Array ( [count_posts] => 10 [cache_key] => Query_Posts::global::hu::YTo1OntzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiaHUiO3M6NzoiZG9tYWlucyI7YToxOntpOjA7czo2OiJwb2RpamkiO31zOjY6Im9mZnNldCI7aToyMDtzOjk6InRheF9xdWVyeSI7YToxOntpOjA7YTozOntzOjg6InRheG9ub215IjtzOjg6InBvc3RfdGFnIjtzOjU6ImZpZWxkIjtzOjI6ImlkIjtzOjU6InRlcm1zIjthOjE6e2k6MDtpOjkyNjt9fX1zOjExOiJhZnRlckxvY2tlciI7aTowO30= [has_result] => 1 [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 88002 [content] =>Július 2-án érkezett a bejelentés, miszerint két fiatal a Tiszába fulladt Királyházánál. A Rendkívüli Helyzetek Állami Szolgálatának (DSZNSZ) kárpátaljai kirendeltségénél elmondták, hogy a 2001-es születésű áldozat holttestére a helyiek bukkantak.
A helyszínre kiérkezett a búvármentő alakulat, azonban a másik, 2007-es születésű áldozat testét nem sikerült megtalálni, a keresés azonban ma is folytatódik.
A búvárok eddig 25 kilométernyi szakaszt ellenőriztek át a Tiszán, Alsóveresmarttól Tiszahetényig.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Július 2-án érkezett a bejelentés, miszerint két fiatal a Tiszába fulladt Királyházánál. A Rendkívüli Helyzetek Állami Szolgálatának (DSZNSZ) kárpátaljai kirendeltségénél elmondták, hogy a 2001-es születésű áldozat holttestére a helyiek bukkantak. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1656862380 [modified] => 1656861870 ) [title] => Tragikus fürdőzés: két fiatal fulladt a Tiszába Kárpátalján [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 88002 [uk] => 87981 ) [trid] => vik3255 [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 87982 [image] => Array ( [id] => 87982 [original] => [original_lng] => 57170 [original_w] => 604 [original_h] => 402 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 200 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 604 [height] => 402 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 604 [height] => 402 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 604 [height] => 402 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 604 [height] => 402 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 604 [height] => 402 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1656851070:5 [_thumbnail_id] => 87982 [_edit_last] => 5 [views_count] => 2346 [_hipstart_feed_include] => 1 [_oembed_ef082323b3efde7ec46606ae10c8d894] => [_oembed_time_ef082323b3efde7ec46606ae10c8d894] => 1656849633 [_oembed_785c2fc0b9d4f1f3b0789a95912b3454] =>[_oembed_time_785c2fc0b9d4f1f3b0789a95912b3454] => 1656849633 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 31 [3] => 17 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Kárpátalja [3] => Sürgős ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 23566 [1] => 2339 [2] => 926 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Királyháza [1] => Tisza [2] => vízbe fulladás ) ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 87824 [content] =>Tim SAR Evakuasi Korban Ritual Maut Payangan, Total Korban 11 Orang Tewas #iNewsSore 13/02
— iNews (@OfficialiNewsTV) February 13, 2022
Selengkapnya #Ritual #Payangan Rendkívüli Helyzetek Állami Szolgálatának (DSZNSZ) kárpátaljai kirendeltsége hivatalos oldalán közölte a hírt, miszerint a nagy hőségben a megye lakosai tömegesen vonulnak a vízpartokra, azonban elővigyázatosságra intenek mindenkit, hiszen az elmúlt két napban négy fulladásos eset is történt.
A balesetek Lonkán, Királyházán és Ungváron történtek.
A DSZNSZ arra kér mindenkit, hogy kizárólag fürdőzésre alkalmas helyeken pihenjenek, ne menjenek a vízbe ittas állapotban és ne engedjék fürdőzni a gyerekeket szülői felügyelet nélkül.
[type] => post [excerpt] => A Rendkívüli Helyzetek Állami Szolgálatának (DSZNSZ) kárpátaljai kirendeltsége hivatalos oldalán közölte a hírt, miszerint a nagy hőségben a megye lakosai tömegesen vonulnak a vízpartokra, azonban elővigyázatosságra intenek mindenkit, hiszen az el... [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1656758700 [modified] => 1656720803 ) [title] => Két nap alatt négy fulladás is történt Kárpátalján [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 87824 [uk] => 87788 ) [trid] => vik3255 [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 87787 [image] => Array ( [id] => 87787 [original] => [original_lng] => 73141 [original_w] => 1024 [original_h] => 717 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 210 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 538 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 717 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 717 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 717 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 717 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1656710004:5 [_thumbnail_id] => 87787 [_edit_last] => 5 [views_count] => 1723 [_hipstart_feed_include] => 1 [_oembed_1ef04b0fbcfcd50f6f85f91cc1f5913e] => [_oembed_time_1ef04b0fbcfcd50f6f85f91cc1f5913e] => 1656747904 [_oembed_4c252fbd171e38cf0e46ace6d1efb53e] => [_oembed_time_4c252fbd171e38cf0e46ace6d1efb53e] => 1662137710 [_oembed_1c22e3a177d718f454a09122f40491dc] => [_oembed_time_1c22e3a177d718f454a09122f40491dc] => 1664522309 [_oembed_3c4f7b710fe2f073eda12e965695856d] => [_oembed_time_3c4f7b710fe2f073eda12e965695856d] => 1665254035 [_oembed_b317a92adf272cb6056eeebfe516886b] => [_oembed_time_b317a92adf272cb6056eeebfe516886b] => 1666187627 [_oembed_50bfa64082740192b011305f9aef24ae] => [_oembed_time_50bfa64082740192b011305f9aef24ae] => 1671659252 [_oembed_ffaada13b7a89aee5f2db6d762418ec0] => [_oembed_time_ffaada13b7a89aee5f2db6d762418ec0] => 1685810610 [_oembed_a2bb9bc3291b9f1197e74f28c7116f72] => [_oembed_time_a2bb9bc3291b9f1197e74f28c7116f72] => 1704872829 [_oembed_b0214432b9609173da58e3414cf40517] => [_oembed_time_b0214432b9609173da58e3414cf40517] => 1737795312 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 31 [3] => 17 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Kárpátalja [3] => Sürgős ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 124 [1] => 926 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Kárpátalja [1] => vízbe fulladás ) ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 82934 [content] =>Kárpátalján a nagybocskói határőrök három szabálysértőt találtak, akik illegálisan próbáltak Romániába jutni. A férfiak a határőröket látva megpróbáltak mihamarabb átkelni a Tiszán. Az ukrán határőrök tájékoztatták román kollégáikat és a mentőszolgálatokat is a szökevényekről.
Az egyik szabálysértőnek sikerült átjutnia a túloldalra a hatalmas sodrás ellenére, 30 éves társa azonban életét vesztette. Holttestére a román partoknál egy közös kutatás során bukkantak rá, amelyben az Ukrajnából és a Romániából érkezett határőrök, valamint a Nagybocskói Állami Tűzoltó- és Mentőegység munkatársai vettek részt. A harmadik határsértő sorsa egyelőre ismeretlen.
Májusban a munkácsi határőrök közel húsz hadköteles férfit vettek őrizetbe, akik illegálisan próbáltak átlépni a határon. Ezenkívül az orosz–ukrán háború kezdete óta a határőrség területén 5 olyan férfi halt meg, akik illegálisan külföldre próbáltak bejutni veszélyes folyami vagy hegyvidéki területeken.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Kárpátalján a nagybocskói határőrök három szabálysértőt találtak, akik illegálisan próbáltak Romániába jutni. A férfiak a határőröket látva megpróbáltak mihamarabb átkelni a Tiszán. Az ukrán határőrök tájékoztatták román kollégáikat és a mentőszol... [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1652176020 [modified] => 1652138263 ) [title] => Újabb határsértő fulladt a Tiszába [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 82934 [uk] => 82871 ) [trid] => vik3255 [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 82868 [image] => Array ( [id] => 82868 [original] => [original_lng] => 111456 [original_w] => 1024 [original_h] => 681 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 200 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 511 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 681 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 681 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 681 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 681 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1652127463:5 [_thumbnail_id] => 82868 [_edit_last] => 5 [views_count] => 2391 [_hipstart_feed_include] => 1 [_oembed_e9343f31e37580e1410593a665dba09b] => [_oembed_time_e9343f31e37580e1410593a665dba09b] => 1663693920 [_oembed_1c22e3a177d718f454a09122f40491dc] => [_oembed_time_1c22e3a177d718f454a09122f40491dc] => 1663751479 [_oembed_1be075f5420516a10171d89ca3b6e8bd] => [_oembed_time_1be075f5420516a10171d89ca3b6e8bd] => 1665050759 [_oembed_088ad1f8c2e7aa9c098bd6316febc965] => [_oembed_time_088ad1f8c2e7aa9c098bd6316febc965] => 1666704943 [_oembed_b7b5eded22ca0f4883ee511a443796eb] => [_oembed_time_b7b5eded22ca0f4883ee511a443796eb] => 1673257648 [_oembed_ac72576d9ac0b3aa06f6178c2f74e9bc] => [_oembed_time_ac72576d9ac0b3aa06f6178c2f74e9bc] => 1686897831 [_oembed_b603ce8dc817a4152e2bf71fe7f42ef3] => [_oembed_time_b603ce8dc817a4152e2bf71fe7f42ef3] => 1715343478 [_oembed_bc9cb1018e03e6fbb54ab5147a8aea10] => [_oembed_time_bc9cb1018e03e6fbb54ab5147a8aea10] => 1717566351 [_oembed_3e344f2f5ef6afb6e9f09884900d13fd] => [_oembed_time_3e344f2f5ef6afb6e9f09884900d13fd] => 1727110724 [_oembed_b51445ed54f077ad8914bd843640ef3a] =>[_oembed_time_b51445ed54f077ad8914bd843640ef3a] => 1727110724 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 31 [3] => 11 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Kárpátalja [3] => Kiemelt téma ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 944 [1] => 5666 [2] => 2339 [3] => 926 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Határ [1] => határsértő [2] => Tisza [3] => vízbe fulladás ) ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 75136 [content] =>⚡️#Estonia has brought anti-tank barriers known as 'Dragon's Teeth' to the border with #Russia in #Narva, Postimees reported.
— KyivPost (@KyivPost) November 17, 2023
Such fortification structures are usually erected to hinder the movement of military vehicles. ember fulladt vízbe Indonéziában egy tengerparton végrehajtott éjféli szertartás során – közölte vasárnap a helyi sajtó.
A szerencsétlenség Kelet-Jáva tartományban történt, az embereket magas hullámok sodorták magukkal.
Értesülések szerint kéttucat falusi gyűlt össze éjszakai meditációra és fürdőzésre Payangan strandján a hatóságok korábbi figyelmeztetései ellenére, hogy a rossz időjárás következtében nagy hullámokra lehet számítani.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Tizenegy ember fulladt vízbe Indonéziában egy tengerparton végrehajtott éjféli szertartás során – közölte vasárnap a helyi sajtó. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1644827580 [modified] => 1644819965 ) [title] => Többen vízbe fulladtak egy tengerparton végrehajtott szertartáson (videó) [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 75136 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 75139 [image] => Array ( [id] => 75139 [original] => [original_lng] => 201131 [original_w] => 1402 [original_h] => 576 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 123 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 316 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 421 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1402 [height] => 576 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1402 [height] => 576 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1402 [height] => 576 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1644812795:12 [_oembed_ef082323b3efde7ec46606ae10c8d894] => [_oembed_time_ef082323b3efde7ec46606ae10c8d894] => 1644812677 [_oembed_785c2fc0b9d4f1f3b0789a95912b3454] =>[_oembed_time_785c2fc0b9d4f1f3b0789a95912b3454] => 1644812677 [_thumbnail_id] => 75139 [_edit_last] => 12 [views_count] => 1918 [_oembed_e954f28abf9394ea904087404b776b14] =>Tim SAR Evakuasi Korban Ritual Maut Payangan, Total Korban 11 Orang Tewas #iNewsSore 13/02
— iNews (@OfficialiNewsTV) February 13, 2022
Selengkapnya #Ritual #Payangan[_oembed_time_e954f28abf9394ea904087404b776b14] => 1644812806 [_oembed_edb60597d523a62b61e0782252237e2a] =>BREAKING: 17 people drown, 10 others rescued after a bus plunges into Enziu river in Mwingi, Kitui County, search for bodies on
— Citizen TV Kenya (@citizentvkenya) December 4, 2021[_oembed_time_edb60597d523a62b61e0782252237e2a] => 1644812806 [_oembed_0b741ff844873daf28f523d8429cc5cd] =>?#Intervention|| Les #SapeursPompiers de l’#Hérault sont mobilisés Commune de Marseillan, Sérignan-Plage et @AgdeOfficiel pour des débuts de noyade ou des noyades La mer agitée rend les activités nautiques dangereuses ⚠️ Évitez la baignade #Houle #Vagues #InfoFlash
— Pompiers 34 (@SDIS34) September 15, 2021[_oembed_time_0b741ff844873daf28f523d8429cc5cd] => 1644812807 [_oembed_0d461fd323117baf57e1ef34071cf66b] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_1ba70e2a8edc10cbb927701c44352c40] =>Southern regions of France have been hit with two months' worth of rain in just 24 hours.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) September 14, 2021
It comes as the number of catastrophic floods hitting Europe continues to rise, with some leaders blaming the extreme weather on climate change.[_oembed_time_1ba70e2a8edc10cbb927701c44352c40] => 1719716499 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 900 [2] => 25 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Kriminális [2] => Videók [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 66343 [1] => 926 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => szertartás [1] => vízbe fulladás ) ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 68829 [content] =>Tim SAR Evakuasi Korban Ritual Maut Payangan, Total Korban 11 Orang Tewas #iNewsSore 13/02
— SeputariNewsRCTI (@SeputariNews) February 13, 2022
Selengkapnya #Ritual #Payanganában legalább harmincan meghaltak abban az esküvőre tartó buszban, melyet a megáradt folyó sodort el – közölte a The Sun.
A balesetet valaki felvette mobiltelefonnal, ezen látszik, hogy a busz már majdnem átér a túlpartra, amikor oldalára dől, és a víz elsodorja.
A járókelők tizenkét embert kimentettek, de legalább harmincan meghaltak, és attól tartanak, hogy a búvárok további áldozatokat találnak a buszban. Azt nem tudni, hányan voltak pontosan a buszon.
Uhuru Kenyatta elnök részvétét fejezte ki az áldozatok hozzátartozóinak, és arra figyelmeztette a kenyaiakat, hogy ne próbáljanak átkelni a megduzzadt folyókon, különösen a mostani esős évszakban.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Kenyában legalább harmincan meghaltak abban az esküvőre tartó buszban, melyet a megáradt folyó sodort el – közölte a The Sun. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1638866880 [modified] => 1638831010 ) [title] => Több mint harmincan haltak meg abban a buszban, amelyet folyó sodort el [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 68829 [uk] => 68903 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 68830 [image] => Array ( [id] => 68830 [original] => [original_lng] => 86062 [original_w] => 1000 [original_h] => 600 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 180 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 461 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1000 [height] => 600 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1000 [height] => 600 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1000 [height] => 600 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1000 [height] => 600 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1638890588:2 [_oembed_e954f28abf9394ea904087404b776b14] =>[_oembed_time_e954f28abf9394ea904087404b776b14] => 1638823580 [_thumbnail_id] => 68830 [_edit_last] => 5 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 2408 [_oembed_edb60597d523a62b61e0782252237e2a] =>BREAKING: 17 people drown, 10 others rescued after a bus plunges into Enziu river in Mwingi, Kitui County, search for bodies on
— Citizen TV Kenya (@citizentvkenya) December 4, 2021[_oembed_time_edb60597d523a62b61e0782252237e2a] => 1638823815 [_oembed_0b741ff844873daf28f523d8429cc5cd] =>?#Intervention|| Les #SapeursPompiers de l’#Hérault sont mobilisés Commune de Marseillan, Sérignan-Plage et @AgdeOfficiel pour des débuts de noyade ou des noyades La mer agitée rend les activités nautiques dangereuses ⚠️ Évitez la baignade #Houle #Vagues #InfoFlash
— Pompiers 34 (@SDIS34) September 15, 2021[_oembed_time_0b741ff844873daf28f523d8429cc5cd] => 1638823816 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_c5451ded4be15ed04ba6d3348739e7dc] =>Southern regions of France have been hit with two months' worth of rain in just 24 hours.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) September 14, 2021
It comes as the number of catastrophic floods hitting Europe continues to rise, with some leaders blaming the extreme weather on climate change.[_oembed_time_c5451ded4be15ed04ba6d3348739e7dc] => 1638859688 [_oembed_c8103adf86d43dee8b364f90aa9ff4dd] =>Extremely saddening news to hear fatal bus accident in Barabanki, killing 12 individuals and seriously injuring more than 30.Deeply saddened and condolences to their family who died in road accident. Please pray for them who injured.?
— Ibad Ashraf (@IbadAshraf1) October 7, 2021[_oembed_time_c8103adf86d43dee8b364f90aa9ff4dd] => 1638859784 [_oembed_a83d43d61de7a0f9e3e95808420cfadf] =>11 burnt to death in tragic #accident on Balotra (#Barmer)-Jodhpur highway, Rajasthan. A truck crashed into a bus coming from the opposite direction with at least 28 passengers from #Jodhpur. Both the vehicles caught fire, killing 10 people on the spot. 22 injured. #India
— Madhaw Tiwari (@MadhawTiwari) November 10, 2021[_oembed_time_a83d43d61de7a0f9e3e95808420cfadf] => 1640741866 [_oembed_ef082323b3efde7ec46606ae10c8d894] => [_oembed_time_ef082323b3efde7ec46606ae10c8d894] => 1645646644 [_oembed_785c2fc0b9d4f1f3b0789a95912b3454] =>RTC Bus fell in a canal 9 Passengers died including Driver. 47 passengers are in bus at the time of accident.
— KonaSeema PawanKalyan FC™ (@PKFC_KonaSeema) December 15, 2021
This is due to the Worst roads in #AndhraPradesh.
Wake up CM @Ysjagan ?#SaveAPfromYSRCP #YSJaganFailedCM[_oembed_time_785c2fc0b9d4f1f3b0789a95912b3454] => 1645646644 [_oembed_c2f99b36ea98633c064038aff6f59acc] =>Tim SAR Evakuasi Korban Ritual Maut Payangan, Total Korban 11 Orang Tewas #iNewsSore 13/02
— iNews (@OfficialiNewsTV) February 13, 2022
Selengkapnya #Ritual #Payangan[_oembed_time_c2f99b36ea98633c064038aff6f59acc] => 1647419808 [_oembed_487036bca40dc37ed1bcd65ad8da4a29] =>? #Bus #Ucraina, #vigilidelfuoco impegnati con due autogru per sollevare il mezzo ribaltato [#13marzo 9:30]#A14 Forlì-Cesena
— Vigili del Fuoco (@emergenzavvf) March 13, 2022[_oembed_time_487036bca40dc37ed1bcd65ad8da4a29] => 1652197233 [_oembed_aacb1857f7bb87e4870d05c632e8a2fd] =>Fortportal accident update. @FNampiima "so far 20 people have been confirmed dead, out of whom thirteen are adults while 7 are juveniles.
— Uganda Police Force (@PoliceUg) May 4, 2022
Out of the twenty, 11 are male and nine are female.
Their particulars will be availed in due course[_oembed_time_aacb1857f7bb87e4870d05c632e8a2fd] => 1660318257 [_oembed_94c634f29d3c05805f05e062d8bfaa4e] =>???? #Bulgaria: An Accident with 3 Deaths closed a Section of the #Ruse - #VelikoTarnovo Road #romanians #turkish ➡️
— (@novinite_com) August 6, 2022[_oembed_time_94c634f29d3c05805f05e062d8bfaa4e] => 1660318257 [_oembed_f4c1e6fd6ee075c10eecaa0663acda11] => [_oembed_time_f4c1e6fd6ee075c10eecaa0663acda11] => 1661708609 [_oembed_9179912c60d3dbc18137e35b20b2fcbb] =>Niestety chyba czarny dzień na chorwackich autostradach.
— MarcinM ???? (@Misiorro007) August 6, 2022
Wypadek autokaru na polskich rejestracjach, minimum 11 osób zginęło.#wypadek #chorwacja #autokar[_oembed_time_9179912c60d3dbc18137e35b20b2fcbb] => 1663683664 [_oembed_fbcd268a2ff62cda05a93d6f2d627b1c] =>Officials in Pakistan say at least 20 people were killed after a passenger bus rammed into a fuel truck on a highway in eastern Punjab province.
— The Associated Press (@AP) August 16, 2022[_oembed_time_fbcd268a2ff62cda05a93d6f2d627b1c] => 1664090235 [_oembed_0842d631942232b8a7215bd200e6e9dc] =>School bus passengers 'miraculously' survive crash with truck near Melbourne:
— ACV (@thesorehead) September 21, 2022[_oembed_time_0842d631942232b8a7215bd200e6e9dc] => 1664090235 [_oembed_f2af00af1e648ad0540c10b605f2c762] =>New Post: AUSTRALIA: School bus carrying 27 students rolls after crash in Melbourne
— Naija Times (@ntmdotng) September 21, 2022[_oembed_time_f2af00af1e648ad0540c10b605f2c762] => 1664090235 [_oembed_ced71d1592f90be9488373c403485e3e] =>BREAKING NEWS
— Sunrise (@sunriseon7) September 20, 2022
A school bus carrying students has rolled down an embankment after colliding with a truck just near Melbourne with a teenage girl and the truck driver both seriously injured.#Sunriseon7[_oembed_time_ced71d1592f90be9488373c403485e3e] => 1664090236 [_oembed_6cab22b85c9f6b1bbe6e26d89bdeb4ed] =>Twenty-seven people were killed and 20 others injured after a bus turned on its side in #China's Guizhou Province early Sunday morning.
— IANS (@ians_india) September 18, 2022[_oembed_time_6cab22b85c9f6b1bbe6e26d89bdeb4ed] => 1664522778 [_oembed_2fc954f81fd2a1058977ffabccc76dda] =>贵阳云岩公安抓了一个不戴口罩的老人,立功了。
— 方舟子 (@fangshimin) September 15, 2022[_oembed_time_2fc954f81fd2a1058977ffabccc76dda] => 1669636618 [_oembed_283459b1af0eb5e6621695159885aad7] =>One person was killed in a bus rollover, according to Brandeis University, which chartered the bus. The accident happened near the Brandeis campus in Waltham, Massachuetts.
— CNN (@CNN) November 20, 2022[_oembed_time_283459b1af0eb5e6621695159885aad7] => 1669636618 [_oembed_77bc973f2ac81cc610a4fbe9375d8b21] =>Bus plunges into ditch, killing 20 in flood-hit southern Pakistan
— Viral Trunk (@ViralTrunk) November 18, 2022[_oembed_time_77bc973f2ac81cc610a4fbe9375d8b21] => 1672389784 [_oembed_2a64f4853494683b5a23c802c298f4f3] =>??????? Au moins deux personnes ont trouvé la mort après un accident de bus tombé dans une rivière depuis un pont en Galice. Deux autres personnes, dont le chauffeur du bus, ont été secourues et hospitalisées. #BFM #Spain #Galice
— L’Info (@l_info24) December 25, 2022[_oembed_time_2a64f4853494683b5a23c802c298f4f3] => 1672901988 [_oembed_f705d684f2bc67872422205d13a1a851] => [_oembed_time_f705d684f2bc67872422205d13a1a851] => 1673870552 [_oembed_7a63b7d624487ec66cb79793d6ffe023] =>El autobús salió de Rincón de Guayabitos, Nayarit, y su destino era la ciudad de León, #Guanajuato ?
— El Sol de Hermosillo (@ElSolHermosillo) December 31, 2022[_oembed_time_7a63b7d624487ec66cb79793d6ffe023] => 1673870552 [_oembed_e12a66f553a6242aceb0d81c53bf1d02] =>Sudan: At least 16 people die in bus crash in Omdurman
— africanews ? (@africanews) December 27, 2022[_oembed_time_e12a66f553a6242aceb0d81c53bf1d02] => 1676455024 [_oembed_a5372a20d0f5d27bd230d8a266131daa] =>Afyonkarahisar'da yolcu otobüsü devrildi: 8 kişi öldü, 35 kişi yaralandı
— Haber Life (@HaberLife1) February 5, 2023[_oembed_time_a5372a20d0f5d27bd230d8a266131daa] => 1676455024 [_oembed_7ccaac1032a654bfddbaeee94924f4e3] =>Four die and 29 are injured in Brazil youth football team bus crash
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) January 31, 2023[_oembed_time_7ccaac1032a654bfddbaeee94924f4e3] => 1676455024 [_oembed_a9775ee624abe51d5ad5529377a6fab7] =>?? : Bus crash in Além Paraíba, #Brazil leaves 4 dead and 29 injured
— INDEPENDENT PRESS (@IpIndependent) January 31, 2023[_oembed_time_a9775ee624abe51d5ad5529377a6fab7] => 1676455024 [_oembed_23d7795008da2e49d05f05c415ce795c] =>At least 39 people died and 4 others were wounded in an accident after a passenger bus plunged into aravine and caught fire near Chinki stop in the Bela area of the Lasbela Balochistan. May Allah give sabar to the families who have lost their loved one's?#Lasbela #accident
— Aakash (@AAKASHPUNHANI) January 29, 2023[_oembed_time_23d7795008da2e49d05f05c415ce795c] => 1676455025 [_oembed_deac15482adc4c7803b8c5ba95f14ccd] =>39 passengers died on the spot in a bus incident in the Lasbela district of #Balochistan
— Jaffar Khan kakar (@Jaffar_Journo) January 29, 2023
A passenger bus fell into a ravine near Bela Tehsil.The bus caught fire after falling. as per rescue teams it took two hours to control the fire.
The bus was coming from Quetta to Karachi.[_oembed_time_deac15482adc4c7803b8c5ba95f14ccd] => 1676877332 [_oembed_c6e3e61d5817b72894f816ba28c5b51e] =>Crash between tour bus and armoured van kills 20 people in South Africa
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) February 14, 2023[_oembed_time_c6e3e61d5817b72894f816ba28c5b51e] => 1677230121 [_oembed_90fba01d23a3e04719ceffe1f5647f8f] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_b46afe83183e4d2723983ce18550c33b] =>At least 12 people were killed and 65 others injured when a bus overturned due to tyre burst near Kallar Kahar in Chakwal
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) February 20, 2023[_oembed_time_b46afe83183e4d2723983ce18550c33b] => 1687011827 [_oembed_e675dac6e90b9a1072face3372f815a9] =>Minibus crash claims 25 lives in northern Afghanistan #Afghanistan
— ILKHA (@IlkhaAgency) June 8, 2023[_oembed_time_e675dac6e90b9a1072face3372f815a9] => 1687986677 [_oembed_760257cec7004962a8f52f8f8377d225] =>Over 80 people were injured in a seven-vehicle pileup, including three buses carrying middle school students on a field trip, in #SouthKorea's Gangwon province on Friday, police said.
— IANS (@ians_india) June 16, 2023
About 30 firefighters were taking part in the rescue operation, while police were investigating…[_oembed_time_760257cec7004962a8f52f8f8377d225] => 1688631380 [_oembed_7e965e6150088df11ebdb11e4a2acc05] =>VIEWERS DISCRETION ADVISED?
— 401_da_sarpanch (@401_da_sarpanch) June 15, 2023
?Fatal Accident On Hwy1 Near Carberry, MB @CarraDeShaukeen
At least 15 people have been killed in a crash Between A Semi-Truck & Handi-Transit Vehicle on the Trans-Canada Highway west of Winnipeg near Carberry, Manitoba. #Carberry #mbpoli #Mantioba…[_oembed_time_7e965e6150088df11ebdb11e4a2acc05] => 1689404388 [_oembed_ed1b8f0ac5d9aefee05e3380eaa25a09] =>?#BREAKING: Over 55+ injuries reported after a double-decker tour bus collides with MTA city bus
— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) July 7, 2023
?#Manhattan | #NewYork
Currently numerous authorities and emergency personnel have been deployed following a collision involving a double-decker tour bus and a MTA city bus in…[_oembed_time_ed1b8f0ac5d9aefee05e3380eaa25a09] => 1690285645 [_oembed_79f96601ffb29d84f8631e39d4c02f1d] =>☎️ Hasiči zřídili informační linku pro rodiny a blízké lidí zasažených událostí 950 640 000.
— Události Brno (@UdalostiBrno) July 17, 2023
❗️Při nehodě u Brna se zranilo 76 lidí, z toho 14 těžce, jeden člověk zemřel.
? Ve směru na Brno by se mohla podle Policie ČR dálnice zprůjezdnit ve 22 hodin.
Foto: ČT24/ČTK[_oembed_time_79f96601ffb29d84f8631e39d4c02f1d] => 1690285645 [_oembed_8b28be5d3e41fd1cc77198bd01867b9b] => [_oembed_time_8b28be5d3e41fd1cc77198bd01867b9b] => 1690285645 [_oembed_0515a99101a3b2d9eae91bb4ace1196f] => [_oembed_time_0515a99101a3b2d9eae91bb4ace1196f] => 1691849159 [_oembed_f3b003382a30feb3899d59563d487ad8] =>JMK - Na 3. km D2 došlo ve směru na Brno poblíž Rebešovic k závažné dopravní nehodě dvou autobusů. Podle předběžných zpráv jeden z řidičů na místě zemřel, v obou autobusech jsou desítky zraněných. Na místě pracují všechny složky IZS. Komunikace je neprůjezdná. #policiejmk
— Policie ČR (@PolicieCZ) July 17, 2023[_oembed_time_f3b003382a30feb3899d59563d487ad8] => 1693469484 [_oembed_fac63a285db864e981bad0a789636b58] =>"At least nine persons died when a bus they were traveling in plunged into the Trishuli river near Gajuri along the Prithvi Highway on Wednesday"#busaccident #Trishuliriver #AMN
— The Annapurna Express (@TheAnnaExpress) August 23, 2023[_oembed_time_fac63a285db864e981bad0a789636b58] => 1693469484 [_oembed_ba54e6dd8107dc9a561cd4c9bb42305c] =>At least 8 dead as bus plunges into Trishuli river in Dhading
— The Kathmandu Post (@kathmandupost) August 23, 2023
The bus, heading to Pokhara from Kathmandu, veered off the road and plunged into the river near Gajuri along the Prithvi Highway, police said.[_oembed_time_ba54e6dd8107dc9a561cd4c9bb42305c] => 1696167329 [_oembed_178037caf19d3e609d4ee0bd79c9632e] =>In Micheldorf (Bezirk St. Veit an der Glan) in Kärnten ist ein Bus von der Straße abgekommen und umgestürzt. Das Opfer ist eine 19-Jährige.
— (@Heute_at) September 19, 2023[_oembed_time_178037caf19d3e609d4ee0bd79c9632e] => 1696167329 [_oembed_292f4d0c8f4f2f40dcfe0c677e45fb4b] =>#Urgente | Al menos 13 personas fallecidas y 36 heridos dejó el despiste y caída a un precipicio de 200 metros de un bus de la empresa Molina, en el paraje Huaccoto, en el distrito de Anco, en carretera Ayacucho - Huancayo, según informe preliminar de la Policía.
— Huanca York Times (@HuancaYorkTimes) September 18, 2023[_oembed_time_292f4d0c8f4f2f40dcfe0c677e45fb4b] => 1698127214 [_oembed_963f4a6918cde6cb5c48ba020dc4b7b6] =>A British man has died and more than 20 other tourists injured after a coach crash in Peru:
— Standard News (@standardnews) October 17, 2023[_oembed_time_963f4a6918cde6cb5c48ba020dc4b7b6] => 1698127214 [_oembed_b0d8c984f6bd6ecd27510c996b919242] =>Bus crashes into Manchester city centre shop.
— NEWSCAPE (@Globlnrrative) October 16, 2023[_oembed_time_b0d8c984f6bd6ecd27510c996b919242] => 1698127214 [_oembed_4b649ee76bd62cf556ee6ff88b5493c0] =>BREAKING Manchester bus crash horror as vehicle slams into hotel in horrendous scenes
— Daily Star Breaking News (@StarBreaksNews) October 16, 2023[_oembed_time_4b649ee76bd62cf556ee6ff88b5493c0] => 1698127214 [_oembed_1cc2d3716c0f8350e9eb05f9025c042d] =>12 Killed After Speeding Mini-Bus Rams Container On Maharashtra Expressway
— NDTV News feed (@ndtvfeed) October 15, 2023[_oembed_time_1cc2d3716c0f8350e9eb05f9025c042d] => 1701159484 [_oembed_a6b1b89112d6ca06c9c80b4232fc1f4e] =>Doda Bus Accident | Minutes before accident, CCTV footage of ill fated bus crossed Drabshalla naka point in Kishtwar district at 9:30 AM.
— JAMMU LINKS NEWS (@JAMMULINKS) November 15, 2023[_oembed_time_a6b1b89112d6ca06c9c80b4232fc1f4e] => 1701159485 [_oembed_b3b8668efab92863d309b961533eeed2] =>A charter bus carrying students from a high school was rear-ended by a semitruck on an Ohio highway Tuesday, leaving six people dead and at least 18 others injured, according to officials.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) November 15, 2023[_oembed_time_b3b8668efab92863d309b961533eeed2] => 1704473186 [_oembed_dfcd44dfd20609f20a20bf9bcb59509f] =>13 killed as bus collides with truck in central India
— Mr Zubair (@MrZubai08999659) December 28, 2023[_oembed_time_dfcd44dfd20609f20a20bf9bcb59509f] => 1704473186 [_oembed_953cd134f646d678437cd5cefa16e672] =>#MadhyaPradesh: Fire breaks out in a private passenger bus in #Guna
— cliQ India (@cliQIndiaMedia) December 28, 2023
The #BusAccident claimed many lives. At least 13 people were killed and 17 others injured after the bus caught fire following its collision with a dumper. #cliQIndia[_oembed_time_953cd134f646d678437cd5cefa16e672] => 1705998786 [_oembed_39eb2b192bd0277579e18fc8ecf62bc7] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_a2fdf3b2d728bfbc109f7e1823f413b4] => [_oembed_time_a2fdf3b2d728bfbc109f7e1823f413b4] => 1711122191 [_oembed_52d64f5b2b22d55ae8a7888dfdc38c72] =>Bus crash leaves ten dead after fog sparks pile up on motorway in Turkey
— The Sun (@TheSun) December 28, 2023[_oembed_time_52d64f5b2b22d55ae8a7888dfdc38c72] => 1711122191 [_oembed_4bd8279e5fc0e794e34bf999b0d9e4c9] =>Schulbus-Unfall in #Fürth-#Erlenbach +++ 12 Schüler und Busfahrer verletzt +++ Bus rollt laut Polizei 60 Meter weit führerlos in eine Wiese
— HIT RADIO FFH (@FFHRegional) February 14, 2024[_oembed_time_4bd8279e5fc0e794e34bf999b0d9e4c9] => 1714977164 [_oembed_a527988f74ec4305813d6ce953a94f1c] =>#ULTIMAHORA#Tragedia en #Edomex
— Corresponsales MX (@CorresponsalsMX) April 28, 2024
14 muertos y al menos 30 lesionados tras volcadura de un autobús en la carretera #Capulín #Chalma municipio de #Malinalco
Autoridades señalan que el camión porvenía de San Luis de la Paz #Guanajuato y tenía como destino el #SantuariodeChalma 📸RS[_oembed_time_a527988f74ec4305813d6ce953a94f1c] => 1717527036 [_oembed_56a140e5b470c71778f01aa26f2c2444] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_80a6f3c4b5b8324ce830266dbac70eae] => [_oembed_time_80a6f3c4b5b8324ce830266dbac70eae] => 1717527036 [_oembed_525aec512c7b9c0d7afe403f755cb55f] =>UPDATE:
— FlashFeed (@FlashFeed365) May 14, 2024
The crash happened when a 2001 Ford pickup truck side-swiped the bus carrying farm workers in Marion County Florida.
The bus then went off the road, crashed into a fence, and overturned in a field.
8 people were killed and up to 50 injured, several in critical condition.[_oembed_time_525aec512c7b9c0d7afe403f755cb55f] => 1717527037 [_oembed_4dca924f81b3a8ce1fa096baa33815af] =>BREAKING: Bus falls into a river in St. Petersburg, Russia – multiple dead and injured
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) May 10, 2024[_oembed_time_4dca924f81b3a8ce1fa096baa33815af] => 1719558581 [_oembed_5032c1ddb72fc9e4313140d9f5a910bf] =>BREAKING: 17 people drown, 10 others rescued after a bus plunges into Enziu river in Mwingi, Kitui County, search for bodies on
— Citizen TV Kenya (@citizentvkenya) December 4, 2021[_oembed_time_5032c1ddb72fc9e4313140d9f5a910bf] => 1722171934 [_oembed_48ccf9856b8f1a766b128c06739faf6b] =>⚫ La C-32 continua tallada entre Pineda de Mar i Tordera en sentit Girona per un autobús amb passatge que s'ha accidentat i bolcat a l'entrada d'un túnel.
— Trànsit (@transit) July 16, 2024
🟦 @emergenciescat ha activat alerta #PROCICAT#SCT[_oembed_time_48ccf9856b8f1a766b128c06739faf6b] => 1722171934 [_oembed_312f6d0349f8ef273490ba0f82850e09] =>#WorldNews: Twelve children were killed in #SouthAfrica early Wednesday when a minibus taking them to school in #Johannesburg overturned and caught fire after being hit by another vehicle, the government said.
— LBCI Lebanon English (@LBCI_News_EN) July 10, 2024[_oembed_time_312f6d0349f8ef273490ba0f82850e09] => 1726863008 [_oembed_949b58b407ecf8464ee72e1c5e0d81ae] => [_oembed_time_949b58b407ecf8464ee72e1c5e0d81ae] => 1727084842 [_oembed_c6cd3b4e98754f1fecba3a77694d8637] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_ac2f1c33d99796cf49b7f45d1ab21292] => [_oembed_time_ac2f1c33d99796cf49b7f45d1ab21292] => 1732287464 [_oembed_4f7e933bce4abde30b5e7b60de10f0a7] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_b441c92244edfc3c43fd6f6c94c08fdf] =>A bus on the #MakranHighway Coastal Highway crashed, killing 12 pilgrims. Additionally, #bus in Pakistan-ruled Kashmir fell into a ravine, 22 deaths#BusAccident #Rawalpindi #Kahuta #PakistanBusAccident #KahutaBusAccident #GirariBridge #TheDailyIntake
— The Daily Intake (@dailyintake2023) August 25, 2024[_oembed_time_b441c92244edfc3c43fd6f6c94c08fdf] => 1736856379 [_oembed_f80426eb3c4fd4f908744f1f76042725] =>🔵 Mas de 30 muertos deja accidente de tránsito en Brasil: bus se incendió tras chocar contra un camión#PanamericanaTelevisión #Brasil #Accidente ↓↓↓
— panamericanatv (@PanamericanaTV) December 21, 2024[_oembed_time_f80426eb3c4fd4f908744f1f76042725] => 1736856379 [_oembed_3259a41c26bcda803d58d2b2e5a7dcb4] =>#BRASIL #MINASGERAIS
— @ALTOS_NOTICIASpy (@Altosnoticiasp1) December 21, 2024
▪️Triple choque entre autobús, un remolque y un automóvil deja 22 personas muertas en una carretera de Minas Gerais.
El autobús que venía de SP chocó de frente con un remolque y un auto en la BR-116, en Teófilo Otoni y luego se incendió[_oembed_time_3259a41c26bcda803d58d2b2e5a7dcb4] => 1736856380 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 25 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Videók [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 2521 [1] => 926 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => buszbaleset [1] => vízbe fulladás ) ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 63972 [content] =>Um ônibus da Emtram, que saiu de São Paulo com destino a Vitória da Conquista, se envolveu em um grave acidente neste sábado, em Minas Gerais. Pelo menos 38 pessoas morreram e há baianos entre as vítimas.
— Jean Mendes (@ojeanmendesc) December 21, 2024A helyi média tájékoztatása szerint összesen 11 diák vesztette életét, míg 10 másikat még időben sikerült kimenteniük.
A tragédia Nyugat-Jáva tartományában történt egy iskolai kirándulás során, amit egy folyótisztítási eseménnyel kötöttek össze. A helyi tisztviselők tájékoztatása szerint egy iszlám középiskola 150 diákja vett részt a helyi Cileueur névre keresztelt folyó partjának takarításában – írja az ABC News.
A tragédia akkor következett be, amikor valamilyen oknál fogva a 150 diák közül 21-en belecsúsztak a vízbe. Az időjárás ideális volt, áradásról sem tudtak, így sokan értetlenül álltak a tragédia előtt.
Azok a gyerekek, akik megfulladtak, egymás kezét fogták. Valószínűleg az okozhatta a tragédiát, hogy az egyik gyerek megcsúszott, aki magával rántotta a többieket, mivel mindenki egymás kezét fogta.
Pénteken történt a tragédia, és a mentőcsapatok többek esetében már csak a halál beálltának idejét tudták megállapítani. A keresés péntek este ért véget, miután minden diákot megtaláltak.
A gyerekeken nem volt védőfelszerelés, így sokáig nem maradhattak fent a vízen, miközben megpróbáltak átkelni a folyón. Tavaly februárban egy hirtelen áradás legkevesebb hat diákkal végzett, akik szintén belefulladtak a folyóba a Yogyakarta tartomány területén.
[type] => post [excerpt] => A helyi média tájékoztatása szerint összesen 11 diák vesztette életét, míg 10 másikat még időben sikerült kimenteniük. [autID] => 4 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1634399220 [modified] => 1634413213 ) [title] => 11 gyerek vízbe fulladt egy iskolai kirándulás során Indonéziában [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 63972 ) [aut] => avecsorinszka [lang] => hu [image_id] => 63973 [image] => Array ( [id] => 63973 [original] => [original_lng] => 75937 [original_w] => 992 [original_h] => 558 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 992 [height] => 558 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 992 [height] => 558 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 992 [height] => 558 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 992 [height] => 558 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1634403136:4 [_thumbnail_id] => 63973 [_edit_last] => 4 [views_count] => 2314 [_oembed_edb60597d523a62b61e0782252237e2a] =>[_oembed_time_edb60597d523a62b61e0782252237e2a] => 1634388424 [_oembed_0b741ff844873daf28f523d8429cc5cd] =>?#Intervention|| Les #SapeursPompiers de l’#Hérault sont mobilisés Commune de Marseillan, Sérignan-Plage et @AgdeOfficiel pour des débuts de noyade ou des noyades La mer agitée rend les activités nautiques dangereuses ⚠️ Évitez la baignade #Houle #Vagues #InfoFlash
— Pompiers 34 (@SDIS34) September 15, 2021[_oembed_time_0b741ff844873daf28f523d8429cc5cd] => 1634388424 [_oembed_e954f28abf9394ea904087404b776b14] =>Southern regions of France have been hit with two months' worth of rain in just 24 hours.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) September 14, 2021
It comes as the number of catastrophic floods hitting Europe continues to rise, with some leaders blaming the extreme weather on climate change.[_oembed_time_e954f28abf9394ea904087404b776b14] => 1639522331 [_oembed_ef082323b3efde7ec46606ae10c8d894] => [_oembed_time_ef082323b3efde7ec46606ae10c8d894] => 1645402636 [_oembed_785c2fc0b9d4f1f3b0789a95912b3454] =>BREAKING: 17 people drown, 10 others rescued after a bus plunges into Enziu river in Mwingi, Kitui County, search for bodies on
— Citizen TV Kenya (@citizentvkenya) December 4, 2021[_oembed_time_785c2fc0b9d4f1f3b0789a95912b3454] => 1645402636 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 41 [2] => 49 [3] => 900 [4] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => A nap hírei [1] => Cikkek [2] => Hírek [3] => Kriminális [4] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 56097 [1] => 37680 [2] => 926 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Nyugat-Jáva tartomány [1] => tragédia [2] => vízbe fulladás ) ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 60881 [content] =>Tim SAR Evakuasi Korban Ritual Maut Payangan, Total Korban 11 Orang Tewas #iNewsSore 13/02
— iNews (@OfficialiNewsTV) February 13, 2022
Selengkapnya #Ritual #Payangan ember a háborgó tengerbe fulladt szerdán Franciaország földközi-tengeri partvidékén – közölte a La Depeche du Midi című helyi lap.
Az újság úgy tudja, a 64 és 73 év közötti fürdőzők a partvidék különböző pontjain vesztették életüket, egy ember eltűnt, ketten pedig súlyosan megsérültek.
A francia helikopteres mentőegységeket a nap folyamán 14 bajba került úszóhoz riasztották a Montpelliers és Béziers közötti partszakaszon. Hét embert sikerült újraéleszteni, hét esetében viszont már későn érkezett a segítség. A Sky News szerint a halálos áldozatok közül öten Hérault, ketten-ketten pedig Aude és Bouches-du-Rhone régiókban haltak meg.
Rejtett áramlatok okozhatták a tragédiát Vias polgármestere a szerdai események kapcsán drámai napnak nevezte azt az egész régió számára. Jordan Dartier azt is hozzátette, nem érti, hogy az emberek miért kockáztatják meg az úszást ilyen körülmények között.
A Sky News a hatóságok alapján azt írta, hogy tragédiát rejtett áramlatok okozhatták, amelyek ki sodorták a fürdőzöket a nyílt vízre, ahonnan már nem volt erejük visszaúszni.
Ítéletidő tombol
A nyári szezon végével a strandokat már nem tartják szemmel folyamatosan a vízimentők. Egyes helyeken be is tiltották a délutáni fürdőzést a viszontagságos időjárás miatt.Az ország déli részét az elmúlt napokban heves esőzések sújtották, amelyek villám áradásokat okoztak bötbb városban.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Kilenc ember a háborgó tengerbe fulladt szerdán Franciaország földközi-tengeri partvidékén - közölte a La Depeche du Midi című helyi lap. [autID] => 4 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1631812860 [modified] => 1631805721 ) [title] => Kilenc strandoló fulladt a vízbe Franciaország földközi-tengeri partvidékén [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 60881 [uk] => 60861 ) [aut] => avecsorinszka [lang] => hu [image_id] => 60882 [image] => Array ( [id] => 60882 [original] => [original_lng] => 33205 [original_w] => 600 [original_h] => 338 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 600 [height] => 338 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 600 [height] => 338 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 600 [height] => 338 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 600 [height] => 338 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 600 [height] => 338 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1631794921:4 [_oembed_edb60597d523a62b61e0782252237e2a] =>[_oembed_time_edb60597d523a62b61e0782252237e2a] => 1631794103 [_oembed_0b741ff844873daf28f523d8429cc5cd] =>?#Intervention|| Les #SapeursPompiers de l’#Hérault sont mobilisés Commune de Marseillan, Sérignan-Plage et @AgdeOfficiel pour des débuts de noyade ou des noyades La mer agitée rend les activités nautiques dangereuses ⚠️ Évitez la baignade #Houle #Vagues #InfoFlash
— Pompiers 34 (@SDIS34) September 15, 2021[_oembed_time_0b741ff844873daf28f523d8429cc5cd] => 1631794283 [_thumbnail_id] => 60882 [_edit_last] => 4 [views_count] => 2667 [_oembed_cb26ea1233b2cfd77a42f2aef0013bb5] =>Southern regions of France have been hit with two months' worth of rain in just 24 hours.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) September 14, 2021
It comes as the number of catastrophic floods hitting Europe continues to rise, with some leaders blaming the extreme weather on climate change.[_oembed_time_cb26ea1233b2cfd77a42f2aef0013bb5] => 1636360156 [_oembed_94915c227f64fea4fdc8f4ce0548f67b] =>Une soirée de violences observée mardi à Alençon, dans l'Orne
— BFMTV (@BFMTV) October 27, 2021[_oembed_time_94915c227f64fea4fdc8f4ce0548f67b] => 1636360157 [_oembed_b09a93257a4d29b62002181e1271da33] => [_oembed_time_b09a93257a4d29b62002181e1271da33] => 1638844977 [_oembed_e954f28abf9394ea904087404b776b14] =>Tirs de mortier sur la police et véhicules incendiés : nous sommes en Normandie, à #Alençon, et pas en Seine-Saint-Denis.
— Nicolas Bay (@NicolasBay_) October 27, 2021
Et ce n’est même pas le nouvel an…[_oembed_time_e954f28abf9394ea904087404b776b14] => 1639722504 [_oembed_db93441234be0077ae62cd70231fc587] =>BREAKING: 17 people drown, 10 others rescued after a bus plunges into Enziu river in Mwingi, Kitui County, search for bodies on
— Citizen TV Kenya (@citizentvkenya) December 4, 2021[_oembed_time_db93441234be0077ae62cd70231fc587] => 1640114409 [_oembed_a4a1519483867be94b4620239db98959] =>?? #Cherbourg : L'attaquant neutralisé au centre Leclerc de #Tourlaville.
— Alerte France (@AlerteFR) December 2, 2021[_oembed_time_a4a1519483867be94b4620239db98959] => 1641778470 [_oembed_cd943a76647c0dc65ed2a1cb9fa019e8] =>RT @LeParisien | Maisons-Alfort : un homme armé d’un cutter interpellé devant l’église Sainte-Agnès | WNEWS
— REVUE DE PRESSE (@wnewspresse) December 23, 2021[_oembed_time_cd943a76647c0dc65ed2a1cb9fa019e8] => 1641778471 [_oembed_0252bde7a2d7f04a44dfaa96c2bc4fb8] =>? Un homme s'introduit dans l'église Sainte-Agnès de Maisons-Alfort muni d'une arme blanche
— Le Figaro (@Le_Figaro) December 23, 2021
Cet homme, «semblable à un sans-domicile fixe» a été interpellé par un équipage de police alors qu'il était assis sur un des bancs de l'église.[_oembed_time_0252bde7a2d7f04a44dfaa96c2bc4fb8] => 1643301527 [_oembed_03bde255dfcaf11682b53e588cd11988] =>Clashes continue in the streets of Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe. Many young islanders are now joining protests against COVID tyranny/apartheid. COVID Brownshirts use of force & tear gas are being met with resistance & stone throwing by the demonstrators.
— Prodigal Son (@ThePr0diga1S0n) January 20, 2022[_oembed_time_03bde255dfcaf11682b53e588cd11988] => 1643301527 [_oembed_d696563e1ecdcb4e8d9aacbf659d20ab] =>How Guadeloupe continues to stop COVID mandates with an island wide roadblock.
— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) January 21, 2022[_oembed_time_d696563e1ecdcb4e8d9aacbf659d20ab] => 1643301528 [_oembed_48c447b1ae6bea3ef78a3ab641cb92a2] =>Extremely tense situation this evening in Guadeloupe. There are reports of live ammunition fired at the police.
— Based UK ?? (@Based__UK) January 21, 2022[_oembed_time_48c447b1ae6bea3ef78a3ab641cb92a2] => 1643301528 [_oembed_36554cd705d45369fd74eab16b92c2f2] =>Guadeloupe ??
— The Juggernaut (@TheJuggernaut88) January 20, 2022
Protesting against mandates[_oembed_time_36554cd705d45369fd74eab16b92c2f2] => 1643301528 [_oembed_ef082323b3efde7ec46606ae10c8d894] => [_oembed_time_ef082323b3efde7ec46606ae10c8d894] => 1645689045 [_oembed_785c2fc0b9d4f1f3b0789a95912b3454] =>Chaos cette nuit en #Guadeloupe. Le mouvement de grève générale contre le pass sanitaire, la suspension des soignants/pompiers non-vaccinés et les mauvaises conditions de vie, vire à l'ém*ute, avec des barrages et pillages. Un gendarme a été blessé par balle réelle au genou.
— Anonyme Citoyen (@AnonymeCitoyen) January 21, 2022[_oembed_time_785c2fc0b9d4f1f3b0789a95912b3454] => 1645689045 [_oembed_56d84b882cb12f6a99d480b46785ec87] =>Tim SAR Evakuasi Korban Ritual Maut Payangan, Total Korban 11 Orang Tewas #iNewsSore 13/02
— iNews (@OfficialiNewsTV) February 13, 2022
Selengkapnya #Ritual #Payangan[_oembed_time_56d84b882cb12f6a99d480b46785ec87] => 1649072015 [_oembed_386e6c88b6e59f422a9ee43c95a4065e] =>Simplement inadmissible !
— Julien Denormandie (@J_Denormandie) March 19, 2022
Mais aussi totalement irresponsable : détruire des productions de céréales alors que beaucoup de pays en manquent en ce moment... c’est affligeant.
La justice doit passer.[_oembed_time_386e6c88b6e59f422a9ee43c95a4065e] => 1649072015 [_oembed_3b8ccabd3cc5439a8a8cc452255de88d] =>Ecœurement : 1 an de travail des agriculteurs réduit à néant
— Eric THIROUIN (@EricTHIROUIN) March 19, 2022
Cette pseudo-rébellion totalement hors-sol se rend-elle seulement compte que l' #agriculture lui permet de vivre préservée des famines qui menacent le monde actuellement ?
Les responsables doivent rendre des comptes ![_oembed_time_3b8ccabd3cc5439a8a8cc452255de88d] => 1649072015 [_oembed_bbdacd52e835f771c0ab417e6aff4996] =>Honteux !
— Christiane Lambert (@ChLambert_FNSEA) March 19, 2022
Alors que la #guerreRussieUkraine démontre les tensions sur les livraisons #blé &que l’ @ONU_fr «redoute un ouragan de famines», des activistes aux ventres pleins détruisent votre alimentation en toute impunité &visage découvert!#justice rapide&ferme pr ces délinquants[_oembed_time_bbdacd52e835f771c0ab417e6aff4996] => 1650623606 [_oembed_a254731f9664290240c47615f9456929] =>Trois morts dans un accident d’avion au décollage de Trémuson
— Le Télégramme (@LeTelegramme) April 10, 2022
➡️[_oembed_time_a254731f9664290240c47615f9456929] => 1654857518 [_oembed_092f70fc094377199a207822fa1d66f0] =>Grève inédite des diplomates français et manifestation sur l'esplanade des Invalides à Paris contre la suppression du corps diplomatique voulue par Emmanuel #Macron. C'est la deuxième grève de l'histoire du Quai d'Orsay #diplo2metier
— QG le média libre (@LibreQg) June 2, 2022
Images Luc Auffret pour @LibreQg[_oembed_time_092f70fc094377199a207822fa1d66f0] => 1654857518 [_oembed_84d5f2570d5e2a63261e204c594a39a7] =>1/??Like most colleagues of the ?? Diplomatic service across the ?, I am on #strike ? today in defense of a professional diplomacy with its specific skills (including but not limited to languages #huelga #greve).
— Thibault Samson (@Sams0nThibault) June 2, 2022
Read?? or just ❤️&RT#diplo2metier[_oembed_time_84d5f2570d5e2a63261e204c594a39a7] => 1658239841 [_oembed_7ea97e7c888203ffa443fc134c5f97c9] =>Incendie en Gironde : en images, le combat des pompiers face au feu à Landiras
— Sud Ouest Bordeaux (@SO_Bordeaux) July 13, 2022[_oembed_time_7ea97e7c888203ffa443fc134c5f97c9] => 1658239841 [_oembed_d9cf9853171314d752649b55d71e9600] => [_oembed_time_d9cf9853171314d752649b55d71e9600] => 1660231622 [_oembed_4ebaaf9a24e02d58dfa68a594358ade7] =>? Depuis hier soir, de virulents incendies touchent Landiras et la Teste-de-Buch en Gironde. Près de 1.400 hectares sont partis en fumée et 6.500 personnes ont été évacuées. (via SDIS 33)
— Météo Express (@MeteoExpress) July 13, 2022[_oembed_time_4ebaaf9a24e02d58dfa68a594358ade7] => 1660315648 [_oembed_cf6b8b284a0168e1c40296a1a1b6624b] => [_oembed_time_cf6b8b284a0168e1c40296a1a1b6624b] => 1666938612 [_oembed_f967eba7c8d8d5138f71e24e1e65a4e6] =>#Lyon #police #policier #Guillotière #supermarché #Casino #interpellation #GabrielPéri
— DTC??✡️❤️??Z? (@DTCFrance) July 21, 2022[_oembed_time_f967eba7c8d8d5138f71e24e1e65a4e6] => 1666938612 [_oembed_95c89b92f9ea6ba175dc889483ef12dd] =>Les dégâts sont nombreux et particulièrement importants sur la commune de #Bihucourt dans le #PasdeCalais suite au passage de la #tornade. Des dizaines de maisons sont touchées, certaines voyant leur toit complètement arrachés.
— Meteo60 (@meteo60) October 23, 2022
Photos : Anthony Choquet[_oembed_time_95c89b92f9ea6ba175dc889483ef12dd] => 1666938612 [_oembed_e72336d2863ef6bb3d997f7de2b6ba02] =>?TORNADE confirmée ! Première vidéo du phénomène impactant la commune de Buhicourt dans le Pas-De-Calais. D’importants dégâts sont signalés. #France #orages #Tornade
— Nahel Belgherze (@WxNB_) October 23, 2022
Credit: Robin G.[_oembed_time_e72336d2863ef6bb3d997f7de2b6ba02] => 1670935301 [_oembed_f45a3a4393f951e012eab4ede6e33412] =>Huge explosion on island - Jersey, Channel Islands, UK. Huge gas explosion, went off at about 4am, about 12 people are missing, few injured and one dead. It’s still burning as we speak.
— Stefanie Kammerman/The Stock Whisperer (@VolumePrintcess) December 10, 2022[_oembed_time_f45a3a4393f951e012eab4ede6e33412] => 1677351205 [_oembed_c315221451b5bc9ab82329eb28b6ad3a] =>#Sar2667 impact, from Normandy countryside
— Hadrien D (@haaadry) February 13, 2023[_oembed_time_c315221451b5bc9ab82329eb28b6ad3a] => 1677351206 [_oembed_ba4c51ffcf857c48a55cba140cde3e10] =>Another angle
— Austin Huffmaster (@Austin_Huff59) February 13, 2023[_oembed_time_ba4c51ffcf857c48a55cba140cde3e10] => 1680975021 [_oembed_47c515103f977929834b45d942fe3e0f] =>City hall of Bordeaux is on fire - Protests in France have become extremely violent and gone almost out of control.
— Ashok Swain (@ashoswai) March 23, 2023[_oembed_time_47c515103f977929834b45d942fe3e0f] => 1683044194 [_oembed_8cc33313710d412c6935e81486d8c938] =>?LYON : Un cortège tente de quitter la place ! Immédiatement gazé, mais les policiers se reprennent leur gaz.#Lyon #ReformeDesRetraites #greve17avril #manif17avril #manifestation #France #franceprotest #Macron #Retraites #conseilconstitutionel#allocutionprésidentielle
— Bismuth Back (@Bismuthback) April 17, 2023[_oembed_time_8cc33313710d412c6935e81486d8c938] => 1683044194 [_oembed_bcdd698a63c3991c99820ea31637a1de] =>France ?? A forest fire is underway in the town of Cerbère in the Pyrénées Orientales.
— Disaster News (@Top_Disaster) April 16, 2023
550 hectares have already been destroyed and residents are being evacuated.
TELEGRAM JOIN ?[_oembed_time_bcdd698a63c3991c99820ea31637a1de] => 1683276662 [_oembed_359a416fee9e85cf55851399290ffb76] =>#Update: Just in - Reports says that the driver who hit the 11 pedestrians in #Berck, #France was an elderly person who had some medical emergency at the time of the accident.
— Sotiri Dimpinoudis (@sotiridi) April 22, 2023[_oembed_time_359a416fee9e85cf55851399290ffb76] => 1683448874 [_oembed_dc4295347a6b05512a16032b7e390628] =>Des manifestants ont allumé un feu au milieu du cortège. #1erMai @Le_Figaro
— Nicolas Farmine (@NFarmine) May 1, 2023[_oembed_time_dc4295347a6b05512a16032b7e390628] => 1683448874 [_oembed_54b37a6aa37d3571b03de6b6ae74f611] =>« Nous aussi, on passera en force ». A l’avant un groupe important de manifestants vêtus de bois et hostile à la police a déployé des parapluies pour se cacher du premier drone qui bourdonne dans le ciel lyonnais.
— Antoine Sillières (@ASillieres) May 1, 2023[_oembed_time_54b37a6aa37d3571b03de6b6ae74f611] => 1683448874 [_oembed_9e5249dda3e38238f3a60adc451d2696] => [_oembed_time_9e5249dda3e38238f3a60adc451d2696] => 1689276226 [_oembed_b6927056206e21f8268256fb1bfd132b] =>Des policiers prennent feu après le jet d'un cocktail molotov. Affrontements très intenses à Paris@LucAuffret pour @LibreQg#ReformesDesRetraites #1ermai
— QG le média libre (@LibreQg) May 1, 2023[_oembed_time_b6927056206e21f8268256fb1bfd132b] => 1690873864 [_oembed_23d5364b7a770bbf0c58ec5facdca3af] =>#Insolite ! Un #requin aperçu et filmé sur une plage de #Leucate dans les #PO !
— InfOccitanie (@infoccitanie) July 22, 2023[_oembed_time_23d5364b7a770bbf0c58ec5facdca3af] => 1697982935 [_oembed_33b141a6d113a845cee82e1b0fe84232] =>#BREAKING: France is evacuating 6 airports due to terror threats.
— NewsAlerts Global (@NewsAlertsG) October 18, 2023
Toulouse airport is being evacuated in the video.#France #Francia #Airport #Terrorism[_oembed_time_33b141a6d113a845cee82e1b0fe84232] => 1697982935 [_oembed_ba7c236451673d2f89f2c3e28027a932] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_23abf791f8ccc19ac9c7b0d06c518882] => [_oembed_time_23abf791f8ccc19ac9c7b0d06c518882] => 1697982935 [_oembed_0da4effdc1b520be16e08fb7981d5f7d] =>BREAKING - At least one dead, two severely injured after stabbing attack in school in France
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) October 13, 2023[_oembed_time_0da4effdc1b520be16e08fb7981d5f7d] => 1699700771 [_oembed_c7315cbd157faef1f9626c74d34376a7] =>“Une personne en tenue de rabbin” non BFM. C’est un Rabbin qui a été agressé dans les couloirs du métro entre La Chapelle et Gare du Nord.
— N O A (@noa_assous) November 9, 2023
Je vous en pris ![_oembed_time_c7315cbd157faef1f9626c74d34376a7] => 1700995958 [_oembed_c00cd5a55a893411b150982660008812] => [_oembed_time_c00cd5a55a893411b150982660008812] => 1710676798 [_oembed_63947906bb2c5cb52cd79883270e3319] => Drónfelvételek az észak-franciaországi árvízkárokról #fy #fyp #nekedbe #hiradohu #hirek #árvíz #katasztrófa #franciaország #pasdecalais #eső #csapadék
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_63947906bb2c5cb52cd79883270e3319] => 1710676798 [_oembed_75690f2d69b8f33058d6c5480f3e3a10] =>🚨 150 #AgriculteursEnColeres et leurs tracteurs occupent la place de l'Etoile à Paris en réaction à la signature de deux traités de libre-échange entre l'UE et le Chili et le Kenya. #Telematin
— Telematin (@telematin) March 1, 2024[_oembed_time_75690f2d69b8f33058d6c5480f3e3a10] => 1710676798 [_oembed_3b7d67775d94a80df0811886010a8391] =>EN DIRECT - Agriculteurs en colère : La FNSEA prête à se remobiliser «si ça bloque» au niveau du gouvernement
— 🇫🇷Ann Jill 🇫🇷 J’écris avec la main droite (@AnnJill1000) March 1, 2024
par @Le_Figaro[_oembed_time_3b7d67775d94a80df0811886010a8391] => 1710676798 [_oembed_cd3e33708ab80072b578562174bc66e8] =>❌ CHÂTEAU DE VERSAILLES BLOQUÉ !
— Résistance Paysanne 🚜 (@ResistPaysans) March 1, 2024
Les collègues paysans sont positionnés devant l’entrée du château de Versailles avec leurs tracteurs.#AgriculteursEnColère #SIA2024[_oembed_time_cd3e33708ab80072b578562174bc66e8] => 1712592208 [_oembed_05d2856fdb8e25c702c937efa0813cc4] =>À la Castellane, à Marseille, on lâche rien contre la drogue. On continue
— Gérald DARMANIN (@GDarmanin) March 29, 2024[_oembed_time_05d2856fdb8e25c702c937efa0813cc4] => 1714121168 [_oembed_e921c0e5cef663185408bfe7694f87c6] =>En France, tous les jours des gens massacrés, plantés, molestés, agressés, aujourd'hui deux gamines de 6 et 11 ans attaquées au couteau à #Souffelweyersheim.
— pamp' (@pamp69) April 18, 2024
Jusqu'à quand allons-nous tolérer l'intolérable?[_oembed_time_e921c0e5cef663185408bfe7694f87c6] => 1719833701 [_oembed_d25452cd176f5c9cfe58b699d3261ee5] =>🔴#Intervention|| Les #SapeursPompiers de l’#Hérault sont mobilisés Commune de Marseillan, Sérignan-Plage et @AgdeOfficiel pour des débuts de noyade ou des noyades La mer agitée rend les activités nautiques dangereuses ⚠️ Évitez la baignade #Houle #Vagues #InfoFlash
— Pompiers 34 🇫🇷 (@PompiersHerault) September 15, 2021[_oembed_time_d25452cd176f5c9cfe58b699d3261ee5] => 1719833701 [_oembed_a7610a23f575cf6719fb83d5bd7a503e] =>Southern regions of France have been hit with two months' worth of rain in just 24 hours.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) September 14, 2021
It comes as the number of catastrophic floods hitting Europe continues to rise, with some leaders blaming the extreme weather on climate change.[_oembed_time_a7610a23f575cf6719fb83d5bd7a503e] => 1720359808 [_oembed_bd39cdd9a312d25ef723a62a3627e763] =>🔴⚡️Alerte - Le château de #Versailles a été évacué. De la fumée se dégage du toit de l’édifice selon des témoins. Les pompiers sont sur place. - témoins
— La Plume Libre (@LPLmedia) June 11, 2024[_oembed_time_bd39cdd9a312d25ef723a62a3627e763] => 1720888073 [_oembed_b425e20031d0d0826716b593a4e5d398] =>French ‘Excalibur’ sword vanishes after 1,300 years lodged in a rock
— New York Post (@nypost) July 3, 2024[_oembed_time_b425e20031d0d0826716b593a4e5d398] => 1724582412 [_oembed_b21f4a1d35bc4d2422e06a481b6d2232] =>#FRONTIGNAN France 18.08.2024
— SC5 (@sc5_7) August 19, 2024[_oembed_time_b21f4a1d35bc4d2422e06a481b6d2232] => 1724582412 [_oembed_e9383faa422dfb0869c3a4fc868177b3] => [_oembed_time_e9383faa422dfb0869c3a4fc868177b3] => 1729595660 [_oembed_2c2a7956cb48dafb59000fd8d708fb39] =>🔴 #FEU #Hérault
— Météo Languedoc (@MeteoLanguedoc) August 18, 2024
Scène surréaliste à #frontignan dans la fumée avec le feu de forêt qui se rapproche des habitations !
Évitez le secteur !
Vidéo : Thomas Merlette pour @MeteoLanguedoc[_oembed_time_2c2a7956cb48dafb59000fd8d708fb39] => 1732293522 [_oembed_abc24c32453c4a405a9b2ef9de94beac] =>💬 "Les narcoracailles n'ont plus de limite"
— BFMTV (@BFMTV) November 1, 2024
➡ Bruno Retailleau, ministre de l'Intérieur[_oembed_time_abc24c32453c4a405a9b2ef9de94beac] => 1734449689 [_oembed_a8636b9370cce22e96c9d5aebfa9bffa] =>Tempête #Caetano 💨❄️ Depuis plus de 24h, sur le terrain et dans les centres opérationnels, les acteurs de la @SecCivileFrance sont mobilisés au profit des populations impactées.
— Sécurité Civile (@SecCivileFrance) November 22, 2024
🚒 Plus de 1 200 interventions réalisées
🟠 Restez prudents, de nombreux départements restent en…[_oembed_time_a8636b9370cce22e96c9d5aebfa9bffa] => 1736874028 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 3126 [2] => 41 [3] => 49 [4] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => A nap hírei [1] => Aktuális [2] => Cikkek [3] => Hírek [4] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 28576 [1] => 304 [2] => 926 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Földközi-tenger [1] => Franciaország [2] => vízbe fulladás ) ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 55984 [content] =>💬 "Ça s'est super bien passé"
— BFMTV (@BFMTV) December 25, 2024
Ces skieurs bloqués dans les télésièges en panne de Superdévoluy, dans les Hautes-Alpes, racontent leur sauvetageőlős közelében, a tiszaújlaki híd mellett találták meg nyaralók a vízbe fulladt férfi holttestét. A helyszínre kiérkező rendőrök azonosították az elhunytat.
A napokban érkezett bejelentés a nagyszőlősi rendőrségre, miszerint nyaralók Tiszaújlakon egy ismeretlen férfi holttestét találták meg a folyóban.
A bejelentést követően a rendőrség a helyszíni szemle során megállapította, hogy az áldozat az a férfi, aki a rahói árvíz idején tűnt el. A rendfenntartók értesítették hozzátartozóikat, és igazságügyi szakértői vizsgálatot rendeltek el.
Szakértők megállapították, hogy a férfi halálát fulladás okozta. Az elhunyt holttestét átadták a hozzátartozókat. Az ügyet lezárták, számolt be a Kárpátaljai Megyei Rendőrség kommunikációs osztálya.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Nagyszőlős közelében, a tiszaújlaki híd mellett találták meg nyaralók a vízbe fulladt férfi holttestét. A helyszínre kiérkező rendőrök azonosították az elhunytat. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1627928040 [modified] => 1627928166 ) [title] => Tiszaújlakon találták meg az árvíz idején eltűnt férfi holttestét [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 55984 [uk] => 55859 ) [trid] => ild5234 [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 55860 [image] => Array ( [id] => 55860 [original] => [original_lng] => 81205 [original_w] => 800 [original_h] => 452 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 170 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 434 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 452 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 452 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 452 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 452 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1627917367:5 [_thumbnail_id] => 55860 [_edit_last] => 5 [views_count] => 3987 [_hipstart_feed_include] => 1 [_oembed_918151eeab7b272e978388b77a97e407] => [_oembed_time_918151eeab7b272e978388b77a97e407] => 1627915463 [_oembed_62e604e6b66cfa838733511cb2a47a74] => [_oembed_time_62e604e6b66cfa838733511cb2a47a74] => 1627915463 [_oembed_8bd46618bafb7fbb7899bde92340a791] =>[_oembed_time_8bd46618bafb7fbb7899bde92340a791] => 1627915463 [_oembed_36dbc3cf71d3ec78b39986bbceea8a92] =>1/3 Some really distressing videos coming out of Zhengzhou in central China - this driver looks rather calm under pressure. But other videos on WeChat show what appear to be people clearly struggling to keep their heads above the flood waters. Death toll so far is 1, 2 missing
— Bill Birtles (@billbirtles) July 20, 2021[_oembed_time_36dbc3cf71d3ec78b39986bbceea8a92] => 1627915464 [_oembed_98231beb727a3714dee69dc92ef175e1] =>Central #China's Henan Province is experiencing floods after being hit by record heavy rains since last Saturday. 5 national meteorological stations broke the historical precipitation record for 3 consecutive days.
— Rita Bai (@RitaBai) July 20, 2021[_oembed_time_98231beb727a3714dee69dc92ef175e1] => 1627917246 [_oembed_faa055ea4c69aca79662d64307382cc3] => [_oembed_time_faa055ea4c69aca79662d64307382cc3] => 1627917246 [_oembed_c184cbe2dff457460a86afb0b7eecea5] => [_oembed_time_c184cbe2dff457460a86afb0b7eecea5] => 1627940665 [_oembed_cde76d195ffc7cc9173b2e694a103dea] => [_oembed_time_cde76d195ffc7cc9173b2e694a103dea] => 1628803958 [_oembed_2518cb63581cb1d2691ca507a4ad0f71] =>Thousands evacuated after monsoon rains flood Philippines villages
— (@breakingnewsie) July 24, 2021[_oembed_time_2518cb63581cb1d2691ca507a4ad0f71] => 1628803959 [_oembed_7fd5fb0b9d2ecc16fff893f051ba6a80] =>Kim Jong-un calls for relief in flood-hit areas of North Korea
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) August 8, 2021[_oembed_time_7fd5fb0b9d2ecc16fff893f051ba6a80] => 1628803959 [_oembed_7bb2b9501682d67249e66fc21c097c5b] =>Homes destroyed and thousands evacuated after North Korea floods
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) August 8, 2021[_oembed_time_7bb2b9501682d67249e66fc21c097c5b] => 1628803959 [_oembed_b6f7fb260a5520922dda62f2c290184d] =>We revealed extensive flood damage in North Korea using satellite imagery on Weds, now KCTV admits it with video of the broken bridges, destroyed homes and fields in the same exact areas
— Colin Zwirko (@ColinZwirko) August 6, 2021
These images are in Sinhung main town and surrounding area[_oembed_time_b6f7fb260a5520922dda62f2c290184d] => 1629192770 [_oembed_62f7c9dec5502004692fb478e5a90cd7] =>Turkey’s military evacuates more than 350 people by helicopter from areas hit by flooding in northern Kastamonu, Sinop provinces
— DAILY SABAH (@DailySabah) August 13, 2021[_oembed_time_62f7c9dec5502004692fb478e5a90cd7] => 1629192771 [_oembed_f2d17bd29b5094c9b8d0f9e91e8b9791] => [_oembed_time_f2d17bd29b5094c9b8d0f9e91e8b9791] => 1629765321 [_oembed_3fff2c6b38950e2cd21f9e01c3e7bbda] => [_oembed_time_3fff2c6b38950e2cd21f9e01c3e7bbda] => 1629765321 [_oembed_6d80d2fff5c05cabf442358218c01fd5] => [_oembed_time_6d80d2fff5c05cabf442358218c01fd5] => 1630450823 [_oembed_edb60597d523a62b61e0782252237e2a] =>Severe flooding for parts of Turkey. Kastamonu in the north recorded 61mm of rain in 24 hours.
— BBC Weather (@bbcweather) August 12, 2021[_oembed_time_edb60597d523a62b61e0782252237e2a] => 1632663624 [_oembed_0b741ff844873daf28f523d8429cc5cd] =>?#Intervention|| Les #SapeursPompiers de l’#Hérault sont mobilisés Commune de Marseillan, Sérignan-Plage et @AgdeOfficiel pour des débuts de noyade ou des noyades La mer agitée rend les activités nautiques dangereuses ⚠️ Évitez la baignade #Houle #Vagues #InfoFlash
— Pompiers 34 (@SDIS34) September 15, 2021[_oembed_time_0b741ff844873daf28f523d8429cc5cd] => 1632663625 [_oembed_faa4b3a6669fa79cf9863abcfe8077e3] =>Southern regions of France have been hit with two months' worth of rain in just 24 hours.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) September 14, 2021
It comes as the number of catastrophic floods hitting Europe continues to rise, with some leaders blaming the extreme weather on climate change.[_oembed_time_faa4b3a6669fa79cf9863abcfe8077e3] => 1634499443 [_oembed_29e0de5d104a0edcae910d0c5089f578] =>Allagamenti San Pietro D'Olba: strade come cascate #Maltempo #SanPietroD'Olba #Liguria
— Local Team (@localteamtv) October 4, 2021[_oembed_time_29e0de5d104a0edcae910d0c5089f578] => 1635969604 [_oembed_777b8a9320889383742be5db3c38a1b0] =>Sono vicino alla #Sicilia e al popolo catanese in queste ore drammatiche per la forte ondata di maltempo. Il Governo deve intervenire subito, con tutte le iniziative necessarie. #Catania
— Giuseppe Conte (@GiuseppeConteIT) October 26, 2021[_oembed_time_777b8a9320889383742be5db3c38a1b0] => 1635969605 [_oembed_da99e162aebb680715a2ebae87b45fdf] =>?LIVE da #Catania ⚠️#26ottobre #alluvionecatania
— 3B Meteo (@3BMeteo) October 26, 2021[_oembed_time_da99e162aebb680715a2ebae87b45fdf] => 1635969605 [_oembed_1c07ebf16b0047c9f715e9e1e6ba5676] =>Video inviato mi da mio fratello di questa mattina a Catania centro, macchina portate vie.
— Ant@72 (@Anto72web) October 26, 2021[_oembed_time_1c07ebf16b0047c9f715e9e1e6ba5676] => 1635969605 [_oembed_e954f28abf9394ea904087404b776b14] =>Ho il cuore in gola per #Catania ,città stupenda che amo.
— Elena (@punk_hearts) October 26, 2021
Per favore diamo visibilità al problema. #alluvione #Sicilia #Sicily #Italy[_oembed_time_e954f28abf9394ea904087404b776b14] => 1639724869 [_oembed_e089aaf55d4ad1238e2093e6850e273c] =>BREAKING: 17 people drown, 10 others rescued after a bus plunges into Enziu river in Mwingi, Kitui County, search for bodies on
— Citizen TV Kenya (@citizentvkenya) December 4, 2021[_oembed_time_e089aaf55d4ad1238e2093e6850e273c] => 1643601636 [_oembed_ef082323b3efde7ec46606ae10c8d894] => [_oembed_time_ef082323b3efde7ec46606ae10c8d894] => 1645313930 [_oembed_785c2fc0b9d4f1f3b0789a95912b3454] =>Tropical storm Ana has caused widespread flooding, power outages and killed at least one person in Malawi.#ClimateCrisis
— Fridays For Future Uganda (@Fridays4FutureU) January 25, 2022[_oembed_time_785c2fc0b9d4f1f3b0789a95912b3454] => 1645313931 [_oembed_20c32df8f6772eebf4dbacbfbfaba599] =>Tim SAR Evakuasi Korban Ritual Maut Payangan, Total Korban 11 Orang Tewas #iNewsSore 13/02
— iNews (@OfficialiNewsTV) February 13, 2022
Selengkapnya #Ritual #Payangan[_oembed_time_20c32df8f6772eebf4dbacbfbfaba599] => 1656664193 [_oembed_194c287c168292b251effab670bbb45b] => [_oembed_time_194c287c168292b251effab670bbb45b] => 1658128991 [_oembed_aae0a95e601c521f221702c8a6d71297] =>NEW VIDEO: Flash flooding at Capitol Reef National Park Thursday. You can see the water rush in where cars were parked and people were trying to get out. DPS made helicopter rescues- no injuries reported. #utah
— Heidi Hatch KUTV (@tvheidihatch) June 24, 2022
?Orin Allen[_oembed_time_aae0a95e601c521f221702c8a6d71297] => 1658246989 [_oembed_b62790ead01357d450e3d0dc5c08c9ec] =>Torrential rains have hit China's southwestern cities, causing flooding and water-logging in addition to traffic disruptions and leaving residents stranded.
— CGTN (@CGTNOfficial) July 13, 2022[_oembed_time_b62790ead01357d450e3d0dc5c08c9ec] => 1658246989 [_oembed_80809486d1027b785be4b2afffd1ebee] =>Men trapped in the sinking car were rescued in northwest China's Gansu Province #URHero❤️
— China News 中国新闻网 (@Echinanews) July 13, 2022[_oembed_time_80809486d1027b785be4b2afffd1ebee] => 1658246989 [_oembed_ddbbf07bf73ebb344a172fd72ecb135e] => [_oembed_time_ddbbf07bf73ebb344a172fd72ecb135e] => 1658747452 [_oembed_2f77af1df81e9f08ffeb2123bbb80819] => [_oembed_time_2f77af1df81e9f08ffeb2123bbb80819] => 1664257797 [_oembed_e68dd99613313a82b4cbf3edf13feb5d] => [_oembed_time_e68dd99613313a82b4cbf3edf13feb5d] => 1664257797 [_oembed_0e9c3d927806fa3a62243abdb3c0f4d9] =>Mountain torrents hit Pingwu County, SW China's Sichuan Province caused by sudden heavy #rainstorms, killing two and leaving four others missing on Tuesday. So far, 31 people have been rescued.
— China News 中国新闻网 (@Echinanews) July 13, 2022[_oembed_time_0e9c3d927806fa3a62243abdb3c0f4d9] => 1664522725 [_oembed_7b41647ab85ed3db9175b4a7a876c5fc] =>Subscribe?TELEGRAM:
— BRAVE SPIRIT (@Brave_spirit81) September 23, 2022
Heavy rain - Tarragona. Spain#Tarragona #LArrabassada[_oembed_time_7b41647ab85ed3db9175b4a7a876c5fc] => 1664522725 [_oembed_1a0d60a837e4d6c97716430a18f9e8b2] =>#spain #tarragona #flooding #beach #wwnc
— world wide news channel (@worldwidenc) September 24, 2022
Flooding on the beach of Spain
Entrance to Arrabassada beach (Tarragona).
Source: social networks.[_oembed_time_1a0d60a837e4d6c97716430a18f9e8b2] => 1664522726 [_oembed_61a0a7826833eebec4a349a9424adda9] =>Club Tennis Tarragona ?? #tennis #tarragona @alexmegapc @TomasMolinaB @MeteoElpito @meteocat @Cat_Meteo @emergenciescat
— Jordi Madurell Perez (@MadurellJordi) September 23, 2022[_oembed_time_61a0a7826833eebec4a349a9424adda9] => 1671742262 [_oembed_d75c351f3bcfc5326ea8d20e114a1662] =>A private airplane crashed into the Gulf of Mexico off the Florida coast Saturday night, with two people confirmed dead as authorities searched for a third person believed to have been on the flight.
— WSVN 7 News (@wsvn) December 5, 2022[_oembed_time_d75c351f3bcfc5326ea8d20e114a1662] => 1672389797 [_oembed_a6f4ed1a537bf76fd8e12dd57db907cf] =>At least 15 died in the Democratic Republic of Congo capital Kinshasa after heavy rain yesterday caused a landslide this Tuesday morning. A major road has also sunk from both ends.
— Flash Radio & TV (@flashfmrw) December 13, 2022[_oembed_time_a6f4ed1a537bf76fd8e12dd57db907cf] => 1675695418 [_oembed_15c3b96027db25d89e13180e545f1076] =>AucklandFlood #nzpol
— Goljizz Garageman (@JeremyMcilvride) January 27, 2023[_oembed_time_15c3b96027db25d89e13180e545f1076] => 1675695419 [_oembed_1d7855f6810008b267b46ffab1c6382a] => [_oembed_time_1d7855f6810008b267b46ffab1c6382a] => 1675695419 [_oembed_ff77b4858fac94e9566e4813eaeafe18] =>Just been sent this photo of Auckland Airport right now. Stay safe everyone.
— William Bell-Purchas (@william__bp) January 27, 2023[_oembed_time_ff77b4858fac94e9566e4813eaeafe18] => 1678526573 [_oembed_8b7dcea1d6a9ad127d299f916a73cbca] =>Severe floods affect Kahang, Kluang district, in Johor, Malaysia #flood #johor #malaysia #kahang #kluang
— Global News (@un121) March 1, 2023[_oembed_time_8b7dcea1d6a9ad127d299f916a73cbca] => 1678526574 [_oembed_109f953044a295675efd79f5a0f731ed] =>MALAYSIA'S TERRIBLE FLOOD TODAY 5 MARCH 2023, PASRAH CITIZENS!! FLOODING JOHOR MALAYSIA TODAY
— The World Is In Danger (@Tume_Live) March 5, 2023[_oembed_time_109f953044a295675efd79f5a0f731ed] => 1680277129 [_oembed_97c2aee29e8ff93d90ea2a5658d36d85] =>بعد كارثة #الزلزال_المدمر.. فيضانات جارفة تجتاح جنوب #تركيا
— Erem News - إرم نيوز (@EremNews) March 15, 2023
#selfelaketi #Şanlıurfa #Adiyaman[_oembed_time_97c2aee29e8ff93d90ea2a5658d36d85] => 1680277129 [_oembed_b21d34dcc521c27a49f9b2341fa62aa5] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_60e602e333d57c67d37cf52fbcbdc42c] =>Depremin üzerinden 38 gün geçti hâlâ vatandaşımızı çadırlardan kurtaramadık.
— Ezgi (@ezgimorad) March 15, 2023
Bu görüntüleri haketmiyoruz.#selfelaketi #Adiyaman #Malatya #Urfa #yagmur #deprem #sanliurfasel #balikligol[_oembed_time_60e602e333d57c67d37cf52fbcbdc42c] => 1686912886 [_oembed_ad6a33e17619958be2736a296180fe0b] =>Russia’s deliberate and long-planned destruction of the Kakhovka dam results in regional ecocide. Entire ecosystems are being irreversibly harmed. We urge states and international organisations to condemn Russia and join @ZelenskyyUa’s Peace Formula item “Prevention of ecocide”.
— Dmytro Kuleba (@DmytroKuleba) June 6, 2023[_oembed_time_ad6a33e17619958be2736a296180fe0b] => 1691149233 [_oembed_5282d414edc15673d0e358de4d1849e3] =>Rescuers retrieve six bodies from flooded South Korea underpass
— Ariana News (@ArianaNews_) July 16, 2023
The bodies of six people trapped in a tunnel submerged by heavy rains in central South Korea were retrieved on Sunday, firefighting authorities said, taking the death toll from days of…[_oembed_time_5282d414edc15673d0e358de4d1849e3] => 1691149234 [_oembed_96a071623e5d817559a1189aa57b2a9b] => [_oembed_time_96a071623e5d817559a1189aa57b2a9b] => 1691149234 [_oembed_82648a5e93af4d17c770df0fa2504cde] =>6 bodies pulled from flooded tunnel in South Korea
— 1News (@1NewsNZ) July 16, 2023[_oembed_time_82648a5e93af4d17c770df0fa2504cde] => 1691149234 [_oembed_ddc23db9d960203864635b6fadb0b343] => [_oembed_time_ddc23db9d960203864635b6fadb0b343] => 1693135414 [_oembed_dc75250ab373ca9b72edfed7f46bad7b] =>VIDEO | Several cars were damaged in Delhi's Kalkaji area after a portion of wall of Deshbandhu college collapsed amid heavy rains in the city.
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) July 8, 2023[_oembed_time_dc75250ab373ca9b72edfed7f46bad7b] => 1694588122 [_oembed_00f0decf2d891dabad3d9d8e6e73ef17] => [_oembed_time_00f0decf2d891dabad3d9d8e6e73ef17] => 1700037521 [_oembed_124f97b5378b11585835889d3d654385] => [_oembed_time_124f97b5378b11585835889d3d654385] => 1700264428 [_oembed_b12e62f1ef44ab620965cecbef10833a] =>Carnival Cruise passenger, 26, reported missing after ship returns to Florida
— New York Post (@nypost) September 6, 2023[_oembed_time_b12e62f1ef44ab620965cecbef10833a] => 1705515587 [_oembed_c00cd5a55a893411b150982660008812] => [_oembed_time_c00cd5a55a893411b150982660008812] => 1710762512 [_oembed_0b33614b0b644f24ed38bc2ed957a365] =>PICTURES:Burst riverbanks are causing turmoil in DR Congo's capital Kinshasa, with dark and foul-smelling water pouring into homes across working-class neighborhoods in the central African city.#NTVNews
— NTV UGANDA (@ntvuganda) January 13, 2024[_oembed_time_0b33614b0b644f24ed38bc2ed957a365] => 1715408074 [_oembed_62aa583ca2b2d68d652a0b36f8194c77] =>Another video Heavy floods in #Shaoguan, #Guangdong on(2024-04-20)#china #floods
— Siraj Noorani (@sirajnoorani) April 22, 2024[_oembed_time_62aa583ca2b2d68d652a0b36f8194c77] => 1719756253 [_oembed_7b6e0a4ebf2200809ba45fa73c6f9b1e] =>Another video Heavy floods in #Shaoguan, #Guangdong on(2024-04-20)#china #floods
— Siraj Noorani (@sirajnoorani) April 22, 2024[_oembed_time_7b6e0a4ebf2200809ba45fa73c6f9b1e] => 1720884823 [_oembed_ca7697e6855965d29acf1a4f5362173e] =>Pakistan Melting glacier leaves hundreds homeless in Skardu #NewsDawn #Pakistan
— News on Pakistan (@87_pakistan) July 7, 2024[_oembed_time_ca7697e6855965d29acf1a4f5362173e] => 1720884823 [_oembed_44b3d043ba7465cdf9c20bf5f8941744] => [_oembed_time_44b3d043ba7465cdf9c20bf5f8941744] => 1726687776 [_oembed_b8273574eee5aa5155fc63b2099e2985] =>Inondazione grave a Cogne Val D'Aosta..
— Mauro Granati (@granati_mauro) June 30, 2024[_oembed_time_b8273574eee5aa5155fc63b2099e2985] => 1728200203 [_oembed_e9383faa422dfb0869c3a4fc868177b3] => [_oembed_time_e9383faa422dfb0869c3a4fc868177b3] => 1729856776 [_oembed_7e6ef4ef0e35b3423f6feaf5eec82844] => [_oembed_time_7e6ef4ef0e35b3423f6feaf5eec82844] => 1730532359 [_oembed_6a168ef6aa9ef38126ee112cb2c6625c] => [_oembed_time_6a168ef6aa9ef38126ee112cb2c6625c] => 1732735258 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 41 [2] => 49 [3] => 31 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => A nap hírei [1] => Cikkek [2] => Hírek [3] => Kárpátalja ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 2341 [1] => 246 [2] => 839 [3] => 24055 [4] => 926 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => áradás [1] => eltűnt személy [2] => Rahói járás [3] => Tiszaújlak [4] => vízbe fulladás ) ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 55664 [content] =>Scenes of #flooding in Modigliana in the Emilia-Romagna region of NE Italy this evening. Was only in May last year the town saw severe flooding. This, along with the central European floods earlier in the week, surely ringing alarm bells?
— Nick's Weather Eye (@NickJF75) September 18, 2024Az év eleje óta 900 ember vesztette életét a vizekben Ukrajnában, csak július folyamán majdnem 400-an fulladtak vízbe, köztük több mint 40 gyermek – adta hírül az hírportál szombaton a Rendkívüli Helyzetek Állami Bizottságára hivatkozva.
A jelentés szerint az év kezdete óta 900-an, július utolsó hétvégéig közel 400-an fulladtak vízbe, köztük több mint 40 volt a gyermek. A katasztrófavédelem szerint a halálos vízi balesetek száma idén rekordokat döntöget.
Mint a szolgálat megállapította, a vízbe fulladások számának tragikus növekedése sem riasztja el a fürdőzőket a felelőtlen viselkedéstől, az elemi fürdőzési szabályok megszegésétől. A legtöbb haláleset oka a tiltott helyen vagy ittas állapotban való fürdőzés, gyermekek felnőtt felügyelete nélküli fürdőzése.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Az év eleje óta 900 ember vesztette életét a vizekben Ukrajnában, csak július folyamán majdnem 400-an fulladtak vízbe, köztük több mint 40 gyermek. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1627735080 [modified] => 1627729711 ) [title] => Majdnem 400 ember fulladt vízbe július folyamán Ukrajnában [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 55664 [uk] => 55667 ) [crid] => bey5821 [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 55665 [image] => Array ( [id] => 55665 [original] => [original_lng] => 65746 [original_w] => 650 [original_h] => 410 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 189 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 650 [height] => 410 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 650 [height] => 410 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 650 [height] => 410 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 650 [height] => 410 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 650 [height] => 410 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1627718955:3 [_thumbnail_id] => 55665 [_edit_last] => 12 [views_count] => 2331 [_hipstart_feed_include] => 1 [_oembed_08ab439ed644f921e892c9e644ce5b25] => [_oembed_time_08ab439ed644f921e892c9e644ce5b25] => 1632483283 [_oembed_e954f28abf9394ea904087404b776b14] =>[_oembed_time_e954f28abf9394ea904087404b776b14] => 1639779750 [_oembed_7caad2e66c6930a0eb9db57c25be5b92] =>BREAKING: 17 people drown, 10 others rescued after a bus plunges into Enziu river in Mwingi, Kitui County, search for bodies on
— Citizen TV Kenya (@citizentvkenya) December 4, 2021[_oembed_time_7caad2e66c6930a0eb9db57c25be5b92] => 1648034714 [_oembed_4fd4780750de953f75e8e26225bc0030] =>Another video of Chechen Rosgvardia troops in Mariupol.
— Rob Lee (@RALee85) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_4fd4780750de953f75e8e26225bc0030] => 1648034714 [_oembed_bec870ea2b71ec363777fb990d3d1f00] =>56 people were killed in Kreminna #Luhansk oblast - the occupiers shot from a tank home for the elderly. #Russians fired at it. Cynically and deliberately. They just adjusted the tank, put it in front of the house and started firing
— SSSCIP Ukraine (@dsszzi) March 20, 2022
[1/2] #WarCrimes #WarInUkraine #SaveUkraine[_oembed_time_bec870ea2b71ec363777fb990d3d1f00] => 1648627952 [_oembed_fb63511ed32fe7ca8afa22fde4b3e5a4] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_8fbbe5b7486f78fe4aa5246b87c21ca3] =>Not killed, feet crushed. Colonel Yuri Medvedev.
— Euan MacDonald (@Euan_MacDonald) March 25, 2022[_oembed_time_8fbbe5b7486f78fe4aa5246b87c21ca3] => 1649071068 [_oembed_ac4670fe5d854e8d9c6cb25b40f0cd98] => [_oembed_time_ac4670fe5d854e8d9c6cb25b40f0cd98] => 1649071068 [_oembed_b45fccec19eeeb139ed98c9630a264ee] =>IAEA Director General @RafaelMGrossi just arrived in Kaliningrad, #Russia, for talks with senior Russian officials tomorrow morning.
— IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency (@iaeaorg) March 31, 2022[_oembed_time_b45fccec19eeeb139ed98c9630a264ee] => 1650020081 [_oembed_3a44c4af24490f7f008d95db6dd27b37] =>Fier d'accueillir à #Lviv le détachement des gendarmes techniques et scientifiques venu assister leurs camarades ?? dans les investigations des crimes de guerre commis autour de #Kiev. La ?? première à apporter une telle aide. Ils seront à pied d'œuvre dès demain. Solidarité ????
— Etienne de Poncins (@EdePoncins) April 11, 2022[_oembed_time_3a44c4af24490f7f008d95db6dd27b37] => 1652707976 [_oembed_b80f75529ce2a363c4cbb802a37fac09] => [_oembed_time_b80f75529ce2a363c4cbb802a37fac09] => 1661775797 [_oembed_b7a7618f386e38111fc6e5310d1aa7ce] =>#Ukraine
— Johnny Six (@Johnyrocket69) April 27, 2022
#ua_industrial: Our warriors are already testing the Australian Bushmaster PMV.[_oembed_time_b7a7618f386e38111fc6e5310d1aa7ce] => 1666611503 [_oembed_8c84fc5430743867eacc2bf00f3b0bdb] => [_oembed_time_8c84fc5430743867eacc2bf00f3b0bdb] => 1670224826 [_oembed_e97a3bf8495e0cdfe144de611ff4c2bc] => [_oembed_time_e97a3bf8495e0cdfe144de611ff4c2bc] => 1673269422 [_oembed_74b3e710ee6f4f29af03b8f56cc1fea9] =>These are the indicative estimates of Russia’s combat losses as of Oct. 8, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) October 8, 2022[_oembed_time_74b3e710ee6f4f29af03b8f56cc1fea9] => 1681222824 [_oembed_8ea72a6b9724dbee336a2b4e8b1a47ca] => [_oembed_time_8ea72a6b9724dbee336a2b4e8b1a47ca] => 1682488581 [_oembed_ff4755fd78da04b12426653adc3b08d3] => [_oembed_time_ff4755fd78da04b12426653adc3b08d3] => 1686041808 [_oembed_39e0b3b1b727a224a1ca32ae08cd6d0c] =>Russia shelled Ukraine over 40,500 times since Feb. 2022, according to Ukraine's Interior Minister Klymenko
— Euromaidan Press (@EuromaidanPress) March 11, 2023
Over 152K residential buildings were destroyed. 66,300 criminal proceedings have been registered regarding the war crimes committed by Russian military, Klymenko said.[_oembed_time_39e0b3b1b727a224a1ca32ae08cd6d0c] => 1686896309 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 900 [3] => 17 [4] => 33 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Kriminális [3] => Sürgős [4] => Ukrajna ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 522 [1] => 926 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Ukrajna [1] => vízbe fulladás ) ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 54381 [content] =>NEWS UPDATE AMMONIA PIPELINE NOON JUNE 7
— Mikael Valtersson (@MikaelValterss1) June 7, 2023
The worlds longest ammonia pipeline, 2470 km, going from Togliatti at the Volga to three harbours at the Black Sea has been breached near Masyutivka (red dot left of M) in the Kupiansk region. It happened at June 5th, the day before the… év eleje óta 808 ember vesztette életét a vizekben, csak júliusban 265-en fulladtak vízbe Ukrajnában, köztük 36 gyermek – adta hírül az hírportál kedden a Rendkívüli Helyzetek Állami Bizottságára hivatkozva.
A jelentés szerint az év kezdete óta 808-an, júliusban eddig 265-en fulladtak vízbe, közte 36 gyermek, míg a tavalyi esztendő azonos időszakában 166-an, közte 16 gyermek. „Ebből adódóan le lehet vonni a következtetést, miszerint a halálos vízi balesetek száma idén rekordokat döntöget” – emlékeztetett a hatóság.
Mint a szolgálat megállapította, a vízbe fulladások számának tragikus növekedése sem riasztja el a fürdőzőket a felelőtlen viselkedéstől, az elemi fürdőzési szabályok megszegésétől. A legtöbb haláleset a tiltott helyen vagy ittas állapotban való fürdőzés közben történik.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Az év eleje óta 808 ember vesztette életét a vizekben, csak júliusban 265-en fulladtak vízbe Ukrajnában, köztük 36 gyermek. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1626782700 [modified] => 1626780666 ) [title] => Rekordokat döntöget a vízbe fulladások száma Ukrajnában [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 54381 [uk] => 54407 ) [crid] => bey5821 [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 51366 [image] => Array ( [id] => 51366 [original] => [original_lng] => 57934 [original_w] => 650 [original_h] => 410 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 189 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 650 [height] => 410 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 650 [height] => 410 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 650 [height] => 410 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 650 [height] => 410 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 650 [height] => 410 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1626775877:2 [_thumbnail_id] => 51366 [_edit_last] => 5 [views_count] => 2743 [_hipstart_feed_include] => 1 [_oembed_edb60597d523a62b61e0782252237e2a] =>[_oembed_time_edb60597d523a62b61e0782252237e2a] => 1632105136 [_oembed_0b741ff844873daf28f523d8429cc5cd] =>?#Intervention|| Les #SapeursPompiers de l’#Hérault sont mobilisés Commune de Marseillan, Sérignan-Plage et @AgdeOfficiel pour des débuts de noyade ou des noyades La mer agitée rend les activités nautiques dangereuses ⚠️ Évitez la baignade #Houle #Vagues #InfoFlash
— Pompiers 34 (@SDIS34) September 15, 2021[_oembed_time_0b741ff844873daf28f523d8429cc5cd] => 1632105136 [_oembed_e954f28abf9394ea904087404b776b14] =>Southern regions of France have been hit with two months' worth of rain in just 24 hours.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) September 14, 2021
It comes as the number of catastrophic floods hitting Europe continues to rise, with some leaders blaming the extreme weather on climate change.[_oembed_time_e954f28abf9394ea904087404b776b14] => 1642769471 [_oembed_ef082323b3efde7ec46606ae10c8d894] => [_oembed_time_ef082323b3efde7ec46606ae10c8d894] => 1647463751 [_oembed_785c2fc0b9d4f1f3b0789a95912b3454] =>BREAKING: 17 people drown, 10 others rescued after a bus plunges into Enziu river in Mwingi, Kitui County, search for bodies on
— Citizen TV Kenya (@citizentvkenya) December 4, 2021[_oembed_time_785c2fc0b9d4f1f3b0789a95912b3454] => 1647463751 [_oembed_5b5729072d56887cd9e27bbb540427b5] =>Tim SAR Evakuasi Korban Ritual Maut Payangan, Total Korban 11 Orang Tewas #iNewsSore 13/02
— iNews (@OfficialiNewsTV) February 13, 2022
Selengkapnya #Ritual #Payangan[_oembed_time_5b5729072d56887cd9e27bbb540427b5] => 1664093722 [_oembed_2f18dd3306a493197e41aef43ef10ae9] =>Загальні бойові втрати противника з 24.02 по 08.09 орієнтовно склали / The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 08.09 were approximately
— Генеральний штаб ЗСУ (@GeneralStaffUA) September 8, 2022[_oembed_time_2f18dd3306a493197e41aef43ef10ae9] => 1664093723 [_oembed_1fcb923833da79e9e3cee082092bd376] =>Загальні бойові втрати противника з 24.02 по 04.09 орієнтовно склали / The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 04.09 were approximately
— Генеральний штаб ЗСУ (@GeneralStaffUA) September 4, 2022[_oembed_time_1fcb923833da79e9e3cee082092bd376] => 1664522637 [_oembed_dc669e386af2fcf1bdec40e519837618] =>Оперативна інформація станом на 18.00 18.09.2022 щодо російського вторгнення
— Генеральний штаб ЗСУ (@GeneralStaffUA) September 18, 2022
Речник Генерального Штабу Збройних Сил України Олександр Штупун[_oembed_time_dc669e386af2fcf1bdec40e519837618] => 1668846492 [_oembed_b38e79ae4b3fdff522ef636664536550] =>Загальні бойові втрати противника з 24.02 по 09.11 орієнтовно склали / The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 09.11 were approximately:
— Генеральний штаб ЗСУ (@GeneralStaffUA) November 9, 2022[_oembed_time_b38e79ae4b3fdff522ef636664536550] => 1671297143 [_oembed_74b3e710ee6f4f29af03b8f56cc1fea9] =>Ukraine needs generators to survive the winter after Russian attacks on our energy infrastructure.
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) December 7, 2022
European countries are collecting money and sending generators to Ukraine. We are beyond grateful.
We will win together!
?: @dw_russian[_oembed_time_74b3e710ee6f4f29af03b8f56cc1fea9] => 1679835084 [_oembed_9982d3782e43baccd4bf691377782d80] =>Russia shelled Ukraine over 40,500 times since Feb. 2022, according to Ukraine's Interior Minister Klymenko
— Euromaidan Press (@EuromaidanPress) March 11, 2023
Over 152K residential buildings were destroyed. 66,300 criminal proceedings have been registered regarding the war crimes committed by Russian military, Klymenko said.[_oembed_time_9982d3782e43baccd4bf691377782d80] => 1682619759 [_oembed_4d18095d5d71bc1561fe094b54bc274c] =>Russia has lost 10,000+ military vehicles since its illegal invasion of Ukraine began, according to tracker Oryx. It has also fired most of its modern cruise missiles- for little strategic gain.
— Ministry of Defence ?? (@DefenceHQ) April 15, 2023
Russia is now scrambling to mobilise its defence industry
?? #StandWithUkraine??[_oembed_time_4d18095d5d71bc1561fe094b54bc274c] => 1697535702 [_oembed_59fc2d6a94237c8c9e8e7d34c37d4b64] =>The Drone War
— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) September 30, 2023[_oembed_time_59fc2d6a94237c8c9e8e7d34c37d4b64] => 1703102149 [_oembed_4d679f65522c3d6a766a5b1ad25cdb8f] =>Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine – 4 December 2023.
— Ministry of Defence 🇬🇧 (@DefenceHQ) December 4, 2023
Find out more about Defence Intelligence's use of language:
🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦[_oembed_time_4d679f65522c3d6a766a5b1ad25cdb8f] => 1712576530 [_oembed_c1dcf502035c599d5bf5f4465d591087] =>A strike on Kharkiv, just an ordinary apartment building. With three Shaheds. A despicable and cynical attack, when the rescuers arrived at the scene of the strike, the terrorists attacked again.
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) April 4, 2024
As a result of the attack, 4 people were killed. Among them were our rescuers:…[_oembed_time_c1dcf502035c599d5bf5f4465d591087] => 1720968932 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 17 [3] => 33 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Sürgős [3] => Ukrajna ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 582 [1] => 926 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => statisztika [1] => vízbe fulladás ) ) ) [model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [offset] => 20 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 926 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [_model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [offset] => 20 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 926 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [_domains] => Array ( [podiji] => 1 ) [status] => 1 [from_cache] => )In russia's war against Ukraine, between 462,000 and 728,000 Russian soldiers have been "disabled," according to The Economist, citing leaks from US Department of Defense documents. The publication includes four charts illustrating Russian losses.
— Jürgen Nauditt 🇩🇪🇺🇦 (@jurgen_nauditt) July 7, 2024
The first chart, using data…
vízbe fulladás (3 Oldal)