Array ( [count_posts] => 5 [cache_key] => Query_Posts::global::hu::YTo1OntzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiaHUiO3M6NzoiZG9tYWlucyI7YToxOntpOjA7czo2OiJwb2RpamkiO31zOjY6Im9mZnNldCI7aToxMTA7czo5OiJ0YXhfcXVlcnkiO2E6MTp7aTowO2E6Mzp7czo4OiJ0YXhvbm9teSI7czo4OiJwb3N0X3RhZyI7czo1OiJmaWVsZCI7czoyOiJpZCI7czo1OiJ0ZXJtcyI7YToxOntpOjA7aTo0OTg7fX19czoxMToiYWZ0ZXJMb2NrZXIiO2k6MDt9 [has_result] => 1 [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 2228 [content] =>Folytatódik a tárgyalás a Kárpátaljai Magyar Kulturális Szövetség (KMKSZ) ungvári székháza ellen elkövetett robbantásos merénylet szervezőjének, Kosztyantin Krivics ügyében. Az Ungvári Városi-Járási Bíróság legutóbbi ülésén január 14-re és január 17-re tűzte ki a vádlott ügyének tárgyalását.
Kedden a meghirdetett időpontban valamennyi résztvevő megjelent a tanácskozóteremben. Denisz Hirják ügyész ismertette a testülettel az előzetes tárgyaláson való hiányzásának okát, amikor úgy döntöttek, hogy videokonferencián fogják kihallgatni az egyik tanút, egy rendőrt. Ez technikai okok miatt nem történt meg. Mivel a tanúk, közte a biztonsági szolgálat munkatársai is, folyamatosan nem jelennek meg a tárgyalásokon, az ügyészség panasszal fordult a biztonsági szolgálat kárpátaljai kirendeltségének vezetőjéhez. Ezután a hatékony időkihasználás érdekében az ügyész kérte a bizonyítékok vizsgálati sorrendjének megváltoztatását. A vádlott ügyvédje kérte az írásos bizonyítékok vizsgálatának elhalasztását, de nem ellenezte a sorrend megváltoztatását. A felek hozzáláttak a 118 okirat vizsgálatához. Az első húsz okmánnyal kapcsolatban a védőügyvédnek nem volt megjegyzése, a helyszíni szemle jegyzőkönyvét vizsgálva azonban Valerij Borogyij ügyvéd kérte a vizsgálat elnapolását, mivel mint mondotta: ebből nem volt kellően felkészülve, nem voltak nála az ezzel kapcsolatos jegyzetei, mert a tanúk kihallgatására készült. A bírói testület elfogadta az ügyvéd kérését, és időt adott számára, hogy megismerkedhessen az ügy anyagaival. A tárgyalást berekesztették.
Pénteken megjelent egy tanú, így nem az írásos bizonyítékok vizsgálatával folytatták, hanem áttértek a megjelent tanú meghallgatására, aki egy ügyész. A férfi a KMKSZ-székház ellen elkövetett merénylet két kivitelezőjének ügyében is részt vett. Jelen volt a vádlott Kropivnickijben történt kihallgatásánál.
Ezután videokonferencia keretében került sor egy másik tanú, egy SZBU-munkatárs meghallgatására, aki szolgálati kötelezettsége teljesítése miatt nem tud személyesen megjelenni. A biztonsági szolgálat dolgozója részletesen kitért a robbantásos merényletet megelőző történésekre, a kivitelezők és a szervező közötti kapcsolat kialakulására a kárpátaljai helyzet instabilizálása céljából, folyamatos együttműködésére, beleértve az érintettek útvonalát, a jármű márkáját, amellyel Kárpátaljára utaztak, a feltérképezett és további merényletek tárgyát képező objektumok listáját (vasúti viaduktok a Kárpátokban stb.), a robbantás éjszakáján történtekre és az elkövetők őrizetbe vételét követő eljárásra.
Mivel január 24-ig lejárt volna a vádlott fogva tartásának időtartama, Denisz Hirjak ügyész kérelmezte, hogy újabb 60 nappal hosszabbítsák meg azt. Elhangzott, hogy Kosztyantin Krivicset különösen súlyos bűntény elkövetésével vádolják, aki hónapokig megpróbált elrejtőzni a felelősségre vonás elől, ennek érdekében hamis ukrán útlevelet is készíttetett. Az ügyész szerint szabadlábon történő védekezés esetén elmenekülhet az igazságszolgáltatás elől, nyomást gyakorolhat a tanúkra, és a még mindig menekülésben lévő másik szervezőre. A vádlott ügyvédje ezzel szemben enyhébb óvintézkedés alkalmazását kérte Kriviccsel szemben. Valerij Borogyij véleménye szerint védence nem jelent veszélyt az ügy többi résztvevőjére, ezért arról próbálta meggyőzni a bíróságot, hogy a továbbiakban Krivics házi őrizetben védekezhessen. Érvként azt is felhozta, hogy védence a lakhelyén pozitív jellemrajzot kapott, 2014-ben önkéntesként részt vett az ATO-ban, valamint a 2011-es születésű gyermeke és 2. kategóriájú rokkant édesanyja is a gondoskodására szorulna.
A háromtagú bírói testület rövid tanácskozás után az ügyész kérésének tett eleget, és újabb 60 napra meghosszabbította a KMKSZ-székház felrobbantásának szervezésével vádolt férfi fogva tartását, aki így március 13-ig előzetesben marad.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Folytatódik a tárgyalás a Kárpátaljai Magyar Kulturális Szövetség (KMKSZ) ungvári székháza ellen elkövetett robbantásos merénylet szervezőjének, Kosztyantin Krivics ügyében. Az Ungvári Városi-Járási Bíróság legutóbbi ülésén január 14-re és január... [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1579683180 [modified] => 1579641764 ) [title] => Tovább folytatódik a KMKSZ-székház robbantásának ügye [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 2228 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 2229 [image] => Array ( [id] => 2229 [original] => [original_lng] => 683649 [original_w] => 2500 [original_h] => 1667 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 200 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 512 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 683 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1536 [height] => 1024 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1366 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 2500 [height] => 1667 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1579675909:5 [_thumbnail_id] => 2229 [_edit_last] => 5 [views_count] => 2827 [_oembed_dc25f50a5f247684532078ab60e846e4] => [_oembed_time_dc25f50a5f247684532078ab60e846e4] => 1582061578 [_oembed_c53570ce594ae43f0addd6195bdbfcea] => [_oembed_time_c53570ce594ae43f0addd6195bdbfcea] => 1582061579 [_oembed_a34328fbf9e02d529989ff4e3ab89e57] => [_oembed_time_a34328fbf9e02d529989ff4e3ab89e57] => 1582061579 [_oembed_feb50ef28a19f5f0850809587bc2f7b7] => [_oembed_time_feb50ef28a19f5f0850809587bc2f7b7] => 1582061579 [_oembed_e9a2820dc2ceaf34b614e3760e880abf] => [_oembed_time_e9a2820dc2ceaf34b614e3760e880abf] => 1582813499 [_oembed_fca94de7f1957661f86e1a460f50650f] => [_oembed_time_fca94de7f1957661f86e1a460f50650f] => 1583485883 [_oembed_080dd6a97e5099c22c230edc2813d2f3] => [_oembed_time_080dd6a97e5099c22c230edc2813d2f3] => 1584018259 [_oembed_578e238024561fd7bb5514a6ffb8053b] =>[_oembed_time_578e238024561fd7bb5514a6ffb8053b] => 1584018260 [_oembed_38e2fba05049b7a47e33380b9c8f153b] => [_oembed_time_38e2fba05049b7a47e33380b9c8f153b] => 1584357820 [_oembed_d89ac1eac2e0e91b94c5bf14b5287a8c] => [_oembed_time_d89ac1eac2e0e91b94c5bf14b5287a8c] => 1584532113 [_oembed_652d648c4334a430cd41f46882b89e88] => [_oembed_time_652d648c4334a430cd41f46882b89e88] => 1585762500 [_oembed_e618fe81717f6d5f83068aea27739639] => [_oembed_time_e618fe81717f6d5f83068aea27739639] => 1587572755 [_oembed_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => [_oembed_time_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => 1589154535 [_oembed_0dace855503efb5e10fd2b6affe0efa3] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => [_oembed_time_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => 1601021294 [_oembed_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] =>Forte détonation/explosion au niveau du Lac 2 .. ? #Tunis #Tunisie
— The Godfather (@Al_Pacino_) March 6, 2020[_oembed_time_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] => 1601021295 [_oembed_43ff78f2fe2675e918551789b5c709a3] => [_oembed_time_43ff78f2fe2675e918551789b5c709a3] => 1617509235 [_oembed_f242b30dbb703d98d48a44178bbbc4f6] => [_oembed_time_f242b30dbb703d98d48a44178bbbc4f6] => 1618680706 [_oembed_78f2e755f77b582ef566f73d548022f3] =>Now being reported as up to 6 people stabbed in Glasgow City Centre
— ⚽ Simon BRFC Hopkins ⚽ (@HopkinsBRFC) June 26, 2020
Situation is contained but avoid the area[_oembed_time_78f2e755f77b582ef566f73d548022f3] => 1624322157 [_oembed_0fdb1d7c2b11e5e415edd1cfa7d67b0b] =>"Пресс-хата у меня уже была, а ты, отец, готовься"Степан Латыпов был активистом так называемой Площади перемен— дворе на севере Минска, ставшего точкой сбора протестующих против результатов президентских выборов в стране летом 2020 года. На суде он сказал отцу, что ему угрожают взяться за родственников и соседей, если он не сознается в уголовном преступлении.
Posted by Radio Svoboda - Радио Свобода on Tuesday, June 1, 2021[_oembed_time_0fdb1d7c2b11e5e415edd1cfa7d67b0b] => 1624322158 [_oembed_a50ff5a309f89c80dcaab65adc48fce6] => [_oembed_time_a50ff5a309f89c80dcaab65adc48fce6] => 1633798940 [_oembed_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] =>Belarusian activist, political prisoner Stsiapan Latypau cut his throat in the courtroom today. He was threatened with the persecution of his family if he didn't admit himself guilty. This is the result of state terror, repressions,torture in Belarus. We must stop it immediately!
— Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya (@Tsihanouskaya) June 1, 2021[_oembed_time_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] => 1650796222 [_oembed_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] =>E’accaduto in Belgio.Alle 5 di questa mattina, un’auto si è scagliata contro la folla durante la festa per la celebrazione del Carnevale a Strpy Bracquegnies,villaggio La Louviere in Vallonia. Il bilancio provvisorio è di 4 morti e 20 feriti,12 in gravi condizioni.Fermato un uomo
— Franco Scarsella (@FrancoScarsell2) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] => 1650796222 [_oembed_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] =>#Belgium: 4 people were killed & 22 others sustained injuries in La Louvière city, Hainaut province after a man drove into the crowd.
— Vineet (@cozyduke_apt29) March 20, 2022
A pro-IS channel has reported this news. Let's wait for more details.[_oembed_time_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] => 1652430750 [_oembed_cc14dc88c634f22101da82718004f299] =>Afghanistan, esplosione in una moschea a Kunduz: almeno 33 morti #afghanistan #esplosione #moschea #terrorismo #kunduz
— Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) April 22, 2022[_oembed_time_cc14dc88c634f22101da82718004f299] => 1657446763 [_oembed_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] =>German police on Tuesday said they detained a 38-year-old man suspected of leaving a human head in front of the courthouse in #Bonn, #Germany.
— Ifeng News (@IFENG__official) June 29, 2022
A body was found a few hundred meters away on the Rhine River. Police said they believe the body belongs to the severed head.[_oembed_time_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] => 1660512134 [_oembed_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] =>A beige/brown SUV drove through the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial parade route in downtown Gallup, according to the NM State Police. Multiple people, including 2 Gallup PD officers, were injured and treated on scene.
— Sharon Chischilly (@schischillyy) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] => 1660512134 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1662046092 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>More on #Gallup:
— The Modern Times of Long Beach ? (@ModernTimesLB) August 5, 2022
Here is footage of police riping the suspects out of the[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1662046093 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1663780548 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1670789902 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1674737307 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1677545879 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1679148135 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1681837992 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682339169 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1684007214 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1698589064 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1705430885 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1709739353 [_oembed_465f571d9152376717c7645668361e7e] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_465f571d9152376717c7645668361e7e] => 1709739353 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>Climate activist Greta Thunberg is expected to stand trial in a London court charged with a public order offence over a protest outside an oil and gas conference last year
— Reuters (@Reuters) February 1, 2024[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712080348 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1717173931 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1717173931 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1717173931 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1717173931 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1720069040 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1726909273 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1729753647 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 23 [2] => 49 [3] => 31 [4] => 11 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Fotók [2] => Hírek [3] => Kárpátalja [4] => Kiemelt téma ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 502 [1] => 115 [2] => 498 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => bíróság [1] => KMKSZ [2] => merénylet ) ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 1297 [content] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024Kézigránátot dobott italozó társaira egy férfi kedden egy munkásszálló közös konyhájában Odesszában, a detonációban hárman nagyszámú repeszsérülést szenvedtek – jelentette az Unian hírügynökség az odesszai rendőrség közleményére hivatkozva.
A tudósítás szerint az odesszai rendőrök vizsgálják a város Malinovszkij kerületének egyik munkásszállóján elkövetett robbantás körülményeit, amelynek három sérültjét kórházba szállították. A bűnügyi helyszínelők megállapították, hogy a szálló három lakója a létesítmény közös konyhájában italozott, amikor csatlakozott hozzájuk egyik szomszédjuk, akivel korábban többször kerültek konfliktusba. Közte és a társaság többi tagja között ezúttal is nézeteltérés támadt, mire a 38 éves férfi elhagyta a helyiséget. Rövid idő múlva egy feltehetően RGD-5 típusú kézigránáttal tért vissza, amit a konyhába dobott, majd az ajtót maga mögött bezárva eltűnt a helyszínről.
A robbanás következtében három ember súlyos repeszsérüléseket szenvedett, kitört a konyha ablaka és ajtaja, megrongálódott a berendezése. A rendőrség keresi az elkövetőt, és dolgozik a bűntény minősítésén.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Kézigránátot dobott italozó társaira egy férfi Odesszában [autID] => 10 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1578409025 [modified] => 1578409156 ) [title] => Kézigránátot dobott italozó társaira egy férfi egy munkásszállón Odesszában, hárman megsebesültek [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 1297 ) [aut] => nyesi [lang] => hu [image_id] => 1300 [image] => Array ( [id] => 1300 [original] => [original_lng] => 17915 [original_w] => 300 [original_h] => 300 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 300 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 300 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 300 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 300 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 300 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 300 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1578401956:10 [_edit_last] => 10 [views_count] => 2361 [_thumbnail_id] => 1300 [_oembed_feb50ef28a19f5f0850809587bc2f7b7] => [_oembed_time_feb50ef28a19f5f0850809587bc2f7b7] => 1582152775 [_oembed_522ba5461d8d3a8d3c4e3badce6de365] => [_oembed_time_522ba5461d8d3a8d3c4e3badce6de365] => 1582152775 [_oembed_44d09bd1265e26c4a90dfba1f19e8168] => [_oembed_time_44d09bd1265e26c4a90dfba1f19e8168] => 1582152775 [_oembed_080dd6a97e5099c22c230edc2813d2f3] => [_oembed_time_080dd6a97e5099c22c230edc2813d2f3] => 1584324007 [_oembed_578e238024561fd7bb5514a6ffb8053b] =>[_oembed_time_578e238024561fd7bb5514a6ffb8053b] => 1584324008 [_oembed_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => [_oembed_time_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => 1590163318 [_oembed_660f77be9afd60e23234716e0df108c7] => [_oembed_time_660f77be9afd60e23234716e0df108c7] => 1593811314 [_oembed_0dace855503efb5e10fd2b6affe0efa3] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => [_oembed_time_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => 1594395244 [_oembed_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] =>Forte détonation/explosion au niveau du Lac 2 .. ? #Tunis #Tunisie
— The Godfather (@Al_Pacino_) March 6, 2020[_oembed_time_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] => 1594395244 [_oembed_e160a2deab659661217acfb2eb40d1ef] =>Now being reported as up to 6 people stabbed in Glasgow City Centre
— ⚽ Simon BRFC Hopkins ⚽ (@HopkinsBRFC) June 26, 2020
Situation is contained but avoid the area[_oembed_time_e160a2deab659661217acfb2eb40d1ef] => 1594569157 [_oembed_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] =>Опубліковано Евгенієм Момонтом Пʼятниця, 3 липня 2020 р.[_oembed_time_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] => 1652698443 [_oembed_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] =>Afghanistan, esplosione in una moschea a Kunduz: almeno 33 morti #afghanistan #esplosione #moschea #terrorismo #kunduz
— Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) April 22, 2022[_oembed_time_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] => 1652698444 [_oembed_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] =>E’accaduto in Belgio.Alle 5 di questa mattina, un’auto si è scagliata contro la folla durante la festa per la celebrazione del Carnevale a Strpy Bracquegnies,villaggio La Louviere in Vallonia. Il bilancio provvisorio è di 4 morti e 20 feriti,12 in gravi condizioni.Fermato un uomo
— Franco Scarsella (@FrancoScarsell2) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] => 1652698444 [_oembed_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] =>#Belgium: 4 people were killed & 22 others sustained injuries in La Louvière city, Hainaut province after a man drove into the crowd.
— Vineet (@cozyduke_apt29) March 20, 2022
A pro-IS channel has reported this news. Let's wait for more details.[_oembed_time_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] => 1657635871 [_oembed_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => [_oembed_time_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => 1657635872 [_oembed_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] =>The moment that Japanese Former PM Shinzo Abe was shot. Looks to be a DIY shotgun.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] => 1657635872 [_oembed_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] =>Close-up video of Japanese former PM Shinzo Abe being shot and the suspect being tackled.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] => 1657635872 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>Former PM Shinzo Abe arriving at the hospital after being airlifted via medical
— ??? Deb-Plorable Lee ??? (@DebraLee_1234) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1660740744 [_oembed_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] => 1660740744 [_oembed_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] =>A beige/brown SUV drove through the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial parade route in downtown Gallup, according to the NM State Police. Multiple people, including 2 Gallup PD officers, were injured and treated on scene.
— Sharon Chischilly (@schischillyy) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] => 1660740745 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1661413865 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>More on #Gallup:
— The Modern Times of Long Beach ? (@ModernTimesLB) August 5, 2022
Here is footage of police riping the suspects out of the[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1664296204 [_oembed_951e8a386f72a92f2f35d42d6a6a88c1] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_951e8a386f72a92f2f35d42d6a6a88c1] => 1668097116 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>Imagens mostram que a guarnição da PF sofreu um ataque violento de Roberto Jefferson. Ex-deputado teria disparado tiros de fuzil e granada contra a viatura.
— Renato Souza (@reporterenato) October 23, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1670313103 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1677505665 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1677505666 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1677505666 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1681970741 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1683038510 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1683467674 [_oembed_e4527b2bc1c900410c7d269ed96f5d6b] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_e4527b2bc1c900410c7d269ed96f5d6b] => 1689314816 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>#BREAKING #Serbia #Kosovo Northern Mitrovica at this moment. Kosovo* police on streets.
— National Independent (@NationalIndNews) June 26, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1698499644 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1704999421 [_oembed_88dd6d643bb98ca601538b2790a594f8] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_88dd6d643bb98ca601538b2790a594f8] => 1707763695 [_oembed_b94b7a2a54f10345d719924d98801314] =>Swedish Police announced a suspicious, dangerous object is found near the Israeli embassy in Stockholm. The national bomb squad & swat team is on its way to investigate the matter.
— Shuvankar Biswas (@manamuntu) January 31, 2024[_oembed_time_b94b7a2a54f10345d719924d98801314] => 1707763695 [_oembed_d7bb164f7aae6617fb59248dc0cf9f41] =>Swedish police destroy object outside Israeli embassy in Stockholm
— Genius Bot X (@GeniusBotX) January 31, 2024[_oembed_time_08b0f8c666d48d058fbffb3f81438858] => 1707763695 [_oembed_b7be14d8890bf7fe9378f13ed82c65aa] =>At least four minor daughters of an education official for Hesarak district have been killed in a hand grenade attack.
— Pajhwok Afghan News (@pajhwok) January 8, 2024[_oembed_time_b7be14d8890bf7fe9378f13ed82c65aa] => 1707763696 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Reports indicate that last night unidentified assailant threw a hand grenade at the residence of Mawlawi Ghulam Jilani Hanafi, the Taliban's Education Minister, in Hisarak district of Nangarhar, resulting in the loss of his four daughters.
— Afghan Analyst (@AfghanAnalyst2) January 8, 2024[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1709730302 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1711730693 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1715702207 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1716838242 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1716838242 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1716838242 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1716838242 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1720795741 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1722852593 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1722852593 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1722852593 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1726479224 [_oembed_5288c1d403759a72768a32cba6daa199] => [_oembed_time_5288c1d403759a72768a32cba6daa199] => 1726985197 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1730033251 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 33 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Ukrajna ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 713 [1] => 498 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => kézigránát [1] => merénylet ) ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1193 [content] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024Egy ember meghalt, hárman pedig megsérültek mikor egy férfi késsel támadt a járókelőkre Párizs egyik külvárosában, Villejuifben.
Az elkövető tette után elmenekült egy pár száz méterre található bevásárlóközpont felé.A rendőrök üldözőbe vették, és attól tartva, hogy robbanómellényt visel, a bevásárlóközpont parkolójában lelőtték.
A dpa német hírügynökség szerint a hatóságok feltehetően nem kezelik az ügyet terrorcselekményként, mert a helyileg illetékes ügyész vezeti a nyomozást, az ügy nem került át a nemzeti terrorellenes ügyészséghez. Ugyanakkor terrorellenes egységek is vannak a helyszínen. A férfi feltételezhetően egyedül cselekedett, de a hatóságok átvizsgálják a környéket. Több szemtanú szerint az európai kinézetű férfi az iszlám világban hordott dzsellabát viselt, hosszú szakálla volt, és Allahot éltette a támadás közben, a teste mellett pedig állítólag egy iszlámról szóló könyvet és egy vallási utalásokkal teli levelet is találtak. Ugyanakkor a nyomozás első eredményei szerint az elkövető egy Nathan C. nevű, 1997-es születésű férfi, akit korábban mentális problémákkal kezeltek – számolt be a Valeurs actuelles jobboldali hetilap online portálja. Franck Le Bohellec, Villejuif polgármestere elmondta, hogy a halálos áldozat egy 56 éves helyi férfi, aki testével védte meg felesége életét.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Párizs egyik külvárosában, Villejuifben egy férfi késsel támadt a járókelőkre a helyi parkban, és többeket megszúrt. [autID] => 10 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1578151089 [modified] => 1579817616 ) [title] => Késes támadás történt Párizs külvárosában [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 1193 ) [aut] => nyesi [lang] => hu [image_id] => 1194 [image] => Array ( [id] => 1194 [original] => [original_lng] => 256179 [original_w] => 1600 [original_h] => 1067 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 200 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 512 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 683 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1536 [height] => 1024 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1600 [height] => 1067 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1600 [height] => 1067 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1579810416:10 [_thumbnail_id] => 1194 [views_count] => 3452 [_edit_last] => 10 [_oembed_4669bec413b0a5eee9a04dbb7844465c] => [_oembed_time_4669bec413b0a5eee9a04dbb7844465c] => 1582370747 [_oembed_36b8986da56d0a0f544d9742e9bcb24f] => [_oembed_time_36b8986da56d0a0f544d9742e9bcb24f] => 1582596934 [_oembed_080dd6a97e5099c22c230edc2813d2f3] => [_oembed_time_080dd6a97e5099c22c230edc2813d2f3] => 1584288558 [_oembed_578e238024561fd7bb5514a6ffb8053b] =>[_oembed_time_578e238024561fd7bb5514a6ffb8053b] => 1584288558 [_oembed_af1b58ef03ce4c85a3619c52095463b5] => [_oembed_time_af1b58ef03ce4c85a3619c52095463b5] => 1584582900 [_oembed_0bd9b44af85952082defd29808518b97] => [_oembed_time_0bd9b44af85952082defd29808518b97] => 1586149717 [_oembed_a1f16bb338f360af8cd83e7b0224a805] =>Forte détonation/explosion au niveau du Lac 2 .. ? #Tunis #Tunisie
— The Godfather (@Al_Pacino_) March 6, 2020[_oembed_time_a1f16bb338f360af8cd83e7b0224a805] => 1587546362 [_oembed_914a3185d762e11afa8e0720a656fe7a] => [_oembed_time_914a3185d762e11afa8e0720a656fe7a] => 1587546362 [_oembed_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => [_oembed_time_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => 1589137243 [_oembed_32fca4335643a28cc9f023d2cd64aa6f] => [_oembed_time_32fca4335643a28cc9f023d2cd64aa6f] => 1594174248 [_oembed_0dace855503efb5e10fd2b6affe0efa3] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => [_oembed_time_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => 1594504000 [_oembed_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] =>Happening Now:Today the 16/04/2020 fire outbreaks at Ngala IS Camp burned 1250 households, unconfirmed. Fourteen...
Опубліковано Mal Yusuf Gulumbo Mohammed Четвер, 16 квітня 2020 р.[_oembed_time_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] => 1594504001 [_oembed_be4698d46296f5bbb4266ce22263796f] => [_oembed_time_be4698d46296f5bbb4266ce22263796f] => 1601186268 [_oembed_43920895e050b3d60b4dbb088f707d54] =>Now being reported as up to 6 people stabbed in Glasgow City Centre
— ⚽ Simon BRFC Hopkins ⚽ (@HopkinsBRFC) June 26, 2020
Situation is contained but avoid the area[_oembed_time_43920895e050b3d60b4dbb088f707d54] => 1610624102 [_oembed_091d422164fcfca6ecd9ce55312f8d70] =>A2 altura Canillejas ?? Madrid
Posted by Alejandro Madrid on Friday, January 8, 2021[_oembed_time_091d422164fcfca6ecd9ce55312f8d70] => 1611457520 [_oembed_c2c5d6a5d482279699f5e4bf31fb46cb] =>[_oembed_time_c2c5d6a5d482279699f5e4bf31fb46cb] => 1611457521 [_oembed_adf835b20daaad5c6f8fb633c55aba7a] =>[_oembed_time_adf835b20daaad5c6f8fb633c55aba7a] => 1611498107 [_oembed_8908daf9b816faa2d6a32a6a37fcbbb6] =>⛈️Continuous heavy rain in #Indonesia is hampering rescue efforts after a landslide hit West Java province on Saturday. The region has seen high rainfall☔️ in recent days, triggering the mudslide. #SoutheastAsia
— BBC Weather (@bbcweather) January 10, 2021[_oembed_time_8908daf9b816faa2d6a32a6a37fcbbb6] => 1620739893 [_oembed_2299778b4e8de1c1f2a735446ef113d2] =>BREAKING: Mass shooting in a school in Russia’s city Kazan, multiple people killed. Students jumping off from the school’s window during the scene
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) May 11, 2021[_oembed_time_2299778b4e8de1c1f2a735446ef113d2] => 1620739893 [_oembed_1ff09d14bb69d2b4f1ad54a7e0d805f6] => [_oembed_time_1ff09d14bb69d2b4f1ad54a7e0d805f6] => 1620739893 [_oembed_7dafbbadec0f22f41125809de7e41504] =>#BREAKING : In #Kazan two unidentified people opened fire on school killing nine people and injuring ten others. One of the shooter has already been detained while the security forces has blocked the second shooter on the fourth floor of the school, and the arrest is underway.
— Sushmit Patil Сушмит Патил सुश्मित पाटिल (@PatilSushmit) May 11, 2021[_oembed_time_7dafbbadec0f22f41125809de7e41504] => 1620739893 [_oembed_c184cbe2dff457460a86afb0b7eecea5] => [_oembed_time_c184cbe2dff457460a86afb0b7eecea5] => 1628832113 [_oembed_d2d1fd0aee95abc3110fc59916f5c688] => [_oembed_time_d2d1fd0aee95abc3110fc59916f5c688] => 1636696153 [_oembed_def9743fab3eae1c5ee96a55fc9384b9] =>A plane crashed into a home in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, police say
— (@SummarizerC) May 5, 2021[_oembed_time_def9743fab3eae1c5ee96a55fc9384b9] => 1638252301 [_oembed_2d43f9848e3e399507b530d5f6de0dd2] =>REMINDER: #Malahat Update: To repair flood damage, #BCHwy1 will be CLOSED overnight tonight (7pm-6am) between West Shore Parkway and Tunnel Hill, and following nights (6pm-6am) from from Nov 17-22.
— BC Transportation (@TranBC) November 17, 2021
Currently single lane alternating.
More: #yyj #yyjtraffic[_oembed_time_2d43f9848e3e399507b530d5f6de0dd2] => 1638252301 [_oembed_eed81632c73ab26dd111e03166c1d23a] => [_oembed_time_eed81632c73ab26dd111e03166c1d23a] => 1641886074 [_oembed_1471d3842f5d8c7551709edaed115c97] =>Vancouver is now cut off from the rest of Canada by road. They probably should have gone for 1.5 degrees last Saturday really. #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Vancouver #Canada #floods #COP26
— Brendan May (@bmay) November 16, 2021[_oembed_time_1471d3842f5d8c7551709edaed115c97] => 1644291217 [_oembed_0610d92a974b736bf527d6895f008351] =>UPDATE: 2 arrested after a shooting outside a school in Richfield kills one student and injures another. Shown is a new photo of Jamari Rice, who was shot and killed.
— Star Tribune (@StarTribune) February 2, 2022[_oembed_time_0610d92a974b736bf527d6895f008351] => 1644291218 [_oembed_9be0c55ce5427f5a2db01d6f45dca1d8] =>? Richfield, MN | School Shooting | One student killed and another in critical condition. Murderer still at large.
— ? Democracy Spot ?? ?️? ???? ❤️ (@Democracy_Spot) February 1, 2022[_oembed_time_9be0c55ce5427f5a2db01d6f45dca1d8] => 1644291218 [_oembed_71d37d68c1622638419b513943f1e43a] =>“I’m just heartbroken this happened.” Friends & classmates of Jahmari Rice gathering outside the South Education Center in Richfield. He was fatally wounded outside there earlier today. #jahmari #shooting #friends #mourning
— Richard Reeve (@richardreeve317) February 2, 2022[_oembed_time_71d37d68c1622638419b513943f1e43a] => 1644291218 [_oembed_709b3fa81a96fc4bd21b75dd7a104cdc] =>?Debido al aluvión en el sector de la Gasca, desde la Sala de Operaciones se coordinó el despacho de recursos de @BomberosQuito, @CruzPichincha, @Salud_CZ9, @PoliciaEcuador.
— ECU 911 Quito (@ECU911Quito) February 1, 2022
Personal de @AMT_Quito informa que existen vías cerradas. ⚠️
Al momento, se reportan 3 fallecidos.[_oembed_time_709b3fa81a96fc4bd21b75dd7a104cdc] => 1644291219 [_oembed_17a7d6f0d274dc05f309591288b5a1f4] => [_oembed_time_17a7d6f0d274dc05f309591288b5a1f4] => 1645904325 [_oembed_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] =>Sector de La Gasca, #Quito #lagasca
— Andrés Olmedo (@Anfolmedo) February 1, 2022[_oembed_time_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] => 1652892234 [_oembed_bbdacd52e835f771c0ab417e6aff4996] =>Afghanistan, esplosione in una moschea a Kunduz: almeno 33 morti #afghanistan #esplosione #moschea #terrorismo #kunduz
— Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) April 22, 2022[_oembed_time_bbdacd52e835f771c0ab417e6aff4996] => 1652892234 [_oembed_fc0f8d9a1b0011fdb620022685f35df7] => [_oembed_time_fc0f8d9a1b0011fdb620022685f35df7] => 1657207737 [_oembed_30f5c7b2ceb9c3ba33bca072aecd4327] =>Trois morts dans un accident d’avion au décollage de Trémuson
— Le Télégramme (@LeTelegramme) April 10, 2022
➡️[_oembed_time_30f5c7b2ceb9c3ba33bca072aecd4327] => 1658827198 [_oembed_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] =>The Weeknd concert-goer dies after falling 40ft from escalator in horror fall
— The Latest Celebrity News 24/7 (@smackgirls) July 21, 2022[_oembed_time_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] => 1658827198 [_oembed_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => [_oembed_time_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => 1658827199 [_oembed_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] =>The moment that Japanese Former PM Shinzo Abe was shot. Looks to be a DIY shotgun.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] => 1658827199 [_oembed_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] =>Close-up video of Japanese former PM Shinzo Abe being shot and the suspect being tackled.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] => 1658827199 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1662060857 [_oembed_f182b9e1736af3234e9d06dc81c75ab3] =>Former PM Shinzo Abe arriving at the hospital after being airlifted via medical
— ??? Deb-Plorable Lee ??? (@DebraLee_1234) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_f182b9e1736af3234e9d06dc81c75ab3] => 1662060858 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>Se ha caido el escenario del Medusa, varios heridos y dicen que algún muerto, suspendido el festival.
— Arturo104 (@Arturo104_) August 13, 2022
El mayor festival de España y nos ponen a todos en peligro montando mal un escenario?? Que cojones es esto hermano #medusa #medusa2022 #FestivalMedusa[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1662060858 [_oembed_8b0df9a6fb713e040acc8003965b4565] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_8b0df9a6fb713e040acc8003965b4565] => 1667485082 [_oembed_362488492167956877c48154f6030c69] =>BREAKING: A white male teen wearing camouflage is in custody after he used a rifle to kill five people in a mass shooting in Raleigh, North Carolina, including an off-duty law enforcement officer.
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) October 14, 2022[_oembed_time_362488492167956877c48154f6030c69] => 1667485082 [_oembed_f112e956b13ead681c7bf50bcb963a4f] =>#BREAKING: Multiple people dead including an off-duty cop, multiple others injured, in a shooting in the Hedingham neighborhood of Raleigh, North Carolina.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) October 13, 2022
Raleigh police report an active shooter.
Photos from the area shared with me.[_oembed_time_f112e956b13ead681c7bf50bcb963a4f] => 1667485083 [_oembed_2da00139d3803ceb7a641bacf6bf00f3] =>This Thursday evening a mass shooting occurred in Raleigh, North Carolina. 5 people have been killed, including an off-duty police officer. The suspect, a 15-year-old male, was apprehended at a barn & has been taken to a hospital after a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
— ♔ ???? (@JURYR00M) October 14, 2022[_oembed_time_2da00139d3803ceb7a641bacf6bf00f3] => 1671040948 [_oembed_d54fd0e3e4a27fcef6b7d924a42af03e] =>Velký požár zachvátil obchodní centrum “Mega Khimki” na okraji Moskvy.
— Filip Horký (@FilipHorky) December 9, 2022
Video: RIA[_oembed_time_d54fd0e3e4a27fcef6b7d924a42af03e] => 1671040948 [_oembed_9e2c024debf94693881b21b9319db74a] =>#Moscow shopping mall Mega Khimki. Over 10,000 m2 (2.5 acres) on fire.
— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) December 9, 2022[_oembed_time_9e2c024debf94693881b21b9319db74a] => 1671040948 [_oembed_4e9f13c016312f89e17a56250d5cda47] =>⚡️ The moment of explosion in "Mega Khimki" Moscow Mall. Video from local social media.
— FLASH (@Flash_news_ua) December 9, 2022
? Follow @Flash_news_ua[_oembed_time_4e9f13c016312f89e17a56250d5cda47] => 1671040949 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>Another fire in Moscow. This time at Mega Khimki shopping center. Arson is suspected according to Russian media
— Olga Lautman ?? (@OlgaNYC1211) December 9, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1671040949 [_oembed_ea0b9d6068f62f5186490575102f1fbb] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_ea0b9d6068f62f5186490575102f1fbb] => 1671904784 [_oembed_81accb529b0816f05b97525873b1eeab] =>#FRAMAR d'un côté les supporters marocains de l'autre les supporters français. Tirs de mortiers à plein régime
— Midi Libre Montpellier (@MLMontpellier) December 14, 2022[_oembed_time_81accb529b0816f05b97525873b1eeab] => 1671904784 [_oembed_61bfbb0b0bc43edda2e981d419f76d0c] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) December 14, 2022
Moroccan fans are now also rioting in Brussels,[_oembed_time_61bfbb0b0bc43edda2e981d419f76d0c] => 1671904784 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>Brussels, Belgium:
— Adam Albilya - אדם אלביליה (@AdamAlbilya) December 14, 2022
- A resident had to hide the French flag after Moroccan fans cursed her and threw objects on the balcony of her apartment.[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1674397273 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1675258845 [_oembed_78a52176b645c55b5e0804b57a649f00] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_78a52176b645c55b5e0804b57a649f00] => 1676205710 [_oembed_fa3e9e90e981545731e7307653713e5f] =>#BREAKING #CHILE
— loveworld (@LoveWorld_Peopl) February 4, 2023
There ARE more than 204 wildfires raging in Chile.
More than 13 people lost their lives. #BreakingNews #UltimaHora #ŇUBLE #BÍOBÍO #Wildfires #Incendio #Tornado[_oembed_time_fa3e9e90e981545731e7307653713e5f] => 1676205710 [_oembed_362286b78b07e44aa355a6227e06f452] =>Cómo no querer a los bomberos wn si son héroes sin capa
— El Lalo (@Lalo_Monsalvez) February 3, 2023
Esto pasó ahora en camino a #Magdalena #Coelemu #Ñuble[_oembed_time_362286b78b07e44aa355a6227e06f452] => 1676205711 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>Our friend Pete Reed was killed yesterday at Bakhmut, doing what he always did - saving lives and helping humanity. Dedicated, generous, selfless, funny, hero. Rest easy, brother. Russia will pay. #petereed
— Filip Marek (@SELECTIONSERV) February 3, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1676388217 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1681832835 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1683178660 [_oembed_33fa1f5701ea684518e9f3b6ddc7e1a4] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_33fa1f5701ea684518e9f3b6ddc7e1a4] => 1683464794 [_oembed_13477d23529a7a49a16f5c26b6f66bc0] => [_oembed_time_13477d23529a7a49a16f5c26b6f66bc0] => 1683464794 [_oembed_465d2c4aaf357cbef19333d6fd32ff5c] => [_oembed_time_465d2c4aaf357cbef19333d6fd32ff5c] => 1686984772 [_oembed_29307cd7b471e10869914338f2e59131] =>Russian troops hit Mykolaiv overnight with four Kalibr missiles, damaging two houses, an apartment building, and a historical building, the military said.
— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) April 27, 2023
? Ukraine's Southern Command/Facebook[_oembed_time_29307cd7b471e10869914338f2e59131] => 1687129192 [_oembed_fad84c9e1d7dbd6cc99d9f94696729ba] =>Från gripandet efter jakten på två misstänkta för skjutningarna i Farsta ikväll.
— Carla Filt ????????? (@HALLONSA) June 10, 2023[_oembed_time_fad84c9e1d7dbd6cc99d9f94696729ba] => 1691242992 [_oembed_0fac795924e34dac837933910556ab15] =>Typhoon #EgayPH (DOKSURI)
— Bayanihan Today ?? (@BayanihanToday) July 26, 2023
Issued at 8:00 AM, 26 July 2023
Valid for broadcast until the next bulletin at 11:00 AM today.
TYPHOON EGAY WOBBLES OVER THE WATERS NEAR FUGA ISLAND[_oembed_time_0fac795924e34dac837933910556ab15] => 1691242993 [_oembed_5d25d8ef1fec34332d8ca94f95954c8b] =>Typhoon Doksuri wreaked havoc in the northern Philippines, claiming at least one life and displaced over 12,000 people.
— DW News (@dwnews) July 26, 2023[_oembed_time_5d25d8ef1fec34332d8ca94f95954c8b] => 1691242993 [_oembed_55bf3f8cfcf441aca255e48447785ee0] =>A violent storm has cause major damage in La Chaux-de-Fonds of Switzerland ??
— Disaster News (@Top_Disaster) July 24, 2023
TELEGRAM JOIN ?[_oembed_time_55bf3f8cfcf441aca255e48447785ee0] => 1691242993 [_oembed_e1b2d35a6e39ed525e15e1b78e50a982] =>? [#EnDirect] ⚠️ Un pylône haute tension (enfin, ce qu’il en reste)… à La Chaux-de-Fonds (CH) non loin de la France. De telles images au cœur d’une ville de 37.000 habitants sur notre continent, sont inédites. Le phénomène (ici) correspond à une macrorafale. ⛈️ #Orages #Jura
— Météo Franc-Comtoise (@Meteo_FC_) July 24, 2023[_oembed_time_e1b2d35a6e39ed525e15e1b78e50a982] => 1692287322 [_oembed_14ea765a7f3cf27f696aac6442630a6f] =>江苏盐城局地遭遇龙卷风 致2人死亡15人受伤。
— 谷恒条野 (@BuuCooX) August 13, 2023
8月13日16时15分左右受强对流天气影响,江苏省盐城市大丰区部分镇出现龙卷风自然灾害。经专家鉴定,该龙卷等级为EF2级(中等强度)。[_oembed_time_14ea765a7f3cf27f696aac6442630a6f] => 1692287322 [_oembed_2d9a0912e9c75d1f33cf04e6754f2fea] => [_oembed_time_2d9a0912e9c75d1f33cf04e6754f2fea] => 1693132036 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>A tornado killed at least two people and injured 15 in China's eastern Jiangsu province
— Reuters (@Reuters) August 14, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1696935892 [_oembed_5ba0d843d1a04ab91e70adad11adc4ed] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_5ba0d843d1a04ab91e70adad11adc4ed] => 1699874712 [_oembed_1720720c33abe306faf2761dcfbef7d9] =>"The robotic arm, confusing the man for a box of vegetables, grabbed him and pushed his body against the conveyer belt, crushing his face and chest"
— CTG Intelligence (@CtgIntelligence) November 8, 2023[_oembed_time_1720720c33abe306faf2761dcfbef7d9] => 1702372368 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1704794134 [_oembed_56a2eac6b596857aed6e399738c816ff] =>Girl, 2, dies after catching rare virus from a PIGEON - and doctors don't know how she got infected
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) December 7, 2023[_oembed_time_56a2eac6b596857aed6e399738c816ff] => 1705869666 [_oembed_e2bf8b5f415466c3e62f69b2c1c6eeb5] =>Ein Toter und mehrere Verletzte bei Klinikbrand in Uelzen
— BR24 (@BR24) January 5, 2024[_oembed_time_e2bf8b5f415466c3e62f69b2c1c6eeb5] => 1706029938 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Fisherman dies after having leg bitten off by great white shark while diving for scallops
— New York Post (@nypost) January 9, 2024[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1709139119 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712563998 [_oembed_c6d55311d9b4e8bc5cb2d6dc1e1670b5] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_c6d55311d9b4e8bc5cb2d6dc1e1670b5] => 1712754489 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>One international client killed by elephant in Kafue National Park from lufupa Lodge during Safari. Two injured and being evacuated to Lusaka. Full details being awaited from the operator through the Senior Warden Kafue Region. Very unfortunate indeed.
— Gina (@ginnydmm) April 2, 2024[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1713607704 [_oembed_6ad7f5b50ed559620b5d74c364d04d17] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_6ad7f5b50ed559620b5d74c364d04d17] => 1714465885 [_oembed_32927e230a24320d927e340d752be805] =>#BREAKING: A tight-knit Torres Strait community is calling for the removal of a 3.5m crocodile after the body of a missing 16-year-old boy was found on Saibai Island. Our thoughts are with the boy's family. Latest:
— Cairns Post (@TheCairnsPost) April 19, 2024[_oembed_time_32927e230a24320d927e340d752be805] => 1715840617 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>Today a @UN vehicle was struck in Gaza, killing one of our colleagues & injuring another.
— António Guterres (@antonioguterres) May 13, 2024
More than 190 UN staff have been killed in Gaza.
Humanitarian workers must be protected.
I condemn all attacks on UN personnel and reiterate my urgent appeal for an immediate humanitarian…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1716920492 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1716920492 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1716920492 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1716920493 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1719922713 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1721293450 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1721293450 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1721293451 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1725171217 [_oembed_d6c55f0c453521dde27aed5097020b30] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_d6c55f0c453521dde27aed5097020b30] => 1736173060 [_oembed_5f0d823cc6e85d91ef145862365cf87c] =>Car Plows into #Seoul's Market, Injures 13
— Markets Today (@marketsday) December 31, 2024
On December 31, 2024, a vehicle driven by an elderly man crashed into the Mokdong Kaebi Market in Yangcheon, Seoul, injuring at least 13 people. Four individuals suffered serious injuries while nine sustained minor injuries. The…[_oembed_time_5f0d823cc6e85d91ef145862365cf87c] => 1736173060 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 49 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => A nap hírei [1] => Hírek [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 581 [1] => 498 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => halálos áldozat [1] => merénylet ) ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1034 [content] =>Four people were seriously injured and nine others suffered minor injuries after a car drove into a crowd at a market in South Korean capital Seoul on Tuesday, local media reported.
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) December 31, 2024Hétvégi ülést tartott az Ungvári Körzeti Bíróságon az a bírói testület, amely a KMKSZ ungvári székháza ellen elkövetett merényletet vizsgálja. A tárgyalás fő célja az ügyészség által megnevezett tanú meghallgatása volt, amit videó konferencia keretében kellett volna levezetni. Ezt Denisz Girjak ügyész kérvényezte a bíróságtól, aki viszont nem jelent meg a tárgyaláson. Helyette kollégája, Tetjana Meskarinec jelent meg a tárgyalóteremben.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Ülést tartott az Ungvári Körzeti Bíróságon az a bírói testület, amely a KMKSZ ungvári székháza ellen elkövetett merényletet vizsgálja. [autID] => 10 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1577710060 [modified] => 1577710110 ) [title] => A KMKSZ ungvári székháza elleni merénylet ügye: eredménytelen volt a bírói testület soron következő ülése (videó) [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 1034 ) [aut] => nyesi [lang] => hu [image_id] => 1035 [image] => Array ( [id] => 1035 [original] => [original_lng] => 7894 [original_w] => 320 [original_h] => 180 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1577702910:10 [_oembed_522ba5461d8d3a8d3c4e3badce6de365] => [_oembed_time_522ba5461d8d3a8d3c4e3badce6de365] => 1577702685 [_thumbnail_id] => 1035 [_edit_last] => 10 [views_count] => 2644 [_oembed_dc25f50a5f247684532078ab60e846e4] => [_oembed_time_dc25f50a5f247684532078ab60e846e4] => 1582122764 [_oembed_c53570ce594ae43f0addd6195bdbfcea] => [_oembed_time_c53570ce594ae43f0addd6195bdbfcea] => 1582122764 [_oembed_feb50ef28a19f5f0850809587bc2f7b7] => [_oembed_time_feb50ef28a19f5f0850809587bc2f7b7] => 1582122764 [_oembed_e9a2820dc2ceaf34b614e3760e880abf] => [_oembed_time_e9a2820dc2ceaf34b614e3760e880abf] => 1582598299 [_oembed_a34328fbf9e02d529989ff4e3ab89e57] => [_oembed_time_a34328fbf9e02d529989ff4e3ab89e57] => 1582598299 [_oembed_fca94de7f1957661f86e1a460f50650f] => [_oembed_time_fca94de7f1957661f86e1a460f50650f] => 1583555303 [_oembed_578e238024561fd7bb5514a6ffb8053b] =>[_oembed_time_578e238024561fd7bb5514a6ffb8053b] => 1583940661 [_oembed_8354740a55ae9c91e6d200b25197d45a] => [_oembed_time_8354740a55ae9c91e6d200b25197d45a] => 1583940661 [_oembed_080dd6a97e5099c22c230edc2813d2f3] => [_oembed_time_080dd6a97e5099c22c230edc2813d2f3] => 1584079593 [_oembed_d89ac1eac2e0e91b94c5bf14b5287a8c] => [_oembed_time_d89ac1eac2e0e91b94c5bf14b5287a8c] => 1584684550 [_oembed_38e2fba05049b7a47e33380b9c8f153b] => [_oembed_time_38e2fba05049b7a47e33380b9c8f153b] => 1584684551 [_oembed_652d648c4334a430cd41f46882b89e88] => [_oembed_time_652d648c4334a430cd41f46882b89e88] => 1586080519 [_oembed_e8e6006f9cc77348f313117c64f0b20c] => [_oembed_time_e8e6006f9cc77348f313117c64f0b20c] => 1586638355 [_oembed_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => [_oembed_time_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => 1589289267 [_oembed_0dace855503efb5e10fd2b6affe0efa3] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => [_oembed_time_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => 1594471983 [_oembed_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] =>Forte détonation/explosion au niveau du Lac 2 .. ? #Tunis #Tunisie
— The Godfather (@Al_Pacino_) March 6, 2020[_oembed_time_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] => 1594471983 [_oembed_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] =>Now being reported as up to 6 people stabbed in Glasgow City Centre
— ⚽ Simon BRFC Hopkins ⚽ (@HopkinsBRFC) June 26, 2020
Situation is contained but avoid the area[_oembed_time_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] => 1650088400 [_oembed_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] =>E’accaduto in Belgio.Alle 5 di questa mattina, un’auto si è scagliata contro la folla durante la festa per la celebrazione del Carnevale a Strpy Bracquegnies,villaggio La Louviere in Vallonia. Il bilancio provvisorio è di 4 morti e 20 feriti,12 in gravi condizioni.Fermato un uomo
— Franco Scarsella (@FrancoScarsell2) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] => 1650088400 [_oembed_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] =>#Belgium: 4 people were killed & 22 others sustained injuries in La Louvière city, Hainaut province after a man drove into the crowd.
— Vineet (@cozyduke_apt29) March 20, 2022
A pro-IS channel has reported this news. Let's wait for more details.[_oembed_time_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] => 1651650156 [_oembed_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => [_oembed_time_b2c57fbd371c964a5a01a100da9bc1d6] => 1657817258 [_oembed_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] =>Afghanistan, esplosione in una moschea a Kunduz: almeno 33 morti #afghanistan #esplosione #moschea #terrorismo #kunduz
— Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) April 22, 2022[_oembed_time_87b2d53d62927ef04488c77995c9556c] => 1657817259 [_oembed_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] =>Close-up video of Japanese former PM Shinzo Abe being shot and the suspect being tackled.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_b7f81ed6434ad7edbdd22fe5183cdab0] => 1657817259 [_oembed_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] =>Former PM Shinzo Abe arriving at the hospital after being airlifted via medical
— ??? Deb-Plorable Lee ??? (@DebraLee_1234) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_cc180c1d9393ded3657e3ebb3234fa7d] => 1659378311 [_oembed_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] =>The moment that Japanese Former PM Shinzo Abe was shot. Looks to be a DIY shotgun.
— Global: MilitaryInfo (@Global_Mil_Info) July 8, 2022[_oembed_time_24350c2a4caad610c42e66ade0da520d] => 1659967002 [_oembed_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] =>A beige/brown SUV drove through the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial parade route in downtown Gallup, according to the NM State Police. Multiple people, including 2 Gallup PD officers, were injured and treated on scene.
— Sharon Chischilly (@schischillyy) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_50d6e3cd0d434303732d9077bc10e0f8] => 1659967003 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1661104311 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>More on #Gallup:
— The Modern Times of Long Beach ? (@ModernTimesLB) August 5, 2022
Here is footage of police riping the suspects out of the[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1661104311 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1665502292 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy Rushton (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1672132617 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1675073595 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1677837502 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1677837502 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1681803978 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682073389 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1685032719 [_oembed_40bf432ea80870c6179daa705ff1a4ad] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_40bf432ea80870c6179daa705ff1a4ad] => 1693223018 [_oembed_00d12fad934729a9074126344d33d143] =>A United Airlines pilot has been charged in a bizarre ax attack earlier this month in which he savaged a parking arm at a Denver International Airport employee parking lot, causing an estimated $700 in damage.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) August 18, 2023— Denník N (@dennikN) August 17, 2023[_oembed_time_00d12fad934729a9074126344d33d143] => 1693223018 [_oembed_15e3c9c164e40284ab12ff429e8a5be7] =>[_oembed_time_15e3c9c164e40284ab12ff429e8a5be7] => 1696364612 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>Germany prosecutes ex-Nazi camp guard aged 98
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) September 1, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1698130428 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1704985906 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1709712865 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1713214384 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1714814754 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1716402941 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1716402941 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1716402941 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1716402941 [_oembed_465c729651029c364834388b21cb17fd] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] => 1720012006 [_oembed_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => [_oembed_time_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => 1720012006 [_oembed_91025b22c8269666fc964ea9215463aa] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_91025b22c8269666fc964ea9215463aa] => 1720012006 [_oembed_b35a5e08a44597cbc82c2b240b72450a] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_b35a5e08a44597cbc82c2b240b72450a] => 1720012006 [_oembed_e7fcf6fde3e2266c20400e4c6ed411d4] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_e7fcf6fde3e2266c20400e4c6ed411d4] => 1720012007 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1720765124 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1723233662 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1723233662 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1723233662 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1724853058 [_oembed_5d3a0ed5f62569f4fbcb5696087f8d82] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_5d3a0ed5f62569f4fbcb5696087f8d82] => 1724853059 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>Individuals across Southern California were arrested as part of the investigation into the death of Matthew Perry, which was attributed to acute effects of ketamine.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) August 15, 2024[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1728734149 [_oembed_d6c55f0c453521dde27aed5097020b30] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024[_oembed_time_d6c55f0c453521dde27aed5097020b30] => 1736528527 [_oembed_5f0d823cc6e85d91ef145862365cf87c] =>Car Plows into #Seoul's Market, Injures 13
— Markets Today (@marketsday) December 31, 2024
On December 31, 2024, a vehicle driven by an elderly man crashed into the Mokdong Kaebi Market in Yangcheon, Seoul, injuring at least 13 people. Four individuals suffered serious injuries while nine sustained minor injuries. The…[_oembed_time_5f0d823cc6e85d91ef145862365cf87c] => 1736528527 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 31 [1] => 25 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Kárpátalja [1] => Videók ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 115 [1] => 498 [2] => 326 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => KMKSZ [1] => merénylet [2] => vádemelés ) ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 913 [content] =>Four people were seriously injured and nine others suffered minor injuries after a car drove into a crowd at a market in South Korean capital Seoul on Tuesday, local media reported.
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) December 31, 2024Sor került az idei év utolsó bírósági tárgyalására a KMKSZ ungvári székháza elleni merénylet ügyében. A mostani tárgyalás során technikai probléma miatt nem sikerült videó kapcsolatot létesíteni a Kirovográd megyei bíróságokkal, ezért nem sikerült az ottani tanúk meghallgatása. A tárgyaláson nem jelentek meg a helyi tanúk sem. Bár a tanúknak megküldték az idézést, de többségük nem lakik az általuk megadott címeken. Esetükben további eljárás lesz foganatosítva.
Az ügyész azt javasolta, hogy a bíróság térjen rá az írásos bizonyítékok kivizsgálására, de a gyanúsítottak ügyvédei bizalmatlansági indítványt nyújtottak be a bírói testület ellen. Szerintük a testület elfogult, mivel nem veszi figyelembe a védelem által benyújtott kérelmeket és a fogva tartás folyamatos meghosszabbításával megsérti a gyanúsítottak jogait.
A gyanúsítottak is elégedetlenek az ügy vizsgálatának menetével. Panaszukban arra hívták fel a figyelmet, hogy elégtelen körülmények között tartják fogva őket, nem kapnak megfelelő egészségügyi ellátást, amivel kapcsolatban sem a bíróság, sem pedig az ügyészség sem tesz semmit.
A következő vizsgálati pont az ügyésznek a gyanúsítottak fogva tartásának meghosszabbítására vonatkozó indítványa volt. Az ügyész szerint a gyanúsítottakat súlyos bűncselekmény elkövetésével vádolják. Emellett a negyedik gyanúsítottat még most is körözik, a tanúk egy részét még nem hallgatták ki, és a szakemberek értékelését sem vizsgálták meg. Ennek értelmében az ügyész úgy véli, hogy a gyanúsítottakat továbbra is őrizet alatt kell tartani.
Egy másik döntésben arról is szó volt, hogy a január 24-én esedékes következő tárgyalásra biztosítsák a távolban élő tanúk videokonferencia általi meghallgatását. Azokat a tanúkat pedig, akik nem jelennek meg a következő tárgyaláson, megbírságolják.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Az idei év utolsó bírósági tárgyalására került sor a KMKSZ ungvári székháza elleni merénylet ügyében. [autID] => 10 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1577479099 [modified] => 1577479331 ) [title] => Folytatódik a KMKSZ ungvári székháza elleni merénylet bírósági ügye (videó) [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 913 ) [aut] => nyesi [lang] => hu [image_id] => 916 [image] => Array ( [id] => 916 [original] => [original_lng] => 7839 [original_w] => 320 [original_h] => 180 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1577472132:10 [_edit_last] => 10 [_thumbnail_id] => 916 [_oembed_44d09bd1265e26c4a90dfba1f19e8168] => [_oembed_time_44d09bd1265e26c4a90dfba1f19e8168] => 1577471899 [views_count] => 2850 [_oembed_dc25f50a5f247684532078ab60e846e4] => [_oembed_time_dc25f50a5f247684532078ab60e846e4] => 1582044375 [_oembed_c53570ce594ae43f0addd6195bdbfcea] => [_oembed_time_c53570ce594ae43f0addd6195bdbfcea] => 1582044376 [_oembed_a34328fbf9e02d529989ff4e3ab89e57] => [_oembed_time_a34328fbf9e02d529989ff4e3ab89e57] => 1582044376 [_oembed_feb50ef28a19f5f0850809587bc2f7b7] => [_oembed_time_feb50ef28a19f5f0850809587bc2f7b7] => 1582044376 [_oembed_e9a2820dc2ceaf34b614e3760e880abf] => [_oembed_time_e9a2820dc2ceaf34b614e3760e880abf] => 1582573533 [_oembed_fca94de7f1957661f86e1a460f50650f] => [_oembed_time_fca94de7f1957661f86e1a460f50650f] => 1583627157 [_oembed_080dd6a97e5099c22c230edc2813d2f3] => [_oembed_time_080dd6a97e5099c22c230edc2813d2f3] => 1584285745 [_oembed_d89ac1eac2e0e91b94c5bf14b5287a8c] => [_oembed_time_d89ac1eac2e0e91b94c5bf14b5287a8c] => 1585068918 [_oembed_38e2fba05049b7a47e33380b9c8f153b] => [_oembed_time_38e2fba05049b7a47e33380b9c8f153b] => 1585068918 [_oembed_652d648c4334a430cd41f46882b89e88] => [_oembed_time_652d648c4334a430cd41f46882b89e88] => 1585728226 [_oembed_e618fe81717f6d5f83068aea27739639] => [_oembed_time_e618fe81717f6d5f83068aea27739639] => 1588664342 [_oembed_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => [_oembed_time_854c772784d418b80ad74da3781e9ef6] => 1589075096 [_oembed_578e238024561fd7bb5514a6ffb8053b] =>
[_oembed_time_578e238024561fd7bb5514a6ffb8053b] => 1589075097 [_oembed_e8e6006f9cc77348f313117c64f0b20c] => [_oembed_time_e8e6006f9cc77348f313117c64f0b20c] => 1589414916 [_oembed_ef3f469ac6c6eab65b324bb6537a6187] => [_oembed_time_ef3f469ac6c6eab65b324bb6537a6187] => 1593146700 [_oembed_0dace855503efb5e10fd2b6affe0efa3] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => [_oembed_time_2ae866a577db834ec2a4adb525b4b0ac] => 1594566206 [_oembed_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] =>Forte détonation/explosion au niveau du Lac 2 .. ? #Tunis #Tunisie
— The Godfather (@Al_Pacino_) March 6, 2020[_oembed_time_3c65260c459f2b9c374a81de920f1e7c] => 1594566206 [_oembed_f242b30dbb703d98d48a44178bbbc4f6] => [_oembed_time_f242b30dbb703d98d48a44178bbbc4f6] => 1619029234 [_oembed_78f2e755f77b582ef566f73d548022f3] =>Now being reported as up to 6 people stabbed in Glasgow City Centre
— ⚽ Simon BRFC Hopkins ⚽ (@HopkinsBRFC) June 26, 2020
Situation is contained but avoid the area[_oembed_time_78f2e755f77b582ef566f73d548022f3] => 1623412355 [_oembed_0fdb1d7c2b11e5e415edd1cfa7d67b0b] =>"Пресс-хата у меня уже была, а ты, отец, готовься"Степан Латыпов был активистом так называемой Площади перемен— дворе на севере Минска, ставшего точкой сбора протестующих против результатов президентских выборов в стране летом 2020 года. На суде он сказал отцу, что ему угрожают взяться за родственников и соседей, если он не сознается в уголовном преступлении.
Posted by Radio Svoboda - Радио Свобода on Tuesday, June 1, 2021[_oembed_time_0fdb1d7c2b11e5e415edd1cfa7d67b0b] => 1623412355 [_oembed_b2c63e1964c67c21816914f83ae5a61c] => [_oembed_time_b2c63e1964c67c21816914f83ae5a61c] => 1625151366 [_oembed_a50ff5a309f89c80dcaab65adc48fce6] => [_oembed_time_a50ff5a309f89c80dcaab65adc48fce6] => 1636401055 [_oembed_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] =>Belarusian activist, political prisoner Stsiapan Latypau cut his throat in the courtroom today. He was threatened with the persecution of his family if he didn't admit himself guilty. This is the result of state terror, repressions,torture in Belarus. We must stop it immediately!
— Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya (@Tsihanouskaya) June 1, 2021[_oembed_time_51ecd8aa5212b553e725392e668477ce] => 1649439670 [_oembed_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] =>E’accaduto in Belgio.Alle 5 di questa mattina, un’auto si è scagliata contro la folla durante la festa per la celebrazione del Carnevale a Strpy Bracquegnies,villaggio La Louviere in Vallonia. Il bilancio provvisorio è di 4 morti e 20 feriti,12 in gravi condizioni.Fermato un uomo
— Franco Scarsella (@FrancoScarsell2) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_4803593da36e0865a6a6fa4d2371940e] => 1649439671 [_oembed_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] =>#Belgium: 4 people were killed & 22 others sustained injuries in La Louvière city, Hainaut province after a man drove into the crowd.
— Vineet (@cozyduke_apt29) March 20, 2022
A pro-IS channel has reported this news. Let's wait for more details.[_oembed_time_d13d62d30bd4f7d7ade204162b74dd65] => 1653921682 [_oembed_919fa4cabe707f167de8d44f43be2d5f] => [_oembed_time_919fa4cabe707f167de8d44f43be2d5f] => 1659687901 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1662557918 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>Afghanistan, esplosione in una moschea a Kunduz: almeno 33 morti #afghanistan #esplosione #moschea #terrorismo #kunduz
— Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) April 22, 2022[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1662557918 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1664218533 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1670569532 [_oembed_abf94da18c011bb1a09d5b6a66d62660] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_abf94da18c011bb1a09d5b6a66d62660] => 1670873735 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>Mom of 2 kids found dead in suitcases charged with murder in New Zealand
— New York Post (@nypost) November 30, 2022[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1674924871 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1675191230 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1677340050 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1683027482 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1683441604 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1696861416 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1705136338 [_oembed_465f571d9152376717c7645668361e7e] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_465f571d9152376717c7645668361e7e] => 1707729516 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Climate activist Greta Thunberg is expected to stand trial in a London court charged with a public order offence over a protest outside an oil and gas conference last year
— Reuters (@Reuters) February 1, 2024[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1709558657 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712591730 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1713704223 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1717265285 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1717265285 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1717575590 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1717575590 [_oembed_7cb30bdaa6d7f4dc3ddb3d479ba1cdfb] => [_oembed_time_7cb30bdaa6d7f4dc3ddb3d479ba1cdfb] => 1718637793 [_oembed_ea37ae8ca06f8e2ebe54114b1a8e8760] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1720005011 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1721549176 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1721549176 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1721549176 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1725095933 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1729012310 [_oembed_d6c55f0c453521dde27aed5097020b30] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024[_oembed_time_d6c55f0c453521dde27aed5097020b30] => 1735910110 [_oembed_5f0d823cc6e85d91ef145862365cf87c] =>Car Plows into #Seoul's Market, Injures 13
— Markets Today (@marketsday) December 31, 2024
On December 31, 2024, a vehicle driven by an elderly man crashed into the Mokdong Kaebi Market in Yangcheon, Seoul, injuring at least 13 people. Four individuals suffered serious injuries while nine sustained minor injuries. The…[_oembed_time_5f0d823cc6e85d91ef145862365cf87c] => 1735910110 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 49 [2] => 31 [3] => 25 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => A nap hírei [1] => Hírek [2] => Kárpátalja [3] => Videók ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 502 [1] => 115 [2] => 498 [3] => 500 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => bíróság [1] => KMKSZ [2] => merénylet [3] => tárgyalás ) ) ) [model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [offset] => 110 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 498 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [_model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [offset] => 110 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 498 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [_domains] => Array ( [podiji] => 1 ) [status] => 1 [from_cache] => )Four people were seriously injured and nine others suffered minor injuries after a car drove into a crowd at a market in South Korean capital Seoul on Tuesday, local media reported.
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) December 31, 2024