Nem felel meg a valóságnak a sajtóhír, hogy Olekszij Aresztovics, az Elnöki Hivatal korábbi sztártanácsadója a Védelmi Minisztérium hírszerzési főosztályának a támogató levelével hagyta el Ukrajnát tavaly szeptemberben – jelentette ki csütörtökön Andrij Juszov, a Védelmi Minisztérium hírszerzési főosztályának szóvivője az hírportál érdeklődésére.
Mint Juszov állította, nem igazak azok az információk, amelyek szerint Aresztovics 2023. szeptember 4-én átlépte a Védelmi Minisztérium hírszerzési főosztályának a levele alapján hagyta el Ukrajnát.
„Tájékoztatom önöket, hogy a Védelmi Minisztérium hírszerzési főosztálya az említett személy 2023. szeptember 4-i külföldre utazásához semmilyen iratot, igazolást, hivatalos vagy nem hivatalos kérelmet nem biztosított. Ez az információ valótlan. A közzététele most a Védelmi Minisztérium hírszerzési főosztályának a vezetése elleni céltudatos információs kampány jeleit viseli magán” – hangsúlyozta Andrij Juszov.
Ma reggel jelent meg a sajtóban, hogy Aresztovics 2023. szeptember 4-én a Krakivec-Korczowa határátkelőhelyen lépett ki Lengyelországba, és csaknem öt hónapja nem tért vissza Ukrajnába.
Az Elnöki Hivatal vezetőjének tanácsadója szerint az orosz hadsereg jelentősen nagyobb veszteségeket szenvedett a háborúban, naponta 200–300 katonát vesztenek el.
A teljeskörű invázió kezdete óta közel 10 ezer ukrán katona esett el – közölte Olekszij Aresztovics a Fejhin Live Youtube-csatorna élő adásában.
„Nálunk a konfliktus kezdetén is körülbelül 100 katona vesztette életét naponta, azonban az orosz hadsereg vesztesége az első 20-30 napban napi 1000 katona volt” – mondta el.
Search ops in #Tupul, #Manipur continues.13Territorial #Army prsnl & 5 civilian have been safely rescued while mortal remains of 9 Territorial Army persnl & 1 civilian have been recovered.10 columns have been pressed into the search operation Search for 21 missing #Army prsnl on
Sad to hear unfortunate news of massive landslide in Noney district of #Manipur . My heartfelt condolences to families who have lost their loved ones ??
Prayers for speedy recovery and safety of injured & missing. May Almighty give strength to the efforts of rescuing agencies.
Torrential rains have hit China's southwestern cities, causing flooding and water-logging in addition to traffic disruptions and leaving residents stranded.
Mountain torrents hit Pingwu County, SW China's Sichuan Province caused by sudden heavy #rainstorms, killing two and leaving four others missing on Tuesday. So far, 31 people have been rescued.
#CROATIA RAIL CATASTROPHY near NOVSKA - PAX train went thru red light with 100 km/h speed hitting cargo train which was standing in the station. Number of victims is rising. 5 government ministers onsite including PM Plenković. All emergency teams onsite.
#CHAD??: Early this morning of October 20, 2022, demonstrations reported in several Chadian cities with many injuries and deaths already recorded in #Ndjamena.
Загальні бойові втрати противника з 24.02 по 23.10 орієнтовно склали / The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 23.10 were approximately
The UVA Police Department is looking for Christopher Darnell Jones regarding the shooting incident that occurred on the grounds of the University of Virginia. Call 911 if seen, do not approach.
the landslide that caused death of campers in Malaysia is very tragic and heartrending, condolences to the bereaved families
this video is NOT Batang Kali, but it showed how dangerous a landslide is, afforestation to help. pray that more victims survived there...
Al menos cinco personas #fallecidas y varias heridas es el saldo del desplome de un tinglado en la unidad educativa Gualberto Villarroel de la comunidad Santiago de Pacharia, municipio de #Achacachi.
The Central Lyon Fire Department and Lyon County Sheriff’s Department are coordinating with the National Transportation Safety Board to determine the cause of the crash which is under investigation.
Cientistas ambientais indo para Ohio para a limpeza morrem em um acidente de avião ... ... em Little Rock, Arkansas. KKKKKKKNOVIDADE eles DITAM AS LEIS , nao entendeu? releia
— Josué PR Bolsonaroreeleito é 22 (@JosuFer85741781) February 23, 2023
Mauritius and Madagascar have been bracing for the impact of tropical cyclone Freddy which is expected to bring heavy rains, floods and landslides
Italy ?? Plane crash: Two Sai Marchetti 208 ultralight military training aircraft collided in mid-air near Guidonia Montecelio in Rome. One plane crashed in the middle of a field and the other near a residential area. Both pilots died.
High winds continue to blow across Morgan County. Here is some of the damage Deputies, Officers, Fire Crews, Utility crews and road crews are working on across Morgan County.
— Morgan County Sheriff's Office (Alabama) (@morgan_sheriff) March 3, 2023
Zaporizhzhia. Right now, residential areas where ordinary people and children live are being fired at. This must not become "just another day" in ?? or anywhere else in the world. The world needs greater unity and determination to defeat Russian terror faster and protect lives.
#DRC At least twenty people died in a landslide that occurred Sunday in the east in the village of #Bulwa in #Masisi territory. The disaster occurred at the end of the morning, fuilles continue to look for bodies buried under the ground even this Monday.
— Baraka MUNYAMPFURA Héritier (@HeritierBarak) April 3, 2023
We’ve got some tough news out of Fort Campbell, with early reports of a helicopter crash and fatalities are expected. @kystatepolice, @KentuckyEM and local officials are responding. We will share more information as available. Please pray for all those affected.
— Governor Andy Beshear (@GovAndyBeshear) March 30, 2023
ABD’de 101'inci Hava İndirme Tümeni’ne ait iki UH-60 Blackhawk tipi helikopter gece 22.00 sıralarında Kentucky Fort Campbell yakınlarında eğitim uçuşu sırasında çarpışarak düştü. Kazada ilk bilgilere göre 9 askerin hayatını kaybettiği bildiriliyor.
What’s it going to take for the dam to break? If it wasn’t dead kids, or dead concertgoers, or dead shoppers, or dead parade watchers, or dead office workers, or…
5 dead and at least 6 taken to the hospital in Louisville mass shooting, police say.
Multiple fatalities have been reported after a dust storm caused at least 40 to 60 cars to crash along a major highway in Central Illinois on Monday, officials said. The crashes along I-55 led to the interstate closing in Sangamon and Montgomery counties.
?#BREAKING: Reports: At Least 4 Dead And Over 30 Wounded In A Mass #Shooting In #Maryland#Baltimore , Reports Suggest There Were Hundreds Of People Gathered For An Annual Celebration Known as “Brooklyn Day” Police Are Reportedly Holding A Press Conference Shortly
— OfficialCanadianShackster News (@CanadianRadioT1) July 2, 2023
At least 8 dead as bus plunges into Trishuli river in Dhading
The bus, heading to Pokhara from Kathmandu, veered off the road and plunged into the river near Gajuri along the Prithvi Highway, police said.
In Micheldorf (Bezirk St. Veit an der Glan) in Kärnten ist ein Bus von der Straße abgekommen und umgestürzt. Das Opfer ist eine 19-Jährige.
In pictures, the #Daylesford accident hits me terribly. A father and son. I believe it's the 38-year-old father and 11-year-old son. I have an 11-year-old. Woman and her young daughter. Five people died. My condolences. A white BMW SUV ploughed into the beer garden at the Royal…
Paramedics respond to countless traumatic accidents but Terry Marshall from @AmbulanceVic tells us how crews cope with something of the magnitude of the deadly Daylesford car crash that took the lives of five people.
At least 10 people died after an illegal gold mine collapsed in the South American country of Suriname, authorities say, adding it wasn’t immediately clear what may have caused the collapse
Bu akşam Gaziantep Havalimanına gitmek için Hatay Havalimanından havalanan Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Havacılık Daire Başkanlığı envanterine kayıtlı EM 708 kuyruk numaralı helikopterimiz, Gaziantep'in Nurdağı ilçesi Kartal Köyü mevkiinde kaza kırıma…
🇺🇸 | Um pequeno avião cai em um parque de trailers em Clearwater, Flórida, causando uma emergência na área. Ontem um helicóptero caiu na Colômbia. No Brasil, houve vários casos de aviões de pequeno porte. Vários incidentes pelo mundo, será que esses pilotos estavam vacinados?
A powerful storm rumbled through Moscow on Thursday afternoon, carrying heavy rains and winds that ripped scores of trees from the ground and killed at least one person, local authorities said.
Tons of Hezbollah walkie talkies are reportedly blowing up in Lebanon today, including at a funeral for some of the militants who didn’t survive yesterday’s carnage.
🤡Atmospheric River collided with Bomb Cyclone to create Triple Bombogenesis. Can the climate crisis folks get any more dramatic? ABC News reported that a woman was killed on Tuesday when a tree fell into a home in Bellevue, Wash., while she was in the shower. Another woman was…
Kartalkaya Kayak Merkezi’nde yangın: 10 ölü 32 yaralı
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, İçişleri Bakanı Ali Yerlikaya ve Sağlık Bakanı Kemal Memişoğlu yangının çıktığı Kartalkaya’ya hareket etti.
Bolu’daki yangında ciddi ihmaller olduğu iddia ediliyor. Yangın alarmının çalmadığı, yangın söndürme sistemi ve yangın merdiveninin bulunmadığı belirtiliyor. Ayrıca Kartalkaya’da itfaiye biriminin olmaması ve ekiplerin ilçe merkezlerinden gelmesi müdahaleyi geciktirmiş
At least sixteen people have died, and ten others were injured in a landslide in Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia, according to an official from the country’s disaster mitigation agency on
Oroszország Ukrajna elleni háborúja két-három héten belül véget érhet, most minden a délkelet-ukrajnai harcok kimenetelétől függ, de azok Ukrajna javára dőlnek el – jelentette ki vasárnapi üzenetében Olekszij Aresztovics, az Elnöki Hivatal vezetőjének tanácsadója, adta hírül a hírportál.
Mint a tanácsadó elmondta, „Mariupolt meg kell menteni, nem adhatjuk fel. És már teszünk bizonyos lépéseket.” Hozzátette, ha eleinte a háború sorsáról az északi hadjárat döntött, most ez keleten történik. „A lefolyásától függően válik érthetővé. Azt hiszem, minden a mi javunkra fog eldőlni” – mutatott rá. „Az oroszoknak nincs tartalékuk, hogy aktívan folytassák ezt a szakaszt. Legalább 2-3 hónap kell a tartalékok összegyűjtéséhez. A szankciók véget vetnek a gazdaságnak. Vagyis most 2-3 héten belül el kell dőlnie” – emlékeztetett.
Aresztovics hangsúlyozta: „korábban gyakran mondtam, hogy 2-3 hét, de ezt akkor is a második szakasz elejétől gondoltam. Ez most kezdődik.” Szerinte a következő három napban az orosz hadseregnek növelnie kell a Donbászra nehezedő nyomást, veszítenie kell, és két-három héten belül döntést kell hoznia a csapatok kivonásáról.
NEW: U.S. has seen indications that some Russian officers are refusing to obey orders or not following commands "with alacrity" in Donbas: senior U.S. defense official
Western officials have said that Russian troops failing to obey orders has forced more generals into the field.
NEW: U.S. has seen indications that some Russian officers are refusing to obey orders or not following commands "with alacrity" in Donbas: senior U.S. defense official
Western officials have said that Russian troops failing to obey orders has forced more generals into the field.
Harkiv északi városhatárától 4-5 km-re folynak a harcok, a Nemzeti Gárda sorkatonái négy orosz harckocsit kilőttek – közölte Olekszij Aresztovics elnöki hivatali tanácsadó csütörtöki sajtótájékoztatóján, adta hírül az hírportál.
A tudósítás szerint Aresztovics azt mondta, harcok zajlanak Harkiv közelében, a város határától 4-5 km-re, észak felől. A Nemzeti Gárda sorkatonái, akiket nem képeztek harcászatra, 18 éves fiúk, négy orosz harckocsit semmisítettek meg – tette hozzá. „Ez igazi hőstett a háborús idők mércéjével mérve is” – mutatott rá a tanácsadó.
A hírportál emlékeztetett arra, hogy korábban hírek jelentek meg arról, hogy négy orosz harckocsi ég a harkivi elkerülő úton.
Three members of the Idaho National Guard were killed in a helicopter crash Tuesday night outside Boise during a "routine training flight," the Guard said in a statement.
56 people were killed in Kreminna #Luhansk oblast - the occupiers shot from a tank home for the elderly. #Russians fired at it. Cynically and deliberately. They just adjusted the tank, put it in front of the house and started firing
Monument to Soviet commander Georgy Zhukov was dismantled in #Kharkiv
The monument was dismantled by the military. The press service of the Kharkiv City Council, which has long and consistently opposed the dismantling of the monument, has not yet given any comments.
#Russian occupiers strike perinatal center in #Kherson. A powerful blast wave broke the windows in the children's ward. One woman, a staff member at the center, was injured. ?? war criminals must be held accountable for their crimes & suffering caused to ??.
This was in my town of Harvest, AL. (it's near Huntsville) It was a black hawk helicopter and there were no survivors. The helicopter was pretty of Tennessee National Guard. My question is what was the Tennessee national guard doing in Alabama....???
A Black Hawk helicopter belonging to the Tennessee National Guard crashed during a training flight Wednesday near Huntsville, killing its two crew members, military and police officials said.
A critical infrastructure facility was hit in occupied Kherson
According to the leader of the local OVA, Alexander Prokudin, gas networks in the city were damaged as a result of the shelling .
Last night, during shelling of #Kherson, the warehouse of the Kherson regional organization of the @RedCrossUkraine was destroyed. The fire, resulting from the direct impact, wiped out the #humanitarianAid stocks designated for the Kherson region's residents stored.
❗️Around 6 AM local time, an air raid was announced across #Ukraine. Russia launched cruise missiles across the country. Explosions were heard in many cities, including #Kyiv.