Közel húsz ember mentésén dolgoznak a szakemberek, hogy kiszabadítsák őket a beomlott aranybányából.
A Kazahsztánnal határos Jining megyében található bánya mintegy 100 kilométerre fekszik a kazahsztáni határtól. Összesen negyven ember dolgozott a föld alatt a szombat délután történt beomlás idején.
Huszonkét bányászt már sikerült felszínre hozni, de 18-an továbbra is odalent vannak, csapdába estek. A Hszinhua hírügynökség szombaton késő este arról jelentett, hogy jelenleg is zajlik a mentőakció, hogy kihozzák a bányászokat.
Az elmúlt évtizedekben sokat javult a bányabiztonság, ugyanakkor még mindig vannak nem várt események, és időről időre halálos áldozatok is. A legelmaradottabb bányákban a biztonság továbbra is problémát okoz, és sokan vesztették életüket emiatt.
Tavaly szeptemberben az északnyugati Qinghai tartományban egy szénbánya beomlása után 19 bányász rekedt odalent, akiket végül holtan találtak meg a hosszas keresést követően – írja a CNA. 2021 decemberében 20 bányászt mentettek ki egy elárasztott szénbányából az északi Shanxi tartományban, de ketten nem élték túl.
A restaurant fire killed 17 and injured three on Wednesday in the city of #Changchun, northeast China's Jilin Province, according to local authorities. pic.twitter.com/o0VB6g0Z4Y
Due to extremely foggy conditions, more than 200 vehicles were involved in a major pileup on a bridge in central #Zhengzhou City in the morning, according to the province.
As of 9:30 a.m., 11 people had been rescued, and operations were still underway. pic.twitter.com/7nslu48TIF
Amusement park-goers hung upside down for 10 minutes at the highest point of giant pendulum ride after it malfunctioned in China’s Fuyang city.
Workers had to clamber up to manually fix the ride and theme park officials said the malfunction was caused by a “weight issue.” pic.twitter.com/Xps63aGY4s
Els equips d’emergència continuen arribant a la mina de Súria on tres treballadors han mort per un despreniment a primera hora del matí. Des de fa hores Ttrballen per rescatar els cossos. Segons ICL no hi ha constància de cap ferit. La mina ha estat evaquada. @324catpic.twitter.com/onHDzZi9G4
"Last day, we identified 11 warships and 70 military aircraft belonging to the Chinese army, which violated our water and air borders and are currently in our territory. pic.twitter.com/t2Wzt0RXx6
?? An explosion occurred at a chemical plant in China - 5 people died
An explosion at Sinochem's hydrogen peroxide solution plant in Shandong Province caught fire. The Chinese authorities reported several dead, another person is missing.
Large openings appeared on roads near a residential complex in Tianjin's Jinnan district in China forcing authorities to rescue residents.#China#Tianjinhttps://t.co/nmEpf6MTQJ
#Chine ?? Des milliers de personnes ont été évacuées de plusieurs immeubles dans la ville de Tianjin, dans le nord du pays, après que des effondrements de terrain ont créé de grandes fissures dans les rues voisines ? @Reutershttps://t.co/s4FaqGdRQX pic.twitter.com/Wq24iyHd11
Al menos doce muertos por asfixia en una mina en Venezuela, la mina se inundó por las fuertes lluvias que tuvieron lugar en la zona, Talavera en el municipio venezolano El Callao. pic.twitter.com/A0DVDsDtEc
A gas explosion happened at a grilled fish restaurant in Gaomi city, East China’s Shandong Province on Sunday morning, killing one person and injuring another. Rescue work has been completed and the injured has been treated. An investigation of the incident is underway. pic.twitter.com/QAoa3TS6XJ
At least 177 people, including 27 crew members, were rescued by Italy’s coast guard after a fire broke out in the engine room of a ferry that was traveling to Porto Empedocle in Sicily from the island of Lampedusa https://t.co/wg886NXveopic.twitter.com/CVmaSiJGLJ
At least 10 people died after an illegal gold mine collapsed in the South American country of Suriname, authorities say, adding it wasn’t immediately clear what may have caused the collapse pic.twitter.com/4i3EgBm1vi
The 6.2-magnitude #earthquake that jolted Jishishan county in Northwest #China's Gansu province late Monday evening has killed 100 people in the province and 11 people in Qinghai province, according to official data. pic.twitter.com/QoxlVe54kb
More than 100 people died in China as a result of a powerful earthquake.
Strong tremors of magnitude 6.2 occurred late in the evening in Gansu province in the north-west of the country. As a result of the disaster, more than 200 people were injured. pic.twitter.com/Jjg2UTmiYI
#EinsteinProbe lifts off on a mission to survey the sky & hunt for bursts of X-ray light from mysterious objects such as neutron stars & black holes 👉 https://t.co/6sCUKXb8py
[🔴China’s 2nd launch in 2024] At UTC 07:03 Jan 9, Einstein Probe space science satellite was successfully launched by CZ2C rocket at Xichang, Sichuan. It’s also the 506th launch of Long March rocket family. HD:https://t.co/S68Bqslbnzpic.twitter.com/KsP3nHRAxK
Update: Thirteen students were killed and another one injured in a fire that took place in a school dormitory in the county of Fangcheng, Nanyang City, central China's Henan Province, on Friday night, according to local authorities Saturday https://t.co/eg3MvSdJQ9pic.twitter.com/4fsl0gP3tp
🚨Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές εξόρυξης στον κόσμο συνέβη στο Erzincan 🇹🇷 πριν λίγο
Κατέρρευσε το ορυχείο κυανιούχου χρυσού Anagold στο İliç , και έγινε τάφος για τους εργάτες .Το κυάνιο διαχύθηκε στον Ευφράτη ποταμό δίπλα στο ορυχείο καθιστώντας το νερό δηλητηριώδες pic.twitter.com/BgnocGix5w
❗🪨🇹🇷 - A huge landslide left several workers buried underground at the Copler gold mine (Anagold Mining) in the Iliç district of Erzincan province, Turkey.
The mountain has literally descended on the mine and Mountains of cyanide and sulfur waste have migrated and millions of… pic.twitter.com/3jPrbaMmpB
My office and I are in touch with an impacted #Iowa family. We are working through proper channels and requesting to speak with the U.S. Embassy on appropriate matters to ensure that the victims first receive quality care for their injuries and then get out of #China in a… https://t.co/M4udbe6KS9
— Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, M.D. (@RepMMM) June 10, 2024
6 PLA aircraft and 7 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 2 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan’s southwestern ADIZ. We have monitored the situation and responded accordingly. pic.twitter.com/THjRjhGdL6
— 國防部 Ministry of National Defense, ROC(Taiwan) 🇹🇼 (@MoNDefense) October 20, 2024
Zhuhai, China: A driver intentionally crashed into pedestrians near a sports center. Multiple injuries reported; medical teams responding.#Chinapic.twitter.com/E9tH8oYyqb
Legkevesebb tizenegy munkás vesztette életét Indiában egy kőfejtő beomlása miatt – közölték szerdán a helyi hatóságok.
Egy dolgozót eltűntként tartanak nyilván. A baleset az északkelet-indiai Mizorám államban történt hétfőn délután. Akkor egy magáncég 13 munkása dolgozott a kőfejtőben.
Narendra Modi indiai miniszterelnök a korábbi esetekhez hasonlóan ezúttal is pénzügyi segítséget ígért az áldozatok hozzátartozóinak. A családok halálesetkor 200 ezer rúpia (~2500 dollár), sérülés esetén pedig 50 ezer rúpia (~610 dollár) kártérítést kapnak.
The UVA Police Department is looking for Christopher Darnell Jones regarding the shooting incident that occurred on the grounds of the University of Virginia. Call 911 if seen, do not approach. pic.twitter.com/mKcxF6ksxw
Al menos cinco personas #fallecidas y varias heridas es el saldo del desplome de un tinglado en la unidad educativa Gualberto Villarroel de la comunidad Santiago de Pacharia, municipio de #Achacachi.https://t.co/JkVmuepK8l
A private airplane crashed into the Gulf of Mexico off the Florida coast Saturday night, with two people confirmed dead as authorities searched for a third person believed to have been on the flight. https://t.co/vcRr2E5Qio
An eyewitness said immediately after the crash, the driver stepped out of the bus, ripped his clothes off and started screaming. https://t.co/0LGRj6RX5c
Sebanyak 35 warga masih dinyatakan hilang sejak terjadinya tanah longsor di Kecamatan Serasan, Kabupaten Natuna, Kepulauan Riau, pada Senin (6/3) hingga hari ini Rabu (8/3). Para warga yang hilang itu diduga masih tertimbun material longsoran dengan kedalaman hingga 4 meter. pic.twitter.com/7ccsXjHhP9
Upaya pencarian, pertolongan dan evakuasi para korban terdampak tanah longsor Serasan, Kabupaten Natuna semakin membuahkan hasil. Pada hari kelima pascabencana atau Minggu (12/3), jumlah korban meninggal dunia yang telah ditemukan menjadi 46.#LongsorNatuna#BNPBIndonesiapic.twitter.com/IH8T68yE7J
Els equips d’emergència continuen arribant a la mina de Súria on tres treballadors han mort per un despreniment a primera hora del matí. Des de fa hores Ttrballen per rescatar els cossos. Segons ICL no hi ha constància de cap ferit. La mina ha estat evaquada. @324catpic.twitter.com/onHDzZi9G4
High winds continue to blow across Morgan County. Here is some of the damage Deputies, Officers, Fire Crews, Utility crews and road crews are working on across Morgan County. pic.twitter.com/hOe5Bh6ZZ7
— Morgan County Sheriff's Office (Alabama) (@morgan_sheriff) March 3, 2023
Italy ?? Plane crash: Two Sai Marchetti 208 ultralight military training aircraft collided in mid-air near Guidonia Montecelio in Rome. One plane crashed in the middle of a field and the other near a residential area. Both pilots died.
We’ve got some tough news out of Fort Campbell, with early reports of a helicopter crash and fatalities are expected. @kystatepolice, @KentuckyEM and local officials are responding. We will share more information as available. Please pray for all those affected.
— Governor Andy Beshear (@GovAndyBeshear) March 30, 2023
ABD’de 101'inci Hava İndirme Tümeni’ne ait iki UH-60 Blackhawk tipi helikopter gece 22.00 sıralarında Kentucky Fort Campbell yakınlarında eğitim uçuşu sırasında çarpışarak düştü. Kazada ilk bilgilere göre 9 askerin hayatını kaybettiği bildiriliyor. pic.twitter.com/gtu4yrckI3
#DRC At least twenty people died in a landslide that occurred Sunday in the east in the village of #Bulwa in #Masisi territory. The disaster occurred at the end of the morning, fuilles continue to look for bodies buried under the ground even this Monday. pic.twitter.com/yKRtLaSSXm
— Baraka MUNYAMPFURA Héritier (@HeritierBarak) April 3, 2023
Al menos doce muertos por asfixia en una mina en Venezuela, la mina se inundó por las fuertes lluvias que tuvieron lugar en la zona, Talavera en el municipio venezolano El Callao. pic.twitter.com/A0DVDsDtEc
Vietnam arrests 6 for attacking police headquarters in Central Highlands https://t.co/h5ZuUOBH4o ... and hunting for others for attacking two police headquarters in the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak, killing some officers and civilians.
VIEWERS DISCRETION ADVISED? ?Fatal Accident On Hwy1 Near Carberry, MB @CarraDeShaukeen
At least 15 people have been killed in a crash Between A Semi-Truck & Handi-Transit Vehicle on the Trans-Canada Highway west of Winnipeg near Carberry, Manitoba. #Carberry#mbpoli#Mantioba… pic.twitter.com/7KC0GGDibj
?#BREAKING: Reports: At Least 4 Dead And Over 30 Wounded In A Mass #Shooting In #Maryland#Baltimore , Reports Suggest There Were Hundreds Of People Gathered For An Annual Celebration Known as “Brooklyn Day” Police Are Reportedly Holding A Press Conference Shortly #News#USApic.twitter.com/eIEqERIPzJ
— OfficialCanadianShackster News (@CanadianRadioT1) July 2, 2023
Bu akşam Gaziantep Havalimanına gitmek için Hatay Havalimanından havalanan Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Havacılık Daire Başkanlığı envanterine kayıtlı EM 708 kuyruk numaralı helikopterimiz, Gaziantep'in Nurdağı ilçesi Kartal Köyü mevkiinde kaza kırıma…
An air strike by the Sudanese army on civilian areas in south Khartoum has left at least 23 dead and more than 40 injured. The attack, which took place on Saturday, targeted a bustling market area and residential buildings, causing significant destruction.pic.twitter.com/qVWLliLPVP
Három ember meghalt egy robbanásban Oroszország délnyugati részén, a kazah határ közelében, egy bányában – közölte szombaton a helyi ügyészség.
A detonáció az Orenburgi területen fekvő Gaj cink- és rézbányakomplexumában történt, több mint egy kilométer mélyen. 88 embert sikerült kimenekíteni. Az ügyészség tájékoztatása szerint az előzetes információk arra utalnak, hogy nem tartották be a bányászati és robbantási műveletekre vonatkozó biztonsági előírásokat.
A gaji bánya Oroszország egyik legnagyobb rézkitermelő létesítménye.
Przypomnę Wam przykładowo, w jakich warunkach pracują po wypadku ratownicy w kopalni. Na zdjęciach #Zofiówka 2018 po wstrząsie. Po wybuchu metanu niekiedy, jak teraz na #Pniówek pracować się czasem nie da. A oni i tak zawsze idą po żywego...? https://t.co/Ad8Zpp3hFh
— Karolina Baca-Pogorzelska (@BacaPogorzelska) April 20, 2022
A Weapons Depot is on fire as a result of Explosions in the Western Russian city of Belgorod, Russian Air Defenses were reported to have been Active over the City earlier. @spook_infopic.twitter.com/OIBcBmRqEZ
Derivado de los hechos de violencia fuerzas de seguridad resguardan la zona, autoridades de la @PGJE_Hidalgo llevan a cabo el procesamiento del lugar para determinar el número de personas fallecidas; las personas lesionadas han sido trasladadas a clínicas para su atención.
Se registró violencia en Ciudad Cooperativa Cruz Azul, pues intentaron tomar las instalaciones a la fuerza. Hasta ahora la Procuraduria General de Justicia de Hidalgo lanzó un comunicado donde determina que hay fallecidos: https://t.co/S5tHg7sW7V ? pic.twitter.com/8MgLYfiIwc
Imágenes de los destrozos por los disturbios en Ciudad Cooperativa Cruz Azul, esta madrugada, ocasionados por un grupo de choque. Las autoridades hidalguenses reportan personas muertas y lesionadas. pic.twitter.com/bAjYjHK2ni
Fortportal accident update. @FNampiima "so far 20 people have been confirmed dead, out of whom thirteen are adults while 7 are juveniles. Out of the twenty, 11 are male and nine are female. Their particulars will be availed in due course pic.twitter.com/w8n8Z6lkFR
Here is a bird’s eye view of the scene of a shooting at the Natalie Building in the medical park at Saint Francis Hospital in Tulsa. pic.twitter.com/qE3ptBZUcR
Terrible story of two test drivers at #China’s electrical vehicle manufacturer NIO being killed when a car somehow smashed out of a building and came crashing down from a great height. pic.twitter.com/4ZNI2t7LqZ
Las lluvias también han afectado a Honduras. En el municipio de Gualala, departamento de Santa Bárbara, habitantes del lugar captaron el momento de un derrumbe que bloqueó la carretera. pic.twitter.com/tlqKREpK0w
The series of mysterious deaths of Russian top managers continues:
This time, a former top manager of Lukoil was found dead. Billionaire Alexander Subbotin died after an "anti-hangover session with shamans" in Mytishchi, media reported. pic.twitter.com/yQ8ILbigY6
Okay this is getting weird. Crypto Billionaire, Nikolai Mushegian, Found Dead Near Beach In San Juan, Puerto Rico. This is the 4th this Year. pic.twitter.com/iBoPuXDKaj
#DRC At least twenty people died in a landslide that occurred Sunday in the east in the village of #Bulwa in #Masisi territory. The disaster occurred at the end of the morning, fuilles continue to look for bodies buried under the ground even this Monday. pic.twitter.com/yKRtLaSSXm
— Baraka MUNYAMPFURA Héritier (@HeritierBarak) April 3, 2023
"There are rumours about the death of the head of Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin. We directly say that we suspect the Kremlin officials led by Putin of an attempt to kill him!
At least 10 people died after an illegal gold mine collapsed in the South American country of Suriname, authorities say, adding it wasn’t immediately clear what may have caused the collapse pic.twitter.com/4i3EgBm1vi
BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 10 ang nawawala at 2 ang sugatan sa landslide sa Brgy. Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro kaninang tanghali (Jan.18).
Ayon sa Monkayo-LGU, tigil muna angvsearch and rescue operations dahil sa posibilidad ng bagong landslide. @News5PH (🎥John Laurito) pic.twitter.com/d8WuLMPOMD
BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 2 ang sugatan, at nasa 10 pa ang nawawala dahil sa landslide sa isang mining area sa Purok 20, Pag-asa, Barangay Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro bandang 12 ng tanghali nitong Huwebes, Enero 18.
6 people died, 14 injured in a gas explosion caused by a vehicle crash in #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia today morning😔 A truck carrying 60 tons of liquified natural gas collided with a car & exploded killing 3 in the fire & 3👨🚒 died fighting the fire. My sincere condolences🙏 pic.twitter.com/uu5p7umHO3
Bu akşam Gaziantep Havalimanına gitmek için Hatay Havalimanından havalanan Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Havacılık Daire Başkanlığı envanterine kayıtlı EM 708 kuyruk numaralı helikopterimiz, Gaziantep'in Nurdağı ilçesi Kartal Köyü mevkiinde kaza kırıma…
🇺🇸 | Um pequeno avião cai em um parque de trailers em Clearwater, Flórida, causando uma emergência na área. Ontem um helicóptero caiu na Colômbia. No Brasil, houve vários casos de aviões de pequeno porte. Vários incidentes pelo mundo, será que esses pilotos estavam vacinados? pic.twitter.com/ZDlYAI0Z8s
Breaking News🚨:A two storey building Secondary School collapses on students writing exams in Jos,Nigeria. Some students are trapped inside the collapsed building . Cranes are currently at the scene to help rescue trapped victims We hope every one is safe🙏🏻🇳🇬❤️ pic.twitter.com/K0wuDtSYlr
#WorldNews: Twelve children were killed in #SouthAfrica early Wednesday when a minibus taking them to school in #Johannesburg overturned and caught fire after being hit by another vehicle, the government said.https://t.co/nixAyhfh3F
— LBCI Lebanon English (@LBCI_News_EN) July 10, 2024
Els equips d’emergència continuen arribant a la mina de Súria on tres treballadors han mort per un despreniment a primera hora del matí. Des de fa hores Ttrballen per rescatar els cossos. Segons ICL no hi ha constància de cap ferit. La mina ha estat evaquada. @324catpic.twitter.com/onHDzZi9G4
Al menos doce muertos por asfixia en una mina en Venezuela, la mina se inundó por las fuertes lluvias que tuvieron lugar en la zona, Talavera en el municipio venezolano El Callao. pic.twitter.com/A0DVDsDtEc
At least 10 people died after an illegal gold mine collapsed in the South American country of Suriname, authorities say, adding it wasn’t immediately clear what may have caused the collapse pic.twitter.com/4i3EgBm1vi
🚨Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές εξόρυξης στον κόσμο συνέβη στο Erzincan 🇹🇷 πριν λίγο
Κατέρρευσε το ορυχείο κυανιούχου χρυσού Anagold στο İliç , και έγινε τάφος για τους εργάτες .Το κυάνιο διαχύθηκε στον Ευφράτη ποταμό δίπλα στο ορυχείο καθιστώντας το νερό δηλητηριώδες pic.twitter.com/BgnocGix5w
❗🪨🇹🇷 - A huge landslide left several workers buried underground at the Copler gold mine (Anagold Mining) in the Iliç district of Erzincan province, Turkey.
The mountain has literally descended on the mine and Mountains of cyanide and sulfur waste have migrated and millions of… pic.twitter.com/3jPrbaMmpB
Gyakorlatozás közben meghalt kilenc katasztrófamentő vasárnap hajnalban egy brazíliai barlangban, rájuk omlott annak boltozata – közölte Sao Paulo állam tűzoltósága.
Huszonheten vettek részt egy éjszakai mentési gyakorlaton az Altinopolis város melletti Duas Bocas barlangban. Öt mentő könnyebben megsérült, ők maguk hagyták el a helyszínt, egy pedig valamivel súlyosabban, őt kórházba szállították.
Els equips d’emergència continuen arribant a la mina de Súria on tres treballadors han mort per un despreniment a primera hora del matí. Des de fa hores Ttrballen per rescatar els cossos. Segons ICL no hi ha constància de cap ferit. La mina ha estat evaquada. @324catpic.twitter.com/onHDzZi9G4
Al menos doce muertos por asfixia en una mina en Venezuela, la mina se inundó por las fuertes lluvias que tuvieron lugar en la zona, Talavera en el municipio venezolano El Callao. pic.twitter.com/A0DVDsDtEc
At least 10 people died after an illegal gold mine collapsed in the South American country of Suriname, authorities say, adding it wasn’t immediately clear what may have caused the collapse pic.twitter.com/4i3EgBm1vi
🚨Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές εξόρυξης στον κόσμο συνέβη στο Erzincan 🇹🇷 πριν λίγο
Κατέρρευσε το ορυχείο κυανιούχου χρυσού Anagold στο İliç , και έγινε τάφος για τους εργάτες .Το κυάνιο διαχύθηκε στον Ευφράτη ποταμό δίπλα στο ορυχείο καθιστώντας το νερό δηλητηριώδες pic.twitter.com/BgnocGix5w
❗🪨🇹🇷 - A huge landslide left several workers buried underground at the Copler gold mine (Anagold Mining) in the Iliç district of Erzincan province, Turkey.
The mountain has literally descended on the mine and Mountains of cyanide and sulfur waste have migrated and millions of… pic.twitter.com/3jPrbaMmpB
🚨Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές εξόρυξης στον κόσμο συνέβη στο Erzincan 🇹🇷 πριν λίγο
Κατέρρευσε το ορυχείο κυανιούχου χρυσού Anagold στο İliç , και έγινε τάφος για τους εργάτες .Το κυάνιο διαχύθηκε στον Ευφράτη ποταμό δίπλα στο ορυχείο καθιστώντας το νερό δηλητηριώδες pic.twitter.com/BgnocGix5w
❗🪨🇹🇷 - A huge landslide left several workers buried underground at the Copler gold mine (Anagold Mining) in the Iliç district of Erzincan province, Turkey.
The mountain has literally descended on the mine and Mountains of cyanide and sulfur waste have migrated and millions of… pic.twitter.com/3jPrbaMmpB
At least 10 people died after an illegal gold mine collapsed in the South American country of Suriname, authorities say, adding it wasn’t immediately clear what may have caused the collapse pic.twitter.com/4i3EgBm1vi
#Colombia: During the protest against far-right President IvanDuque, on Wednesday, the Misak indigenous people overthrew the statue of the genocidal conqueror Sebastián de Belalcázar in Cali.#Paro28A Via @marthaperaltaepic.twitter.com/7knGOU2LH5
#Atención | Así quedó el helicóptero en el que iba el presidente Iván Duque, tras ser impactado seis veces. El atentado ocurrió en Sardinata, Norte de Santander.
Two months have passed since Colombians rose to protest the Duque government’s neoliberal policies. Today, they continue to resist riot police oppression.
Human rights organizations have reported 4687 cases of police brutality and at least 74 deaths. pic.twitter.com/kATCJzgLqn
Se intensifica en #Necoclí el represamiento de migrantes en tránsito hacia #Panamá. El Defensor Carlos Camargo ha indicado que hay cerca de 19.000 personas, la mayoría haitianas, esperando seguir hacia la zona del #Darién.
En medio de fuertes medidas de seguridad, trasladamos a Bogotá a alias ‘Otoniel’, el narcotraficante asesino de policías, soldados, líderes sociales y reclutador de menores. Con su captura se marca el final del Clan del Golfo. #ElQueLaHaceLaPagapic.twitter.com/hhda3b5Zgz
Terrifying video emerging from Colombia tonight where a grandstand collapsed during a bullfight in El Espinal, with local reports of several deaths and possibly hundreds injured (from WRadioColombia) pic.twitter.com/Whn8Fz7ugn
Vecinos del Batallón Pedro Nel Ospina, en Bello se trabaron “a lo pajarito” por cuenta de la quema de 1.600 kilos de marihuana al aire libre, por parte de la @PoliciaMedellin ? pic.twitter.com/3KuxVIj4De
Integrantes de mi equipo de seguridad hallaron un artefacto con más de 7 kilos de material explosivo en la vía que conduce a mi residencia familiar en la vereda de Yolombó, en Suarez, Cauca. El mismo fue destruido de manera controlada por personal anti explosivos de la SIJIN. pic.twitter.com/gUpYQVOfFD
Els equips d’emergència continuen arribant a la mina de Súria on tres treballadors han mort per un despreniment a primera hora del matí. Des de fa hores Ttrballen per rescatar els cossos. Segons ICL no hi ha constància de cap ferit. La mina ha estat evaquada. @324catpic.twitter.com/onHDzZi9G4
#Galería ?Los diferentes organismos de emergencias de varios municipios, trabajan contra reloj para poder rescatar más mineros que se encuentran atrapados en las colmenas de la mina de #Sutatausa. pic.twitter.com/wOTxCjZhqs
?? | URGENTE: Helicóptero del Ejército de Colombia, que cumplía labores de abastecimiento, se precipitó en Quibdó. El presidente Petro ordenó a las autoridades "desplazarse a la zona para atender la emergencia e investigar las causas de lo sucedido". pic.twitter.com/LonsEGRDP6
The plane — a Cessna 206 — was carrying seven people on a route between Araracuara, in Amazonas province, and San Jose del Guaviare, a city in Guaviare province, when it issued a mayday alert due to engine failure in the early hours of May 1 3/5 pic.twitter.com/ZtWLBMYK4Q
Se accidentaron dos aviones de entrenamiento T-27 Tucano de la Fuerza Aérea a las 5:30pm en Apiay. El Teniente Coronel Mario Andrés Espinoza falleció. Todo nuestro apoyo a la familia. pic.twitter.com/CKhejJSOoE
— Steph Bates Prensa (@StephBatesPress) July 2, 2023
At least 10 people died after an illegal gold mine collapsed in the South American country of Suriname, authorities say, adding it wasn’t immediately clear what may have caused the collapse pic.twitter.com/4i3EgBm1vi
Con nuestras unidades de PONALSAR hacemos presencia en el kilómetro 17 en la vía que conduce de Quibdo a Medellín, se realiza el traslado de heridos a centros asistenciales más cercanos y se continúa con la búsquedad de víctimas y recuperación de cuerpos pic.twitter.com/9bISciCC9P
— Departamento de Policía Chocó (@PoliciaChoco) January 13, 2024
🚨Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές εξόρυξης στον κόσμο συνέβη στο Erzincan 🇹🇷 πριν λίγο
Κατέρρευσε το ορυχείο κυανιούχου χρυσού Anagold στο İliç , και έγινε τάφος για τους εργάτες .Το κυάνιο διαχύθηκε στον Ευφράτη ποταμό δίπλα στο ορυχείο καθιστώντας το νερό δηλητηριώδες pic.twitter.com/BgnocGix5w
❗🪨🇹🇷 - A huge landslide left several workers buried underground at the Copler gold mine (Anagold Mining) in the Iliç district of Erzincan province, Turkey.
The mountain has literally descended on the mine and Mountains of cyanide and sulfur waste have migrated and millions of… pic.twitter.com/3jPrbaMmpB
🚨Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές εξόρυξης στον κόσμο συνέβη στο Erzincan 🇹🇷 πριν λίγο
Κατέρρευσε το ορυχείο κυανιούχου χρυσού Anagold στο İliç , και έγινε τάφος για τους εργάτες .Το κυάνιο διαχύθηκε στον Ευφράτη ποταμό δίπλα στο ορυχείο καθιστώντας το νερό δηλητηριώδες pic.twitter.com/BgnocGix5w
❗🪨🇹🇷 - A huge landslide left several workers buried underground at the Copler gold mine (Anagold Mining) in the Iliç district of Erzincan province, Turkey.
The mountain has literally descended on the mine and Mountains of cyanide and sulfur waste have migrated and millions of… pic.twitter.com/3jPrbaMmpB
At least 10 people died after an illegal gold mine collapsed in the South American country of Suriname, authorities say, adding it wasn’t immediately clear what may have caused the collapse pic.twitter.com/4i3EgBm1vi
Con nuestras unidades de PONALSAR hacemos presencia en el kilómetro 17 en la vía que conduce de Quibdo a Medellín, se realiza el traslado de heridos a centros asistenciales más cercanos y se continúa con la búsquedad de víctimas y recuperación de cuerpos pic.twitter.com/9bISciCC9P
— Departamento de Policía Chocó (@PoliciaChoco) January 13, 2024
La policía nacional incauta 8,2 toneladas de cocaína en el puerto de Buenaventura.
Es una de las mayores incautaciones de cocaína en la historia de Colombia. En lo que va del mes la policía nacional ha incautado 24 toneladas. pic.twitter.com/d2w1FvaAyS
A napok óta tartó heves esőzések miatt beomlott egy aranybánya Indonéziában. A bányaszerencsétlenségnek már hat halálos áldozata van, több embert pedig még mindig keresnek.
Továbbra is nagy az omlásveszély a burangai illegális aranybánya körül, ahol a sok csapadék fellazította a talajt. Ez megnehezíti a kutató-mentőcsapatok dolgát, akik továbbra is túlélőket keresnek a föld alatt.
Eddig hetven eltűntről tudnak. Tizenöt embert sikerült élve kimenteni. A halottak között három nő van.
Az ABC News szerint még öt embert keresnek a bányagödörben, de mivel illegális bányáról van szó, az sem kizárt, hogy ennél többen rekedtek a romok alatt. Két speciális kotrógéppel és mezőgazdasági gépekkel dolgoznak a helyszínen. A keresésben katonák, rendőrök és a helyi katasztrófavédelem emberei vesznek részt, de önkéntesek is vannak.
A portál felidézi, hogy Indonéziában gyakoriak a hasonló esetek a sok eső és a nem biztonságos körülmények között épült bányák miatt. Az itt élők mégis vállalják a kockázatot, mert a bányászat az egyik legjövedelmezőbb munka a térségben, holott az aranyérc feldolgozásához erősen mérgező higanyt és cianidot használnak, nem védekezve a mérgezés ellen.
Indonézia adja a világ aranytermelésének körülbelül három százalékát. A kitermelt mennyiség nagy része a Pápua tartománybeli Grasberg-bányából származik, ahol mintegy 40 milliárd dollárt érő aranyt rejt a föld.
Ázsia és Afrika számos országában egyre nagyobb méreteket ölt az engedély nélküli bányászat. Egy, a bányászattal, ásványi anyagokkal, fémekkel és a fenntartható fejlődéssel foglalkozó kormányközi fórum tanulmányából kiderült, hogy a zugbányászattal foglalkozók száma mostanra meghaladta a negyvenmilliót, míg 2014-ben még harminc-, 1993-ban pedig hatmillióan foglalkoztak ezzel világszerte.
Jānis Grīnbergs, VUGD Operatīvās vadības pārvaldes priekšnieks: Durvis bija dzelzs ar koda atslēgu, bija problēma tikt tur iekšā. Par to, ka uguns varētu pāriet uz blakus esošajām ēkām, šobrīd uztraukties vairs nevajadzētu. Ir tikai konkrētās ēkas dzēšana šobrīd. pic.twitter.com/QXVI0nHEEI
Jānis Grīnbergs, VUGD Operatīvās vadības pārvaldes priekšnieks: Dzēšanas darbi turpinās. Ugunsgrēka platība ir aptuveni 140 kvadrātmetri, bet lokalizācijas vēl nav, tāpēc platība tiks precizēta. Uguns nedaudz izplatās pa jumta konstrukcijām un siltinājumiem.
Two journalists (Siraj Abishov and Maharram Ibrahimov) stepped on a mine and died while carrying out their service duties in Kalbajar. Armenia doesn't provide a map of the mined areas within the borders of Azerbaijan, it is trying to bury new mines in the territory of Azerbaijan. pic.twitter.com/wGuZ4s5uF7
VIDEO: One dead as freight train topples onto Mexican homes.
A freight train has derailed and toppled onto houses alongside the tracks in western Mexico, killing one resident and injuring three others, emergency services say pic.twitter.com/qHYGcDARZd
Sono vicino alla #Sicilia e al popolo catanese in queste ore drammatiche per la forte ondata di maltempo. Il Governo deve intervenire subito, con tutte le iniziative necessarie. #Cataniapic.twitter.com/T95ID0WUsY
Im Wild- und Freizeitpark Klotten fiel am Samstag eine Frau aus einer Achterbahn. Die 57-Jährige starb trotz Wiederbelebungsversuchen am Unfallort. https://t.co/nrRtOBb9XG
Muere una niña de 20 meses por la fuerte tormenta de granizo en la Bisbal d'Empordà. Las bolas de 10 cm de diámetro han dejado además varios heridos, como a un chico al que una piedra le rompió la clavícula. También han llegado a romper cristales de coches y tejados de casas. pic.twitter.com/aYIG2ihHGh
BREAKING: A white male teen wearing camouflage is in custody after he used a rifle to kill five people in a mass shooting in Raleigh, North Carolina, including an off-duty law enforcement officer. https://t.co/Mtz4ZFwj7x
#BREAKING: Multiple people dead including an off-duty cop, multiple others injured, in a shooting in the Hedingham neighborhood of Raleigh, North Carolina.
This Thursday evening a mass shooting occurred in Raleigh, North Carolina. 5 people have been killed, including an off-duty police officer. The suspect, a 15-year-old male, was apprehended at a barn & has been taken to a hospital after a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head. pic.twitter.com/yQ2oKJwV3V
One person was killed in a bus rollover, according to Brandeis University, which chartered the bus. The accident happened near the Brandeis campus in Waltham, Massachuetts. https://t.co/RBdFsRaWj6
Brussels, Belgium: - A resident had to hide the French flag after Moroccan fans cursed her and threw objects on the balcony of her apartment. pic.twitter.com/6vlaaMdvFo
Our friend Pete Reed was killed yesterday at Bakhmut, doing what he always did - saving lives and helping humanity. Dedicated, generous, selfless, funny, hero. Rest easy, brother. Russia will pay. #petereedpic.twitter.com/zECRxrqf6r
Els equips d’emergència continuen arribant a la mina de Súria on tres treballadors han mort per un despreniment a primera hora del matí. Des de fa hores Ttrballen per rescatar els cossos. Segons ICL no hi ha constància de cap ferit. La mina ha estat evaquada. @324catpic.twitter.com/onHDzZi9G4
Russian troops hit Mykolaiv overnight with four Kalibr missiles, damaging two houses, an apartment building, and a historical building, the military said.
Al menos doce muertos por asfixia en una mina en Venezuela, la mina se inundó por las fuertes lluvias que tuvieron lugar en la zona, Talavera en el municipio venezolano El Callao. pic.twitter.com/A0DVDsDtEc
Typhoon #EgayPH (DOKSURI) Issued at 8:00 AM, 26 July 2023 Valid for broadcast until the next bulletin at 11:00 AM today. TYPHOON EGAY WOBBLES OVER THE WATERS NEAR FUGA ISLAND pic.twitter.com/1pSXOs4GAO
— Bayanihan Today ?? (@BayanihanToday) July 26, 2023
? [#EnDirect] ⚠️ Un pylône haute tension (enfin, ce qu’il en reste)… à La Chaux-de-Fonds (CH) non loin de la France. De telles images au cœur d’une ville de 37.000 habitants sur notre continent, sont inédites. Le phénomène (ici) correspond à une macrorafale. ⛈️ #Orages#Jurapic.twitter.com/dUW6LjQulD
At least 10 people died after an illegal gold mine collapsed in the South American country of Suriname, authorities say, adding it wasn’t immediately clear what may have caused the collapse pic.twitter.com/4i3EgBm1vi
Bulgaria and Romania experienced the impact of severe weather conditions over the weekend, resulting in two fatalities. Strong winds, heavy rain and snowfall, caused power disruptions and blocked roads in the eastern regions of both countries.https://t.co/VSEXVnoeg4pic.twitter.com/XhAdv3YinO
🚨Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές εξόρυξης στον κόσμο συνέβη στο Erzincan 🇹🇷 πριν λίγο
Κατέρρευσε το ορυχείο κυανιούχου χρυσού Anagold στο İliç , και έγινε τάφος για τους εργάτες .Το κυάνιο διαχύθηκε στον Ευφράτη ποταμό δίπλα στο ορυχείο καθιστώντας το νερό δηλητηριώδες pic.twitter.com/BgnocGix5w
❗🪨🇹🇷 - A huge landslide left several workers buried underground at the Copler gold mine (Anagold Mining) in the Iliç district of Erzincan province, Turkey.
The mountain has literally descended on the mine and Mountains of cyanide and sulfur waste have migrated and millions of… pic.twitter.com/3jPrbaMmpB
#BREAKING: A tight-knit Torres Strait community is calling for the removal of a 3.5m crocodile after the body of a missing 16-year-old boy was found on Saibai Island. Our thoughts are with the boy's family. Latest: https://t.co/QN81EpI5HApic.twitter.com/Cg4unITYHZ
Today a @UN vehicle was struck in Gaza, killing one of our colleagues & injuring another. More than 190 UN staff have been killed in Gaza. Humanitarian workers must be protected. I condemn all attacks on UN personnel and reiterate my urgent appeal for an immediate humanitarian…
— António Guterres (@antonioguterres) May 13, 2024
ISRAEL: TERROR: One person was killed Hy'd and eight others were wounded in a terror stabbing attack at the Beersheba central bus station. The Palestinian terrorist was shot and killed by security forces. pic.twitter.com/iJZi6tJnqN
Kimentettek tizenegy bányászt a kelet-kínai Santung tartományban két hete berobbant aranybányából vasárnap – jelentette a Hszinhua kínai állami hírügynökség.
Kilenc bányászt még a délelőtt folyamán, további kettőt pedig kora délután emeltek ki a mélyből. Egyiküket súlyosan legyengült állapotban hozták felszínre, ezért azonnal kórházba szállították.
A Jentaj város közigazgatási területén található aranybányában január 10-én történt a robbanás, amelynek következtében 22 bányász rekedt az aranyfejtőben. A helyszínen több mint hatszáz ember dolgozik a bajba jutottak kimentésén, a mentőcsapatok már három csatornát fúrtak a mélybe. A vasárnap kimentett bányászokkal egy hete létesítettek először kapcsolatot a baleset óta, őket ezt követően egy csatornán keresztül élelmiszerrel, ruhákkal és egyéb felszerelésekkel látták el. Egyikük, aki a robbanáskor fejsérülést szenvedett és kómába került, szerdán veszítette életét. További tíz bányász sorsa ismeretlen.
A bányát tulajdonló Shandong Wucailong befektetési vállalat ellen a tartomány illetékes hatóságai vizsgálatot indítottak a történtek miatt, a céget pedig sok bírálat érte amiatt, hogy mintegy harmincórás késéssel jelentette a balesetet a hatóságoknak. Két helyi tisztségviselőt már eltávolítottak a posztjáról. A kínai törvények szerint az ilyen jellegű balesetekről egy órán belül kell értesíteni a helyi kormányzatot.
Torrential rains have hit China's southwestern cities, causing flooding and water-logging in addition to traffic disruptions and leaving residents stranded. pic.twitter.com/N9xXKmISCV
Mountain torrents hit Pingwu County, SW China's Sichuan Province caused by sudden heavy #rainstorms, killing two and leaving four others missing on Tuesday. So far, 31 people have been rescued. pic.twitter.com/wAqDQgZAUn
❗️In #China, the skyscraper of the largest telecom operator China Telecom in #Changsha is on fire. Hundreds of people could be burned alive. pic.twitter.com/GDNC74k8Tj
Twenty-seven people were killed and 20 others injured after a bus turned on its side in #China's Guizhou Province early Sunday morning. pic.twitter.com/TTMYugVg6Q
A restaurant fire killed 17 and injured three on Wednesday in the city of #Changchun, northeast China's Jilin Province, according to local authorities. pic.twitter.com/o0VB6g0Z4Y
Amusement park-goers hung upside down for 10 minutes at the highest point of giant pendulum ride after it malfunctioned in China’s Fuyang city.
Workers had to clamber up to manually fix the ride and theme park officials said the malfunction was caused by a “weight issue.” pic.twitter.com/Xps63aGY4s
Due to extremely foggy conditions, more than 200 vehicles were involved in a major pileup on a bridge in central #Zhengzhou City in the morning, according to the province.
As of 9:30 a.m., 11 people had been rescued, and operations were still underway. pic.twitter.com/7nslu48TIF
Els equips d’emergència continuen arribant a la mina de Súria on tres treballadors han mort per un despreniment a primera hora del matí. Des de fa hores Ttrballen per rescatar els cossos. Segons ICL no hi ha constància de cap ferit. La mina ha estat evaquada. @324catpic.twitter.com/onHDzZi9G4
"Last day, we identified 11 warships and 70 military aircraft belonging to the Chinese army, which violated our water and air borders and are currently in our territory. pic.twitter.com/t2Wzt0RXx6
?? An explosion occurred at a chemical plant in China - 5 people died
An explosion at Sinochem's hydrogen peroxide solution plant in Shandong Province caught fire. The Chinese authorities reported several dead, another person is missing.
Al menos doce muertos por asfixia en una mina en Venezuela, la mina se inundó por las fuertes lluvias que tuvieron lugar en la zona, Talavera en el municipio venezolano El Callao. pic.twitter.com/A0DVDsDtEc
Large openings appeared on roads near a residential complex in Tianjin's Jinnan district in China forcing authorities to rescue residents.#China#Tianjinhttps://t.co/nmEpf6MTQJ
#Chine ?? Des milliers de personnes ont été évacuées de plusieurs immeubles dans la ville de Tianjin, dans le nord du pays, après que des effondrements de terrain ont créé de grandes fissures dans les rues voisines ? @Reutershttps://t.co/s4FaqGdRQX pic.twitter.com/Wq24iyHd11
A gas explosion happened at a grilled fish restaurant in Gaomi city, East China’s Shandong Province on Sunday morning, killing one person and injuring another. Rescue work has been completed and the injured has been treated. An investigation of the incident is underway. pic.twitter.com/QAoa3TS6XJ
At least 10 people died after an illegal gold mine collapsed in the South American country of Suriname, authorities say, adding it wasn’t immediately clear what may have caused the collapse pic.twitter.com/4i3EgBm1vi
The 6.2-magnitude #earthquake that jolted Jishishan county in Northwest #China's Gansu province late Monday evening has killed 100 people in the province and 11 people in Qinghai province, according to official data. pic.twitter.com/QoxlVe54kb
More than 100 people died in China as a result of a powerful earthquake.
Strong tremors of magnitude 6.2 occurred late in the evening in Gansu province in the north-west of the country. As a result of the disaster, more than 200 people were injured. pic.twitter.com/Jjg2UTmiYI
#EinsteinProbe lifts off on a mission to survey the sky & hunt for bursts of X-ray light from mysterious objects such as neutron stars & black holes 👉 https://t.co/6sCUKXb8py
[🔴China’s 2nd launch in 2024] At UTC 07:03 Jan 9, Einstein Probe space science satellite was successfully launched by CZ2C rocket at Xichang, Sichuan. It’s also the 506th launch of Long March rocket family. HD:https://t.co/S68Bqslbnzpic.twitter.com/KsP3nHRAxK
Update: Thirteen students were killed and another one injured in a fire that took place in a school dormitory in the county of Fangcheng, Nanyang City, central China's Henan Province, on Friday night, according to local authorities Saturday https://t.co/eg3MvSdJQ9pic.twitter.com/4fsl0gP3tp
🚨Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές εξόρυξης στον κόσμο συνέβη στο Erzincan 🇹🇷 πριν λίγο
Κατέρρευσε το ορυχείο κυανιούχου χρυσού Anagold στο İliç , και έγινε τάφος για τους εργάτες .Το κυάνιο διαχύθηκε στον Ευφράτη ποταμό δίπλα στο ορυχείο καθιστώντας το νερό δηλητηριώδες pic.twitter.com/BgnocGix5w
❗🪨🇹🇷 - A huge landslide left several workers buried underground at the Copler gold mine (Anagold Mining) in the Iliç district of Erzincan province, Turkey.
The mountain has literally descended on the mine and Mountains of cyanide and sulfur waste have migrated and millions of… pic.twitter.com/3jPrbaMmpB
My office and I are in touch with an impacted #Iowa family. We are working through proper channels and requesting to speak with the U.S. Embassy on appropriate matters to ensure that the victims first receive quality care for their injuries and then get out of #China in a… https://t.co/M4udbe6KS9
— Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, M.D. (@RepMMM) June 10, 2024
My office and I are in touch with an impacted #Iowa family. We are working through proper channels and requesting to speak with the U.S. Embassy on appropriate matters to ensure that the victims first receive quality care for their injuries and then get out of #China in a… https://t.co/M4udbe6KS9
— Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, M.D. (@RepMMM) June 10, 2024
Ze zavaleného polského dolu Rydultowy se podařilo vysvobodit 41 horníků. Ti byli po silném otřesu od ranních hodin uvěznění pod zemí. Patnáct z nich záchranáři rozvezli do přilehlých nemocnic. Se dvěma dalšími se ale stále nepodařilo navázat kontakt. pic.twitter.com/fTMzMhlqTR
6 PLA aircraft and 7 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 2 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan’s southwestern ADIZ. We have monitored the situation and responded accordingly. pic.twitter.com/THjRjhGdL6
— 國防部 Ministry of National Defense, ROC(Taiwan) 🇹🇼 (@MoNDefense) October 20, 2024
Zhuhai, China: A driver intentionally crashed into pedestrians near a sports center. Multiple injuries reported; medical teams responding.#Chinapic.twitter.com/E9tH8oYyqb
Egy bányász meghalt a kelet-kínai Santung tartományban 11 napja berobbant aranybányában, a mentőcsapatok a helyszínen a további 21 bányász mentésén dolgoznak – számolt be a helyi hatóságok csütörtöki közlésére hivatkozva a CGTN kínai székhelyű, nemzetközi hírcsatorna.
A Jentaj város közigazgatási területén található aranybányában január 10-én történt a robbanás, amelynek következtében 22 bányász rekedt a föld alatt.
A mentőcsapatok megkezdték egy harmadik, 711 milliméter átmérőjű csatorna fúrását, amelyen keresztül a remények szerint biztonságban felszínre tudják majd hozni a bajba jutottakat. A mélyben rekedt bányászokkal vasárnap létesítettek először kapcsolatot, amikor egy huzal segítségével a mélybe küldött élelmiszereket és egyéb felszereléseket sikerült eljuttatni a túlélők egy csoportjának, akik egy kézzel írott üzenetet küldtek vissza. A mentők azóta egy vízálló mobiltelefont is leeresztettek, így már telefonon is tudtak beszélni a bányászokkal. Egyikük, aki a robbanáskor fejsérülést szenvedett és kómába került, szerdán veszítette életét. További tíz bányász sorsa ismeretlen.
A mentési munkálatokat jelentősen nehezíti, hogy a robbanás miatt beomlott bányaaknában különböző fizikai akadályokat kell eltakarítani ahhoz, hogy haladhassanak lefelé, ráadásul arra is ügyelniük kell, hogy nehogy víz árassza el az aknát, ahol a bányászok vannak.
A bányát tulajdonló Shandong Wucailong befektetési vállalat ellen a tartomány illetékes hatóságai vizsgálatot indítottak az ügyben, a céget pedig nyilvános bírálat érte amiatt, hogy mintegy 30 órás késéssel jelentették a balesetet. Az ügy kapcsán két helyi tisztségviselőt már eltávolítottak a posztjáról. A kínai törvények szerint az ilyen jellegű balesetekről egy órán belül kell értesíteni a helyi kormányzatot.
BREAKING: China just had a kindergarten massacre. Of the 9 victims of toddlers & teachers, 3 dead, 6 seriously injured so far. The suspect is still at large
A restaurant fire killed 17 and injured three on Wednesday in the city of #Changchun, northeast China's Jilin Province, according to local authorities. pic.twitter.com/o0VB6g0Z4Y
Twenty-seven people were killed and 20 others injured after a bus turned on its side in #China's Guizhou Province early Sunday morning. pic.twitter.com/TTMYugVg6Q
❗️In #China, the skyscraper of the largest telecom operator China Telecom in #Changsha is on fire. Hundreds of people could be burned alive. pic.twitter.com/GDNC74k8Tj
Amusement park-goers hung upside down for 10 minutes at the highest point of giant pendulum ride after it malfunctioned in China’s Fuyang city.
Workers had to clamber up to manually fix the ride and theme park officials said the malfunction was caused by a “weight issue.” pic.twitter.com/Xps63aGY4s
Due to extremely foggy conditions, more than 200 vehicles were involved in a major pileup on a bridge in central #Zhengzhou City in the morning, according to the province.
As of 9:30 a.m., 11 people had been rescued, and operations were still underway. pic.twitter.com/7nslu48TIF
Els equips d’emergència continuen arribant a la mina de Súria on tres treballadors han mort per un despreniment a primera hora del matí. Des de fa hores Ttrballen per rescatar els cossos. Segons ICL no hi ha constància de cap ferit. La mina ha estat evaquada. @324catpic.twitter.com/onHDzZi9G4
"Last day, we identified 11 warships and 70 military aircraft belonging to the Chinese army, which violated our water and air borders and are currently in our territory. pic.twitter.com/t2Wzt0RXx6
?? An explosion occurred at a chemical plant in China - 5 people died
An explosion at Sinochem's hydrogen peroxide solution plant in Shandong Province caught fire. The Chinese authorities reported several dead, another person is missing.
Large openings appeared on roads near a residential complex in Tianjin's Jinnan district in China forcing authorities to rescue residents.#China#Tianjinhttps://t.co/nmEpf6MTQJ
#Chine ?? Des milliers de personnes ont été évacuées de plusieurs immeubles dans la ville de Tianjin, dans le nord du pays, après que des effondrements de terrain ont créé de grandes fissures dans les rues voisines ? @Reutershttps://t.co/s4FaqGdRQX pic.twitter.com/Wq24iyHd11
Al menos doce muertos por asfixia en una mina en Venezuela, la mina se inundó por las fuertes lluvias que tuvieron lugar en la zona, Talavera en el municipio venezolano El Callao. pic.twitter.com/A0DVDsDtEc
A gas explosion happened at a grilled fish restaurant in Gaomi city, East China’s Shandong Province on Sunday morning, killing one person and injuring another. Rescue work has been completed and the injured has been treated. An investigation of the incident is underway. pic.twitter.com/QAoa3TS6XJ
At least 10 people died after an illegal gold mine collapsed in the South American country of Suriname, authorities say, adding it wasn’t immediately clear what may have caused the collapse pic.twitter.com/4i3EgBm1vi
The 6.2-magnitude #earthquake that jolted Jishishan county in Northwest #China's Gansu province late Monday evening has killed 100 people in the province and 11 people in Qinghai province, according to official data. pic.twitter.com/QoxlVe54kb
More than 100 people died in China as a result of a powerful earthquake.
Strong tremors of magnitude 6.2 occurred late in the evening in Gansu province in the north-west of the country. As a result of the disaster, more than 200 people were injured. pic.twitter.com/Jjg2UTmiYI
#EinsteinProbe lifts off on a mission to survey the sky & hunt for bursts of X-ray light from mysterious objects such as neutron stars & black holes 👉 https://t.co/6sCUKXb8py
[🔴China’s 2nd launch in 2024] At UTC 07:03 Jan 9, Einstein Probe space science satellite was successfully launched by CZ2C rocket at Xichang, Sichuan. It’s also the 506th launch of Long March rocket family. HD:https://t.co/S68Bqslbnzpic.twitter.com/KsP3nHRAxK
Update: Thirteen students were killed and another one injured in a fire that took place in a school dormitory in the county of Fangcheng, Nanyang City, central China's Henan Province, on Friday night, according to local authorities Saturday https://t.co/eg3MvSdJQ9pic.twitter.com/4fsl0gP3tp
🚨Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές εξόρυξης στον κόσμο συνέβη στο Erzincan 🇹🇷 πριν λίγο
Κατέρρευσε το ορυχείο κυανιούχου χρυσού Anagold στο İliç , και έγινε τάφος για τους εργάτες .Το κυάνιο διαχύθηκε στον Ευφράτη ποταμό δίπλα στο ορυχείο καθιστώντας το νερό δηλητηριώδες pic.twitter.com/BgnocGix5w
❗🪨🇹🇷 - A huge landslide left several workers buried underground at the Copler gold mine (Anagold Mining) in the Iliç district of Erzincan province, Turkey.
The mountain has literally descended on the mine and Mountains of cyanide and sulfur waste have migrated and millions of… pic.twitter.com/3jPrbaMmpB
My office and I are in touch with an impacted #Iowa family. We are working through proper channels and requesting to speak with the U.S. Embassy on appropriate matters to ensure that the victims first receive quality care for their injuries and then get out of #China in a… https://t.co/M4udbe6KS9
— Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, M.D. (@RepMMM) June 10, 2024
My office and I are in touch with an impacted #Iowa family. We are working through proper channels and requesting to speak with the U.S. Embassy on appropriate matters to ensure that the victims first receive quality care for their injuries and then get out of #China in a… https://t.co/M4udbe6KS9
— Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, M.D. (@RepMMM) June 10, 2024
6 PLA aircraft and 7 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 2 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan’s southwestern ADIZ. We have monitored the situation and responded accordingly. pic.twitter.com/THjRjhGdL6
— 國防部 Ministry of National Defense, ROC(Taiwan) 🇹🇼 (@MoNDefense) October 20, 2024
Üzenetet küldtek a kelet-kínai Santung tartományban bő egy hete berobbant aranybányában rekedt bányászok a kimentésükön fáradozó mentőknek – jelentette a helyi hatóságok hétfői közlésére hivatkozva a CGTN kínai székhelyű, nemzetközi hírcsatorna.
A Jentaj városban található aranybányában január 10-én történt a robbanás, amelynek következtében 22 bányász rekedt a föld alatt. A bányászok kimentésében több mint négyszázan vesznek részt, éjjel-nappal folytatva a munkát. Eddig két csatornát fúrtak a lent rekedtek helyzetének megállapítására. A mentőcsapatok beszámolója szerint vasárnap éjszaka az egyik csatornán keresztül egy huzal segítségével a mélybe küldött élelmiszereket és egyéb felszereléseket sikerült eljuttatni a túlélők egy csoportjának. Amikor a vezetéket visszahúzták, a leküldött tárgyak helyén egy kézzel írt üzenetet találtak, mely szerint 12 bányász még életben van, míg további tíz sorsa ismeretlen. A bányászok leírták továbbá, hogy elcsigázottak és sürgősen szükségük van kötszerekre és gyógyszerekre. Hozzátették: odalent víz árasztotta el az alagutat, és sűrű füst töltötte meg a levegőt.
A CGTN-nek egy mentési munkálatokban részt vevő szakértő szombaton azt mondta: a munkát jelentősen lassítja, hogy a robbanás miatt beomlott bányaaknában különböző fizikai akadályokat kell eltakarítani ahhoz, hogy haladhassanak lefelé. A helyszínen öt fúróval dolgoznak ahhoz, hogy mielőbb lejussanak a baleset idején csaknem 700 méter mélyen tartózkodó bányászokhoz. A mentőket egy emelőszerkezetre erősített ketrecben eresztik le, melyben egyszerre legfeljebb két-három ember tud lemenni, hogy felhozzák az útban lévő tárgyakat – egyebek mellett acélrudakról, huzalokról és kötelekről van szó.
A bányát tulajdonló Sandong Wucailong befektetési vállalat ellen a tartomány illetékes hatóságai vizsgálatot indítottak az ügyben, a céget pedig nyilvános bírálat érte amiatt, hogy mintegy 30 órás késéssel jelentették a balesetet. Az ügy kapcsán két helyi tisztségviselőt már eltávolítottak a posztjáról. A kínai törvények szerint az ilyen jellegű balesetekről egy órán belül kell értesíteni a helyi kormányzatot.
Torrential rains have hit China's southwestern cities, causing flooding and water-logging in addition to traffic disruptions and leaving residents stranded. pic.twitter.com/N9xXKmISCV
Mountain torrents hit Pingwu County, SW China's Sichuan Province caused by sudden heavy #rainstorms, killing two and leaving four others missing on Tuesday. So far, 31 people have been rescued. pic.twitter.com/wAqDQgZAUn
BREAKING: China just had a kindergarten massacre. Of the 9 victims of toddlers & teachers, 3 dead, 6 seriously injured so far. The suspect is still at large
Twenty-seven people were killed and 20 others injured after a bus turned on its side in #China's Guizhou Province early Sunday morning. pic.twitter.com/TTMYugVg6Q
❗️In #China, the skyscraper of the largest telecom operator China Telecom in #Changsha is on fire. Hundreds of people could be burned alive. pic.twitter.com/GDNC74k8Tj
A restaurant fire killed 17 and injured three on Wednesday in the city of #Changchun, northeast China's Jilin Province, according to local authorities. pic.twitter.com/o0VB6g0Z4Y
Due to extremely foggy conditions, more than 200 vehicles were involved in a major pileup on a bridge in central #Zhengzhou City in the morning, according to the province.
As of 9:30 a.m., 11 people had been rescued, and operations were still underway. pic.twitter.com/7nslu48TIF
Amusement park-goers hung upside down for 10 minutes at the highest point of giant pendulum ride after it malfunctioned in China’s Fuyang city.
Workers had to clamber up to manually fix the ride and theme park officials said the malfunction was caused by a “weight issue.” pic.twitter.com/Xps63aGY4s
Els equips d’emergència continuen arribant a la mina de Súria on tres treballadors han mort per un despreniment a primera hora del matí. Des de fa hores Ttrballen per rescatar els cossos. Segons ICL no hi ha constància de cap ferit. La mina ha estat evaquada. @324catpic.twitter.com/onHDzZi9G4
"Last day, we identified 11 warships and 70 military aircraft belonging to the Chinese army, which violated our water and air borders and are currently in our territory. pic.twitter.com/t2Wzt0RXx6
Large openings appeared on roads near a residential complex in Tianjin's Jinnan district in China forcing authorities to rescue residents.#China#Tianjinhttps://t.co/nmEpf6MTQJ
#Chine ?? Des milliers de personnes ont été évacuées de plusieurs immeubles dans la ville de Tianjin, dans le nord du pays, après que des effondrements de terrain ont créé de grandes fissures dans les rues voisines ? @Reutershttps://t.co/s4FaqGdRQX pic.twitter.com/Wq24iyHd11
Al menos doce muertos por asfixia en una mina en Venezuela, la mina se inundó por las fuertes lluvias que tuvieron lugar en la zona, Talavera en el municipio venezolano El Callao. pic.twitter.com/A0DVDsDtEc
?? An explosion occurred at a chemical plant in China - 5 people died
An explosion at Sinochem's hydrogen peroxide solution plant in Shandong Province caught fire. The Chinese authorities reported several dead, another person is missing.
A gas explosion happened at a grilled fish restaurant in Gaomi city, East China’s Shandong Province on Sunday morning, killing one person and injuring another. Rescue work has been completed and the injured has been treated. An investigation of the incident is underway. pic.twitter.com/QAoa3TS6XJ
At least 10 people died after an illegal gold mine collapsed in the South American country of Suriname, authorities say, adding it wasn’t immediately clear what may have caused the collapse pic.twitter.com/4i3EgBm1vi
The 6.2-magnitude #earthquake that jolted Jishishan county in Northwest #China's Gansu province late Monday evening has killed 100 people in the province and 11 people in Qinghai province, according to official data. pic.twitter.com/QoxlVe54kb
More than 100 people died in China as a result of a powerful earthquake.
Strong tremors of magnitude 6.2 occurred late in the evening in Gansu province in the north-west of the country. As a result of the disaster, more than 200 people were injured. pic.twitter.com/Jjg2UTmiYI
#EinsteinProbe lifts off on a mission to survey the sky & hunt for bursts of X-ray light from mysterious objects such as neutron stars & black holes 👉 https://t.co/6sCUKXb8py
[🔴China’s 2nd launch in 2024] At UTC 07:03 Jan 9, Einstein Probe space science satellite was successfully launched by CZ2C rocket at Xichang, Sichuan. It’s also the 506th launch of Long March rocket family. HD:https://t.co/S68Bqslbnzpic.twitter.com/KsP3nHRAxK
Update: Thirteen students were killed and another one injured in a fire that took place in a school dormitory in the county of Fangcheng, Nanyang City, central China's Henan Province, on Friday night, according to local authorities Saturday https://t.co/eg3MvSdJQ9pic.twitter.com/4fsl0gP3tp
🚨Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές εξόρυξης στον κόσμο συνέβη στο Erzincan 🇹🇷 πριν λίγο
Κατέρρευσε το ορυχείο κυανιούχου χρυσού Anagold στο İliç , και έγινε τάφος για τους εργάτες .Το κυάνιο διαχύθηκε στον Ευφράτη ποταμό δίπλα στο ορυχείο καθιστώντας το νερό δηλητηριώδες pic.twitter.com/BgnocGix5w
❗🪨🇹🇷 - A huge landslide left several workers buried underground at the Copler gold mine (Anagold Mining) in the Iliç district of Erzincan province, Turkey.
The mountain has literally descended on the mine and Mountains of cyanide and sulfur waste have migrated and millions of… pic.twitter.com/3jPrbaMmpB
My office and I are in touch with an impacted #Iowa family. We are working through proper channels and requesting to speak with the U.S. Embassy on appropriate matters to ensure that the victims first receive quality care for their injuries and then get out of #China in a… https://t.co/M4udbe6KS9
— Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, M.D. (@RepMMM) June 10, 2024
6 PLA aircraft and 7 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 2 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan’s southwestern ADIZ. We have monitored the situation and responded accordingly. pic.twitter.com/THjRjhGdL6
— 國防部 Ministry of National Defense, ROC(Taiwan) 🇹🇼 (@MoNDefense) October 20, 2024
Zhuhai, China: A driver intentionally crashed into pedestrians near a sports center. Multiple injuries reported; medical teams responding.#Chinapic.twitter.com/E9tH8oYyqb