Egyelőre vizsgálják a szakértők mi okozhatta a repülőbalesetet Indiában. A gép két feketedobozát megtalálták a roncsok között, az adatok elemzése még tart.
Az Air India Expressz járata szakadó esőben próbált leszállni, a gép azonban megcsúszott, lesodródott a kifutópályáról és kettétört. Tizennyolcan vesztették életüket, 120 embert vittek kórházba, huszonketten válságos állapotban vannak. Sajtóhírek szerint szakértők már évek óta figyelmeztettek arra, hogy a reptér kifutópályája nem biztonságos. 2010-ben egy ugyanilyen balesetben csaknem 160-an haltak meg – hangzott el az M1 Híradójában.
Az Air India Express 13-44-es járata 184 utassal és hatfős személyzettel a fedélzetén érkezett Dubajból a dél-indiai Kerala államba. Az utasok többsége vendégmunkásként dolgozott az Egyesült Arab Emírségekben, de a koronavírus miatt elvesztette munkáját, és az utazási korlátozások miatt eddig nem tudott hazatérni.
A beszámolók szerint a Boeing 737-es sokáig körözött a repülőtér felett. Két sikertelen leszállási kísérlet után a pilóták újra megpróbálták a landolást. A repülő azonban nem tudott megállni a leszállópálya végén, és lecsúszott a meredek lejtőn.
A domboldal alján a gép törzse kettétört, a jármű orra összeroncsolódott. A repülő elején ülők közül többen a helyszínen életüket vesztették. Köztük a kapitány is, aki a vizsgálat szerint sokkal nagyobb tragédiát akadályozott meg azzal, hogy időben leállította a hajtóműveket, így nem gyulladt ki a roncs. A mentők több mint 120 sérültet szállítottak kórházba, két tucatnyi embert válságos állapotban.
Szombaton a roncsok között a hatóságok megtalálták mindkét feketedobozt: a fedélzeti hangrögzítő és a repülési adatokat összesítő szerkezetet is. A vizsgálat most elsősorban arra a kérdésre keresi a választ, miért futott le a pályáról a repülőgép.
A feltételezések szerint a szakadó monszuneső is közrejátszott, a polgári repülésért felelős miniszter ugyanakkor óva intett az elhamarkodott következtetésektől.
„A vizsgálathoz szükséges összes adat ott van a feketedobozokban. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy minden tényezőt hamarosan megismerünk. A cél az, hogy teljesen megértsük az esetet, hogy soha ne következhessen be hasonló tragédia” – mondta Hardíp Szing Puri, indiai légi közlekedési miniszter.
Az már az első nyilatkozatok alapján valószínűsíthető, hogy a balesethez hozzájárult a repülőtér szokatlan kiépítése.
A szintkülönbségek miatt ugyanis a kifutópálya egy emelvényen, 10 méterrel a környező területek szintje fölött halad.
A polgári repülési hatóság már tavaly júliusban jelezte a reptér üzemeltetőinek a kritikus biztonsági hiányosságokat. Indiai sajtóértesülés szerint azonban a szaktárca repülésbiztonsági bizottságának szakértője már kilenc évvel ezelőtt figyelmeztetett a megemelt kifutópályát alkalmazó repülőterek veszélyeire
A jelentés azt követően készült, hogy 2010 májusában túlfutott a leszállópályán és kigyulladt egy gép a délnyugat-indiai Mangaluru repülőterén. A tragédiában 158-an vesztették életüket. A vizsgálati anyag készítője szombaton az egyik legnagyobb indiai napilapnak azt mondta: mivel a veszélyek régóta ismertek, a mostani szerencsétlenség felelőseit emberölés miatt kellene bíróság elé állítani.
More than 80 people have died in recent days after drinking toxic bootleg alcohol in the Indian state of Punjab, officials and reports said
#WATCH | An Oxygen tanker leaked while tankers were being filled at Dr Zakir Hussain Hospital in Nashik, Maharashtra. Officials are present at the spot, operation to contain the leak is underway. Details awaited.
Citizens take to twitter as #Cyclone#Tauktae has hit coastal areas of #Maharashtra & caused heavy rainfall with thundering storms. Heavy water accumulation can be seen while #IMD said, this could intensity into 'extremely severe cyclonic storms' for #Mumbai.
#Assam : Terrible accident at Nimatighat in Jorhat. Two ships crash on the mighty brahmaputra. Hundreds of passengers are still missing.
Extremely saddening news to hear fatal bus accident in Barabanki, killing 12 individuals and seriously injuring more than 30.Deeply saddened and condolences to their family who died in road accident. Please pray for them who injured.?
#WATCH | Kerala: A house got washed away by strong water currents of a river in Kottayam's Mundakayam yesterday following heavy rainfall.
11 burnt to death in tragic #accident on Balotra (#Barmer)-Jodhpur highway, Rajasthan. A truck crashed into a bus coming from the opposite direction with at least 28 passengers from #Jodhpur. Both the vehicles caught fire, killing 10 people on the spot. 22 injured.
An Indian Air Force helicopter crashed in the Nilgiri Mountains in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. There were 14 people on board the Mi-17-V5 helicopter, including Chief of General Staff Bipin Ravat.
Search ops in #Tupul, #Manipur continues.13Territorial #Army prsnl & 5 civilian have been safely rescued while mortal remains of 9 Territorial Army persnl & 1 civilian have been recovered.10 columns have been pressed into the search operation Search for 21 missing #Army prsnl on
Sad to hear unfortunate news of massive landslide in Noney district of #Manipur . My heartfelt condolences to families who have lost their loved ones ??
Prayers for speedy recovery and safety of injured & missing. May Almighty give strength to the efforts of rescuing agencies.
Punjab Chief Minister openly drinks a glass of polluted water from a ‘holy river’ to prove that water is clean. Now admitted to hospital.
?? Jalpaiguri (West Bengal, India), October 06 (KMS): As many as eight persons, including four women, have died of drowning and several persons are missing because of flash floods during a Hindu religious ceremony in the Indian state of West Bengal.
???INDIA: Death toll rises in India bridge collapse: The death toll from a suspension bridge collapse in India rose to more than 130 and officials fear it could grow as authorities opened a criminal case into one of the deadliest accidents in the country in the past 10 years.
Around 16 Indian Troops were killed in a clash with the PLA Troops in Twang on 9 December, 2022. As of today these deaths are being justified as a vehicular accident by India's misguiding and war mongering media. But in reality, another serious blow to India has been delivered.
Distressed by the train accident in Odisha. In this hour of grief, my thoughts are with the bereaved families. May the injured recover soon. Spoke to Railway Minister @AshwiniVaishnaw and took stock of the situation. Rescue ops are underway at the site of the mishap and all…
VIDEO | Several cars were damaged in Delhi's Kalkaji area after a portion of wall of Deshbandhu college collapsed amid heavy rains in the city.
Uttarakhand Tragedy: Over 2 dozen workers at Namami Gange Sewer Treatment Plant Project were electrocuted after a transformer exploded at Alaknanda river banks in Chamoli district
15 workers have lost lives, several others injured. Reason for short circuit being investigated
Twenty-four people have died by lightning strikes and about 23 have been left injured in rain-related incidents in the western Indian state of Gujarat over the past two days
First 27 workers rescued till now from the Silkyara Tunnel in Uttarkashi. Kudos to the 22 agencies which worked day and night for the rescue mission including NDRF, BRO, Indian Army, Indian Air Force, NHIDCL, SJVNL, THFCL, RVNL, ONGC, Coal India &
Mumbai Pune Expressway: A private bus carrying 36 passengers had a narrow escape when it caught fire. All the passengers were evacuated safely and no casualties were reported.
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
Dozens of people, mostly women, have been killed in northern India after a stampede at a religious event. The incident took place in Hathras district in Uttar Pradesh state. Many others are reportedly injured.
VIDEO | Visuals from outside a chemical factory in the Special Economic Zone in the Rambilli Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle, where a blast left several workers injured earlier today.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
191 emberrel a fedélzetén túlfutott a kifutópályáról az Air India Express repülőgépe a keralai Kozsíkóde repülőtéren és egy völgybe zuhant, majd a baleset következtében kettétört. A balesetben legalább 17 ember meghalt, 123-an pedig megsérültek, ebből 15-en súlyosan.
A gép Dubajból indult, az indiai Kálikut város nemzetközi repülőterén azonban a zuhanás során túlfutott a leszállópályáról, egy völgybe zuhant és kettészakadt.
A mentési műveletek jelenleg is zajlanak, a helyszínre 24 mentőautót és tűzoltót küldtek, valamint az indiai katasztrófa-elhárítás (NDRF) 60 főből álló egységét.
Az indiai News 18 azt írja, a balesetben legalább 17 ember meghalt – köztük a pilóta és a másodpilóta is –, és 123-an megsérültek. A rendőrség közlése szerint 15 ember súlyos sérüléseket szenvedett.
A légitársaság közlése szerint a gépen 184 utas volt, köztük 10 gyerek, és a hétfős személyzet.
A térségben a gép leszállásakor heves ezősések voltak. India Polgári Repülés Főigazgatósága (DGCA) elrendelte a baleset körülményeinek kivizsgálását.
Radzsív Dzsain, a polgári repülésért felelős indiai minisztérium szóvivőjének tájékoztatása szerint a Boeing 737-es típusú utasszállítón nem keletkezett tűz. A dpa hírügynökség egy sértetlen utasról, egy kislányról tud, de ezt hivatalosan nem erősítették meg.
A gépen olyan indiai állampolgárok utaztak, akik a koronavírus okozta járvány miatt külföldön rekedtek, és most tértek haza.
More than 80 people have died in recent days after drinking toxic bootleg alcohol in the Indian state of Punjab, officials and reports said
#WATCH | An Oxygen tanker leaked while tankers were being filled at Dr Zakir Hussain Hospital in Nashik, Maharashtra. Officials are present at the spot, operation to contain the leak is underway. Details awaited.
Citizens take to twitter as #Cyclone#Tauktae has hit coastal areas of #Maharashtra & caused heavy rainfall with thundering storms. Heavy water accumulation can be seen while #IMD said, this could intensity into 'extremely severe cyclonic storms' for #Mumbai.
#Assam : Terrible accident at Nimatighat in Jorhat. Two ships crash on the mighty brahmaputra. Hundreds of passengers are still missing.
Extremely saddening news to hear fatal bus accident in Barabanki, killing 12 individuals and seriously injuring more than 30.Deeply saddened and condolences to their family who died in road accident. Please pray for them who injured.?
#WATCH | Kerala: A house got washed away by strong water currents of a river in Kottayam's Mundakayam yesterday following heavy rainfall.
11 burnt to death in tragic #accident on Balotra (#Barmer)-Jodhpur highway, Rajasthan. A truck crashed into a bus coming from the opposite direction with at least 28 passengers from #Jodhpur. Both the vehicles caught fire, killing 10 people on the spot. 22 injured.
An Indian Air Force helicopter crashed in the Nilgiri Mountains in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. There were 14 people on board the Mi-17-V5 helicopter, including Chief of General Staff Bipin Ravat.
Search ops in #Tupul, #Manipur continues.13Territorial #Army prsnl & 5 civilian have been safely rescued while mortal remains of 9 Territorial Army persnl & 1 civilian have been recovered.10 columns have been pressed into the search operation Search for 21 missing #Army prsnl on
Sad to hear unfortunate news of massive landslide in Noney district of #Manipur . My heartfelt condolences to families who have lost their loved ones ??
Prayers for speedy recovery and safety of injured & missing. May Almighty give strength to the efforts of rescuing agencies.
Punjab Chief Minister openly drinks a glass of polluted water from a ‘holy river’ to prove that water is clean. Now admitted to hospital.
?? Jalpaiguri (West Bengal, India), October 06 (KMS): As many as eight persons, including four women, have died of drowning and several persons are missing because of flash floods during a Hindu religious ceremony in the Indian state of West Bengal.
???INDIA: Death toll rises in India bridge collapse: The death toll from a suspension bridge collapse in India rose to more than 130 and officials fear it could grow as authorities opened a criminal case into one of the deadliest accidents in the country in the past 10 years.
Around 16 Indian Troops were killed in a clash with the PLA Troops in Twang on 9 December, 2022. As of today these deaths are being justified as a vehicular accident by India's misguiding and war mongering media. But in reality, another serious blow to India has been delivered.
Distressed by the train accident in Odisha. In this hour of grief, my thoughts are with the bereaved families. May the injured recover soon. Spoke to Railway Minister @AshwiniVaishnaw and took stock of the situation. Rescue ops are underway at the site of the mishap and all…
Uttarakhand Tragedy: Over 2 dozen workers at Namami Gange Sewer Treatment Plant Project were electrocuted after a transformer exploded at Alaknanda river banks in Chamoli district
15 workers have lost lives, several others injured. Reason for short circuit being investigated
Twenty-four people have died by lightning strikes and about 23 have been left injured in rain-related incidents in the western Indian state of Gujarat over the past two days
First 27 workers rescued till now from the Silkyara Tunnel in Uttarkashi. Kudos to the 22 agencies which worked day and night for the rescue mission including NDRF, BRO, Indian Army, Indian Air Force, NHIDCL, SJVNL, THFCL, RVNL, ONGC, Coal India &
Mumbai Pune Expressway: A private bus carrying 36 passengers had a narrow escape when it caught fire. All the passengers were evacuated safely and no casualties were reported.
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
Dozens of people, mostly women, have been killed in northern India after a stampede at a religious event. The incident took place in Hathras district in Uttar Pradesh state. Many others are reportedly injured.
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
VIDEO | Visuals from outside a chemical factory in the Special Economic Zone in the Rambilli Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle, where a blast left several workers injured earlier today.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
Vasárnap az északnyugati Pandzsábban az indiai rendőrség azt követően csapott le alkoholcsempész-bandára, hogy a héten az államban 86-an pancsolt szesztől haltak meg – jelentették hivatalos források.
Druman Nimbale, a helyi rendőrség munkatársa újságíróknak elmondta, hogy több mint 30 helyen tartottak házkutatást, és több embert letartóztattak.
Az esetet pénteken, néhány nappal az első halálesetek után jelentették a rendőrségen. A hét végén a hatóságok már 25 embert letartóztattak, és több mint 100 razziát tartottak falvakban és út menti kifőzdékben.A házkutatások során több száz liternyi alkoholt, egyebek közt az iparban használt denaturált szeszt foglaltak le.
Indiában széles körben elterjedt a pancsolt italok fogyasztása, ugyanis sokkal olcsóbbak az import áruknál és a kedvelt indiai márkáknál. Az áldozatok főleg a társadalom szegényebb rétegéből kerülnek ki.
More than 80 people have died in recent days after drinking toxic bootleg alcohol in the Indian state of Punjab, officials and reports said
Ezeket az italokat általában rossz minőségű alapanyagokból, ipari alkoholból és egyéb mérgező szerekből keverik ki.
A koronavírus-járvány lassítása érdekében hozott korlátozási intézkedések szintén megnehezítették az alkoholhoz jutást. Pénteken tíz ember halt meg India déli részén, ahol a helyi boltok zárva tartása miatt néhányan alkoholos fertőtlenítőszert ittak.
More than 80 people have died in recent days after drinking toxic bootleg alcohol in the Indian state of Punjab, officials and reports said
#WATCH | An Oxygen tanker leaked while tankers were being filled at Dr Zakir Hussain Hospital in Nashik, Maharashtra. Officials are present at the spot, operation to contain the leak is underway. Details awaited.
Citizens take to twitter as #Cyclone#Tauktae has hit coastal areas of #Maharashtra & caused heavy rainfall with thundering storms. Heavy water accumulation can be seen while #IMD said, this could intensity into 'extremely severe cyclonic storms' for #Mumbai.
#Assam : Terrible accident at Nimatighat in Jorhat. Two ships crash on the mighty brahmaputra. Hundreds of passengers are still missing.
Extremely saddening news to hear fatal bus accident in Barabanki, killing 12 individuals and seriously injuring more than 30.Deeply saddened and condolences to their family who died in road accident. Please pray for them who injured.?
#WATCH | Kerala: A house got washed away by strong water currents of a river in Kottayam's Mundakayam yesterday following heavy rainfall.
11 burnt to death in tragic #accident on Balotra (#Barmer)-Jodhpur highway, Rajasthan. A truck crashed into a bus coming from the opposite direction with at least 28 passengers from #Jodhpur. Both the vehicles caught fire, killing 10 people on the spot. 22 injured.
An Indian Air Force helicopter crashed in the Nilgiri Mountains in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. There were 14 people on board the Mi-17-V5 helicopter, including Chief of General Staff Bipin Ravat.
Search ops in #Tupul, #Manipur continues.13Territorial #Army prsnl & 5 civilian have been safely rescued while mortal remains of 9 Territorial Army persnl & 1 civilian have been recovered.10 columns have been pressed into the search operation Search for 21 missing #Army prsnl on
Sad to hear unfortunate news of massive landslide in Noney district of #Manipur . My heartfelt condolences to families who have lost their loved ones ??
Prayers for speedy recovery and safety of injured & missing. May Almighty give strength to the efforts of rescuing agencies.
Punjab Chief Minister openly drinks a glass of polluted water from a ‘holy river’ to prove that water is clean. Now admitted to hospital.
?? Jalpaiguri (West Bengal, India), October 06 (KMS): As many as eight persons, including four women, have died of drowning and several persons are missing because of flash floods during a Hindu religious ceremony in the Indian state of West Bengal.
???INDIA: Death toll rises in India bridge collapse: The death toll from a suspension bridge collapse in India rose to more than 130 and officials fear it could grow as authorities opened a criminal case into one of the deadliest accidents in the country in the past 10 years.
Around 16 Indian Troops were killed in a clash with the PLA Troops in Twang on 9 December, 2022. As of today these deaths are being justified as a vehicular accident by India's misguiding and war mongering media. But in reality, another serious blow to India has been delivered.
Distressed by the train accident in Odisha. In this hour of grief, my thoughts are with the bereaved families. May the injured recover soon. Spoke to Railway Minister @AshwiniVaishnaw and took stock of the situation. Rescue ops are underway at the site of the mishap and all…
VIDEO | Several cars were damaged in Delhi's Kalkaji area after a portion of wall of Deshbandhu college collapsed amid heavy rains in the city.
Uttarakhand Tragedy: Over 2 dozen workers at Namami Gange Sewer Treatment Plant Project were electrocuted after a transformer exploded at Alaknanda river banks in Chamoli district
15 workers have lost lives, several others injured. Reason for short circuit being investigated
Twenty-four people have died by lightning strikes and about 23 have been left injured in rain-related incidents in the western Indian state of Gujarat over the past two days
First 27 workers rescued till now from the Silkyara Tunnel in Uttarkashi. Kudos to the 22 agencies which worked day and night for the rescue mission including NDRF, BRO, Indian Army, Indian Air Force, NHIDCL, SJVNL, THFCL, RVNL, ONGC, Coal India &
Mumbai Pune Expressway: A private bus carrying 36 passengers had a narrow escape when it caught fire. All the passengers were evacuated safely and no casualties were reported.
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
More than 80 people have died in recent days after drinking toxic bootleg alcohol in the Indian state of Punjab, officials and reports said
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
Dozens of people, mostly women, have been killed in northern India after a stampede at a religious event. The incident took place in Hathras district in Uttar Pradesh state. Many others are reportedly injured.
VIDEO | Visuals from outside a chemical factory in the Special Economic Zone in the Rambilli Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle, where a blast left several workers injured earlier today.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
India Andhra Pradesh államában tíz ember halt meg fertőtlenítőszer-mérgezéstől. Előző nap tiltották be az alkohol értékesítését a faluban, közölte az Ukrinform a BBC jelentésére hivatkozva.
„Az indiai Andhra Pradesh államban legalább 10 ember meghalt alkoholtartalmú fertőtlenítőszer fogyasztásától, mivel tilos az alkoholtartalmú italok értékesítése” – áll a nyilatkozatban. Meg kell jegyezni, hogy az áldozatok ugyanabban a faluban éltek, ahol lokális karantént vezettek be a koronavírus kitörése miatt. Siddharth Kaushal, a járási rendőrség vezetője szerint az elhunytak fertőtlenítőszert kevertek össze vízzel és üdítő italokkal. Elmondása szerint mindannyian alkoholfüggőek voltak, és körülbelül 10 nappal haláluk előtt kezdték el inni a keveréket. Az indiai kormány megszüntette a legtöbb korlátozást a gazdasági visszaesés megakadályozása érdekében. Egyes államok azonban a járvány súlyosbodásakor továbbra is lokális intézkedéseket vezetnek be. A Covid-19 betegek számát illetően India a harmadik helyet foglalja el a világon az Egyesült Államok és Brazília után.
More than 80 people have died in recent days after drinking toxic bootleg alcohol in the Indian state of Punjab, officials and reports said
В комментариях к предыдущей фотографии спрашивали «а где Юля?» Все окей, Юля рядом. Она шла за мной и тащила рюкзак. (Здесь она его сняла, ведь романтичная фотография получит больше лайков). ? #girlpower
#WATCH | An Oxygen tanker leaked while tankers were being filled at Dr Zakir Hussain Hospital in Nashik, Maharashtra. Officials are present at the spot, operation to contain the leak is underway. Details awaited.
Citizens take to twitter as #Cyclone#Tauktae has hit coastal areas of #Maharashtra & caused heavy rainfall with thundering storms. Heavy water accumulation can be seen while #IMD said, this could intensity into 'extremely severe cyclonic storms' for #Mumbai.
#Assam : Terrible accident at Nimatighat in Jorhat. Two ships crash on the mighty brahmaputra. Hundreds of passengers are still missing.
Extremely saddening news to hear fatal bus accident in Barabanki, killing 12 individuals and seriously injuring more than 30.Deeply saddened and condolences to their family who died in road accident. Please pray for them who injured.?
#WATCH | Kerala: A house got washed away by strong water currents of a river in Kottayam's Mundakayam yesterday following heavy rainfall.
11 burnt to death in tragic #accident on Balotra (#Barmer)-Jodhpur highway, Rajasthan. A truck crashed into a bus coming from the opposite direction with at least 28 passengers from #Jodhpur. Both the vehicles caught fire, killing 10 people on the spot. 22 injured.
An Indian Air Force helicopter crashed in the Nilgiri Mountains in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. There were 14 people on board the Mi-17-V5 helicopter, including Chief of General Staff Bipin Ravat.
Search ops in #Tupul, #Manipur continues.13Territorial #Army prsnl & 5 civilian have been safely rescued while mortal remains of 9 Territorial Army persnl & 1 civilian have been recovered.10 columns have been pressed into the search operation Search for 21 missing #Army prsnl on
Sad to hear unfortunate news of massive landslide in Noney district of #Manipur . My heartfelt condolences to families who have lost their loved ones ??
Prayers for speedy recovery and safety of injured & missing. May Almighty give strength to the efforts of rescuing agencies.
Punjab Chief Minister openly drinks a glass of polluted water from a ‘holy river’ to prove that water is clean. Now admitted to hospital.
?? Jalpaiguri (West Bengal, India), October 06 (KMS): As many as eight persons, including four women, have died of drowning and several persons are missing because of flash floods during a Hindu religious ceremony in the Indian state of West Bengal.
???INDIA: Death toll rises in India bridge collapse: The death toll from a suspension bridge collapse in India rose to more than 130 and officials fear it could grow as authorities opened a criminal case into one of the deadliest accidents in the country in the past 10 years.
Around 16 Indian Troops were killed in a clash with the PLA Troops in Twang on 9 December, 2022. As of today these deaths are being justified as a vehicular accident by India's misguiding and war mongering media. But in reality, another serious blow to India has been delivered.
A geriatric nurse in Germany is handed a life sentence for two counts of murder and six counts of attempted murder after sedating patients so that they did not bother him at work.
Afghanistan Watch: Around 80 #Afghan school girls hospitalised after alleged poison attack.
According to the reports, nearly 80 girls in grades 1-6 were poisoned at two schools in Afg's Sar-e-Pul province. Afghan Education department is investigating the incidents.
Uttarakhand Tragedy: Over 2 dozen workers at Namami Gange Sewer Treatment Plant Project were electrocuted after a transformer exploded at Alaknanda river banks in Chamoli district
15 workers have lost lives, several others injured. Reason for short circuit being investigated
VIDEO | Several cars were damaged in Delhi's Kalkaji area after a portion of wall of Deshbandhu college collapsed amid heavy rains in the city.
Twenty-four people have died by lightning strikes and about 23 have been left injured in rain-related incidents in the western Indian state of Gujarat over the past two days
☠️ Russia: Propagandist Zoya Konovalova, editor-in-chief of the Kuban State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, found dead in her home with her ex-husband. Cause of death: Poisoning by an unknown substance.
Mumbai Pune Expressway: A private bus carrying 36 passengers had a narrow escape when it caught fire. All the passengers were evacuated safely and no casualties were reported.
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
Dozens of people, mostly women, have been killed in northern India after a stampede at a religious event. The incident took place in Hathras district in Uttar Pradesh state. Many others are reportedly injured.
VIDEO | Visuals from outside a chemical factory in the Special Economic Zone in the Rambilli Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle, where a blast left several workers injured earlier today.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
Megerőszakoltak egy 14 éves lányt egy koronavírus ellátó központban Indiában – írja a CNN alapján a
A feltételezett elkövető egy 19 éves fiú, aki szintén fertőzött. Korábban nem ismerte az áldozatot.
A rendőrség július 16-án vette nyilvántartásba az esetet, mikor a lány családja feljelentést tett. Az ő vallomásából derült ki, hogy a nemi erőszak közben az elkövető 20 éves barátja az ajtó előtt őrködött, egy ponton pedig a mobiljával videóra vette az aktust.
Parvinder Singh, újdelhi rendőrfőnök-helyettese elmondta, a két gyanúsítottat letartóztatták, és mivel fertőzöttek, rendőri őrizet alatt egy állami kórházba szállították őket. A lányt közben egy másik kórházba vitték.
Az ügyben kiskorú elleni szexuális erőszak vádjában indult eljárás.
More than 80 people have died in recent days after drinking toxic bootleg alcohol in the Indian state of Punjab, officials and reports said
#WATCH | An Oxygen tanker leaked while tankers were being filled at Dr Zakir Hussain Hospital in Nashik, Maharashtra. Officials are present at the spot, operation to contain the leak is underway. Details awaited.
Citizens take to twitter as #Cyclone#Tauktae has hit coastal areas of #Maharashtra & caused heavy rainfall with thundering storms. Heavy water accumulation can be seen while #IMD said, this could intensity into 'extremely severe cyclonic storms' for #Mumbai.
#Assam : Terrible accident at Nimatighat in Jorhat. Two ships crash on the mighty brahmaputra. Hundreds of passengers are still missing.
Extremely saddening news to hear fatal bus accident in Barabanki, killing 12 individuals and seriously injuring more than 30.Deeply saddened and condolences to their family who died in road accident. Please pray for them who injured.?
#WATCH | Kerala: A house got washed away by strong water currents of a river in Kottayam's Mundakayam yesterday following heavy rainfall.
11 burnt to death in tragic #accident on Balotra (#Barmer)-Jodhpur highway, Rajasthan. A truck crashed into a bus coming from the opposite direction with at least 28 passengers from #Jodhpur. Both the vehicles caught fire, killing 10 people on the spot. 22 injured.
An Indian Air Force helicopter crashed in the Nilgiri Mountains in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. There were 14 people on board the Mi-17-V5 helicopter, including Chief of General Staff Bipin Ravat.
Search ops in #Tupul, #Manipur continues.13Territorial #Army prsnl & 5 civilian have been safely rescued while mortal remains of 9 Territorial Army persnl & 1 civilian have been recovered.10 columns have been pressed into the search operation Search for 21 missing #Army prsnl on
Sad to hear unfortunate news of massive landslide in Noney district of #Manipur . My heartfelt condolences to families who have lost their loved ones ??
Prayers for speedy recovery and safety of injured & missing. May Almighty give strength to the efforts of rescuing agencies.
Punjab Chief Minister openly drinks a glass of polluted water from a ‘holy river’ to prove that water is clean. Now admitted to hospital.
?? Jalpaiguri (West Bengal, India), October 06 (KMS): As many as eight persons, including four women, have died of drowning and several persons are missing because of flash floods during a Hindu religious ceremony in the Indian state of West Bengal.
???INDIA: Death toll rises in India bridge collapse: The death toll from a suspension bridge collapse in India rose to more than 130 and officials fear it could grow as authorities opened a criminal case into one of the deadliest accidents in the country in the past 10 years.
Around 16 Indian Troops were killed in a clash with the PLA Troops in Twang on 9 December, 2022. As of today these deaths are being justified as a vehicular accident by India's misguiding and war mongering media. But in reality, another serious blow to India has been delivered.
Distressed by the train accident in Odisha. In this hour of grief, my thoughts are with the bereaved families. May the injured recover soon. Spoke to Railway Minister @AshwiniVaishnaw and took stock of the situation. Rescue ops are underway at the site of the mishap and all…
Twenty-four people have died by lightning strikes and about 23 have been left injured in rain-related incidents in the western Indian state of Gujarat over the past two days
First 27 workers rescued till now from the Silkyara Tunnel in Uttarkashi. Kudos to the 22 agencies which worked day and night for the rescue mission including NDRF, BRO, Indian Army, Indian Air Force, NHIDCL, SJVNL, THFCL, RVNL, ONGC, Coal India &
Mumbai Pune Expressway: A private bus carrying 36 passengers had a narrow escape when it caught fire. All the passengers were evacuated safely and no casualties were reported.
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
Dozens of people, mostly women, have been killed in northern India after a stampede at a religious event. The incident took place in Hathras district in Uttar Pradesh state. Many others are reportedly injured.
VIDEO | Visuals from outside a chemical factory in the Special Economic Zone in the Rambilli Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle, where a blast left several workers injured earlier today.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
Hatalmas károkat okozott a monszun Indiában – írja a BBC. Eddig legalább 50 ember halálát okozta az indiai Assam államban az éves monszun.
A heves esőzés és az áradások több mint 2 millió embert érint. Több ezer falut lepett el teljesen a víz, az épületek lakhatatlanná, az utak járhatatlanná váltak. A hatóságok körülbelül 100 hajóval segítik az emberek az államban, 20 körzetben 480 menhelyet állítottak fel, amelyekben körülbelül 60 ezer otthon nélkül maradt embert tudnak elszállásolni.
Kedden jelentették, hogy Kaziranga Nemzeti Parkot – ami a UNESCO Világörökség része – is elárasztotta a víz, ezzel legalább 51 vadon élő állat halálát okozva. 102 állatot sikerült kimenteni, de több tigris és rinocérosz a közeli falukban ragadt.
Assamban minden évben van monszun, ilyenkor rendszeresek az áradások és a földcsuszamlások, emberek millióinak kell elhagyniuk otthonaikat.
More than 80 people have died in recent days after drinking toxic bootleg alcohol in the Indian state of Punjab, officials and reports said
Citizens take to twitter as #Cyclone#Tauktae has hit coastal areas of #Maharashtra & caused heavy rainfall with thundering storms. Heavy water accumulation can be seen while #IMD said, this could intensity into 'extremely severe cyclonic storms' for #Mumbai.
#Assam : Terrible accident at Nimatighat in Jorhat. Two ships crash on the mighty brahmaputra. Hundreds of passengers are still missing.
Extremely saddening news to hear fatal bus accident in Barabanki, killing 12 individuals and seriously injuring more than 30.Deeply saddened and condolences to their family who died in road accident. Please pray for them who injured.?
#WATCH | Kerala: A house got washed away by strong water currents of a river in Kottayam's Mundakayam yesterday following heavy rainfall.
11 burnt to death in tragic #accident on Balotra (#Barmer)-Jodhpur highway, Rajasthan. A truck crashed into a bus coming from the opposite direction with at least 28 passengers from #Jodhpur. Both the vehicles caught fire, killing 10 people on the spot. 22 injured.
An Indian Air Force helicopter crashed in the Nilgiri Mountains in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. There were 14 people on board the Mi-17-V5 helicopter, including Chief of General Staff Bipin Ravat.
Search ops in #Tupul, #Manipur continues.13Territorial #Army prsnl & 5 civilian have been safely rescued while mortal remains of 9 Territorial Army persnl & 1 civilian have been recovered.10 columns have been pressed into the search operation Search for 21 missing #Army prsnl on
Sad to hear unfortunate news of massive landslide in Noney district of #Manipur . My heartfelt condolences to families who have lost their loved ones ??
Prayers for speedy recovery and safety of injured & missing. May Almighty give strength to the efforts of rescuing agencies.
Punjab Chief Minister openly drinks a glass of polluted water from a ‘holy river’ to prove that water is clean. Now admitted to hospital.
?? Jalpaiguri (West Bengal, India), October 06 (KMS): As many as eight persons, including four women, have died of drowning and several persons are missing because of flash floods during a Hindu religious ceremony in the Indian state of West Bengal.
???INDIA: Death toll rises in India bridge collapse: The death toll from a suspension bridge collapse in India rose to more than 130 and officials fear it could grow as authorities opened a criminal case into one of the deadliest accidents in the country in the past 10 years.
Around 16 Indian Troops were killed in a clash with the PLA Troops in Twang on 9 December, 2022. As of today these deaths are being justified as a vehicular accident by India's misguiding and war mongering media. But in reality, another serious blow to India has been delivered.
Distressed by the train accident in Odisha. In this hour of grief, my thoughts are with the bereaved families. May the injured recover soon. Spoke to Railway Minister @AshwiniVaishnaw and took stock of the situation. Rescue ops are underway at the site of the mishap and all…
Uttarakhand Tragedy: Over 2 dozen workers at Namami Gange Sewer Treatment Plant Project were electrocuted after a transformer exploded at Alaknanda river banks in Chamoli district
15 workers have lost lives, several others injured. Reason for short circuit being investigated
Twenty-four people have died by lightning strikes and about 23 have been left injured in rain-related incidents in the western Indian state of Gujarat over the past two days
First 27 workers rescued till now from the Silkyara Tunnel in Uttarkashi. Kudos to the 22 agencies which worked day and night for the rescue mission including NDRF, BRO, Indian Army, Indian Air Force, NHIDCL, SJVNL, THFCL, RVNL, ONGC, Coal India &
Mumbai Pune Expressway: A private bus carrying 36 passengers had a narrow escape when it caught fire. All the passengers were evacuated safely and no casualties were reported.
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
Dozens of people, mostly women, have been killed in northern India after a stampede at a religious event. The incident took place in Hathras district in Uttar Pradesh state. Many others are reportedly injured.
VIDEO | Visuals from outside a chemical factory in the Special Economic Zone in the Rambilli Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle, where a blast left several workers injured earlier today.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
Felrobbant egy kazán egy indiai erőműben szerdán, a balesetben legalább öten meghaltak. Az elmúlt két hónapban ez már a második robbanás volt az üzemben – írja az
Legalább öt ember meghalt, amikor felrobbant egy kazán egy India déli részén lévő erőműben szerdán – írja az ABC News. A helyi rendőrség szerint a balesetben 16-an megsérültek. A robbanás okát még vizsgálják a hatóságok.
Az erőmű Neyveli város közelében található, 190 kilométerre Tamilnádu állam fővárosától, Csennaitól.Az üzemben 2000-en dolgoznak.
Az elmúlt két hónapban ez már a második baleset volt: a májusi robbanásban nyolc dolgozó sérült meg.
More than 80 people have died in recent days after drinking toxic bootleg alcohol in the Indian state of Punjab, officials and reports said
#WATCH | An Oxygen tanker leaked while tankers were being filled at Dr Zakir Hussain Hospital in Nashik, Maharashtra. Officials are present at the spot, operation to contain the leak is underway. Details awaited.
Citizens take to twitter as #Cyclone#Tauktae has hit coastal areas of #Maharashtra & caused heavy rainfall with thundering storms. Heavy water accumulation can be seen while #IMD said, this could intensity into 'extremely severe cyclonic storms' for #Mumbai.
#Assam : Terrible accident at Nimatighat in Jorhat. Two ships crash on the mighty brahmaputra. Hundreds of passengers are still missing.
Extremely saddening news to hear fatal bus accident in Barabanki, killing 12 individuals and seriously injuring more than 30.Deeply saddened and condolences to their family who died in road accident. Please pray for them who injured.?
#WATCH | Kerala: A house got washed away by strong water currents of a river in Kottayam's Mundakayam yesterday following heavy rainfall.
11 burnt to death in tragic #accident on Balotra (#Barmer)-Jodhpur highway, Rajasthan. A truck crashed into a bus coming from the opposite direction with at least 28 passengers from #Jodhpur. Both the vehicles caught fire, killing 10 people on the spot. 22 injured.
An Indian Air Force helicopter crashed in the Nilgiri Mountains in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. There were 14 people on board the Mi-17-V5 helicopter, including Chief of General Staff Bipin Ravat.
Search ops in #Tupul, #Manipur continues.13Territorial #Army prsnl & 5 civilian have been safely rescued while mortal remains of 9 Territorial Army persnl & 1 civilian have been recovered.10 columns have been pressed into the search operation Search for 21 missing #Army prsnl on
Sad to hear unfortunate news of massive landslide in Noney district of #Manipur . My heartfelt condolences to families who have lost their loved ones ??
Prayers for speedy recovery and safety of injured & missing. May Almighty give strength to the efforts of rescuing agencies.
Punjab Chief Minister openly drinks a glass of polluted water from a ‘holy river’ to prove that water is clean. Now admitted to hospital.
?? Jalpaiguri (West Bengal, India), October 06 (KMS): As many as eight persons, including four women, have died of drowning and several persons are missing because of flash floods during a Hindu religious ceremony in the Indian state of West Bengal.
???INDIA: Death toll rises in India bridge collapse: The death toll from a suspension bridge collapse in India rose to more than 130 and officials fear it could grow as authorities opened a criminal case into one of the deadliest accidents in the country in the past 10 years.
Around 16 Indian Troops were killed in a clash with the PLA Troops in Twang on 9 December, 2022. As of today these deaths are being justified as a vehicular accident by India's misguiding and war mongering media. But in reality, another serious blow to India has been delivered.
Distressed by the train accident in Odisha. In this hour of grief, my thoughts are with the bereaved families. May the injured recover soon. Spoke to Railway Minister @AshwiniVaishnaw and took stock of the situation. Rescue ops are underway at the site of the mishap and all…
Uttarakhand Tragedy: Over 2 dozen workers at Namami Gange Sewer Treatment Plant Project were electrocuted after a transformer exploded at Alaknanda river banks in Chamoli district
15 workers have lost lives, several others injured. Reason for short circuit being investigated
VIDEO | Several cars were damaged in Delhi's Kalkaji area after a portion of wall of Deshbandhu college collapsed amid heavy rains in the city.
Twenty-four people have died by lightning strikes and about 23 have been left injured in rain-related incidents in the western Indian state of Gujarat over the past two days
First 27 workers rescued till now from the Silkyara Tunnel in Uttarkashi. Kudos to the 22 agencies which worked day and night for the rescue mission including NDRF, BRO, Indian Army, Indian Air Force, NHIDCL, SJVNL, THFCL, RVNL, ONGC, Coal India &
Mumbai Pune Expressway: A private bus carrying 36 passengers had a narrow escape when it caught fire. All the passengers were evacuated safely and no casualties were reported.
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
Dozens of people, mostly women, have been killed in northern India after a stampede at a religious event. The incident took place in Hathras district in Uttar Pradesh state. Many others are reportedly injured.
VIDEO | Visuals from outside a chemical factory in the Special Economic Zone in the Rambilli Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle, where a blast left several workers injured earlier today.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
A monszun okozta árvizek miatt egymillió embert kell kimenekíteni az India északkeleti részében fekvő Asszám államban – közölték a hatóságok, amelyek arra figyelmeztettek, hogy a helyzet órák alatt még súlyosabbá válhat.
Asszám államban a hétvégén áttört a gátakon, és kétezer falut elöntött a Brahmaputra, az indiai szubkontinens legbővizűbb folyója, és a világ egyik leghosszabbja, amely Tibettől áramlik Indián át Bangladesbe.
A területen még hétfőn is heves esőzések voltak. Az állam kormányzója azt mondta, hogy két külön helyszínen meghalt egy-egy ember, mindketten vízbe fulladtak.
A terület kormányzata közleményben arról számolt be, hogy az áradás több mint egymillió embert érint, és a helyzet óráról órára egyre súlyosabbá válik. A folyamatosan szakadó eső az állam 33 körzetéből 23-ban okoz gondot. Az árvízi helyzet rendkívül súlyos marad, mert számos árvízvédelmi létesítmény súlyosan megrongálódott- nyilatkozta az állam vízügyi minisztere, Keshab Mmahanta, aki szerint a következő három napban a Brahmaputra vízszintje tovább emelkedik majd.Az államban lévő Kaziranga Nemzeti Park, ahol honos a ritka egyszarvú rinocérosz, nagyobb részt víz alatt áll.Asszámban, amely nevezetes teaültetvényeiről, rendszeresek az árvizek, ezért a helyi és a szövetségi hatóságok nagy összegeket fektetnek árvízvédelembe.
Az áradó víz elleni küzdelembe félkatonai szervezeteket is bevetettek, egyrészt a mentés segítéséhez, valamint arra, hogy a koronavírus-járvány idején az evakuáltak számára létrehozott táborokban felügyeljék a távolságtartást és megakadályozzák a kór terjedését. Asszám államban eddig 7492 koronavírusos esetet regisztráltak, és 11 ember halt bele a Covid–19 betegség szövődményeibe.
More than 80 people have died in recent days after drinking toxic bootleg alcohol in the Indian state of Punjab, officials and reports said
Intense rains and hail led to flash floods in Sucre, the constitutional capital of Bolivia. At least four were killed in the flash flood, police said, which occurred after torrential rain and hail hit the city. Local media reported that the storm lasted about 30 minutes.
Warden Police and several fire agencies on the scene of a commercial structure fire at Washington Potato in Warden. Early reports of no injuries.
Evacuations underway on Maui — Flooding on Hana Highway right now near Haiku — Kaupakalua Dam could break at any time with thousands in the impact zone (video: Carlos Rosaga)
Primera erupción explosiva del volcán #LaSoufriere en isla San Vicente (Antillas Menores). Alta columna eruptiva cercana a 10 kilómetros de altura sobre cráter. Zonas de mayor riesgo fueron evacuadas a tiempo desde la tarde - noche de ayer. Detalles de
#WATCH | An Oxygen tanker leaked while tankers were being filled at Dr Zakir Hussain Hospital in Nashik, Maharashtra. Officials are present at the spot, operation to contain the leak is underway. Details awaited.
#LATEST A fire broke out in a high-rise apartment building in northeast China's Dalian City. No casualties reported so far. Rescue operation is underway.
This is a picture of the rescue, provided by the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office. The school system says the water wasn’t this high when the bus driver drove down the road, and that the driver did the right thing by stopping and calling for help upon seeing the water
#Assam : Terrible accident at Nimatighat in Jorhat. Two ships crash on the mighty brahmaputra. Hundreds of passengers are still missing.
The blaze broke out on Wednesday evening in the hills of the resort town of Estepona in Spain and local emergency services believe the fire may have been started deliberately.
Extremely saddening news to hear fatal bus accident in Barabanki, killing 12 individuals and seriously injuring more than 30.Deeply saddened and condolences to their family who died in road accident. Please pray for them who injured.?
#WATCH | Kerala: A house got washed away by strong water currents of a river in Kottayam's Mundakayam yesterday following heavy rainfall.
11 burnt to death in tragic #accident on Balotra (#Barmer)-Jodhpur highway, Rajasthan. A truck crashed into a bus coming from the opposite direction with at least 28 passengers from #Jodhpur. Both the vehicles caught fire, killing 10 people on the spot. 22 injured.
An Indian Air Force helicopter crashed in the Nilgiri Mountains in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. There were 14 people on board the Mi-17-V5 helicopter, including Chief of General Staff Bipin Ravat.
#BREAKING - Jason Childers shot this video of the rapidly spreading #wildfire in Bay County, #Florida Friday afternoon. WMBB News 13 reports fire is now more than 100 acres and two homes were engulfed in flames at Alva Thomas Road.
ALERT: A volcano in Philippines spewed a huge, dark cloud, prompting evacuations from ash-covered towns while authorities warned of possible further eruptions
Ash covers towns after Philippines volcano eruption: The blast from Bulusan volcano in the rural Sorsogon province lasted about 17 minutes, sending a grey plume shooting up at least one kilometre (0.6..
Visuals of the flashflood that occured near Amarnath Cave this evening. @adgpi launches 6 rescue teams including Army helicopter for aid of Yatris in Cloud burst affected area at lower Amarnath Cave site.
— PIB in Jammu Kashmir & Ladakh (@PIBSrinagar) July 8, 2022
Wildfires raging in Fokida, central #Greece. Several #Itea villagers were evacuated to the town of Delphi, according to local media. The fire has reached Eleonas of Amfissa, the vast and “oldest attested olive grove in Greece” that spreads from #Amfissa to the Gulf of Corinth.
Search ops in #Tupul, #Manipur continues.13Territorial #Army prsnl & 5 civilian have been safely rescued while mortal remains of 9 Territorial Army persnl & 1 civilian have been recovered.10 columns have been pressed into the search operation Search for 21 missing #Army prsnl on
Sad to hear unfortunate news of massive landslide in Noney district of #Manipur . My heartfelt condolences to families who have lost their loved ones ??
Prayers for speedy recovery and safety of injured & missing. May Almighty give strength to the efforts of rescuing agencies.
En #IFAñoDeMoncayo el #BIEM4 ha realizado ataque directo al fuego en defensa de los municipios de El Buste así como en el Santuario de la Misericordia y camping en Borja, donde han realizado cortafuegos con máquinas de ingenieros.
?? Jalpaiguri (West Bengal, India), October 06 (KMS): As many as eight persons, including four women, have died of drowning and several persons are missing because of flash floods during a Hindu religious ceremony in the Indian state of West Bengal.
Alba. Localitatea Roșia Montană a fost evacuată sâmbătă noaptea, din cauza riscului de rupere a barajului Tăul Mare. ( Shared via Biziday )
???INDIA: Death toll rises in India bridge collapse: The death toll from a suspension bridge collapse in India rose to more than 130 and officials fear it could grow as authorities opened a criminal case into one of the deadliest accidents in the country in the past 10 years.
La frana di #Ischia. Nuova allerta meteo da questo pomeriggio. Il commissario #Legnini: "Al via il piano di evacuazione preventivo per centinaia di persone". Si cerca l'ultima dispersa. Al #Tg2Rai ore 13,
Around 16 Indian Troops were killed in a clash with the PLA Troops in Twang on 9 December, 2022. As of today these deaths are being justified as a vehicular accident by India's misguiding and war mongering media. But in reality, another serious blow to India has been delivered.
Large openings appeared on roads near a residential complex in Tianjin's Jinnan district in China forcing authorities to rescue residents.#China#Tianjin
#Chine ?? Des milliers de personnes ont été évacuées de plusieurs immeubles dans la ville de Tianjin, dans le nord du pays, après que des effondrements de terrain ont créé de grandes fissures dans les rues voisines ? @Reuters
At least three people died and more than 31,000 were evacuated in central Chile by Tuesday, after heavy rainfall triggered severe flooding in the region, local officials said.
Twenty-four people have died by lightning strikes and about 23 have been left injured in rain-related incidents in the western Indian state of Gujarat over the past two days
First 27 workers rescued till now from the Silkyara Tunnel in Uttarkashi. Kudos to the 22 agencies which worked day and night for the rescue mission including NDRF, BRO, Indian Army, Indian Air Force, NHIDCL, SJVNL, THFCL, RVNL, ONGC, Coal India &
Video: A fire has started at Cowboy Cookout BBQ Restaurant in Frontierland. Disneyland Paris Fire Rescue is on the scene and addressing the situation. The land is being evacuated.
Flooding in #Oman has killed at least 16 people, many of them schoolchildren, authorities say following the discovery of the bodies of a child and three adults.
Heavy rains and flash floods have swept parts of the Gulf region, killing at least 18 people in Oman and causing travel disruption in the UAE ⤵️
😞 Kulsary, #Kazakhstan. About 500 residential buildings and infrastructure buildings were flooded. Social facilities, the central stadium, as well as the city akimat and retail outlets were also under water. More than 86,000 people live in Kulsary. The evacuation continues.
Mumbai Pune Expressway: A private bus carrying 36 passengers had a narrow escape when it caught fire. All the passengers were evacuated safely and no casualties were reported.
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
The Yangtze River, China's longest river, has seen the water level of its section in Wuhan, the capital of central China's Hubei Province, exceed its warning mark for the first time in almost four years.
Dozens of people, mostly women, have been killed in northern India after a stampede at a religious event. The incident took place in Hathras district in Uttar Pradesh state. Many others are reportedly injured.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
California: What everyone feared was coming, has arrived. #cawx#cafire#wildfire#weather The Mountain Fire is being fueled by incredibly strong Santa Ana winds in Ventura County, California. In just a couple hours it has grown to over 10,400 acres and continues to burn…
#UPDATE A volcano in eastern Indonesia erupted overnight, killing at least 10 people as it spewed fireballs and ash on surrounding villages, officials said Monday as they raised the alert status to its highest level
The Spanish people are furious with Prime Minister Sanchez after having been abandoned by the authorities during and after the recent flooding disaster that has claimed more than 200 lives.
As he visited the flooded areas today, the people chased him & his team away.
Me ha gustado hoy el rey: templado y valiente, aguantando y dando la cara mientras Sánchez se largaba y a Mazón, como es bajito, no se le veía. Lo que no comprendo es cómo se ha presentado allí acompañado de esa gentuza.
🇪🇸 A crowd of furious flood survivors threw mud and shouted insults at the Spanish King, Felipe VI, as he visited a devastated town in Spain’s Valencia region.
Los vecinos indignados, destrozan el coche del Presidente socialista Pedro Sánchez cuando huía de Paiporta, Valencia
Mientras el Rey y la Reina dan la cara con los vecinos y hacen suyas sus reivindicaciones, necesidades y sobre todo su tremendo dolor e impotencia por lo sucedido
Las cámaras de Aragón Televisión captan como los vecinos de Paiporta le dicen a la reina Letizia que el enfado no es con ella o el Rey sino con Sánchez: ‘Por ustedes, por ustedes no es" Luego se abraza con una vecina mientras llora desconsolada. El pueblo ha dictado sentencia.
— Capitán Gral de los Tercios/Virrey de las Américas (@capTercio) November 3, 2024
Már nemcsak Kína, hanem Indiai is növelte katonái számát a Himaláján húzódó közös határa mentén. Mindkét ország arra hivatkozik, hogy fenyegetve érzi magát, miután június 15-én összecsapás tört ki az indiai és a kínai katonák között. Húsz indiai katona halt meg akkor, a Kínát ért veszteségről nincsenek hivatalos források. Kína azt állítja, azért támadtak a határőrökre, mert azok illegálisan kínai területre léptek, és provokálták a katonáikat.
„Mindkét fél nagy számban állomásoztat katonai erőt a térségben, addig is folytatódik katonai és diplomáciai szinten a kapcsolattartás a válság rendezése érdekében” – mondta Anurag Szrivasztava, az indiai külügyminisztérium szóvivője Újdelhiben. Az indiai külügyi szóvivő hangsúlyozta, hogy a konfliktus hátterében Kína áll, amely nagy létszámú katonai kontingenst telepített erre a határszakaszra, egész „struktúrákat” épített ki a Himalája térségében a Galván folyó völgyében húzódó demarkációs vonalon. India erre válaszul vezényelt abba a körzetbe további katonai egységeket – mondta a szóvivő.
Korábban Peking Indiát tette felelőssé a június 15-i határincidensért, amelyben legalább húsz indiai katona halt meg. Néhány nappal ezelőtt Csao Li-csien kínai külügyi szóvivő megismételte a kínai álláspontot, amely szerint az összetűzésre azért került sor, mert indiai határőrök illegálisan kínai területre léptek, és provokálták a kínai katonákat. „Az indiai hadsereg a felelőtlen lépéseivel súlyosan megsértette a két ország közötti egyezményeket és a nemzetközi kapcsolatok alapelveit” – mondta Csao Li-csien.
Június 15-én a két ország határőrsége közötti összetűzés során a hivatalos beszámolók szerint a helyszínen meghalt három mellett később további tizenhét indiai katona halt bele a sérüléseibe, amelyeket a Himalája térségében, a Galván folyó magasan fekvő völgyében szerzett a fagypont alatti hőmérsékleti viszonyok közepette kibontakozott harcokban. Egy másik indiai forrás kiemelte, hogy lövések nem dördültek el, a rivális erők fémrudakkal és kövekkel harcoltak egymás ellen. Külügyi közlés szerint a súlyos incidensnek mindkét oldalon voltak halálos áldozatai.
Később bejelentették, hogy az indiai és a kínai erők időközben felhagytak a csatározással a térségben, a felek magas rangú képviselői pedig tárgyalóasztalhoz ültek, hogy békés úton zárják le a konfliktust. A kínai és az indiai hadsereg tisztségviselői három nappal ezelőtt először találkoztak az incidens óta; többórás tanácskozást követően megegyeztek abban, hogy kivonják csapataikat a térségből, és pozitív, építő párbeszédet kezdenek.
Az érintett terület India északnyugati részén, a Kasmírhoz tartozó Ladakban fekszik. Ezen a vidéken a két ország határvitája India és Pakisztán függetlenné válásáig, 1947-ig nyúlik vissza. A kínai ellenőrzés alatt álló Akszai Csin nevű területről indiai részre átfolyó Galván folyó völgyébe május elején kínai katonák érkeztek, amire válaszul India is több ezer fegyverest mozgósított. A kínai csapatok többszöri felszólítás után sem távoztak, a kínai és indiai egyenruhások pedig többször összeverekedtek, kővel dobálták egymást.
A kasmíri térséghez tartozó Ladakban Kína csaknem magyarországnyi, 90 ezer négyzetkilométeres indiai területet követel magának, India viszont azt állítja, hogy a kínai fennhatóság alatt álló Akszai Csin-fennsík 38 ezer négyzetkilométere Ladak természetes része, amelynek ezért Indiához kell tartoznia.
Forrás: origo
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More than 80 people have died in recent days after drinking toxic bootleg alcohol in the Indian state of Punjab, officials and reports said
Citizens take to twitter as #Cyclone#Tauktae has hit coastal areas of #Maharashtra & caused heavy rainfall with thundering storms. Heavy water accumulation can be seen while #IMD said, this could intensity into 'extremely severe cyclonic storms' for #Mumbai.
Стрілянина за місце для зарядки електромобілів за участю помічника народного депутата Куницького.Вчора, близько 20:30, на вулиці Новоолександрівська сталася стрілянина. Помічник народного депутата від «Слуги народу» Олександра Куницького - Дмитро Ніконов вистрілив у чоловіка з травматичного пістолета і поранив його в ногу. Зазначимо, що Ніконов також є директором ТОВ «Автоентерпрайз», яке займається експлуатацією зарядних станцій для автомобілів.За словами Ніконова, незнайомий йому водій припаркувався біля зарядної станції. Ніконов попрохав чоловіка переставити автомобіль на інше місце, але той повівся агресивно і вдарив Ніконова в обличчя. Захищаючись, директор «Автоентерпрайз» вихопив травматичний пістолет і вистрілив у землю, випадково поранивши опонента у палець ноги.За словами пораненого чоловіка, коли він припаркував свій автомобіль, до нього підійшов Ніконов і попрохав переставити машину на інше місце. Він відмовився. Тоді помічник нардепа став грубити, бити по його машині, а коли водій вийшов, вдарив його декілька разів і вихопив пістолет. Водій вдарив Ніконова у відповідь, намагаючись вибити пістолет з рук, але це йому не вдалося, після чого Ніконов почав стріляти і поранив його.Зауважимо, що в Україні обмежено право на володіння травматичної зброєю. Таке право мають кілька груп громадян, одна з яких – журналісти. Саме журналістський дозвіл має Дмитро Ніконов. Ми декілька разів запитали у директора «Автоентерпрайз», журналістом якого видання він є - відповіді не почули. На фотографіях, що з’явилися у мережі, вказано, що Ніконов є журналістом ТОВ «Громадська преса України». Згідно з реєстром друкованих ЗМІ, компанія видає журнал «Новини Батьківщини» - знайти сайт або публікації журналу в Інтернеті нам не вдалося.На місце події прибула депутатка Харківської міської ради від «Слуги народу», помічниця нардепа Олександра Куницького - Аліна Мустафаєва, а також інші особи. Один з чоловіків - знайомий Ніконова, намагався перешкоджати «Антикорупційному блоку» у законній журналістській діяльності, за цим фактом до поліції подана відповідна заява та відомості внесені до ЄРДР.
#Assam : Terrible accident at Nimatighat in Jorhat. Two ships crash on the mighty brahmaputra. Hundreds of passengers are still missing.
Extremely saddening news to hear fatal bus accident in Barabanki, killing 12 individuals and seriously injuring more than 30.Deeply saddened and condolences to their family who died in road accident. Please pray for them who injured.?
#WATCH | Kerala: A house got washed away by strong water currents of a river in Kottayam's Mundakayam yesterday following heavy rainfall.
11 burnt to death in tragic #accident on Balotra (#Barmer)-Jodhpur highway, Rajasthan. A truck crashed into a bus coming from the opposite direction with at least 28 passengers from #Jodhpur. Both the vehicles caught fire, killing 10 people on the spot. 22 injured.
An Indian Air Force helicopter crashed in the Nilgiri Mountains in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. There were 14 people on board the Mi-17-V5 helicopter, including Chief of General Staff Bipin Ravat.
Twenty-seven people were killed and 20 others injured after a bus turned on its side in #China's Guizhou Province early Sunday morning.
?? Jalpaiguri (West Bengal, India), October 06 (KMS): As many as eight persons, including four women, have died of drowning and several persons are missing because of flash floods during a Hindu religious ceremony in the Indian state of West Bengal.
???INDIA: Death toll rises in India bridge collapse: The death toll from a suspension bridge collapse in India rose to more than 130 and officials fear it could grow as authorities opened a criminal case into one of the deadliest accidents in the country in the past 10 years.
Due to extremely foggy conditions, more than 200 vehicles were involved in a major pileup on a bridge in central #Zhengzhou City in the morning, according to the province.
As of 9:30 a.m., 11 people had been rescued, and operations were still underway.
Around 16 Indian Troops were killed in a clash with the PLA Troops in Twang on 9 December, 2022. As of today these deaths are being justified as a vehicular accident by India's misguiding and war mongering media. But in reality, another serious blow to India has been delivered.
VIDEO | Several cars were damaged in Delhi's Kalkaji area after a portion of wall of Deshbandhu college collapsed amid heavy rains in the city.
Uttarakhand Tragedy: Over 2 dozen workers at Namami Gange Sewer Treatment Plant Project were electrocuted after a transformer exploded at Alaknanda river banks in Chamoli district
15 workers have lost lives, several others injured. Reason for short circuit being investigated
Twenty-four people have died by lightning strikes and about 23 have been left injured in rain-related incidents in the western Indian state of Gujarat over the past two days
First 27 workers rescued till now from the Silkyara Tunnel in Uttarkashi. Kudos to the 22 agencies which worked day and night for the rescue mission including NDRF, BRO, Indian Army, Indian Air Force, NHIDCL, SJVNL, THFCL, RVNL, ONGC, Coal India &
The 6.2-magnitude #earthquake that jolted Jishishan county in Northwest #China's Gansu province late Monday evening has killed 100 people in the province and 11 people in Qinghai province, according to official data.
More than 100 people died in China as a result of a powerful earthquake.
Strong tremors of magnitude 6.2 occurred late in the evening in Gansu province in the north-west of the country. As a result of the disaster, more than 200 people were injured.
#EinsteinProbe lifts off on a mission to survey the sky & hunt for bursts of X-ray light from mysterious objects such as neutron stars & black holes 👉
[🔴China’s 2nd launch in 2024] At UTC 07:03 Jan 9, Einstein Probe space science satellite was successfully launched by CZ2C rocket at Xichang, Sichuan. It’s also the 506th launch of Long March rocket family. HD:
Update: Thirteen students were killed and another one injured in a fire that took place in a school dormitory in the county of Fangcheng, Nanyang City, central China's Henan Province, on Friday night, according to local authorities Saturday
VIDEO | Visuals from outside a chemical factory in the Special Economic Zone in the Rambilli Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle, where a blast left several workers injured earlier today.
Indiában a csütörtöki heves vihar okozta villámlások huszonhárom embert megöltek, tízet pedig megsebesítettek – jelentette az ABC News.
A halottak közül tizenhárman a Gopalganj körzetben lévő gazdaságokban,a földeken dolgoztak, amikor lecsapott a vihar, ami 175 kilométerre fekszik Patnától, ami Bihar állam fővárosa. A sérülteket kórházban ápolják.
A monszun idény kezdete előtt jött heves esőkkel és villámokkal a csütörtöki vihar. Tavaly az egész monszun alatt, ami szeptemberig tart, 39 ember halt meg villámcsapás miatt Bihar államban.
More than 80 people have died in recent days after drinking toxic bootleg alcohol in the Indian state of Punjab, officials and reports said
#WATCH | An Oxygen tanker leaked while tankers were being filled at Dr Zakir Hussain Hospital in Nashik, Maharashtra. Officials are present at the spot, operation to contain the leak is underway. Details awaited.
Citizens take to twitter as #Cyclone#Tauktae has hit coastal areas of #Maharashtra & caused heavy rainfall with thundering storms. Heavy water accumulation can be seen while #IMD said, this could intensity into 'extremely severe cyclonic storms' for #Mumbai.
Footage shows devastating damage in Mullica Hill, New Jersey, after a tornado moved through the area. Remnants of Hurricane Ida are wreaking havoc across the Northeast.
#Assam : Terrible accident at Nimatighat in Jorhat. Two ships crash on the mighty brahmaputra. Hundreds of passengers are still missing.
#WATCH | Kerala: A house got washed away by strong water currents of a river in Kottayam's Mundakayam yesterday following heavy rainfall.
Extremely saddening news to hear fatal bus accident in Barabanki, killing 12 individuals and seriously injuring more than 30.Deeply saddened and condolences to their family who died in road accident. Please pray for them who injured.?
Tens of millions along the East Coast are cleaning up from the flooding rain and strong winds of a powerful nor’easter that became a bomb cyclone, leading to damage, power outages and high-water rescues. @stephgosk reports.
11 burnt to death in tragic #accident on Balotra (#Barmer)-Jodhpur highway, Rajasthan. A truck crashed into a bus coming from the opposite direction with at least 28 passengers from #Jodhpur. Both the vehicles caught fire, killing 10 people on the spot. 22 injured.
Seems all the newly built verandas, balcony window structures cannot resist the extreme whirlwind of #lodos in #Istanbul The governors office issued a warning last night and this morning but nothing prepared the city for this type of #windstorm#Fırtı
An Indian Air Force helicopter crashed in the Nilgiri Mountains in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. There were 14 people on board the Mi-17-V5 helicopter, including Chief of General Staff Bipin Ravat.
Search ops in #Tupul, #Manipur continues.13Territorial #Army prsnl & 5 civilian have been safely rescued while mortal remains of 9 Territorial Army persnl & 1 civilian have been recovered.10 columns have been pressed into the search operation Search for 21 missing #Army prsnl on
Sad to hear unfortunate news of massive landslide in Noney district of #Manipur . My heartfelt condolences to families who have lost their loved ones ??
Prayers for speedy recovery and safety of injured & missing. May Almighty give strength to the efforts of rescuing agencies.
En #Matanzas no se habla de otra cosa. Todos tienen sus ojos puestos en los tanques aledaños y piden a Dios que el fuego no se extienda. "Este país está maldito porque no se vuelve a Dios. Cuántas plagas serán necesarias para que el Faraón deje su cabeza dura”, me dice un vecino
Punjab Chief Minister openly drinks a glass of polluted water from a ‘holy river’ to prove that water is clean. Now admitted to hospital.
??300 sapeurs-pompiers, sapeurs-sauveteurs et 2 hélicoptères #Dragon de la Sécurité civile sont mobilisés auprès des populations sinistrées en #Corse. 2 #Beech sont également engagés pour des opérations de reconnaissance. ☎️ Restez vigilants et en cas d'urgence 18/112
?? Jalpaiguri (West Bengal, India), October 06 (KMS): As many as eight persons, including four women, have died of drowning and several persons are missing because of flash floods during a Hindu religious ceremony in the Indian state of West Bengal.
???INDIA: Death toll rises in India bridge collapse: The death toll from a suspension bridge collapse in India rose to more than 130 and officials fear it could grow as authorities opened a criminal case into one of the deadliest accidents in the country in the past 10 years.
Les dégâts sont nombreux et particulièrement importants sur la commune de #Bihucourt dans le #PasdeCalais suite au passage de la #tornade. Des dizaines de maisons sont touchées, certaines voyant leur toit complètement arrachés. Photos : Anthony Choquet
?TORNADE confirmée ! Première vidéo du phénomène impactant la commune de Buhicourt dans le Pas-De-Calais. D’importants dégâts sont signalés. #France#orages#Tornade
Around 16 Indian Troops were killed in a clash with the PLA Troops in Twang on 9 December, 2022. As of today these deaths are being justified as a vehicular accident by India's misguiding and war mongering media. But in reality, another serious blow to India has been delivered.
High winds continue to blow across Morgan County. Here is some of the damage Deputies, Officers, Fire Crews, Utility crews and road crews are working on across Morgan County.
— Morgan County Sheriff's Office (Alabama) (@morgan_sheriff) March 3, 2023
In Rostov-on-Don, a bleacher near the rowing channel collapsed. A woman died and 7 children were injured.
In 2018 the sports complex, where the bleacher was located, was opened after reconstruction for more than 800 million rubles.
Distressed by the train accident in Odisha. In this hour of grief, my thoughts are with the bereaved families. May the injured recover soon. Spoke to Railway Minister @AshwiniVaishnaw and took stock of the situation. Rescue ops are underway at the site of the mishap and all…
?️ José Luis Martínez-Almeida, alcalde de Madrid: "El mensaje que quiero transmitir a los madrileños es que permanezcan en sus domicilios [...] Es una situación excepcional"
Después de 2 años volvemos a ver otra inundación incontrolable en Alcanar platja. El canal del frente es el causante de tal desastre donde se concentra todo el rio pero el ayuntamiento no hace nada. #alcanar#inundació
Bulgaria and Romania experienced the impact of severe weather conditions over the weekend, resulting in two fatalities. Strong winds, heavy rain and snowfall, caused power disruptions and blocked roads in the eastern regions of both countries.
Twenty-four people have died by lightning strikes and about 23 have been left injured in rain-related incidents in the western Indian state of Gujarat over the past two days
First 27 workers rescued till now from the Silkyara Tunnel in Uttarkashi. Kudos to the 22 agencies which worked day and night for the rescue mission including NDRF, BRO, Indian Army, Indian Air Force, NHIDCL, SJVNL, THFCL, RVNL, ONGC, Coal India &
This video shared on Snapchat shows rotation which supports the reports of a Tornado in Leitrim Village today. Hoping everyone is OK after this shocking event.
The inside of a car that was badly damaged after a tornado tore threw Leitrim Village yesterday. A few planks of wood from a nearby roof went straight through the windscreen.
Didn't expect to be in the middle of a tornado today! 😳 The couple in the car in front of us are so lucky to be alive. Thanks to everyone in Leitrim village who looked after us.
Mumbai Pune Expressway: A private bus carrying 36 passengers had a narrow escape when it caught fire. All the passengers were evacuated safely and no casualties were reported.
A powerful storm rumbled through Moscow on Thursday afternoon, carrying heavy rains and winds that ripped scores of trees from the ground and killed at least one person, local authorities said.
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
VIDEO | Visuals from outside a chemical factory in the Special Economic Zone in the Rambilli Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle, where a blast left several workers injured earlier today.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.
A major explosion occurred during the Kaliyatam festival at the Neeleswaram temple when fireworks ignited near a storage area holding additional firecrackers. Over 150 people have been injured in this incident.