Tornádók söpörtek végig az Egyesült Államok középnyugati részén pénteken. Nebraska és Iowa államban is jelentős károk keletkeztek, amikor több száz házat megrongált a vihar. A katasztrófa után néhány sérültet jelentettek, halálos áldozatokról egyelőre nem tudnak. A meteorológiai szolgálat szombatra ismét tornádófigyelmeztetést adott ki.
Tornádó csapott le Nebraska és Iowa állam egyes részeire pénteken. A legnagyobb károkat a nebraskai Omaha külvárosából jelentették, ahol több száz házat és építményt rongált meg a vihar – számolt be a CBC News.
A pusztító forgószél a mezőgazdasági területeken is károkat okozott. A katasztrófa után néhány sérültet jelentettek, halálos áldozatokról egyelőre nem tudnak.
Unreal—a massive tornado is captured on video crossing I-80 in Nebraska near Omaha
Omaha város tűzoltóparancsnoka elmondta, hogy szombaton tovább keresik a sérülteket. A tornádó áramkimaradásokat és gázszivárgásokat okozott, a probléma elhárításán szintén dolgoznak. Rengeteg fa kidőlt, és több épület is instabillá vált.
A hatóságok közlése szerint három ember megsérült a nebraskai Lancaster megyében, amikor a vihar egy ipari épületre is lecsapott. Többen a romok alá szorultak, amikor összeomlott az épület. A tűzoltók sikeresen kihozták az embereket, a jelentések szerint nem történt életveszélyes sérülés.
Some insane tornado footage out of the Midwest today….this video by Eric Carlisle, a conductor, taken from inside a train near Lincoln, Nebraska is wild
— Wu Tang is for the Children (@WUTangKids) April 27, 2024
Omaha térségében tornádófigyelmeztetést adtak ki péntek délután. Sokan éppen a gyermeküket hozták volna el az iskolából, így több intézmény óvóhelyeket biztosított a tanulóknak.
Egy másik tornádó Omaha keleti területére csapott le, áthaladva az Eppley Airfield, a város repülőterének egyes részein. Az emberek az óvóhelyre siettek a vihar elvonulásáig, a jelentések szerint az utasterminálban nem keletkezett kár. A repülőteret később ismét megnyitották. A pusztító szélvihar Waverly közelében egy vonatot is felborított.
Szombatra ismét tornádóriadót adott ki a meteorológiai szolgálat Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma és Texas egyes részeire. A figyelmeztetés szerint kiadós jégeső és erős széllökések is előfordulhatnak.
Some insane tornado footage out of the Midwest today….this video by Eric Carlisle, a conductor, taken from inside a train near Lincoln, Nebraska is wild
— Wu Tang is for the Children (@WUTangKids) April 27, 2024
Some insane tornado footage out of the Midwest today….this video by Eric Carlisle, a conductor, taken from inside a train near Lincoln, Nebraska is wild
— Wu Tang is for the Children (@WUTangKids) April 27, 2024
⚠️ WARNING: This post contains graphic descriptions of a tragic incident
A fiery pileup inside an Interstate 80 tunnel near Green River, Wyoming, on Friday claimed at least two lives & left five others seriously injured. The crash, involving multiple semi-trucks & vehicles,…
Súlyos viharok és tornádók több ember halálát és súlyos károkat okoztak az Egyesült Államok déli tagállamaiban kedden és szerdán.
Alabama államból két halálos áldozatról és egy sérültről számolt be Montgomery megye vészhelyzeti igazgatója, miután tornádó sújtotta a térséget, valamint azt is közölte, hogy a gyors beavatkozásnak köszönhetően számos emberéletet sikerült megmenteni.
Alabama területén több otthon súlyosan megsérült, lakások váltak lakhatatlanná, Louisianában is épületekben okoztak súlyos károkat a viharok, a beszámolók szerint legalább egy épület összeomlott.
Az amerikai vihar-előrejelző központ közleménye szerint Alabama, Mississippi és Louisiana államban legkevesebb 29 tornádó alakult ki helyi idő szerint kedden délután és szerda reggel között. Ebben a három déli államban összesen mintegy 54 ezer lakásban volt áramkimaradás a szokatlanul erős novemberi viharok miatt.
UPDATE: Suspect in custody. Please continue to avoid the area while we process the scene. We will tweet when the intersection is back open
Update - Gaithersburg, Maryland, @MontgomeryCoMD small plane into powerlines & tower plow, suspended about 100 feet in the air, two persons on board uninjured at this time, @mcfrs on scene, Widespread power outages, some roads closed in area,
?#UPDATE: Rescue operations are currently underway to rescue both pilot and two passengers as they are up 100 feet from the ground with the powerlines still having high electricity so far about 86,000+ residents currently without power …
Update / small Plane crash into power lines in Gaithersburg area, plane, 2 occupants on plane are OK, plane was headed towards (landing) Montgomery Airpark, Airpark is now closed to air traffic @MontgomeryCoMD
Dozens of emergency crews are responding to a small aircraft that has crashed into high voltage powerlines, causing massive power outages too 80,000 peop…
#UPDATE A Chesapeake police spokesperson tells us at this point he believes no more than 10 people have died. It’s unclear if the shooter was an employee. The shooter is now deceased. Officers are walking through the Walmart super center checking for victims.
One person was killed in a bus rollover, according to Brandeis University, which chartered the bus. The accident happened near the Brandeis campus in Waltham, Massachuetts.
The Keystone pipeline system was shut down on Wednesday night after its operator, TC Energy, said that about 14,000 barrels of oil had spilled into a creek in northern Kansas. The EPA said there was no threat to drinking water or to the public.
JUST IN: Philly police just released pics of the 3 shooters who fired on a group outside the Blaine school. 7 people hit, inc. a 2-year-old girl + 5 teens. The shots started as the after school program ended, sending the victims running back into the schoolyard for cover.
Two suspects are in custody in relation to a shooting that left one person dead and three others injured at Cielo Vista Mall in El Paso, Texas, Wednesday afternoon, according to officials
This was in my town of Harvest, AL. (it's near Huntsville) It was a black hawk helicopter and there were no survivors. The helicopter was pretty of Tennessee National Guard. My question is what was the Tennessee national guard doing in Alabama....???
A Black Hawk helicopter belonging to the Tennessee National Guard crashed during a training flight Wednesday near Huntsville, killing its two crew members, military and police officials said.
High winds continue to blow across Morgan County. Here is some of the damage Deputies, Officers, Fire Crews, Utility crews and road crews are working on across Morgan County.
— Morgan County Sheriff's Office (Alabama) (@morgan_sheriff) March 3, 2023
Emergency Response Team (ERT) at a barge incident on the Ohio River in Lville. 10 of 11 barges are loose from the tug. One carrying 1400 tons of methanol partially submerged at McAlpine Dam. Nearest water intake is in Henderson.
CENTCOM forces conducted a unilateral strike in Syria killing an ISIS senior leader responsible for planning attacks into Europe.
?#BREAKING: A Confirmed large and extremely violent tornado is on the ground⁰⁰?#Sigourney | #Iowa⁰⁰The National weather service has issues a PDS tornado warning meaning particular Dangerous situation as a confirmed large and extremely violent tornado is on the ground…
A tanker truck collision occurred at Gold Star Memorial Bridge in Connecticut, killing one and injuring two, with smoke billowing from the scene as if it were the scene of a movie apocalypse.
The F-16 was on a training mission Saturday morning when it came down "in an agricultural area near Osan Air Base", the US Air Force said in a statement, adding the pilot ejected safely.
Thousands of Mormon crickets have taken over the town of Elko, Nevada, as these flightless, grasshopper-like creatures come out of their dormant period and into their migratory phase
Tornado moving thru Perryton, TX today and the damage and aftermath. Folks in Perryton are gonna need some help over the next few weeks/months.
When you go to Burning Man for fun in the desert but it rains six inches and floods and you think you're just going to drive out of the mud because you have a Jeep
An outbreak of salmonella poisoning linked to bagged, precut onions has sickened at least 73 people in 22 states, including 15 who were hospitalized, U.S. health officials said Tuesday.
?? | ÚLTIMA HORA: Al menos 18 personas resultan heridas y 2 muertas después de un tiroteo masivo durante una celebración de Halloween en Ybor City, Tampa, Florida.
BREAKING: Suspect in Lewiston, Maine, mass shooting identified as Robert Card, a firearms instructor in the US Army reserve who was recently discharged from a mental health facility after reporting hallucinations.
A charter bus carrying students from a high school was rear-ended by a semitruck on an Ohio highway Tuesday, leaving six people dead and at least 18 others injured, according to officials.
U.S. CENTCOM Strikes Houthi Terrorist Missile Launchers
In the context of ongoing multi-national efforts to protect freedom of navigation and prevent attacks on U.S. and partner maritime traffic in the Red Sea, on Jan. 17 at approximately 11:59 p.m. (Sanaa time), U.S. Central…
At least 6 IRGC's Fateh-110 missiles hit the Mossad base in Erbil, Iraq.
The United States funds Kurdish separatist groups in this region, which engage in sabotage, terrorism and espionage against Iran.
Conditions in Berrien County, MI remain hazardous due to lake effect snow, reduced visibility, and blowing snow. Here's a look at cameras on I-94 courtesy of @MDOT_Southwest. A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect until 11 AM EST Wednesday with additional accumulations up to 2".
An investigation is underway in rural southwestern Virginia, where authorities found a woman dead inside a natural cave on Friday. There are hundreds of caves in that area.
ALERT:#DPD is investigating a shooting in the 5000 block N Orleans Ct. Six victims located. Extent of injuries unknown at this time. Investigation is ongoing. Officers are working to develop suspect information.
The National Weather Service warns of a severe snowstorm in California's Sierra Nevada mountains, with up to 12 feet of snow forecasted over the weekend.
Some attendees of the Kansas City Chiefs playoff game in January suffered frostbite, with 12 people requiring amputation surgeries for fingers and toes, according to a Kansas City hospital.
Some insane tornado footage out of the Midwest today….this video by Eric Carlisle, a conductor, taken from inside a train near Lincoln, Nebraska is wild
— Wu Tang is for the Children (@WUTangKids) April 27, 2024
Crowded public bus hijacked, taken on wild high-speed chase down Atlanta freeway; 1 killed: A passenger was killed by a gunshot wound after a suspect hijacked a transit bus in metro Atlanta and led authorities on a high-speed chase into a neighboring…
A Somerset, Kentucky man -- Jesse Kipf -- was sentenced to 81 months in prison for illegally accessing the Hawaii Death Registry System to fake his own death to avoid paying child support.
Latalia Anjolie Margalli, 22, is now charged with 2nd degree murder and five counts of 2nd degree assault with a dangerous weapon in the weekend downtown Minneapolis car assault that left a teen dead, five injured. Charges indicate that Margalli started the fight with a male she…
The US THAAD system is deployed near Nevatim air base in Israel. This site is managed by the US Army Missile Conmand 1st Space Brigade. It acts as an anti-ballistic missile base.
THAAD uses the AN/TPY-2 radar to track enemy ballistic missiles as they fly into space, the radar…
🤡Atmospheric River collided with Bomb Cyclone to create Triple Bombogenesis. Can the climate crisis folks get any more dramatic? ABC News reported that a woman was killed on Tuesday when a tree fell into a home in Bellevue, Wash., while she was in the shower. Another woman was…
New photos from @CorvallisPD show recovery efforts underway after a train derailment in the Marys River. The Portland & Western train was carrying agricultural materials when a structural failure occurred in the train trestle. No injuries were reported.
Earlier today, a reported electric vehicle fire occurred in the porte cochère of Trump Las Vegas. The safety and well-being of our guests and staff remain our top priority. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Las Vegas Fire Department and local law enforcement for their…
The driver of the Tesla Cybertruck that exploded on New Year's Day outside the Trump International Las Vegas Hotel "used ChatGPT to plan out his attack," according to authorities.
ICYMI: Millions of Americans are under a winter storm warning as the most impactful storm of the season thus far sweeps across the U.S.
A Learjet 55 Air Ambulance from Mexico crashed in Philadelphia shortly after takeoff. Waiting for Trump to blame Black people, women, Joe Biden, Barack Obama and DEI in 3,2,1... 😳👇
A drone footage of the #planecrash in #philadelphia. Sources talk about 6 dead: pilot, two doctors, nurse, patient, and family member. No clear news about casualties on the ground.
Joe Biden arról is beszélt, hogy az ország történetének legnagyobb tornádókatasztrófája lehet a mostani.
Joe Biden amerikai elnök szombaton jóváhagyta a katasztrófahelyzet kihirdetését a tornádók sújtotta Kentucky államban, ahol legkevesebb hetvennyolcan vesztették életüket az ítéletidőben – írja a
Biden több dolgot is mondott a katasztrófáról. Megígérte a károsultaknak, hogy bármire legyen is szükségük, a kormány igyekszik segíteni, és azt is hozzátette, hogy ebben a pillanatban senki sem demokrata vagy republikánus, egy ilyen vészhelyzetben első sorban mindenki amerikai, ezért együtt fogják átvészelni ezt.„Ez lehet történelmünk egyik legnagyobb tornádószerencsétlensége. Tragédia. Még most sem tudjuk pontosan, hányan vesztették életüket és milyen károk keletkeztek”-– mondta Biden. Az elnököt a klímaváltozás hatásairól is kérdezték, erről elmondta, hogy ráállítja a szakembereket, továbbá szerinte a tornádóriasztásokkal is jobban kell foglalkozni.
NEW VIDEO of the MONSTER Large Wedge Tornado overnight that turned deadly. This was seen between Bremen, KY & Sacramento, KY – Northeast of Mayfield, Kentucky
NEW VIDEO of the MONSTER Large Wedge Tornado overnight that turned deadly. This was seen between Bremen, KY & Sacramento, KY - Northeast of Mayfield, Kentucky
BREAKING: Trump supporters have breached the Capitol building, tearing down 4 layers of security fencing and are attempting to occupy the building — fighting federal police who are overrun
This is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Thousands, police can’t stop them
This is wrong and not who we are. Be peaceful and use your 1st Amendment rights, but don’t start acting like the other side. We have a country to save and this doesn’t help anyone.
High winds continue to blow across Morgan County. Here is some of the damage Deputies, Officers, Fire Crews, Utility crews and road crews are working on across Morgan County.
— Morgan County Sheriff's Office (Alabama) (@morgan_sheriff) March 3, 2023
Some insane tornado footage out of the Midwest today….this video by Eric Carlisle, a conductor, taken from inside a train near Lincoln, Nebraska is wild
— Wu Tang is for the Children (@WUTangKids) April 27, 2024
NEW VIDEO of the MONSTER Large Wedge Tornado overnight that turned deadly. This was seen between Bremen, KY & Sacramento, KY - Northeast of Mayfield, Kentucky
Some insane tornado footage out of the Midwest today….this video by Eric Carlisle, a conductor, taken from inside a train near Lincoln, Nebraska is wild
— Wu Tang is for the Children (@WUTangKids) April 27, 2024
High winds continue to blow across Morgan County. Here is some of the damage Deputies, Officers, Fire Crews, Utility crews and road crews are working on across Morgan County.
— Morgan County Sheriff's Office (Alabama) (@morgan_sheriff) March 3, 2023
Szükséghelyzetet rendelt el az Egyesült Államok déli részén fekvő Mississippi állam kormányzója az után, hogy vasárnap hatan meghaltak a tornádók pusztításától.
„Ma este elrendelem a szükségállapotot, hogy megvédjük Mississippi lakosainak egészségét és biztonságát a szerte az államban pusztító tornádóktól és viharoktól” – írta a Twitter mikroblogon helyi idő szerint vasárnap este Tate Reeves. A kormányzó biztosította a lakosokat, hogy „nincsenek egyedül”, minden rendelkezésre álló forrást mozgósítanak az emberek és a tulajdonuk védelmére.
Az amerikai média szerint katasztrofális károkat okoztak a tornádók. A Louisiana állam északi részén található Monroe városban és a környékén legalább 300 lakóház és épület megrongálódott – közölte a KNOE-TV televízióval Jamie Mayo polgármester.
Az alabamai Morgan megyei Priceville-ben villámcsapás rongálta meg vasárnap délután egy templom tetejét és tornyát – közölte Eddie Hicks, a megyei katasztrófa-elhárítás munkatársa. Sérültekről nem érkeztek jelentések.
Hétfő hajnalban Texastól Nyugat-Virginiát át Georgiáig tíz államban 750 ezer ember volt áramszolgáltatás nélkül – jelentette az áramszünetetek nyilvántartó portál. Az amerikai nemzeti meteorológiai szolgálat legmagasabb fokozatú tornádóriasztást adott ki.
A mississippi katasztrófa-elhárítás hat halálos áldozatot jelentett, valamennyien az állam déli részén vesztették életüket. Mint írták a Twitteren, ezek az elsődleges jelentések, amelyeket az információk beérkezésével pontosítanak majd.
Az erőjelzések szerint a továbbiakban is igen heves viharok várhatók Mississippiben, Alabamában és Georgiában is. Nagy erejű tornádók, pusztító széllökések és jégeső is várható.
Silný vítr v noci na dnešek a dopoledne v několika krajích zkomplikoval dopravu a zaměstnal hasiče, kteří odstraňovali hlavně stromy popadané na silnice, železniční tratě, chodníky, automobily či elektrické dráty.
UPDATE: “We do believe the explosion was an intentional act.” -Don Aaron, Metro Police Spokesman on this morning’s large explosion in #downtownNashville. Three people transported to hospital. No significant injuries to report. ATF and FBI investigating.
NEW VIDEO of the MONSTER Large Wedge Tornado overnight that turned deadly. This was seen between Bremen, KY & Sacramento, KY - Northeast of Mayfield, Kentucky
#terremoto de 7.5 grados en la escala de #Ritcher sacudió la mañana de este domingo a #Peru. El epicentro se ubica a 98 kilómetros al este de la localidad peruana de Santa María de Nieva, situada en la provincia de Condorcanqui, en el departamento de Amazonas.
NEW VIDEO: Flash flooding at Capitol Reef National Park Thursday. You can see the water rush in where cars were parked and people were trying to get out. DPS made helicopter rescues- no injuries reported. #utah ?Orin Allen
A beige/brown SUV drove through the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial parade route in downtown Gallup, according to the NM State Police. Multiple people, including 2 Gallup PD officers, were injured and treated on scene.
#UPDATE A Chesapeake police spokesperson tells us at this point he believes no more than 10 people have died. It’s unclear if the shooter was an employee. The shooter is now deceased. Officers are walking through the Walmart super center checking for victims.
The Keystone pipeline system was shut down on Wednesday night after its operator, TC Energy, said that about 14,000 barrels of oil had spilled into a creek in northern Kansas. The EPA said there was no threat to drinking water or to the public.
UPDATE: Suspect in custody. Please continue to avoid the area while we process the scene. We will tweet when the intersection is back open
Update - Gaithersburg, Maryland, @MontgomeryCoMD small plane into powerlines & tower plow, suspended about 100 feet in the air, two persons on board uninjured at this time, @mcfrs on scene, Widespread power outages, some roads closed in area,
?#UPDATE: Rescue operations are currently underway to rescue both pilot and two passengers as they are up 100 feet from the ground with the powerlines still having high electricity so far about 86,000+ residents currently without power …
Update / small Plane crash into power lines in Gaithersburg area, plane, 2 occupants on plane are OK, plane was headed towards (landing) Montgomery Airpark, Airpark is now closed to air traffic @MontgomeryCoMD
Dozens of emergency crews are responding to a small aircraft that has crashed into high voltage powerlines, causing massive power outages too 80,000 peop…
Two suspects are in custody in relation to a shooting that left one person dead and three others injured at Cielo Vista Mall in El Paso, Texas, Wednesday afternoon, according to officials
This was in my town of Harvest, AL. (it's near Huntsville) It was a black hawk helicopter and there were no survivors. The helicopter was pretty of Tennessee National Guard. My question is what was the Tennessee national guard doing in Alabama....???
A Black Hawk helicopter belonging to the Tennessee National Guard crashed during a training flight Wednesday near Huntsville, killing its two crew members, military and police officials said.
JUST IN: Philly police just released pics of the 3 shooters who fired on a group outside the Blaine school. 7 people hit, inc. a 2-year-old girl + 5 teens. The shots started as the after school program ended, sending the victims running back into the schoolyard for cover.
A tanker truck collision occurred at Gold Star Memorial Bridge in Connecticut, killing one and injuring two, with smoke billowing from the scene as if it were the scene of a movie apocalypse.
The F-16 was on a training mission Saturday morning when it came down "in an agricultural area near Osan Air Base", the US Air Force said in a statement, adding the pilot ejected safely.
Tornado moving thru Perryton, TX today and the damage and aftermath. Folks in Perryton are gonna need some help over the next few weeks/months.
A fighter jet crashed into a parking lot during an airshow in Michigan, with crew members ejecting before the aircraft went down. No serious injuries have been reported.
When you go to Burning Man for fun in the desert but it rains six inches and floods and you think you're just going to drive out of the mud because you have a Jeep
LOCATED: Mavis Christian Jr., was found dead. Police believe he turned the gun on himself.
More from MPD: On November 19, 2023, at 3:31 a.m., officers located who is believed to be the suspect, Mavis Christian Jr., inside the white Chevrolet Malibu in the 3000 Block of Alta…
Nearly 30 people have been sent to hospitals following multiple anhydrous ammonia leaks at a cheese factory in Greeneville, Tennessee on Wednesday morning, according to officials.
#BREAKING : Plane crash reported on I-26 in Asheville, officials confirm According to the Federal Aviation Administration, a single-engine Diamond DA-40 crashed Thursday around 8:15 p.m. on Interstate 26 near Asheville Regional Airport. The FAA says two people were on board…
#planecrash UPDATE: police are turning around vehicles at the back of the cue behind the wrecked plane on #I26. This is for traffic too close to the wreck to take detours. Still no word on how many people were injured when the plane hit the interstate.
A crash involving dozens of vehicles along a foggy stretch of California’s Interstate 5 in southern California has left two people dead and nine others injured.
At night, a missile strike was carried out on an industrial enterprise in Slavyansk, Donetsk region, and one of the workshops was completely destroyed.
ALERT:#DPD is investigating a shooting in the 5000 block N Orleans Ct. Six victims located. Extent of injuries unknown at this time. Investigation is ongoing. Officers are working to develop suspect information.
The National Weather Service warns of a severe snowstorm in California's Sierra Nevada mountains, with up to 12 feet of snow forecasted over the weekend.
Some attendees of the Kansas City Chiefs playoff game in January suffered frostbite, with 12 people requiring amputation surgeries for fingers and toes, according to a Kansas City hospital.
Timelapse of an intense tornado warned storm moving into downtown Houston, Texas this evening. Watch as the skyline disappears as blinding rain and destructive winds move in. Video courtesy of @EarthCam.
✋️ Who here thinks we should send the National Guard to Aurora Colorado to deal with these armed gangs of undocumented Venezuelan? This is domestic terrorism and FBI presence is needed. 👀😳
Your votes matter this November. An armed Venezuelan gang has taken control of an apartment complex as well as other parts of town in Aurora Colorado. Is this what you want? I never thought I'd live to see the day something like this happens in the U.S. straight out of a movie
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis says the viral videos of armed Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment buildings is just a figment of the "imagination" of local leaders. Fmr apartment resident Cindy Romero absolutely DESTROYS Polis:
A Somerset, Kentucky man -- Jesse Kipf -- was sentenced to 81 months in prison for illegally accessing the Hawaii Death Registry System to fake his own death to avoid paying child support.
The US THAAD system is deployed near Nevatim air base in Israel. This site is managed by the US Army Missile Conmand 1st Space Brigade. It acts as an anti-ballistic missile base.
THAAD uses the AN/TPY-2 radar to track enemy ballistic missiles as they fly into space, the radar…
🚨#WATCH: As a major fire breaks out at a recycling Lithium Battery plant triggering massive explosions leading to mandatory evacuations⁰⁰📌#Fredericktown | #Missouri
Watch as numerous fire departments rush to the scene of a major fire at a lithium battery recycling plant in…
🤡Atmospheric River collided with Bomb Cyclone to create Triple Bombogenesis. Can the climate crisis folks get any more dramatic? ABC News reported that a woman was killed on Tuesday when a tree fell into a home in Bellevue, Wash., while she was in the shower. Another woman was…
Watched the NJ drones fly around the Hudson River, near the Freedom tower, and over the W hotel in Hoboken last night. They were circling for a good 20-30 minutes. Crazy they can fly so close to our most valuable assets with full impunity.
Last night, beginning at around 9:45 pm, I personally witnessed (and videoed) what appeared to be dozens of large drones in the sky above my residence in Davidsonville, Maryland (25 miles from our nation’s capital). I observed the activity for approximately 45 minutes.
Earlier today, a reported electric vehicle fire occurred in the porte cochère of Trump Las Vegas. The safety and well-being of our guests and staff remain our top priority. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Las Vegas Fire Department and local law enforcement for their…
ICYMI: Millions of Americans are under a winter storm warning as the most impactful storm of the season thus far sweeps across the U.S.
New photos from @CorvallisPD show recovery efforts underway after a train derailment in the Marys River. The Portland & Western train was carrying agricultural materials when a structural failure occurred in the train trestle. No injuries were reported.
A Learjet 55 Air Ambulance from Mexico crashed in Philadelphia shortly after takeoff. Waiting for Trump to blame Black people, women, Joe Biden, Barack Obama and DEI in 3,2,1... 😳👇
A drone footage of the #planecrash in #philadelphia. Sources talk about 6 dead: pilot, two doctors, nurse, patient, and family member. No clear news about casualties on the ground.