Array ( [count_posts] => 2 [cache_key] => Query_Posts::global::uk::YTo1OntzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoidWsiO3M6NzoiZG9tYWlucyI7YToxOntpOjA7czo2OiJwb2RpamkiO31zOjY6Im9mZnNldCI7aTowO3M6OToidGF4X3F1ZXJ5IjthOjE6e2k6MDthOjM6e3M6ODoidGF4b25vbXkiO3M6ODoicG9zdF90YWciO3M6NToiZmllbGQiO3M6MjoiaWQiO3M6NToidGVybXMiO2E6MTp7aTowO2k6MTEzMzkxO319fXM6MTE6ImFmdGVyTG9ja2VyIjtpOjA7fQ== [has_result] => 1 [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 113528 [content] =>У Канкуні (Мексика) в понеділок були виявлені тіла чотирьох людей, але наразі немає інформації про національність та особи жертв.
Прокуратура повідомила, що за підозрою в убивствах на курорті затримали двох громадян. Розслідування триває, однак причини смерті ще не оприлюднені.
На початку цього місяця міністерство закордонних справ США видало попередження, у якому закликало подорожніх бути дуже обережними на карибських курортах Мексики, особливо після настання темряви. Незважаючи на те, що згаданий регіон кожного року відвідують мільйони туристів, там постійно відбуваються сутички між бандами, які борються за розширення сфери впливу на ринку збуту наркотиків.
[type] => post [excerpt] => У Канкуні (Мексика) в понеділок були виявлені тіла чотирьох людей, але наразі немає інформації про національність та особи жертв. [autID] => 8 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1680705900 [modified] => 1680699562 ) [title] => Убивства на мексиканському курорті [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 113459 [uk] => 113528 ) [trid] => din4423 [aut] => ir4ik5 [lang] => uk [image_id] => 113460 [image] => Array ( [id] => 113460 [original] => [original_lng] => 96225 [original_w] => 1350 [original_h] => 790 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 176 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 449 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 599 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1350 [height] => 790 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1350 [height] => 790 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1350 [height] => 790 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [views_count] => 1436 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_thumbnail_id] => 113460 [_edit_lock] => 1680688763:8 [_edit_last] => 8 [_oembed_7b45cfca82978f0e27fe52e7b6b2ec2b] =>[_oembed_time_7b45cfca82978f0e27fe52e7b6b2ec2b] => 1680969316 [_oembed_3052cbf7b9f392c5c866c769e862ea2a] => [_oembed_time_3052cbf7b9f392c5c866c769e862ea2a] => 1682622347 [_oembed_890f57344d7de584d93c002bac541717] =>Jumlah korban pembunuhan Slamet Tohari, dukun pengganda uang Banjarnegara bertambah. Polisi menemukan 10 mayat korban di kebun milik tersangka.
— detikcom (@detikcom) April 3, 2023
Via @detik_jateng[_oembed_time_890f57344d7de584d93c002bac541717] => 1682622347 [_oembed_50cea739bd78231a5d4bbfe7b53ef34d] =>⚠️La tarde de este jueves 20 de abril se registró una intensa movilización policiaca en la Ciudad de México, específicamente en la alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo. De acuerdo con los primeros reportes, se registró una intensa balacera en Starbucks de Plaza Carso, en la zona de Polanco,…
— Alicia Salgado (@allizesalgado) April 20, 2023[_oembed_time_50cea739bd78231a5d4bbfe7b53ef34d] => 1682622347 [_oembed_ad0bec0d27547f5ac724a6d0deb28d71] =>Popocatepetl volcano "woke up" in Mexico
— The Rio Times (@TheRioTimes) April 15, 2023
After the volcano threw out a column of ash, the evacuation of the civilian population began in the district.[_oembed_time_ad0bec0d27547f5ac724a6d0deb28d71] => 1682932371 [_oembed_25fe77de5ad66e35abfe811be47e4a53] =>Mexico: Authorities find 8 bodies in Cancun resort as drug cartel violence rages
— New York Post (@nypost) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_25fe77de5ad66e35abfe811be47e4a53] => 1692390149 [_oembed_0ad65260b05c7529c739a2e32c4e14aa] =>SHOCKING VIDEO: Ecuador presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, who was leading in the polls, has just been assassinated two weeks before an election the 59-year-old was expected to win. Journalists were referring to him as "right-wing" candidate!
— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) August 10, 2023[_oembed_time_0ad65260b05c7529c739a2e32c4e14aa] => 1692390150 [_oembed_67a4cdfe70e04d0709489225c514516c] => [_oembed_time_67a4cdfe70e04d0709489225c514516c] => 1693213035 [_oembed_61835fab4b194bc70dd99c6861164be3] => [_oembed_time_61835fab4b194bc70dd99c6861164be3] => 1693213035 [_oembed_18c6c899096c55ad61b9b0a9c9fe2226] =>BREAKING VIDEO: Medical staff and first responders rushing Ecuador Presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio into the emergency room
— Eric Spracklen?? (@EricSpracklen) August 10, 2023
He did not survive[_oembed_time_18c6c899096c55ad61b9b0a9c9fe2226] => 1693213035 [_oembed_b106e17b1644149af74ded86c4768ee9] =>**CURRENT ROAD CONDITIONS**
— LASD Palmdale Stn. (@PalmdaleSheriff) August 20, 2023
Road Closures:
*Sierra Highway; Pearblossom Hwy to Ave. S
*Ave. N; Sierra Hwy to 10th St. W.
Ave. Q at 35th St. E
Ave. P at 10th St. E.
Ave. O at 30th St. W.
Palmdale Blvd. at 30th St. E.
30th St. E.; Ave. S to Ave. R
Stay safe.[_oembed_time_b106e17b1644149af74ded86c4768ee9] => 1693213036 [_oembed_1ff20565f9eb22ec87bf2b43dea02415] =>The County does not foresee any impacts to our operations or employees coming to work on Monday, at this time. Employees of #ClarkCounty are encouraged to check-in with their managers and supervisors.
— Clark County Nevada (@ClarkCountyNV) August 20, 2023[_oembed_time_1ff20565f9eb22ec87bf2b43dea02415] => 1693213036 [_oembed_cc120426f672877c0c333d965646505d] =>Flash Flood Warning including Los Angeles CA, Long Beach CA and Glendale CA until 7:45 PM PDT
— NWS Los Angeles (@NWSLosAngeles) August 20, 2023[_oembed_time_cc120426f672877c0c333d965646505d] => 1694712547 [_oembed_b7046cd559a85c7bd8979bb8bef2b76c] => [_oembed_time_b7046cd559a85c7bd8979bb8bef2b76c] => 1696879383 [_oembed_3f3925722f0fd1ec3d8d8d01d9260ae4] =>Germany prosecutes ex-Nazi camp guard aged 98
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) September 1, 2023[_oembed_time_3f3925722f0fd1ec3d8d8d01d9260ae4] => 1697704322 [_oembed_6cb786b593145b83d7b5d4940a4df863] => [_oembed_time_6cb786b593145b83d7b5d4940a4df863] => 1697704323 [_oembed_86871351eee6f2a0d6f4d896a21f7198] =>Southern coast of Jalisco, Mexico ?? Hurricane Lidia#HurricaneLidia #Hurricane #Jalisco #Mexico #Lidia
— Shadab Javed (@JShadab1) October 11, 2023[_oembed_time_86871351eee6f2a0d6f4d896a21f7198] => 1698927606 [_oembed_87168c0b9cd48e1ccc517636e1edc5d6] =>More images coming out from Acapulco. Still no info on casualties....? #HurricaneOtis #HurracanOtis #Otis #Acapulco #México
— Volcaholic ? (@volcaholic1) October 26, 2023[_oembed_time_87168c0b9cd48e1ccc517636e1edc5d6] => 1698927606 [_oembed_6cbc9240e4dd9d46efb73377313d6a18] =>Whoahhh! Jeeeze!! This video really shows how bad the situation is in Acapulco ??
— Volcaholic ? (@volcaholic1) October 25, 2023
? Jorge Martíne#HurricaneOtis #HurracanOtis #Otis #Acapulco #Mexico[_oembed_time_6cbc9240e4dd9d46efb73377313d6a18] => 1698927607 [_oembed_8acad465bff56a15efb3f50f2264e5c5] =>OMG this is the Princess hotel in Acapulco. That's some serious damage!!! ?#HurricaneOtis #HurracanOtis #Otis #Acapulco #México
— Volcaholic ? (@volcaholic1) October 25, 2023[_oembed_time_8acad465bff56a15efb3f50f2264e5c5] => 1699262551 [_oembed_226da94366e3c1333d395a2be0d557cf] =>Who’s idea at Hartlepool Council was it to bring migrant hostels to town, to place them on residential street close to schools, to bring them to a town with massive crime problems, unemployment problems, are we getting massive investment to teach people how to speak English,…
— iG Fitness ™ (@IanGlassFitness) October 16, 2023[_oembed_time_226da94366e3c1333d395a2be0d557cf] => 1700655436 [_oembed_ce8c93ed31b56505d8ce09f9a2502a31] =>Popocatepetl volcano, situated in Mexico, has initiated an eruption. A yellow alert level has been declared, prompting authorities to evacuate residents from surrounding areas.
— Insider Corner (@insiderscorner) November 19, 2023[_oembed_time_ce8c93ed31b56505d8ce09f9a2502a31] => 1700655437 [_oembed_af5652f300d65d8ba11186ce839ebba4] =>Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico today. Still very ashy.
— Volcaholic ? (@volcaholic1) November 19, 2023
Contrary to many posts I’ve seen today, the alert level has NOT changed and NO evacuations have been ordered.
The alert level is still on Yellow phase 2. This means…..
The following scenarios are anticipated during this…[_oembed_time_af5652f300d65d8ba11186ce839ebba4] => 1706716532 [_oembed_5283e0efa9e13b739994fa0f6495f2e7] =>Fisherman dies after having leg bitten off by great white shark while diving for scallops
— New York Post (@nypost) January 9, 2024[_oembed_time_5283e0efa9e13b739994fa0f6495f2e7] => 1713076521 [_oembed_ccaf5d9d6864bd15d9eace93780420da] => [_oembed_time_ccaf5d9d6864bd15d9eace93780420da] => 1718345141 [_oembed_c8ffc12deee60d7681d6ae53480fb743] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_91cd5e09afc81068bef6e9bed5d0b50b] =>🚨#BREAKING: Multiple people stabbed in Kumamoto, Japan.
— R A W S G L 🌎 B A L (@RawsGlobal) March 22, 2024
📌#Kumamoto | #Japan
Initial report suggests at least 3 people were stabbed on the street near the Kumamoto City Hall. A man in his 20s has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.[_oembed_time_91cd5e09afc81068bef6e9bed5d0b50b] => 1719825696 [_oembed_ccd3b03a23569fa83d039e084b17441c] =>Fire Horror In New Mexico: The entire town of Ruidoso, New Mexico, nearly 8,000 people were evacuated.
— John Cremeans USA (@JohnCremeansUSA) June 18, 2024
The South Fork, Salt, and Penn Scott Fires have turned into this town’s worst nightmare. #Wildfire #NewMexico[_oembed_time_ccd3b03a23569fa83d039e084b17441c] => 1719825696 [_oembed_6ba638e54394db22d4ff3b0ac3b034b8] =>#southforkfire #ruidoso we had 10 fires come up very quickly around the area. I find it so interesting that Ruidoso is the most conservative county in the state. I smell a governor.#Lahaina2.0
— Believer In Freedom 2.0 (@believerinfreed) June 18, 2024[_oembed_time_6ba638e54394db22d4ff3b0ac3b034b8] => 1720781840 [_oembed_464d7f3cf6933808c930c7acd4bd6cce] =>Aristegui Noticias - Extraditan a Estados Unidos a 'El Nini', ex jefe de seguridad de 'Los Chapitos' se actua contra la mafia de la drog creada por los gobiernos noliberales anteriores
— Eva Guzman Guzman (@EvaGuzmanGuzman) May 25, 2024[_oembed_time_464d7f3cf6933808c930c7acd4bd6cce] => 1726942419 [_oembed_883b6fe48f321cc478b9255b603c245a] => [_oembed_time_883b6fe48f321cc478b9255b603c245a] => 1730275304 [_oembed_6a3fad75ee77a51ed45355be343ea086] =>Der Anschlag in Solingen ist ein schreckliches Ereignis, das mich sehr bestürzt. Ein Attentäter hat mehrere Menschen brutal getötet. Gerade habe ich mit Solingens Oberbürgermeister Tim Kurzbach telefoniert. Wir trauern um die Opfer und stehen an der Seite der Angehörigen. (1/2)
— Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (@Bundeskanzler) August 24, 2024[_oembed_time_6a3fad75ee77a51ed45355be343ea086] => 1730275304 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 51 [1] => 37 [2] => 43 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Новини [1] => Світ [2] => Статті ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 203 [1] => 113391 [2] => 1820 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => вбивство [1] => курорт [2] => Мексика ) ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 88797 [content] =>1 killed in broad-daylight shooting at 5-star Cancun resort by gunmen who fled on jet skis: reports
— New York Post (@nypost) October 3, 2024Завдяки героїчній праці пожежників і волонтерів навколо туристичного курорту на півострові Істрія вже немає небезпеки.
Нагадаємо: у населеному пункті поблизу Пули, найбільшого міста в південній частині півострова Істрія, загорілася трансформаторна станція. Половина міста залишилася без світла, полум’я продовжувало поширюватися через сильний вітер. Жителів сіл Вінтіжан і Долинка довелося евакуювати.
Вогнеборцям вдалося спочатку локалізувати, а потім загасити вогонь, тож наразі нікому не загрожує небезпека.
Утім жителі Істрії продовжують непокоїтися, оскільки споживання води в деяких частинах півострова довелося обмежити через відсутність опадів.
У зв’язку із сильною посухою та надзвичайно теплим червнем минулого тижня уряд Хорватії заборонив розкладати багаття. Цього року в країні вже сталося 28 масштабних лісових пожеж.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Завдяки героїчній праці пожежників і волонтерів навколо туристичного курорту на півострові Істрія вже немає небезпеки. [autID] => 8 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1657554600 [modified] => 1657551113 ) [title] => У Хорватії вдалося загасити пожежу поблизу популярного туристичного курорту [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 88670 [uk] => 88797 ) [trid] => din4423 [aut] => ir4ik5 [lang] => uk [image_id] => 88629 [image] => Array ( [id] => 88629 [original] => [original_lng] => 75452 [original_w] => 800 [original_h] => 445 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 167 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 427 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 445 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 445 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 445 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 445 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [views_count] => 1976 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_thumbnail_id] => 88629 [_edit_lock] => 1657540313:8 [_edit_last] => 8 [_oembed_647249b01136a5116fc608f0b37a778d] =>[_oembed_time_647249b01136a5116fc608f0b37a778d] => 1657543804 [_oembed_de83818be9d110c30a7461a6823e6ab8] =>Wildfires raging in Fokida, central #Greece. Several #Itea villagers were evacuated to the town of Delphi, according to local media. The fire has reached Eleonas of Amfissa, the vast and “oldest attested olive grove in Greece” that spreads from #Amfissa to the Gulf of Corinth.
— Daphne Tolis (@daphnetoli) July 4, 2022[_oembed_time_de83818be9d110c30a7461a6823e6ab8] => 1657543804 [_oembed_2ef8d6225412ec74a3ec956c46937e27] => [_oembed_time_2ef8d6225412ec74a3ec956c46937e27] => 1657543805 [_oembed_60ac2feb4b880da953801d78aded1f88] =>Heftige blikseminslag te zien in #Nijmegen. Waarschijnlijk ingeslagen in Ubbergen.#onweer #bliksem @helgavanleur @DeGelderlander
— Anton ?✨?? (@MeijerNijmegen) June 23, 2022[_oembed_time_60ac2feb4b880da953801d78aded1f88] => 1657543805 [_oembed_baf52d1c6060e72256a636ae51a1ae91] =>? fire broke out at an ethanol facility in Sinopec’s Shanghai Jinshan petrochemical complex at around 4:30am June 18.
— Byron Wan (@Byron_Wan) June 18, 2022
1/n[_oembed_time_baf52d1c6060e72256a636ae51a1ae91] => 1657895635 [_oembed_c57e1526dc67c3b656d1724c31dafe0e] =>?? #FeuxdeForêt sur La Teste-de-Buch et Landiras : à la tombée de la nuit, les 2 #Dash et les 2 #Canadair engagés ont effectué près de 50 largages. 320 sapeurs-pompiers restent mobilisés cette nuit pour faire face aux flammes. Une colonne de renfort est attendue demain matin.
— Sécurité Civile (@SecCivileFrance) July 12, 2022[_oembed_time_c57e1526dc67c3b656d1724c31dafe0e] => 1658744734 [_oembed_4656074d1d7190c709d58546c20e109d] =>Excellent news!
— The Phoenix (@PhoenixEvolve) July 21, 2022
BBC News - Spanish bull run: Three dead in 24 hours[_oembed_time_4656074d1d7190c709d58546c20e109d] => 1658744735 [_oembed_23418e51f4afcefa38f6bb09027a5116] => [_oembed_time_23418e51f4afcefa38f6bb09027a5116] => 1658831655 [_oembed_9bdea3e07b2ce62517a0e1d4c62d99f3] => [_oembed_time_9bdea3e07b2ce62517a0e1d4c62d99f3] => 1659359464 [_oembed_02cd6dc31bcbb7c9c47e1b76f898a9bf] =>Vecinos del Batallón Pedro Nel Ospina, en Bello se trabaron “a lo pajarito” por cuenta de la quema de 1.600 kilos de marihuana al aire libre, por parte de la @PoliciaMedellin ?
— Julián Vásquez (@Julian_VasquezP) July 12, 2022[_oembed_time_02cd6dc31bcbb7c9c47e1b76f898a9bf] => 1660755175 [_oembed_b7acab991e4928fa23c05ef3176bc73a] => [_oembed_time_b7acab991e4928fa23c05ef3176bc73a] => 1660755175 [_oembed_944ce3fbe3f48445961cb37430ac5041] =>En #IFAñoDeMoncayo el #BIEM4 ha realizado ataque directo al fuego en defensa de los municipios de El Buste así como en el Santuario de la Misericordia y camping en Borja, donde han realizado cortafuegos con máquinas de ingenieros.
— UME (@UMEgob) August 14, 2022[_oembed_time_944ce3fbe3f48445961cb37430ac5041] => 1660755176 [_oembed_d5bc07653381c390a7cc928627dedc3e] =>#France is burning ??
— World News (@ne23614114) August 10, 2022
'Back to Hell': This is what the #Gironde firefighters call the current conditions. Another big fire, large-scale evacuations and again the conclusion that such a fire can not be extinguished .#pompiers13 #saccageparis #Landiras #incendie #gironde[_oembed_time_d5bc07653381c390a7cc928627dedc3e] => 1662072343 [_oembed_40a9ea867c1bacf93ed264519d264ee8] =>Muere una niña de 20 meses por la fuerte tormenta de granizo en la Bisbal d'Empordà. Las bolas de 10 cm de diámetro han dejado además varios heridos, como a un chico al que una piedra le rompió la clavícula. También han llegado a romper cristales de coches y tejados de casas.
— La Vanguardia (@LaVanguardia) August 31, 2022[_oembed_time_40a9ea867c1bacf93ed264519d264ee8] => 1662072343 [_oembed_4e3b05f0b82c0e200eef3fab65e05fe2] => [_oembed_time_4e3b05f0b82c0e200eef3fab65e05fe2] => 1662833025 [_oembed_9154615fe3d431371f35f6df8849d3a4] =>Segons la base de dades de temps violent del Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya @meteocat, avui s'ha registrat el diàmetre màxim de pedra al país des de l'any 2002.
— Meteocat (@meteocat) August 30, 2022[_oembed_time_9154615fe3d431371f35f6df8849d3a4] => 1662833025 [_oembed_fdfed2bb8a700dbb7fb446fb923e624a] =>Rescue at Sea. Happening now
— Sea & son (@OnDeepWater) August 29, 2022
Ongoing situation. 300 to be airlifted. Bad weather. Windy. Stena Scandica. Started drifting after loss of engine power due to fire on board earlier. BalticSea#MaritimeSecurity #Sweden #BalticSea #StenaScandica #Rescue[_oembed_time_fdfed2bb8a700dbb7fb446fb923e624a] => 1662833025 [_oembed_f955cfffad1df51a1d951a805ce854cc] =>Swedish Maritime Administration is using helicopters to evacuate passengers from Stena Scandica ferry, that is drifting in direction to land, after a fire on board earlier today.
— Flightradar24 (@flightradar24) August 29, 2022[_oembed_time_f955cfffad1df51a1d951a805ce854cc] => 1663781052 [_oembed_3b2a5c1691536ac1ffd30fc550ee0de5] =>Impressionnant incendie ce matin dans la station téléphérique de Mario Botta aux #Diablerets @Glacier_3000
— Sylvain Besson (@SylvainBesson) September 19, 2022[_oembed_time_3b2a5c1691536ac1ffd30fc550ee0de5] => 1663781053 [_oembed_60976a5116d8c47201762edfeb9ef4f0] =>#CROATIA RAIL CATASTROPHY near NOVSKA - PAX train went thru red light with 100 km/h speed hitting cargo train which was standing in the station. Number of victims is rising. 5 government ministers onsite including PM Plenković. All emergency teams onsite.
— SilverPhytoPatho (@PathoPhyto) September 9, 2022[_oembed_time_60976a5116d8c47201762edfeb9ef4f0] => 1664567118 [_oembed_863e8c6ab16ee420ac150e4fa669d4d3] =>Vos images témoins de l'incendie en cours dans un entrepôt de fruits et légumes de 7.000 m2 du marché Rungis
— BFMTV (@BFMTV) September 25, 2022[_oembed_time_863e8c6ab16ee420ac150e4fa669d4d3] => 1664567119 [_oembed_92ee276798127a25320fc718719bc1c2] =>Subscribe?TELEGRAM:
— BRAVE SPIRIT (@Brave_spirit81) September 23, 2022
Heavy rain - Tarragona. Spain#Tarragona #LArrabassada[_oembed_time_92ee276798127a25320fc718719bc1c2] => 1664567119 [_oembed_8d7a15a57e499f9bd5404e47b6115131] =>#spain #tarragona #flooding #beach #wwnc
— world wide news channel (@worldwidenc) September 24, 2022
Flooding on the beach of Spain
Entrance to Arrabassada beach (Tarragona).
Source: social networks.[_oembed_time_8d7a15a57e499f9bd5404e47b6115131] => 1664567119 [_oembed_b67c65707f3207861f6bc25ee0e3f107] =>Club Tennis Tarragona ?? #tennis #tarragona @alexmegapc @TomasMolinaB @MeteoElpito @meteocat @Cat_Meteo @emergenciescat
— Jordi Madurell Perez (@MadurellJordi) September 23, 2022[_oembed_time_b67c65707f3207861f6bc25ee0e3f107] => 1665333983 [_oembed_37b1fd8883d9b7c50c17c503554ebc44] =>?Cotton at BELBEK airport near Sevastopol
— Slava Ukraini ?? (@Heroiam_Slava) October 1, 2022[_oembed_time_37b1fd8883d9b7c50c17c503554ebc44] => 1665333983 [_oembed_840b00d740881998b12d031b6db9153e] =>Photos of the fire from different angles. 2/
— Rob Lee (@RALee85) October 1, 2022[_oembed_time_840b00d740881998b12d031b6db9153e] => 1665333984 [_oembed_785fcafe0d218484b55d625f01445b16] =>There is a large fire reportedly coming from the Belbek airfield in Crimea home to Russia’s 27th Composite Aviation Division.
— Rob Lee (@RALee85) October 1, 2022[_oembed_time_785fcafe0d218484b55d625f01445b16] => 1666602439 [_oembed_b25c3166bbb157b8971fdf0044beb100] =>The infamous Evin prison in Tehran, Iran is on fire. Reports says gunfire heard.
— Masih Alinejad ?️ (@AlinejadMasih) October 15, 2022
The lives if prisoners are in danger.
Family members of prisoners are shocked and horrified. #MahsaAmini[_oembed_time_b25c3166bbb157b8971fdf0044beb100] => 1666602439 [_oembed_b4388c5473a5919c2649b19371b457b1] =>İstanbul Fikirtepe’de bir gökdelende yangın çıktı.
— Pusholder (@pusholder) October 15, 2022[_oembed_time_b4388c5473a5919c2649b19371b457b1] => 1667147827 [_oembed_e16bd81ff0c6b2c424c301adae2f6631] =>Incendie à la mosquée du centre islamique de Jakarta
— Zouhair ⵣⵓⵀⴰⵢⵔ (@ZouM__) October 19, 2022[_oembed_time_e16bd81ff0c6b2c424c301adae2f6631] => 1667147827 [_oembed_c1c286d4deea648a075439405fe03ad2] => [_oembed_time_c1c286d4deea648a075439405fe03ad2] => 1669799654 [_oembed_060232fde435766028b342ae625924e3] =>Kubah Masjid Raya Jakarta Islamic center
— Hernomo (@Hernomo_Al1) October 19, 2022
Trend ? Alhamdulillah Amanda Zahra Pak Muh Minions Jakarta Utara FIFA Narnia PSSI Biji Bintang Emon Iklan Rasa Film Triple J BI Checking Innalilahi
Bintang Emon#IstiqomahDakwahSyariahKhilafah#OjoLerenDadiWongSholeh#ShameOnYouFIFA[_oembed_time_060232fde435766028b342ae625924e3] => 1671356733 [_oembed_26dfe36e743330a445f1c36309871ea9] =>Velký požár zachvátil obchodní centrum “Mega Khimki” na okraji Moskvy.
— Filip Horký (@FilipHorky) December 9, 2022
Video: RIA[_oembed_time_26dfe36e743330a445f1c36309871ea9] => 1671356733 [_oembed_77aa709824489c2ffeaac56bddc67ba8] =>Ukraine needs generators to survive the winter after Russian attacks on our energy infrastructure.
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) December 7, 2022
European countries are collecting money and sending generators to Ukraine. We are beyond grateful.
We will win together!
?: @dw_russian[_oembed_time_77aa709824489c2ffeaac56bddc67ba8] => 1672928864 [_oembed_6ba0a3998b8564999f4264a8d29454f5] =>Así transportaban 4,4 toneladas de hachís en un velero que ha sido intervenido en la Bahía de Cádiz con destino a Sudamérica
— Europa Press (@europapress) December 27, 2022[_oembed_time_6ba0a3998b8564999f4264a8d29454f5] => 1674123101 [_oembed_da1532c9a615e482e2424e7590510e7a] =>Litauische Medien zeigen erste Bilder der #Gasexplosion in #Litauen. Laut Betreiber @AmberGrid habe es gegen 5 Uhr eine Explosion einer Pipeline bei Pasvalys gegeben, mit der #Lettland mit Gas versorgt werde. Warum werde nun untersucht. @tagesschau_eil
— Christian Blenker (@cblenker) January 13, 2023[_oembed_time_da1532c9a615e482e2424e7590510e7a] => 1674123101 [_oembed_96f964d1dae9c4f7cf9255092a8060d1] =>❗️BREAKING❗️
— Yves (@YvesUitGent) January 13, 2023
First sound and video recordings from 'The Void' ?
Jokes aside, apparently the town of #Pasvalys, #Lithuania had to be evacuated[_oembed_time_96f964d1dae9c4f7cf9255092a8060d1] => 1674123102 [_oembed_f6225f08d543713721b7a16125403ac7] => [_oembed_time_f6225f08d543713721b7a16125403ac7] => 1674123102 [_oembed_86ed24cb0e8a6a06c97338dd8d89567d] =>L’emittente pubblica LRT riferisce che la città di #Pasvalys, situata nel nord della #Lituania, è stata evacuata a causa della sindaco “ci sono stati suoni inaspettati e spaventosi, sembrava che aerei sorvolassero la città da qualche parte a bassa quota.”
— micaelaanna07 (@micaelaanna07) January 13, 2023[_oembed_time_86ed24cb0e8a6a06c97338dd8d89567d] => 1674123102 [_oembed_8a512c0a7d6c2bb9a70d547007db3cfd] => [_oembed_time_8a512c0a7d6c2bb9a70d547007db3cfd] => 1674123103 [_oembed_50e2dcf8aa09512924237245e28154f0] =>A fire alarm went off in one of the buildings of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a technical room.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) January 6, 2023
Firefighters are working at the site.[_oembed_time_50e2dcf8aa09512924237245e28154f0] => 1678831429 [_oembed_e222e761a332ef76ca0d80312835d71c] =>Diez detenidos por robar a ciudadanos refugiados ucranianos en Alicante y Murcia.
— Guardia Civil ?? (@guardiacivil) March 3, 2023
La organización criminal instalaba sistemas de geolocalización en los vehículos de las víctimas para estudiar sus rutinas.
?[_oembed_time_e222e761a332ef76ca0d80312835d71c] => 1678831429 [_oembed_86be1028046531885efb06507f1eef05] =>35 centimeters of snow fell in the Plitvice Lakes National Park! ?
— Plitvice Lakes National Park (@PlitviceLakesNP) February 26, 2023
❄We bring you snowy scenes, and if you plan to visit us, check the current conditions in the Park: #NationalPark #UNESCO #nature #Croatia #WINTER #snow[_oembed_time_86be1028046531885efb06507f1eef05] => 1679235354 [_oembed_347bbc18fcf7132c883aaed7aad497cd] => [_oembed_time_347bbc18fcf7132c883aaed7aad497cd] => 1679235354 [_oembed_73b214218eba711a7d97193f34508077] =>Els equips d’emergència continuen arribant a la mina de Súria on tres treballadors han mort per un despreniment a primera hora del matí. Des de fa hores Ttrballen per rescatar els cossos. Segons ICL no hi ha constància de cap ferit. La mina ha estat evaquada. @324cat
— Núria Bacardit (@nurbacardit) March 9, 2023[_oembed_time_73b214218eba711a7d97193f34508077] => 1679380499 [_oembed_a44dfad9631673363e4326c2bbcacc7d] =>Another video from #Rostov-on-Don, where the building of the Border Service of the #FSB is on fire.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) March 16, 2023[_oembed_time_a44dfad9631673363e4326c2bbcacc7d] => 1679380499 [_oembed_ef310564de7e528a0dce4e3b6a21bc58] =>JUST IN - Massive fire at fuel storage station belonging to state-owned energy company Pertamina at North Jakarta, Indonesia - multiple people dead.
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) March 3, 2023[_oembed_time_ef310564de7e528a0dce4e3b6a21bc58] => 1680700816 [_oembed_6a01251071b72267998738e91fa197f9] =>Imágenes de esta pasada noche del #IFVillanuevaViver en su flanco derecho bajando a Montan. Se ha trabajado en su contención a lo largo de la CV195 y ahora ya se trabaja con el apoyo de medios aéreos.
— Bombers Dipcas (@BombersDipcas) March 25, 2023[_oembed_time_6a01251071b72267998738e91fa197f9] => 1683392626 [_oembed_9d4c7a099bb01dc1f8afe4dca5a9b1a0] =>Një i ri ka humbur jetën dhe tre të tjerë janë plagosur në Napoli, nga të shtënat gjatë festimeve për fitoren e titullit kampion i Seria A. 26-vjeçari Vincenzo Cospito, mbeti i plagosur nga të shtënat me armë zjarri dhe u dërguar në gjendje të rëndë në spitalin Cardarelli.
— Syri Tv (@SyriTelevizion) May 5, 2023[_oembed_time_9d4c7a099bb01dc1f8afe4dca5a9b1a0] => 1683392627 [_oembed_a6d9e9665e778ab627ad3f6e4f2d1fc8] =>?? An explosion occurred at a chemical plant in China - 5 people died
An explosion at Sinochem's hydrogen peroxide solution plant in Shandong Province caught fire. The Chinese authorities reported several dead, another person is missing.
The fire has been extinguished.[_oembed_time_a6d9e9665e778ab627ad3f6e4f2d1fc8] => 1685085420 [_oembed_21f432e117b4276f221192ec5e6b01de] =>? #Noticias #España ? #Nacional #Zaragoza ➡️ #Accidente aéreo est mañana en Zaragoza | Un #F-18 del #Ejército del #Aire se ha estrellado en el interior del recinto militar.
— Grupo Spain Medios (@spainmedios) May 20, 2023
☑️ El piloto ha podido eyectarse.[_oembed_time_21f432e117b4276f221192ec5e6b01de] => 1685799060 [_oembed_75912310348c6117fc7aef07a0bc692e] =>ACTUALIZACIÓN | Ovejuela se suma a los municipios evacuados en la mañana de este viernes, Cadalso, Descargamaria y Robledillo de Gata, debido al incendio de #IFPinofranqueado
— (@s24horas) May 19, 2023[_oembed_time_75912310348c6117fc7aef07a0bc692e] => 1688042751 [_oembed_f7867492f89db9b15c5b32758efaa256] =>Énorme incendie à @EuropaParkFR @fan2europapark #europapark
— Loveme15 (@roudoudou90) June 19, 2023[_oembed_time_f7867492f89db9b15c5b32758efaa256] => 1688042751 [_oembed_c33dda222aef21e74a88e84a6913ba61] =>Brand im #Europapark ?
— Johannes Schmidt ?️? (@DerDanlas) June 19, 2023
Anscheinend im Alpenexpress. Einer der alten Klassiker ?[_oembed_time_c33dda222aef21e74a88e84a6913ba61] => 1688042751 [_oembed_ec9e8197232936800fac018e3de50f2b] =>Nouvel incendie à Europa-Park, le parc d'attraction allemand évacué
— France Bleu Lorraine Nord (@fblorrainenord) June 19, 2023
➡️[_oembed_time_ec9e8197232936800fac018e3de50f2b] => 1688042752 [_oembed_104e38800eeb055024dbf67025e9c0c9] =>Die Besucher können in die Hotels zurück.
— Europa-Park Sprecher (@ep_sprecher) June 19, 2023[_oembed_time_104e38800eeb055024dbf67025e9c0c9] => 1689340612 [_oembed_d0757c737707e20d0d1a24c24ef9a16a] =>Climate activists from Extinction Rebellion (XR) took direct action on Sunday by plugging the holes on ten golf courses across Spain.
— TSC International News (@news_tsc) July 3, 2023[_oembed_time_d0757c737707e20d0d1a24c24ef9a16a] => 1689340612 [_oembed_3afd2f8255f47dff61a30a74dd0c03fa] =>Climate Activists Plug Holes on Golf Courses Across Spain to Protest Excessive Water Usage Amid Drought
— UK News in Pictures(@UKNIP247) (@uknip247) July 3, 2023
Climate activists from Extinction Rebellion (XR) took direct action on Sunday by plugging the holes on ten golf courses across Spain. The demonstration[_oembed_time_3afd2f8255f47dff61a30a74dd0c03fa] => 1689837314 [_oembed_9d251523bff9132dde049efc6aa1d98e] =>?? #ÚLTIMAHORA #IFPuntagorda Afectadas 4.500 hectáreas y más de 2.000 personas desalojadas por el incendio de La Palma. Se están emitiendo focos secundarios
— Diario de Avisos (@diariodeavisos) July 15, 2023
?? Diez medios aéreos y 300 efectivos trabajan para combatir el fuego
?? Guardia Civil[_oembed_time_9d251523bff9132dde049efc6aa1d98e] => 1692957662 [_oembed_ea8845fbca1a1a56ff37a38822188de5] =>Terrifying video of wildfires coming out of Maui Hawaii #bomboradyo #hawaii #maui #hawaiiwildfire #wildfire #fire
— Empirical Eye (@Empirical_Eye) August 10, 2023[_oembed_time_ea8845fbca1a1a56ff37a38822188de5] => 1695505346 [_oembed_ef63fb29dda43b11b7e7d5b8697d890b] =>NEWS UPDATE | Kasalukuyang kinukuha ng Bureau of Fire Protection at QCDRRMO ang labi ng 15 katao na namatay sa sunog sa estabilisiyamento sa Kennedy Drive, Pleasant View Subd. sa Brgy. Tandang Sora, Quezon City, 5:30 kaninang umaga. | via @sheenatorno_
— Pulso Ng Bayan (@_PulsoNgBayan) August 31, 2023[_oembed_time_ef63fb29dda43b11b7e7d5b8697d890b] => 1701714327 [_oembed_ba29cc38df963f0042c14a490825e40b] =>At least 13 people killed in a hostel fire that broke out in Kazakhstan's largest city Almaty before sunrise, city's emergency situations department says
— TRT World (@trtworld) November 30, 2023[_oembed_time_ba29cc38df963f0042c14a490825e40b] => 1704267592 [_oembed_c297f36d35e7a49707b70fb080d58ac0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) December 24, 2023
Nuclear incident in northern Russia.
A fire erupted on the nuclear-powered ice-breaking container ship Sevmorput in the Port of Murmansk.
It’s the largest nuclear-powered ship in Russia.[_oembed_time_c297f36d35e7a49707b70fb080d58ac0] => 1704267593 [_oembed_ab2132f82018c0eee4590964ea08ec91] =>A fire that had erupted on #Russia's nuclear-powered container ship Sevmorput was put out, authorities said. No one was injured in the incident, occurred in one of the cabins of the vessel & affected an area of some 30 square meters, the emergency department of Murmansk region
— Bilkul Online: Business & Lifestyle News (@bilkulonline) December 25, 2023[_oembed_time_ab2132f82018c0eee4590964ea08ec91] => 1705160898 [_oembed_48df73bb16d29d6676f283e16dbd6c77] => [_oembed_time_48df73bb16d29d6676f283e16dbd6c77] => 1705160898 [_oembed_a7c24d234450c8a4fba624e030b74187] => [_oembed_time_a7c24d234450c8a4fba624e030b74187] => 1706733763 [_oembed_e3c8f343fd808533b47e0a6be14d4a25] =>Respublika Perinatal Mərkəzində yanğın: 4 körpə ölüb, üç nəfər zəhərlənib
— BBC News Azərbaycanca (@bbcazeri) January 9, 2024[_oembed_time_e3c8f343fd808533b47e0a6be14d4a25] => 1711703004 [_oembed_5559eb23e8167df91a0b58329c15c3db] => [_oembed_time_5559eb23e8167df91a0b58329c15c3db] => 1720961935 [_oembed_5bb630064be75f1e69ff79c42bc8f127] =>Major fire destroys iconic Al-Ahram Studio in Cairo
— Ahram Online (@ahramonline) March 16, 2024[_oembed_time_5bb630064be75f1e69ff79c42bc8f127] => 1729504017 [_oembed_a5c75e0a77cd50d2e846605c1fe5033c] => [_oembed_time_a5c75e0a77cd50d2e846605c1fe5033c] => 1730479943 [_oembed_8a3a2b606d43cf7bf32fc8bcedbbab2e] =>The San Francisco Church declared a national monument in October 1994 by the Chilean government burnt down to ashes yesterday
— DISASTER TRACKER (@DisasterTrackHQ) October 12, 2024
Iquique | Chile 🇨🇱
October 11, 2024#fire #Chile #SanFranciscoChurch #Iquique[_oembed_time_8a3a2b606d43cf7bf32fc8bcedbbab2e] => 1732285897 [_oembed_eee17ecfeef394e09e3832cfb7bcd4ba] =>Alhaurín, Malaga, Spain this afternoon. What part of RED WARNING don't people
— Volcaholic 🌋 (@volcaholic1) November 13, 2024[_oembed_time_eee17ecfeef394e09e3832cfb7bcd4ba] => 1732285897 [_oembed_a776d73e22072cc67c5e0c23cdb2a1ca] =>Volunteers working together to clear out floodwater in a suburb of Valencia, Spain.
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) November 11, 2024
[📹 Anna Romeu][_oembed_time_a776d73e22072cc67c5e0c23cdb2a1ca] => 1732285897 [_oembed_947c992af693a05ace877c058f5550a1] =>Critical situation in Benamargosa, Málaga, as river water starts flooding lower areas.#DANA
— Volcaholic 🌋 (@volcaholic1) November 13, 2024[_oembed_time_947c992af693a05ace877c058f5550a1] => 1732285897 [_oembed_6e4dfc8f538e568e167134a58f8d1874] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_f16e079ea6f6f0fe4dfb12159b862a16] => {{unknown}} [labels] => Array ( [0] => star_outline ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 51 [1] => 13 [2] => 37 [3] => 43 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Новини [1] => Новини дня [2] => Світ [3] => Статті ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 548 [1] => 113391 [2] => 191 [3] => 2244 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Іспанія [1] => курорт [2] => пожежа [3] => Хорватія ) ) ) [model] => Array ( [lang] => uk [offset] => 0 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 113391 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [_model] => Array ( [lang] => uk [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [offset] => 0 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 113391 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [_domains] => Array ( [podiji] => 1 ) [status] => 1 [from_cache] => )Que barbaridad la que está cayendo, esta todo el centro de malaga inundado...
— El Santo 𓆰𓆪 (@ClumSyy_LoL) November 13, 2024
курорт (Сторінка 1)