Két halálos áldozata is lett a Bergyanszkban tomboló ítéletidőnek. Az előzetes információk szerint a hatalmas áradás során leszakadtak az áramvezetékek és a vízbe zuhantak. Ekkor kapott áramütést a két gyalogos.
A szemtanúk elmondták, hogy a mentőszolgálat dolgozói hosszú ideig nem tudtak közel férkőzni az áldozatokhoz, hisz meg kellett várni míg a villanyszerelők áramtalanítják a helyszínt.
Footage shows devastating damage in Mullica Hill, New Jersey, after a tornado moved through the area. Remnants of Hurricane Ida are wreaking havoc across the Northeast. https://t.co/5nwItZ23l1pic.twitter.com/GjbYJlsCxU
Tens of millions along the East Coast are cleaning up from the flooding rain and strong winds of a powerful nor’easter that became a bomb cyclone, leading to damage, power outages and high-water rescues. @stephgosk reports. pic.twitter.com/IyyvXwlkR9
Seems all the newly built verandas, balcony window structures cannot resist the extreme whirlwind of #lodos in #Istanbul The governors office issued a warning last night and this morning but nothing prepared the city for this type of #windstorm#Fırtınapic.twitter.com/uPEESW0MNs
??300 sapeurs-pompiers, sapeurs-sauveteurs et 2 hélicoptères #Dragon de la Sécurité civile sont mobilisés auprès des populations sinistrées en #Corse. 2 #Beech sont également engagés pour des opérations de reconnaissance. ☎️ Restez vigilants et en cas d'urgence 18/112 pic.twitter.com/A8TjLTiYhJ
Les dégâts sont nombreux et particulièrement importants sur la commune de #Bihucourt dans le #PasdeCalais suite au passage de la #tornade. Des dizaines de maisons sont touchées, certaines voyant leur toit complètement arrachés. Photos : Anthony Choquet pic.twitter.com/7yjK3wuvTJ
?TORNADE confirmée ! Première vidéo du phénomène impactant la commune de Buhicourt dans le Pas-De-Calais. D’importants dégâts sont signalés. #France#orages#Tornade
High winds continue to blow across Morgan County. Here is some of the damage Deputies, Officers, Fire Crews, Utility crews and road crews are working on across Morgan County. pic.twitter.com/hOe5Bh6ZZ7
— Morgan County Sheriff's Office (Alabama) (@morgan_sheriff) March 3, 2023
In Rostov-on-Don, a bleacher near the rowing channel collapsed. A woman died and 7 children were injured.
In 2018 the sports complex, where the bleacher was located, was opened after reconstruction for more than 800 million rubles. pic.twitter.com/HvM9jdrgCn
Uttarakhand Tragedy: Over 2 dozen workers at Namami Gange Sewer Treatment Plant Project were electrocuted after a transformer exploded at Alaknanda river banks in Chamoli district
15 workers have lost lives, several others injured. Reason for short circuit being investigated pic.twitter.com/MOl12uRYVK
Am frühen Abend zog eine Gewitterfront mit Starkregen und Sturmböen durchs Land und die Feuerwehren sind in den betroffenen Ortschaften (Video aus Gassl / Olang ? Privat ) bereits zu mehreren Einsätzen ausgerückt! ? ⛈ pic.twitter.com/mX1Ru39ogQ
"Looks like a mild tornado rolled right through my backyard." A severe storm with heavy winds take out a tree in a Tennessee backyard. pic.twitter.com/XvBui6etQs
?️ José Luis Martínez-Almeida, alcalde de Madrid: "El mensaje que quiero transmitir a los madrileños es que permanezcan en sus domicilios [...] Es una situación excepcional"
Después de 2 años volvemos a ver otra inundación incontrolable en Alcanar platja. El canal del frente es el causante de tal desastre donde se concentra todo el rio pero el ayuntamiento no hace nada. #alcanar#inundación#DeltadelEbrepic.twitter.com/RLE6bKeC6j
Bulgaria and Romania experienced the impact of severe weather conditions over the weekend, resulting in two fatalities. Strong winds, heavy rain and snowfall, caused power disruptions and blocked roads in the eastern regions of both countries.https://t.co/VSEXVnoeg4pic.twitter.com/XhAdv3YinO
This video shared on Snapchat shows rotation which supports the reports of a Tornado in Leitrim Village today. Hoping everyone is OK after this shocking event. pic.twitter.com/iYShm8PW15
The inside of a car that was badly damaged after a tornado tore threw Leitrim Village yesterday. A few planks of wood from a nearby roof went straight through the windscreen.
Didn't expect to be in the middle of a tornado today! 😳 The couple in the car in front of us are so lucky to be alive. Thanks to everyone in Leitrim village who looked after us. pic.twitter.com/EcEQMSzf9m
Timelapse of an intense tornado warned storm moving into downtown Houston, Texas this evening. Watch as the skyline disappears as blinding rain and destructive winds move in. Video courtesy of @EarthCam. #TXwxpic.twitter.com/3lSUt87LTD
A powerful storm rumbled through Moscow on Thursday afternoon, carrying heavy rains and winds that ripped scores of trees from the ground and killed at least one person, local authorities said.
A powerful storm rumbled through Moscow on Thursday afternoon, carrying heavy rains and winds that ripped scores of trees from the ground and killed at least one person, local authorities said.
ICYMI: Millions of Americans are under a winter storm warning as the most impactful storm of the season thus far sweeps across the U.S. https://t.co/UATaKIII0W
Egyelőre tisztázatlan körülmények között erős áramütést szenvedett egy 26 éves nő szombaton egy vasúti tartálykocsi tetején a felsővezetéktől Lembergben a Pidzamcse teherpályaudvaron, a sérültet súlyos állapotban szállították kórházba – adta hírül a Levij Bereg hírportál a megyei Rendkívüli Helyzetek Állami Szolgálatára hivatkozva.
A jelentés szerint a baleset helyszínére Lemberg, valamint a megye tűzoltó és katasztrófavédelmi műveleti-koordinációs központjának egységeit vezényelték. A tűzoltók és katasztrófaelhárítók speciális eszközökkel emelték le a vasúti tartálykocsi tetejéről a sérültet. A nőt súlyos állapotban szállították a lembergi 8. sz. klinikai kórházba.
A helyszínen a mentést két tűzoltó és katasztrófavédelmi egység végezte 9 fővel és két speciális eszköz segítségével. A baleset körülményeinek tisztázása folyamatban van.
Зіткнення, вибух, пожежа...автотроща у Києві на Брест-Литовському шосе #НАЖИВОСмертельна ДТП сталася при виїзді з Києва.На місці знімальна група «Магнолії-ТВ» поспілкувалась з очевидцем.За попередньою інформацією, водій вантажівки їхав у напрямку метро «Житомирська». Кермувальник зніс металевий відбійник та вилетів на зустрічну смугу, де лоб у лоб зіштовхнувся з легковиком. Від зіткнення легковий автомобіль опинився під тягачем. Після чого пролунав вибух та спалахнула вантажівка.До лікарні шпиталізували водія фури. Біля понівеченого транспорту лежало бездихане тіло людини. Деякі очевидці припускають, що це пішохід, який перебігав дорогу та потрапив в автотрощу.Наразі невідомо скільки людей згоріло заживо у легковику.На місці працюють вогнеборці, які приборкують полум’я. Також працює слідчо-оперативна група, яка з’ясовує всі обставини ДТП.? ДТП сталася при виїзді з Києва на КПП у напрямку Житомира. По можливості обираєте інші маршрути, аби уникнути затору❗️
??⚡️✈️All Crew Members From Crashed Russian An-26 Plane Perished, Remains Found
The plane with six people on board disappeared from radars on 22 September. The wreckage was later found near a ski resort in the Khabarovsk Region.#Russiapic.twitter.com/HowxOWscB1
Wreckage of disappeared An-26 plane found in Russia's Khabarovsk territory. The wreckage of what is believed to be the disappeared An-26 plane was found on Thursday near the Spartak ski resort in #Russia's Khabarovsk Territory, a source told Sputnik. pic.twitter.com/WtjCyMdZ0P
Seventeen persons were on Friday burnt to death in an accident on the Ishara Bridge along the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway. The accident, it was gathered involved a Madza bus and a tanker. The Ogun State Sector Commander, Federal Road Safety… https://t.co/5B1A6hmUHG - TheWhistler
Im Wild- und Freizeitpark Klotten fiel am Samstag eine Frau aus einer Achterbahn. Die 57-Jährige starb trotz Wiederbelebungsversuchen am Unfallort. https://t.co/nrRtOBb9XG
⚡️ Vice President of Lukoil Ravil Maganov threw himself from the 6th floor of the TSKL in Moscow.
The oilman died on the spot from his injuries, his body was discovered by medical personnel. The reasons for what happened have not yet been established. pic.twitter.com/kCPewki86l
The helicopter was a Pakistan Army Aviation Corps Bell 412EP helicopter. We are retracting the line “the crash was due to a technical malfunction” from our earlier report. An investigation is ongoing to determine the cause of crash during an operational anti-terrorist mission. https://t.co/rrtubbqPcwpic.twitter.com/CBeN4fqZWb
Eight people are killed when a gas tanker exploded in a residential area in Boksburg,Johannesburg on Saturday morning. The driver of the truck, which belongs to LP Gas, drove under a low-lying bridge, scraping the top of the vehicle. This is suspected to have caused the explosion pic.twitter.com/ycAa5uS5o8
#Video|| Del momento en el que rescatan al conductor prensado, tras el accidente de la Línea 3 del Metro de la Ciudad de México, en la estación La Raza.
Italy ?? Plane crash: Two Sai Marchetti 208 ultralight military training aircraft collided in mid-air near Guidonia Montecelio in Rome. One plane crashed in the middle of a field and the other near a residential area. Both pilots died.
Multiple fatalities have been reported after a dust storm caused at least 40 to 60 cars to crash along a major highway in Central Illinois on Monday, officials said. The crashes along I-55 led to the interstate closing in Sangamon and Montgomery counties. pic.twitter.com/qeJG3aRWCh
Bei einem Unfall auf der Autobahn A1 zwischen Oberbüren und Gossau sind zwei Frauen gestorben. Zum Unfall ist es gekommen, nachdem ein ehemaliges Militärfahrzeug auf dem Pannenstreifen gestoppt hatte. https://t.co/KSmT3wN0JDpic.twitter.com/rCi5emEYa8
Der Fahrer eines Kameramotorrads beim „Ironman“ in Hamburg ist nach einem Zusammenstoß gestorben. Das Motorrad und ein Radfahrer krachten bei der Veranstaltung ineinander - letzterer ist schwerverletzt. https://t.co/TMrFeXxyia
In Rostov-on-Don, a bleacher near the rowing channel collapsed. A woman died and 7 children were injured.
In 2018 the sports complex, where the bleacher was located, was opened after reconstruction for more than 800 million rubles. pic.twitter.com/HvM9jdrgCn
Se accidentaron dos aviones de entrenamiento T-27 Tucano de la Fuerza Aérea a las 5:30pm en Apiay. El Teniente Coronel Mario Andrés Espinoza falleció. Todo nuestro apoyo a la familia. pic.twitter.com/CKhejJSOoE
— Steph Bates Prensa (@StephBatesPress) July 2, 2023
Uttarakhand Tragedy: Over 2 dozen workers at Namami Gange Sewer Treatment Plant Project were electrocuted after a transformer exploded at Alaknanda river banks in Chamoli district
15 workers have lost lives, several others injured. Reason for short circuit being investigated pic.twitter.com/MOl12uRYVK
A fighter jet crashed into a parking lot during an airshow in Michigan, with crew members ejecting before the aircraft went down. No serious injuries have been reported. https://t.co/Z9YmLN3ncXpic.twitter.com/zLmdazMBf9
Accident with a NATO armored car in Covasna. The combat vehicle knocked down the fence of a house and ended up in the yard. The army is now investigating. pic.twitter.com/UjM30pI3Jm
In pictures, the #Daylesford accident hits me terribly. A father and son. I believe it's the 38-year-old father and 11-year-old son. I have an 11-year-old. Woman and her young daughter. Five people died. My condolences. A white BMW SUV ploughed into the beer garden at the Royal… https://t.co/vQsxHC122Ppic.twitter.com/adygpfGmPQ
Paramedics respond to countless traumatic accidents but Terry Marshall from @AmbulanceVic tells us how crews cope with something of the magnitude of the deadly Daylesford car crash that took the lives of five people. pic.twitter.com/SwUp385s7n
U.S Navy P-8A Poseidon overruns the runway and ends up in the water while landing at Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Air Station in Hawaii. pic.twitter.com/OSrWJts6xO
A United Airlines flight lost one of its tires during takeoff from San Francisco on Thursday, causing the Japan-bound plane to be diverted to Los Angeles, where the flight landed safely without incident, the airline said. https://t.co/Gi83tyIrxmpic.twitter.com/wgi4YCBEq2
#BREAKING United Airlines Flight UAL35 lost a tire during takeoff from SFO.
UAL35 is currently in the air, diverting to LAX. One or two tires are missing from the aircraft. Landing gear has damaged multiple cars at SFO (in video from @Julian61865944) pic.twitter.com/2GiRanJQZK
Сar flew into a crowd during a rally in Sri Lanka: 7 people were killed, and more than 20 injured
According to the local portal Daily Mirror, the driver failed to control the car. Whether he was injured, is not reported. The injured were hospitalized, some of them in critical… pic.twitter.com/pyp42eRNPj
Мини-грузовик с мороженым сорвался с горы и сбил 29 детей на республиканском празднике в Сузакском районе в Кыргызстане. Об этом пишет агентство «Кабар».
В больнице остаются 18 детей и подростков: семеро из них в реанимации, трое в тяжелом состоянии.
Video from the incident appears to show one aircraft break away from the formation making a sudden, sharp climb and strike the lead aircraft head-on. According to local media the other aircraft involved in the collision managed to land safely. pic.twitter.com/MuVGgQoepL
— Breaking Aviation News & Videos (@aviationbrk) June 2, 2024
Horror as Brit tourist's wife, 43, is killed in freak 'jumping balloon' accident after being catapulted into the air from an inflatable sea raft and landing on her head in the Philippines https://t.co/6TVpskbmZupic.twitter.com/IfBMFxiUkr
waiting for my train at embankment and a ton of these fireworks started going off by the millennium bridge? does anybody know what that's about?? pic.twitter.com/s5aZYLB9dF
A serious accident involving a tourist bus in Italy left one person dead and many others injured on Sunday, according to the Italian news agency ANSA. https://t.co/WuE0FUr5Hb
🇺🇸 One person was killed and four others were injured after a #TrainIncident derailed and crashed into the #Chamber of Commerce building in #Pecos, #Texas, US.
The train crashed into a trailer that was parked on the tracks at an intersection. pic.twitter.com/4mtPyzbnka
Május 15-én a délutáni órákban bejelentés érkezett a Rendkívüli Helyzetek Állami Szolgálatának (DSZNSZ) kárpátaljai kirendeltségéhez, miszerint felújítási munkálatok közben életét vesztette egy villanyszerelő a Volóci járásban található Pláj hegyen.
A férfire életjelek nélkül találtak rá egy biztonsági berendezésen. A DSZNSZ munkatársai azonnal kiérkeztek a helyszínre, s leengedték a holttestet a tízméteres magasságból. Ezt követően az egészségügyi csoport megkezdte az újraélesztést, azonban sajnálatos módon az áldozat életét nem sikerült megmenteni.
A tragikus eset körülményeit még vizsgálják – közölte a DSZNSZ kárpátaljai kirendeltsége.
Uttarakhand Tragedy: Over 2 dozen workers at Namami Gange Sewer Treatment Plant Project were electrocuted after a transformer exploded at Alaknanda river banks in Chamoli district
15 workers have lost lives, several others injured. Reason for short circuit being investigated pic.twitter.com/MOl12uRYVK
Uttarakhand Tragedy: Over 2 dozen workers at Namami Gange Sewer Treatment Plant Project were electrocuted after a transformer exploded at Alaknanda river banks in Chamoli district
15 workers have lost lives, several others injured. Reason for short circuit being investigated pic.twitter.com/MOl12uRYVK