Kisiklott egy tehervonat szerdán a kaliforniai sivatagban, Ludlow közelében – írja a DailyMail. A balesetben senki nem sérült meg.
Az esetről készült felvételeken látható, ahogy a vasúti kocsik egymásra torlódva hevernek a sín mentén a a sivatagban.
A cikk szerint 44 kocsi siklott ki, ezek közül az egyikben etanolt szállítottak. A baleset után azonban nem ütött ki tűz, az etanol szivárgását pedig gyorsan meg tudták állítani.
A baleset mintegy 120 kilométerre történt attól a helytől, ahol 1989-ben kisiklott egy 69 kocsiból álló tehervonat, több ember halálát okozva.
ABC: More than two dozen rail cars went crashing into the sand as a cargo train derailed in the California desert, near the remote Mojave community of Ludlow.
Officials said no one was injured and a hazardous materials spill was quickly mitigated. …
VIDEO: One dead as freight train topples onto Mexican homes.
A freight train has derailed and toppled onto houses alongside the tracks in western Mexico, killing one resident and injuring three others, emergency services say
At least one person was killed and another injured after an avalanche struck near Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevada. First responders successfully rescued one person, and search and rescue operations are underway to address the situation.
A crash involving dozens of vehicles along a foggy stretch of California’s Interstate 5 in southern California has left two people dead and nine others injured.
ABC: More than two dozen rail cars went crashing into the sand as a cargo train derailed in the California desert, near the remote Mojave community of Ludlow.
Officials said no one was injured and a hazardous materials spill was quickly mitigated. …
At least one person was killed and another injured after an avalanche struck near Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevada. First responders successfully rescued one person, and search and rescue operations are underway to address the situation.
A crash involving dozens of vehicles along a foggy stretch of California’s Interstate 5 in southern California has left two people dead and nine others injured.
Kisiklott egy tehervonat nyolc kocsija szombat hajnalban a Dnyipropetrovszk megyei Voszkobijnya állomás közelében, a térségben két irányban szünetel a vasúti forgalom – adta hírül a hírportál a Rendkívüli Helyzetek Állami Szolgálatának megyei kirendeltségére hivatkozva.
A jelentés szerint az 57 vagonból álló szerelvény nyolc kocsija siklott ki. A baleset következtében megrongálódott a vasúti pálya és a felsővezeték egy tartóoszlopa. Az érintett szakaszon lekapcsolták az áramot. Négy felborult vagonban klinkert szállítottak.
A szakemberek megkezdték a baleset következményeinek felszámolását. A térségben két irányban szünetel a vasúti közlekedés. A balesetnek, amelynek az okát vizsgálják, nincs sérültje.
Between Burntisland & Kinghorn, we’ve had reports of two landslips, which have blocked the line. We’re working closely with the emergency services here. /1
14. června 2020, 06:41, Struhařov (BN) Ke srážce vlaku a autobusu vyjeli středočeští hasiči krátce před sedmou hodinou ranní. Hasiči pomáhali s tříděním raněných metodou START a zdravotnické záchranné službě při ošetřování a transportu raněných.
ABC: More than two dozen rail cars went crashing into the sand as a cargo train derailed in the California desert, near the remote Mojave community of Ludlow.
Officials said no one was injured and a hazardous materials spill was quickly mitigated. …
About 80 people in the city of Sibley, Iowa, were evacuated after part of a Union Pacific train hauling hazardous materials derailed and then caught fire, officials said. There were no reports of injuries or fatalities.
VIDEO: One dead as freight train topples onto Mexican homes.
A freight train has derailed and toppled onto houses alongside the tracks in western Mexico, killing one resident and injuring three others, emergency services say
Ein Ventus-Tandem der GYSEV / Raaberbahn ist in Münchendorf entgleist. 1 Toter und bis zu 30 Verletzte lt. ersten Meldungen.
Von den Fahrzeugen betroffen der 4746 311 (= fabrikneu) und 4744 302. Die Garnituren sind technisch baugleich zum ÖBB cityjet (4744/4746).
60 people injured, sixteen of them seriously in a train derailment which killed at least three say authorities in the south German town of Garmisch. The injured are from all age groups said spokesman. It’s still not clear what caused the derailment & a major operation is ongoing
#CROATIA RAIL CATASTROPHY near NOVSKA - PAX train went thru red light with 100 km/h speed hitting cargo train which was standing in the station. Number of victims is rising. 5 government ministers onsite including PM Plenković. All emergency teams onsite.
⚠#Actualització: 150 persones ferides en estat lleu i 5 persones més en estat menys greu pel xoc entre dos trens a Montcada i Reixac, segons @emergenciescat
#BREAKING: Train derailment between Greek cities of Athens and Thessaloniki kills at least 16 people and leaves 85 injured, fire officials say
#Greece: Multiple injuries caused by train collision. The collision between a freight and passenger train occurred near Tempe, some 380 kilometers north of Athens, and resulted in the derailment of several train cars.#Τέμπη
?? ? ?️ ??? Wisconsin Lithium Battery Train Crashes Into River
A train derailed Thursday in Wisconsin as two wagons fell into the Mississippi River. Four people were injured, according to local authorities. ?
NEW: Major Train Derailment In Northwest Minnesota.
Canadian Pacific confirms 24 train cars, some carrying hazardous material, derailed this afternoon near Lancaster about 10 miles south of the MN/Canadian border.
Distressed by the train accident in Odisha. In this hour of grief, my thoughts are with the bereaved families. May the injured recover soon. Spoke to Railway Minister @AshwiniVaishnaw and took stock of the situation. Rescue ops are underway at the site of the mishap and all…
At least 2 dead and dozens injured, some critically, after a RegioJet passenger train collided with a freight train in Pardubice, according to a fire dpt spox. The accident occurred on the main railway corridor in #CzechRepublic. Train connects #Slovakia, Kosice and number of…
At least 2 dead and dozens injured, some critically, after a RegioJet passenger train collided with a freight train in Pardubice, according to a fire dpt spox. The accident occurred on the main railway corridor in #CzechRepublic. Train connects #Slovakia, Kosice and number of…
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
At least three people were killed and 49 others wounded in a collision between two passenger trains in Zagazig city northeast of Cairo, Egypt's health ministry said on Saturday.
A baleset a Bangkoktól mintegy 80 kilométerre keletre található Csacsoengszao városánál történt. A szakadó esőben a busz, több mint 60 emberrel a fedélzetén, vasúti sínekre hajtott, ahol egy vonattal ütközött. Az utasok egy csacsoengszaói buddhista kolostorba tartottak.
A helyszínre érkezett mentőcsapat egyik tagja szerint a halottak száma vélhetően emelkedni fog. Az ügyben a rendőrség vizsgálatot indított.
Az Egészségügyi Világszervezet (WHO) adatai szerint a világon Thaiföldön a második legmagasabb a közúti balesetek halálozási aránya, a halottak nagy része motorbiciklis, de gyakoriak a halálos buszbalesetek is.
A 70-seater bus and a mini truck collides and catches fire at the Dschang cliff in the early hours of the morning leaving 14 dead, 38 others removed and rushed to the hospital in Dschang. The numbers may increase as the rescue team continues with their rescue
??? ????????? ???????? ????? ???? ???? ???????? ??? ?? ????? ?? #??????? Ce matin à 4h, un bus de Menoua Voyage venant de #Douala entre en collision avec un camion. Nous y reviendrons
ABC: More than two dozen rail cars went crashing into the sand as a cargo train derailed in the California desert, near the remote Mojave community of Ludlow.
Officials said no one was injured and a hazardous materials spill was quickly mitigated. …
‼️ El #choque entre un trailer y un bus de la cooperativa San Luis, que cubría la ruta Cuenca-Cañar-La Troncal-Guayaquil, causó la muerte de 9 personas.
?.#ATENCION | ? El choque frontal de un bus de transporte interprovincial y un tráiler deja 9 muertos y 27 heridos. ? Cinco personas fueron trasladadas a centros de salud del @IESSec y del Ministerio de @Salud_Ec ? Ocurrió en el sector Cochancay
VIDEO: One dead as freight train topples onto Mexican homes.
A freight train has derailed and toppled onto houses alongside the tracks in western Mexico, killing one resident and injuring three others, emergency services say
Another bad news came from Antalya's Manavgat district, which has been struggling with fires for days. As a result of the overturning of the tour midibus carrying Russian tourists, 3 people lost their lives and 16 people were injured.
Extremely saddening news to hear fatal bus accident in Barabanki, killing 12 individuals and seriously injuring more than 30.Deeply saddened and condolences to their family who died in road accident. Please pray for them who injured.?
11 burnt to death in tragic #accident on Balotra (#Barmer)-Jodhpur highway, Rajasthan. A truck crashed into a bus coming from the opposite direction with at least 28 passengers from #Jodhpur. Both the vehicles caught fire, killing 10 people on the spot. 22 injured.
BREAKING: 17 people drown, 10 others rescued after a bus plunges into Enziu river in Mwingi, Kitui County, search for bodies on
Fortportal accident update. @FNampiima "so far 20 people have been confirmed dead, out of whom thirteen are adults while 7 are juveniles. Out of the twenty, 11 are male and nine are female. Their particulars will be availed in due course
Officials in Pakistan say at least 20 people were killed after a passenger bus rammed into a fuel truck on a highway in eastern Punjab province.
Twenty-seven people were killed and 20 others injured after a bus turned on its side in #China's Guizhou Province early Sunday morning.
A school bus carrying students has rolled down an embankment after colliding with a truck just near Melbourne with a teenage girl and the truck driver both seriously
One person was killed in a bus rollover, according to Brandeis University, which chartered the bus. The accident happened near the Brandeis campus in Waltham, Massachuetts.
??????? Au moins deux personnes ont trouvé la mort après un accident de bus tombé dans une rivière depuis un pont en Galice. Deux autres personnes, dont le chauffeur du bus, ont été secourues et hospitalisées.
At least 39 people died and 4 others were wounded in an accident after a passenger bus plunged into aravine and caught fire near Chinki stop in the Bela area of the Lasbela Balochistan. May Allah give sabar to the families who have lost their loved one's?
VIEWERS DISCRETION ADVISED? ?Fatal Accident On Hwy1 Near Carberry, MB @CarraDeShaukeen
At least 15 people have been killed in a crash Between A Semi-Truck & Handi-Transit Vehicle on the Trans-Canada Highway west of Winnipeg near Carberry, Manitoba. #Carberry#mbpoli#Mantioba…
Over 80 people were injured in a seven-vehicle pileup, including three buses carrying middle school students on a field trip, in #SouthKorea's Gangwon province on Friday, police said.
About 30 firefighters were taking part in the rescue operation, while police were investigating…
Currently numerous authorities and emergency personnel have been deployed following a collision involving a double-decker tour bus and a MTA city bus in…
☎️ Hasiči zřídili informační linku pro rodiny a blízké lidí zasažených událostí 950 640 000. ❗️Při nehodě u Brna se zranilo 76 lidí, z toho 14 těžce, jeden člověk zemřel. ? Ve směru na Brno by se mohla podle Policie ČR dálnice zprůjezdnit ve 22 hodin. Foto: ČT24/ČTK
JMK - Na 3. km D2 došlo ve směru na Brno poblíž Rebešovic k závažné dopravní nehodě dvou autobusů. Podle předběžných zpráv jeden z řidičů na místě zemřel, v obou autobusech jsou desítky zraněných. Na místě pracují všechny složky IZS. Komunikace je neprůjezdná.
At least 8 dead as bus plunges into Trishuli river in Dhading
The bus, heading to Pokhara from Kathmandu, veered off the road and plunged into the river near Gajuri along the Prithvi Highway, police said.
In Micheldorf (Bezirk St. Veit an der Glan) in Kärnten ist ein Bus von der Straße abgekommen und umgestürzt. Das Opfer ist eine 19-Jährige.
#Urgente | Al menos 13 personas fallecidas y 36 heridos dejó el despiste y caída a un precipicio de 200 metros de un bus de la empresa Molina, en el paraje Huaccoto, en el distrito de Anco, en carretera Ayacucho - Huancayo, según informe preliminar de la Policía.
Vi sarebbero per ora almeno due morti accertati e una quarantina di feriti nell'incidente del pullman precipitato da un cavalcavia a Mestre. Il tragico bilancio sembra essere destinato a salire Le prime foto tratte da fermi immagini del Tg1 e Tg2 Rai
Un’immane tragedia ha colpito questa sera la nostra comunità. Ho disposto da subito il lutto cittadino, in memoria delle numerose vittime che erano nell’autobus caduto. Una scena apocalittica, non ci sono parole.
Doda Bus Accident | Minutes before accident, CCTV footage of ill fated bus crossed Drabshalla naka point in Kishtwar district at 9:30 AM.
A charter bus carrying students from a high school was rear-ended by a semitruck on an Ohio highway Tuesday, leaving six people dead and at least 18 others injured, according to officials.
At least 17 people have died in an explosion at a fireworks production factory in Suphan Buri's Mueang District, according to news reports. Some sources report the number as 23.
The explosion occurred around 15:30. Locals said approximately 20-30 people were working in the…
Schulbus-Unfall in #Fürth-#Erlenbach +++ 12 Schüler und Busfahrer verletzt +++ Bus rollt laut Polizei 60 Meter weit führerlos in eine Wiese
UPDATE: The crash happened when a 2001 Ford pickup truck side-swiped the bus carrying farm workers in Marion County Florida. The bus then went off the road, crashed into a fence, and overturned in a field. 8 people were killed and up to 50 injured, several in critical condition.
#WorldNews: Twelve children were killed in #SouthAfrica early Wednesday when a minibus taking them to school in #Johannesburg overturned and caught fire after being hit by another vehicle, the government said.
— LBCI Lebanon English (@LBCI_News_EN) July 10, 2024
⚫ La C-32 continua tallada entre Pineda de Mar i Tordera en sentit Girona per un autobús amb passatge que s'ha accidentat i bolcat a l'entrada d'un túnel.