe) November 23, 2023[_oembed_time_47a03b1e9108c5fde33efeec7d003f3e] => 1701421832 [_oembed_20a0f776dfe18a1e979b211750cb8e49] =>Now: Police cars getting lit up by the Irish youths ?#Ireland #Dublin #BlackFridayDeals #Dubliners #Riots
— We Know Your Game ?♂️ (@WeKnow_1234) November 23, 2023[_oembed_time_20a0f776dfe18a1e979b211750cb8e49] => 1701421832 [_oembed_34dbb78596c5568049e9ec4ca153e360] =>A Dublin Bus has been set on fire as unrest grows after a knife attack on a woman and children in Dublin City Centre | Read more:
— RTÉ News (@rtenews) November 23, 2023[_oembed_time_34dbb78596c5568049e9ec4ca153e360] => 1701421832 [_oembed_36becc28443b76fa3d849d5402d413dc] => [_oembed_time_36becc28443b76fa3d849d5402d413dc] => 1704645224 [_oembed_f90c50dc5a1d9b9dd7c00fe404e982ec] =>Violent disturbances unfolded in Dublin city centre this evening following a stabbing incident in which three young children and a woman were injured. A garda car was set ablaze following clashes between protestors and the public order unit |
— RTÉ News (@rtenews) November 23, 2023[_oembed_time_f90c50dc5a1d9b9dd7c00fe404e982ec] => 1704645224 [_oembed_422a2abfe2e7a671474719960b9313af] =>🇷🇸 Following their electoral defeat last Sunday, the pro-Western "Serbia against violence" coalition has made good on its promise by mobilizing thousands for a major protest in the streets of Belgrade.
— DD Geopolitics (@DD_Geopolitics) December 24, 2023
Their primary demand is the annulment of the recent election results and the…[_oembed_time_422a2abfe2e7a671474719960b9313af] => 1704645224 [_oembed_5c3a20b620a235378deb2ec31b7711dc] => [_oembed_time_5c3a20b620a235378deb2ec31b7711dc] => 1708276640 [_oembed_51d3172c61c659b4d089e17ad379e52f] => [_oembed_time_51d3172c61c659b4d089e17ad379e52f] => 1708276640 [_oembed_c23ceab3efc905cfc9889b1f6ae0fc3b] => [_oembed_time_c23ceab3efc905cfc9889b1f6ae0fc3b] => 1708276640 [_oembed_b1e93d0c05c22aa28d2331b24cf6edf2] =>Dramatic scenes in front of the Assembly of Belgrade as the protesters destroy glass on the windows and doors.#Serbia#Belgrad
— Politics World Wide Web (@PetrosVarelas) December 24, 2023[_oembed_time_b1e93d0c05c22aa28d2331b24cf6edf2] => 1718563845 [_oembed_1b75b5212cc44ea261ef75e303080d99] =>No es Palestina, tampoco Ucrania; es Buenos Aires, que arde en protestas contra el “libertario” Milei.
— Juan el Mestizo (@elmestizojuan) June 12, 2024
Milei, en seis meses, convirtió a la Argentina en un estado fallido.[_oembed_time_1b75b5212cc44ea261ef75e303080d99] => 1718563845 [_oembed_7d97ae2552e1e81960a48d952225e03d] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_d534aeb1a5cf8514a9295070e6acf104] =>❗️Así lucen las calles de Buenos Aires ante las protestas por la ley de bases
— Sepa Más (@Sepa_mass) June 12, 2024[_oembed_time_d534aeb1a5cf8514a9295070e6acf104] => 1720371693 [_oembed_c17c747b48c0b7a17b0b9f41ee09080c] =>No es Palestina, tampoco Ucrania; es Buenos Aires, que arde en protestas contra el “libertario” Milei.
— Juan el Mestizo (@elmestizojuan) June 12, 2024
Milei, en seis meses, convirtió a la Argentina en un estado fallido.[_oembed_time_c17c747b48c0b7a17b0b9f41ee09080c] => 1720371693 [_oembed_10647c078e407f01a877e4658d6281e4] =>❗️Así lucen las calles de Buenos Aires ante las protestas por la ley de bases
— Sepa Más (@Sepa_mass) June 12, 2024[_oembed_time_10647c078e407f01a877e4658d6281e4] => 1724688670 [_oembed_e997bc4e46110c5f8f9b5133a8622897] =>"Mallorca no se vende".
— Telediarios de TVE (@telediario_tve) July 21, 2024
Palma vuelve a salir a la calle para protestar contra el turismo masivo.
La última hora con Pau Fons
🔸[_oembed_time_e997bc4e46110c5f8f9b5133a8622897] => 1729970404 [_oembed_dfe99ef0f6b0ec124228c64e32724d21] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_a4a7af9b6951e8933bb032e85beec4c7] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_4a5cc5a0f83ef7ee16e81ca19b861a39] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_dea70d615be74129a0e73bc648933d81] =>#Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg was detained again🤡
— Lew Anno Suport#Israel #Ukraine 24/2-22 (@anno1540) October 5, 2024
This time, the girl, together with other activists, blocked a key street in Brussels, calling on the European Union to cancel subsidies for oil and gas production[_oembed_time_dea70d615be74129a0e73bc648933d81] => 1734334625 [_oembed_f7e87c971f2a6a1a452fb2aeb1136309] =>TRENUTNO ISPRED RTS-A!!!
— Tanja Mladenovic (@TanjaMladenovi7) December 6, 2024[_oembed_time_f7e87c971f2a6a1a452fb2aeb1136309] => 1737575900 [_oembed_6205c5d24b4ed75f609bbd5bd57072c6] =>Confrontos durante manifestações pela morte de Ramy Elgaml. Meloni condena violência #EuropeNews
— Euronews Português (@euronewspt) January 12, 2025[_oembed_time_6205c5d24b4ed75f609bbd5bd57072c6] => 1737575900 [_oembed_7d1bed84942f60a9da8e5cefda24b379] =>Earlier today, armed extremists set fire to a Christmas tree in Suqaylabiyah in Hama, Syria. Local channels say they were Uzbek militants.
— The Cradle (@TheCradleMedia) December 23, 2024
HTS apologized for the incident and promised to deal with any future threats, but many Christians do not believe this will happen.[_oembed_time_7d1bed84942f60a9da8e5cefda24b379] => 1737575900 [_oembed_eb56bb7da6ff7252b4c6e023dd012625] =>Protest tonight in Damascus by Christian community after reports surfaced that a Christmas tree was lit on fire in Homs.
— Mohamad El Chamaa (@MohamdEch) December 23, 2024[_oembed_time_eb56bb7da6ff7252b4c6e023dd012625] => 1737575900 [_oembed_bb934b0563a0243eb8cbfa94bb621ad1] =>The individual who ran into a crowd with a car at a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany has been identified as Talib Al-Abdulmohsen… an atheist and well know activists and Zionist.
— Pelham (@Resist_05) December 21, 2024
Watch the media bury this story…🇩🇪[_oembed_time_bb934b0563a0243eb8cbfa94bb621ad1] => 1737575901 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 900 [3] => 25 [4] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Kriminális [3] => Videók [4] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 50813 [1] => 16548 [2] => 308 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => bankfoglalás [1] => illegális bevándorlók [2] => tüntetés ) ) ) [model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [offset] => 0 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 50813 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [_model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [offset] => 0 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 50813 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [_domains] => Array ( [podiji] => 1 ) [status] => 1 [from_cache] => )BREAKING: Thousands of Germans are currently protesting in Magdeburg against Mass Immigration after the Christmas market attack by a Saudi Arabian immigrant yesterday.
— Cillian (@CilComLFC) December 21, 2024
The people of Germany are NOT going to play nice anymore. They’ve had enough.