Array ( [count_posts] => 10 [cache_key] => Query_Posts::global::hu::YTo1OntzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiaHUiO3M6NzoiZG9tYWlucyI7YToxOntpOjA7czo2OiJwb2RpamkiO31zOjY6Im9mZnNldCI7aTo2MDtzOjk6InRheF9xdWVyeSI7YToxOntpOjA7YTozOntzOjg6InRheG9ub215IjtzOjg6InBvc3RfdGFnIjtzOjU6ImZpZWxkIjtzOjI6ImlkIjtzOjU6InRlcm1zIjthOjE6e2k6MDtpOjQ5ODt9fX1zOjExOiJhZnRlckxvY2tlciI7aTowO30= [has_result] => 1 [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 107803 [content] =>Legkevesebb heten meghaltak egy jeruzsálemi zsinagógánál végrehajtott fegyveres terrorakcióban, többen megsebesültek, a merénylőt lelőtték – jelentette a 12-es kereskedelmi televízió Izraelben péntek este.
A merénylő autóval érkezett Jeruzsálem Neve Jakov nevű lakónegyedébe, ahol járművét leállította, majd egy zsinagóga kapujánál lövöldözni kezdett az onnan távozó, korábban a szombatot fogadó imádkozókra.
Öt áldozatot a kiérkező mentősök a helyszínen halottnak nyilvánítottak, két ember pedig kórházba szállítása után halt meg.
A mentőszolgálat életveszélyesen súlyos sebesültekről is beszámolt.
A merénylőt a helyszínen lelőtték, az izraeli rendőrség esetleges további terroristákat keresve átvizsgálja a környéket. A TV értesülése szerint a terrorista, a Hamászhoz tartozó Fadi Ajas.
A terrorista megpróbált autójával elmenekülni, de a közeli rendőrőrsről a lövések zajára odasiető rendőr egy önkéntes segítségével a zsinagógától mintegy egy kilométerre megállította.
Rövid tűzharc bontakozott ki, melyben a rendfenntartók lelőtték. Ajas izraeli állampolgár, a kelet-jeruzsálemi Soafat nevű menekülttábor lakója.
Itamár Bengvír, a rendőrség munkájáért felelős nemzetbiztonsági miniszter a helyszínre érkezett, Benjámin Netanjahu miniszterelnök helyzetértékelő biztonsági megbeszélést hívott össze.
A Gázai övezetet irányító iszlamista Hamász terrorszervezet szóvivője bejelentette, hogy a jeruzsálemi merénylet válasz volt az izraeli hadsereg Dzseninben, Ciszjordánia északi részében végrehajtott, kilenc palesztin halálával végződő csütörtöki razziájára.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Legkevesebb heten meghaltak egy jeruzsálemi zsinagógánál végrehajtott fegyveres terrorakcióban, többen megsebesültek, a merénylőt lelőtték – jelentette a 12-es kereskedelmi televízió Izraelben péntek este. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1674894480 [modified] => 1674866694 ) [title] => Fegyveres merénylet egy jeruzsálemi zsinagógában, sokan meghaltak [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 107803 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 107805 [image] => Array ( [id] => 107805 [original] => [original_lng] => 150765 [original_w] => 800 [original_h] => 533 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 200 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 512 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 533 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 533 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 533 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 533 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1674859686:12 [_thumbnail_id] => 107805 [_edit_last] => 12 [views_count] => 1569 [_oembed_393fdfb1584ec8b6437b7f52b0b3e2db] => [_oembed_time_393fdfb1584ec8b6437b7f52b0b3e2db] => 1674859497 [_oembed_feb76bcba14359d3b103f68e4de1bb08] =>[_oembed_time_feb76bcba14359d3b103f68e4de1bb08] => 1674887284 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>מה שאתם רואים פה היום זו הפגנה בעד המדינה. אנשים שאוהבים את המדינה באו כדי להגן על הדמוקרטיה שלה, על בתי המשפט שלה, על הרעיון של חיים משותפים וטוב משותף. יש פה אוהבי ישראל שבאו להפגין למען מדינה יהודית דמוקרטית לפי ערכי מגילת העצמאות. אנחנו לא נוותר עד שננצח.
— יאיר לפיד - Yair Lapid (@yairlapid) January 21, 2023
? אלעד גוטמן[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1674887284 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1675448937 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1677484220 [_oembed_04e2f1d3e5c70b73ba9327e6cbf5a8f7] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_04e2f1d3e5c70b73ba9327e6cbf5a8f7] => 1680194452 [_oembed_7b715e8c945091c5c6d53f4e3cf05bd1] =>?? | Tel Aviv, Israel:
— Alerta News 24 (@AlertaNews24) March 26, 2023[_oembed_time_7b715e8c945091c5c6d53f4e3cf05bd1] => 1680194452 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Today, Tel Aviv, #Israel
— #DiogenesTheCynic (@DiogenesDCynic) March 27, 2023
The protesters attacked the #israeli Parliament building.[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1681210666 [_oembed_8689e0956f0c55c0ef0abe33cfaa175a] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_8689e0956f0c55c0ef0abe33cfaa175a] => 1681210667 [_oembed_7c43662e86f9b124d2cbdd2987aa590e] =>BREAKING NEWS: Israel launches fresh airstrikes on Gaza
— The Cradle (@TheCradleMedia) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_7c43662e86f9b124d2cbdd2987aa590e] => 1681210667 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>#BreakingNews: Israeli forces started airstrikes in Gaza, Palestine.#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
— World Times (@WorldTimesWT) April 6, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682320442 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1683023764 [_oembed_26094bb0f942d7235254459ae757d950] => [_oembed_time_26094bb0f942d7235254459ae757d950] => 1688805364 [_oembed_97ef26dba269a66e6234e87635212d83] => [_oembed_time_97ef26dba269a66e6234e87635212d83] => 1688805365 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1696793334 [_oembed_80818baccdbc9dcd5e11640c09d40e61] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_80818baccdbc9dcd5e11640c09d40e61] => 1697733810 [_oembed_5b807353b0ea6cc8d5063a00450665f2] =>The Israeli Ministry of Defense alongside the IDF have announced that they are preparing to implement an Evacuation Order for any Town or City in Northern Israel which is within 2km of the Border with Lebanon; this Evacuation Order is the result of continued Clashes and…
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) October 16, 2023[_oembed_time_5b807353b0ea6cc8d5063a00450665f2] => 1697733810 [_oembed_1452f4550789e02381f5b69b2b746132] =>⚪️JUST IN | Second US aircraft carrier, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, is now on its way towards the eastern Mediterranean
— The Spot (@Spotnewsth) October 14, 2023[_oembed_time_1452f4550789e02381f5b69b2b746132] => 1700508330 [_oembed_e1ce9ddeb2ca6c4cb0a62c3f7a26bd95] =>מטוסי קרב של צה"ל, בהכוונה מודיעינית של שב"כ חיסלו לפני זמן קצר את אברהים ביארי, מפקד גדוד מרכז ג'באליה בארגון הטרור חמאס, שהיה ממובילי מתקפת הטרור הרצחנית ב-7 באוקטובר. בתקיפה נפגעו גם מחבלים רבים של החמאס>>
— צבא ההגנה לישראל (@idfonline) October 31, 2023[_oembed_time_e1ce9ddeb2ca6c4cb0a62c3f7a26bd95] => 1700508330 [_oembed_131f4c39a0149140cca62633015c4917] =>??Jerusalem ??
— Palestine Eye ?? ? (@PalastineEye) October 30, 2023
A policeman was stabbed in Jerusalem, ?? after confrontations took place b/w Palestinian fighters & occupation forces.[_oembed_time_131f4c39a0149140cca62633015c4917] => 1703512907 [_oembed_ad3726a6a1a130df72ba08d70cc1e716] =>For those that call for a ceasefire and refuse to believe Israel is fighting for her very future, take a hard look at another Hamas terror tunnel that was just exposed hundreds of meters from Israel. This is what Hamas built for the past 17 years under the UN’s nose. These…
— Ambassador Gilad Erdan גלעד ארדן (@giladerdan1) December 17, 2023[_oembed_time_ad3726a6a1a130df72ba08d70cc1e716] => 1703512907 [_oembed_836b47cf77fdb97b778f6ba8e4fbd874] =>תיעוד של מחמד סינוואר, מוביל פרויקט בניית המנהרה ואחיו של יחיא סינוואר, נוסע ברכב בתוך המנהרה. התיעוד נתפס במהלך הפעילות הקרקעית ברצועת עזה ועבר מיצוי מודיעיני באגף המודיעין:
— דובר צה״ל דניאל הגרי - Daniel Hagari (@IDFSpokesperson) December 17, 2023[_oembed_time_836b47cf77fdb97b778f6ba8e4fbd874] => 1705918966 [_oembed_0bdd18f371b6b60ae1a054fb359f1313] =>At least 6 IRGC's Fateh-110 missiles hit the Mossad base in Erbil, Iraq.
— Iran Observer (@IranObserver0) January 15, 2024
The United States funds Kurdish separatist groups in this region, which engage in sabotage, terrorism and espionage against Iran.[_oembed_time_0bdd18f371b6b60ae1a054fb359f1313] => 1707213172 [_oembed_07aabb0d2b9644bbb6042afcfca3504c] =>❌🚨#BREAKING ⁉️🇮🇱⚡- Huge demonstration in Tel Aviv; To demand the overthrow of Netanyahu's government and hold new elections.
— MonitorX (@MonitorX99800) January 20, 2024[_oembed_time_07aabb0d2b9644bbb6042afcfca3504c] => 1711901542 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>מחבלים מלבנון שיגרו רקטות לאזור אצבע הגליל וצפון הגולן@rubih67
— כאן חדשות (@kann_news) March 12, 2024[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1711913604 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712404012 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1713264573 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1716826907 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1716826907 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1716826907 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1716826907 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1719669468 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1721811361 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1721811361 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1721811361 [_oembed_ea5118373b13b9ce42b4263e8cc55ae7] =>[_oembed_time_ea5118373b13b9ce42b4263e8cc55ae7] => 1723551412 [_oembed_a3d6dfca4d5fe0d673cec55a867dc91f] =>The Terrorist who committed this morning’s Stabbing Attack in the City of Holon, which resulted in at least Two Deaths, has been Identified as Amar Odeh, a 34-Year-Old Palestinian from the City of Salfit in the West Bank who was Illegally Residing in Israel.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) August 4, 2024[_oembed_time_a3d6dfca4d5fe0d673cec55a867dc91f] => 1726413596 [_oembed_bed2bad56e94856cc052844934964182] =>🛑BREAKING: In a self-defense act to remove Hezbollah’s threat, the IDF is striking targets in south Lebanon, from which the Iranian-backed Lebanese terror organization was planning to launch their attacks on Israeli civilians.
— Israel ישראל (@Israel) August 25, 2024
Hezbollah rocket and drone attacks are targeting…[_oembed_time_bed2bad56e94856cc052844934964182] => 1727394514 [_oembed_7eec0f8c4053cee9881fb552e6ac6bae] =>Ataque inédito: Israel logró hackear los dispositivos de comunicación de los militantes del Hezbollah y los hizo estallar. Se reportan más de 100 heridos solamente en la capital Beirut.
— JimmyNews (@jimmynewsES) September 17, 2024[_oembed_time_7eec0f8c4053cee9881fb552e6ac6bae] => 1730579284 [_oembed_5ad76206a64d50ab0191a5a5d0bd0c15] =>Live update: Truck driver who hit bus stop, injuring 24, was shot and ‘neutralized’ — police
— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) October 27, 2024[_oembed_time_5ad76206a64d50ab0191a5a5d0bd0c15] => 1730579284 [_oembed_b4bffa15332c06157e4f22cbbaa39904] =>Live update: Hospital says victim from truck ramming suffered life-threatening injuries
— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) October 27, 2024[_oembed_time_b4bffa15332c06157e4f22cbbaa39904] => 1733573868 [_oembed_f56b560f98aff1a834b3f1cb5ce61c00] => [_oembed_time_f56b560f98aff1a834b3f1cb5ce61c00] => 1734614295 [_oembed_d6c55f0c453521dde27aed5097020b30] =>⚡️⭕️ Lebanese man ignores Israeli orders to not go to the border villages, defies tank still present in the Khiam village
— Middle East Observer (@ME_Observer_) November 27, 2024[_oembed_time_d6c55f0c453521dde27aed5097020b30] => 1736321007 [_oembed_5f0d823cc6e85d91ef145862365cf87c] =>Car Plows into #Seoul's Market, Injures 13
— Markets Today (@marketsday) December 31, 2024
On December 31, 2024, a vehicle driven by an elderly man crashed into the Mokdong Kaebi Market in Yangcheon, Seoul, injuring at least 13 people. Four individuals suffered serious injuries while nine sustained minor injuries. The…[_oembed_time_5f0d823cc6e85d91ef145862365cf87c] => 1736321007 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 2149 [1] => 498 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Izrael [1] => merénylet ) ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 107705 [content] =>Four people were seriously injured and nine others suffered minor injuries after a car drove into a crowd at a market in South Korean capital Seoul on Tuesday, local media reported.
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) December 31, 2024Többtucatnyi szarvasmarha-tenyésztő és járókelő vesztette életét, valamint többen megsebesültek egy pokolgéprobbanás következtében Nigéria középső részének északi térségében – közölte helyi idő szerint szerdán a kormány egy illetékese és a szarvasmarha-tenyésztők szóvivője.
Mint a szóvivő elmondta: a környéket megrázó robbanás kedden éjjel történt, amikor fulani pásztorok a marháikat Benuéből áthajtották Nasarawába, mivel Benuéban legeltetési tilalom van érvényben, és a törvénysértők állatait elkobozzák. A szóvivő szerint a robbanás legalább 54 embert azonnal megölt, de nagyon sokan meg is sérültek.
Abdullahi Sule, Nasarawa kormányzója megerősítette, hogy bombarobbanás történt, és közölte, hogy már tanácskozott a biztonsági szervekkel arról, hogy az incidens miatti feszültséget hogyan lehet kezelni.
Az adott térségben, amelyet középső övezetnek neveznek, gyakran történnek összecsapások a fulani pásztorok és a túlnyomórészt keresztény farmerek között, amelyet gyakran etnikai-vallási konfliktusként írnak le.
Ugyanakkor az is konfliktusokhoz vezet, hogy egyre nagyobb területeket kell megművelni a lakosság számának növekedése és a klímaváltozás miatt, ezért a nomád marhatartók csordáinak legelőterülete egyre jobban csökken.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Többtucatnyi szarvasmarha-tenyésztő és járókelő vesztette életét, valamint többen megsebesültek egy pokolgéprobbanás következtében Nigéria középső részének északi térségében. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1674735660 [modified] => 1674733062 ) [title] => Pokolgépes merénylet Nigériában – rengeteg a halott [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 107705 [uk] => 107764 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 107706 [image] => Array ( [id] => 107706 [original] => [original_lng] => 88246 [original_w] => 856 [original_h] => 475 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 166 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 426 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 856 [height] => 475 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 856 [height] => 475 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 856 [height] => 475 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 856 [height] => 475 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1674806133:8 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1674725646 [_thumbnail_id] => 107706 [_edit_last] => 5 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 1288 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_3aba151184adeca6776d4b4f0bec0270] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_3aba151184adeca6776d4b4f0bec0270] => 1674728465 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>The Philippine Air Force on Wednesday confirmed that one of its SIAI-Marchetti SF-260 trainer/light attack turboprop aircraft went down in Bataan as its two pilots were conducting "recurrency training."
— Philippine News Agency (@pnagovph) January 25, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1676485393 [_oembed_91eb6557187e92fe1e0facbdfc45f938] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_91eb6557187e92fe1e0facbdfc45f938] => 1676485394 [_oembed_9aa385d2c7acd56a45f4b75616b065cc] =>An eyewitness said immediately after the crash, the driver stepped out of the bus, ripped his clothes off and started screaming.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) February 9, 2023[_oembed_time_9aa385d2c7acd56a45f4b75616b065cc] => 1678385045 [_oembed_ef56332e20ae684c6f1630f853c03b10] =>#Italy #italien #planecrash #Rome
— ????? ? (@oldirtyronin) March 7, 2023
Two Italian Air Force training planes collided near Rome, both pilots died[_oembed_time_ef56332e20ae684c6f1630f853c03b10] => 1678385045 [_oembed_caf5443790853ba6ed57a3c7ef1e1435] =>Italy ?? Plane crash:
— ?SA911 (@JustdoitZee) March 7, 2023
Two Sai Marchetti 208 ultralight military training aircraft collided in mid-air near Guidonia Montecelio in Rome. One plane crashed in the middle of a field and the other near a residential area. Both pilots died.
Shared by #SA911[_oembed_time_caf5443790853ba6ed57a3c7ef1e1435] => 1678385045 [_oembed_661e6794cf32115556bff06f30dc50c9] =>High winds continue to blow across Morgan County. Here is some of the damage Deputies, Officers, Fire Crews, Utility crews and road crews are working on across Morgan County.
— Morgan County Sheriff's Office (Alabama) (@morgan_sheriff) March 3, 2023[_oembed_time_661e6794cf32115556bff06f30dc50c9] => 1678385046 [_oembed_f306b9371a9eeb4ea7c0a0820b2cf441] =>CDC spokesperson in Rumuekpe, Emohua LGA, Chukwudi Ibe, says illegal oil bunkering is responsible for the explosion that led to the death of some people in Rumuekpe.
— NigeriaInfoPH (@NigeriaInfoPH) March 3, 2023
An eyewitness from the scene who identified himself as an environmental monitor spoke in a shared video clip.[_oembed_time_f306b9371a9eeb4ea7c0a0820b2cf441] => 1680014189 [_oembed_dc549371b4d2c3210e6b29d132afb74e] =>Ike Ekweremadu, Wife Found Guilty of Organ Trafficking to UK
— Benue Voice ? (@Aloo_Tordue) March 23, 2023
They were convicted of conspiring to exploit a man for his kidney in first verdict of its kind under Modern Slavery Act.
Under Nigerian law, this is a ministerial position or re-election to the senate house.
The FA[_oembed_time_dc549371b4d2c3210e6b29d132afb74e] => 1680014190 [_oembed_0a43ed0de81550abdcb9c514948d7179] =>Colorado avalanche kills skier outside Aspen Highlands
— Fox News (@FoxNews) March 20, 2023[_oembed_time_0a43ed0de81550abdcb9c514948d7179] => 1680788300 [_oembed_2e5d4277bb1d91983bacab4d48c3b357] =>We’ve got some tough news out of Fort Campbell, with early reports of a helicopter crash and fatalities are expected. @kystatepolice, @KentuckyEM and local officials are responding. We will share more information as available. Please pray for all those affected.
— Governor Andy Beshear (@GovAndyBeshear) March 30, 2023[_oembed_time_2e5d4277bb1d91983bacab4d48c3b357] => 1680788300 [_oembed_85eb611c972817ecb708dabf1d7b8ab8] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_2d46da5f747a1fb70c4c8b6bd53fb48f] =>ABD’de 101'inci Hava İndirme Tümeni’ne ait iki UH-60 Blackhawk tipi helikopter gece 22.00 sıralarında Kentucky Fort Campbell yakınlarında eğitim uçuşu sırasında çarpışarak düştü. Kazada ilk bilgilere göre 9 askerin hayatını kaybettiği bildiriliyor.
— ?????????? (@HamdiCelikbas) March 30, 2023[_oembed_time_2d46da5f747a1fb70c4c8b6bd53fb48f] => 1682084240 [_oembed_2b33f641a5ba77b549951c417cc3a2b4] =>What’s it going to take for the dam to break? If it wasn’t dead kids, or dead concertgoers, or dead shoppers, or dead parade watchers, or dead office workers, or…
— Armen Devejian (@daddykool) April 10, 2023
5 dead and at least 6 taken to the hospital in Louisville mass shooting, police say.[_oembed_time_2b33f641a5ba77b549951c417cc3a2b4] => 1682237338 [_oembed_ef9c4a56775fd181aef4d1e7f1f45432] =>Fire in Dubai apartment building kills 16
— Sky News (@SkyNews) April 16, 2023[_oembed_time_ef9c4a56775fd181aef4d1e7f1f45432] => 1683110820 [_oembed_091f6a106a042bd071431485bb3916b2] =>Будинок в Умані, в який влучила російська ракета. Відео з дрона від Reuters
— Українська правда ✌️ (@ukrpravda_news) April 28, 2023[_oembed_time_091f6a106a042bd071431485bb3916b2] => 1685258118 [_oembed_a5d2285e873c761535051cfc2d428f29] =>Roof collapses at school in #Thailand, killing 7 sheltering from #rain
— Keith Pangilinan (@TheGloriousSOB) May 23, 2023[_oembed_time_a5d2285e873c761535051cfc2d428f29] => 1685258118 [_oembed_a47d84d6423214e3d5dd57075e3c2482] =>Al menos nueve muertos y varios heridos tras una estampida en el estadio Cuscatlán de El Salvador.
— VTV Somos Todos (@VTVSomosTodos) May 21, 2023
El hecho se produjo cuando cientos de personas trataron de ingresar a uno de los sectores del estadio mientras se desarrollaba un partido entre los equipos Alianza y FAS.[_oembed_time_a47d84d6423214e3d5dd57075e3c2482] => 1685258118 [_oembed_5c6a2349b1fdfc95f291b1a3ba28006b] =>Luto en el estadio Cuscatlán de San Salvador,que terrible tragedia el humo y el cierre de uno de los portones que luego fue derribado por aficionados que querían entrar, dejó cuantiosas pérdidas humanas @radioyskl
— Nery Mabel (@NeryMabelR) May 21, 2023[_oembed_time_5c6a2349b1fdfc95f291b1a3ba28006b] => 1685258119 [_oembed_e302bfeeb5b6f86f207a45830c7bfe74] =>Mehrere Tote bei Flugzeugabsturz in der Schweiz: Die Absturzstelle befände sich nach Polizeiangaben in steilem Gelände. Die Ursache für das Unglück ist noch völlig unklar.
— Frankfurter Allgemeine gesamt (@FAZ_NET) May 20, 2023[_oembed_time_e302bfeeb5b6f86f207a45830c7bfe74] => 1686389414 [_oembed_0136e999b38f3fc6e9439aecafa0f77f] =>Al menos doce muertos por asfixia en una mina en Venezuela, la mina se inundó por las fuertes lluvias que tuvieron lugar en la zona, Talavera en el municipio venezolano El Callao.
— Chapoisat (@ChapoisatMoises) June 4, 2023[_oembed_time_0136e999b38f3fc6e9439aecafa0f77f] => 1691152324 [_oembed_17b56de2786fb5abb9be549303e4ae5c] =>Warning: Graphic video.
— Thai Enquirer (@ThaiEnquirer) July 29, 2023
Ninety people were injured, and four people were reportedly killed by an explosion at a firecracker storage warehouse in Su-ngai Kolok, Narathiwat.
Vid via @jayz42400117#Thailand #โกดังพลุระเบิด #นราธิวาส #ตลาดมูโนะ[_oembed_time_17b56de2786fb5abb9be549303e4ae5c] => 1692368425 [_oembed_18109a7b09373b968138550e46c1c931] =>The moment of the explosion in #Makhachkala.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) August 14, 2023[_oembed_time_18109a7b09373b968138550e46c1c931] => 1692368426 [_oembed_f3b003382a30feb3899d59563d487ad8] =>Russia on ?
— LX (@LXSummer1) August 14, 2023
Makhachkala, Dagestan/Russia ❗
Big Black Bavovna ???
Powerful explosion tonight at the Nafta-24 gas station.[_oembed_time_f3b003382a30feb3899d59563d487ad8] => 1693229738 [_oembed_fac63a285db864e981bad0a789636b58] =>"At least nine persons died when a bus they were traveling in plunged into the Trishuli river near Gajuri along the Prithvi Highway on Wednesday"#busaccident #Trishuliriver #AMN
— The Annapurna Express (@TheAnnaExpress) August 23, 2023[_oembed_time_fac63a285db864e981bad0a789636b58] => 1693229739 [_oembed_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] =>At least 8 dead as bus plunges into Trishuli river in Dhading
— The Kathmandu Post (@kathmandupost) August 23, 2023
The bus, heading to Pokhara from Kathmandu, veered off the road and plunged into the river near Gajuri along the Prithvi Highway, police said.[_oembed_time_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] => 1694943588 [_oembed_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] =>? #BREAKING | #Morocco | #earthquake | #Marrakech |#الزلزال | #المغرب
— Bot News (@BotNews18) September 9, 2023
There is almost nothing left of Adassil village in Morocco. You can hear the absolute heartbreak in this mans voice.[_oembed_time_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] => 1694943588 [_oembed_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] =>Moment of building collapse after the strong #earthquake hits in #Marrakesh of #Morocco.
— Anil Kumar Verma (@AnilKumarVerma_) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] => 1694943588 [_oembed_7651aabc5d23cd502700880da3afe303] =>Horrific moment of collapse caught on security camera? #Morocco #earthquake #moroccoearthquake #deprem #زلزال #زلزال_المغرب #fas #fas_depremi #morocco #maroc #earthquake
— Muhammad Arif Khan (@M_Arif61) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_7651aabc5d23cd502700880da3afe303] => 1694943588 [_oembed_014942aa58cf1b00ebf754adb0809ecb] =>Massive floods due to heavy rains in the Tsarevo of Bulgaria ?? (05.09.2023)
— Disaster News (@Top_Disaster) September 5, 2023
TELEGRAM JOIN ?[_oembed_time_014942aa58cf1b00ebf754adb0809ecb] => 1696514324 [_oembed_52019d6d7ab76a26e891e30884ea85d5] =>¡Es una t3rrible trag3dia en Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas!
— Urbis Veracruz (@UrbisVeracruz) October 2, 2023
El gobernador de #Tamaulipas, Américo Villarreal Anaya, confirmó la mu3rte de 10 personas en el desplome de la Parroquia de la Santa Cruz en Ciudad Madero. Entre las víctimas se cuentan 5 mujeres, 2 hombres y tres niños.[_oembed_time_52019d6d7ab76a26e891e30884ea85d5] => 1696514324 [_oembed_0c52301eb4abb36d0b9baa51fdee7f23] => [_oembed_time_0c52301eb4abb36d0b9baa51fdee7f23] => 1696514324 [_oembed_b815625b1bce87281ab66b30b167ec66] =>UPDATE | People rushing to rescue people trapped beneath a church collapse in Ciudad Madero, Mexico.
— READY ALERTS (@ReadyAlerts) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_b815625b1bce87281ab66b30b167ec66] => 1696514324 [_oembed_a6b1b89112d6ca06c9c80b4232fc1f4e] =>?? | Impactantes imágenes revelan la magnitud del devastador incendio sucedido en la discoteca Teatre en la zona Atalayas de Murcia, esta madrugada. El saldo trágico hasta ahora es de 6 personas fallecidas, y no se descarta que la cifra pueda aumentar.
— UHN Plus (@UHN_Plus) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_a6b1b89112d6ca06c9c80b4232fc1f4e] => 1700596689 [_oembed_5ac691dc9ab5866de077725055f9abf8] =>A charter bus carrying students from a high school was rear-ended by a semitruck on an Ohio highway Tuesday, leaving six people dead and at least 18 others injured, according to officials.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) November 15, 2023[_oembed_time_5ac691dc9ab5866de077725055f9abf8] => 1701973727 [_oembed_8633023da70370b6484b76b4be43c072] =>At least 13 people killed in a hostel fire that broke out in Kazakhstan's largest city Almaty before sunrise, city's emergency situations department says
— TRT World (@trtworld) November 30, 2023[_oembed_time_8633023da70370b6484b76b4be43c072] => 1701973727 [_oembed_58d98980e93d0c059c133c1df2d625a5] =>Three people have died, and one person is injured after an explosion at Jimbo's Auto Shop, Hillsboro, Ohio, United States ?? | 28 November 2023 | #explosion #Hillsboro #Ohio
— Disaster Tracker (@DisasterTrackHQ) November 29, 2023[_oembed_time_58d98980e93d0c059c133c1df2d625a5] => 1706340863 [_oembed_3b3bd357d21f06b19c034997230b92ce] =>Flash:
— Yuvraj Singh Mann (@yuvnique) January 20, 2024
At least 13 people killed when fire broke out in a school dormitory in central China's #Henan province.
The fire at #YingcaiSchool in Henan's Yanshanpu village reported to local fire department at 11 pm local time Friday night.
Rescuers arrived at the scene quickly…[_oembed_time_3b3bd357d21f06b19c034997230b92ce] => 1706340863 [_oembed_bf540cd512d34495a3bf883f004762f6] =>Update: Thirteen students were killed and another one injured in a fire that took place in a school dormitory in the county of Fangcheng, Nanyang City, central China's Henan Province, on Friday night, according to local authorities Saturday
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) January 20, 2024[_oembed_time_bf540cd512d34495a3bf883f004762f6] => 1706340863 [_oembed_9532f3599d78f0551d2a53ef24badff4] =>WATCH: 10 bodies have already been recovered from the landslide in Purok 19, Pag-asa, Brgy. Mount Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro.
— Hernel Tocmo (@HernelTocmo) January 19, 2024
Responders are still digging through the heavy mud to find one missing person.@ABSCBNNews[_oembed_time_9532f3599d78f0551d2a53ef24badff4] => 1706340863 [_oembed_94e9f9c030a6fa1202e0de373a26b00c] =>BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 10 ang nawawala at 2 ang sugatan sa landslide sa Brgy. Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro kaninang tanghali (Jan.18).
— Reiniel Pawid (@PawidReiniel) January 18, 2024
Ayon sa Monkayo-LGU, tigil muna angvsearch and rescue operations dahil sa posibilidad ng bagong landslide. @News5PH (🎥John Laurito)[_oembed_time_94e9f9c030a6fa1202e0de373a26b00c] => 1706340864 [_oembed_e46556093b014ae0edf54f33dd388f92] =>BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 2 ang sugatan, at nasa 10 pa ang nawawala dahil sa landslide sa isang mining area sa Purok 20, Pag-asa, Barangay Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro bandang 12 ng tanghali nitong Huwebes, Enero 18.
— ABS-CBN News (@ABSCBNNews) January 18, 2024
Ayon kay Jergrace Cabag, information officer ng LGU…[_oembed_time_e46556093b014ae0edf54f33dd388f92] => 1706340864 [_oembed_ee6c2c235fdd2a0d8069b43625d8eff2] =>Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, on Wednesday, said preliminary investigations by security agencies revealed that the explosion that rocked the Bodija Area of Ibadan, the state capital on Tuesday was caused by explosive devices...
— Ripples Nigeria (@RipplesNG) January 17, 2024[_oembed_time_ee6c2c235fdd2a0d8069b43625d8eff2] => 1706340864 [_oembed_894d7eb5a3e208a567034098330b77d0] => [_oembed_time_894d7eb5a3e208a567034098330b77d0] => 1707492938 [_oembed_f77faaf1711c5509e628c3adc6c28d06] => [_oembed_time_f77faaf1711c5509e628c3adc6c28d06] => 1707492938 [_oembed_ecd4bbdc9f40e2bcb33bd497c59c738d] =>Nigeria blast kills two, dozens hurt as buildings collapse
— ST Foreign Desk (@STForeignDesk) January 17, 2024[_oembed_time_ecd4bbdc9f40e2bcb33bd497c59c738d] => 1707492939 [_oembed_8a2ff6a83a89b6c4c5c25de8cf4fe6b2] =>Milletimizin başı sağ olsun🇹🇷
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) February 3, 2024
Bu akşam Gaziantep Havalimanına gitmek için Hatay Havalimanından havalanan Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Havacılık Daire Başkanlığı envanterine kayıtlı EM 708 kuyruk numaralı helikopterimiz, Gaziantep'in Nurdağı ilçesi Kartal Köyü mevkiinde kaza kırıma…[_oembed_time_8a2ff6a83a89b6c4c5c25de8cf4fe6b2] => 1712403855 [_oembed_21ee193c717b5a628c47a5222bb1bd74] =>In Kharkiv, rusoterrorists launched a mass attack on the city with drones at night.
— Bandera Fella *-^ (@banderafella) April 4, 2024
4 people were killed, including three rescuers. Another rescuer was injured.
When Belgorod is hit, don’t ask
“For what.”[_oembed_time_21ee193c717b5a628c47a5222bb1bd74] => 1712403856 [_oembed_0b33614b0b644f24ed38bc2ed957a365] =>⚡ Kharkiv's mayor showed the aftermath of Russian drone attacks.
— UNITED24 Media (@United24media) April 4, 2024
One drone hit an apartment building, second attack killed 3 rescuers.
Total deaths now 4, with 12 injured.[_oembed_time_0b33614b0b644f24ed38bc2ed957a365] => 1714129956 [_oembed_6c81326d1e8f9427ce66a05477f2a73e] =>Another video Heavy floods in #Shaoguan, #Guangdong on(2024-04-20)#china #floods
— Siraj Noorani (@sirajnoorani) April 22, 2024[_oembed_time_6c81326d1e8f9427ce66a05477f2a73e] => 1714129956 [_oembed_a527988f74ec4305813d6ce953a94f1c] =>At least 58 bodies found after an overloaded boat capsized in Central African Republic's capital Bangui
— TRT World Now (@TRTWorldNow) April 20, 2024[_oembed_time_a527988f74ec4305813d6ce953a94f1c] => 1715928624 [_oembed_56a140e5b470c71778f01aa26f2c2444] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_80a6f3c4b5b8324ce830266dbac70eae] => [_oembed_time_80a6f3c4b5b8324ce830266dbac70eae] => 1715928624 [_oembed_fd185cdf57563eb63ed1d518eda6e038] =>UPDATE:
— FlashFeed (@FlashFeed365) May 14, 2024
The crash happened when a 2001 Ford pickup truck side-swiped the bus carrying farm workers in Marion County Florida.
The bus then went off the road, crashed into a fence, and overturned in a field.
8 people were killed and up to 50 injured, several in critical condition.[_oembed_time_fd185cdf57563eb63ed1d518eda6e038] => 1717673554 [_oembed_c453ede199edb584db0e2a52a3f87f27] =>Child in serious condition after being SHOT in London alongside 3 adults.
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) May 30, 2024
An assailant on a motorbike driving through Hackney carried out a drive by shooting, leaving the 4 victims with gunshot wounds.
The child suffered serious injuries and is currently in a trauma unit.[_oembed_time_c453ede199edb584db0e2a52a3f87f27] => 1717673554 [_oembed_21c4606abc79e8c711ddf64a6f1f57f1] =>London: Four people including a child have been injured following a shooting in Hackney, east London, outside a restaurant. The shooter was on a motorcycle and fled away after shooting.
— Imtiaz Mahmood (@ImtiazMadmood) May 30, 2024
Import 3rd world, become 3rd world.[_oembed_time_21c4606abc79e8c711ddf64a6f1f57f1] => 1720345877 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1725032194 [_oembed_312f6d0349f8ef273490ba0f82850e09] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_312f6d0349f8ef273490ba0f82850e09] => 1725218012 [_oembed_d9c0d4948b27e4943057d867721ce394] =>A bus on the #MakranHighway Coastal Highway crashed, killing 12 pilgrims. Additionally, #bus in Pakistan-ruled Kashmir fell into a ravine, 22 deaths#BusAccident #Rawalpindi #Kahuta #PakistanBusAccident #KahutaBusAccident #GirariBridge #TheDailyIntake
— The Daily Intake (@dailyintake2023) August 25, 2024[_oembed_time_d9c0d4948b27e4943057d867721ce394] => 1729602983 [_oembed_f273565866fa371c0360096e5527f9b0] => [_oembed_time_f273565866fa371c0360096e5527f9b0] => 1731236862 [_oembed_74a2010a8bac5ab9ab719cf2e0867584] => [_oembed_time_74a2010a8bac5ab9ab719cf2e0867584] => 1733498981 [_oembed_7438c99b207de048771550377c5546c4] =>An air strike by the Sudanese army on civilian areas in south Khartoum has left at least 23 dead and more than 40 injured. The attack, which took place on Saturday, targeted a bustling market area and residential buildings, causing significant
— 𝙊𝙎𝙄𝙉𝙏𝘙𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳 (@OSINT_Reporter) October 13, 2024[_oembed_time_7438c99b207de048771550377c5546c4] => 1734183085 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 41 [2] => 49 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => A nap hírei [1] => Cikkek [2] => Hírek [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 16475 [1] => 498 [2] => 3949 [3] => 6884 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => halálos áldozatok [1] => merénylet [2] => Nigéria [3] => pokolgép ) ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 106873 [content] =>انهيار عقار سكني بحي الويلي في القاهرة
— المصري اليوم (@AlMasryAlYoum) December 10, 2024
تصوير: محمود الخواصább hatan meghaltak és tizenöten megsebesültek, amikor házi készítésű pokolgép robbant a Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság keleti részén található Észak-Kivu tartomány egyik templomában, Beniben, vasárnap. A hadsereg iszlamista terroristákat tett felelőssé a merényletért.
Anthony Mualushay, a katonaság egyik szóvivője azt mondta, az istentisztelet alatt követték el a merényletet, amelyért a Szövetséges Demokratikus Erők (ADF) nevű ugandai iszlamista milíciát tette felelőssé.
A biztonsági erők urai a helyzetnek, a sebesülteket kórházba szállították – tette hozzá a hadsereg közleményben.
Az ugandai határ melletti Kasindi térségében a kongói és az ugandai kormányerők már korábban műveleteket hajtottak végre az Iszlám Állam terrorszervezettel szövetséges ADF ellen, amelyet azzal vádolnak, hogy az utóbbi két évben több száz falusit mészárolt le a környéken.
A tartományban az ADF mellet az M23 nevű, többségében tuszikból álló felkelőcsoport is aktív.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Legalább hatan meghaltak és tizenöten megsebesültek, amikor házi készítésű pokolgép robbant a Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság keleti részén található Észak-Kivu tartomány egyik templomában, Beniben, vasárnap. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1673808600 [modified] => 1673807526 ) [title] => Istentisztelet közben robbantottak egy beni templomban, sokan meghaltak [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 106873 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 106875 [image] => Array ( [id] => 106875 [original] => [original_lng] => 27751 [original_w] => 533 [original_h] => 300 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 533 [height] => 300 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 533 [height] => 300 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 533 [height] => 300 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 533 [height] => 300 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 533 [height] => 300 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1673800326:12 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1673800236 [_thumbnail_id] => 106875 [_edit_last] => 12 [views_count] => 1276 [_oembed_d75c351f3bcfc5326ea8d20e114a1662] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_d75c351f3bcfc5326ea8d20e114a1662] => 1673800328 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>At least 15 died in the Democratic Republic of Congo capital Kinshasa after heavy rain yesterday caused a landslide this Tuesday morning. A major road has also sunk from both ends.
— Flash Radio & TV (@flashfmrw) December 13, 2022[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1675706257 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1676569485 [_oembed_e608b14f5da2ce3622211e78f1ec9293] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_e608b14f5da2ce3622211e78f1ec9293] => 1676569485 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>#RDC??: 3 morts et plusieurs blessés, côté civil, des casques bleus blessés lors d'une altercation entre la population de #Nyiragongo qui a bloqué la route au convoi de la @MONUSCO venu de Kiwanja à #Rutshuru vers Goma. 4 camions du convoi de la #Monusco ont été brûlés. ⤵️
— Daniel Michombero /Batubenga (@michombero) February 7, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1681757625 [_oembed_1dbd679a316a189ed8202c004038cab9] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_1dbd679a316a189ed8202c004038cab9] => 1681983759 [_oembed_b1e5a7a80158e0b1417b16e6905e1f96] =>#DRC At least twenty people died in a landslide that occurred Sunday in the east in the village of #Bulwa in #Masisi territory. The disaster occurred at the end of the morning, fuilles continue to look for bodies buried under the ground even this Monday.
— Baraka MUNYAMPFURA Héritier (@HeritierBarak) April 3, 2023[_oembed_time_b1e5a7a80158e0b1417b16e6905e1f96] => 1681983759 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Local officials in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo say a landslide killed at least 19 people on Sunday morning.
— news lense (@gazzettanews1) April 3, 2023
An official in the village of Bulwa in North Kivu province said the death toll was likely to rise.[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682668488 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1683546499 [_oembed_17beb92118cbe7427bd52e09dc04a00c] => [_oembed_time_17beb92118cbe7427bd52e09dc04a00c] => 1684592226 [_oembed_60e602e333d57c67d37cf52fbcbdc42c] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_60e602e333d57c67d37cf52fbcbdc42c] => 1686317681 [_oembed_97ff372fbac9aef307034b57e5a0feb8] =>Russia’s deliberate and long-planned destruction of the Kakhovka dam results in regional ecocide. Entire ecosystems are being irreversibly harmed. We urge states and international organisations to condemn Russia and join @ZelenskyyUa’s Peace Formula item “Prevention of ecocide”.
— Dmytro Kuleba (@DmytroKuleba) June 6, 2023[_oembed_time_97ff372fbac9aef307034b57e5a0feb8] => 1687120924 [_oembed_fb97f42700d9215fd23a244bf3476ffa] =>#BREAKING: Nova Kakhovka Dam on the Dnipro River is destroyed above Kherson and 80 other settlements.
— Ukraine Front Lines (@EuromaidanPR) June 6, 2023[_oembed_time_fb97f42700d9215fd23a244bf3476ffa] => 1687120925 [_oembed_7bef843b5fea9c217bac586daa1f9838] =>New satellite imagery of the Khakovka dam from June 5 shows evidence that a section of the roadway and sluice gates had been recently damaged or destroyed.
— Evan Hill (@evanhill) June 6, 2023
(Left: May 28, Right: June 5)
?: @Maxar[_oembed_time_7bef843b5fea9c217bac586daa1f9838] => 1687609687 [_oembed_0c0f2e1084fdaea5cdd059a7cb67d458] =>Am heutigen Sonntag gibt die Polizei Wien überraschend eine Pressekonferenz. Laut Verfassungsschutz konnte ein Terroranschlag auf die Regenbogenparade in Wien verhindert werden.
— Kleine Zeitung (@kleinezeitung) June 18, 2023[_oembed_time_0c0f2e1084fdaea5cdd059a7cb67d458] => 1687609687 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>Blutbad durch Muslime in #wien ereitelt. Drei Islamisten planten Terroranschlag auf die #Regenbogenparade des #CSD in #Österreich, mit >300.000 Menschen!
— mario may (@mariomayl) June 18, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1696760063 [_oembed_df10f0164382afe837f29d210fd6bd28] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_df10f0164382afe837f29d210fd6bd28] => 1696760063 [_oembed_9bc0c06e26bc88cebceaec385d5deff2] =>Ankara kızılay da içisleri bakanlığı önünde alçak saldırı da 2 terörist gebertildi,
— Reis?? (@Reis5925) October 1, 2023
Masum insanların canına kast eden bu Lanet İnsanları Allah Kahhar ismiyle Kahretsin.#patlama #bomba[_oembed_time_9bc0c06e26bc88cebceaec385d5deff2] => 1698387910 [_oembed_113d31ad5581bf3e5deae142ff0cf788] =>#Polska #Poland #Russia #Warszawa
— ???? ????? | ???????? (@tweetforAnna) October 14, 2023
❗⚡? ?? An unidentified man standing at the monument to the victims of the #Smoleńsk* tragedy, in central #Warsaw, is claiming he has a bomb. The police cordoned off the area. He is holding an unidentified object in his left hand.
*The…[_oembed_time_113d31ad5581bf3e5deae142ff0cf788] => 1698387910 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1705148074 [_oembed_b12e62f1ef44ab620965cecbef10833a] =>Multiple Dead And Injured In Blast At Mosque In Pol-e-Khomri, Afghanistan - Director Of Baghlan Information and Culture Department, Afghanistan.#Afghanistan
— The Story Teller (@I_am_the_Story) October 13, 2023[_oembed_time_b12e62f1ef44ab620965cecbef10833a] => 1706647070 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>PICTURES:Burst riverbanks are causing turmoil in DR Congo's capital Kinshasa, with dark and foul-smelling water pouring into homes across working-class neighborhoods in the central African city.#NTVNews
— NTV UGANDA (@ntvuganda) January 13, 2024[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1710586991 [_oembed_910674b69088e0a42055e174e446a058] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_910674b69088e0a42055e174e446a058] => 1710586991 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>1 Dead, 53 Injured As Church Balcony Collapses During Prayer In Philippines
— NDTV (@ndtv) February 14, 2024[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712313150 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1714311313 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1716724519 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1716724520 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1716724520 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1716724520 [_oembed_cc19cd4e3e9950f3e96b80657357b8b3] => [_oembed_time_cc19cd4e3e9950f3e96b80657357b8b3] => 1718099679 [_oembed_711b0d0a4b68577c4057d934ddbd9a61] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_711b0d0a4b68577c4057d934ddbd9a61] => 1718468651 [_oembed_8583e012ab528dd4bb615aa71c6b1909] =>VIDEO | Explosie en hakenkruizen op ramen bij school Directiekade Rotterdam
— MediaTV (@mediatvnl) June 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8583e012ab528dd4bb615aa71c6b1909] => 1719954253 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1720773428 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.CD (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1721295370 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1721295370 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1721295371 [_oembed_cad16c89c45e7c64825b2d15d0359b53] =>[_oembed_time_cad16c89c45e7c64825b2d15d0359b53] => 1721295371 [_oembed_2197abc1ef18aa8f03bd20d026542c72] =>In Brunn am Gebirge (Bezirk Mödling) ist ein Mann Montagabend mit seinem Lkw in eine Kirche gefahren.
— PULS 24 (@puls24news) July 8, 2024[_oembed_time_2197abc1ef18aa8f03bd20d026542c72] => 1721295371 [_oembed_5288c1d403759a72768a32cba6daa199] => [_oembed_time_5288c1d403759a72768a32cba6daa199] => 1726672008 [_oembed_d595cc84b8cfdc3d2315daa8acedfc0a] =>Hallan siete cadáveres en distintos puntos del puerto de #Acapulco.#ViolenciaEnMéxico. #NoOigo.
— 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐨 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐩𝐢 (@volbar55) July 8, 2024
Vía: @eleconomista.
Por: AFP.
↘️[_oembed_time_d595cc84b8cfdc3d2315daa8acedfc0a] => 1728828760 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>A boat capsizes in Lake Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo, as it sailed from Minova to Goma.
— Cyprian, Is Nyakundi (@C_NyaKundiH) October 3, 2024[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1728828760 [_oembed_83001cefa0f67567c22077b504ce56ce] => [_oembed_time_83001cefa0f67567c22077b504ce56ce] => 1733654545 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 3753 [1] => 498 [2] => 1001 [3] => 1299 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Kongó [1] => merénylet [2] => robbantás [3] => templom ) ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 106600 [content] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024Srí Lanka legfelsőbb bírósága csütörtökön kártérítés fizetésére kötelezte Maithripala Sziriszena volt elnököt és a biztonsági szolgálatok négy egykori vezető tisztségviselőjét, mert úgymond belpolitikai csatározások miatt mulasztást követtek el, amikor nem reagáltak megfelelően az indiai hírszerzés iszlamista terrorcselekményre vonatkozó előzetes figyelmeztetésére.
A volt államfőnek saját vagyonából átszámítva 101 millió forintot kell fizetnie a 2019 húsvéti terrortámadások csaknem 270 halálos áldozata hozzátartozóinak. Az akkori rendőrfőnöknek, a védelmi államtitkárnak és a hírszerzés két tisztségviselőjének átszámítva együttesen 201 millió forintot kell fizetniük.
Húsvétvasárnap, 2019. április 21-én Colombóban és a fővárostól nem messze található Negombóban, illetve a sziget másik végében található Batticsaloában három templom és négy luxusszálloda ellen követtek el összehangolt öngyilkos merényleteket. Ezekben több mint 260-an haltak meg és mintegy ötszázan megsebesültek. Az áldozatok zöme keresztény hívő vagy turista volt, köztük negyven külföldi. A kilenc elkövető az Iszlám Állam terrorszervezettel kapcsolatban álló helyi iszlamista terrorcsoport tagja volt.
Malcolm Randzsit bíboros, Colombo érseke már évek óta a történtek hátterének teljes körű felderítését szorgalmazza. A bíboros-érsek szerint a mostani vezetés időben elhúzza a nyomozást, elkendőzve ezzel ismert politikusok és hírszerzési munkatársak esetleges felelősségét.
A merényletek előtt nem sokkal az indiai hírszerzés ugyanis pontos információkkal látta el a Srí Lanka-i vezetést a készülő terrorcselekményről, de az akkori miniszterelnök és az államfő közötti belpolitikai feszültségek miatt nem hozták meg a szükséges óvintézkedéseket.
A bíróság megállapította, hogy Sziriszena, aki akkor a védelmi miniszter és a fegyveres erők főparancsnoki tisztségét is ellátta, nem hívta össze rendszeres időközönként a nemzetbiztonsági tanács üléseit, illetve amikor megtette, azokra nem hívott meg kulcsfontosságú személyeket.
„Mindezeket a törvényszék az akkori elnök súlyos mulasztásaként értékeli” – tette hozzá a bíróság a döntés indoklásában.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Srí Lanka legfelsőbb bírósága csütörtökön kártérítés fizetésére kötelezte Maithripala Sziriszena volt elnököt és a biztonsági szolgálatok négy egykori vezető tisztségviselőjét, mert úgymond belpolitikai csatározások miatt mulasztást követtek el, a... [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1673619660 [modified] => 1673689842 ) [title] => Kártérítést kell fizetnie a volt Srí Lanka-i elnöknek a merényletek áldozatainak [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 106600 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 106601 [image] => Array ( [id] => 106601 [original] => [original_lng] => 49232 [original_w] => 900 [original_h] => 649 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 216 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 554 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 900 [height] => 649 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 900 [height] => 649 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 900 [height] => 649 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 900 [height] => 649 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1673682642:12 [_thumbnail_id] => 106601 [_edit_last] => 12 [views_count] => 1112 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1673599760 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1673599760 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy Rushton (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1674111970 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1675791232 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1676585187 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1681645214 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1681645214 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1683185441 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1696693228 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1705747768 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1711139373 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712210134 [_oembed_dc4ef10daa476fd3ecf1b64c815c54de] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_dc4ef10daa476fd3ecf1b64c815c54de] => 1715452736 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>Сar flew into a crowd during a rally in Sri Lanka: 7 people were killed, and more than 20 injured
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 21, 2024
According to the local portal Daily Mirror, the driver failed to control the car. Whether he was injured, is not reported. The injured were hospitalized, some of them in critical…[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1715452736 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1716459940 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1716459941 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1716459941 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1716459941 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1720519472 [_oembed_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] => 1720519472 [_oembed_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => [_oembed_time_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => 1720519472 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1721808226 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1721808226 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1721808227 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1724942735 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1728381186 [_oembed_63a964578bc6ea2d015aa4781c6d8ae5] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024[_oembed_time_63a964578bc6ea2d015aa4781c6d8ae5] => 1731056010 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 17 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Sürgős [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 23666 [1] => 498 [2] => 3801 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => kártérítés [1] => merénylet [2] => Srí Lanka ) ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 104330 [content] =>Two wild elephants killed after train plows through herd and derails
— New York Post (@nypost) October 19, 2024Pokolgépes merényletet követtek el Dmitrij Szitij, az Orosz Ház vezetője ellen a Közép-afrikai Köztársaság fővárosában, a férfi súlyosan megsebesült – adta hírül a bangui orosz nagykövetség.
Szitij csomagot kapott egy névtelen feladótól, amely felrobbant, miután „a DHL nemzetközi gyorspostán” átvette, hazavitte, és ott felbontotta.
A kórházba szállított orosz képviselet-vezető légnyomást kapott, és sok vért veszített.
Állapota az orvosok szerint súlyos, de nem életveszélyes. Az orosz nagykövetség bejelentette, hogy intézkedéseket tesz a hasonló támadások jövőbeni megelőzésére.
Bienvenu Zokoué, a Közép-afrikai Köztársaság rendőrfőnöke kijelentette, hogy az incidenst terrorcselekménynek tekintik. Szitij számos fenyegetést kapott, amit az MTI szerint korábban jelzett a hatóságoknak.
Az Orosz Ház a külföldön élő oroszok ügyeivel és nemzetközi humanitárius együttműködéssel foglalkozó orosz szövetségi ügynökség, a Roszszotrudnyicsesztvo képviselete.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Pokolgépes merényletet követtek el Dmitrij Szitij, az Orosz Ház vezetője ellen a Közép-afrikai Köztársaság fővárosában, a férfi súlyosan megsebesült – adta hírül a bangui orosz nagykövetség. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1671292800 [modified] => 1671279303 ) [title] => Pokolgépes merényletet követtek el az Orosz Ház vezetője ellen [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 104330 [uk] => 104448 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 104331 [image] => Array ( [id] => 104331 [original] => [original_lng] => 144016 [original_w] => 1024 [original_h] => 512 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 150 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 384 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 512 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 512 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 512 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 512 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1671383998:2 [_thumbnail_id] => 104331 [_edit_last] => 12 [translation_required] => 1 [views_count] => 1800 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1671231396 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1671231396 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy Rushton (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1671267784 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_778e7d3f9d437f667a57ad34cb41f1ea] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_778e7d3f9d437f667a57ad34cb41f1ea] => 1672233730 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>#RCA : incendie ravage totalement les bâtiments de la délégation de l’Union Européenne à #Bangui, selon l'ambassadeur @UEDouglasCarp qui évoque aucune perte humaine. C'était ce lundi matin autour de 3h . Enquête ouverte mais pour l'instant, piste d'un court-circuit privilégié.
— Moïse Dabesne (@MoiseDabesne) December 19, 2022[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1674213085 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1675771933 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1676629690 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682156420 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1682156420 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1682921452 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1697556910 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1704794666 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1709714097 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712248611 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1714044629 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1718094177 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1718094177 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1718094178 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1718094178 [_oembed_e7fcf6fde3e2266c20400e4c6ed411d4] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_e7fcf6fde3e2266c20400e4c6ed411d4] => 1719576028 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1720767554 [_oembed_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] => 1720767554 [_oembed_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => [_oembed_time_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => 1720767554 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1722426680 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1722426680 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1722426680 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1725099969 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1728382743 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 24497 [1] => 498 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Közép-afrikai Köztársaság [1] => merénylet ) ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 102965 [content] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024Robbanás történt pénteken Kabulban a Hezb-i-Iszlámi nevű párt irodája melletti mecsetnél, a terroristák célpontja a mecsetben tartózkodó Gulbuddin Hekmatjar egykori miniszterelnök volt, egy testőr meghalt, ketten megsebesültek – jelentette az Ariana News című afgán hírportál.
A volt kormányfő pártja, valamint családtagjai is megerősítették, hogy Hekmatjar sértetlen maradt. Mulavi Zabihullah kabuli rendőrfőnök a sajtóval azt közölte, a nap folyamán a hatóságok két, Hekmatjar elleni öngyilkos merényletet is megakadályoztak.
Humájun Dzsarír, a Hezb-i-Iszlámi egyik magas rangú tagja azt mondta, a két merénylő burkába öltözve próbálta megközelíteni a politikust, aki éppen a pénteki ima utáni hagyományos prédikációt tartotta a Dár-ul-Aman mecsetben. Miután a rendőrök terroristákkal végeztek, működésbe lépett az általuk korábban gépkocsiba rejtett pokolgép, az ölte meg Hekmatjar testőrét – tette hozzá.
A támadásért egyelőre egyetlen csoport sem jelentkezett.
A Kabul mészárosa néven hírhedtté vált Hekmatjar 1993 júniusától 1994 júniusáig, majd 1996 júniusától 1997 augusztusáig között töltötte be a kormányfői tisztséget. Az egykori hadúr a hetvenes években, a szovjet megszállás ellen harcoló mudzsáhidokkal alapította a Hezb-i-Iszlámot.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Robbanás történt pénteken Kabulban a Hezb-i-Iszlámi nevű párt irodája melletti mecsetnél, a terroristák célpontja a mecsetben tartózkodó Gulbuddin Hekmatjar egykori miniszterelnök volt, egy testőr meghalt, ketten megsebesültek. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1670012880 [modified] => 1670005407 ) [title] => Merényletet kíséreltek meg a volt afgán miniszterelnök ellen [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 102965 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 102966 [image] => Array ( [id] => 102966 [original] => [original_lng] => 43938 [original_w] => 1200 [original_h] => 719 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 180 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 460 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 614 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 719 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 719 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 719 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1669998207:5 [_thumbnail_id] => 102966 [_edit_last] => 5 [translation_required] => 1 [views_count] => 1944 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1669998208 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_9ae9d8cbbcc319ccebe6b2ed46d527a4] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_9ae9d8cbbcc319ccebe6b2ed46d527a4] => 1672135026 [_oembed_577514fbf629a0e5769f364d3ad0e97c] =>Fuel tanker tunnel blast kills at least 19 in Afghanistan
— BBC Gossips (@newsgossipmedia) December 18, 2022[_oembed_time_577514fbf629a0e5769f364d3ad0e97c] => 1674912372 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>Many provinces in #Afghanistan have seen an exceptionally cold #winter in the last two weeks, with temperatures dropping to as low as -21 degrees Celsius (-5.8 Fahrenheit) in #Kabul. More than 20 people have died due to the cold wave, according to media reports.
— Samir Ehsas (@samirehsas) January 18, 2023
#viral #fyp[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1674912372 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1675328568 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1677435512 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682585503 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1682585503 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1684308385 [_oembed_75698187c1e5c38bc920d88cb3980ba9] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_75698187c1e5c38bc920d88cb3980ba9] => 1686674697 [_oembed_b46afe83183e4d2723983ce18550c33b] =>KABUL, June 8 : An explosion took place inside a mosque in northern Afghanistan on Thursday during the funeral of the provincial deputy governor who was killed in an attack this week, a provincial
— رجل في الظلام (@woooow_wo) June 8, 2023[_oembed_time_b46afe83183e4d2723983ce18550c33b] => 1686674697 [_oembed_98ecb2f5a582a13f2f947088c346c178] =>Minibus crash claims 25 lives in northern Afghanistan #Afghanistan
— ILKHA (@IlkhaAgency) June 8, 2023[_oembed_time_98ecb2f5a582a13f2f947088c346c178] => 1686674697 [_oembed_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] =>Afghanistan Watch: Around 80 #Afghan school girls hospitalised after alleged poison attack.
— Asif (@Asiftintoiya12) June 5, 2023
According to the reports, nearly 80 girls in grades 1-6 were poisoned at two schools in Afg's Sar-e-Pul province. Afghan Education department is investigating the incidents.[_oembed_time_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] => 1699122724 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1706600703 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => A földrengés sújtotta Afganisztánnak nemzetközi segítségre van szüksége az újjáépítéshez #fy #fyp #nekedbe #hiradohu #hirek #afganisztán #katasztrófa #földrengés #újjáépítés #túlélők
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1709225131 [_oembed_2cbdd74c71bbd58d578d310e884b31ab] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2cbdd74c71bbd58d578d310e884b31ab] => 1711299536 [_oembed_67df1473b41a5cee3ff1384eb54269b2] =>🖋️ Otobüs ve tanker çarpıştı: 21 ölü, 38 yaralı!
— Record Haber (@recordhaber) March 17, 2024
Afganistan'ın güneyindeki Hilmend vilayetinde meydana gelen trafik kazasında 21 kişi yaşamını yitirdi.
Kazada çoğu ağır olmak üzere 38 kişi ise yaralandı. Yaralılar Gerişk ve Leşgergah ilçelerindeki hastanelere sevk edildi.[_oembed_time_67df1473b41a5cee3ff1384eb54269b2] => 1711355710 [_oembed_162521c435bf844eb3f991517ecb0e80] =>#BREAKING
— Roy Grinwis (@RoyGrinwis) March 21, 2024
Door een zelfmoordaanslag bij New Kabul Bank in #Kandahar, #Afghanistan 🇦🇫 komen 17 mensen om het leven en ruim 45 mensen gewond.
De meeste slachtoffers zijn #Taliban 🐽, die hun salarissen kwamen innen.[_oembed_time_162521c435bf844eb3f991517ecb0e80] => 1711355711 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>Afghanistan: Deadly suicide bomb reported at bank in Kandahar
— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) March 21, 2024[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1715273568 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1715273568 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1716045801 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1716045801 [_oembed_14efaf742ed6ee48cd9a171d381c64bf] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_14efaf742ed6ee48cd9a171d381c64bf] => 1716045801 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>The recent floods in Baghlan province have caused widespread devastation. According to reports, it has taken numerous lives and destroyed hundreds of homes resulting in displacement. Kindly help the victims by donating 👇🏼 #Afghanistan
— Bashir Gharwal غروال (@bashir_gharwall) May 10, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1716977166 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1716977166 [_oembed_7cb30bdaa6d7f4dc3ddb3d479ba1cdfb] => [_oembed_time_7cb30bdaa6d7f4dc3ddb3d479ba1cdfb] => 1718723928 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1720119847 [_oembed_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] => 1720119847 [_oembed_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => [_oembed_time_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => 1720119847 [_oembed_a9644a09689e3f189f7cd7df3dcfa586] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_a9644a09689e3f189f7cd7df3dcfa586] => 1722863009 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>Forty dead in heavy rains in eastern Afghanistan; 17 killed in bus accident
— WRAL NEWS in NC (@WRAL) July 16, 2024[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1722863009 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1722863009 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1722863009 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1726596042 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1728468536 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 1088 [1] => 498 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Afganisztán [1] => merénylet ) ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 102840 [content] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024Levélbombát küldtek ismeretlenek Pedro Sánchez spanyol miniszterelnöknek – közölte a spanyol belügyminisztérium csütörtökön.
A tárca tájékoztatása szerint az egy héttel ezelőtt, hagyományos postai úton kézbesített küldemény fennakadt a miniszterelnöki hivatal biztonsági szolgálatának ellenőrzésén. A boríték pontos tartalmának elemzése még folyamatban van.
Az elmúlt 24 órában hasonló levélbomba érkezett a madridi ukrán nagykövetségre, amelynek egyik munkatársa könnyebben megsérült a kezén, a Torrejón de Ardozban található katonai légi bázisra, valamint egy zaragozai fegyvergyártó céghez is.
A katonai támaszpontra küldött levél címzettje a védett létesítmény területén működő Európai Unió Műholdközpontja (SatCen) volt, a gyanús küldeményt az átvilágításkor ott is kiszűrte a biztonsági szolgálat, csakúgy mint az Instalaza nevű vállalatnál, ahol az épületet azonnal evakuálták, a tűzszerészek pedig ellenőrzött körülmények között felrobbantották a pokolgépet.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Levélbombát küldtek ismeretlenek Pedro Sánchez spanyol miniszterelnöknek – közölte a spanyol belügyminisztérium csütörtökön. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1669908180 [modified] => 1669900725 ) [title] => A spanyol miniszterelnök is kapott levélbombát [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 102840 [uk] => 102893 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 102841 [image] => Array ( [id] => 102841 [original] => [original_lng] => 1040404 [original_w] => 1187 [original_h] => 498 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 126 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 322 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 430 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1187 [height] => 498 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1187 [height] => 498 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1187 [height] => 498 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1669962594:8 [_thumbnail_id] => 102841 [_edit_last] => 12 [translation_required] => 1 [views_count] => 1921 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1669893527 [_oembed_b546ffc6ee63528a9a223ac9f049e514] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_0e9c3d927806fa3a62243abdb3c0f4d9] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_0e9c3d927806fa3a62243abdb3c0f4d9] => 1669893527 [_oembed_7b41647ab85ed3db9175b4a7a876c5fc] =>Subscribe?TELEGRAM:
— BRAVE SPIRIT (@Brave_spirit81) September 23, 2022
Heavy rain - Tarragona. Spain#Tarragona #LArrabassada[_oembed_time_7b41647ab85ed3db9175b4a7a876c5fc] => 1669893527 [_oembed_1a0d60a837e4d6c97716430a18f9e8b2] =>#spain #tarragona #flooding #beach #wwnc
— world wide news channel (@worldwidenc) September 24, 2022
Flooding on the beach of Spain
Entrance to Arrabassada beach (Tarragona).
Source: social networks.[_oembed_time_1a0d60a837e4d6c97716430a18f9e8b2] => 1669893528 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_fe96b29d965282a2a675dc58ea4c5518] =>Club Tennis Tarragona ?? #tennis #tarragona @alexmegapc @TomasMolinaB @MeteoElpito @meteocat @Cat_Meteo @emergenciescat
— Jordi Madurell Perez (@MadurellJordi) September 23, 2022[_oembed_time_fe96b29d965282a2a675dc58ea4c5518] => 1670527538 [_oembed_8a6cfe5100ab8a1a2ab6f2d4cbab4618] =>? Desalojan la Embajada estadounidense. Protocolo antiterrorista. Cuenta @manumarlasca que se ha interceptado una sexta carta explosiva. Estamos en directo en @laSextaTV
— Sara Rincón (@sararincon02) December 1, 2022[_oembed_time_8a6cfe5100ab8a1a2ab6f2d4cbab4618] => 1671014425 [_oembed_77bc973f2ac81cc610a4fbe9375d8b21] =>▶️ Una mujer finge estar de parto y provoca un aterrizaje de emergencia en Barcelona. Al tocar tierra, 28 personas saltan a la pista e intentan huir. El avión cubría la ruta Casablanca - Estambul.
— Alberto Martínez Collado (@mzalbert_) December 7, 2022[_oembed_time_77bc973f2ac81cc610a4fbe9375d8b21] => 1672755358 [_oembed_8e0980496a7e7436facdf56220e9bb98] =>??????? Au moins deux personnes ont trouvé la mort après un accident de bus tombé dans une rivière depuis un pont en Galice. Deux autres personnes, dont le chauffeur du bus, ont été secourues et hospitalisées. #BFM #Spain #Galice
— L’Info (@l_info24) December 25, 2022[_oembed_time_8e0980496a7e7436facdf56220e9bb98] => 1672933596 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>Así transportaban 4,4 toneladas de hachís en un velero que ha sido intervenido en la Bahía de Cádiz con destino a Sudamérica
— Europa Press (@europapress) December 27, 2022[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1675189319 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1675541306 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1677829797 [_oembed_266139897dc8edad4881e4d45e57fa82] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_266139897dc8edad4881e4d45e57fa82] => 1680156126 [_oembed_c7a47cf0e4d1030bacf23a4ed570e024] =>Els equips d’emergència continuen arribant a la mina de Súria on tres treballadors han mort per un despreniment a primera hora del matí. Des de fa hores Ttrballen per rescatar els cossos. Segons ICL no hi ha constància de cap ferit. La mina ha estat evaquada. @324cat
— Núria Bacardit (@nurbacardit) March 9, 2023[_oembed_time_c7a47cf0e4d1030bacf23a4ed570e024] => 1680865605 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Spain's first major wildfire of the year destroyed 3,000 hectares of forest. Firefighters using 18 planes and helicopters worked throughout the night and on Friday to tackle the blaze near the village of Villanueva de Viver, in the Valencia region
— Reuters (@Reuters) March 25, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1681399436 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682172608 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1684221079 [_oembed_52499e68c0e8f7edf18d293e3da91a1b] => [_oembed_time_52499e68c0e8f7edf18d293e3da91a1b] => 1686339869 [_oembed_a6be99d322885efa3b97b8b998804fd0] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_a6be99d322885efa3b97b8b998804fd0] => 1686339869 [_oembed_ca18c953d75156c91bed23ca85c8d1c6] =>ACTUALIZACIÓN | Ovejuela se suma a los municipios evacuados en la mañana de este viernes, Cadalso, Descargamaria y Robledillo de Gata, debido al incendio de #IFPinofranqueado
— (@s24horas) May 19, 2023[_oembed_time_ca18c953d75156c91bed23ca85c8d1c6] => 1689869435 [_oembed_6ca2e97ed8ad9698171bea12dd4c7c11] => [_oembed_time_6ca2e97ed8ad9698171bea12dd4c7c11] => 1691612602 [_oembed_14e43d0f3f165966b937c17c93ed1506] => [_oembed_time_14e43d0f3f165966b937c17c93ed1506] => 1693990426 [_oembed_efdac6aa149dc062cf098373c2def5b9] =>‘Headless’ child’s body found on beach
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) July 11, 2023[_oembed_time_efdac6aa149dc062cf098373c2def5b9] => 1695224754 [_oembed_fd3560246a0d98f52082a4f7a54e0cd5] =>?️ José Luis Martínez-Almeida, alcalde de Madrid: "El mensaje que quiero transmitir a los madrileños es que permanezcan en sus domicilios [...] Es una situación excepcional"
— RTVE Noticias (@rtvenoticias) September 3, 2023
La DANA deja alertas en el centro y sureste peninsular, con alerta roja en Madrid[_oembed_time_fd3560246a0d98f52082a4f7a54e0cd5] => 1695224754 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>Después de 2 años volvemos a ver otra inundación incontrolable en Alcanar platja. El canal del frente es el causante de tal desastre donde se concentra todo el rio pero el ayuntamiento no hace nada. #alcanar #inundación #DeltadelEbre
— JereM (@JM_M17) September 3, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1696471609 [_oembed_b815625b1bce87281ab66b30b167ec66] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_b815625b1bce87281ab66b30b167ec66] => 1697554866 [_oembed_23aaed17b7204aed2eae2cb413296f76] =>?? | Impactantes imágenes revelan la magnitud del devastador incendio sucedido en la discoteca Teatre en la zona Atalayas de Murcia, esta madrugada. El saldo trágico hasta ahora es de 6 personas fallecidas, y no se descarta que la cifra pueda aumentar.
— UHN Plus (@UHN_Plus) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_23aaed17b7204aed2eae2cb413296f76] => 1698837552 [_oembed_62462521fac1925236470fa13bcbdc2f] => [_oembed_time_62462521fac1925236470fa13bcbdc2f] => 1698837552 [_oembed_d5aeb01543316b3c7863f22608974971] =>Spanish police have recovered gold jewelry worth €60 million illegally taken from Ukraine in 2016. Police arrested three Spaniards and two Ukrainians, including the "main suspect," an Orthodox Church priest who was attempting to sell the jewelry.
— DW News (@dwnews) October 23, 2023[_oembed_time_d5aeb01543316b3c7863f22608974971] => 1700464145 [_oembed_dd79c2b817a601751a6adfdf2bfbd7fd] =>Thousands of people protest against Pedro Sánchez in Madrid, Spain.#PedroSánchez #Madrid #Spain #España
— NewsAlerts Global (@NewsAlertsG) November 18, 2023[_oembed_time_dd79c2b817a601751a6adfdf2bfbd7fd] => 1700464145 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1704735754 [_oembed_4f3d86a9adb1b57384081fd38f22d73a] => [_oembed_time_4f3d86a9adb1b57384081fd38f22d73a] => 1706093600 [_oembed_b473ed33e14f62681176d5377d107d32] =>JUST IN: Mass protest against PM Pedro Sánchez blanket the streets of Madrid,
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) November 18, 2023[_oembed_time_b473ed33e14f62681176d5377d107d32] => 1707661560 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Spain police bust gang of alleged ex-military robbers
— World News (@Worldnews_Media) January 25, 2024[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1709370949 [_oembed_f7b832ec07e7f2cf76f5b506e91aa56d] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_f7b832ec07e7f2cf76f5b506e91aa56d] => 1709370949 [_oembed_6bb57f1052c5db28443e81cb5490e07b] =>👮🏻♂ La Policía Nacional carga contra los manifestantes y agricultores que se concentraban en Madrid #Madrid #PolicíaNacional #Campo #Agricultura
— Info 288 (@info288) February 10, 2024[_oembed_time_6bb57f1052c5db28443e81cb5490e07b] => 1709370950 [_oembed_9d12ba6323333e7b1f9f1338d97ac6e7] =>#11Feb | 14 personas resultaron heridas, 2 de ellas de gravedad, cuando un árbol cayó sobre una montaña rusa en el parque de atracciones PortAventura World, Cataluña (España).
— El Diario (@eldiario) February 11, 2024
El árbol impactó sobre los afectados y causó el descarrilamiento del vagón.
El Sistema de Emergencias…[_oembed_time_9d12ba6323333e7b1f9f1338d97ac6e7] => 1709370950 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>📄 @Portaventura_ES parla d'un accident fortuït i reitera que les atraccions del parc "compleixen els estàndards més alts de seguretat i estan sotmeses diàriament a rigoroses revisions"
— RTVE Notícies (@rtvenoticies) February 11, 2024
➕ Info:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1711815062 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1716145354 [_oembed_dfb2998ce03884ad12f19106f0fedee0] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_dfb2998ce03884ad12f19106f0fedee0] => 1716310313 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>🇪🇸 | Brutal pelea entre marroquíes en un bar de Gerona.
— ʜᴇʀQʟᴇs (@herqles_es) May 10, 2024[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1717571188 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1717571188 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1718351805 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1718351805 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1719667513 [_oembed_cdd811f4172639d074a9904bbb3ef31e] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_cdd811f4172639d074a9904bbb3ef31e] => 1720080726 [_oembed_5032c1ddb72fc9e4313140d9f5a910bf] =>£2 Million Worth of Wine Spill
— Unlimited L's (@unlimited_ls) February 20, 2024
The CCTV images were recorded at the Cepa 21 winery in Castrillo de Duero, Valladolid, Spain, in the early hours of Sunday morning
The attack resulted in 60,000 liters of wine, equivalent to around 80,000 bottles and valued at over £2 million…[_oembed_time_5032c1ddb72fc9e4313140d9f5a910bf] => 1721998095 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>⚫ La C-32 continua tallada entre Pineda de Mar i Tordera en sentit Girona per un autobús amb passatge que s'ha accidentat i bolcat a l'entrada d'un túnel.
— Trànsit (@transit) July 16, 2024
🟦 @emergenciescat ha activat alerta #PROCICAT#SCT[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1721998095 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1721998095 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1721998095 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1724999631 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1728391062 [_oembed_7e6ef4ef0e35b3423f6feaf5eec82844] => [_oembed_time_7e6ef4ef0e35b3423f6feaf5eec82844] => 1731085462 [_oembed_799c066a225a4dd8deaae3d355321d73] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024[_oembed_time_799c066a225a4dd8deaae3d355321d73] => 1731333852 [_oembed_a24e30f4f612c270ff3a4ed0fd3b7a90] => [_oembed_time_a24e30f4f612c270ff3a4ed0fd3b7a90] => 1731333853 [_oembed_06647b9822d94bbf9fa13ee89edbdb14] =>Autoridades da Espanha efetuaram a maior apreensão de cocaína da história do país: cerca de 13 toneladas.
— Submundo Criminal (@submundodocrime) November 6, 2024
O carregamento teria chegado do Equador em meio a uma carga de bananas.
Há informações que era um carregamento financiado pelos clãs bálcãs.[_oembed_time_06647b9822d94bbf9fa13ee89edbdb14] => 1731333853 [_oembed_176f061807bf3830c6d6773f650ec8b3] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 3, 2024
The Spanish people are furious with Prime Minister Sanchez after having been abandoned by the authorities during and after the recent flooding disaster that has claimed more than 200 lives.
As he visited the flooded areas today, the people chased him & his team away.[_oembed_time_176f061807bf3830c6d6773f650ec8b3] => 1731333853 [_oembed_2dc50d221fb89abb146a16e1a113f17f] =>Me ha gustado hoy el rey: templado y valiente, aguantando y dando la cara mientras Sánchez se largaba y a Mazón, como es bajito, no se le veía. Lo que no comprendo es cómo se ha presentado allí acompañado de esa gentuza.
— Arturo Pérez-Reverte (@perezreverte) November 3, 2024[_oembed_time_2dc50d221fb89abb146a16e1a113f17f] => 1731333853 [_oembed_f16b3eb44aba6af538b9b8c911058f5b] =>🇪🇸 A crowd of furious flood survivors threw mud and shouted insults at the Spanish King, Felipe VI, as he visited a devastated town in Spain’s Valencia region.
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) November 3, 2024
Read more here ⬇️[_oembed_time_f16b3eb44aba6af538b9b8c911058f5b] => 1731333853 [_oembed_c237f5ae98eff308a7a192c66e4ba82c] =>Los vecinos indignados, destrozan el coche del Presidente socialista Pedro Sánchez cuando huía de Paiporta, Valencia
— Lady Habsburg (@lady_habsburg) November 3, 2024
Mientras el Rey y la Reina dan la cara con los vecinos y hacen suyas sus reivindicaciones, necesidades y sobre todo su tremendo dolor e impotencia por lo sucedido[_oembed_time_c237f5ae98eff308a7a192c66e4ba82c] => 1731333854 [_oembed_c0d61b53fb0f8f3427c6479a1bcb7578] =>Las cámaras de Aragón Televisión captan como los vecinos de Paiporta le dicen a la reina Letizia que el enfado no es con ella o el Rey sino con Sánchez:
— Capitán Gral de los Tercios/Virrey de las Américas (@capTercio) November 3, 2024
‘Por ustedes, por ustedes no es"
Luego se abraza con una vecina mientras llora desconsolada.
El pueblo ha dictado sentencia.[_oembed_time_c0d61b53fb0f8f3427c6479a1bcb7578] => 1732562331 [_oembed_bb300a5b87d13c4c289688b4f91e944d] =>Malaga, Spain this
— Volcaholic 🌋 (@volcaholic1) November 13, 2024[_oembed_time_bb300a5b87d13c4c289688b4f91e944d] => 1732562332 [_oembed_14f33b4dd0b3304571f94c7ec7e072ea] =>Volunteers working together to clear out floodwater in a suburb of Valencia, Spain.
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) November 11, 2024
[📹 Anna Romeu][_oembed_time_14f33b4dd0b3304571f94c7ec7e072ea] => 1732562332 [_oembed_c024aa4cd100b63d12ad59c6ea0980e9] =>Alhaurín, Malaga, Spain this afternoon. What part of RED WARNING don't people
— Volcaholic 🌋 (@volcaholic1) November 13, 2024[_oembed_time_c024aa4cd100b63d12ad59c6ea0980e9] => 1732562332 [_oembed_48e290eed84e14e69c59b9393f7f8601] =>Victoria Street, Malaga,
— Volcaholic 🌋 (@volcaholic1) November 13, 2024[_oembed_time_48e290eed84e14e69c59b9393f7f8601] => 1732562332 [_oembed_266876eec1237833b355d31d98f7105a] =>Critical situation in Benamargosa, Málaga, as river water starts flooding lower areas.#DANA
— Volcaholic 🌋 (@volcaholic1) November 13, 2024[_oembed_time_266876eec1237833b355d31d98f7105a] => 1732562333 [_oembed_74a2010a8bac5ab9ab719cf2e0867584] => [_oembed_time_74a2010a8bac5ab9ab719cf2e0867584] => 1734082673 [_oembed_d91b5756fc76cdb952172813f09105b5] => {{unknown}} [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 3126 [1] => 41 [2] => 11 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Aktuális [1] => Cikkek [2] => Kiemelt téma [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 1660 [1] => 498 [2] => 194352 [3] => 2303 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => levélbomba [1] => merénylet [2] => Pedro Sánchez [3] => Spanyolország ) ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 102102 [content] =>Que barbaridad la que está cayendo, esta todo el centro de malaga inundado...
— El Santo 𓆰𓆪 (@ClumSyy_LoL) November 13, 2024Kedd este egy autós súlyos balesetet okozott a düsseldorfi Königsallée bevásárlóutcában sétáló emberek közé hajtva. A balesetben legalább hatan megsérültek, közülük ketten életveszélyesen – számolt ne a német Bild Online.
A rendőrség közlése szerint hat ember megsérült, közülük ketten életveszélyesen, amikor kedd este, nem sokkal hat óra előtt egy fekete városi terepjáró (SUV) a karácsonyi vásár látogatói közé hajtott Düsseldorfban.
A Mercedes 84 éves sofőrje a város zsúfolt bevásárlóutcája, a Königsallée elején veszítette el uralmát a jármű felett. A terepjáró egy sor parkoló e-robogónak, majd egy oszlopnak hajtott, miközben több járókelőt elütött – számolt be a Bild Online.
A lap tudósítója szerint az egyik közlekedési lámpánál várakozó idős sofőr figyelmét feltehetőleg megzavarta a szitáló eső.
A baleset körülményeiről azt írták, hogy a sofőr először egy másik autónak kormányozta a Mercedest, majd az út szélén álló közlekedési oszlopok állították meg.
Megjegyezik, hogy az oszlopok nélkül sokkal súlyosabb következményei lehettek volna a balesetnek. A sofőr és utasa sokkos állapotba került. A balesetet követően pedig törölték a Königsallée feletti fénykupola ünnepélyes felkapcsolásának programját.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Kedd este egy autós súlyos balesetet okozott a düsseldorfi Königsallée bevásárlóutcában sétáló emberek közé hajtva. A balesetben legalább hatan megsérültek, közülük ketten életveszélyesen. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1669226640 [modified] => 1669205123 ) [title] => Autós hajtott a karácsonyi vásár látogatói közé Düsseldorfban [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 102102 [uk] => 102332 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 102103 [image] => Array ( [id] => 102103 [original] => [original_lng] => 169659 [original_w] => 960 [original_h] => 540 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 960 [height] => 540 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 960 [height] => 540 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 960 [height] => 540 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 960 [height] => 540 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1669373051:3 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1669189555 [_thumbnail_id] => 102103 [_edit_last] => 12 [translation_required] => 1 [views_count] => 1739 [_oembed_030c17e67059e906fde93f76eab434cc] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_030c17e67059e906fde93f76eab434cc] => 1669189737 [_oembed_eb0776be8e617fe02b2524ee1e32a0b4] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_e87f437f75dbe13820358f610f16d602] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_8519d10d1a9d942707f7c0bb49626d77] =>#taksim #istiklal'deki bombanın patlama anı...
— Haberden Habere (@HaberdenHabere_) November 13, 2022[_oembed_time_8519d10d1a9d942707f7c0bb49626d77] => 1669189737 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>Moment of explosion in Taksim Square, #Istanbul. Possible bomb attack, bodies seen lying on the ground by eyewitnesses.#TaksimSquare
— Newsistaan (@newsistaan) November 13, 2022[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1669189738 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1669189738 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy Rushton (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1669189738 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1677249511 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1677249511 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1677249511 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1681232193 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1683183507 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1683457778 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1696523334 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1704544323 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1708874687 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712393291 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1714501526 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1717324381 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1717324382 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1717324382 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1717324382 [_oembed_17051302b03063a554ef1188b0149314] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_17051302b03063a554ef1188b0149314] => 1719563225 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1719563225 [_oembed_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] => 1719563225 [_oembed_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => [_oembed_time_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => 1719563225 [_oembed_91025b22c8269666fc964ea9215463aa] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_91025b22c8269666fc964ea9215463aa] => 1719563225 [_oembed_b35a5e08a44597cbc82c2b240b72450a] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_b35a5e08a44597cbc82c2b240b72450a] => 1719563226 [_oembed_e7fcf6fde3e2266c20400e4c6ed411d4] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_e7fcf6fde3e2266c20400e4c6ed411d4] => 1719563226 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1721052383 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1721052383 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1721052383 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1725122518 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1728937927 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 25 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Videók [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 182620 [1] => 188922 [2] => 498 [3] => 188923 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => bevásárlóutca [1] => Düsseldorf [2] => merénylet [3] => telepjáró ) ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 99959 [content] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024Legkevesebb száz ember életét vesztette és háromszáz megsérült, amikor két, autóba rejtett bomba robbant fel Szomália fővárosában, Mogadishuban az ország oktatási minisztériuma előtt − közölte az ország elnöke vasárnap kora reggeli közleményében.
Az első robbanás az oktatási minisztériumot érte Mogadishu egyik forgalmas csomópontja közelében. A második akkor történt, amikor a mentőautók megérkeztek, és az emberek összegyűltek, hogy segítsenek az áldozatoknak − írj az Index a Reuters hírügynökségre hivatkozva.
A robbanások betörték a környékbeli ablakokat. Az épület előtt vér borította az aszfaltot.
A támadás ugyanott történt, ahol 2017-ben ugyanebben a hónapban Szomália legnagyobb, több mint ötszáz halálos áldozatot követelő robbantása. Abban a robbantásban egy teherautó-bomba robbant egy forgalmas szálloda előtt a K5-ös útkereszteződésben, amely mellett kormányhivatalok, éttermek és kioszkok vannak.
„Azok között, akik a mészárlás áldozatául estek, voltak anyák gyermekeikkel a karjukban, diákok, akik tanulni indultak, munkások, akik családjukért dolgoztak” − mondta Hasszan Sejk Mohamud elnök, miután meglátogatta a robbanás helyszínét.
A támadásért egyelőre senki sem vállalta a felelősséget, bár az elnök az al-Shabaab iszlamista csoportot tette felelőssé. Az al-Shabaab jellemzően kerüli a felelősségvállalást a nagyszámú áldozattal járó támadásokért.
Mohamud szerint az áldozatok száma emelkedhet. Utasította a kormányt, hogy azonnal nyújtson orvosi segítséget a sérülteknek, akik közül néhányan súlyos állapotban vannak.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Legkevesebb száz ember életét vesztette és háromszáz megsérült, amikor két, autóba rejtett bomba robbant fel Szomália fővárosában, Mogadishuban az ország oktatási minisztériuma előtt − közölte az ország elnöke vasárnap kora reggeli közleményében. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1667138400 [modified] => 1667147640 ) [title] => Robbantások Szomáliában: legkevesebb 100 halott, 300 sérült [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 99959 [uk] => 99955 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 99960 [image] => Array ( [id] => 99960 [original] => [original_lng] => 1051762 [original_w] => 2560 [original_h] => 1440 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 576 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1536 [height] => 864 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1152 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 2560 [height] => 1440 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1667140441:5 [_thumbnail_id] => 99960 [_edit_last] => 5 [views_count] => 1506 [_hipstart_feed_include] => 1 [_oembed_d30b93f9bf1a37d046dd24f843052d34] =>[_oembed_time_d30b93f9bf1a37d046dd24f843052d34] => 1667138552 [_oembed_96a4d74c04ae89f5e8228b12c8507fe0] =>At least 21 people were killed in two separate bombings in Jalalaqsi & Bulobarde districts in Hiiraan region on Wednesday. A powerful car bomb exploded in Jalalaqsi when soldiers operating a security checkpoint intercepted a vehicle. While motorcycle struck the Bulobarde bridge.
— Somalia Live Update (@HassanIstiila) October 20, 2022[_oembed_time_96a4d74c04ae89f5e8228b12c8507fe0] => 1667138552 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>Somalia: Al-Shabab Militants Kill 12 In Mogadishu Twin Explosion#THT #TheHeritageTimes #News
— The Heritage Times (@TheHTAfrica) October 3, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1669726623 [_oembed_3650938ae9e6c26adecdb4b33560fdfe] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_3650938ae9e6c26adecdb4b33560fdfe] => 1672338284 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>From Villa Rose in Mogadishu, gunfire and explosions can be heard from Al-Shahab terrorists who have claimed responsibility for the ongoing attack.
— Gurbaksh Singh Chahal (@gchahal) November 27, 2022[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1673860051 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1675147896 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1677674546 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682264511 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1682264511 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1683268988 [_oembed_17beb92118cbe7427bd52e09dc04a00c] => [_oembed_time_17beb92118cbe7427bd52e09dc04a00c] => 1684785655 [_oembed_ec1331ea9bc8155ac5761a97a622101a] => [_oembed_time_ec1331ea9bc8155ac5761a97a622101a] => 1687088554 [_oembed_ce5d68f98c66564f6c22070f950c8956] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_ce5d68f98c66564f6c22070f950c8956] => 1687088554 [_oembed_7bef843b5fea9c217bac586daa1f9838] =>Scenes of the panic inside the hotel that was attacked by gunmen in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia
— Everything you need to know (@Everything65687) June 10, 2023
?[_oembed_time_7bef843b5fea9c217bac586daa1f9838] => 1687508096 [_oembed_0c0f2e1084fdaea5cdd059a7cb67d458] =>Am heutigen Sonntag gibt die Polizei Wien überraschend eine Pressekonferenz. Laut Verfassungsschutz konnte ein Terroranschlag auf die Regenbogenparade in Wien verhindert werden.
— Kleine Zeitung (@kleinezeitung) June 18, 2023[_oembed_time_0c0f2e1084fdaea5cdd059a7cb67d458] => 1687508097 [_oembed_113d31ad5581bf3e5deae142ff0cf788] =>Blutbad durch Muslime in #wien ereitelt. Drei Islamisten planten Terroranschlag auf die #Regenbogenparade des #CSD in #Österreich, mit >300.000 Menschen!
— mario may (@mariomayl) June 18, 2023[_oembed_time_113d31ad5581bf3e5deae142ff0cf788] => 1697366852 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>Multiple Dead And Injured In Blast At Mosque In Pol-e-Khomri, Afghanistan - Director Of Baghlan Information and Culture Department, Afghanistan.#Afghanistan
— Shri Krishna (@I_am_the_Story) October 13, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1697366852 [_oembed_df10f0164382afe837f29d210fd6bd28] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_df10f0164382afe837f29d210fd6bd28] => 1697366852 [_oembed_9bc0c06e26bc88cebceaec385d5deff2] =>Ankara kızılay da içisleri bakanlığı önünde alçak saldırı da 2 terörist gebertildi,
— Reis?? (@Reis5925) October 1, 2023
Masum insanların canına kast eden bu Lanet İnsanları Allah Kahhar ismiyle Kahretsin.#patlama #bomba[_oembed_time_9bc0c06e26bc88cebceaec385d5deff2] => 1698174666 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1704541018 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>#Polska #Poland #Russia #Warszawa
— ???? ????? | ???????? (@tweetforAnna) October 14, 2023
❗⚡? ?? An unidentified man standing at the monument to the victims of the #Smoleńsk* tragedy, in central #Warsaw, is claiming he has a bomb. The police cordoned off the area. He is holding an unidentified object in his left hand.
*The…[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1709391334 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712172802 [_oembed_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_5c2f437bbe7df18e0d1c6355c2d9171b] => 1714727959 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>The SUV of former SBU officer and traitor Vasyl Prozorov has exploded in Moscow
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 12, 2024
The Toyota Land Cruiser Prado exploded when the driver turned the key in the ignition. He was hospitalized with a leg injury.
The main version is that a bomb exploded in the car. Although there is…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1716717570 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1716717571 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1716717571 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1716717571 [_oembed_cc19cd4e3e9950f3e96b80657357b8b3] => [_oembed_time_cc19cd4e3e9950f3e96b80657357b8b3] => 1717593897 [_oembed_711b0d0a4b68577c4057d934ddbd9a61] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_711b0d0a4b68577c4057d934ddbd9a61] => 1719296500 [_oembed_2197abc1ef18aa8f03bd20d026542c72] =>VIDEO | Explosie en hakenkruizen op ramen bij school Directiekade Rotterdam
— MediaTV (@mediatvnl) June 14, 2024[_oembed_time_2197abc1ef18aa8f03bd20d026542c72] => 1721370147 [_oembed_abc68b093f94368ef5f8e1cf9e59656e] =>Hallan siete cadáveres en distintos puntos del puerto de #Acapulco.#ViolenciaEnMéxico. #NoOigo.
— 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐨 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐩𝐢 (@volbar55) July 8, 2024
Vía: @eleconomista.
Por: AFP.
↘️[_oembed_time_abc68b093f94368ef5f8e1cf9e59656e] => 1722322873 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>💥In the capital of Somalia, #Mogadishu, an #explosion occurred near a #restaurant where the #EURO2024 final was broadcast - local media.
— News.Az (@news_az) July 15, 2024
According to preliminary data, there are casualties. Local media reported that the bomb was detonated by a militant.[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1722322873 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1722322873 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1722322873 [_oembed_80568dd0f4f93e5fdc9db2005e7fd504] =>[_oembed_time_80568dd0f4f93e5fdc9db2005e7fd504] => 1723205493 [_oembed_0bc8ddc35d7a8536eb0868173e15bd18] =>LIVE: Troubling scenes from Lido beach in Mogadishu, Somalia after the suicide bomb attack.#BREAKING #Somalia
— Target Reporter (@Target_Reporter) August 2, 2024[_oembed_time_0bc8ddc35d7a8536eb0868173e15bd18] => 1725726675 [_oembed_c1aa3fddb10e143e51cf3070cd8dc0b2] =>La Grande-Motte , Incendie devant la synagogue, deux véhicules ont pris feu, dont l'un contenait une bouteille de gaz. Je condamne fermement ces actes, dis non à l'antisémitisme, et apporte mon soutien au policier municipal blessé lors de l'explosion.
— Fether Oumeur (@fetherOumeur) August 24, 2024[_oembed_time_c1aa3fddb10e143e51cf3070cd8dc0b2] => 1725726675 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>Un individu a tenté d’incendier la synagogue de la Grande Motte ! Il y aurait pu y avoir des morts !
— Levavasseur Katiana (@LevavasseurK) August 24, 2024
Voilà ce que donne le laxisme et l'inconséquence, des années d'oeillères et de faux-semblant.
Nos compatriotes juifs n'ont jamais été aussi en danger.
Le #RN est avec vous 🙏[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1725726676 [_oembed_5288c1d403759a72768a32cba6daa199] => [_oembed_time_5288c1d403759a72768a32cba6daa199] => 1727181598 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1728307454 [_oembed_83001cefa0f67567c22077b504ce56ce] => [_oembed_time_83001cefa0f67567c22077b504ce56ce] => 1732044483 [_oembed_d6c55f0c453521dde27aed5097020b30] =>There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024[_oembed_time_d6c55f0c453521dde27aed5097020b30] => 1735913181 [_oembed_5f0d823cc6e85d91ef145862365cf87c] =>Car Plows into #Seoul's Market, Injures 13
— Markets Today (@marketsday) December 31, 2024
On December 31, 2024, a vehicle driven by an elderly man crashed into the Mokdong Kaebi Market in Yangcheon, Seoul, injuring at least 13 people. Four individuals suffered serious injuries while nine sustained minor injuries. The…[_oembed_time_5f0d823cc6e85d91ef145862365cf87c] => 1735913181 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 498 [1] => 1001 [2] => 13155 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => merénylet [1] => robbantás [2] => Szomália ) ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 95939 [content] =>Four people were seriously injured and nine others suffered minor injuries after a car drove into a crowd at a market in South Korean capital Seoul on Tuesday, local media reported.
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) December 31, 2024Rálőttek szombaton Ukrajnában Konrad Krajewski bíboros pápai főalamizsnásra, az egyházfő különmegbízottjára, aki humanitárius segítséget szállított Ferenc pápa nevében a dél-ukrajnai Zaporizzsja környékére – jelentette a Vatican News hírportál.
Amint a küldöttség befejezte a szállítmány szétosztását a helyieknek, könnyűfegyverekből Krajewski bíborosra és a környezetére lőttek.
A lengyel bíboros sértetlenül került ki az incidensből és folytatta a munkáját.
A pápai küldött most negyedszer jár Ukrajnában az orosz invázió február 24-i kezdete óta.
Krajewski először Odesszába utazott, onnan Zaporizzsjába. Missziójának következő állomása a kelet-ukrajnai Harkiv.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Rálőttek szombaton Ukrajnában Konrad Krajewski bíboros pápai főalamizsnásra, az egyházfő különmegbízottjára, aki humanitárius segítséget szállított Ferenc pápa nevében a dél-ukrajnai Zaporizzsja környékére. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1663495620 [modified] => 1663494345 ) [title] => Rálőttek a pápa különmegbízottjára Zaporizzsjánál [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 95939 [uk] => 95936 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 95937 [image] => Array ( [id] => 95937 [original] => [original_lng] => 142494 [original_w] => 1008 [original_h] => 672 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 200 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 512 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1008 [height] => 672 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1008 [height] => 672 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1008 [height] => 672 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1008 [height] => 672 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1663483545:12 [_thumbnail_id] => 95937 [_edit_last] => 12 [views_count] => 1861 [_oembed_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] =>[_oembed_time_82fa00fb28ed20f6160dc3768776b88b] => 1663447266 [_oembed_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => [_oembed_time_33d087928ad471a992cdd9b57fb2764f] => 1663447266 [_oembed_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] =>The aftermath of the car-bombing. According to Russian media, the target, "Artyom Bardin" is now in a "serious condition in hospital".
— Jimmy (@JimmySecUK) September 6, 2022[_oembed_time_3d7302f70bfb5d1d1610b90dddb85ea1] => 1663447266 [_oembed_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] =>#SalmanRushdie just attacked onstage at @chq @NBCNews @ABC @cnnbrk
— Charles Savenor (@CharlieSavenor) August 12, 2022[_oembed_time_ae2bee0f00a3c651af17f4de41133704] => 1669730337 [_oembed_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] =>Auf der #Königsallee in #Düsseldorf kam es am Abend zu einem #Verkehrsunfall. Ein Autofahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Laut #Polizei könnte es sein, dass der Mann einen Herzinfarkt hatte. Der Wagen fährt in mehrere E-Scooter. Zwei Menschen werden verletzt.
— RTL WEST (@RTLWEST) November 22, 2022[_oembed_time_22aff5221ea01a618aa24926333cd993] => 1674238332 [_oembed_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] =>Une nouvelle explosion d'une bombe a été signalée la journée de dimanche 15 janvier 2023 dans une Eglise Protestante dans la cité frontalière de Kasindi, en territoire de Beni, au Nord-Kivu (RDC).
— LAPRUNELLERDC.INFO (@laprunellerdc) January 15, 2023
Selon le capitaine Antony Mualushay Porte-Parole des[_oembed_time_4553904589e13ff0a7306ea39f889bbc] => 1675365512 [_oembed_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] =>In Nigeria, at least 54 people have been killed and many others injured in a bomb explosion at a village in central Nasarawa region
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) January 26, 2023[_oembed_time_50e595cd9a533d95175399d27b4d3cd1] => 1677822897 [_oembed_b6cbaddc5c191715cab68be28b755269] =>Attaque évitée lors de Miss Belgique: l’homme voulait «commettre un bain de sang»
— Le Soir (@lesoir) February 12, 2023[_oembed_time_b6cbaddc5c191715cab68be28b755269] => 1680975528 [_oembed_7057193c42c5ec1357d30ee48b89e086] =>Zarzuty podpalenia usłyszał 35-latek, który w Radłowie (woj. małopolskie) koło Tarnowa miał podpalić karetkę, która następnego dnia rano miała jechać w konwoju humanitarnym do Ukrainy.
— tvn24 (@tvn24) March 5, 2023[_oembed_time_7057193c42c5ec1357d30ee48b89e086] => 1680975528 [_oembed_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] =>In Poland, a local resident set on fire the ambulance vehicles that were ready to be transferred at Sumy Oblast, Ukraine.
— Trollstoy (@Trollstoy88) March 5, 2023
One vehicle burned out completely, the second was seriously damaged.[_oembed_time_1ad444d6fedbcb028a8b08812180098a] => 1681661036 [_oembed_777f3757ef0b7385db03195f437c181a] =>Surveillance camera footage shows the deadly car-ramming attack in Tel
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2023[_oembed_time_777f3757ef0b7385db03195f437c181a] => 1681661037 [_oembed_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] =>Zaporizhzhia. Right now, residential areas where ordinary people and children live are being fired at.
— Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) March 22, 2023
This must not become "just another day" in ?? or anywhere else in the world. The world needs greater unity and determination to defeat Russian terror faster and protect lives.[_oembed_time_000e02f17fdbf2951be2cdd78ef5417f] => 1682268196 [_oembed_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] =>Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida was Evacuated during a Speech at a Fishing Pier in the Wakayama Region after a Person in the Crowd threw what was initially believed to be an “Explosive Device” at the Prime Minister; the Object later turned out be a Smoke Canister/Grenade.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 15, 2023[_oembed_time_3df7a69a767f7587da45e124cb40ecef] => 1682939618 [_oembed_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] =>50 Kg Bomb In Chhattisgarh Attack, Cops Were Travelling In Rented Van
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_74e38e30bbb8ac80c413206cd3bf47c2] => 1698667405 [_oembed_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => [_oembed_time_cfa294ab5355a343f9900d4aa80c0536] => 1704745977 [_oembed_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] =>Blast, Gunfire near #Turkey Parliament building in #Ankara
— Muhammad Faizan Khan (@FaizanFayzi) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_eb5ea8b4afa247d77398252543a33f45] => 1709975544 [_oembed_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] =>🚨Breaking News:
— MBD (@beezwaxbee) February 22, 2024
Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition.
Video from the scene:[_oembed_time_2f4dd6e26eb896c3dd4ff5fe5974d900] => 1712499921 [_oembed_746a122c9b4a0260e884fef259a22f9f] =>French schools sent threatening messages and beheading videos, says ministry
— FRANCE 24 (@FRANCE24) March 21, 2024
➡️[_oembed_time_746a122c9b4a0260e884fef259a22f9f] => 1714658251 [_oembed_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] =>🚀 Missiles launched by the Russian Federation at Zaporizhzhia from a distance of 60 km arrive in 30-40 seconds, but the drones fall in the fields , - OVA.
— Amanda1970PostivePants (@AW1970Pos) April 14, 2024
According to Fedorov, a lot has been done to protect the city from air attacks, and it is already affecting enemy drones .…[_oembed_time_ed8c46493dd929432e233f0e819f539c] => 1717492925 [_oembed_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => [_oembed_time_2550a030561d02ba498e9f8c73e27145] => 1717492926 [_oembed_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_3f66cd8efcad6ecccf7ca61371e2c5f3] => 1717492926 [_oembed_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 15, 2024
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
“Several shots fired at the scene”
Fico taken to hospital. His condition is unknown.
🇸🇰[_oembed_time_8eabfff44d644c178712df27680e29d0] => 1717492926 [_oembed_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => [_oembed_time_5bcbdfd062afdfe72cecf2bce921d5be] => 1719584369 [_oembed_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] =>#BREAKING VIDEO: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot, the Tasr News Agency reports.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 15, 2024
According to information, the prime minister was shot several times in the chest and abdomen and is in serious condition. The attacker has been detained. -Pravda[_oembed_time_9655858fa66109dd7845243e0d48784d] => 1719584370 [_oembed_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => [_oembed_time_760e90dfa811dc098dd2c33d90152bdf] => 1719584370 [_oembed_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] =>⚡️⚡️⚡️ The moment of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Five shots are heard in the video.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2024[_oembed_time_9b01e18c855c8f79483ba9aeedc235eb] => 1721626516 [_oembed_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => [_oembed_time_32b4025ef7412108cabc1881a9ddafef] => 1721626516 [_oembed_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] =>‼️ [ 🇺🇸 ÉTATS-UNIS ]
— (Little) Think Tank (@L_ThinkTank) July 13, 2024
🔸 Donald Trump s'est fait tirer dessus lors d'un meeting en Pennsylvanie. Il a été évacué de la scène.— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 14, 2024[_oembed_time_8262a71e043f193fdb354e02c92ef802] => 1721626516 [_oembed_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] =>[_oembed_time_b159a34c3267bf7cb707468d15abab3b] => 1724960874 [_oembed_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] =>School Bus Shooting in Pakistan Claims Lives of Two Girls.
— CoreTV News (@coretvnewsng) August 22, 2024
A school bus in the town of Attock, located in Pakistan’s central Punjab province, came under attack by gunmen on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of two young girls and injuries to five other children. The incident…[_oembed_time_b74579cf27718b5f2aa6bd372d1c04ab] => 1728986967 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 3126 [1] => 41 [2] => 17 [3] => 167 [4] => 33 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Aktuális [1] => Cikkek [2] => Sürgős [3] => Tanú [4] => Ukrajna ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 9512 [1] => 1439 [2] => 498 [3] => 8450 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => humanitárius segély [1] => lövés [2] => merénylet [3] => Zaporizzsja ) ) ) [model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [offset] => 60 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 498 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [_model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [offset] => 60 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 498 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [_domains] => Array ( [podiji] => 1 ) [status] => 1 [from_cache] => )There are reports of a terror attack in Tel Aviv. Apparently there are up to 10 casualties following a mass shooting in Jerusalem Boulevard.
— Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) October 1, 2024