A helyi rendőrség beszámolója szerint négy orosz turistát találtak holtan egy népszerű strandüdülőnél Albánia nyugati részén.
Az eset még Qerret faluban történt, a rendőrség közleménye szerint mind a négy turistát megfojtva találták az egyik szálloda szaunájában.
A rendőrség nem adott ki részletes információt az esetről arra hivatkozva, hogy zajlik még a nyomozás az ügyben, azt viszont elmondták, hogy a szálloda összes dolgozóját kihallgatták.
A 31 és 60 év közötti turisták egyébként egy nagyobb orosz turistacsoport tagjai voltak, amely egy egész hetet tervezett maradni a Tiranától 50 kilométerre található üdülőtelepülésen.
A nyomozók egyelőre úgy gondolják, az elhunytak egymással rokonságban állhattak, a vezetéknevük azonossága, illetve hasonlósága miatt – írja az AP.
Albániának ez azért is jött rosszul, mert meglehetősen komoly iparággá vált a turizmus a nyugat-balkáni országban.
Another bad news came from Antalya's Manavgat district, which has been struggling with fires for days. As a result of the overturning of the tour midibus carrying Russian tourists, 3 people lost their lives and 16 people were injured. pic.twitter.com/0hrKbAd5Cx
#Albania The opposition protests in Tirana. molotov is thrown at the headquarters of the Socialist Party and the Ministry of the Interior. pic.twitter.com/uYrbO9K4Nh
Legkevesebb három orosz turista életét vesztette és öten súlyosan megsérültek hétfőn a dél-törökországi Manavgat üdülővárosának közelében egy buszbalesetben – közölte az antalyai orosz főkonzulátus.
A TRT török hírtelevízió szerint a busz felett a sofőr eddig ismeretlen okból elvesztette az irányítást és a jármű felborult. Az Inturiszt orosz utazási iroda tudomása szerint huszonkét orosz turista utazott a buszon, köztük kilenc gyerek.
Another bad news came from Antalya's Manavgat district, which has been struggling with fires for days. As a result of the overturning of the tour midibus carrying Russian tourists, 3 people lost their lives and 16 people were injured. pic.twitter.com/0hrKbAd5Cx
The forest fires started in four different parts of Antalya, have spread to the residential areas. “We do not know what we are dealing with,” Mayor of Manavgat, a district of Antalya, said. pic.twitter.com/ATBs6EDQyj
Extremely saddening news to hear fatal bus accident in Barabanki, killing 12 individuals and seriously injuring more than 30.Deeply saddened and condolences to their family who died in road accident. Please pray for them who injured.? pic.twitter.com/eD9JAm9Ttb
11 burnt to death in tragic #accident on Balotra (#Barmer)-Jodhpur highway, Rajasthan. A truck crashed into a bus coming from the opposite direction with at least 28 passengers from #Jodhpur. Both the vehicles caught fire, killing 10 people on the spot. 22 injured. #Indiapic.twitter.com/mE3LznbC1H
BREAKING: 17 people drown, 10 others rescued after a bus plunges into Enziu river in Mwingi, Kitui County, search for bodies on pic.twitter.com/ik4DZU8nVF
Seems all the newly built verandas, balcony window structures cannot resist the extreme whirlwind of #lodos in #Istanbul The governors office issued a warning last night and this morning but nothing prepared the city for this type of #windstorm#Fırtınapic.twitter.com/uPEESW0MNs
Powerful explosion at the Kirkuk-Ceyhan oil pipeline in #Turkey (Marash). The reason is yet unknown. Efforts to put out the fire are ongoing. pic.twitter.com/NCxqIRcAmQ
Fortportal accident update. @FNampiima "so far 20 people have been confirmed dead, out of whom thirteen are adults while 7 are juveniles. Out of the twenty, 11 are male and nine are female. Their particulars will be availed in due course pic.twitter.com/w8n8Z6lkFR
A school bus carrying students has rolled down an embankment after colliding with a truck just near Melbourne with a teenage girl and the truck driver both seriously injured.#Sunriseon7pic.twitter.com/rFhDozO3ZV
Mersin’in Gülnar İlçesine bağlı Büyükeceli Karadere mevkiinde sabah saatlerinde çıkan yangın Silifke İlçesine bağlı Hırmanlı Mahallesine sıçradı. pic.twitter.com/BICGtlGsKR
Twenty-seven people were killed and 20 others injured after a bus turned on its side in #China's Guizhou Province early Sunday morning. pic.twitter.com/TTMYugVg6Q
#Tutak'ta Yolcu Otobüsü,Tır ve Tankerin Karıştığı Feci Kazada 7 Kişi vefat etti. 2' si Ağır 11 Yaralının Olduğu Kazada Vefat Edenlere Allah'tan Rahmet Yaralılara da EŞ-ŞAFİİ İsmiyle Acil Şifalar Diliyorum. pic.twitter.com/M1RA60lEUJ
One person was killed in a bus rollover, according to Brandeis University, which chartered the bus. The accident happened near the Brandeis campus in Waltham, Massachuetts. https://t.co/RBdFsRaWj6
??????? Au moins deux personnes ont trouvé la mort après un accident de bus tombé dans une rivière depuis un pont en Galice. Deux autres personnes, dont le chauffeur du bus, ont été secourues et hospitalisées. #BFM#Spain#Galicepic.twitter.com/vn7YJABHn0
Adana’da kuvvetli yağış ve dolu sele neden oldu! Doluyla karışık şiddetli yağış var. Şehrin bir çok yerinde trafik kilit. Lütfen tüm belediyelerimiz teyakkuza geçsin. Allah afetinden korusun! pic.twitter.com/sqeiOoBTJN
A devastating fire has raged at a holiday hotspot for Brits, forcing some flat block residents to jump off their balconies to escape the blazehttps://t.co/TodjDObyM4
VIEWERS DISCRETION ADVISED? ?Fatal Accident On Hwy1 Near Carberry, MB @CarraDeShaukeen
At least 15 people have been killed in a crash Between A Semi-Truck & Handi-Transit Vehicle on the Trans-Canada Highway west of Winnipeg near Carberry, Manitoba. #Carberry#mbpoli#Mantioba… pic.twitter.com/7KC0GGDibj
Currently numerous authorities and emergency personnel have been deployed following a collision involving a double-decker tour bus and a MTA city bus in… pic.twitter.com/4UeSNJAk4Z
Over 80 people were injured in a seven-vehicle pileup, including three buses carrying middle school students on a field trip, in #SouthKorea's Gangwon province on Friday, police said.
About 30 firefighters were taking part in the rescue operation, while police were investigating… pic.twitter.com/s741AUhmev
☎️ Hasiči zřídili informační linku pro rodiny a blízké lidí zasažených událostí 950 640 000. ❗️Při nehodě u Brna se zranilo 76 lidí, z toho 14 těžce, jeden člověk zemřel. ? Ve směru na Brno by se mohla podle Policie ČR dálnice zprůjezdnit ve 22 hodin. Foto: ČT24/ČTK pic.twitter.com/ptYE30dzzH
JMK - Na 3. km D2 došlo ve směru na Brno poblíž Rebešovic k závažné dopravní nehodě dvou autobusů. Podle předběžných zpráv jeden z řidičů na místě zemřel, v obou autobusech jsou desítky zraněných. Na místě pracují všechny složky IZS. Komunikace je neprůjezdná. #policiejmkpic.twitter.com/vBEAbWpX9n
At least 8 dead as bus plunges into Trishuli river in Dhading
The bus, heading to Pokhara from Kathmandu, veered off the road and plunged into the river near Gajuri along the Prithvi Highway, police said.https://t.co/8uF3oXPGLZ
In Micheldorf (Bezirk St. Veit an der Glan) in Kärnten ist ein Bus von der Straße abgekommen und umgestürzt. Das Opfer ist eine 19-Jährige. https://t.co/8DhKNCjMbA
Vi sarebbero per ora almeno due morti accertati e una quarantina di feriti nell'incidente del pullman precipitato da un cavalcavia a Mestre. Il tragico bilancio sembra essere destinato a salire Le prime foto tratte da fermi immagini del Tg1 e Tg2 Rai https://t.co/cUObC24Hyfpic.twitter.com/F4AsbA5maJ
Un’immane tragedia ha colpito questa sera la nostra comunità. Ho disposto da subito il lutto cittadino, in memoria delle numerose vittime che erano nell’autobus caduto. Una scena apocalittica, non ci sono parole. pic.twitter.com/APnsQoPMkL
Doda Bus Accident | Minutes before accident, CCTV footage of ill fated bus crossed Drabshalla naka point in Kishtwar district at 9:30 AM. pic.twitter.com/A7CSXzmXB8
A charter bus carrying students from a high school was rear-ended by a semitruck on an Ohio highway Tuesday, leaving six people dead and at least 18 others injured, according to officials. https://t.co/UY1tCnWki7
Bu akşam Gaziantep Havalimanına gitmek için Hatay Havalimanından havalanan Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Havacılık Daire Başkanlığı envanterine kayıtlı EM 708 kuyruk numaralı helikopterimiz, Gaziantep'in Nurdağı ilçesi Kartal Köyü mevkiinde kaza kırıma…
Turkish media reports that in protest against the war in Gaza, an armed individual has taken employees of the Procter & Gamble plant hostage in Kocaeli province.
#BREAKING Türkiye: The shooter was apprehended & all #hostages were released in the P&G Chemicals factory in #Türkiye, Turkish media report.
Some staff at a Procter & Gamble factory in northwestern Turkiye had been taken hostage by an armed man apparently protesting against… pic.twitter.com/w7UbdHbKmH
Schulbus-Unfall in #Fürth-#Erlenbach +++ 12 Schüler und Busfahrer verletzt +++ Bus rollt laut Polizei 60 Meter weit führerlos in eine Wiese https://t.co/UvVYVKA4O5
🚨Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές εξόρυξης στον κόσμο συνέβη στο Erzincan 🇹🇷 πριν λίγο
Κατέρρευσε το ορυχείο κυανιούχου χρυσού Anagold στο İliç , και έγινε τάφος για τους εργάτες .Το κυάνιο διαχύθηκε στον Ευφράτη ποταμό δίπλα στο ορυχείο καθιστώντας το νερό δηλητηριώδες pic.twitter.com/BgnocGix5w
❗🪨🇹🇷 - A huge landslide left several workers buried underground at the Copler gold mine (Anagold Mining) in the Iliç district of Erzincan province, Turkey.
The mountain has literally descended on the mine and Mountains of cyanide and sulfur waste have migrated and millions of… pic.twitter.com/3jPrbaMmpB
Bugün Antalya Konyaaltı ilçesinde bulunan Sarısu-Tünektepe teleferik hattını taşıyan direklerden birinin devrilmesi sonucu vagonlardan biri kayalık bölgeye düşmüş; teleferikte bulunun 1 vatandaşımız maalesef hayatını kaybetmiş, 7 kişi ise yaralanmıştır
UPDATE: The crash happened when a 2001 Ford pickup truck side-swiped the bus carrying farm workers in Marion County Florida. The bus then went off the road, crashed into a fence, and overturned in a field. 8 people were killed and up to 50 injured, several in critical condition. pic.twitter.com/XCxKbStw1D
Pogroms have been going on for several days in Turkey amid the rape of a 7-year-old girl by a migrant from Syria
Turkish police detained more than 470 participants in anti-Syrian pogroms. The riots began after the detention of a Syrian accused of raping a child in Kayseri… pic.twitter.com/HbKWTzOj4Y
⚫ La C-32 continua tallada entre Pineda de Mar i Tordera en sentit Girona per un autobús amb passatge que s'ha accidentat i bolcat a l'entrada d'un túnel.
#WorldNews: Twelve children were killed in #SouthAfrica early Wednesday when a minibus taking them to school in #Johannesburg overturned and caught fire after being hit by another vehicle, the government said.https://t.co/nixAyhfh3F
— LBCI Lebanon English (@LBCI_News_EN) July 10, 2024
State Police are assisting the Monroe County Sheriff's Office with investigating a crash on Interstate 490 westbound in the town of Chili involving an overturned tour bus. Interstate 490 westbound is closed at Union Street. pic.twitter.com/LSPOvhW555
Um ônibus da Emtram, que saiu de São Paulo com destino a Vitória da Conquista, se envolveu em um grave acidente neste sábado, em Minas Gerais. Pelo menos 38 pessoas morreram e há baianos entre as vítimas. pic.twitter.com/eKhPi9GBQn
Kartalkaya Kayak Merkezi’nde yangın: 10 ölü 32 yaralı
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, İçişleri Bakanı Ali Yerlikaya ve Sağlık Bakanı Kemal Memişoğlu yangının çıktığı Kartalkaya’ya hareket etti. pic.twitter.com/23HcCM0QgA