Array ( [count_posts] => 10 [cache_key] => Query_Posts::global::hu::YTo1OntzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiaHUiO3M6NzoiZG9tYWlucyI7YToxOntpOjA7czo2OiJwb2RpamkiO31zOjY6Im9mZnNldCI7aTo5MDtzOjk6InRheF9xdWVyeSI7YToxOntpOjA7YTozOntzOjg6InRheG9ub215IjtzOjg6InBvc3RfdGFnIjtzOjU6ImZpZWxkIjtzOjI6ImlkIjtzOjU6InRlcm1zIjthOjE6e2k6MDtpOjQ5ODt9fX1zOjExOiJhZnRlckxvY2tlciI7aTowO30= [has_result] => 1 [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17069 [content] =>A KMKSZ ungvári székháza ellen 2018 februárjában elkövetett robbantásos merénylet bírósági ügye lassan a befejezéséhez ér.
A merénylet megszervezésével vádolt Kosztyantin Krivics, akit szabotázzsal, engedély nélküli fegyverviseléssel, szándékos vagyonrongálással és okirat hamisítással is vádolnak, nem ismerte el bűnösségét.
[type] => post [excerpt] => A merénylet megszervezésével vádolt Kosztyantin Krivics, akit szabotázzsal, engedély nélküli fegyverviseléssel, szándékos vagyonrongálással és okirat hamisítással is vádolnak, nem ismerte el bűnösségét. [autID] => 10 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1593347640 [modified] => 1593298110 ) [title] => Az utolsó szó jogán – nem ismerte el bűnösségét a KMKSZ ungvári székháza elleni merénylet megszervezésével vádolt Kosztyantin Krivics (videó) [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 17069 ) [aut] => nyesi [lang] => hu [image_id] => 17070 [image] => Array ( [id] => 17070 [original] => [original_lng] => 111208 [original_w] => 1401 [original_h] => 788 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 576 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1401 [height] => 788 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1401 [height] => 788 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1401 [height] => 788 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1593287311:10 [_oembed_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => [_oembed_time_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => 1593287220 [_thumbnail_id] => 17070 [_edit_last] => 10 [views_count] => 6288 [_hipstart_feed_include] => 1 [_oembed_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => [_oembed_time_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => 1593287313 [_oembed_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] =>[_oembed_time_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] => 1593336843 [_oembed_0dace855503efb5e10fd2b6affe0efa3] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] =>Now being reported as up to 6 people stabbed in Glasgow City Centre
— ⚽ Simon BRFC Hopkins ⚽ (@HopkinsBRFC) June 26, 2020
Situation is contained but avoid the area[_oembed_time_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] => 1648539859 [_oembed_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] =>E’accaduto in Belgio.Alle 5 di questa mattina, un’auto si è scagliata contro la folla durante la festa per la celebrazione del Carnevale a Strpy Bracquegnies,villaggio La Louviere in Vallonia. Il bilancio provvisorio è di 4 morti e 20 feriti,12 in gravi condizioni.Fermato un uomo
— Franco Scarsella (@FrancoScarsell2) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] => 1648539860 [_oembed_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] =>#Belgium: 4 people were killed & 22 others sustained injuries in La Louvière city, Hainaut province after a man drove into the crowd.
— Vineet (@cozyduke_apt29) March 20, 2022
A pro-IS channel has reported this news. Let's wait for more details.[_oembed_time_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] => 1651218605 [_oembed_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] =>Afghanistan, esplosione in una moschea a Kunduz: almeno 33 morti #afghanistan #esplosione #moschea #terrorismo #kunduz
— Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) April 22, 2022[_oembed_time_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] => 1657614414 [_oembed_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => [_oembed_time_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => 1657614415 [_oembed_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] =>The moment that Japanese Former PM Shinzo Abe was shot. Looks to be a DIY shotgun.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] => 1657614415 [_oembed_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] =>Close-up video of Japanese former PM Shinzo Abe being shot and the suspect being tackled.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] => 1657614415 [_oembed_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] =>Former PM Shinzo Abe arriving at the hospital after being airlifted via medical
— ??? Deb-Plorable Lee ??? (@DebraLee_1234) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] => 1660064987 [_oembed_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] =>A beige/brown SUV drove through the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial parade route in downtown Gallup, according to the NM State Police. Multiple people, including 2 Gallup PD officers, were injured and treated on scene.
— Sharon Chischilly (@schischillyy) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] => 1660064987 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1661704765 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>More on #Gallup:
— The Modern Times of Long Beach ? (@ModernTimesLB) August 5, 2022
Here is footage of police riping the suspects out of the[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1661704766 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1663252839 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1669801948 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1674827332 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1675620678 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1676650624 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1681754344 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682584954 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1686161406 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1697178409 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1704901521 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1710250420 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712423697 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1717238931 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1717238931 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1717238932 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1717238932 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1717581245 [_oembed_7cb30bdaa6d7f4dc3ddb3d479ba1cdfb] => [_oembed_time_7cb30bdaa6d7f4dc3ddb3d479ba1cdfb] => 1719406235 [_oembed_2527d3d4013610dd6acded6b0429cb1d] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1720260856 [_oembed_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] => 1720260856 [_oembed_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => [_oembed_time_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => 1720260856 [_oembed_91025b22c8269666fc964ea9215463aa] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_91025b22c8269666fc964ea9215463aa] => 1720260856 [_oembed_b35a5e08a44597cbc82c2b240b72450a] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_b35a5e08a44597cbc82c2b240b72450a] => 1720260856 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1721133258 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1721133259 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1721133259 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1725450493 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1728653401 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 41 [2] => 49 [3] => 31 [4] => 900 [5] => 25 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => A nap hírei [1] => Cikkek [2] => Hírek [3] => Kárpátalja [4] => Kriminális [5] => Videók ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 498 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => merénylet ) ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 16926 [content] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024Péntek délután késeléses támadás történt Glasgowban. Hivatalosan meg nem erősített médiaértesülések szerint a támadásban hárman meghaltak.
A BBC közszolgálati médiatársaság helyszíni beszámolója szerint a tettest a nagy erőkkel kivonult rendőrség a helyszínen agyonlőtte.
Az előzetes értesülések szerint az incidens a legnagyobb skóciai város egyik szállodájának lépcsőházában történt.
A skóciai rendőrség hivatalosan azt közölte, hogy ellenőrzése alá vonta a helyzetet és a lakosságot ebből az incidensből adódóan további veszély nem fenyegeti.
A BBC azt is írja, hogy egy a helyszínen tartózkodó tanú négy sérültet is látott, akiket mentő vitt el.
A rendőrség azt is közölte, hogy a környéket lezárták, jelenleg ugyan nem fenyeget veszély, de mindenki kerülje el az érintett zónát.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Péntek délután késeléses támadás történt Glasgowban. Hivatalosan meg nem erősített médiaértesülések szerint a támadásban hárman meghaltak. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1593191940 [modified] => 1593191593 ) [title] => Késelés Glasgow-ban – hárman meghaltak, a tettest agyonlőtték [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 16926 [uk] => 16958 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 16928 [image] => Array ( [id] => 16928 [original] => [original_lng] => 81496 [original_w] => 768 [original_h] => 432 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1593191747:8 [_oembed_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] =>[_oembed_time_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] => 1593180544 [_thumbnail_id] => 16928 [_edit_last] => 5 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 3776 [_oembed_90676bd57009f1586d2f3a0036237777] =>Now being reported as up to 6 people stabbed in Glasgow City Centre
— ⚽ Simon BRFC Hopkins ⚽ (@HopkinsBRFC) June 26, 2020
Situation is contained but avoid the area[_oembed_time_90676bd57009f1586d2f3a0036237777] => 1593180795 [_oembed_aff043b4e3dfd6f9d66224f87adbfe92] => [_oembed_time_aff043b4e3dfd6f9d66224f87adbfe92] => 1593180795 [_oembed_5433b15c961dcc21d64ed4a1dcebe3a8] =>?BREAKING NEWS?
— Ali Javed (@AliJaved24) June 20, 2020
Multiple Stabbing in Forbury Gardens, #Reading in vicinity of a #BlackLivesMatter protest.
• 3 people killed
• 2 in serious condition
Nearby roads sealed off by Thames Valley Police.
More info soon..#UK #BLM #BLMprotests[_oembed_time_5433b15c961dcc21d64ed4a1dcebe3a8] => 1593180795 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_4b9d2d74045bf0e5de2e47e8368a42ea] => [_oembed_time_4b9d2d74045bf0e5de2e47e8368a42ea] => 1593953206 [_oembed_0dace855503efb5e10fd2b6affe0efa3] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => [_oembed_time_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => 1594393730 [_oembed_16e9e3a27973e06a9d829ed6aca92158] =>Early this morning we retrieved the statue of Colston from Bristol Harbour. It is being taken to a secure location before later forming part of our museums collection.
— Bristol City Council (@BristolCouncil) June 11, 2020[_oembed_time_16e9e3a27973e06a9d829ed6aca92158] => 1605518850 [_oembed_bfd440d797712e5502f46f85b8d6e95f] => [_oembed_time_bfd440d797712e5502f46f85b8d6e95f] => 1609829725 [_oembed_034ca36d8a6ae96bf64db714e0ee7bbe] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_65e3eb4f44a4c0cf297375efccc6d5c6] =>Chester hospital baby deaths: Nurse Lucy Letby due in court
— BBC News England (@BBCEngland) November 12, 2020[_oembed_time_65e3eb4f44a4c0cf297375efccc6d5c6] => 1637556493 [_oembed_f8feec8f7d5b6ffcc03e18c2a3207153] =>Man with knife tries to stab people on the streets of Oslo, Norway as he’s screaming «allahu akbar». Stabs police officer and gets shot dead.
— WickedViral (@WickedViralTV) November 9, 2021[_oembed_time_f8feec8f7d5b6ffcc03e18c2a3207153] => 1637556493 [_oembed_d844ae24b4a9220589c85b69d9e0688f] =>Großeinsatz in der Oberpfalz: Messerattacke in ICE fordert mehrere Verletzte. #Seuberdorf
— TAG24 NEWS München (@TAG24M) November 6, 2021[_oembed_time_d844ae24b4a9220589c85b69d9e0688f] => 1646594621 [_oembed_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] =>#Garedunord
— Tristan Baudenaille (@TristanBdnl) February 14, 2022[_oembed_time_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] => 1649407033 [_oembed_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] =>E’accaduto in Belgio.Alle 5 di questa mattina, un’auto si è scagliata contro la folla durante la festa per la celebrazione del Carnevale a Strpy Bracquegnies,villaggio La Louviere in Vallonia. Il bilancio provvisorio è di 4 morti e 20 feriti,12 in gravi condizioni.Fermato un uomo
— Franco Scarsella (@FrancoScarsell2) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] => 1649407033 [_oembed_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] =>#Belgium: 4 people were killed & 22 others sustained injuries in La Louvière city, Hainaut province after a man drove into the crowd.
— Vineet (@cozyduke_apt29) March 20, 2022
A pro-IS channel has reported this news. Let's wait for more details.[_oembed_time_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] => 1653150282 [_oembed_9ce9e2f4773157b6abacd1e49ece000e] => [_oembed_time_9ce9e2f4773157b6abacd1e49ece000e] => 1654069922 [_oembed_ede2ad8c2e6b1f2e0446bc8f4d2d6c48] => [_oembed_time_ede2ad8c2e6b1f2e0446bc8f4d2d6c48] => 1655475155 [_oembed_dab35a45a570a6e1ba03ecac4402d768] =>Afghanistan, esplosione in una moschea a Kunduz: almeno 33 morti #afghanistan #esplosione #moschea #terrorismo #kunduz
— Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) April 22, 2022[_oembed_time_dab35a45a570a6e1ba03ecac4402d768] => 1655475155 [_oembed_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] =>Omnigender? Whistleblowers Reveal UK's Woke Deep State Recognises over 100 Genders
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 29, 2022[_oembed_time_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] => 1657728755 [_oembed_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => [_oembed_time_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => 1657728755 [_oembed_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] =>The moment that Japanese Former PM Shinzo Abe was shot. Looks to be a DIY shotgun.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] => 1657728755 [_oembed_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] =>Close-up video of Japanese former PM Shinzo Abe being shot and the suspect being tackled.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] => 1657728756 [_oembed_2dc2d82904514712a83781b0001b9324] =>Former PM Shinzo Abe arriving at the hospital after being airlifted via medical
— ??? Deb-Plorable Lee ??? (@DebraLee_1234) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_2dc2d82904514712a83781b0001b9324] => 1659981943 [_oembed_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] =>Here is video of the attack involving Rep. Zeldin from witness Cody Crippen
— Nick Reisman (@NickReisman) July 22, 2022[_oembed_time_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] => 1660320440 [_oembed_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] =>A beige/brown SUV drove through the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial parade route in downtown Gallup, according to the NM State Police. Multiple people, including 2 Gallup PD officers, were injured and treated on scene.
— Sharon Chischilly (@schischillyy) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] => 1660320440 [_oembed_0d1c4631ee811670bacbf26ec9590a37] =>More on #Gallup:
— The Modern Times of Long Beach ? (@ModernTimesLB) August 5, 2022
Here is footage of police riping the suspects out of the[_oembed_time_0d1c4631ee811670bacbf26ec9590a37] => 1660320440 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1660910308 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>BREAKING: China just had a kindergarten massacre. Of the 9 victims of toddlers & teachers, 3 dead, 6 seriously injured so far. The suspect is still at large
— Donna Wong?? (@DonnaWongHK) August 3, 2022
Once again, they vented the weak...
3-Aug, Anfu #AmazingChina[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1660910309 [_oembed_c7eac7d6c3fc31e6c3d6fa75d36f8d61] => [_oembed_time_c7eac7d6c3fc31e6c3d6fa75d36f8d61] => 1661805853 [_oembed_69a3e82b8f9a104dd58a398dcdaf6d1d] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_69a3e82b8f9a104dd58a398dcdaf6d1d] => 1662363901 [_oembed_8d89f25bb0ee41eea965c8e781a17780] => [_oembed_time_8d89f25bb0ee41eea965c8e781a17780] => 1662363901 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>It's a simple idea: We demand the govt scrap the energy price rises and deliver affordable energy for all. We will build a million pledges and by Oct 1st if the govt and energy companies fail to act we will cancel our direct debits. Read more here:
— Don't Pay. (@dontpayuk) June 18, 2022[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1663308922 [_oembed_e47b3a1ceaabab31a8ae764aa811e30f] => [_oembed_time_e47b3a1ceaabab31a8ae764aa811e30f] => 1663308922 [_oembed_2f41b8a49c5549722bdad7f9f7e57fda] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_2f41b8a49c5549722bdad7f9f7e57fda] => 1663308923 [_oembed_07ca95e254a0e917f269f9e648eb0c3d] =>At least 10 people dead in stabbings at multiple scenes across Canada's province of Saskatchewan. Police say they've identified two suspects.
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) September 4, 2022[_oembed_time_07ca95e254a0e917f269f9e648eb0c3d] => 1665479041 [_oembed_54f5841caf2d73706fc3ace64d775ec1] =>Today a climate change protester appeared to accidentally set himself on fire at the Laver Cup tennis tournament at the O2 Arena in London.
— Andy Ngô ?️? (@MrAndyNgo) September 23, 2022[_oembed_time_54f5841caf2d73706fc3ace64d775ec1] => 1667843499 [_oembed_dbe762c3d7b62c5261e85599598261fd] =>#LondonProtest
— Cumulo White (@CumuloWhite) October 22, 2022[_oembed_time_dbe762c3d7b62c5261e85599598261fd] => 1667843499 [_oembed_1f18cc0ffbe607aa534e3d00a64f17b4] =>Cafwyd hyd i sawl pecyn o gocên ar draeth Tan-y-Bwlch ar 1 Hydref
— BBC Cymru Fyw (@BBCCymruFyw) October 17, 2022[_oembed_time_1f18cc0ffbe607aa534e3d00a64f17b4] => 1669047420 [_oembed_32161491e802a95ae426e70bcb570a22] => [_oembed_time_32161491e802a95ae426e70bcb570a22] => 1669047420 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>8.40am - Protester now off of the gantry at junction 6 and traffic resuming.
— Surrey Police (@SurreyPolice) November 7, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1670769093 [_oembed_e5bc646402076a0fbfc9502d21c55c93] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_e5bc646402076a0fbfc9502d21c55c93] => 1671702314 [_oembed_e3cdad6123cbbd63224e8be51a82b3ad] =>In Illerkirchberg hat ein unbekannter Mann vor einer Grundschule zwei Kinder niedergestochen und schwer verletzt.
— Berliner Zeitung (@berlinerzeitung) December 5, 2022[_oembed_time_e3cdad6123cbbd63224e8be51a82b3ad] => 1672063352 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>Non... Les CHINOIS, ILS SONT CHEZ EUX!
— AD (@AD53968024) October 17, 2022
C'est vous qui devez respecter la LOI INTERNATIONALE.
C'est quoi PRO DÉMOCRATIE pour vous ???
Comme en ALLEMAGNE??
???[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1673973878 [_oembed_fcc4c7878eec3ef7ecf095d01f2b94f3] => [_oembed_time_fcc4c7878eec3ef7ecf095d01f2b94f3] => 1673973878 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1675532467 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1677672728 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1682763440 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682763440 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1682763440 [_oembed_0b09abc8ae56c9c04538e545a1f48ee6] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_0b09abc8ae56c9c04538e545a1f48ee6] => 1692337117 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>?BREAKING: Climbers are on the roof of Rishi Sunak’s mansion draping it in 200 metres of oily-black fabric to drive home the dangerous consequences of a new drilling frenzy.#StopRosebank #NoNewOil
— Greenpeace UK (@GreenpeaceUK) August 3, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1697094781 [_oembed_c0218f7f7a96859833f925a6ef6b6bc1] => [_oembed_time_c0218f7f7a96859833f925a6ef6b6bc1] => 1697094782 [_oembed_d6ec47b1503e6bcbe845f39943652e32] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_d6ec47b1503e6bcbe845f39943652e32] => 1697094782 [_oembed_963f4a6918cde6cb5c48ba020dc4b7b6] =>Spanish school evacuated as 'Year 4 pupil stabs two teachers and two classmates'
— Mirror Breaking News (@MirrorBreaking_) September 28, 2023[_oembed_time_963f4a6918cde6cb5c48ba020dc4b7b6] => 1698825870 [_oembed_b0d8c984f6bd6ecd27510c996b919242] =>Bus crashes into Manchester city centre shop.
— NEWSCAPE (@Globlnrrative) October 16, 2023[_oembed_time_b0d8c984f6bd6ecd27510c996b919242] => 1698825871 [_oembed_e85efc34ae6e4807b3fcf8601af23fa9] =>BREAKING Manchester bus crash horror as vehicle slams into hotel in horrendous scenes
— Daily Star Breaking News (@StarBreaksNews) October 16, 2023[_oembed_time_e85efc34ae6e4807b3fcf8601af23fa9] => 1700069182 [_oembed_06bcab0725a89e1e68a43a0e2bf86043] => [_oembed_time_06bcab0725a89e1e68a43a0e2bf86043] => 1703431645 [_oembed_539c706e2d86812b7ad77b91bd0501bd] =>?? Greta Thunberg arrested during climate protest in London.
— Genius Bot X (@GeniusBotX) October 17, 2023[_oembed_time_539c706e2d86812b7ad77b91bd0501bd] => 1703431646 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1706702525 [_oembed_8656092c9eb571756a9854fb02e92140] =>Poland: knife attack at school leaves three students injured
— Voice of Europe 🌍 (@V_of_Europe) November 29, 2023[_oembed_time_8656092c9eb571756a9854fb02e92140] => 1709736982 [_oembed_d083199997971e9eef464a1f44b05cbf] =>🚨🇫🇷 Three people have been injured in a terror attack in Paris on Saturday morning.
— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) February 3, 2024
A man attacked passengers at the Gare de Lyon train station with a knife and a hammer.
Police say the perpetrator is an asylum seeker from Mali.[_oembed_time_d083199997971e9eef464a1f44b05cbf] => 1710420528 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>#Enterate En víspera del 8M, asesinan a dos mujeres en la Universidad Tecnológica de Guadalajara | JT noticias
— (@jesustorresnoti) March 7, 2024[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1710420528 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1713170619 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1713507042 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1717236411 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1717236411 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1717236411 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1717236411 [_oembed_3027149a9a451751a1bc35305e9f05d2] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1720118232 [_oembed_206c683e9c89c2996eea6258f639f05b] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_206c683e9c89c2996eea6258f639f05b] => 1723390973 [_oembed_8fc5739e14113122099268413f33c7fe] =>Southport stabbing: Up to six children feared seriously hurt in horror major incident after knifeman targets holiday club
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) July 29, 2024[_oembed_time_8fc5739e14113122099268413f33c7fe] => 1723390973 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>🇫🇷 #France Attack at Paris East Railway Station : a "Sentinel" soldier attacked with a knife, the attacker shouting "Allah Akbar". Wounded in the shoulder, his life would not be in danger.
— Geo News (@GeoTienou) July 15, 2024[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1723390973 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1723390973 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1723390973 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1725034625 [_oembed_080ee437dd13d2293d8db242f4fb2d35] => [_oembed_time_080ee437dd13d2293d8db242f4fb2d35] => 1730554753 [_oembed_844e62318c27830f4e3546f73b91a9b1] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_844e62318c27830f4e3546f73b91a9b1] => 1734872706 [_oembed_9a1412ca98c8ab65bcac41838a6e1156] =>🇬🇧🌊Today, This is not Valencia, this is the town Tenbury Wells UK.
— Weather monitor (@Weathermonitors) November 24, 2024
The moment the flood entered.#StormBert[_oembed_time_9a1412ca98c8ab65bcac41838a6e1156] => 1734872706 [_oembed_b3ed030934e5ba822194ba6dcdfa7dd8] => [_oembed_time_b3ed030934e5ba822194ba6dcdfa7dd8] => 1736440311 [_oembed_d6c55f0c453521dde27aed5097020b30] =>🌊🇬🇧A few minutes ago: A tractor driver caused a huge wave of water to flood shops on Market Street in Tenbury Wells, UK, showing no regard for local businesses already affected by recent flooding.#StormBert #TenburyWells
— Weather monitor (@Weathermonitors) November 24, 2024
Via- Jay da Costa Fb[_oembed_time_d6c55f0c453521dde27aed5097020b30] => 1736440311 [_oembed_5f0d823cc6e85d91ef145862365cf87c] =>Car Plows into #Seoul's Market, Injures 13
— Markets Today (@marketsday) December 31, 2024
On December 31, 2024, a vehicle driven by an elderly man crashed into the Mokdong Kaebi Market in Yangcheon, Seoul, injuring at least 13 people. Four individuals suffered serious injuries while nine sustained minor injuries. The…[_oembed_time_5f0d823cc6e85d91ef145862365cf87c] => 1736440311 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 3126 [1] => 41 [2] => 49 [3] => 900 [4] => 25 [5] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Aktuális [1] => Cikkek [2] => Hírek [3] => Kriminális [4] => Videók [5] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 1315 [1] => 498 [2] => 1796 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => késes támadás [1] => merénylet [2] => Nagy-Britannia ) ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 16891 [content] =>Four people were seriously injured and nine others suffered minor injuries after a car drove into a crowd at a market in South Korean capital Seoul on Tuesday, local media reported.
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) December 31, 2024Pénteken az észak-afganisztáni Tahar tartományban tálib fegyveresek támadtak meg egy rendőrségi ellenőrzőpontot. A támadásban 4 rendőr és 3 tálib meghalt, többen megsebesültek – tudatta a tartományi kormányzat szóvivője.
Mohammed Dzsavád Hadzseri szerint a támadás a tartományi fővárostól, Talikántól nem messze lévő ellenőrzőponton történt, a 2 órán át tartó tűzharcban pedig több rendőr és 5 tálib megsebesült.
A hét végén a radikálisok több támadást hajtottak végre a tartomány biztonsági erői ellen, Mohammed Azám Afzali tartományi tanácstag az Ariana News című afgán hírportálnak azt mondta, az akciókban 15 biztonsági ember halt meg.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Pénteken az észak-afganisztáni Tahar tartományban tálib fegyveresek támadtak meg egy rendőrségi ellenőrzőpontot. A támadásban 4 rendőr és 3 tálib meghalt, többen megsebesültek – tudatta a tartományi kormányzat szóvivője. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1593189540 [modified] => 1593183261 ) [title] => Észak-Afganisztánban tálibok támadtak egy ellenőrzőpontra [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 16891 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 16892 [image] => Array ( [id] => 16892 [original] => [original_lng] => 876901 [original_w] => 2560 [original_h] => 1333 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 156 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 400 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 533 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1536 [height] => 800 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1066 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 2560 [height] => 1333 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1593172461:5 [_thumbnail_id] => 16892 [_edit_last] => 5 [translation_required] => 1 [views_count] => 4319 [_oembed_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => [_oembed_time_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => 1593172462 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_0dace855503efb5e10fd2b6affe0efa3] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => [_oembed_time_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => 1594307106 [_oembed_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] =>[_oembed_time_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] => 1594307107 [_oembed_4716c5942015f4370cfde4de20938f2a] =>Now being reported as up to 6 people stabbed in Glasgow City Centre
— ⚽ Simon BRFC Hopkins ⚽ (@HopkinsBRFC) June 26, 2020
Situation is contained but avoid the area[_oembed_time_4716c5942015f4370cfde4de20938f2a] => 1599120013 [_oembed_1495d132c384fb1e2dfb6ca951ada8e2] =>Eight Local Policemen Killed, Six Wounded in #Ghor Province #Afghanistan
— ShamshadNews (@Shamshadnetwork) August 25, 2020
Read more:[_oembed_time_1495d132c384fb1e2dfb6ca951ada8e2] => 1609757399 [_oembed_ac232770c725bd29a3da09767766e949] =>17 Taliban Killed in Gov’t Reciprocal Attacks, Uruzgan #Khaama #Afghanistan
— Eye on Afghanistan (@EyeOnAfgh) December 16, 2020[_oembed_time_ac232770c725bd29a3da09767766e949] => 1619290920 [_oembed_1cc19f3f6eab1af838cbf1c994e2f582] =>1/2 Until all foreign forces completely withdraw from our homeland, the Islamic Emirate will not participate in any conference that shall make decisions about Afghanistan.
— Dr.M.Naeem (@IeaOffice) April 13, 2021[_oembed_time_1cc19f3f6eab1af838cbf1c994e2f582] => 1631162248 [_oembed_b9f39bf5b3f153d79a741f969f4a4746] => [_oembed_time_b9f39bf5b3f153d79a741f969f4a4746] => 1631162248 [_oembed_4a849f856e9753c8eb41434714fcbec1] => [_oembed_time_4a849f856e9753c8eb41434714fcbec1] => 1631685289 [_oembed_18eb6bfc64d45a7ee76e168d3b9beb06] => [_oembed_time_18eb6bfc64d45a7ee76e168d3b9beb06] => 1631685289 [_oembed_a637ec5554ca2d140e4cabcad149a637] => [_oembed_time_a637ec5554ca2d140e4cabcad149a637] => 1635950668 [_oembed_f5d184fc1d7875a18025820d74e06327] =>Today, a large number of people are marching in front of the entrance of the Presidential Palace ARG in Kabul Jan, in which a large number of women and youth are participating, chanting slogans in favor of their country and national flag.#IndependenceDayAfghanistan
— Ihtesham Afghan (@IhteshamAfghan) August 19, 2021[_oembed_time_f5d184fc1d7875a18025820d74e06327] => 1636324401 [_oembed_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] =>Emergency hospital in Kabul says that so far nine injured people have been transferred to the hospital from today’s explosions.#TOLOnews
— TOLOnews (@TOLOnews) November 2, 2021[_oembed_time_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] => 1647888649 [_oembed_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] =>E’accaduto in Belgio.Alle 5 di questa mattina, un’auto si è scagliata contro la folla durante la festa per la celebrazione del Carnevale a Strpy Bracquegnies,villaggio La Louviere in Vallonia. Il bilancio provvisorio è di 4 morti e 20 feriti,12 in gravi condizioni.Fermato un uomo
— Franco Scarsella (@FrancoScarsell2) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] => 1647888650 [_oembed_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] =>#Belgium: 4 people were killed & 22 others sustained injuries in La Louvière city, Hainaut province after a man drove into the crowd.
— Vineet (@cozyduke_apt29) March 20, 2022
A pro-IS channel has reported this news. Let's wait for more details.[_oembed_time_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] => 1652087956 [_oembed_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] =>Afghanistan, esplosione in una moschea a Kunduz: almeno 33 morti #afghanistan #esplosione #moschea #terrorismo #kunduz
— Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) April 22, 2022[_oembed_time_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] => 1658215506 [_oembed_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => [_oembed_time_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => 1658215507 [_oembed_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] =>The moment that Japanese Former PM Shinzo Abe was shot. Looks to be a DIY shotgun.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] => 1658215507 [_oembed_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] =>Close-up video of Japanese former PM Shinzo Abe being shot and the suspect being tackled.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] => 1658215507 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1661626942 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>Former PM Shinzo Abe arriving at the hospital after being airlifted via medical
— ??? Deb-Plorable Lee ??? (@DebraLee_1234) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1661626942 [_oembed_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] => 1661626943 [_oembed_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] =>A beige/brown SUV drove through the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial parade route in downtown Gallup, according to the NM State Police. Multiple people, including 2 Gallup PD officers, were injured and treated on scene.
— Sharon Chischilly (@schischillyy) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] => 1661626943 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>More on #Gallup:
— The Modern Times of Long Beach ? (@ModernTimesLB) August 5, 2022
Here is footage of police riping the suspects out of the[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1664190814 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1670345110 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1673861601 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1675246946 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1676996088 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682418143 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1682418144 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1685973938 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1697219122 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1704738080 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1708950808 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712131667 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1714901290 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1716551686 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1716551686 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1716551687 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1716551687 [_oembed_7cb30bdaa6d7f4dc3ddb3d479ba1cdfb] => [_oembed_time_7cb30bdaa6d7f4dc3ddb3d479ba1cdfb] => 1719410328 [_oembed_e7fcf6fde3e2266c20400e4c6ed411d4] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_e7fcf6fde3e2266c20400e4c6ed411d4] => 1719868133 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1720097893 [_oembed_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] => 1720097893 [_oembed_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => [_oembed_time_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => 1720097893 [_oembed_91025b22c8269666fc964ea9215463aa] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_91025b22c8269666fc964ea9215463aa] => 1720097894 [_oembed_b35a5e08a44597cbc82c2b240b72450a] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_b35a5e08a44597cbc82c2b240b72450a] => 1720097894 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1721727953 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1721727953 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1721727954 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1724847181 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1730554751 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 17 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Sürgős [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 498 [1] => 8275 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => merénylet [1] => tálibok ) ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 16550 [content] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024Egy dél-mexikói őslakos indián falu tizenöt lakosát mészárolták le ismeretlen támadók, írta az MTI kedden.
A déli Oaxaca állam főügyésze közölte, hogy tizenhárom férfit és két nőt öltek meg vasárnapra virradóra a Salina Cruz városától keletre fekvő Huazantlán del Río faluban, ahol Ikoots törzsbeli őslakosok élnek. Vizsgálják a vérengzés hátterét. A térségben évek óta zajlanak viták területek birtoklásáról és útvonalak kijelöléséről.
Legalább hat fegyveres hajtotta végre a támadást egy helyi bűnbanda vezetőjének támogatásával. Több áldozatukat megcsonkították és élve elégették. A helyi média félig összeégett holttestekről mutatott be felvételeket.
Mexikóban rendszeresek a hasonló tömeggyilkosságok, legutóbb arról érkezett hír, hogy legalább 215 holttest került elő kilenc tömegsírból január és május között Guadalajara környékén. Az országban 2006-ban indítottak katonai akciót a szervezett bűnözés ellen.
Forrás: index
[type] => post [excerpt] => Egy dél-mexikói őslakos indián falu tizenöt lakosát mészárolták le ismeretlen támadók, írta az MTI kedden. [autID] => 4 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1592996400 [modified] => 1592957984 ) [title] => Megöltek tizenöt őslakos indiánt Mexikóban [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 16550 [uk] => 16649 ) [aut] => avecsorinszka [lang] => hu [image_id] => 16551 [image] => Array ( [id] => 16551 [original] => [original_lng] => 124466 [original_w] => 727 [original_h] => 409 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 727 [height] => 409 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 727 [height] => 409 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 727 [height] => 409 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 727 [height] => 409 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 727 [height] => 409 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1593005685:2 [_thumbnail_id] => 16551 [_edit_last] => 4 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 3500 [_oembed_2760147e2d6e98695c85d331943b77bb] => [_oembed_time_2760147e2d6e98695c85d331943b77bb] => 1592947185 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_0dace855503efb5e10fd2b6affe0efa3] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => [_oembed_time_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => 1594405287 [_oembed_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] =>[_oembed_time_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] => 1594405287 [_oembed_87a4487627efb7d71c4b7f2481211198] =>Now being reported as up to 6 people stabbed in Glasgow City Centre
— ⚽ Simon BRFC Hopkins ⚽ (@HopkinsBRFC) June 26, 2020
Situation is contained but avoid the area[_oembed_time_87a4487627efb7d71c4b7f2481211198] => 1602593224 [_oembed_bffee74213979c072d84bb9d2caf72c6] =>?MINUTO A MINUTO?: HURACÁN #DELTA
— CStore News. Noticias de CStore (@CStoreNews_) October 6, 2020
Se perciben vientos sostenidos moderados y cielo parcialmente nublado en la carretera Ciudad del Carmen-Campeche. #Cancún, #QuintanaRoo #deltahurricane. Video para efecto dramático[_oembed_time_bffee74213979c072d84bb9d2caf72c6] => 1602593224 [_oembed_d26404600355ba96d3152dcdb5ffd38a] =>#Delta Zona Hotelera de Cancún en estos momentos el huracán esta llegando!
— Realidades Yucatán (@213Realidades) October 7, 2020[_oembed_time_d26404600355ba96d3152dcdb5ffd38a] => 1605446669 [_oembed_31c3d90cacd46673d46989fe20826ce6] => [_oembed_time_31c3d90cacd46673d46989fe20826ce6] => 1606674972 [_oembed_987695d8ebc05b50e92b0e6affb48922] => [_oembed_time_987695d8ebc05b50e92b0e6affb48922] => 1610996762 [_oembed_92635c1a8f268ea932dab59dd6bd1250] =>hurricane eta hit nicaragua, honduras and flooding has affected costa rica and panama. people’s entire houses have sunk in the water. i know the focus is on the elections right now, but please rt to spread awareness! i’ll be trying to addsome resources to help on this thread:
— magdalena? (@uflowery0ufeast) November 6, 2020[_oembed_time_92635c1a8f268ea932dab59dd6bd1250] => 1618913789 [_oembed_bf4665ed5fd3ddce41b4493103a779b9] => [_oembed_time_bf4665ed5fd3ddce41b4493103a779b9] => 1619449360 [_oembed_4f1cedd79551b5c4d3917904ae80cedf] => [_oembed_time_4f1cedd79551b5c4d3917904ae80cedf] => 1623843432 [_oembed_ddf01b32e5b7be6fc82a93155db4bcf3] =>⚠️ Protección Civil emite alerta en 9 estados por robo de fuente radiactiva en Teoloyucan, Estado de México
— Milenio (@Milenio) April 11, 2021[_oembed_time_ddf01b32e5b7be6fc82a93155db4bcf3] => 1623843433 [_oembed_08bf3d6bca153da4b922c720ba09b1bd] =>? Se ha realizado evacuación preventiva de una vivienda cercana al #socavón.
— Protección Civil México (@CNPC_MX) May 31, 2021
?Se mantiene cerco de seguridad de 500 m.
⚠️Se solicita a la población NO acercarse a la zona. Autoridades ya trabajan en el lugar.[_oembed_time_08bf3d6bca153da4b922c720ba09b1bd] => 1624643983 [_oembed_08387efe7a6e5d233554af56d9814596] => [_oembed_time_08387efe7a6e5d233554af56d9814596] => 1637040208 [_oembed_1e307073f8df2829b23cc74bfb649b39] =>VIDEO: One dead as freight train topples onto Mexican homes.
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) June 16, 2021
A freight train has derailed and toppled onto houses alongside the tracks in western Mexico, killing one resident and injuring three others, emergency services say[_oembed_time_1e307073f8df2829b23cc74bfb649b39] => 1639280792 [_oembed_1a27fef2f412414965db98a77dfe4b94] => [_oembed_time_1a27fef2f412414965db98a77dfe4b94] => 1639664838 [_oembed_5e8b952ad1eaa2c2b1a7db770bce2281] =>Grupo armado ’Los Petules’ expulsa a familias de Ocosingo por los 20 mdp de un ‘cachito ganador’ del avión presidencial
— Foro_TV (@Foro_TV) November 23, 2021[_oembed_time_5e8b952ad1eaa2c2b1a7db770bce2281] => 1639664838 [_oembed_f3e1afd4f0d68e35d88ca858ad285d3f] =>Armed members of Mexico's National Guard comb Cancun beaches to keep tourists safe from cartel violence
— One Line Updates (@onelineupdates) December 6, 2021[_oembed_time_f3e1afd4f0d68e35d88ca858ad285d3f] => 1642321433 [_oembed_fc124914e96dbda1b5a1df2e065f316b] =>Mexico ?? @El_Universal_Mx headline: El Universal
— MiniTrue Archive (@MiniTrueArchive) January 6, 2022
They abandon truck with several bodies outside the Government Palace of Zacatecas[_oembed_time_fc124914e96dbda1b5a1df2e065f316b] => 1642701678 [_oembed_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] =>Jalisco Cartel, Nueva Generación dropping small bombs from a drone on a target in Michoacán, Mexico.
— CNW (@ConflictsW) January 11, 2022
People can be seen running away after the bombs hit the camp. #Mexico[_oembed_time_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] => 1649523919 [_oembed_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] =>E’accaduto in Belgio.Alle 5 di questa mattina, un’auto si è scagliata contro la folla durante la festa per la celebrazione del Carnevale a Strpy Bracquegnies,villaggio La Louviere in Vallonia. Il bilancio provvisorio è di 4 morti e 20 feriti,12 in gravi condizioni.Fermato un uomo
— Franco Scarsella (@FrancoScarsell2) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] => 1649523919 [_oembed_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] =>#Belgium: 4 people were killed & 22 others sustained injuries in La Louvière city, Hainaut province after a man drove into the crowd.
— Vineet (@cozyduke_apt29) March 20, 2022
A pro-IS channel has reported this news. Let's wait for more details.[_oembed_time_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] => 1652639725 [_oembed_4913c0c368c407ff2fe530cc27e82343] => [_oembed_time_4913c0c368c407ff2fe530cc27e82343] => 1654857891 [_oembed_cc413eac46c8363bf4ff45a6cba6bf7f] =>Afghanistan, esplosione in una moschea a Kunduz: almeno 33 morti #afghanistan #esplosione #moschea #terrorismo #kunduz
— Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) April 22, 2022[_oembed_time_cc413eac46c8363bf4ff45a6cba6bf7f] => 1654857891 [_oembed_ea7b8cddfcfe2f56189e39a15196c768] => [_oembed_time_ea7b8cddfcfe2f56189e39a15196c768] => 1654857891 [_oembed_146a6d7860879ec457569fa42d59d285] => [_oembed_time_146a6d7860879ec457569fa42d59d285] => 1654857892 [_oembed_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] =>Hurricane Agatha, the strongest storm ever recorded in Mexico, has lashed the country's Pacific Coast, with heavy rains flooding entire villages.
— DW News (@dwnews) June 1, 2022[_oembed_time_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] => 1657814421 [_oembed_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => [_oembed_time_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => 1657814421 [_oembed_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] =>The moment that Japanese Former PM Shinzo Abe was shot. Looks to be a DIY shotgun.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] => 1657814421 [_oembed_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] =>Close-up video of Japanese former PM Shinzo Abe being shot and the suspect being tackled.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] => 1657814422 [_oembed_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] =>Former PM Shinzo Abe arriving at the hospital after being airlifted via medical
— ??? Deb-Plorable Lee ??? (@DebraLee_1234) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] => 1660633295 [_oembed_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] =>A beige/brown SUV drove through the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial parade route in downtown Gallup, according to the NM State Police. Multiple people, including 2 Gallup PD officers, were injured and treated on scene.
— Sharon Chischilly (@schischillyy) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] => 1660633295 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1660831867 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>More on #Gallup:
— The Modern Times of Long Beach ? (@ModernTimesLB) August 5, 2022
Here is footage of police riping the suspects out of the[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1660831867 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1663248351 [_oembed_be586361a99ebc30204bfe301a56cfbc] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_be586361a99ebc30204bfe301a56cfbc] => 1665412004 [_oembed_7ca2e137a8c811d1d1177535e44f9da5] =>Orlene weakens into tropical depression over western Mexico
— Reuters (@Reuters) October 4, 2022[_oembed_time_7ca2e137a8c811d1d1177535e44f9da5] => 1665412005 [_oembed_a6c539ecf05ab2203cd70d7546dc7139] =>#Hurricane #ORLENE moving into rural #Sinaloa #Mexico. Lots of lightning.
— Josh Morgerman (@iCyclone) October 3, 2022[_oembed_time_a6c539ecf05ab2203cd70d7546dc7139] => 1665412005 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>VIDEO. Terremoto de magnitud 7.6 sacudió con violencia al estado de Michoacán, México, la tarde de este lunes.
— Tweet Quake (@tweet_quake) September 19, 2022
Créditos: @tapatiotrad[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1669976248 [_oembed_fa8178cb5fd03425f75bdd2f996fc376] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_fa8178cb5fd03425f75bdd2f996fc376] => 1669976249 [_oembed_b316dd0234dc091e5d15acb14b0a2730] =>Despite the bloodshed, the once-peaceful state of Guanajuato, home to 6.1 million people, is a major tourist destination, which attracts thousands of foreigners each year. The violence mostly happens out of sight
— Firstpost (@firstpost) November 21, 2022[_oembed_time_b316dd0234dc091e5d15acb14b0a2730] => 1669976249 [_oembed_77b238b02d44c5016683e5905af60338] =>3 dead bodies wash ashore in Acapulco, Mexico — as tourists lounge nearby
— New York Post (@nypost) November 15, 2022[_oembed_time_77b238b02d44c5016683e5905af60338] => 1672404342 [_oembed_2a64f4853494683b5a23c802c298f4f3] =>The coconuts were found in a truck traveling on a highway in the northern border state of Sonora.
— KION News Channel 46 (@KION546) December 2, 2022[_oembed_time_2a64f4853494683b5a23c802c298f4f3] => 1673119732 [_oembed_0a745d50748315f0ecd98833bde77fad] =>El autobús salió de Rincón de Guayabitos, Nayarit, y su destino era la ciudad de León, #Guanajuato ?
— El Sol de Hermosillo (@ElSolHermosillo) December 31, 2022[_oembed_time_0a745d50748315f0ecd98833bde77fad] => 1673983559 [_oembed_a66df31d7fa8819fe28771ab47ace732] =>#Video|| Del momento en el que rescatan al conductor prensado, tras el accidente de la Línea 3 del Metro de la Ciudad de México, en la estación La Raza.
— Victor Cabrera (@victorcabreramx) January 7, 2023
Video de @XEMedica[_oembed_time_a66df31d7fa8819fe28771ab47ace732] => 1673983560 [_oembed_03b136a0be6220206bd3570c3b38af7b] =>BREAKING: Passengers onboard an Aeromexico flight duck for cover after it was shot at in Culiacan, Mexico. At least one bullet hit the fuselage in the moments after El Chapo's son was captured.
— Sam Sweeney (@SweeneyABC) January 5, 2023[_oembed_time_03b136a0be6220206bd3570c3b38af7b] => 1673983560 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>An #Aeromexico Connect Embraer 190 and a #Mexico Air Force #FAM Boeing 737 (serial 3526) were hit by gunfire during violent incidents near the #Culiacan International Airport, this in the wake of the capture of El Chapo Guzmán's son, Ovidio Guzmán.
— The Latin American Aviation Historical Society (@The_LAAHS) January 5, 2023[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1674632438 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1676149848 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1676733106 [_oembed_b35685a96fdd1fe27335c664cf1d8cbd] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_b35685a96fdd1fe27335c664cf1d8cbd] => 1680359063 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Mexican authorities found 103 unaccompanied minors in a trailer in Veracruz state along with 212 adults from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Ecuador. Another 28 migrants traveling as families from Guatemala and El Salvador were also in the trailer
— Reuters (@Reuters) March 7, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1681068132 [_oembed_2c575ef9997d0296b7cf26215cd1d303] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_2c575ef9997d0296b7cf26215cd1d303] => 1682690997 [_oembed_ada3419d7a82962fa1d8a6d923c3bfe1] =>⚠️La tarde de este jueves 20 de abril se registró una intensa movilización policiaca en la Ciudad de México, específicamente en la alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo. De acuerdo con los primeros reportes, se registró una intensa balacera en Starbucks de Plaza Carso, en la zona de Polanco,…
— Alicia Salgado (@allizesalgado) April 20, 2023[_oembed_time_ada3419d7a82962fa1d8a6d923c3bfe1] => 1683011585 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Mexico: Authorities find 8 bodies in Cancun resort as drug cartel violence rages
— New York Post (@nypost) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1683011585 [_oembed_34d5d0f28a20677f65bf572ba1d6f3f7] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_34d5d0f28a20677f65bf572ba1d6f3f7] => 1686164370 [_oembed_13f8c3a8394c55d472c82a5231e3ea18] =>Así el Volcán #Popocatépetl este 22 de Mayo, 2023.
— Enrique Barquet (@enriquebarquet) May 23, 2023
.#Popocatepetl #VolcanPopocatepetl #VolcánPopocatépetl #PopocatepetlVolcano[_oembed_time_13f8c3a8394c55d472c82a5231e3ea18] => 1686164370 [_oembed_061b4a40b8cbcbe2ccf38dba001cd318] =>Passenger captures eruption of the Popocatepetl volcano from an Aeromexico 737.
— Breaking Aviation News & Videos (@aviationbrk) May 23, 2023[_oembed_time_061b4a40b8cbcbe2ccf38dba001cd318] => 1693554690 [_oembed_9ea8513068d60b74053268bb7ba66faa] => [_oembed_time_9ea8513068d60b74053268bb7ba66faa] => 1694624593 [_oembed_ae44a3e93ad64f54def9d8dad5c01a2b] =>? || Se registró explosión de pirotecnia en San Bartolomé #Tenango en #Tetlatlahuca, murieron dos personas y 10 más resultaron heridas. Al lugar llegaron cuerpos de emergencia para apoyar a la poblacion. | @GobTlaxcala
— Sucesos Puebla (@sucesospuebla) August 6, 2023[_oembed_time_ae44a3e93ad64f54def9d8dad5c01a2b] => 1698305999 [_oembed_014942aa58cf1b00ebf754adb0809ecb] =>Southern coast of Jalisco, Mexico ?? Hurricane Lidia#HurricaneLidia #Hurricane #Jalisco #Mexico #Lidia
— Shadab Javed (@JShadab1) October 11, 2023[_oembed_time_014942aa58cf1b00ebf754adb0809ecb] => 1698305999 [_oembed_52019d6d7ab76a26e891e30884ea85d5] =>¡Es una t3rrible trag3dia en Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas!
— Urbis Veracruz (@UrbisVeracruz) October 2, 2023
El gobernador de #Tamaulipas, Américo Villarreal Anaya, confirmó la mu3rte de 10 personas en el desplome de la Parroquia de la Santa Cruz en Ciudad Madero. Entre las víctimas se cuentan 5 mujeres, 2 hombres y tres niños.[_oembed_time_52019d6d7ab76a26e891e30884ea85d5] => 1698305999 [_oembed_0c52301eb4abb36d0b9baa51fdee7f23] => [_oembed_time_0c52301eb4abb36d0b9baa51fdee7f23] => 1698305999 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>UPDATE | People rushing to rescue people trapped beneath a church collapse in Ciudad Madero, Mexico.
— READY ALERTS (@ReadyAlerts) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1698305999 [_oembed_1a39e36a260de14b7984de8b90f57663] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_1a39e36a260de14b7984de8b90f57663] => 1699771924 [_oembed_5035355dd13fe6ead1270d0918ce2d7b] =>⚡?#Mexico - This is how Club de Yates de Acapulco yacht club looks like after Otis Hurricane.
— X News Monitor (@xNewsMonitor) October 26, 2023
? Pepe Hanan #HurricaneOtis #Huracan #Otis #Acapulco #México #Guerrero[_oembed_time_5035355dd13fe6ead1270d0918ce2d7b] => 1699771924 [_oembed_c2285ff6230df82eb2a25901c4cc3886] =>⚡??? #Acapulco - (NEW VIDEO) Huge material damage after Category 5 Storm Hurricane Otis hit in Acapulco, Mexico #HuracánOtis #Hurricane
— X News Monitor (@xNewsMonitor) October 26, 2023[_oembed_time_c2285ff6230df82eb2a25901c4cc3886] => 1699771924 [_oembed_8f5fae07f5d08733828f09c57e57a6fe] =>More images coming out from Acapulco. Still no info on casualties....? #HurricaneOtis #HurracanOtis #Otis #Acapulco #México
— Volcaholic ? (@volcaholic1) October 26, 2023[_oembed_time_8f5fae07f5d08733828f09c57e57a6fe] => 1699771924 [_oembed_07afd18c4c001ce6726f068939ba2d20] =>Whoahhh! Jeeeze!! This video really shows how bad the situation is in Acapulco ??
— Volcaholic ? (@volcaholic1) October 25, 2023
? Jorge Martíne#HurricaneOtis #HurracanOtis #Otis #Acapulco #Mexico[_oembed_time_07afd18c4c001ce6726f068939ba2d20] => 1699771925 [_oembed_12cb520dc12a897eb2b45094f2e1bb01] =>OMG this is the Princess hotel in Acapulco. That's some serious damage!!! ?#HurricaneOtis #HurracanOtis #Otis #Acapulco #México
— Volcaholic ? (@volcaholic1) October 25, 2023[_oembed_time_12cb520dc12a897eb2b45094f2e1bb01] => 1703936725 [_oembed_3b20ef051b9b890dcd421bece0b0a1d5] =>Popocatepetl volcano, situated in Mexico, has initiated an eruption. A yellow alert level has been declared, prompting authorities to evacuate residents from surrounding areas.
— Insider Corner (@insiderscorner) November 19, 2023[_oembed_time_3b20ef051b9b890dcd421bece0b0a1d5] => 1703936725 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1704737863 [_oembed_c6c3a72979a39a50f392c5e00db21252] =>Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico today. Still very ashy.
— Volcaholic 🌋 (@volcaholic1) November 19, 2023
Contrary to many posts I’ve seen today, the alert level has NOT changed and NO evacuations have been ordered.
The alert level is still on Yellow phase 2. This means…..
The following scenarios are anticipated during this…[_oembed_time_c6c3a72979a39a50f392c5e00db21252] => 1704796169 [_oembed_e2bf8b5f415466c3e62f69b2c1c6eeb5] =>Mexico: 14 kidnapped from village that rose up and killed cartel members
— Mary Ann Clark (@clarkhydra) December 29, 2023[_oembed_time_e2bf8b5f415466c3e62f69b2c1c6eeb5] => 1706279368 [_oembed_50716cf59b1131189c1c518fe68121bb] =>Fisherman dies after having leg bitten off by great white shark while diving for scallops
— New York Post (@nypost) January 9, 2024[_oembed_time_50716cf59b1131189c1c518fe68121bb] => 1706279368 [_oembed_75282860f409c4b0cc0ef41f89e26f37] =>Mexico massacre: Five burned bodies found by police investigating potential cartel attack
— Tina Basharel (@TBasharel) January 8, 2024[_oembed_time_75282860f409c4b0cc0ef41f89e26f37] => 1708630989 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Woman from Los Angeles killed in apparent crossfire during drug dispute in Tulum
— ABC7 Eyewitness News (@ABC7) February 12, 2024[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1709736838 [_oembed_d083199997971e9eef464a1f44b05cbf] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_d083199997971e9eef464a1f44b05cbf] => 1711220954 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>#Enterate En víspera del 8M, asesinan a dos mujeres en la Universidad Tecnológica de Guadalajara | JT noticias
— (@jesustorresnoti) March 7, 2024[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1711796432 [_oembed_36776705420d9888140714f47a1941b1] => [_oembed_time_36776705420d9888140714f47a1941b1] => 1713513476 [_oembed_5372937c68f7b4ce2ab3c085c774ffa7] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_5372937c68f7b4ce2ab3c085c774ffa7] => 1713513476 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>🚨BREAKING: A Massive Explosion has occurred on Akal Bravo Maritime Platform Multiple Fatalities and Injuries have been Reported
— AJ Huber (@Huberton) April 7, 2024
Campeche,[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1714369788 [_oembed_b049eaffb94db1b9d0f4861529c718bd] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_b049eaffb94db1b9d0f4861529c718bd] => 1714742139 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>‼️EXTRA EXTRA‼️ En el interior del @senadomexicano SACRIFICAN animales.
— Leti RoblesdelaRosa (@letroblesrosa) April 24, 2024
Qué excesos.
😡[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1716018272 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1716018272 [_oembed_81842c167a3f1306b7e28049c4c1ebe4] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_81842c167a3f1306b7e28049c4c1ebe4] => 1716018272 [_oembed_4bd8279e5fc0e794e34bf999b0d9e4c9] =>Tres cuerpos fueron localizados en un pozo en la zona donde se buscaba a los dos hermanos australianos Callum y Jake Robinson, y su amigo estadunidense Jack Carter. El pozo estaba en una finca donde algunos cuartos todavía tenían restos de ropa, colchas y trastes.
— Ciro Gómez Leyva (@CiroGomezL) May 4, 2024[_oembed_time_4bd8279e5fc0e794e34bf999b0d9e4c9] => 1716018272 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>#ULTIMAHORA#Tragedia en #Edomex
— Corresponsales MX (@CorresponsalsMX) April 28, 2024
14 muertos y al menos 30 lesionados tras volcadura de un autobús en la carretera #Capulín #Chalma municipio de #Malinalco
Autoridades señalan que el camión porvenía de San Luis de la Paz #Guanajuato y tenía como destino el #SantuariodeChalma 📸RS[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1716123129 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1716123130 [_oembed_cc188520ef4f770216feb8b90e27e896] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_cc188520ef4f770216feb8b90e27e896] => 1717841705 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1719743890 [_oembed_fa3a79359122add2c86167eca4c0f5ce] =>Aquí otro video de lo ocurrido hace unos minutos en Nuevo León.
— Joaquín López-Dóriga (@lopezdoriga) May 23, 2024
Les reitero, Jorge Álvarez Máynez se encuentra bien tras ser atendido en un hospital.[_oembed_time_fa3a79359122add2c86167eca4c0f5ce] => 1719743891 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>Aquí otro video de lo ocurrido hace unos minutos en Nuevo León.
— Joaquín López-Dóriga (@lopezdoriga) May 23, 2024
Les reitero, Jorge Álvarez Máynez se encuentra bien tras ser atendido en un hospital.[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1722860221 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1722860221 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1722860222 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1726996966 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1729319774 [_oembed_6a3fad75ee77a51ed45355be343ea086] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024[_oembed_time_6a3fad75ee77a51ed45355be343ea086] => 1729602945 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 900 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Kriminális [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 9325 [1] => 498 [2] => 1230 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => indiánok [1] => merénylet [2] => Mexikó ) ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 15314 [content] =>1 killed in broad-daylight shooting at 5-star Cancun resort by gunmen who fled on jet skis: reports
— New York Post (@nypost) October 3, 2024Fejbe lőttek egy seriffhelyettest a kaliforniai Los Angelestől északra egy kis település rendőrőrsén szerdán este. Közben a washingtoni belbiztonsági minisztérium a rendőrök elleni célzott támadások veszélyeire figyelmeztetett.
A Los Angelestől csaknem 300 kilométernyire északra fekvő Paso Robles városkában a megyei seriffhelyettest lőtték fejbe, nem halt meg, de súlyos, életveszélyes állapotban szállították kórházba. A támadó elmenekült, a helyi rendőrség nyilvánosságra hozta a biztonsági kamerák felvételeit, és a lakosság segítségét kérte a tettes megtalálásához.
A rendőrség feltételezése szerint a fegyveres kifejezetten rendőrökre vadászott. „Úgy gondoljuk, hogy az elkövető ezt előre eltervezte, kifejezetten azt akarta, hogy a rendőrök kijöjjenek az őrsről, és akkor támadjon rájuk”- nyilatkozta újságíróknak Ian Parkinson seriff.
A nyomozás most kiterjed arra is, hogy vajon van-e összefüggés a szerdai gyilkossági kísérlet és a pár nappal ezelőtt elkövetett két korábbi halálos merénylet között. A hétvégén ugyanis két rendőrt már agyonlőttek.
Szerdán nyilvánosságra került a washingtoni belbiztonsági minisztérium egyik nem titkosított dokumentuma, amely arra hívta fel a figyelmet, hogy rendőrtisztek személyes adatai szivárognak ki az interneten országszerte. Sok rendőr, köztük magas rangú rendőrtiszt maga osztja meg a közösségi platformokon az adatait, köztük a lakcímét vagy a telefonszámát is.
A belbiztonsági tárca arra figyelmeztetett, hogy ez ahhoz a szakmai zsargonban „kipécézésnek” nevezett gyakorlathoz vezethet, amelynek során
„erőszakos és szélsőséges elemek” célzott támadásokat intézhetnek rendőrök ellen, vagy megakadályozhatják a rendőröket feladataik ellátásában. „Legalább egy rendőrfőnököt már célba vettek, mert feltételezték róla, hogy támogatja a könnygáz bevetését a tüntetők oszlatásához” – olvasható a tárca dokumentumában.Rendőrségi vezetők és rendőrök az elmúlt napokban többször is nyilvánosan hangoztatták, hogy az az érzésük, a rendőrségi reformokat sürgető törvényhozók magukra hagyják őket. „Tessék befejezni azt, hogy úgy kezelnek bennünket, mintha állatok volnánk, és tessék némi tiszteletet is tanúsítani irántunk! Becsmérelnek bennünket, és ez visszataszító” – mondta Mike O’Meara, New York állam rendőrszakszervezetének tisztségviselője az állam törvényhozóinak, amikor azok arról döntöttek, hogy hatálytalanítják azt a törvényt, amely biztosította a rendőri jegyzőkönyvek titkosságát.
Az Egyesült Államokban a radikális baloldal által felhergelt tüntetők napok óta randalíroznak: gyújtogatnak és fosztogatnak.
Forrás: origo
[type] => post [excerpt] => Fejbe lőttek egy seriffhelyettest a kaliforniai Los Angelestől északra egy kis település rendőrőrsén szerdán este. Közben a washingtoni belbiztonsági minisztérium a rendőrök elleni célzott támadások veszélyeire figyelmeztetett. [autID] => 4 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1591880460 [modified] => 1591874410 ) [title] => Kaliforniában fejbe lőttek egy seriffhelyettest [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 15314 [uk] => 15386 ) [aut] => avecsorinszka [lang] => hu [image_id] => 15315 [image] => Array ( [id] => 15315 [original] => [original_lng] => 78551 [original_w] => 644 [original_h] => 429 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 200 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 644 [height] => 429 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 644 [height] => 429 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 644 [height] => 429 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 644 [height] => 429 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 644 [height] => 429 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1591945825:3 [_thumbnail_id] => 15315 [_edit_last] => 10 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 5332 [_oembed_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => [_oembed_time_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => 1591863569 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] =>[_oembed_time_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] => 1593343899 [_oembed_0dace855503efb5e10fd2b6affe0efa3] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => [_oembed_time_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => 1594320647 [_oembed_d4316f3c21ec612a8c606a950faa9d85] =>Now being reported as up to 6 people stabbed in Glasgow City Centre
— ⚽ Simon BRFC Hopkins ⚽ (@HopkinsBRFC) June 26, 2020
Situation is contained but avoid the area[_oembed_time_d4316f3c21ec612a8c606a950faa9d85] => 1626352610 [_oembed_c1755ef817e344343a3c8f772c332f1d] => [_oembed_time_c1755ef817e344343a3c8f772c332f1d] => 1626684974 [_oembed_3ac0d6d19db1c6976e267b1d18e5e2d6] =>Namnen cirkulerar på de två gripna gärningsmännen; 35-årige polacken heter Kamil Egiert och 21-åringen från Rotterdam och den troliga skytten heter Delano Geerman. Han är rappare.
— Björn Håkansson (@bjornhakansson) July 8, 2021
I Nederländerna refereras misstänkta typiskt som Kamil E. och Delano G. i medierna.[_oembed_time_3ac0d6d19db1c6976e267b1d18e5e2d6] => 1626684974 [_oembed_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] =>Prominent Dutch journalist Peter R. de Vries — known in the Netherlands for his courageous crime reporting — was fighting for his life after being gunned down in broad daylight in a busy Amsterdam street.
— DW News (@dwnews) July 8, 2021[_oembed_time_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] => 1649515685 [_oembed_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] =>E’accaduto in Belgio.Alle 5 di questa mattina, un’auto si è scagliata contro la folla durante la festa per la celebrazione del Carnevale a Strpy Bracquegnies,villaggio La Louviere in Vallonia. Il bilancio provvisorio è di 4 morti e 20 feriti,12 in gravi condizioni.Fermato un uomo
— Franco Scarsella (@FrancoScarsell2) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] => 1649515686 [_oembed_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] =>#Belgium: 4 people were killed & 22 others sustained injuries in La Louvière city, Hainaut province after a man drove into the crowd.
— Vineet (@cozyduke_apt29) March 20, 2022
A pro-IS channel has reported this news. Let's wait for more details.[_oembed_time_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] => 1651312820 [_oembed_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] =>Afghanistan, esplosione in una moschea a Kunduz: almeno 33 morti #afghanistan #esplosione #moschea #terrorismo #kunduz
— Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) April 22, 2022[_oembed_time_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] => 1657638850 [_oembed_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => [_oembed_time_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => 1657638850 [_oembed_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] =>The moment that Japanese Former PM Shinzo Abe was shot. Looks to be a DIY shotgun.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] => 1657638850 [_oembed_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] =>Close-up video of Japanese former PM Shinzo Abe being shot and the suspect being tackled.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] => 1657638851 [_oembed_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] =>Former PM Shinzo Abe arriving at the hospital after being airlifted via medical
— ??? Deb-Plorable Lee ??? (@DebraLee_1234) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] => 1659967513 [_oembed_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] =>A beige/brown SUV drove through the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial parade route in downtown Gallup, according to the NM State Police. Multiple people, including 2 Gallup PD officers, were injured and treated on scene.
— Sharon Chischilly (@schischillyy) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] => 1659967513 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>More on #Gallup:
— The Modern Times of Long Beach ? (@ModernTimesLB) August 5, 2022
Here is footage of police riping the suspects out of the[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1660464433 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1660636216 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1662738643 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1669447713 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1675261621 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1675321773 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1682094007 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1683582951 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1685155034 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1697281317 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1704789163 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1709736251 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712663543 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1715703204 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1717927195 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1717927195 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1717927196 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1717927196 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1719903873 [_oembed_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] => 1719903873 [_oembed_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => [_oembed_time_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => 1719903873 [_oembed_e7fcf6fde3e2266c20400e4c6ed411d4] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_e7fcf6fde3e2266c20400e4c6ed411d4] => 1719903874 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1721454621 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1721454621 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1721454621 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1724610827 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1729057180 [_oembed_d6c55f0c453521dde27aed5097020b30] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024[_oembed_time_d6c55f0c453521dde27aed5097020b30] => 1736199344 [_oembed_5f0d823cc6e85d91ef145862365cf87c] =>Car Plows into #Seoul's Market, Injures 13
— Markets Today (@marketsday) December 31, 2024
On December 31, 2024, a vehicle driven by an elderly man crashed into the Mokdong Kaebi Market in Yangcheon, Seoul, injuring at least 13 people. Four individuals suffered serious injuries while nine sustained minor injuries. The…[_oembed_time_5f0d823cc6e85d91ef145862365cf87c] => 1736199344 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 49 [1] => 900 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Hírek [1] => Kriminális [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 1439 [1] => 498 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => lövés [1] => merénylet ) ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 14879 [content] =>Four people were seriously injured and nine others suffered minor injuries after a car drove into a crowd at a market in South Korean capital Seoul on Tuesday, local media reported.
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) December 31, 2024Az északkelet-afganisztáni Badahsán tartományban tizenegy rendőrtiszttel végzett egy út mentén elhelyezett pokolgép – jelentette szombaton Szanaulláh Rúháni rendőrségi szóvivő.
Az áldozatok egyike egy helyi rendőrparancsnok volt. Az egyenruhások éppen megtámadott társaik segítségére siettek, amikor járművük mellett működésbe lépett a robbanószerkezet.
A tálibok több biztonsági ellenőrzőpontra csaptak le a tartományban található Has körzetben – tájékoztatott Rúháni. A harcokban négy szélsőséges is életét vesztette, köztük a körzetparancsnok.
Badahsán tartomány legalább 30 százalékát a tálibok tartják ellenőrzésük alatt. Míg a felkelők a dohai egyezmény értelmében felfüggesztették az Afganisztánban állomásozó nemzetközi haderő elleni támadásaikat, az afgán csapatok elleni erőszak fokozódott.Afgán és nyugati források adatai szerint a tálibok több mint 4500 támadást hajtottak végre a dohai megállapodás aláírása óta.
Az egyezményben a nemzetközi haderő fokozatos kivonását irányozták elő biztonsági garanciákért cserébe. Emellett szorgalmazták a tálibok és a kormány közötti béketárgyalások megkezdését egy fogolycserét követően.
Az afgán kormány eddig 2710 tálib rabot engedett el, míg a szélsőségesek közel 460 fogoly szabadságát adták vissza.
A szélsőséges iszlamista tálibok 1996 és 2001 között irányították Afganisztánt, amíg a 2001. szeptember 11-i terrortámadásokat követő amerikai beavatkozás el nem távolította őket a hatalomból. Azóta igyekeznek megdönteni a Nyugat támogatását élvező kabuli kormányt, amelyet Washington bábjának tartanak.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Az északkelet-afganisztáni Badahsán tartományban tizenegy rendőrtiszttel végzett egy út mentén elhelyezett pokolgép – jelentette szombaton Szanaulláh Rúháni rendőrségi szóvivő. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1591471620 [modified] => 1591455928 ) [title] => Afganisztánban rendőröket robbantottak fel [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 14879 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 14880 [image] => Array ( [id] => 14880 [original] => [original_lng] => 152325 [original_w] => 1200 [original_h] => 675 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 576 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 675 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 675 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 675 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1591445128:5 [_thumbnail_id] => 14880 [_edit_last] => 5 [translation_required] => 1 [views_count] => 3248 [_oembed_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => [_oembed_time_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => 1591445130 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_0dace855503efb5e10fd2b6affe0efa3] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => [_oembed_time_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => 1594612301 [_oembed_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] =>[_oembed_time_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] => 1594612301 [_oembed_7843f0d0231c7ada608c1dc0edf9d686] =>Now being reported as up to 6 people stabbed in Glasgow City Centre
— ⚽ Simon BRFC Hopkins ⚽ (@HopkinsBRFC) June 26, 2020
Situation is contained but avoid the area[_oembed_time_7843f0d0231c7ada608c1dc0edf9d686] => 1609497405 [_oembed_4f2c59e0777363a4ce1872742234f41e] => [_oembed_time_4f2c59e0777363a4ce1872742234f41e] => 1636037080 [_oembed_7501930f01f23d57ad3b8ea834f6db58] =>Another blast another day at Kabul #Kabul
— Mohibullah khan (@mohibkhan7111) December 22, 2020
At least 5 people were killed and two others were injured when a car bomb exploded near the Pul-e-Charkhi prison. security officials said.[_oembed_time_7501930f01f23d57ad3b8ea834f6db58] => 1636037081 [_oembed_a637ec5554ca2d140e4cabcad149a637] => [_oembed_time_a637ec5554ca2d140e4cabcad149a637] => 1636037081 [_oembed_f5d184fc1d7875a18025820d74e06327] =>Guardatela come se fosse vostra figlia: Mahjabin è stata decapitata, perché Hazara e perché giocava a pallavolo senza hijab. Questo è oggi l’#Afghanistan.
— Mauro Berruto (@mauroberruto) October 20, 2021
Abbiamo persone lì che sono cadaveri ambulanti. Fermiamo questo genocidio con i #corridoiumanitari o ne saremo responsabili.[_oembed_time_f5d184fc1d7875a18025820d74e06327] => 1637165193 [_oembed_e5e821871e8ae6b94adfcce738931ac2] => [_oembed_time_e5e821871e8ae6b94adfcce738931ac2] => 1642404777 [_oembed_0678cb0cfab320603f2d4a0bac60f860] =>Emergency hospital in Kabul says that so far nine injured people have been transferred to the hospital from today’s explosions.#TOLOnews
— TOLOnews (@TOLOnews) November 2, 2021[_oembed_time_0678cb0cfab320603f2d4a0bac60f860] => 1643562802 [_oembed_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] =>Photos: Aftermath of today's earthquake in Qadis district of #Badghis province.
— Payk Media - Revealing the Truth (@PaykMedia) January 17, 2022
Hundreds of homes were destroyed in the quake in the province, according to sources. #Afghanistan #PaykMedia[_oembed_time_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] => 1652028213 [_oembed_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] =>Afghanistan, esplosione in una moschea a Kunduz: almeno 33 morti #afghanistan #esplosione #moschea #terrorismo #kunduz
— Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) April 22, 2022[_oembed_time_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] => 1652028213 [_oembed_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] =>E’accaduto in Belgio.Alle 5 di questa mattina, un’auto si è scagliata contro la folla durante la festa per la celebrazione del Carnevale a Strpy Bracquegnies,villaggio La Louviere in Vallonia. Il bilancio provvisorio è di 4 morti e 20 feriti,12 in gravi condizioni.Fermato un uomo
— Franco Scarsella (@FrancoScarsell2) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] => 1652028213 [_oembed_a883ed8e0b1e0e474ad1c3f4962b0258] => [_oembed_time_a883ed8e0b1e0e474ad1c3f4962b0258] => 1653461759 [_oembed_537fb4437f9ec3e1b21b2fd2159a6386] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_814f0ba46341299b0e66d5257caf2e1a] =>#Belgium: 4 people were killed & 22 others sustained injuries in La Louvière city, Hainaut province after a man drove into the crowd.
— Vineet (@cozyduke_apt29) March 20, 2022
A pro-IS channel has reported this news. Let's wait for more details.[_oembed_time_814f0ba46341299b0e66d5257caf2e1a] => 1656503305 [_oembed_93f968e60ea9e65d621fbfe24e8971f2] =>Le proteste delle #donne #afghane: bloccato il traffico nel 2°Distretto di #Kabul #riaprireiliceifemminili
— Giampaolo Poniciappi (@Infoconte) May 29, 2022[_oembed_time_93f968e60ea9e65d621fbfe24e8971f2] => 1656503305 [_oembed_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] =>Brave women & girls demonstrate in #Kabul now! Although #Taliban arrested & tortured them before, they still walk out to complain Taliban’s behavior & cruelty.
— Massoud Hossaini (@Massoud151) May 29, 2022[_oembed_time_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] => 1657970084 [_oembed_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => [_oembed_time_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => 1657970084 [_oembed_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] =>The moment that Japanese Former PM Shinzo Abe was shot. Looks to be a DIY shotgun.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] => 1657970085 [_oembed_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] =>Close-up video of Japanese former PM Shinzo Abe being shot and the suspect being tackled.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] => 1657970085 [_oembed_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] =>Former PM Shinzo Abe arriving at the hospital after being airlifted via medical
— ??? Deb-Plorable Lee ??? (@DebraLee_1234) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] => 1660382120 [_oembed_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] =>A beige/brown SUV drove through the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial parade route in downtown Gallup, according to the NM State Police. Multiple people, including 2 Gallup PD officers, were injured and treated on scene.
— Sharon Chischilly (@schischillyy) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] => 1660382120 [_oembed_d6b018e868186eb96f987fab911bc76f] =>More on #Gallup:
— The Modern Times of Long Beach ? (@ModernTimesLB) August 5, 2022
Here is footage of police riping the suspects out of the[_oembed_time_d6b018e868186eb96f987fab911bc76f] => 1661081797 [_oembed_065554f5f831aedbfc4aeaf831026d74] =>?Heavy rains and flash flooding ongoing in several provinces in the east, south and central regions of #Afghanistan, with reports of civilians killed, houses destroyed and damaged, and roads being washed away. Humanitarian assistance is being mobilized for affected families.
— OCHA Afghanistan (@OCHAAfg) August 15, 2022[_oembed_time_065554f5f831aedbfc4aeaf831026d74] => 1661081797 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1661081798 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>Flooding in Parwan, Afghanistan killed several people and destroyed their houses. #Climate#Drought#Crisis
— GIS & RS for Climate (@Refugee_AFG) August 15, 2022[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1661081798 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1667299256 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy Rushton (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1669968286 [_oembed_9ae9d8cbbcc319ccebe6b2ed46d527a4] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_9ae9d8cbbcc319ccebe6b2ed46d527a4] => 1672857381 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>Fuel tanker tunnel blast kills at least 19 in Afghanistan
— BBC Gossips (@newsgossipmedia) December 18, 2022[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1674400491 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1675103969 [_oembed_577514fbf629a0e5769f364d3ad0e97c] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_577514fbf629a0e5769f364d3ad0e97c] => 1675103969 [_oembed_857f735daf724f581c4f7a4f73b1b6af] =>Many provinces in #Afghanistan have seen an exceptionally cold #winter in the last two weeks, with temperatures dropping to as low as -21 degrees Celsius (-5.8 Fahrenheit) in #Kabul. More than 20 people have died due to the cold wave, according to media reports.
— Samir Ehsas (@samirehsas) January 18, 2023
#viral #fyp[_oembed_time_857f735daf724f581c4f7a4f73b1b6af] => 1675103970 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>Integrantes de mi equipo de seguridad hallaron un artefacto con más de 7 kilos de material explosivo en la vía que conduce a mi residencia familiar en la vereda de Yolombó, en Suarez, Cauca. El mismo fue destruido de manera controlada por personal anti explosivos de la SIJIN.
— Francia Márquez Mina (@FranciaMarquezM) January 10, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1678019803 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682593935 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1682593935 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1684142782 [_oembed_75698187c1e5c38bc920d88cb3980ba9] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_75698187c1e5c38bc920d88cb3980ba9] => 1686991847 [_oembed_b46afe83183e4d2723983ce18550c33b] =>KABUL, June 8 : An explosion took place inside a mosque in northern Afghanistan on Thursday during the funeral of the provincial deputy governor who was killed in an attack this week, a provincial
— رجل في الظلام (@woooow_wo) June 8, 2023[_oembed_time_b46afe83183e4d2723983ce18550c33b] => 1686991847 [_oembed_98ecb2f5a582a13f2f947088c346c178] =>Minibus crash claims 25 lives in northern Afghanistan #Afghanistan
— ILKHA (@IlkhaAgency) June 8, 2023[_oembed_time_98ecb2f5a582a13f2f947088c346c178] => 1686991847 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>Afghanistan Watch: Around 80 #Afghan school girls hospitalised after alleged poison attack.
— Asif (@Asiftintoiya12) June 5, 2023
According to the reports, nearly 80 girls in grades 1-6 were poisoned at two schools in Afg's Sar-e-Pul province. Afghan Education department is investigating the incidents.[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1697635490 [_oembed_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] => 1700315166 [_oembed_113d31ad5581bf3e5deae142ff0cf788] => A földrengés sújtotta Afganisztánnak nemzetközi segítségre van szüksége az újjáépítéshez #fy #fyp #nekedbe #hiradohu #hirek #afganisztán #katasztrófa #földrengés #újjáépítés #túlélők
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_113d31ad5581bf3e5deae142ff0cf788] => 1700654110 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1704386718 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>Multiple Dead And Injured In Blast At Mosque In Pol-e-Khomri, Afghanistan - Director Of Baghlan Information and Culture Department, Afghanistan.#Afghanistan
— The Story Teller (@I_am_the_Story) October 13, 2023[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712662565 [_oembed_67df1473b41a5cee3ff1384eb54269b2] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_67df1473b41a5cee3ff1384eb54269b2] => 1712662565 [_oembed_162521c435bf844eb3f991517ecb0e80] =>#BREAKING
— Roy Grinwis (@RoyGrinwis) March 21, 2024
Door een zelfmoordaanslag bij New Kabul Bank in #Kandahar, #Afghanistan 🇦🇫 komen 17 mensen om het leven en ruim 45 mensen gewond.
De meeste slachtoffers zijn #Taliban 🐽, die hun salarissen kwamen innen.[_oembed_time_162521c435bf844eb3f991517ecb0e80] => 1712662565 [_oembed_2cbdd74c71bbd58d578d310e884b31ab] =>Afghanistan: Deadly suicide bomb reported at bank in Kandahar
— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) March 21, 2024[_oembed_time_2cbdd74c71bbd58d578d310e884b31ab] => 1712662566 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>🖋️ Otobüs ve tanker çarpıştı: 21 ölü, 38 yaralı!
— Record Haber (@recordhaber) March 17, 2024
Afganistan'ın güneyindeki Hilmend vilayetinde meydana gelen trafik kazasında 21 kişi yaşamını yitirdi.
Kazada çoğu ağır olmak üzere 38 kişi ise yaralandı. Yaralılar Gerişk ve Leşgergah ilçelerindeki hastanelere sevk edildi.[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1714043064 [_oembed_14efaf742ed6ee48cd9a171d381c64bf] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_14efaf742ed6ee48cd9a171d381c64bf] => 1716723232 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>The recent floods in Baghlan province have caused widespread devastation. According to reports, it has taken numerous lives and destroyed hundreds of homes resulting in displacement. Kindly help the victims by donating 👇🏼 #Afghanistan
— Bashir Gharwal غروال (@bashir_gharwall) May 10, 2024[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1717757997 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1717757997 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1717757997 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1717757998 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1720023795 [_oembed_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] => 1720023796 [_oembed_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => [_oembed_time_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => 1720023796 [_oembed_91025b22c8269666fc964ea9215463aa] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_91025b22c8269666fc964ea9215463aa] => 1720023796 [_oembed_b35a5e08a44597cbc82c2b240b72450a] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_b35a5e08a44597cbc82c2b240b72450a] => 1720023796 [_oembed_a9644a09689e3f189f7cd7df3dcfa586] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_a9644a09689e3f189f7cd7df3dcfa586] => 1723230710 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>Forty dead in heavy rains in eastern Afghanistan; 17 killed in bus accident
— WRAL NEWS in NC (@WRAL) July 16, 2024[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1723230711 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1723230711 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1723230711 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1724840321 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1729749081 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 17 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Sürgős [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 1088 [1] => 498 [2] => 6884 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Afganisztán [1] => merénylet [2] => pokolgép ) ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 14337 [content] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024Szombaton ismeretlen fegyveresek Burkina Faso keleti részén mintegy harminc embert öltek meg – jelentették vasárnap az AFP francia hírügynökségnek helyiek.
Biztonsági források szerint iszlamista terroristák hajtották végre a mészárlást.
„Motorokkal gázoltak az emberek közé a piacon, és lőni kezdtek. Főleg azokra, akik menekülni próbáltak”
– mesélte el az AFP-nek egy helyi lakos Kompienbigából. Azt is elmondta, hogy nehéz megbecsülni a halálos áldozatok számát, mert mindenütt holttestek hevertek.Egy név nélkül nyilatkozó biztonsági forrás megerősítette, hogy motorkerékpáron érkező iszlamista szélsőségesek nyitottak tüzet az emberekre, akik a szombaton rendszeresen megtartott állatvásáron vettek részt.
Egy helyi politikus több tucat halottról számolt be, és elmondta, hogy főleg helyi vásárlók és piacozók haltak meg a támadásban.Pénteken iszlamista szélsőségesek vásározók egy konvoját is megtámadták, és megöltek közülük 15 embert.
Burkina Fasóban 2015 óta több mint 900 ember halt már meg dzsihadista támadásokban, és 860 ezer ember kényszerült elhagyni otthonát.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Szombaton ismeretlen fegyveresek Burkina Faso keleti részén mintegy harminc embert öltek meg – jelentették vasárnap az AFP francia hírügynökségnek helyiek. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1591005300 [modified] => 1591004386 ) [title] => Burkina Faso keleti részén terroristák öltek meg több tucat embert [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 14337 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 14338 [image] => Array ( [id] => 14338 [original] => [original_lng] => 88073 [original_w] => 644 [original_h] => 429 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 200 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 644 [height] => 429 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 644 [height] => 429 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 644 [height] => 429 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 644 [height] => 429 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 644 [height] => 429 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1590993587:4 [_thumbnail_id] => 14338 [_edit_last] => 4 [translation_required] => 1 [views_count] => 3160 [_oembed_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => [_oembed_time_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => 1590953526 [_oembed_080dd6a97e5099c22c230edc2813d2f3] => [_oembed_time_080dd6a97e5099c22c230edc2813d2f3] => 1590953527 [_oembed_578e238024561fd7bb5514a6ffb8053b] =>[_oembed_time_578e238024561fd7bb5514a6ffb8053b] => 1590953527 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_0dace855503efb5e10fd2b6affe0efa3] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => [_oembed_time_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => 1594414945 [_oembed_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] =>Forte détonation/explosion au niveau du Lac 2 .. ? #Tunis #Tunisie
— The Godfather (@Al_Pacino_) March 6, 2020[_oembed_time_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] => 1594414946 [_oembed_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] =>Now being reported as up to 6 people stabbed in Glasgow City Centre
— ⚽ Simon BRFC Hopkins ⚽ (@HopkinsBRFC) June 26, 2020
Situation is contained but avoid the area[_oembed_time_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] => 1650136138 [_oembed_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] =>E’accaduto in Belgio.Alle 5 di questa mattina, un’auto si è scagliata contro la folla durante la festa per la celebrazione del Carnevale a Strpy Bracquegnies,villaggio La Louviere in Vallonia. Il bilancio provvisorio è di 4 morti e 20 feriti,12 in gravi condizioni.Fermato un uomo
— Franco Scarsella (@FrancoScarsell2) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] => 1650136138 [_oembed_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] =>#Belgium: 4 people were killed & 22 others sustained injuries in La Louvière city, Hainaut province after a man drove into the crowd.
— Vineet (@cozyduke_apt29) March 20, 2022
A pro-IS channel has reported this news. Let's wait for more details.[_oembed_time_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] => 1651491107 [_oembed_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => [_oembed_time_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => 1657395235 [_oembed_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] =>Afghanistan, esplosione in una moschea a Kunduz: almeno 33 morti #afghanistan #esplosione #moschea #terrorismo #kunduz
— Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) April 22, 2022[_oembed_time_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] => 1657395235 [_oembed_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] =>Close-up video of Japanese former PM Shinzo Abe being shot and the suspect being tackled.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] => 1657395235 [_oembed_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] =>Former PM Shinzo Abe arriving at the hospital after being airlifted via medical
— ??? Deb-Plorable Lee ??? (@DebraLee_1234) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] => 1658835122 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>The moment that Japanese Former PM Shinzo Abe was shot. Looks to be a DIY shotgun.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1663228581 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1663228581 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1663228581 [_oembed_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] => 1663228581 [_oembed_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] =>A beige/brown SUV drove through the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial parade route in downtown Gallup, according to the NM State Police. Multiple people, including 2 Gallup PD officers, were injured and treated on scene.
— Sharon Chischilly (@schischillyy) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] => 1663228582 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>More on #Gallup:
— The Modern Times of Long Beach ? (@ModernTimesLB) August 5, 2022
Here is footage of police riping the suspects out of the[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1673084493 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1674647271 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1676193304 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1678931972 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682663279 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1682663279 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1685865791 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1696920882 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1705308267 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1709714637 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1715680907 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1715680907 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1717411067 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1717411067 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1718560254 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1718560254 [_oembed_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] => 1720177633 [_oembed_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => [_oembed_time_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => 1720177633 [_oembed_91025b22c8269666fc964ea9215463aa] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_91025b22c8269666fc964ea9215463aa] => 1720177634 [_oembed_b35a5e08a44597cbc82c2b240b72450a] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_b35a5e08a44597cbc82c2b240b72450a] => 1720177634 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1720433208 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1721805421 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1721805421 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1721805421 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1726995161 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1729748778 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 900 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Kriminális [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 8125 [1] => 498 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Burkina Faso [1] => merénylet ) ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 11734 [content] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024A karantén ellenére az Ungvári Körzeti Bíróság folytatja a büntetőeljárások vizsgálatát. Az elmúlt héten kétszer is ülésezett a KMKSZ ungvári székháza ellen elkövetett merényletet vizsgáló bírói testület.
A tárgyalások újságírók és megfigyelők nélkül zajlottak. A teremben csak az ügy résztvevői voltak jelen. Mindkét tárgyalás eredményesen zárult. A napjainkban aktuális videókonferencia keretében két tanút is kihallgattak. Ez a két személy már korábban is tanúskodott, szintén a KMKSZ székháza elleni merénylettel kapcsolatban, de egy másik eljárás keretében. A tárgyalások részleteiről Andriana Bilej, az Ungvári Körzeti Bíróság szóvivője számolt be.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Az elmúlt héten kétszer is ülésezett a KMKSZ ungvári székháza ellen elkövetett merényletet vizsgáló bírói testület. A tárgyalások újságírók és megfigyelők nélkül zajlottak. A teremben csak az ügy résztvevői voltak jelen. [autID] => 10 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1588414260 [modified] => 1588412358 ) [title] => Újabb tanúkihallgatás a KMKSZ ungvári székháza elleni merénylet ügyében (videó) [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 11734 ) [aut] => nyesi [lang] => hu [image_id] => 11735 [image] => Array ( [id] => 11735 [original] => [original_lng] => 198807 [original_w] => 1511 [original_h] => 850 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 576 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1511 [height] => 850 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1511 [height] => 850 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1511 [height] => 850 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1588401558:10 [_thumbnail_id] => 11735 [_oembed_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => [_oembed_time_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => 1588401557 [_edit_last] => 10 [views_count] => 3539 [_hipstart_feed_include] => 1 [_oembed_e618fe81717f6d5f83068aea27739639] => [_oembed_time_e618fe81717f6d5f83068aea27739639] => 1588401559 [_oembed_d89ac1eac2e0e91b94c5bf14b5287a8c] => [_oembed_time_d89ac1eac2e0e91b94c5bf14b5287a8c] => 1588810480 [_oembed_080dd6a97e5099c22c230edc2813d2f3] => [_oembed_time_080dd6a97e5099c22c230edc2813d2f3] => 1589118328 [_oembed_578e238024561fd7bb5514a6ffb8053b] =>[_oembed_time_578e238024561fd7bb5514a6ffb8053b] => 1589118328 [_oembed_0dace855503efb5e10fd2b6affe0efa3] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => [_oembed_time_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => 1594279891 [_oembed_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] =>Forte détonation/explosion au niveau du Lac 2 .. ? #Tunis #Tunisie
— The Godfather (@Al_Pacino_) March 6, 2020[_oembed_time_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] => 1594279891 [_oembed_652d648c4334a430cd41f46882b89e88] => [_oembed_time_652d648c4334a430cd41f46882b89e88] => 1604589225 [_oembed_38e2fba05049b7a47e33380b9c8f153b] => [_oembed_time_38e2fba05049b7a47e33380b9c8f153b] => 1604589225 [_oembed_e8e6006f9cc77348f313117c64f0b20c] => [_oembed_time_e8e6006f9cc77348f313117c64f0b20c] => 1604589226 [_oembed_43ff78f2fe2675e918551789b5c709a3] => [_oembed_time_43ff78f2fe2675e918551789b5c709a3] => 1617582788 [_oembed_f242b30dbb703d98d48a44178bbbc4f6] => [_oembed_time_f242b30dbb703d98d48a44178bbbc4f6] => 1619984630 [_oembed_78f2e755f77b582ef566f73d548022f3] =>Now being reported as up to 6 people stabbed in Glasgow City Centre
— ⚽ Simon BRFC Hopkins ⚽ (@HopkinsBRFC) June 26, 2020
Situation is contained but avoid the area[_oembed_time_78f2e755f77b582ef566f73d548022f3] => 1623466016 [_oembed_0fdb1d7c2b11e5e415edd1cfa7d67b0b] =>"Пресс-хата у меня уже была, а ты, отец, готовься"Степан Латыпов был активистом так называемой Площади перемен— дворе на севере Минска, ставшего точкой сбора протестующих против результатов президентских выборов в стране летом 2020 года. На суде он сказал отцу, что ему угрожают взяться за родственников и соседей, если он не сознается в уголовном преступлении.
Posted by Radio Svoboda - Радио Свобода on Tuesday, June 1, 2021[_oembed_time_0fdb1d7c2b11e5e415edd1cfa7d67b0b] => 1623466016 [_oembed_a50ff5a309f89c80dcaab65adc48fce6] => [_oembed_time_a50ff5a309f89c80dcaab65adc48fce6] => 1634424891 [_oembed_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] =>Belarusian activist, political prisoner Stsiapan Latypau cut his throat in the courtroom today. He was threatened with the persecution of his family if he didn't admit himself guilty. This is the result of state terror, repressions,torture in Belarus. We must stop it immediately!
— Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya (@Tsihanouskaya) June 1, 2021[_oembed_time_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] => 1648457309 [_oembed_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] =>E’accaduto in Belgio.Alle 5 di questa mattina, un’auto si è scagliata contro la folla durante la festa per la celebrazione del Carnevale a Strpy Bracquegnies,villaggio La Louviere in Vallonia. Il bilancio provvisorio è di 4 morti e 20 feriti,12 in gravi condizioni.Fermato un uomo
— Franco Scarsella (@FrancoScarsell2) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] => 1648457309 [_oembed_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] =>#Belgium: 4 people were killed & 22 others sustained injuries in La Louvière city, Hainaut province after a man drove into the crowd.
— Vineet (@cozyduke_apt29) March 20, 2022
A pro-IS channel has reported this news. Let's wait for more details.[_oembed_time_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] => 1651598294 [_oembed_cc14dc88c634f22101da82718004f299] =>Afghanistan, esplosione in una moschea a Kunduz: almeno 33 morti #afghanistan #esplosione #moschea #terrorismo #kunduz
— Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) April 22, 2022[_oembed_time_cc14dc88c634f22101da82718004f299] => 1657214339 [_oembed_919fa4cabe707f167de8d44f43be2d5f] => [_oembed_time_919fa4cabe707f167de8d44f43be2d5f] => 1657882524 [_oembed_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] =>German police on Tuesday said they detained a 38-year-old man suspected of leaving a human head in front of the courthouse in #Bonn, #Germany.
— Ifeng News (@IFENG__official) June 29, 2022
A body was found a few hundred meters away on the Rhine River. Police said they believe the body belongs to the severed head.[_oembed_time_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] => 1658455963 [_oembed_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => [_oembed_time_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => 1658455964 [_oembed_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] =>The moment that Japanese Former PM Shinzo Abe was shot. Looks to be a DIY shotgun.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] => 1658455964 [_oembed_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] =>Close-up video of Japanese former PM Shinzo Abe being shot and the suspect being tackled.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] => 1658455964 [_oembed_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] =>Former PM Shinzo Abe arriving at the hospital after being airlifted via medical
— ??? Deb-Plorable Lee ??? (@DebraLee_1234) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] => 1660496571 [_oembed_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] =>A beige/brown SUV drove through the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial parade route in downtown Gallup, according to the NM State Police. Multiple people, including 2 Gallup PD officers, were injured and treated on scene.
— Sharon Chischilly (@schischillyy) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] => 1660496572 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1661153309 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>More on #Gallup:
— The Modern Times of Long Beach ? (@ModernTimesLB) August 5, 2022
Here is footage of police riping the suspects out of the[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1662464628 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1665016423 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy Rushton (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1669907357 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1674062612 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1676011358 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1677513477 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1681728658 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1681728658 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1683879934 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1697136630 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1705763355 [_oembed_465f571d9152376717c7645668361e7e] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_465f571d9152376717c7645668361e7e] => 1708368200 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Climate activist Greta Thunberg is expected to stand trial in a London court charged with a public order offence over a protest outside an oil and gas conference last year
— Reuters (@Reuters) February 1, 2024[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1710846626 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1713362298 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1714639727 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1717757924 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1717757924 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1717757924 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1717757924 [_oembed_58d8176d1c0f450cb6adde5dd7a9a605] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1719570542 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1723098830 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1723098830 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1723098830 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1726837728 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1730491477 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 41 [2] => 49 [3] => 31 [4] => 25 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => A nap hírei [1] => Cikkek [2] => Hírek [3] => Kárpátalja [4] => Videók ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 502 [1] => 115 [2] => 498 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => bíróság [1] => KMKSZ [2] => merénylet ) ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 11478 [content] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024Egy öngyilkos merényletben az afgán fővárostól, Kabultól délnyugatra többen meghaltak és megsebesültek – közölte szerdán Tárik Arján afgán belügyi szóvivő.
A támadó – mint Arján elmondta – civilek között robbantotta fel magát egy településen, Kabultól mintegy 11 kilométerre. A merényletben hárman életüket vesztették és 15-en megsebesültek.
Egyelőre nem tudni, hogy melyik csoport követte el a támadást a muszlim böjti hónap, a ramadán első hetében. Hasonló merényleteket általában az Iszlám Állam nevű terrorszervezet tagjai vagy a kormányellenes, szélsőséges tálibok szoktak végrehajtani Afganisztánban.
Március végén egy kabuli szikh templomot támadtak meg az Iszlám Állam szélsőségesei. A lövöldözésben 25-en életüket vesztették és nyolcan megsebesültek.
A koronavírus sújtotta országban elsődleges cél az erőszak csökkentése, és ezt támogatják az afgán-tálib békéért tett amerikai erőfeszítések is.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Egy öngyilkos merényletben az afgán fővárostól, Kabultól délnyugatra többen meghaltak és megsebesültek – közölte szerdán Tárik Arján afgán belügyi szóvivő. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1588174140 [modified] => 1588172894 ) [title] => Öngyilkos merénylő civileket robbantott fel Kabulnál [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 11478 [uk] => 11516 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 11479 [image] => Array ( [id] => 11479 [original] => [original_lng] => 53099 [original_w] => 800 [original_h] => 450 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 450 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 450 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 450 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 450 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1588180329:8 [_thumbnail_id] => 11479 [_edit_last] => 5 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 3331 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => [_oembed_time_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => 1589095050 [_oembed_0dace855503efb5e10fd2b6affe0efa3] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => [_oembed_time_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => 1594292527 [_oembed_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] =>[_oembed_time_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] => 1594292527 [_oembed_4716c5942015f4370cfde4de20938f2a] =>Now being reported as up to 6 people stabbed in Glasgow City Centre
— ⚽ Simon BRFC Hopkins ⚽ (@HopkinsBRFC) June 26, 2020
Situation is contained but avoid the area[_oembed_time_4716c5942015f4370cfde4de20938f2a] => 1602590334 [_oembed_4f2c59e0777363a4ce1872742234f41e] => [_oembed_time_4f2c59e0777363a4ce1872742234f41e] => 1635668240 [_oembed_7501930f01f23d57ad3b8ea834f6db58] =>Eight Local Policemen Killed, Six Wounded in #Ghor Province #Afghanistan
— ShamshadNews (@Shamshadnetwork) August 25, 2020
Read more:[_oembed_time_7501930f01f23d57ad3b8ea834f6db58] => 1635668240 [_oembed_a637ec5554ca2d140e4cabcad149a637] => [_oembed_time_a637ec5554ca2d140e4cabcad149a637] => 1635668240 [_oembed_f5d184fc1d7875a18025820d74e06327] =>Guardatela come se fosse vostra figlia: Mahjabin è stata decapitata, perché Hazara e perché giocava a pallavolo senza hijab. Questo è oggi l’#Afghanistan.
— Mauro Berruto (@mauroberruto) October 20, 2021
Abbiamo persone lì che sono cadaveri ambulanti. Fermiamo questo genocidio con i #corridoiumanitari o ne saremo responsabili.[_oembed_time_f5d184fc1d7875a18025820d74e06327] => 1636093927 [_oembed_0678cb0cfab320603f2d4a0bac60f860] =>Emergency hospital in Kabul says that so far nine injured people have been transferred to the hospital from today’s explosions.#TOLOnews
— TOLOnews (@TOLOnews) November 2, 2021[_oembed_time_0678cb0cfab320603f2d4a0bac60f860] => 1643654081 [_oembed_e5e821871e8ae6b94adfcce738931ac2] => [_oembed_time_e5e821871e8ae6b94adfcce738931ac2] => 1643654081 [_oembed_a883ed8e0b1e0e474ad1c3f4962b0258] => [_oembed_time_a883ed8e0b1e0e474ad1c3f4962b0258] => 1649151096 [_oembed_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] =>Photos: Aftermath of today's earthquake in Qadis district of #Badghis province.
— Payk Media - Revealing the Truth (@PaykMedia) January 17, 2022
Hundreds of homes were destroyed in the quake in the province, according to sources. #Afghanistan #PaykMedia[_oembed_time_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] => 1650714362 [_oembed_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] =>E’accaduto in Belgio.Alle 5 di questa mattina, un’auto si è scagliata contro la folla durante la festa per la celebrazione del Carnevale a Strpy Bracquegnies,villaggio La Louviere in Vallonia. Il bilancio provvisorio è di 4 morti e 20 feriti,12 in gravi condizioni.Fermato un uomo
— Franco Scarsella (@FrancoScarsell2) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] => 1650714362 [_oembed_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] =>#Belgium: 4 people were killed & 22 others sustained injuries in La Louvière city, Hainaut province after a man drove into the crowd.
— Vineet (@cozyduke_apt29) March 20, 2022
A pro-IS channel has reported this news. Let's wait for more details.[_oembed_time_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] => 1652896395 [_oembed_537fb4437f9ec3e1b21b2fd2159a6386] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_814f0ba46341299b0e66d5257caf2e1a] =>Afghanistan, esplosione in una moschea a Kunduz: almeno 33 morti #afghanistan #esplosione #moschea #terrorismo #kunduz
— Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) April 22, 2022[_oembed_time_814f0ba46341299b0e66d5257caf2e1a] => 1656660682 [_oembed_93f968e60ea9e65d621fbfe24e8971f2] =>Le proteste delle #donne #afghane: bloccato il traffico nel 2°Distretto di #Kabul #riaprireiliceifemminili
— Giampaolo Poniciappi (@Infoconte) May 29, 2022[_oembed_time_93f968e60ea9e65d621fbfe24e8971f2] => 1656660682 [_oembed_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] =>Brave women & girls demonstrate in #Kabul now! Although #Taliban arrested & tortured them before, they still walk out to complain Taliban’s behavior & cruelty.
— Massoud Hossaini (@Massoud151) May 29, 2022[_oembed_time_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] => 1659453289 [_oembed_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => [_oembed_time_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => 1659453289 [_oembed_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] =>The moment that Japanese Former PM Shinzo Abe was shot. Looks to be a DIY shotgun.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] => 1659453290 [_oembed_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] =>Close-up video of Japanese former PM Shinzo Abe being shot and the suspect being tackled.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] => 1659453290 [_oembed_d6b018e868186eb96f987fab911bc76f] =>Former PM Shinzo Abe arriving at the hospital after being airlifted via medical
— ??? Deb-Plorable Lee ??? (@DebraLee_1234) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_d6b018e868186eb96f987fab911bc76f] => 1661260203 [_oembed_065554f5f831aedbfc4aeaf831026d74] =>?Heavy rains and flash flooding ongoing in several provinces in the east, south and central regions of #Afghanistan, with reports of civilians killed, houses destroyed and damaged, and roads being washed away. Humanitarian assistance is being mobilized for affected families.
— OCHA Afghanistan (@OCHAAfg) August 15, 2022[_oembed_time_065554f5f831aedbfc4aeaf831026d74] => 1661260203 [_oembed_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] =>Flooding in Parwan, Afghanistan killed several people and destroyed their houses. #Climate#Drought#Crisis
— GIS & RS for Climate ???? (@Refugee_AFG) August 15, 2022[_oembed_time_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] => 1661260204 [_oembed_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] =>A beige/brown SUV drove through the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial parade route in downtown Gallup, according to the NM State Police. Multiple people, including 2 Gallup PD officers, were injured and treated on scene.
— Sharon Chischilly (@schischillyy) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] => 1661260204 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1661343553 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>More on #Gallup:
— The Modern Times of Long Beach ? (@ModernTimesLB) August 5, 2022
Here is footage of police riping the suspects out of the[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1661343553 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1665326469 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy Rushton (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1670247945 [_oembed_9ae9d8cbbcc319ccebe6b2ed46d527a4] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_9ae9d8cbbcc319ccebe6b2ed46d527a4] => 1672305050 [_oembed_577514fbf629a0e5769f364d3ad0e97c] =>Fuel tanker tunnel blast kills at least 19 in Afghanistan
— BBC Gossips (@newsgossipmedia) December 18, 2022[_oembed_time_577514fbf629a0e5769f364d3ad0e97c] => 1674932201 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>Many provinces in #Afghanistan have seen an exceptionally cold #winter in the last two weeks, with temperatures dropping to as low as -21 degrees Celsius (-5.8 Fahrenheit) in #Kabul. More than 20 people have died due to the cold wave, according to media reports.
— Samir Ehsas (@samirehsas) January 18, 2023
#viral #fyp[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1674932201 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1676579903 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1676579903 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682664384 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1682664384 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1684148973 [_oembed_75698187c1e5c38bc920d88cb3980ba9] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_75698187c1e5c38bc920d88cb3980ba9] => 1687285846 [_oembed_b46afe83183e4d2723983ce18550c33b] =>KABUL, June 8 : An explosion took place inside a mosque in northern Afghanistan on Thursday during the funeral of the provincial deputy governor who was killed in an attack this week, a provincial
— رجل في الظلام (@woooow_wo) June 8, 2023[_oembed_time_b46afe83183e4d2723983ce18550c33b] => 1687285846 [_oembed_98ecb2f5a582a13f2f947088c346c178] =>Minibus crash claims 25 lives in northern Afghanistan #Afghanistan
— ILKHA (@IlkhaAgency) June 8, 2023[_oembed_time_98ecb2f5a582a13f2f947088c346c178] => 1687285846 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>Afghanistan Watch: Around 80 #Afghan school girls hospitalised after alleged poison attack.
— Asif (@Asiftintoiya12) June 5, 2023
According to the reports, nearly 80 girls in grades 1-6 were poisoned at two schools in Afg's Sar-e-Pul province. Afghan Education department is investigating the incidents.[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1697572150 [_oembed_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] => 1699549258 [_oembed_113d31ad5581bf3e5deae142ff0cf788] => A földrengés sújtotta Afganisztánnak nemzetközi segítségre van szüksége az újjáépítéshez #fy #fyp #nekedbe #hiradohu #hirek #afganisztán #katasztrófa #földrengés #újjáépítés #túlélők
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_113d31ad5581bf3e5deae142ff0cf788] => 1699549258 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1706112681 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Multiple Dead And Injured In Blast At Mosque In Pol-e-Khomri, Afghanistan - Director Of Baghlan Information and Culture Department, Afghanistan.#Afghanistan
— The Story Teller (@I_am_the_Story) October 13, 2023[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1709665532 [_oembed_2cbdd74c71bbd58d578d310e884b31ab] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2cbdd74c71bbd58d578d310e884b31ab] => 1711366440 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🖋️ Otobüs ve tanker çarpıştı: 21 ölü, 38 yaralı!
— Record Haber (@recordhaber) March 17, 2024
Afganistan'ın güneyindeki Hilmend vilayetinde meydana gelen trafik kazasında 21 kişi yaşamını yitirdi.
Kazada çoğu ağır olmak üzere 38 kişi ise yaralandı. Yaralılar Gerişk ve Leşgergah ilçelerindeki hastanelere sevk edildi.[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712049551 [_oembed_67df1473b41a5cee3ff1384eb54269b2] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_67df1473b41a5cee3ff1384eb54269b2] => 1712325073 [_oembed_162521c435bf844eb3f991517ecb0e80] =>#BREAKING
— Roy Grinwis (@RoyGrinwis) March 21, 2024
Door een zelfmoordaanslag bij New Kabul Bank in #Kandahar, #Afghanistan 🇦🇫 komen 17 mensen om het leven en ruim 45 mensen gewond.
De meeste slachtoffers zijn #Taliban 🐽, die hun salarissen kwamen innen.[_oembed_time_162521c435bf844eb3f991517ecb0e80] => 1712325073 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>Afghanistan: Deadly suicide bomb reported at bank in Kandahar
— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) March 21, 2024[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1714475520 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1717181007 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1717181007 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1717181007 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1717181008 [_oembed_14efaf742ed6ee48cd9a171d381c64bf] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_14efaf742ed6ee48cd9a171d381c64bf] => 1717181008 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1720394746 [_oembed_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] =>The recent floods in Baghlan province have caused widespread devastation. According to reports, it has taken numerous lives and destroyed hundreds of homes resulting in displacement. Kindly help the victims by donating 👇🏼 #Afghanistan
— Bashir Gharwal غروال (@bashir_gharwall) May 10, 2024[_oembed_time_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] => 1720783166 [_oembed_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => [_oembed_time_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => 1720783166 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1721830677 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1721830677 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1721830677 [_oembed_a9644a09689e3f189f7cd7df3dcfa586] =>[_oembed_time_a9644a09689e3f189f7cd7df3dcfa586] => 1722756763 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>Forty dead in heavy rains in eastern Afghanistan; 17 killed in bus accident
— WRAL NEWS in NC (@WRAL) July 16, 2024[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1724997337 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1729193923 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 900 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Kriminális [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 1088 [1] => 1196 [2] => 498 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Afganisztán [1] => civil áldozat [2] => merénylet ) ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 10701 [content] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024Több embert megölt és sokakat megsebesített egy ámokfutó, aki a kanadai Új-Skócia fővárosától több mint száz kilométerre északra fekvő kis településen válogatás nélkül lövöldözni kezdett a lakókra – számolt be a az M1 Híradójában elhangzottakra hivatkozva.
Az 51 éves Gabriel Wortman néven azonosított támadó a merénylet után elmenekült, de a rendőrség üldözőbe vette. A hatóságok felszólították az autópálya melletti településeken élőket, hogy maradjanak otthon és zárkózzanak be. Összehangolt akcióban a rendőrségnek később sikerült a főutat több helyen lezárnia, és végül elkapták az elkövetőt. Halifaxbe szállították és őrizetbe vették.
Egyelőre az áldozatok számáról, és a támadás indítékáról, körülményeiről nem közöltek több információt. Sajtóértesülések szerint a támadó hamisított rendőregyenruhát viselt. Justin Trudeau miniszterelnök őszinte részvétét fejezte ki az áldozatok hozzátartozóinak.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Több embert megölt és sokakat megsebesített egy ámokfutó, aki a kanadai Új-Skócia fővárosától több mint száz kilométerre északra fekvő kis településen válogatás nélkül lövöldözni kezdett a lakókra. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1587371040 [modified] => 1587344300 ) [title] => Egy ámokfutó több embert megölt Kanadában [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 10701 [uk] => 10710 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 10702 [image] => Array ( [id] => 10702 [original] => [original_lng] => 39073 [original_w] => 648 [original_h] => 364 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 648 [height] => 364 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 648 [height] => 364 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 648 [height] => 364 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 648 [height] => 364 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 648 [height] => 364 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1587356032:3 [_thumbnail_id] => 10702 [_edit_last] => 5 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 4481 [_oembed_cff6a2eb0f4d941795adbeabd64f81d9] =>[_oembed_time_cff6a2eb0f4d941795adbeabd64f81d9] => 1587333502 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => [_oembed_time_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => 1589307137 [_oembed_b3fc9da85bfafddb5aa2ef8202c27810] => [_oembed_time_b3fc9da85bfafddb5aa2ef8202c27810] => 1589837467 [_oembed_dcd2ed63f4d559b740fc638442ff1e9f] =>Колишній міністр закордонних справ України Леонід Кожара тільки що затриманий співробітниками поліції за підозрою в...
Опубліковано Антоном Геращенком Середа, 25 березня 2020 р.[_oembed_time_dcd2ed63f4d559b740fc638442ff1e9f] => 1589837467 [_oembed_17f7198a0f7411c5450245587fdc9144] =>The @RCAF_ARC has confirmed that one of its members has died after after a #Snowbirds aircraft crashed into a house in #Kamloops, near the airport on Sunday afternoon.
— RadioNLNews (@RadioNLNews) May 18, 2020[_oembed_time_17f7198a0f7411c5450245587fdc9144] => 1589837467 [_oembed_3f7e6805e30c6a82edc0e0bab013e13b] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2bed8c463c45b522b13f534438777947] => [_oembed_time_2bed8c463c45b522b13f534438777947] => 1594204532 [_oembed_c283c6093103259d1fa99136e06457f9] =>Canadian #Snowbird being rescued after landing on roof of house after ejection #Kamloops.
— Jamie Rye (@tayho1977) May 17, 2020[_oembed_time_c283c6093103259d1fa99136e06457f9] => 1594204532 [_oembed_86ac89004b754cdfc3c87c14f45a9da9] =>Charges have been filed against 19-year-old Laroy Battle in this double homicide. To the community members who stepped forward with information - thank you. Detectives were able to quickly identify Battle, but it was the help we received from the community that led to his arrest.
— Chicago Police (@Chicago_Police) June 26, 2020[_oembed_time_86ac89004b754cdfc3c87c14f45a9da9] => 1595175204 [_oembed_30427dcf3b2d6403e19e3d74280abf82] =>This is crazy. This just happened less than 2 hours ago. Two cargo ships collided in the #WellandCanal. @Welland @WellandTribune. Video courtesy of Jeremy Barton.
— Nathan Howes (@HowesNathan) July 11, 2020[_oembed_time_30427dcf3b2d6403e19e3d74280abf82] => 1595175205 [_oembed_ae5b1310709ca7f204cf312a6b23e97c] =>Video & pictures of earlier todays ship collision near the @Welland Docks in the @wellandcanal .. @WellandTribune
— Welland Firefighters L481 ?? (@WPFFA_481) July 11, 2020[_oembed_time_ae5b1310709ca7f204cf312a6b23e97c] => 1595791253 [_oembed_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => [_oembed_time_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => 1599239410 [_oembed_0dace855503efb5e10fd2b6affe0efa3] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_3e53d80da942bf892db5e1e63fa5d9ba] =>Multiple injuries reported after motor coach rolls over in Jasper National Park
— Ottawa Sun (@ottawasuncom) July 19, 2020[_oembed_time_3e53d80da942bf892db5e1e63fa5d9ba] => 1605066995 [_oembed_966d030f71aaa2a71264450f9cc4a89c] =>Le poste de commandement du @SPVQ_police est déployé devant l'hôtel du Parlement du Québec.
— ICI Québec (@iciquebec) November 1, 2020[_oembed_time_966d030f71aaa2a71264450f9cc4a89c] => 1606084263 [_oembed_e2a55f00554ea0e9dbc6108cca8f7c01] =>Ambulances head towards Ubisoft building in Montreal’s Mile End.
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) November 13, 2020[_oembed_time_e2a55f00554ea0e9dbc6108cca8f7c01] => 1606084263 [_oembed_1495d132c384fb1e2dfb6ca951ada8e2] =>UPDATE - Police have shut down a large perimeter surrounding the #Ubisoft office in Montreal
— ? (@disclosetv) November 13, 2020[_oembed_time_1495d132c384fb1e2dfb6ca951ada8e2] => 1610562815 [_oembed_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] =>17 Taliban Killed in Gov’t Reciprocal Attacks, Uruzgan #Khaama #Afghanistan
— Eye on Afghanistan (@EyeOnAfgh) December 16, 2020[_oembed_time_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] => 1611177464 [_oembed_e30c0672cda5150724350f02f1f260b9] => [_oembed_time_e30c0672cda5150724350f02f1f260b9] => 1622037161 [_oembed_2489dcd83e9f5026d3da232c8f29661e] => [_oembed_time_2489dcd83e9f5026d3da232c8f29661e] => 1622037161 [_oembed_b9f39bf5b3f153d79a741f969f4a4746] => [_oembed_time_b9f39bf5b3f153d79a741f969f4a4746] => 1630480129 [_oembed_bc26fe1f24d9609158ab196de322ee5b] =>Now being reported as up to 6 people stabbed in Glasgow City Centre
— ❤️A page to make you smile again ❤️ (@HopkinsBRFC) June 26, 2020
Situation is contained but avoid the area[_oembed_time_bc26fe1f24d9609158ab196de322ee5b] => 1630845564 [_oembed_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] =>Girl, 15, stabbed to death 'after telling 14-year-old she was pregnant with his baby'
— Daily Star (@dailystar) August 28, 2021[_oembed_time_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] => 1650655743 [_oembed_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] =>E’accaduto in Belgio.Alle 5 di questa mattina, un’auto si è scagliata contro la folla durante la festa per la celebrazione del Carnevale a Strpy Bracquegnies,villaggio La Louviere in Vallonia. Il bilancio provvisorio è di 4 morti e 20 feriti,12 in gravi condizioni.Fermato un uomo
— Franco Scarsella (@FrancoScarsell2) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] => 1650655744 [_oembed_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] =>#Belgium: 4 people were killed & 22 others sustained injuries in La Louvière city, Hainaut province after a man drove into the crowd.
— Vineet (@cozyduke_apt29) March 20, 2022
A pro-IS channel has reported this news. Let's wait for more details.[_oembed_time_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] => 1652107574 [_oembed_84896c60ecea0f3a1258e509f95d5a8c] =>Afghanistan, esplosione in una moschea a Kunduz: almeno 33 morti #afghanistan #esplosione #moschea #terrorismo #kunduz
— Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) April 22, 2022[_oembed_time_84896c60ecea0f3a1258e509f95d5a8c] => 1653143635 [_oembed_634a4bb85d88b08f06664d23676e8c06] =>Horrible news: Al-Jazeera senior journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh @ShireenNasri shot dead by Israeli forces while covering a raid in Jenin (West Bank) today. Veteran reporter, covered conflict for >15 years
— Joyce Karam (@Joyce_Karam) May 11, 2022[_oembed_time_634a4bb85d88b08f06664d23676e8c06] => 1653493515 [_oembed_94bf87479b60f74bbe9e205c959d7f55] =>Sad news to deliver! 1 person is deceased and 2 others were injured after a tree fell on a camping trailer at @PinehurstLake. #OPP continuing to investigate and updates will be provided when new information becomes available. @BrantCommunity @grandriverca #BrantOPP ^es
— OPP West Region (@OPP_WR) May 21, 2022[_oembed_time_94bf87479b60f74bbe9e205c959d7f55] => 1653493515 [_oembed_20f35beb2bfcee233f5b244a20ea242e] =>#OxfordOPP advising that 3 people suffered non-life threatening injuries after trees came down on two golf carts earlier at a golf course in @ZorraTwp during the extreme weather event in @OxfordCounty^pc
— OPP West Region (@OPP_WR) May 21, 2022[_oembed_time_20f35beb2bfcee233f5b244a20ea242e] => 1655907944 [_oembed_cc14dc88c634f22101da82718004f299] =>Nancy Crampton-Brophy, the self-published romance novelist who was found guilty of shooting and killing her husband at the Oregon Culinary Institute back in 2018, has been sentenced to life in prison for his murder.
— KATU News (@KATUNews) June 13, 2022[_oembed_time_cc14dc88c634f22101da82718004f299] => 1657131010 [_oembed_a651d248a1c81b34d09fe33a9f7e77e8] =>German police on Tuesday said they detained a 38-year-old man suspected of leaving a human head in front of the courthouse in #Bonn, #Germany.
— Ifeng News (@IFENG__official) June 29, 2022
A body was found a few hundred meters away on the Rhine River. Police said they believe the body belongs to the severed head.[_oembed_time_a651d248a1c81b34d09fe33a9f7e77e8] => 1657131010 [_oembed_2df4d02c16c2744bef7523b6ecca084d] =>Gunfight, bank robbery in Saanich
— Epic Serbian (@EpicSerbian) June 28, 2022
Holy Fuck[_oembed_time_2df4d02c16c2744bef7523b6ecca084d] => 1657131011 [_oembed_508f2fa458ad00372185a225ab595bcc] => [_oembed_time_508f2fa458ad00372185a225ab595bcc] => 1657131011 [_oembed_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] =>6 courageous police officers ran towards gunfire today & are now laying in hospital. My heart goes out to the entire @SaanichPolice Dept during this difficult time. Please keep them & their families in your prayers.
— WO Russell (@Watchdog_MP) June 28, 2022[_oembed_time_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] => 1658322200 [_oembed_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => [_oembed_time_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => 1658322200 [_oembed_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] =>The moment that Japanese Former PM Shinzo Abe was shot. Looks to be a DIY shotgun.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] => 1658322201 [_oembed_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] =>Close-up video of Japanese former PM Shinzo Abe being shot and the suspect being tackled.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] => 1658322201 [_oembed_4f9e068cfccb1a1ad012c32d8f27fa2a] =>Former PM Shinzo Abe arriving at the hospital after being airlifted via medical
— ??? Deb-Plorable Lee ??? (@DebraLee_1234) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_4f9e068cfccb1a1ad012c32d8f27fa2a] => 1659989951 [_oembed_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] =>At least two people have died after a shooting was reported in Butler Township, Ohio, Friday morning.
— KGET 17 News (@KGETnews) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] => 1659989951 [_oembed_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] =>A beige/brown SUV drove through the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial parade route in downtown Gallup, according to the NM State Police. Multiple people, including 2 Gallup PD officers, were injured and treated on scene.
— Sharon Chischilly (@schischillyy) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] => 1659989951 [_oembed_8cd95dff73f9929ecb649f0767a0b862] =>More on #Gallup:
— The Modern Times of Long Beach ? (@ModernTimesLB) August 5, 2022
Here is footage of police riping the suspects out of the[_oembed_time_8cd95dff73f9929ecb649f0767a0b862] => 1661853985 [_oembed_a40fff2dc6ae779c2134102b7f953f30] =>Daughter of staunch Putin ally Alexander Dugin killed in car bombing near Moscow: reports
— New York Post (@nypost) August 21, 2022[_oembed_time_a40fff2dc6ae779c2134102b7f953f30] => 1661853986 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1661853986 [_oembed_1dbf9923ca8538fc07edc96ca20b1481] =>Darya Dugina, daughter of “Putin’s brain” Alexander Dugin, died in the explosion in Moscow. -Darya's body was burned. -Darya got into her father's car,
— Ravinder Chaudhary (@RavinderNatural) August 21, 2022[_oembed_time_1dbf9923ca8538fc07edc96ca20b1481] => 1662314807 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>Totally bizzare that the most famous portrait picture of Churchill was stolen in Ottawa.
— Mike Gibbs?️??? (@Mikeggibbs) August 23, 2022
You can't resell this. It's too famous.
Does the person who took it not realize that?[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1663056280 [_oembed_e47b3a1ceaabab31a8ae764aa811e30f] => [_oembed_time_e47b3a1ceaabab31a8ae764aa811e30f] => 1663056280 [_oembed_2f41b8a49c5549722bdad7f9f7e57fda] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_2f41b8a49c5549722bdad7f9f7e57fda] => 1663056280 [_oembed_b316dd0234dc091e5d15acb14b0a2730] =>At least 10 people dead in stabbings at multiple scenes across Canada's province of Saskatchewan. Police say they've identified two suspects.
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) September 4, 2022[_oembed_time_b316dd0234dc091e5d15acb14b0a2730] => 1669204027 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>3 dead bodies wash ashore in Acapulco, Mexico — as tourists lounge nearby
— New York Post (@nypost) November 15, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1670174247 [_oembed_abf94da18c011bb1a09d5b6a66d62660] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_abf94da18c011bb1a09d5b6a66d62660] => 1670258064 [_oembed_93218552d2a66835898b90f368db5d44] =>Mom of 2 kids found dead in suitcases charged with murder in New Zealand
— New York Post (@nypost) November 30, 2022[_oembed_time_93218552d2a66835898b90f368db5d44] => 1673200980 [_oembed_943c284472a2af8b6066797bdb48d2d9] => [_oembed_time_943c284472a2af8b6066797bdb48d2d9] => 1673200981 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>WATCH: #BNNFrance Reports
— Gurbaksh Singh Chahal (@gchahal) December 23, 2022
Clashes erupted in #Paris following the shooting at the #Kurdish Cultural Center. #France[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1674416115 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1677235128 [_oembed_91eb6557187e92fe1e0facbdfc45f938] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_91eb6557187e92fe1e0facbdfc45f938] => 1677235128 [_oembed_fa8d239b76c2b2bca29f76e1cf11c1b1] =>An eyewitness said immediately after the crash, the driver stepped out of the bus, ripped his clothes off and started screaming.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) February 9, 2023[_oembed_time_fa8d239b76c2b2bca29f76e1cf11c1b1] => 1678521476 [_oembed_88a5a9bdc4427d90de6abfb5fffdcc1b] =>LA Auxiliary Bishop David O’Connell was shot dead ??
— Daily Loud (@DailyLoud) February 19, 2023[_oembed_time_88a5a9bdc4427d90de6abfb5fffdcc1b] => 1680201942 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Father-to-be and 'snow angel': Edmonton officers shot and killed on duty remembered
— Edmonton Journal (@edmontonjournal) March 16, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682355496 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1683715183 [_oembed_e4e44e24abcc2672b1df1adce3366c62] => [_oembed_time_e4e44e24abcc2672b1df1adce3366c62] => 1684480031 [_oembed_4fe1009e0f6a59ad96a71f82f9432b6b] => [_oembed_time_4fe1009e0f6a59ad96a71f82f9432b6b] => 1684480031 [_oembed_d1a4416d6fed1a7eb36e3c98928d0772] => [_oembed_time_d1a4416d6fed1a7eb36e3c98928d0772] => 1685719740 [_oembed_7ee3fff50657e355a4f5b3243b134d4b] => [_oembed_time_7ee3fff50657e355a4f5b3243b134d4b] => 1685719740 [_oembed_760257cec7004962a8f52f8f8377d225] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_760257cec7004962a8f52f8f8377d225] => 1687621084 [_oembed_7f66f1f8b2d6c0e596ad57b3f42d8fb2] =>VIEWERS DISCRETION ADVISED?
— 401_da_sarpanch (@401_da_sarpanch) June 15, 2023
?Fatal Accident On Hwy1 Near Carberry, MB @CarraDeShaukeen
At least 15 people have been killed in a crash Between A Semi-Truck & Handi-Transit Vehicle on the Trans-Canada Highway west of Winnipeg near Carberry, Manitoba. #Carberry #mbpoli #Mantioba…[_oembed_time_7f66f1f8b2d6c0e596ad57b3f42d8fb2] => 1688829637 [_oembed_4e21be3a41d033328a80bac073bf32eb] =>Police identify woman whose body was found at a California construction site in 2001
— CBS Sacramento (@CBSSacramento) June 25, 2023[_oembed_time_4e21be3a41d033328a80bac073bf32eb] => 1692022384 [_oembed_ffe965847573d984d81b17c654ee71b5] =>SHOCKING VIDEO: Ecuador presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, who was leading in the polls, has just been assassinated two weeks before an election the 59-year-old was expected to win. Journalists were referring to him as "right-wing" candidate!
— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) August 10, 2023[_oembed_time_ffe965847573d984d81b17c654ee71b5] => 1692022384 [_oembed_26b1cea2dc42c698d994ab4738f070bd] =>BREAKING VIDEO: Medical staff and first responders rushing Ecuador Presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio into the emergency room
— Eric Spracklen?? (@EricSpracklen) August 10, 2023
He did not survive[_oembed_time_26b1cea2dc42c698d994ab4738f070bd] => 1692022384 [_oembed_2352c146f5f862d07afbd4df3a0facd4] =>? Forest fires in Canada:
— Volcaholic ? (@volcaholic1) July 30, 2023
Authorities order evacuation of Osoyoos, #BritishColumbia...
? Jordan Armstrong#Canada #Oskyoos #TesYeuxSurLeMonde #forestfires #wildfire[_oembed_time_2352c146f5f862d07afbd4df3a0facd4] => 1692901144 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>Absolutely horrible story out of Bosnia today as a bodybuilding-cartel enforcer murdered his wife live on Instagram after beating her into confessing she'd gone to the police about him. 1/4
— Mitchell Prothero (@mitchprothero) August 11, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1696844608 [_oembed_b2ff78153744bed0b27a7cad1a8b6ebe] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_b2ff78153744bed0b27a7cad1a8b6ebe] => 1698156406 [_oembed_f84175d08c6efa31941a45bfae167da0] =>US- Samantha Woll, the president of a Jewish synagogue, was stabbed to death outside her home on Saturday. This took place in Rashida Tlaib's district.
— Megh Updates ?™ (@MeghUpdates) October 22, 2023
Woll was a liberal social justice campaigner who attempted to "bring Jews and Muslims together."
She was a driving force…[_oembed_time_f84175d08c6efa31941a45bfae167da0] => 1699655957 [_oembed_ddbf8bbd72330e23b2165ed47236ffd8] =>Man arrested over 2013 killing of Russian art dealer in Amsterdam
— The Guardian (@guardian) November 7, 2023[_oembed_time_ddbf8bbd72330e23b2165ed47236ffd8] => 1701782265 [_oembed_c6578aeee506c2c0ff1d6d49773801cd] =>"Thai Para-Athlete Shoots Bride and Two Others Dead on Wedding Day Before Killing Himself"
— TligAFricaTvRadio (@TligAfricaTV) November 27, 2023[_oembed_time_c6578aeee506c2c0ff1d6d49773801cd] => 1701782265 [_oembed_5fd082b64ee4c05625a3df7fd107c388] => [_oembed_time_5fd082b64ee4c05625a3df7fd107c388] => 1701782266 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1704634105 [_oembed_08b0f8c666d48d058fbffb3f81438858] =>?Big Explosion Just Occured at Niagara Falls On US-Canada Border At Rainbow Bridge
— UltraMJTruth (@MJTruthUltra) November 22, 2023
ALL FOUR international border crossings between the United States and Canada in Western New York are now closed.
Apparently, a vehicle containing an unknown number of people and contents…[_oembed_time_08b0f8c666d48d058fbffb3f81438858] => 1705049721 [_oembed_b7be14d8890bf7fe9378f13ed82c65aa] =>At least four minor daughters of an education official for Hesarak district have been killed in a hand grenade attack.
— Pajhwok Afghan News (@pajhwok) January 8, 2024[_oembed_time_b7be14d8890bf7fe9378f13ed82c65aa] => 1705049722 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Reports indicate that last night unidentified assailant threw a hand grenade at the residence of Mawlawi Ghulam Jilani Hanafi, the Taliban's Education Minister, in Hisarak district of Nangarhar, resulting in the loss of his four daughters.
— Afghan Analyst (@AfghanAnalyst2) January 8, 2024[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1708633600 [_oembed_75282860f409c4b0cc0ef41f89e26f37] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_75282860f409c4b0cc0ef41f89e26f37] => 1708633601 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>Woman from Los Angeles killed in apparent crossfire during drug dispute in Tulum
— ABC7 Eyewitness News (@ABC7) February 12, 2024[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712402832 [_oembed_62bda339fffe4eb88962f291665ad14f] => [_oembed_time_62bda339fffe4eb88962f291665ad14f] => 1712917036 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1713428644 [_oembed_7a719201a1ef5ce4757e167a99242a6b] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_7a719201a1ef5ce4757e167a99242a6b] => 1716972926 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>Man, 62, buried alive for FOUR DAYS is dug out and rescued by police after they heard his muffl… @MailOnline
— Natalia Elegante (@NataliaElegante) May 16, 2024[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1716972927 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1716972927 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1716972927 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1716972927 [_oembed_7cb30bdaa6d7f4dc3ddb3d479ba1cdfb] => [_oembed_time_7cb30bdaa6d7f4dc3ddb3d479ba1cdfb] => 1719226578 [_oembed_1b73e44322e52b21b508a88153636231] => [_oembed_time_1b73e44322e52b21b508a88153636231] => 1722783844 [_oembed_f29f7d72b203633bf03747b98995f223] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_f29f7d72b203633bf03747b98995f223] => 1723619567 [_oembed_32048623caa416e69906a7e7ff8688f3] =>❗️🔥🇨🇦 - A wildfire that ripped through the Canadian community of Jasper, Alta., on Wednesday night left large areas of the city incinerated.
— 🔥🗞The Informant (@theinformant_x) July 25, 2024
Video shared on social media on Thursday shows that blocks and blocks of buildings were destroyed by fire.
The wildfire, turned into a…[_oembed_time_32048623caa416e69906a7e7ff8688f3] => 1723619568 [_oembed_5d3a0ed5f62569f4fbcb5696087f8d82] =>There are no words. Jasper is burned to the ground. 💔
— Ryan Jespersen (@ryanjespersen) July 25, 2024[_oembed_time_5d3a0ed5f62569f4fbcb5696087f8d82] => 1724498085 [_oembed_080ee437dd13d2293d8db242f4fb2d35] => [_oembed_time_080ee437dd13d2293d8db242f4fb2d35] => 1729318099 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>Individuals across Southern California were arrested as part of the investigation into the death of Matthew Perry, which was attributed to acute effects of ketamine.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) August 15, 2024[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1729318099 [_oembed_f69f60d59c3c13c9318942f0072acf29] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024[_oembed_time_f69f60d59c3c13c9318942f0072acf29] => 1730318615 [_oembed_3b956f1cbaa2c7a431d0edde919e51f3] =>Zweites Todesopfer durch Schüsse im #Mühlviertel, Täter weiter flüchtig
— DER STANDARD (@derStandardat) October 28, 2024[_oembed_time_3b956f1cbaa2c7a431d0edde919e51f3] => 1730318615 [_oembed_22fadb8845bcda81d2ddfc65e1252c90] =>Franz Hofer, the mayor of Kirchberg ob der Donau, a village with around 1,000 residents in Upper Austria, was shot dead this morning. The suspect is currently on the run; the motive remains unclear.
— Liam Hoare (@lahoare) October 28, 2024[_oembed_time_22fadb8845bcda81d2ddfc65e1252c90] => 1734107012 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 23 [2] => 49 [3] => 900 [4] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Fotók [2] => Hírek [3] => Kriminális [4] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 546 [1] => 2044 [2] => 498 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => gyilkosság [1] => Kanada [2] => merénylet ) ) ) [model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [offset] => 90 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 498 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [_model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [offset] => 90 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 498 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [_domains] => Array ( [podiji] => 1 ) [status] => 1 [from_cache] => )Husband leaps onto polar bear to protect wife, neighbour comes to rescue, @cbcnews writes. #Fishing #Outdoors #HudsonBay #FortSevern #PolarBear #NAPS #Valor #LadyLove #GoodNeighbours
— Ontario OUT of DOORS (@OODMag) December 5, 2024