Француз, Вінсент Реффет, «людина-кажан», відомий своїми повітряними трюками з використанням реактивного ранцю, загинув у результаті падіння на тренуванні в Дубаї. Розслідування обставин смерті каскадера триває.
Вінсент Реффет, пілот компанії Jetman Dubai, встановив рекорди, використовуючи рюкзак із ракетним приводом, прикріпленим до спини, та конструкцію, схожу на крило кажана.
Команда пілотів компанії відома своїми видовищними польотами над Дубаєм, прольотом над найвищою будівлею у світі, хмарочосом Бурдж Халіфа.
Французький каскадер помер під час тренування у Дубаї. Наразі проводиться розслідування обставин смерті. Як йдеться у заяві компанії, Реффет був талановитим спортсменом, а також улюбленим і шанованим членом команди, – повідомляє BBC World.
A judge in Manila, the Philippine capital, was shot in her office at the city hall. Her condition was not immediately known. The mayor’s office said a court clerk had been named as a suspect by the police. https://t.co/oKBB3i44Ot
The Manila City Hall was locked down on Wednesday after a judge was allegedly shot inside her court room. | via Mores Heramis, ABS-CBN News pic.twitter.com/U9jFB68BZ3
A 70-seater bus and a mini truck collides and catches fire at the Dschang cliff in the early hours of the morning leaving 14 dead, 38 others removed and rushed to the hospital in Dschang. The numbers may increase as the rescue team continues with their rescue mission#Cameroonpic.twitter.com/FYMlBJb55e
[ACCIDENTE EN #BOLIVIA: IMÁGENES SENSIBLES] ? Este martes, al menos cinco estudiantes perdieron la vida al caer al vacío, cuando una baranda cedió en un cuarto piso de la Universidad Pública de El Alto (UPEA), en Bolivia. pic.twitter.com/ktzfKAEfnj
Toutes les pensées de l'équipe de France Olympique et du CNOSF vont à la famille de Julie Pomagalski, à ses proches, à @FedFranceSki. La disparition tragique de Julie, championne du monde de snowboard et Olympienne, laisse l'équipe de France OLY en deuil de l'une des siennes. pic.twitter.com/BtXqH398io
في ظل التعتيم الإعلامي و غياب وسائل الإعلام جبل مون ينزف قتلى وجرحى وتدمير للقري من قبل الجنجويد إستخدمت فيها الأسلحة الثقيلة والخفيفة- الجنينة غرب دارفور#مليونية25نوفمبرpic.twitter.com/pc1KymZyZN
#CROATIA RAIL CATASTROPHY near NOVSKA - PAX train went thru red light with 100 km/h speed hitting cargo train which was standing in the station. Number of victims is rising. 5 government ministers onsite including PM Plenković. All emergency teams onsite. pic.twitter.com/VGa85uRWtP
A military commissar in charge of enlistment for Putin’s chaotic mobilisation campaign, Lt-Col Roman Malyk, 49, has been found dead in suspicious circumstances prompting murder investigation. His body was discovered near the fence of his home in the Primorsky region of Russia. pic.twitter.com/MzFy54TTe7
The Russian oligarch and former owner of one of Russia’s biggest developer groups (Don-Stroi ), Dmitriy Zelenov, has died in France after falling down a flight of stairs. pic.twitter.com/P57xN5p4vG
#DRC At least twenty people died in a landslide that occurred Sunday in the east in the village of #Bulwa in #Masisi territory. The disaster occurred at the end of the morning, fuilles continue to look for bodies buried under the ground even this Monday. pic.twitter.com/yKRtLaSSXm
— Baraka MUNYAMPFURA Héritier (@HeritierBarak) April 3, 2023
Who’s idea at Hartlepool Council was it to bring migrant hostels to town, to place them on residential street close to schools, to bring them to a town with massive crime problems, unemployment problems, are we getting massive investment to teach people how to speak English,… pic.twitter.com/KJnmGZdxZk
Conditions in Berrien County, MI remain hazardous due to lake effect snow, reduced visibility, and blowing snow. Here's a look at cameras on I-94 courtesy of @MDOT_Southwest. A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect until 11 AM EST Wednesday with additional accumulations up to 2". pic.twitter.com/obkkPQZXAQ
#BREAKING: A tight-knit Torres Strait community is calling for the removal of a 3.5m crocodile after the body of a missing 16-year-old boy was found on Saibai Island. Our thoughts are with the boy's family. Latest: https://t.co/QN81EpI5HApic.twitter.com/Cg4unITYHZ
Individuals across Southern California were arrested as part of the investigation into the death of Matthew Perry, which was attributed to acute effects of ketamine. https://t.co/CcLGEJyrIv
🚨‼️🇧🇪 #BELGIUM: Manhunt Underway in Brussels Following Shooting Near Clémenceau Metro Station:
➡️ Following a shooting, one person has died tonight (Saturday) at around 9.30 p.m. local time near to the Clemenceau metro station, in Anderlecht, Brussels. The perpetrators are… pic.twitter.com/cKuWYfk2XA
Twenty-four people died this morning when an Urban Connect bus they were travelling in collided head-on with a commercial truck at the Lutumba tollgate along the Beitbridge-Masvingo highway.