Lángok csaptak fel azon a helyen, ahol egy katonai helikopter kényszerleszállást hajtott végre Camp Pendletonban, ami miatt a rendőrség figyelmeztette a sofőröket, hogy az érintett gyorsforgalmi úton forgalmi fennakadások lehetnek.
James Estillore, a 3. tengerészgyalogos szárny kommunikációs stratégiájának és hadműveleteinek szóvivője elmondta, hogy a személyzet mind a négy tagja biztonságban van, senki nem sérült meg – közölte az abcnews.com.
Helyi idő szerint nem sokkal délután 4 óra után „az amerikai tengerészgyalogság CH-53E szuperménje, amely a 3. tengerészgyalogság szárnyához tartozik, hajtóműtüzet észlelt repülés közben” – mondta Estillore.
„A gép személyzete végrehajtotta a vészhelyzeti eljárásokat, és biztonságosan leszállította a repülőgépet egy leszállózónában” – folytatódott Estillore nyilatkozata. A helikopter az autópálya északi oldalán, az Aliso Creek pihenőterület közelében landolt, közölte közleményében a California Highway Patrol.
„Kérjük, legyen óvatos, és számítson késésekre a térségben” – mondta a CHP. A helyi és a tengerészgyalogság katasztrófavédelem munkatársai vonultak ki a helyszínre, hogy eloltsák a tüzet. A Camp Pendleton a tengerészgyalogság legnagyobb nyugati parti bázisa, San Diego megyében.
A korareggeli hírek még arról szóltak, hogy az Egyesült Államok elveszítette egyik legfeljettebb vadászgépét a Vörös-tengernél. Az amerikai álláspont szerint, a bevetés során, saját vadászgépét lőtte le Jemen partjainál az Egyesült Államok. A jemeni erők azt állítják, hogy egy légvédelmi rakétával lőtték le az F-18 Hornet vadászgépet.
🇺🇸 One person was killed and four others were injured after a #TrainIncident derailed and crashed into the #Chamber of Commerce building in #Pecos, #Texas, US.
The train crashed into a trailer that was parked on the tracks at an intersection. pic.twitter.com/4mtPyzbnka
❗️⚓️🇷🇺 - The Russian oil tanker Volgoneft 212, carrying 13 crew members, broke in two near the Kerch Strait.
The vessel reportedly had around 4,300 tons of fuel oil on board. Reports confirm that two tankers are now sinking in the area; one has split in half, leading to fuel… pic.twitter.com/SJg6KyrJkR
As many watched the show, the drones in the "act" began to fall crashing below.
Adriana Edgerton, that she and her family were watching the show at #LakeEola when one of the falling drones struck her son in the chest. Knocking… pic.twitter.com/CQgMW9XiXT
Colaboramos en las tareas de auxilio tras un accidente en la estación de esquí de Astún (Huesca) donde se ha descolgado una línea de telesilla de 15 metros de altura. Participan guardias civiles del Grupo de Rescate e Intervención en Montaña, Servicio Aéreo y Seguridad Ciudadana… pic.twitter.com/weioCLGGOc
Rutinrepülés közben lezuhant egy Mi–28-as helikopter a kalugai régióban, a személyzet életét vesztette – közölte csütörtökön az orosz védelmi minisztérium.
„A helikopter néptelen területen zuhant le. A földön nem keletkeztek károk. A személyzet életét vesztette” – hangzott a tájékoztatás.
Az előzetes verzió szerint a helikopter műszaki hiba miatt zuhant le.
Az orosz légierő vizsgálóbizottságot küldött a baleset helyszínére.
Korábban a régió kormányzója, Vlagyiszlav Sapsa arról számolt be, hogy a helikopter a Zsidrai járásban zuhant le, a helyszínre mentőegységet küldtek.
A court in Yekaterinburg has convicted Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich of espionage and sentenced him to 16 years in a high security penal colony. The trial has been dismissed as a ‘sham’ by US officials & the WSJ. pic.twitter.com/1tSodId4pR
RUSSIAN MEDIA: Prominent Russian economist Valentina Bondarenko was found dead today in front of her Moscow-area apartment building after "falling out of the window accidentally." pic.twitter.com/Wr0NraCUxu
Mikhail Rogachev, the former vice-president of Yukos, a now-defunct oil and gas company, fell from a window in Moscow, according to Russian media https://t.co/nJKqBrUSRV
A retired senior Russian official close to both Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin's secret services has reportedly died after falling down the stairs of his country house and breaking his neck.
Former director of the Federal Migration Service, Konstantin Romodanovsky, 67, died… pic.twitter.com/lxwpzooXBk
Otro más que se añade a la lista. Konstantin Romodanovsky, espía considerado los "ojos y oídos" de Putin, muere después d "caerse por las escaleras y romperse el cuello" en la más reciente de las ya no tan misteriosas muertes del denominado “Death State”https://t.co/MqeVyVI629pic.twitter.com/8pKcXHeGDZ
Maksim Yeremin, a former colonel and head of the counterterrorism unit in Russia's Federal Security Service, died at 50 after choking on a piece of meat while dining at a Moscow restaurant on the 25th. pic.twitter.com/Nnt4YYnrfW
Footage claimed to show Hundreds of North Korean Soldiers training at a Russian Military Base near the City of Sergeyevka in the Primorsky Krai Region of Eastern Russia, which is roughly 100 Miles from Russia’s Small Land-Border with North Korea. pic.twitter.com/AxZ0Um48V8
"Balya, seulement ils ont fait exploser une balle" - un habitant indigène à propos des événements de Vladikavkaz Les médias parlent d'un mort et de 13 katsaps blessés.🔥 https://t.co/q2OQ0smmFmpic.twitter.com/3bWnhwwlSV
And another Russian oil depot area was targeted tonight. The one which is located near Dedilovo station in the Tula region of Russia. 335km from the frontline. (54.0238075, 38.0436448) https://t.co/K0JvcUxPQ4pic.twitter.com/u5AFNtvWSs
Két katonai helikopter összeütközött és lezuhant kedden egy kiképzés során Malajziában, tíz személy életét vesztette a balesetben – jelentette be a malajziai haditengerészet.
Májusban ünneplik a haditengerészet 90. évfordulóját Malajziában, a helikopterek személyzete erre készülve gyakorlatozott az ország nyugati részén fekvő Perak államban, a Lumut haditengerészeti támaszpont fölött, amikor a baleset történt.
Az egyik helikopter fedélzetén hét, míg a másikon három személy tartózkodott. A közlemény szerint minden áldozat a helyszínen meghalt.
Сar flew into a crowd during a rally in Sri Lanka: 7 people were killed, and more than 20 injured
According to the local portal Daily Mirror, the driver failed to control the car. Whether he was injured, is not reported. The injured were hospitalized, some of them in critical… pic.twitter.com/pyp42eRNPj
London: Four people including a child have been injured following a shooting in Hackney, east London, outside a restaurant. The shooter was on a motorcycle and fled away after shooting.
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
Kenyában csütörtökön lezuhant egy katonai helikopter, a fedélzeten tartózkodó katonák közül legalább nyolc magas rangú tiszt életét vesztette – jelentette be egy biztonsági forrás. Az államfő és a kormány szóvivője is megerősítette a baleset tényét.
Korábban egy rendőrségi forrás öt halottról és három sérültről számolt be.
Szóvivőjének az X közösségi oldalon közzétett tájékoztatása szerint William Ruto elnök az Elgeyo-Marakwet megyében történt szerencsétlenség miatt estére összehívta a nemzetbiztonsági tanácsot a fővárosban, Nairobiban. A baleset áldozatainak számáról és körülményeiről ugyanakkor nem adott tájékoztatást.
Isaac Mwaura kormányszóvivő – ugyancsak az X-en – szintén szűkszavú közleményben tudatta, hogy hamarosan bővebb információkkal szolgálnak a balesetről.
Kenyában legutóbb 2021 júniusában zuhant le egy katonai helikopter, amely leszállás közben a talajba csapódott Nairobi közelében. Akkor legkevesebb tíz katona vesztette életét.
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[excerpt] => Kenyában csütörtökön lezuhant egy katonai helikopter, a fedélzeten tartózkodó katonák közül legalább nyolc magas rangú tiszt életét vesztette – jelentette be egy biztonsági forrás. Az államfő és a kormány szóvivője is megerősítette a baleset tényét.
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[title] => Több magas rangú tiszt életét vesztette egy helikopterbalesetben Kenyában
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Flooding in #Oman has killed at least 16 people, many of them schoolchildren, authorities say following the discovery of the bodies of a child and three adults.https://t.co/H8B0xQm0dK
Heavy rains and flash floods have swept parts of the Gulf region, killing at least 18 people in Oman and causing travel disruption in the UAE ⤵️ https://t.co/l4aYrxrLhc
Сar flew into a crowd during a rally in Sri Lanka: 7 people were killed, and more than 20 injured
According to the local portal Daily Mirror, the driver failed to control the car. Whether he was injured, is not reported. The injured were hospitalized, some of them in critical… pic.twitter.com/pyp42eRNPj
The recent floods in Baghlan province have caused widespread devastation. According to reports, it has taken numerous lives and destroyed hundreds of homes resulting in displacement. Kindly help the victims by donating 👇🏼https://t.co/vcB5AbI0DF#Baghlan#Afghanistanpic.twitter.com/4kR8nMusDn
— Bashir Gharwal غروال (@bashir_gharwall) May 10, 2024
UPDATE: The crash happened when a 2001 Ford pickup truck side-swiped the bus carrying farm workers in Marion County Florida. The bus then went off the road, crashed into a fence, and overturned in a field. 8 people were killed and up to 50 injured, several in critical condition. pic.twitter.com/XCxKbStw1D
London: Four people including a child have been injured following a shooting in Hackney, east London, outside a restaurant. The shooter was on a motorcycle and fled away after shooting.
A fire broke out in a building housing workers in the city of Mangaf in southern Kuwait early on Wednesday, killing at least 41 people including 5 Indians, senior police officers told state media.#Kuwait#Mangafpic.twitter.com/XLcbZpRUWm
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
Aristegui Noticias - Extraditan a Estados Unidos a 'El Nini', ex jefe de seguridad de 'Los Chapitos' https://t.co/7NgJZkztM8 se actua contra la mafia de la drog creada por los gobiernos noliberales anteriores
— Eva Guzman Guzman (@EvaGuzmanGuzman) May 25, 2024
Breaking News🚨:A two storey building Secondary School collapses on students writing exams in Jos,Nigeria. Some students are trapped inside the collapsed building . Cranes are currently at the scene to help rescue trapped victims We hope every one is safe🙏🏻🇳🇬❤️ pic.twitter.com/K0wuDtSYlr
#WorldNews: Twelve children were killed in #SouthAfrica early Wednesday when a minibus taking them to school in #Johannesburg overturned and caught fire after being hit by another vehicle, the government said.https://t.co/nixAyhfh3F
— LBCI Lebanon English (@LBCI_News_EN) July 10, 2024
At least sixteen people have died, and ten others were injured in a landslide in Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia, according to an official from the country’s disaster mitigation agency on Tuesday.pic.twitter.com/7rZWwITEFc
Kartalkaya Kayak Merkezi’nde yangın: 10 ölü 32 yaralı
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, İçişleri Bakanı Ali Yerlikaya ve Sağlık Bakanı Kemal Memişoğlu yangının çıktığı Kartalkaya’ya hareket etti. pic.twitter.com/23HcCM0QgA
Megtalálták azt az amerikai katonai helikoptert, ami eltűnt, miközben öt tengerészgyalogost szállított Nevadából Kaliforniába. A legénységet eltűntként kezelték, de a legújabb frissítés szerint nem élték túl a balesetet.
A helikopter kedden a nevadai Clark megyei Creech légibázisról a San Diegóban található Miramar tengerészgyalogsági bázisra repült, amikor annak eltűnését jelentették – írja az ABC.
A tűzoltókat az eltűnt helikopter utolsó ismert koordinátáihoz irányították, azonban ott nem találtak semmit – írja a NyTimes
The CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter had gone missing as an historic storm dumped heavy snow and record rain over California. https://t.co/or9vNtOoQ0
A CH-53E Super Stallion típusú helikoptert San Diegótól keletre, a kaliforniai Pine Valleyben találták meg, néhány órával azután, hogy a hatóságok megkezdték a keresést írja a CBS.
Az öt eltűnt katonát napokig keresték, a csütörtöki frissítés szerint a katonák nem élték túl a balesetet – írja a CBS frissítése.
Nehéz szívvel és mély szomorúsággal osztozom a 3. tengerészgyalogos repülőszázad és a „Repülő Tigrisek” öt kiváló tengerészgyalogosának elvesztésében, akik tegnap este egy kiképzési repülés során meghaltak – mondta Michael J. Borgschulte vezérőrnagy.
Conditions in Berrien County, MI remain hazardous due to lake effect snow, reduced visibility, and blowing snow. Here's a look at cameras on I-94 courtesy of @MDOT_Southwest. A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect until 11 AM EST Wednesday with additional accumulations up to 2". pic.twitter.com/obkkPQZXAQ
An investigation is underway in rural southwestern Virginia, where authorities found a woman dead inside a natural cave on Friday. There are hundreds of caves in that area. https://t.co/3DGqGRaquK
ALERT:#DPD is investigating a shooting in the 5000 block N Orleans Ct. Six victims located. Extent of injuries unknown at this time. Investigation is ongoing. Officers are working to develop suspect information. #Denverpic.twitter.com/xzYGU79nFT
The National Weather Service warns of a severe snowstorm in California's Sierra Nevada mountains, with up to 12 feet of snow forecasted over the weekend. pic.twitter.com/MnfAwGTn95
Some attendees of the Kansas City Chiefs playoff game in January suffered frostbite, with 12 people requiring amputation surgeries for fingers and toes, according to a Kansas City hospital.https://t.co/An0CnCVseF
Timelapse of an intense tornado warned storm moving into downtown Houston, Texas this evening. Watch as the skyline disappears as blinding rain and destructive winds move in. Video courtesy of @EarthCam. #TXwxpic.twitter.com/3lSUt87LTD
Crowded public bus hijacked, taken on wild high-speed chase down Atlanta freeway; 1 killed: A passenger was killed by a gunshot wound after a suspect hijacked a transit bus in metro Atlanta and led authorities on a high-speed chase into a neighboring… https://t.co/WNlRstbaZ4pic.twitter.com/Sqgo198VBn
Crowded public bus hijacked, taken on wild high-speed chase down Atlanta freeway; 1 killed: A passenger was killed by a gunshot wound after a suspect hijacked a transit bus in metro Atlanta and led authorities on a high-speed chase into a neighboring… https://t.co/WNlRstbaZ4pic.twitter.com/Sqgo198VBn
A Somerset, Kentucky man -- Jesse Kipf -- was sentenced to 81 months in prison for illegally accessing the Hawaii Death Registry System to fake his own death to avoid paying child support. pic.twitter.com/JPblsYAr3x
✋️ Who here thinks we should send the National Guard to Aurora Colorado to deal with these armed gangs of undocumented Venezuelan? This is domestic terrorism and FBI presence is needed. 👀😳 pic.twitter.com/vjvzoSCCC5
Your votes matter this November. An armed Venezuelan gang has taken control of an apartment complex as well as other parts of town in Aurora Colorado. Is this what you want? I never thought I'd live to see the day something like this happens in the U.S. straight out of a movie https://t.co/Zru9WhMCA5
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis says the viral videos of armed Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment buildings is just a figment of the "imagination" of local leaders. Fmr apartment resident Cindy Romero absolutely DESTROYS Polis:
Latalia Anjolie Margalli, 22, is now charged with 2nd degree murder and five counts of 2nd degree assault with a dangerous weapon in the weekend downtown Minneapolis car assault that left a teen dead, five injured. Charges indicate that Margalli started the fight with a male she… pic.twitter.com/0m7XSnGFkH
The US THAAD system is deployed near Nevatim air base in Israel. This site is managed by the US Army Missile Conmand 1st Space Brigade. It acts as an anti-ballistic missile base.
THAAD uses the AN/TPY-2 radar to track enemy ballistic missiles as they fly into space, the radar… pic.twitter.com/TwzbamqTGx
🚨#WATCH: As a major fire breaks out at a recycling Lithium Battery plant triggering massive explosions leading to mandatory evacuations⁰⁰📌#Fredericktown | #Missouri
Watch as numerous fire departments rush to the scene of a major fire at a lithium battery recycling plant in… pic.twitter.com/rLZIV11zCy
🤡Atmospheric River collided with Bomb Cyclone to create Triple Bombogenesis. Can the climate crisis folks get any more dramatic? ABC News reported that a woman was killed on Tuesday when a tree fell into a home in Bellevue, Wash., while she was in the shower. Another woman was… pic.twitter.com/0YwXtG60we
The driver of the Tesla Cybertruck that exploded on New Year's Day outside the Trump International Las Vegas Hotel "used ChatGPT to plan out his attack," according to authorities. https://t.co/c6r7MeVAeWpic.twitter.com/9hsnn2N364
ICYMI: Millions of Americans are under a winter storm warning as the most impactful storm of the season thus far sweeps across the U.S. https://t.co/UATaKIII0W
Szolgálatteljesítés közben lezuhant egy magyar katonai helikopter Horvátországban – közölte a magyar Honvédelmi Minisztérium.
A Magyar Légierő két Airbus H145-ös helikoptere légi kiképzési feladatot teljesített a horvát légtérben, amikor az egyik helikopter – három emberrel a fedélzetén – egyelőre tisztázatlan körülmények között, Horvátország középső részén lezuhant.
A mentőcsapatok megtalálták a helikopter roncsait, átkutatásuk során egyelőre két katona holttestét találták meg, harmadik társukat még keresik.
Közölték azt is, hogy a tárca azonnal megkezdte a családok kiértesítését, a fejleményekről a Honvédelmi Minisztérium és a Magyar Honvédség folyamatosan tájékoztat.
A baleset a Cikola kanyonban történt.
Az N1 tévé értesülései szerint a legénység harmadik tagja utáni kutatáshoz a horvát légierő két gépe is csatlakozott, ezt a horvát védelmi minisztérium is megerősítette.
A 24sata azt írja, hogy a helikopter a korábbi hírekkel szemben nem a Krka nemzeti park területén, hanem egy Natura2000 hálózathoz tartozó természetvédelmi területen zuhant le.
A Jutarnji List értesülései szerint a legénység harmadik tagja utáni kutatásban a katonaság két gépe mellett a rendőrség, a tűzoltóság, valamint a horvát magashegyi mentőszolgálat is részt vesz.
A lap úgy tudja, a helikopter pilótája egy Zipline drótkötélnek ütközhetett, mert nem vette észre a völgyek közt húzódó drótot. Az ütközés után azonnal lezuhant és kigyulladt.
Novák Katalin köztársasági elnök a közösségi oldalán részvétét fejezte ki a balesetben elhunyt honvédek hozzátartozóinak.
?? | URGENTE: Helicóptero del Ejército de Colombia, que cumplía labores de abastecimiento, se precipitó en Quibdó. El presidente Petro ordenó a las autoridades "desplazarse a la zona para atender la emergencia e investigar las causas de lo sucedido". pic.twitter.com/LonsEGRDP6
U pogonu osječke tvrtke "Drava international" kod prigradskog naselja Brijest u srijedu poslije ponoći došlo je do požara uskladištene plastike na otvorenom prostoru, koji pokušavaju lokalizirati profesionalne i dobrovoljne vatrogasne postrojbe.https://t.co/erDA4QW2Xr
Police were notified at 9:37 a.m. on Tuesday that a man had set himself on fire on St Mark's Square in the centre of #Zagreb, #Croatia, where the government and parliament buildings are located#BreakingNewshttps://t.co/6MrM8PYDH5
Man sets himself on fire in Zagreb. Chiefs of Staff from Central European NATO countries meet in Split. Water level of the Danube River stagnating. https://t.co/MciDQDKhwO
A baleset okát nem sikerült megállapítani. A helikopter zuhanását azonban nem ellenséges támadás okozta.
Lezuhant egy helikopter amerikai katonai személyzettel Szíria északkeleti részén. 22 katona különböző súlyosságú sérüléseket szenvedett – jelentette az Egyesült Államok Fegyveres Erőinek Központi Parancsnoksága (CENTCOM) június 13-án, kedden.
Az incidens június 11-én történt. A sérülteket kórházba szállították, 10 katona az intenzív osztályon kezelődik.
A terror attack carried out by #SDF militia with a car bomb targeted a market in Turkish controlled Azaz town. A woman and 2 children were killed, with more people wounded. pic.twitter.com/caN2DemtZF
Legénységgel a fedélzetén eltűnt egy japán katonai helikopter a délnyugati Okinava prefektúrához tartozó lévő Mijako szigeténél – jelentette pénteken az NHK japán közszolgálati hírtelevízió.
A japán védelmi tárca és a parti őrség azt közölte, hogy az UH-60 típusú helikopter helyi idő szerint délután négy óra körül tűnt el a radarról. A keresés jelenleg is tart – tette hozzá a minisztérium.
Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade. pic.twitter.com/ps91HUCMMm
According to Tokyo Airport Office of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, around 11:00am on the 10th, 2 planes of Thai Airways and EVA Air may have collided at Haneda Airport, and 1 of the runways was closed. A live camera captured the footage at the time https://t.co/I4pibBsHyB
#BreakingNews Volcano in Japan spews ash, rock 200m into sky
An explosive eruption last week sent volcanic rock hurtling into the sea around Niijima Island, located 150km (93 miles) south of the Japanese capital Tokyo.
Japan's shores have become a fish graveyard: “A large number of sardines and mackerel were found washed ashore on the coast of Hamacho, Japan. Moreover, scientists cannot name the exact cause of what happened. According to one version, mass migration may have led to death due to… pic.twitter.com/JDskOa4J7s
Initial report suggests at least 3 people were stabbed on the street near the Kumamoto City Hall. A man in his 20s has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.
Temperatures exceeded 46C (114.8F) this week, making many of the rituals that are performed outdoors and on foot challenging especially for the elderly. pic.twitter.com/gbcWcm7222
— Science Dispels Religion (@DennisF79338235) June 16, 2024
Temperatures exceeded 46C (114.8F) this week, making many of the rituals that are performed outdoors and on foot challenging especially for the elderly. pic.twitter.com/gbcWcm7222
— Science Dispels Religion (@DennisF79338235) June 16, 2024
Legalább tizenhárom ember, köztük hét gyerek életét vesztette és harmincan megsebesültek Mianmar központi Szagaing régiójának Let Jet Kone településén, miután a hadsereg helikoptereiről tüzet nyitottak az ottani iskolára – közölte hétfőn az ottani iskolavezetés és egy segélyszervezet munkatársa.
A mianmari sajtó és helyi lakosok korábban hat halott gyerekről és tizenhét sebesültről tettek bejelentést.
Az országot irányító junta azzal védekezett, hogy lázadók használták az épületet, ahonnan a kormányerőket támadták.
6 School Kids Killed, 17 Others Injured After Myanmar Army Helicopters Fired At A School Building (Photos) https://t.co/EF7vd9M0X7
Az incidens még pénteken történt. A helikopterekről a sajtójelentések szerint egy buddhista kolostorban lévő iskolát lőttek. A gyerekek közül egyesek a levegőből leadott lövések során, mások pedig a településre behatoló csapatok támadása nyomán vesztették életüket.
Mar Mar iskolaigazgató beszámolója szerint megpróbálta a gyerekeket a földszinten biztonságos búvóhelyre vinni, miután a település fölött időző Mi-35-ös típusú harci helikopterek tüzet nyitottak gépfegyverekből. A légitámadást követően hozzávetőleg nyolcvan katona érkezett a településre, majd kiparancsolták az embereket az iskolából. Mar Mar körülbelül harminc sebesült diákot látott, akik közül egyesek elvesztették valamely végtagjukat is. Hozzátette, hogy a katonák felégettek egy épületet, és több mint húsz embert magukkal vittek, köztük kilenc sebesült gyereket, három tanárt és további két személyt, akiket azzal vádoltak, hogy lázadók.
Az iskolában Mar Mar mellett húsz önkéntes tanít mintegy 240 diákot.
A hadsereg közleményben vádolta a terrorszervezetnek nyilvánított Kacsin Függetlenségi Hadsereget (KIA) és a katonai vezetést ellenzőkből létrejött Népvédelmi Erőket (PDF), hogy a kolostorban bujkálnak harcosaik, a települést pedig a térségbéli fegyverszállításokra használják. A közlemény szerint a helikoptereken érkező biztonsági erők „meglepetésszerű ellenőrzést” tartottak, amikor a helyi lakosokat élő pajzsként használó KIA és a PDF harcosai tüzet nyitottak rájuk a házakból és a kolostorból.
A mianmari árnyékkormány ugyanakkor iskolák elleni célzott támadással vádolta a juntát, és felszólította a katonai vezetést, hogy engedje szabadon a katonai művelet nyomán őrizetbe vett mintegy húsz diákot és tanárt.
Mianmarban mindennapos az erőszak, mióta a hadsereg 2021 februárjában átvette a hatalmat, bebörtönözve a választáson győztes Aung Szan Szú Kjít, az ország addigi de facto vezetőjét és további több tízezer ellenzéki politikust vagy máskéntgondolkodót. Polgári milíciák alakultak és fogtak fegyvert a junta ellen, és fegyveres nemzetiségi csoportok is az oldalukra álltak.
Twenty-seven people were killed and 20 others injured after a bus turned on its side in #China's Guizhou Province early Sunday morning. pic.twitter.com/TTMYugVg6Q
Las lluvias también han afectado a Honduras. En el municipio de Gualala, departamento de Santa Bárbara, habitantes del lugar captaron el momento de un derrumbe que bloqueó la carretera. pic.twitter.com/tlqKREpK0w
The death toll from a boat accident in Nigeria rises to 76. Local officials say the vessel capsized on Friday after heavy flooding in the Ogbaru area of Anambra. Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari said authorities are working to rescue any missing passengers.#Nigeria#floodspic.twitter.com/H8TMB6VgQN
#CHAD??: Early this morning of October 20, 2022, demonstrations reported in several Chadian cities with many injuries and deaths already recorded in #Ndjamena. pic.twitter.com/zgMfGBBgvK
???INDIA: Death toll rises in India bridge collapse: The death toll from a suspension bridge collapse in India rose to more than 130 and officials fear it could grow as authorities opened a criminal case into one of the deadliest accidents in the country in the past 10 years. pic.twitter.com/jUHQ6prmxm
Shocked to hear reports of an incident at Manly West Public School today. My thoughts are with the students and staff who have been impacted, and I wish them a speedy recovery. https://t.co/JTedljILZJ
At least 39 people died and 4 others were wounded in an accident after a passenger bus plunged into aravine and caught fire near Chinki stop in the Bela area of the Lasbela Balochistan. May Allah give sabar to the families who have lost their loved one's?#Lasbela#accidentpic.twitter.com/Sg0o09onVL
An eyewitness said immediately after the crash, the driver stepped out of the bus, ripped his clothes off and started screaming. https://t.co/0LGRj6RX5c
#BREAKING: Train derailment between Greek cities of Athens and Thessaloniki kills at least 16 people and leaves 85 injured, fire officials say https://t.co/Vv39WYVgdQ
#Greece: Multiple injuries caused by train collision. The collision between a freight and passenger train occurred near Tempe, some 380 kilometers north of Athens, and resulted in the derailment of several train cars.#Τέμπηpic.twitter.com/Ucf9k4fNKx
The Central Lyon Fire Department and Lyon County Sheriff’s Department are coordinating with the National Transportation Safety Board to determine the cause of the crash which is under investigation.
Cientistas ambientais indo para Ohio para a limpeza morrem em um acidente de avião ... ... em Little Rock, Arkansas. KKKKKKKNOVIDADE eles DITAM AS LEIS , nao entendeu? releia https://t.co/AxZURGamo7
— Josué PR Bolsonaroreeleito é 22 (@JosuFer85741781) February 23, 2023
Italy ?? Plane crash: Two Sai Marchetti 208 ultralight military training aircraft collided in mid-air near Guidonia Montecelio in Rome. One plane crashed in the middle of a field and the other near a residential area. Both pilots died.
Sebanyak 35 warga masih dinyatakan hilang sejak terjadinya tanah longsor di Kecamatan Serasan, Kabupaten Natuna, Kepulauan Riau, pada Senin (6/3) hingga hari ini Rabu (8/3). Para warga yang hilang itu diduga masih tertimbun material longsoran dengan kedalaman hingga 4 meter. pic.twitter.com/7ccsXjHhP9
Upaya pencarian, pertolongan dan evakuasi para korban terdampak tanah longsor Serasan, Kabupaten Natuna semakin membuahkan hasil. Pada hari kelima pascabencana atau Minggu (12/3), jumlah korban meninggal dunia yang telah ditemukan menjadi 46.#LongsorNatuna#BNPBIndonesiapic.twitter.com/IH8T68yE7J
We’ve got some tough news out of Fort Campbell, with early reports of a helicopter crash and fatalities are expected. @kystatepolice, @KentuckyEM and local officials are responding. We will share more information as available. Please pray for all those affected.
— Governor Andy Beshear (@GovAndyBeshear) March 30, 2023
ABD’de 101'inci Hava İndirme Tümeni’ne ait iki UH-60 Blackhawk tipi helikopter gece 22.00 sıralarında Kentucky Fort Campbell yakınlarında eğitim uçuşu sırasında çarpışarak düştü. Kazada ilk bilgilere göre 9 askerin hayatını kaybettiği bildiriliyor. pic.twitter.com/gtu4yrckI3
❗️Noční požár v Brně je čtvrtý nejtragičtější od roku 1990. Zahynulo osm lidí. ❗️Požár vypukl po 2:00 ráno, hasiči jej zlikvidovali před 7:00. ❗️Jeho příčinu budou nyní zjišťovat @PolicieCZ a @hzsjhm ❗️Podle policie šlo o 12 spojených unimobuněk. pic.twitter.com/DCKQRuCKQE
Russian strike on Kramatorsk today. Russians attacked with S-300, there are wounded among civilians, including one child, according to sources @pravda_engpic.twitter.com/YKkC1R7u7F
At least 13 killed, more than 70 injured in suicide blast near mosque in Balochistan At least 10 people, including a police officer, were killed and more than 70 suffered after a suicide bomber blew himself up near a mosque in Pakistan’s Balochistan province on Friday (Sept 29).… pic.twitter.com/P8xxO3TMRQ
According to the Pakistan Rangers, this elderly man was a suicide bomber and an intelligence basd operation was conducted to arrest him. 5 innocent villagers have been martyred in this so called intelligence based operation.#Sakrandbleeds#سڪرنڊسانحو#sakrandbleedpic.twitter.com/zVMeXG4gKW
At least 13 people killed in a hostel fire that broke out in Kazakhstan's largest city Almaty before sunrise, city's emergency situations department sayshttps://t.co/FYoPVUG34G
BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 10 ang nawawala at 2 ang sugatan sa landslide sa Brgy. Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro kaninang tanghali (Jan.18).
Ayon sa Monkayo-LGU, tigil muna angvsearch and rescue operations dahil sa posibilidad ng bagong landslide. @News5PH (🎥John Laurito) pic.twitter.com/d8WuLMPOMD
BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 2 ang sugatan, at nasa 10 pa ang nawawala dahil sa landslide sa isang mining area sa Purok 20, Pag-asa, Barangay Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro bandang 12 ng tanghali nitong Huwebes, Enero 18.
Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, on Wednesday, said preliminary investigations by security agencies revealed that the explosion that rocked the Bodija Area of Ibadan, the state capital on Tuesday was caused by explosive devices...https://t.co/rEGSHDOtbb
Con nuestras unidades de PONALSAR hacemos presencia en el kilómetro 17 en la vía que conduce de Quibdo a Medellín, se realiza el traslado de heridos a centros asistenciales más cercanos y se continúa con la búsquedad de víctimas y recuperación de cuerpos pic.twitter.com/9bISciCC9P
— Departamento de Policía Chocó (@PoliciaChoco) January 13, 2024
Update: Thirteen students were killed and another one injured in a fire that took place in a school dormitory in the county of Fangcheng, Nanyang City, central China's Henan Province, on Friday night, according to local authorities Saturday https://t.co/eg3MvSdJQ9pic.twitter.com/4fsl0gP3tp
6 people died, 14 injured in a gas explosion caused by a vehicle crash in #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia today morning😔 A truck carrying 60 tons of liquified natural gas collided with a car & exploded killing 3 in the fire & 3👨🚒 died fighting the fire. My sincere condolences🙏 pic.twitter.com/uu5p7umHO3
Bolu’daki yangında ciddi ihmaller olduğu iddia ediliyor. Yangın alarmının çalmadığı, yangın söndürme sistemi ve yangın merdiveninin bulunmadığı belirtiliyor. Ayrıca Kartalkaya’da itfaiye biriminin olmaması ve ekiplerin ilçe merkezlerinden gelmesi müdahaleyi geciktirmiş.#Bolupic.twitter.com/R7AESGaD7s
At least sixteen people have died, and ten others were injured in a landslide in Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia, according to an official from the country’s disaster mitigation agency on Tuesday.pic.twitter.com/7rZWwITEFc
Kartalkaya Kayak Merkezi’nde yangın: 10 ölü 32 yaralı
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, İçişleri Bakanı Ali Yerlikaya ve Sağlık Bakanı Kemal Memişoğlu yangının çıktığı Kartalkaya’ya hareket etti. pic.twitter.com/23HcCM0QgA
A 70-seater bus and a mini truck collides and catches fire at the Dschang cliff in the early hours of the morning leaving 14 dead, 38 others removed and rushed to the hospital in Dschang. The numbers may increase as the rescue team continues with their rescue mission#Cameroonpic.twitter.com/FYMlBJb55e
??? ????????? ???????? ????? ???? ???? ???????? ??? ?? ????? ?? #??????? Ce matin à 4h, un bus de Menoua Voyage venant de #Douala entre en collision avec un camion. Nous y reviendrons #Camerounpic.twitter.com/x6kDW1anAv
BREAKING: 2 FBI agents killed, 3 agents wounded while serving warrant at a home in Sunrise, Florida; suspect also dead; suspect was wanted on charges of violent crimes against children, FBI says. https://t.co/Hlvl6xNscd
'Three people were killed, including the suspected shooter, in a shooting at a gun store in the #NewOrleans suburb of Metairie, La., on Saturday afternoon. Two others wounded by gunfire were hospitalized' https://t.co/x6yl8eqQIS
[ACCIDENTE EN #BOLIVIA: IMÁGENES SENSIBLES] ? Este martes, al menos cinco estudiantes perdieron la vida al caer al vacío, cuando una baranda cedió en un cuarto piso de la Universidad Pública de El Alto (UPEA), en Bolivia. pic.twitter.com/ktzfKAEfnj
#Egypt: At least 20 people killed in fire in clothing factory in El-Obour on outskirts of #Cairo - 24 more injured - another tragedy to add to string of such fires in past few years #حريق_العبور ر #مِصرpic.twitter.com/aUxyKtdG2e
There was a tragedy in one of the areas of Indonesia so INA teumes can’t help us in hyping the tags. Please include them in your prayers and hope for things to get better soon ?? #PrayForNTTpic.twitter.com/pAA5aXOXhT
Trois journées de deuil national seront décrétées sur toute l'étendue du territoire, en la mémoire des victimes de cette tragédie qui endeuille la nation haïtienne tout entière. 1/2
? - ?? #Madagascar Floods and landslides began after heavy rains. The country even declared a red level of danger, it is already known about 10 dead. Houses and bridges are collapsing in some areas, and agricultural land has gone under water. ? pic.twitter.com/36FVN0pzw5
?BREAKING NEWS…?DEVASTATING TORNADO DAMAGE… These are among the first pics I’m seeing coming out of Iowa after a LARGE WEDGE TORNADO (still on ground) moved over Winterset, IA. This home flattened—just off of 169 @ Carver Rd. #Tornado#Iowa#Winterset#TornadoWarningpic.twitter.com/wyPgu4RMt4
Search ops in #Tupul, #Manipur continues.13Territorial #Army prsnl & 5 civilian have been safely rescued while mortal remains of 9 Territorial Army persnl & 1 civilian have been recovered.10 columns have been pressed into the search operation Search for 21 missing #Army prsnl on pic.twitter.com/bcowEBQ5bS
Sad to hear unfortunate news of massive landslide in Noney district of #Manipur . My heartfelt condolences to families who have lost their loved ones ??
Prayers for speedy recovery and safety of injured & missing. May Almighty give strength to the efforts of rescuing agencies. pic.twitter.com/8wVVFLZa73
Torrential rains have hit China's southwestern cities, causing flooding and water-logging in addition to traffic disruptions and leaving residents stranded. pic.twitter.com/N9xXKmISCV
Mountain torrents hit Pingwu County, SW China's Sichuan Province caused by sudden heavy #rainstorms, killing two and leaving four others missing on Tuesday. So far, 31 people have been rescued. pic.twitter.com/wAqDQgZAUn
??300 sapeurs-pompiers, sapeurs-sauveteurs et 2 hélicoptères #Dragon de la Sécurité civile sont mobilisés auprès des populations sinistrées en #Corse. 2 #Beech sont également engagés pour des opérations de reconnaissance. ☎️ Restez vigilants et en cas d'urgence 18/112 pic.twitter.com/A8TjLTiYhJ
Officials in Pakistan say at least 20 people were killed after a passenger bus rammed into a fuel truck on a highway in eastern Punjab province. https://t.co/C1kCXwdanu
Загальні бойові втрати противника з 24.02 по 23.10 орієнтовно склали / The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 23.10 were approximately pic.twitter.com/TPRTRwllHX
#CHAD??: Early this morning of October 20, 2022, demonstrations reported in several Chadian cities with many injuries and deaths already recorded in #Ndjamena. pic.twitter.com/zgMfGBBgvK
An eyewitness said immediately after the crash, the driver stepped out of the bus, ripped his clothes off and started screaming. https://t.co/0LGRj6RX5c
Sebanyak 35 warga masih dinyatakan hilang sejak terjadinya tanah longsor di Kecamatan Serasan, Kabupaten Natuna, Kepulauan Riau, pada Senin (6/3) hingga hari ini Rabu (8/3). Para warga yang hilang itu diduga masih tertimbun material longsoran dengan kedalaman hingga 4 meter. pic.twitter.com/7ccsXjHhP9
Upaya pencarian, pertolongan dan evakuasi para korban terdampak tanah longsor Serasan, Kabupaten Natuna semakin membuahkan hasil. Pada hari kelima pascabencana atau Minggu (12/3), jumlah korban meninggal dunia yang telah ditemukan menjadi 46.#LongsorNatuna#BNPBIndonesiapic.twitter.com/IH8T68yE7J
We’ve got some tough news out of Fort Campbell, with early reports of a helicopter crash and fatalities are expected. @kystatepolice, @KentuckyEM and local officials are responding. We will share more information as available. Please pray for all those affected.
— Governor Andy Beshear (@GovAndyBeshear) March 30, 2023
ABD’de 101'inci Hava İndirme Tümeni’ne ait iki UH-60 Blackhawk tipi helikopter gece 22.00 sıralarında Kentucky Fort Campbell yakınlarında eğitim uçuşu sırasında çarpışarak düştü. Kazada ilk bilgilere göre 9 askerin hayatını kaybettiği bildiriliyor. pic.twitter.com/gtu4yrckI3
#DRC At least twenty people died in a landslide that occurred Sunday in the east in the village of #Bulwa in #Masisi territory. The disaster occurred at the end of the morning, fuilles continue to look for bodies buried under the ground even this Monday. pic.twitter.com/yKRtLaSSXm
— Baraka MUNYAMPFURA Héritier (@HeritierBarak) April 3, 2023
. @FredEnanga1 "Last night, we registered a terrorist attack by the ADF rebels, on Lhubirira secondary school, in Mpondwe, that is located about 2 kms, from the DRC border. A dormitory was burnt and a food store looted. So far 25 bodies have been recovered from the school and… pic.twitter.com/3WVfY2q9lz
VIEWERS DISCRETION ADVISED? ?Fatal Accident On Hwy1 Near Carberry, MB @CarraDeShaukeen
At least 15 people have been killed in a crash Between A Semi-Truck & Handi-Transit Vehicle on the Trans-Canada Highway west of Winnipeg near Carberry, Manitoba. #Carberry#mbpoli#Mantioba… pic.twitter.com/7KC0GGDibj
The bodies of six people trapped in a tunnel submerged by heavy rains in central South Korea were retrieved on Sunday, firefighting authorities said, taking the death toll from days of… pic.twitter.com/tJ7hPPGbbI
At least 8 dead as bus plunges into Trishuli river in Dhading
The bus, heading to Pokhara from Kathmandu, veered off the road and plunged into the river near Gajuri along the Prithvi Highway, police said.https://t.co/8uF3oXPGLZ
O Rio Grande está em luto. Já são 21 vítimas confirmadas em decorrência das chuvas que começaram no domingo. Estamos consternados com a letalidade desse evento climático e mobilizados para salvar todos que ainda correm perigo. pic.twitter.com/CaaA2E9Ch8
?️ José Luis Martínez-Almeida, alcalde de Madrid: "El mensaje que quiero transmitir a los madrileños es que permanezcan en sus domicilios [...] Es una situación excepcional"
Después de 2 años volvemos a ver otra inundación incontrolable en Alcanar platja. El canal del frente es el causante de tal desastre donde se concentra todo el rio pero el ayuntamiento no hace nada. #alcanar#inundación#DeltadelEbrepic.twitter.com/RLE6bKeC6j
At least 13 people killed in a hostel fire that broke out in Kazakhstan's largest city Almaty before sunrise, city's emergency situations department sayshttps://t.co/FYoPVUG34G
The 6.2-magnitude #earthquake that jolted Jishishan county in Northwest #China's Gansu province late Monday evening has killed 100 people in the province and 11 people in Qinghai province, according to official data. pic.twitter.com/QoxlVe54kb
More than 100 people died in China as a result of a powerful earthquake.
Strong tremors of magnitude 6.2 occurred late in the evening in Gansu province in the north-west of the country. As a result of the disaster, more than 200 people were injured. pic.twitter.com/Jjg2UTmiYI
"QUEREMOS COMIDA". Milhares de cubanos protestam contra a ditadura de Miguel Díaz-Canel em meio à crise energética e ao desabastecimento. O regime cortou as comunicações e a internet para evitar a visibilidade global. Moradores de Santiago de Cuba exigem respostas, mas enfrentam… pic.twitter.com/zvVRhJINhe
An air strike by the Sudanese army on civilian areas in south Khartoum has left at least 23 dead and more than 40 injured. The attack, which took place on Saturday, targeted a bustling market area and residential buildings, causing significant destruction.pic.twitter.com/qVWLliLPVP
🤡Atmospheric River collided with Bomb Cyclone to create Triple Bombogenesis. Can the climate crisis folks get any more dramatic? ABC News reported that a woman was killed on Tuesday when a tree fell into a home in Bellevue, Wash., while she was in the shower. Another woman was… pic.twitter.com/0YwXtG60we
Um ônibus da Emtram, que saiu de São Paulo com destino a Vitória da Conquista, se envolveu em um grave acidente neste sábado, em Minas Gerais. Pelo menos 38 pessoas morreram e há baianos entre as vítimas. pic.twitter.com/eKhPi9GBQn
Bolu’daki yangında ciddi ihmaller olduğu iddia ediliyor. Yangın alarmının çalmadığı, yangın söndürme sistemi ve yangın merdiveninin bulunmadığı belirtiliyor. Ayrıca Kartalkaya’da itfaiye biriminin olmaması ve ekiplerin ilçe merkezlerinden gelmesi müdahaleyi geciktirmiş.#Bolupic.twitter.com/R7AESGaD7s
At least sixteen people have died, and ten others were injured in a landslide in Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia, according to an official from the country’s disaster mitigation agency on Tuesday.pic.twitter.com/7rZWwITEFc
Kartalkaya Kayak Merkezi’nde yangın: 10 ölü 32 yaralı
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, İçişleri Bakanı Ali Yerlikaya ve Sağlık Bakanı Kemal Memişoğlu yangının çıktığı Kartalkaya’ya hareket etti. pic.twitter.com/23HcCM0QgA