Legalább ketten meghaltak és több százan megsérültek Nairobiban egy csütörtök éjjel történt gázrobbanásban.
A kormány szóvivője, Isaac Maigua Mwaura azt mondta, a fővárosban egy gázszállító teherautó robbant fel, a robbanásban több mint 200-an sérültek meg és ketten meghaltak.
A kenyai Vöröskereszt mintegy 300 sérültről tud. A szervezet az X közösségi oldalon azt közölte, 271 embert szállítottak kórházakba, 27-et a helyszínen elláttak.
A tűz sok járművet, boltot és lakóházat megrongált.
Helyi idő szerint reggel 7-kor a tűzoltók még mindig igyekeztek eloltani a lángokat, helyszíni beszámolók szerint pedig a környéken sokan a szabad ég alatt töltötték az éjszakát.
🚨#WATCH: As a Massive Explosion at Gas Plant Leaves Numerous Dead and Injured⁰⁰ 📌#Nairobi | #Kenya
A significant explosion has occurred at a gas plant in Nairobi, Kenya, resulting in huge fireballs and fires raging close to blocks of flats in the Embakasi region. A…
6 people died, 14 injured in a gas explosion caused by a vehicle crash in #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia today morning😔 A truck carrying 60 tons of liquified natural gas collided with a car & exploded killing 3 in the fire & 3👨🚒 died fighting the fire. My sincere condolences🙏
🇺🇸 | Um pequeno avião cai em um parque de trailers em Clearwater, Flórida, causando uma emergência na área. Ontem um helicóptero caiu na Colômbia. No Brasil, houve vários casos de aviões de pequeno porte. Vários incidentes pelo mundo, será que esses pilotos estavam vacinados?
An explosion and fire at the Defence manufacturer FNVC Altai#Biysk is 3,500km east of #Moscow, so it will be very interesting to see what's happened here.
UPDATE: The crash happened when a 2001 Ford pickup truck side-swiped the bus carrying farm workers in Marion County Florida. The bus then went off the road, crashed into a fence, and overturned in a field. 8 people were killed and up to 50 injured, several in critical condition.
London: Four people including a child have been injured following a shooting in Hackney, east London, outside a restaurant. The shooter was on a motorcycle and fled away after shooting.
A fire broke out in a building housing workers in the city of Mangaf in southern Kuwait early on Wednesday, killing at least 41 people including 5 Indians, senior police officers told state
🚨#WATCH: As a Massive Explosion at Gas Plant Leaves Numerous Dead and Injured⁰⁰ 📌#Nairobi | #Kenya
A significant explosion has occurred at a gas plant in Nairobi, Kenya, resulting in huge fireballs and fires raging close to blocks of flats in the Embakasi region. A…
VIDEO | Visuals from outside a chemical factory in the Special Economic Zone in the Rambilli Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle, where a blast left several workers injured earlier today.
Tons of Hezbollah walkie talkies are reportedly blowing up in Lebanon today, including at a funeral for some of the militants who didn’t survive yesterday’s carnage.
У ніч на 18 вересня у місті Торопець Тверської області Росії через атаку дронів виникла пожежа та детонація. Губернатор області Ігор Руденя розпорядився частково евакуювати населення.
The ammunition warehouse in Toropets, Tver region, in Russia has been turned into volcanic region. It is still exploding. Absolutely spectacular view and possibly the biggest single event of that kind in this war.
Additional footage of the massive secondary explosion at Russia's 107th GRAU Arsenal in Toropets after a successful Ukrainian drone attack earlier tonight.
The large Russsian missile and ammunition storage facility suffered multiple explosions.
Baleset történt péntekre virradó éjszaka az egyik legnagyobb kirgizisztáni, biskeki hőerőműben, amely a közép-ázsiai ország áramellátásának jelentős részét biztosítja – közölte a helyi energetikai minisztérium a TASZSZ jelentése szerint.
A tárca arról tájékoztatott, hogy robbanás történt, majd tűz ütött ki az erőmű egyik kazánjában, az erőmű három dolgozója súlyosan megsérült, kórházba szállították őket. A tüzet két órán belül eloltották.
A tárca szóvivője szerint a kazán üzemképtelenné vált, de ez nincs befolyással Kirgizisztán áramellátására. Intézkedéseket foganatosítottak a baleset következményeinek megszüntetésére – tette hozzá.
Biskek lakói a közösségi hálózatokon arra panaszkodtak, hogy csökkent a hőmérséklet lakásaikban a radiátorokon. Az iskolák február 5-ig online oktatásra álltak át. A hatóságok azt ígérik, hogy az erőmű négy pótkazánjának üzembe helyezésével négy-öt napon belül helyreállítják az erőmű teljes kapacitását.
At least 17 people have died in an explosion at a fireworks production factory in Suphan Buri's Mueang District, according to news reports. Some sources report the number as 23.
The explosion occurred around 15:30. Locals said approximately 20-30 people were working in the…
Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, on Wednesday, said preliminary investigations by security agencies revealed that the explosion that rocked the Bodija Area of Ibadan, the state capital on Tuesday was caused by explosive devices...
6 people died, 14 injured in a gas explosion caused by a vehicle crash in #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia today morning😔 A truck carrying 60 tons of liquified natural gas collided with a car & exploded killing 3 in the fire & 3👨🚒 died fighting the fire. My sincere condolences🙏
🚨#WATCH: As a Massive Explosion at Gas Plant Leaves Numerous Dead and Injured⁰⁰ 📌#Nairobi | #Kenya
A significant explosion has occurred at a gas plant in Nairobi, Kenya, resulting in huge fireballs and fires raging close to blocks of flats in the Embakasi region. A…
An explosion and fire at the Defence manufacturer FNVC Altai#Biysk is 3,500km east of #Moscow, so it will be very interesting to see what's happened here.
Мини-грузовик с мороженым сорвался с горы и сбил 29 детей на республиканском празднике в Сузакском районе в Кыргызстане. Об этом пишет агентство «Кабар».
В больнице остаются 18 детей и подростков: семеро из них в реанимации, трое в тяжелом состоянии.
A deadly fire erupted at a huge military ammunition depot in Chad’s capital N’Djamena, sending powerful explosions into the night sky and shaking buildings miles from the blast.…
Ve Vojenském výcvikovém prostoru Libavá před polednem vybuchla blíže neurčená munice. Uvedla to armáda na síti X. Na místě jsou zranění
A deadly fire erupted at a huge military ammunition depot in Chad’s capital N’Djamena, sending powerful explosions into the night sky and shaking buildings miles from the blast.…
Ve Vojenském výcvikovém prostoru Libavá před polednem vybuchla blíže neurčená munice. Uvedla to armáda na síti X. Na místě jsou zranění
🇧🇬 ‼️ The moment of a powerful explosion of two tons of fireworks at a pyrotechnics factory in Bulgaria. Preliminary, two people were injured.
Three warehouses with pyrotechnics blew up in the suburb of Elin Pelin (about 30 kilometers from the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia). The…
VIDEO | Visuals from outside a chemical factory in the Special Economic Zone in the Rambilli Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle, where a blast left several workers injured earlier today.
Tons of Hezbollah walkie talkies are reportedly blowing up in Lebanon today, including at a funeral for some of the militants who didn’t survive yesterday’s carnage.
Explosion ds la locomotive du train devant ramener les parlementaires européens et le personnel de #Strasbourg à #Bruxelles. Origine encore inconnue. Les passagers appelés à « se réfugier » ds le tunnel Gare paralysée, pompiers appelés en urgence
Személyautó robbant fel Rotterdamban, a szomszédos lakóházban tűz ütött ki, három eltűnt után kutatnak – tájékoztatott a Dutch News című angol nyelvű holland hírportál kedden az érintett körzet katasztrófavédelmi hatóságának közlését idézve.
A beszámoló szerint a robbanás Rotterdam Zuidwijk nevű kerületében történt éjszaka, egyelőre ismeretlen okból. A nagy erejű detonáció ablakokat tört be, lakások falait döntötte le, és autókat rongált meg.
A felrobbant autó melletti lakóházban tűz ütött ki, amit a tűzoltók időközben eloltottak, így az igazságügyi nyomozók megkezdhették a robbanás okának vizsgálatát.
Legalább két ember megsérült, egyiküket kórházba szállították, a háztömbben élő több tucat lakót evakuálták, három embert továbbra is eltűntként kezelnek.
A rotterdami rendőrség szóvivője azt mondta, hogy az okokról csak akkor lehet bizonyítékokat keresni, ha biztonságosan be lehet jutni az épületbe. Ekkor tudják ellenőrizni azt is, hogy a három eltűntet a romok temették-e maguk alá. Felkutatásukra drónokat is használnak – tájékoztatott. Kiemelte: sok minden még mindig tisztázatlan, a helyzet bonyolult. „Nem számítunk arra, hogy néhány órán belül választ kapunk arra a kérdésre, hogy mi okozta a robbanást” – fogalmazott, majd hozzátette: általában gyorsan be lehet jutni az érintett épületekbe kutyák segítségével, de ez a jelen esetben nem lehetséges. Nem világos ugyanis, hogy az épület milyen mértékben vált omladékonnyá a tűz következtében – tette hozzá.
Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, on Wednesday, said preliminary investigations by security agencies revealed that the explosion that rocked the Bodija Area of Ibadan, the state capital on Tuesday was caused by explosive devices...
6 people died, 14 injured in a gas explosion caused by a vehicle crash in #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia today morning😔 A truck carrying 60 tons of liquified natural gas collided with a car & exploded killing 3 in the fire & 3👨🚒 died fighting the fire. My sincere condolences🙏
At least 17 people have died in an explosion at a fireworks production factory in Suphan Buri's Mueang District, according to news reports. Some sources report the number as 23.
The explosion occurred around 15:30. Locals said approximately 20-30 people were working in the…
🚨#WATCH: As a Massive Explosion at Gas Plant Leaves Numerous Dead and Injured⁰⁰ 📌#Nairobi | #Kenya
A significant explosion has occurred at a gas plant in Nairobi, Kenya, resulting in huge fireballs and fires raging close to blocks of flats in the Embakasi region. A…
An explosion and fire at the Defence manufacturer FNVC Altai#Biysk is 3,500km east of #Moscow, so it will be very interesting to see what's happened here.
A deadly fire erupted at a huge military ammunition depot in Chad’s capital N’Djamena, sending powerful explosions into the night sky and shaking buildings miles from the blast.…
Ve Vojenském výcvikovém prostoru Libavá před polednem vybuchla blíže neurčená munice. Uvedla to armáda na síti X. Na místě jsou zranění
🇧🇬 ‼️ The moment of a powerful explosion of two tons of fireworks at a pyrotechnics factory in Bulgaria. Preliminary, two people were injured.
Three warehouses with pyrotechnics blew up in the suburb of Elin Pelin (about 30 kilometers from the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia). The…
VIDEO | Visuals from outside a chemical factory in the Special Economic Zone in the Rambilli Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle, where a blast left several workers injured earlier today.
Explosion ds la locomotive du train devant ramener les parlementaires européens et le personnel de #Strasbourg à #Bruxelles. Origine encore inconnue. Les passagers appelés à « se réfugier » ds le tunnel Gare paralysée, pompiers appelés en urgence
Robbanás végzett Nigériában egy iszlám iskola legalább hat diákjával – közölték vasárnap a helyi hatóságok.
Gubio térsége helyi önkormányzatának szóvivője szerint a 13-15 éves tanulókkal egy fémhulladéknak vélt házi készítésű pokolgép végzett, amelyet más lomokkal együtt gyűjtöttek be és tároltak az iskola egyik még be nem fejezett épületében. A pokolgép szombaton robbant fel.
Az iszlám iskola diákjai gyakran gyűjtenek fémhulladékot, hogy azt a helyi közösségeknek eladhassák.
Az incidens a forrongó északkeleti Borno tagállam Gubio nevű régiójában történt. A térségben 2009 óta aktív a Boko Haram terrorszervezet, az erőszakcselekmények pedig fokozódtak azóta, hogy 2016-ban a szervezetről levált az Iszlám Állam terrorszervezet helyi ága (Iszlám Állam Nyugat-afrikai Tartomány, ISWAP), és fokozatosan a régió legerősebb dzsihadista csoportjává vált.
Borno állam rendőrségi szóvivője megerősítette az incidens megtörténtét, de arról nem közölt további részleteket.
6 people died, 14 injured in a gas explosion caused by a vehicle crash in #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia today morning😔 A truck carrying 60 tons of liquified natural gas collided with a car & exploded killing 3 in the fire & 3👨🚒 died fighting the fire. My sincere condolences🙏
At least 17 people have died in an explosion at a fireworks production factory in Suphan Buri's Mueang District, according to news reports. Some sources report the number as 23.
The explosion occurred around 15:30. Locals said approximately 20-30 people were working in the…
Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, on Wednesday, said preliminary investigations by security agencies revealed that the explosion that rocked the Bodija Area of Ibadan, the state capital on Tuesday was caused by explosive devices...
🚨#WATCH: As a Massive Explosion at Gas Plant Leaves Numerous Dead and Injured⁰⁰ 📌#Nairobi | #Kenya
A significant explosion has occurred at a gas plant in Nairobi, Kenya, resulting in huge fireballs and fires raging close to blocks of flats in the Embakasi region. A…
An explosion and fire at the Defence manufacturer FNVC Altai#Biysk is 3,500km east of #Moscow, so it will be very interesting to see what's happened here.
Ve Vojenském výcvikovém prostoru Libavá před polednem vybuchla blíže neurčená munice. Uvedla to armáda na síti X. Na místě jsou zranění
A deadly fire erupted at a huge military ammunition depot in Chad’s capital N’Djamena, sending powerful explosions into the night sky and shaking buildings miles from the blast.…
Ve Vojenském výcvikovém prostoru Libavá před polednem vybuchla blíže neurčená munice. Uvedla to armáda na síti X. Na místě jsou zranění
🇧🇬 ‼️ The moment of a powerful explosion of two tons of fireworks at a pyrotechnics factory in Bulgaria. Preliminary, two people were injured.
Three warehouses with pyrotechnics blew up in the suburb of Elin Pelin (about 30 kilometers from the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia). The…
Tons of Hezbollah walkie talkies are reportedly blowing up in Lebanon today, including at a funeral for some of the militants who didn’t survive yesterday’s carnage.
Explosion ds la locomotive du train devant ramener les parlementaires européens et le personnel de #Strasbourg à #Bruxelles. Origine encore inconnue. Les passagers appelés à « se réfugier » ds le tunnel Gare paralysée, pompiers appelés en urgence
Felrobbant egy 60 tonna cseppfolyósított földgázt szállító tartálykocsi, miután autóval ütközött Mongólia fővárosában, Ulánbátorban. Hatan meghaltak, köztük három tűzoltó – jelentették a helyi hatóságok szerdán.
6 people died, 14 injured in a gas explosion caused by a vehicle crash in #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia today morning😔 A truck carrying 60 tons of liquified natural gas collided with a car & exploded killing 3 in the fire & 3👨🚒 died fighting the fire. My sincere condolences🙏
Az Ulánbátorban történt robbanás során egy bevásárlóközpont közelében tűz keletkezett, amelyben 11 ember megsérült – közölte a mongol katasztrófavédelem.
A tűz gyorsan átterjedt a közeli épületekre, köztük egy lakóépületre. Több autó is kiégett.
Az orosz TASZSZ hírügynökség jelentése szerint a közeli házak lakóit evakuálásra szólították fel.
Száz járművel több, mint hatszáz tűzoltó végül reggelre sikeresen eloltotta a tüzet – írja a Reuters.
6 people died, 14 injured in a gas explosion caused by a vehicle crash in #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia today morning😔 A truck carrying 60 tons of liquified natural gas collided with a car & exploded killing 3 in the fire & 3👨🚒 died fighting the fire. My sincere condolences🙏
Update: Thirteen students were killed and another one injured in a fire that took place in a school dormitory in the county of Fangcheng, Nanyang City, central China's Henan Province, on Friday night, according to local authorities Saturday
BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 10 ang nawawala at 2 ang sugatan sa landslide sa Brgy. Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro kaninang tanghali (Jan.18).
Ayon sa Monkayo-LGU, tigil muna angvsearch and rescue operations dahil sa posibilidad ng bagong landslide. @News5PH (🎥John Laurito)
BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 2 ang sugatan, at nasa 10 pa ang nawawala dahil sa landslide sa isang mining area sa Purok 20, Pag-asa, Barangay Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro bandang 12 ng tanghali nitong Huwebes, Enero 18.
At least 17 people have died in an explosion at a fireworks production factory in Suphan Buri's Mueang District, according to news reports. Some sources report the number as 23.
The explosion occurred around 15:30. Locals said approximately 20-30 people were working in the…
Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, on Wednesday, said preliminary investigations by security agencies revealed that the explosion that rocked the Bodija Area of Ibadan, the state capital on Tuesday was caused by explosive devices...
An explosion and fire at the Defence manufacturer FNVC Altai#Biysk is 3,500km east of #Moscow, so it will be very interesting to see what's happened here.
Сar flew into a crowd during a rally in Sri Lanka: 7 people were killed, and more than 20 injured
According to the local portal Daily Mirror, the driver failed to control the car. Whether he was injured, is not reported. The injured were hospitalized, some of them in critical…
For the entire day, Kharkiv has been under Russian terrorist strikes. The air raid in the Kharkiv region has been ongoing for more than 12 hours.
Guided aerial bombs and missiles are targeting the ordinary buildings of Kharkiv, the ordinary civilian life of the city. A…
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) May 25, 2024
Russia has launched another brutal attack on our Kharkiv – on a construction hypermarket, on Saturday, right in the middle of the day.
As of now, it is believed that more than 200 people were in the hypermarket. All the emergency services are already on the site and providing…
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) May 25, 2024
Today's Russian strikes on Kharkiv are yet another example of Russian madness—there is no other way to describe it. Only insane people like Putin are capable of killing and terrorizing people in such heinous ways.
London: Four people including a child have been injured following a shooting in Hackney, east London, outside a restaurant. The shooter was on a motorcycle and fled away after shooting.
6 people died, 14 injured in a gas explosion caused by a vehicle crash in #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia today morning😔 A truck carrying 60 tons of liquified natural gas collided with a car & exploded killing 3 in the fire & 3👨🚒 died fighting the fire. My sincere condolences🙏
🇧🇬 ‼️ The moment of a powerful explosion of two tons of fireworks at a pyrotechnics factory in Bulgaria. Preliminary, two people were injured.
Three warehouses with pyrotechnics blew up in the suburb of Elin Pelin (about 30 kilometers from the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia). The…
An air strike by the Sudanese army on civilian areas in south Khartoum has left at least 23 dead and more than 40 injured. The attack, which took place on Saturday, targeted a bustling market area and residential buildings, causing significant
Kigyulladt egy tűzijátékokkal telepakolt kamion Észak-Indiában, ami hatalmas robbanásokat okozott. A sofőrnek és a társvezetőnek sikerült még időben kimenekülniük a járműből – számolt be az Origo a Yahoo-News-ra hivatkozva.
A kamion Tamilnádu államból tartott Uttar Prades államba, amikor a baleset történt. Az esetről a helyiek videót is készítettek, a felvétel a közösségi médiában is elterjedt. A videón az látható, hogy a kamion lángokba borul, és közben tűzijáték lövell ki belőle.
A Business Standard azt írta, hogy a kamion Ayodhya-ba tartott egy templom felszentelési ceremóniájára, de ezt a hírt később cáfolták.
At least 17 people have died in an explosion at a fireworks production factory in Suphan Buri's Mueang District, according to news reports. Some sources report the number as 23.
The explosion occurred around 15:30. Locals said approximately 20-30 people were working in the…
Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, on Wednesday, said preliminary investigations by security agencies revealed that the explosion that rocked the Bodija Area of Ibadan, the state capital on Tuesday was caused by explosive devices...
6 people died, 14 injured in a gas explosion caused by a vehicle crash in #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia today morning😔 A truck carrying 60 tons of liquified natural gas collided with a car & exploded killing 3 in the fire & 3👨🚒 died fighting the fire. My sincere condolences🙏
#11Feb | 14 personas resultaron heridas, 2 de ellas de gravedad, cuando un árbol cayó sobre una montaña rusa en el parque de atracciones PortAventura World, Cataluña (España).
El árbol impactó sobre los afectados y causó el descarrilamiento del vagón.
📄 @Portaventura_ES parla d'un accident fortuït i reitera que les atraccions del parc "compleixen els estàndards més alts de seguretat i estan sotmeses diàriament a rigoroses revisions"
An explosion and fire at the Defence manufacturer FNVC Altai#Biysk is 3,500km east of #Moscow, so it will be very interesting to see what's happened here.
A United Airlines flight lost one of its tires during takeoff from San Francisco on Thursday, causing the Japan-bound plane to be diverted to Los Angeles, where the flight landed safely without incident, the airline said.
#BREAKING United Airlines Flight UAL35 lost a tire during takeoff from SFO.
UAL35 is currently in the air, diverting to LAX. One or two tires are missing from the aircraft. Landing gear has damaged multiple cars at SFO (in video from @Julian61865944)
Mumbai Pune Expressway: A private bus carrying 36 passengers had a narrow escape when it caught fire. All the passengers were evacuated safely and no casualties were reported.
🇧🇬 ‼️ The moment of a powerful explosion of two tons of fireworks at a pyrotechnics factory in Bulgaria. Preliminary, two people were injured.
Three warehouses with pyrotechnics blew up in the suburb of Elin Pelin (about 30 kilometers from the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia). The…
Horror as Brit tourist's wife, 43, is killed in freak 'jumping balloon' accident after being catapulted into the air from an inflatable sea raft and landing on her head in the Philippines
VIDEO | Visuals from outside a chemical factory in the Special Economic Zone in the Rambilli Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle, where a blast left several workers injured earlier today.
Szerdán, a helyi idő szerint délután robbanás történt az egyik thaiföldi tűzijátékgyárban. A robbanásban legalább 20 ember meghalt és többen megsérültek.
A robbanás helyi idő szerint 15:30 körül történt a tűzijátékgyárban.
Az eddigi információk szerint a robbanásban 20 ember meghalt, de ez a szám még tovább nőhet.
Eddig hét sérültet vittek kórházba, de ez a szám is folyamatosan növekszik.
A gyár hatalmas lángokkal égett a robbanás után és fekete füst szállt a levegőbe. A tűzoltók gyorsan a helyszínre értek és mostanra sikerült eloltaniuk a lángokat.
At least 17 people have died in an explosion at a fireworks production factory in Suphan Buri's Mueang District, according to news reports. Some sources report the number as 23.
The explosion occurred around 15:30. Locals said approximately 20-30 people were working in the…
Habár a gyárban engedéllyel működött, vizsgálatot indítottak, nem okozta-e mégis valami hiba a robbanást – írja a Daily Star.
Korábban Indiában is robbanás volt egy tűzijátékgyárban, ott 8 ember halt meg. Január egy ember halt meg Szerbiában, ahol szintén robbanás volt egy gyárban, Oroszországban egy robbanóanyaggyárban történt robbanás tavaly nyáron.
At least 17 people have died in an explosion at a fireworks production factory in Suphan Buri's Mueang District, according to news reports. Some sources report the number as 23.
The explosion occurred around 15:30. Locals said approximately 20-30 people were working in the…
Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, on Wednesday, said preliminary investigations by security agencies revealed that the explosion that rocked the Bodija Area of Ibadan, the state capital on Tuesday was caused by explosive devices...
6 people died, 14 injured in a gas explosion caused by a vehicle crash in #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia today morning😔 A truck carrying 60 tons of liquified natural gas collided with a car & exploded killing 3 in the fire & 3👨🚒 died fighting the fire. My sincere condolences🙏
🚨#WATCH: As a Massive Explosion at Gas Plant Leaves Numerous Dead and Injured⁰⁰ 📌#Nairobi | #Kenya
A significant explosion has occurred at a gas plant in Nairobi, Kenya, resulting in huge fireballs and fires raging close to blocks of flats in the Embakasi region. A…
An explosion and fire at the Defence manufacturer FNVC Altai#Biysk is 3,500km east of #Moscow, so it will be very interesting to see what's happened here.
At least 17 people have died in an explosion at a fireworks production factory in Suphan Buri's Mueang District, according to news reports. Some sources report the number as 23.
The explosion occurred around 15:30. Locals said approximately 20-30 people were working in the…
A deadly fire erupted at a huge military ammunition depot in Chad’s capital N’Djamena, sending powerful explosions into the night sky and shaking buildings miles from the blast.…
Ve Vojenském výcvikovém prostoru Libavá před polednem vybuchla blíže neurčená munice. Uvedla to armáda na síti X. Na místě jsou zranění
🇧🇬 ‼️ The moment of a powerful explosion of two tons of fireworks at a pyrotechnics factory in Bulgaria. Preliminary, two people were injured.
Three warehouses with pyrotechnics blew up in the suburb of Elin Pelin (about 30 kilometers from the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia). The…
VIDEO | Visuals from outside a chemical factory in the Special Economic Zone in the Rambilli Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle, where a blast left several workers injured earlier today.
Explosion ds la locomotive du train devant ramener les parlementaires européens et le personnel de #Strasbourg à #Bruxelles. Origine encore inconnue. Les passagers appelés à « se réfugier » ds le tunnel Gare paralysée, pompiers appelés en urgence
Illegálisan tárolt robbanószer repült a levegőbe egy lakóházban a délnyugat-nigériai Oyo államban, a robbanásban legkevesebb ketten meghaltak és 77-en megsérültek – közölte az állam kormányzója, Seyi Makinde szerdán.
Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, on Wednesday, said preliminary investigations by security agencies revealed that the explosion that rocked the Bodija Area of Ibadan, the state capital on Tuesday was caused by explosive devices…
Az előzetes vizsgálatok szerint az épület több lakásában illegális bányában dolgozó munkások éltek, és az általuk ott tárolt robbanóeszközök okozták a tragédiát.
Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, on Wednesday, said preliminary investigations by security agencies revealed that the explosion that rocked the Bodija Area of Ibadan, the state capital on Tuesday was caused by explosive devices...
Con nuestras unidades de PONALSAR hacemos presencia en el kilómetro 17 en la vía que conduce de Quibdo a Medellín, se realiza el traslado de heridos a centros asistenciales más cercanos y se continúa con la búsquedad de víctimas y recuperación de cuerpos
— Departamento de Policía Chocó (@PoliciaChoco) January 13, 2024
At least 17 people have died in an explosion at a fireworks production factory in Suphan Buri's Mueang District, according to news reports. Some sources report the number as 23.
The explosion occurred around 15:30. Locals said approximately 20-30 people were working in the…
BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 10 ang nawawala at 2 ang sugatan sa landslide sa Brgy. Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro kaninang tanghali (Jan.18).
Ayon sa Monkayo-LGU, tigil muna angvsearch and rescue operations dahil sa posibilidad ng bagong landslide. @News5PH (🎥John Laurito)
BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 2 ang sugatan, at nasa 10 pa ang nawawala dahil sa landslide sa isang mining area sa Purok 20, Pag-asa, Barangay Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro bandang 12 ng tanghali nitong Huwebes, Enero 18.
An explosion and fire at the Defence manufacturer FNVC Altai#Biysk is 3,500km east of #Moscow, so it will be very interesting to see what's happened here.
The recent floods in Baghlan province have caused widespread devastation. According to reports, it has taken numerous lives and destroyed hundreds of homes resulting in displacement. Kindly help the victims by donating 👇🏼
— Bashir Gharwal غروال (@bashir_gharwall) May 10, 2024
London: Four people including a child have been injured following a shooting in Hackney, east London, outside a restaurant. The shooter was on a motorcycle and fled away after shooting.
Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, on Wednesday, said preliminary investigations by security agencies revealed that the explosion that rocked the Bodija Area of Ibadan, the state capital on Tuesday was caused by explosive devices...
🇧🇬 ‼️ The moment of a powerful explosion of two tons of fireworks at a pyrotechnics factory in Bulgaria. Preliminary, two people were injured.
Three warehouses with pyrotechnics blew up in the suburb of Elin Pelin (about 30 kilometers from the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia). The…
Explosion ds la locomotive du train devant ramener les parlementaires européens et le personnel de #Strasbourg à #Bruxelles. Origine encore inconnue. Les passagers appelés à « se réfugier » ds le tunnel Gare paralysée, pompiers appelés en urgence
Egy ember meghalt, további négy megsérült, amikor kedden robbanás történt egy ipari robbanószereket és autóalkatrészeket gyártó üzemben a dél-szerbiai Krusevacon – közölte a szerbiai belügyminisztérium.
A tájékoztatás szerint a baleset 9 óra körül történt a krusevaci Trayal vállalat robbanószereket gyártó részlegén. Egy ember azonnal meghalt, négy további sérültet kórházba szállítottak. A tűz terjedését megállították – közölte a belügyminisztérium.
A szerbiai közszolgálati televízió (RTS) helyszíni beszámolója szerint a közelben lakók hangos robbanást hallottak, amelybe a közeli épületek nyílászárói is beleremegtek.
Egyelőre nem tudni, mi okozta az üzemi balesetet, a helyszínelés még folyik.
The warehouse of a large online store Wildberries is on fire in St. Petersburg. The area of the fire is 70 thousand square meters, the Russian Emergencies Ministry said
Russian media report that the damage from the fire may amount to 10-11 billion rubles (approximately 126…
At least 17 people have died in an explosion at a fireworks production factory in Suphan Buri's Mueang District, according to news reports. Some sources report the number as 23.
The explosion occurred around 15:30. Locals said approximately 20-30 people were working in the…
Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, on Wednesday, said preliminary investigations by security agencies revealed that the explosion that rocked the Bodija Area of Ibadan, the state capital on Tuesday was caused by explosive devices...
Update: Thirteen students were killed and another one injured in a fire that took place in a school dormitory in the county of Fangcheng, Nanyang City, central China's Henan Province, on Friday night, according to local authorities Saturday
#RussiaOnFire Perm region, Russia ❗ Boom 💥 Bavovna 🔥🔥🔥💨🤌 Tonight, after an explosion of a gas pipeline in the village of Kueda, Perm Territory, a freight train and a residential building caught fire. 6 people are injured. A fire train has been sent to extinguish the fire…
/1. A large fire broke out in the Perm region due to an explosion in a gas pipeline. Railway tanks are burning in the village of Kueda. The fire has begun to spread to residential buildings.
The Smokehouse Creek Fire has ravaged over a million acres in the Texas Panhandle, engulfing homes and ranches and claiming two lives.
Numerous firefighters and other emergency crews are currently on the scene in Grand Prairie, Texas, battling a massive fire at an automobile salvage yard. Numerous…
At least 1000 cattle have already been killed in Texas wildfires. This area houses some of the biggest cattle farms in the United States. Video from Ft. Worth Fire Dept.
Overnight drones have attacked refinery in Slavyansk-na-Kubani, Krasnodar Krai of Russia Despite reports that fire was extinguished fast(by local authorities), refinery could be suspended for a while. Capacity: 4 mln tonnes per year(~1.5% of overall)
🔥🛢️ Russia: Several Ukrainian drones struck the oil refinery in Slavyansk-na-Kubani, Krasnodar Krai, across the Kerch bridge from occupied Crimea.
A deadly fire erupted at a huge military ammunition depot in Chad’s capital N’Djamena, sending powerful explosions into the night sky and shaking buildings miles from the blast.…
Влада Ростовської області РФ повідомила, що нібито внаслідок атаки БпЛА у місті Азов загорілися резервуари з нафтопродуктами. За даними МНС РФ, горить 5 000 куб м. Відео МНС РФ
— Українська правда ✌️ (@ukrpravda_news) June 18, 2024
Ve Vojenském výcvikovém prostoru Libavá před polednem vybuchla blíže neurčená munice. Uvedla to armáda na síti X. Na místě jsou zranění
🔥A fast-moving brush fire began in the city of Gorman Los Angeles County,CA. Total burn estimates is at least 3,611 acres prompting an evacuation order. 0% contained no reported injuries at this time🔥 Less than 1 mile from I-5. #postfire#california#LAcounty#socal…
— The News You Dont See (@Crazynews4real) June 16, 2024
Firefighters in California are battling the #PostFire, which has burned more than 10,000 acres in northwestern Los Angeles County, as of Sunday morning.
California State Park Services evacuated 1,200 people from Hungry Valley Park, Cal Fire said.
Début d'incendie en cours sur la flèche de la cathédrale de @Rouen. Origine inconnue à ce stade. Tous les moyens publics sont mobilisés. Merci de faciliter leur intervention.
— Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol (@NicolasMayerNMR) July 11, 2024
🇧🇬 ‼️ The moment of a powerful explosion of two tons of fireworks at a pyrotechnics factory in Bulgaria. Preliminary, two people were injured.
Three warehouses with pyrotechnics blew up in the suburb of Elin Pelin (about 30 kilometers from the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia). The…
Enerhodar. We have recorded from Nikopol that the Russian occupiers have started a fire on the territory of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.
Currently, radiation levels are within norm. However, as long as the Russian terrorists maintain control over the nuclear plant, the…
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) August 11, 2024
Hatalmas robbanás rázta meg hétfőn a texasi Forth Worth belvárosát, amikor a Sandman Hotel egy része a levegőbe repült. Feltehetően gázszivárgás okozta a robbanást, nem terrorcselekményről van szó. Senki sem vesztette életét a nagy robbanásban, melynek körülményeit jelenleg is vizsgálják a hatóságok.
A helyszínen készített felvételeken is látni, hogy a detonáció mekkora pusztítást végzett a helyszínen, az utcán a két épület között. A 21 sérült közül egy embert kritikus állapotban szállítottak kórházban, míg négy másik állapota súlyos, ugyanakkor az ő sérüléseik nem életveszélyesek.
Azt is tudni, hogy a robbanás idején a 26 szállodai szobában tartózkodtak vendégek. Az épületben épp építkezés zajlott, de egyelőre nem tudni, hogy ez szerepet játszhatott-e a detonációban – írja a Reuters a jelentésében.
At least 17 people have died in an explosion at a fireworks production factory in Suphan Buri's Mueang District, according to news reports. Some sources report the number as 23.
The explosion occurred around 15:30. Locals said approximately 20-30 people were working in the…
Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, on Wednesday, said preliminary investigations by security agencies revealed that the explosion that rocked the Bodija Area of Ibadan, the state capital on Tuesday was caused by explosive devices...
6 people died, 14 injured in a gas explosion caused by a vehicle crash in #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia today morning😔 A truck carrying 60 tons of liquified natural gas collided with a car & exploded killing 3 in the fire & 3👨🚒 died fighting the fire. My sincere condolences🙏
🚨#WATCH: As a Massive Explosion at Gas Plant Leaves Numerous Dead and Injured⁰⁰ 📌#Nairobi | #Kenya
A significant explosion has occurred at a gas plant in Nairobi, Kenya, resulting in huge fireballs and fires raging close to blocks of flats in the Embakasi region. A…
An explosion and fire at the Defence manufacturer FNVC Altai#Biysk is 3,500km east of #Moscow, so it will be very interesting to see what's happened here.
A deadly fire erupted at a huge military ammunition depot in Chad’s capital N’Djamena, sending powerful explosions into the night sky and shaking buildings miles from the blast.…
Ve Vojenském výcvikovém prostoru Libavá před polednem vybuchla blíže neurčená munice. Uvedla to armáda na síti X. Na místě jsou zranění
🇧🇬 ‼️ The moment of a powerful explosion of two tons of fireworks at a pyrotechnics factory in Bulgaria. Preliminary, two people were injured.
Three warehouses with pyrotechnics blew up in the suburb of Elin Pelin (about 30 kilometers from the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia). The…
Explosion ds la locomotive du train devant ramener les parlementaires européens et le personnel de #Strasbourg à #Bruxelles. Origine encore inconnue. Les passagers appelés à « se réfugier » ds le tunnel Gare paralysée, pompiers appelés en urgence