Hárman meghaltak, tizenegyen pedig megsérültek, amikor egy férfi tüzet nyitott a járókelőkre egy arkansasi élelmiszerbolt előtt. A tűzpárbajban két rendőr is megsérült. Az elkövetőt végül őrizetbe vették. Eközben Chicagóban még mindig keresik azokat a fegyvereseket, akik tüzet nyitottak egy istentisztelet résztvevőire. Ott egy 16 éves fiú életét vesztette.
Egy amerikai autós által rögzített a felvételen a közeli benzinkútról is jól hallható a puskalövések zaja, miközben a tűzpárbaj a fegyveres és a rendőrök között elmérgesedik. Pénteken, helyi idő szerint dél körül egy férfi sörétes puskával kezdett lövöldözni egy szupermarket előtt Fordyce városban, Arkansas államban.
Az elkövető miután leparkolt, a védtelen vásárlókra támadt, több embert megölt. Ezt követően tűzharcba kezdett a kiérkező rendőrökkel, kettőt közülük szintén megsebesített.
„Azt hittem, a családom is itt lesz. Pánikba estem. Megpróbáltam telefonálni, de nem tudtam, hogy mit tegyek. Mégis hogyan készülhet fel ilyesmire bárki is?” – tette fel a kérdést az egyik szemtanú.
A hatóságok később a 44 éves Travis Eugene Posey-ként azonosították a támadót. A férfit, aki maga is megsebesült a tűzharcban, őrizetbe vették és kórházba szállították, ahol megműtötték.
Ha beszámíthatónak találják, akár halálbüntetést is kaphat.
A rendőrség szerint a férfi magányos elkövető volt.
„Először is, ez egy elszigetelt eset. A közösséget nem fenyegeti veszély. A rendőrök és a gyanúsított sérülései sem minősülnek életveszélyesnek. A civilek közül viszont néhányan kritikus állapotban vannak” – mondta Mike Hagar, az állam rendőrségének egyik vezetője.
Szintén pénteken fegyveresek egy csoportja tüzet nyitott egy istentisztelet résztvevőire. A támadásban sokan megsérültek.
Egyikük, egy 16 éves fiú, a kórházba szállítása után életét vesztette. „Három sebesültet kórházban kezelnek, kettejüket könnyebb, egyiküket súlyosabb sérülésekkel. A nyomozás folyamatban van, nagy erőkkel keressük az elkövetőket” – mondta Tom Logan, a helyi önkormányzat egyik dolgozója.
Illinois államban nem ritkák a hasonló bűncselekmények. Napokkal korábban három rendőr megsérült, miután tűzpárbajba keveredtek egy gyanúsítottal. Később kiderült, hogy a férfi egy egész fegyverarzenált halmozott fel otthonában. A Biden-kormányzat többször tett kísérletet a lőfegyvervásárlás és -birtoklás szabályainak szigorítására. Pénteken a Legfelsőbb Bíróság olyan határozatot tett közzé, amely megtiltja a fegyverviselést mindazok számára, akik családon belüli erőszakkal gyanúsíthatók. A szigorítás ellenzői azzal érvelnek, hogy az önvédelem alapvető jog, amely megilleti minden amerikai állampolgárt.
A powerful storm rumbled through Moscow on Thursday afternoon, carrying heavy rains and winds that ripped scores of trees from the ground and killed at least one person, local authorities said.
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
A powerful storm rumbled through Moscow on Thursday afternoon, carrying heavy rains and winds that ripped scores of trees from the ground and killed at least one person, local authorities said.
🔥 Russia: Platan Electronic Research Institute in the Moscow suburb is on fire. The facility was developing radar jamming technology for the Russian military. At least 8 people dead. pic.twitter.com/cOV72roqms
An air strike by the Sudanese army on civilian areas in south Khartoum has left at least 23 dead and more than 40 injured. The attack, which took place on Saturday, targeted a bustling market area and residential buildings, causing significant destruction.pic.twitter.com/qVWLliLPVP
Többen életüket vesztették Arkansasban, amikor egy fegyveres tüzet nyitott az emberekre pénteken.
Az Egyesült Államokban gyakoriak az ehhez hasonló lövöldözések, melyek nem egyszer több halálos áldozattal járnak. Legutóbb egy arkansasi szupermarket területén tört ki egy lövöldözés, melynek legkevesebb három áldozata van, rajtuk már nem lehetett segíteni – tudhattuk meg a Reuterstől.
Három civillel végzett a támadó, tízen pedig megsebesültek, köztük két rendőrrel, amit a helyi rendőrség jelentett be. A gyanúsított szintén sérüléseket szenvedett a rendőrökkel folytatott lövöldözésben. A Mad Butcher néven futó élelmiszerboltban tört ki a lövöldözés Fordyce-ban, egy mindössze 3200 lakosú városban, körülbelül 112 kilométerre az ismert Little Rocktól.
A gyanúsított már őrizetben van, de egyelőre nem tudták megállapítani az indítékot. A megsérült civilek sérülései a nem életveszélyestől a rendkívül súlyosig terjedtek, amit szintén a rendőrség jelentett be.
A powerful storm rumbled through Moscow on Thursday afternoon, carrying heavy rains and winds that ripped scores of trees from the ground and killed at least one person, local authorities said.
A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
A powerful storm rumbled through Moscow on Thursday afternoon, carrying heavy rains and winds that ripped scores of trees from the ground and killed at least one person, local authorities said.
Breaking News🚨:A two storey building Secondary School collapses on students writing exams in Jos,Nigeria. Some students are trapped inside the collapsed building . Cranes are currently at the scene to help rescue trapped victims We hope every one is safe🙏🏻🇳🇬❤️ pic.twitter.com/K0wuDtSYlr
#WorldNews: Twelve children were killed in #SouthAfrica early Wednesday when a minibus taking them to school in #Johannesburg overturned and caught fire after being hit by another vehicle, the government said.https://t.co/nixAyhfh3F
— LBCI Lebanon English (@LBCI_News_EN) July 10, 2024
An air strike by the Sudanese army on civilian areas in south Khartoum has left at least 23 dead and more than 40 injured. The attack, which took place on Saturday, targeted a bustling market area and residential buildings, causing significant destruction.pic.twitter.com/qVWLliLPVP
Optimal calibration for a landing without gear and flaps, but touchdown at the end of the runway – and with an impassable concrete wall just behind it … ☹️ At least a sudden death for most of the 180 people on board. Still, terrible. Rest in peace.🥺pic.twitter.com/Wt6dNRu6OO
At least 126 people killed after strong earthquake hits China’s Tibet as rescue efforts are under way, with tremors felt as far away as Nepal, India and Bhutan.
Bolu’daki yangında ciddi ihmaller olduğu iddia ediliyor. Yangın alarmının çalmadığı, yangın söndürme sistemi ve yangın merdiveninin bulunmadığı belirtiliyor. Ayrıca Kartalkaya’da itfaiye biriminin olmaması ve ekiplerin ilçe merkezlerinden gelmesi müdahaleyi geciktirmiş.#Bolupic.twitter.com/R7AESGaD7s
At least sixteen people have died, and ten others were injured in a landslide in Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia, according to an official from the country’s disaster mitigation agency on Tuesday.pic.twitter.com/7rZWwITEFc
Öten meghaltak az Arkansas állambeli Little Rock város közelében történt repülőgép-szerencsétlenségben (helyi idő szerint) szerda délután.
A Beech BE20 típusú kétmotoros kisgép közvetlenül a felszállás után zuhant le, a fedélzeten tartózkodó öt személy, köztük a pilóta életét vesztette. A repülő a Bill és Hillary Clinton nemzeti repülőtérről az Ohio állambeli Columbusba tartott.
A hatóságok nem hozták nyilvánosságra az utasok névsorát, ugyanakkor a helyi CTEH környezetvédelmi tanácsadó cég jelezte: az öt személy – köztük a pilóta – az ő alkalmazottja volt.
A katasztrófa idején erős széllökéseket mértek a térségben, és a nyomozók feladata annak megállapítása, hogy az időjárás közrejátszott-e a tragédiában.
Cientistas ambientais indo para Ohio para a limpeza morrem em um acidente de avião ... ... em Little Rock, Arkansas. KKKKKKKNOVIDADE eles DITAM AS LEIS , nao entendeu? releia https://t.co/AxZURGamo7
— Josué PR Bolsonaroreeleito é 22 (@JosuFer85741781) February 23, 2023
Cientistas ambientais indo para Ohio para a limpeza morrem em um acidente de avião ... ... em Little Rock, Arkansas. KKKKKKKNOVIDADE eles DITAM AS LEIS , nao entendeu? releia https://t.co/AxZURGamo7
— Josué PR Bolsonaroreeleito é 22 (@JosuFer85741781) February 23, 2023
Mauritius and Madagascar have been bracing for the impact of tropical cyclone Freddy which is expected to bring heavy rains, floods and landslides https://t.co/SKV9dkSpVupic.twitter.com/LUxVT19e2t
The Central Lyon Fire Department and Lyon County Sheriff’s Department are coordinating with the National Transportation Safety Board to determine the cause of the crash which is under investigation.
Italy ?? Plane crash: Two Sai Marchetti 208 ultralight military training aircraft collided in mid-air near Guidonia Montecelio in Rome. One plane crashed in the middle of a field and the other near a residential area. Both pilots died.
High winds continue to blow across Morgan County. Here is some of the damage Deputies, Officers, Fire Crews, Utility crews and road crews are working on across Morgan County. pic.twitter.com/hOe5Bh6ZZ7
— Morgan County Sheriff's Office (Alabama) (@morgan_sheriff) March 3, 2023
Sebanyak 35 warga masih dinyatakan hilang sejak terjadinya tanah longsor di Kecamatan Serasan, Kabupaten Natuna, Kepulauan Riau, pada Senin (6/3) hingga hari ini Rabu (8/3). Para warga yang hilang itu diduga masih tertimbun material longsoran dengan kedalaman hingga 4 meter. pic.twitter.com/7ccsXjHhP9
Upaya pencarian, pertolongan dan evakuasi para korban terdampak tanah longsor Serasan, Kabupaten Natuna semakin membuahkan hasil. Pada hari kelima pascabencana atau Minggu (12/3), jumlah korban meninggal dunia yang telah ditemukan menjadi 46.#LongsorNatuna#BNPBIndonesiapic.twitter.com/IH8T68yE7J
#DRC At least twenty people died in a landslide that occurred Sunday in the east in the village of #Bulwa in #Masisi territory. The disaster occurred at the end of the morning, fuilles continue to look for bodies buried under the ground even this Monday. pic.twitter.com/yKRtLaSSXm
— Baraka MUNYAMPFURA Héritier (@HeritierBarak) April 3, 2023
We’ve got some tough news out of Fort Campbell, with early reports of a helicopter crash and fatalities are expected. @kystatepolice, @KentuckyEM and local officials are responding. We will share more information as available. Please pray for all those affected.
— Governor Andy Beshear (@GovAndyBeshear) March 30, 2023
ABD’de 101'inci Hava İndirme Tümeni’ne ait iki UH-60 Blackhawk tipi helikopter gece 22.00 sıralarında Kentucky Fort Campbell yakınlarında eğitim uçuşu sırasında çarpışarak düştü. Kazada ilk bilgilere göre 9 askerin hayatını kaybettiği bildiriliyor. pic.twitter.com/gtu4yrckI3
What’s it going to take for the dam to break? If it wasn’t dead kids, or dead concertgoers, or dead shoppers, or dead parade watchers, or dead office workers, or…
5 dead and at least 6 taken to the hospital in Louisville mass shooting, police say. https://t.co/y2ePYHJlT0
Al menos nueve muertos y varios heridos tras una estampida en el estadio Cuscatlán de El Salvador.
El hecho se produjo cuando cientos de personas trataron de ingresar a uno de los sectores del estadio mientras se desarrollaba un partido entre los equipos Alianza y FAS. pic.twitter.com/aKCKOh7v6o
Luto en el estadio Cuscatlán de San Salvador,que terrible tragedia el humo y el cierre de uno de los portones que luego fue derribado por aficionados que querían entrar, dejó cuantiosas pérdidas humanas @radioysklpic.twitter.com/vyw0T0832t
Mehrere Tote bei Flugzeugabsturz in der Schweiz: Die Absturzstelle befände sich nach Polizeiangaben in steilem Gelände. Die Ursache für das Unglück ist noch völlig unklar. https://t.co/CF7UCeqgNV
— Frankfurter Allgemeine gesamt (@FAZ_NET) May 20, 2023
Al menos doce muertos por asfixia en una mina en Venezuela, la mina se inundó por las fuertes lluvias que tuvieron lugar en la zona, Talavera en el municipio venezolano El Callao. pic.twitter.com/A0DVDsDtEc
Eight children were killed by a landslide while playing cricket after monsoon rains hit Shangla district in northern Pakistan Thursday. At least 50 people have died in the country from floods and landslides triggered by two weeks of rain.
?#BREAKING: Reports: At Least 4 Dead And Over 30 Wounded In A Mass #Shooting In #Maryland#Baltimore , Reports Suggest There Were Hundreds Of People Gathered For An Annual Celebration Known as “Brooklyn Day” Police Are Reportedly Holding A Press Conference Shortly #News#USApic.twitter.com/eIEqERIPzJ
— OfficialCanadianShackster News (@CanadianRadioT1) July 2, 2023
The bodies of six people trapped in a tunnel submerged by heavy rains in central South Korea were retrieved on Sunday, firefighting authorities said, taking the death toll from days of… pic.twitter.com/tJ7hPPGbbI
? || Se registró explosión de pirotecnia en San Bartolomé #Tenango en #Tetlatlahuca, murieron dos personas y 10 más resultaron heridas. Al lugar llegaron cuerpos de emergencia para apoyar a la poblacion. | @GobTlaxcalapic.twitter.com/yWKssOaSsA
?[DRAME] Au #Bénin, un incendie s’est déclaré samedi dans un dépôt clandestin d’essence frelatée dans la localité de Sèmè-Kraké. Un premier bilan fait état de 33 morts (calcinés). ??? pic.twitter.com/kzzL1JhEmM
In pictures, the #Daylesford accident hits me terribly. A father and son. I believe it's the 38-year-old father and 11-year-old son. I have an 11-year-old. Woman and her young daughter. Five people died. My condolences. A white BMW SUV ploughed into the beer garden at the Royal… https://t.co/vQsxHC122Ppic.twitter.com/adygpfGmPQ
Paramedics respond to countless traumatic accidents but Terry Marshall from @AmbulanceVic tells us how crews cope with something of the magnitude of the deadly Daylesford car crash that took the lives of five people. pic.twitter.com/SwUp385s7n
At least 10 people died after an illegal gold mine collapsed in the South American country of Suriname, authorities say, adding it wasn’t immediately clear what may have caused the collapse pic.twitter.com/4i3EgBm1vi
BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 10 ang nawawala at 2 ang sugatan sa landslide sa Brgy. Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro kaninang tanghali (Jan.18).
Ayon sa Monkayo-LGU, tigil muna angvsearch and rescue operations dahil sa posibilidad ng bagong landslide. @News5PH (🎥John Laurito) pic.twitter.com/d8WuLMPOMD
BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 2 ang sugatan, at nasa 10 pa ang nawawala dahil sa landslide sa isang mining area sa Purok 20, Pag-asa, Barangay Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro bandang 12 ng tanghali nitong Huwebes, Enero 18.
Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, on Wednesday, said preliminary investigations by security agencies revealed that the explosion that rocked the Bodija Area of Ibadan, the state capital on Tuesday was caused by explosive devices...https://t.co/rEGSHDOtbb
UPDATE: The crash happened when a 2001 Ford pickup truck side-swiped the bus carrying farm workers in Marion County Florida. The bus then went off the road, crashed into a fence, and overturned in a field. 8 people were killed and up to 50 injured, several in critical condition. pic.twitter.com/XCxKbStw1D
London: Four people including a child have been injured following a shooting in Hackney, east London, outside a restaurant. The shooter was on a motorcycle and fled away after shooting.
An air strike by the Sudanese army on civilian areas in south Khartoum has left at least 23 dead and more than 40 injured. The attack, which took place on Saturday, targeted a bustling market area and residential buildings, causing significant destruction.pic.twitter.com/qVWLliLPVP
Um ônibus da Emtram, que saiu de São Paulo com destino a Vitória da Conquista, se envolveu em um grave acidente neste sábado, em Minas Gerais. Pelo menos 38 pessoas morreram e há baianos entre as vítimas. pic.twitter.com/eKhPi9GBQn
Öten meghaltak az Arkansas állambeli Little Rock város közelében történt repülőgép-szerencsétlenségben (helyi idő szerint) szerda délután. A Beech BE20 típusú kétmotoros kisgép közvetlenül a felszállás után zuhant le, a fedélzeten tartózkodó öt személy, köztük a pilóta életét vesztette. A repülő a Bill és Hillary Clinton nemzeti repülőtérről az Ohio állambeli Columbusba tartott.
A hatóságok nem hozták nyilvánosságra az utasok névsorát, ugyanakkor a helyi CTEH környezetvédelmi tanácsadó cég jelezte: az öt személy – köztük a pilóta – az ő alkalmazottja volt.
A katasztrófa idején erős széllökéseket mértek a térségben, és a nyomozók feladata annak megállapítása, hogy az időjárás közrejátszott-e a tragédiában.
Cientistas ambientais indo para Ohio para a limpeza morrem em um acidente de avião ... ... em Little Rock, Arkansas. KKKKKKKNOVIDADE eles DITAM AS LEIS , nao entendeu? releia https://t.co/AxZURGamo7
— Josué PR Bolsonaroreeleito é 22 (@JosuFer85741781) February 23, 2023
According to Wiki, 316 Phantom F-4's, still flying in active service. Egypt 34, Greece 49, Iran 42, Japan 71, S. Korea 71, Turkey 49. pic.twitter.com/WtnJ4XGkr7
The Philippine Air Force on Wednesday confirmed that one of its SIAI-Marchetti SF-260 trainer/light attack turboprop aircraft went down in Bataan as its two pilots were conducting "recurrency training."https://t.co/Gv89SgdnRr
A private airplane crashed into the Gulf of Mexico off the Florida coast Saturday night, with two people confirmed dead as authorities searched for a third person believed to have been on the flight. https://t.co/vcRr2E5Qio
The Central Lyon Fire Department and Lyon County Sheriff’s Department are coordinating with the National Transportation Safety Board to determine the cause of the crash which is under investigation.
Cientistas ambientais indo para Ohio para a limpeza morrem em um acidente de avião ... ... em Little Rock, Arkansas. KKKKKKKNOVIDADE eles DITAM AS LEIS , nao entendeu? releia https://t.co/AxZURGamo7
— Josué PR Bolsonaroreeleito é 22 (@JosuFer85741781) February 23, 2023
Hırvatistan'dan Salzburg'a gitmekte olan Cirrus SR20 model küçük bir uçak, Avusturya'da kaza yaptı. Kazada 4 kişi hayatını kaybetti. pic.twitter.com/5ZYxbssuuj
Hırvatistan'dan Salzburg'a gitmekte olan Cirrus SR20 model küçük bir uçak, Avusturya'da kaza yaptı. Kazada 4 kişi hayatını kaybetti. pic.twitter.com/5ZYxbssuuj
Egy ember életét vesztette és legalább húszan megsebesültek, köztük több gyerek az amerikai Arkansas tagállamban szombat este egy autós kiállításon történt lövöldözés során – közölte a legfrissebb értesüléseket az amerikai sajtó a hatóságokra hivatkozva.
Bill Sadler, a helyi rendőrség szóvivője korábban mintegy tíz sebesültről számolt be.
Az erőszakcselekmény az Arkansas délkeleti felében található, nagyjából négyezer lakosú Dumas településén történt egy szabadtéri autós kiállításon.
Keith Finch rendőrfőnök, akit az ABC News hírtelevízió idézett, közölte, hogy egy gyanúsítottat őrizetbe vettek – bár mint fogalmazott – lehet, hogy több fegyveres elkövető is volt. A lövöldözés háttere továbbra sem ismert.
Forrás: infostart.hu
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UPDATE: 2 arrested after a shooting outside a school in Richfield kills one student and injures another. Shown is a new photo of Jamari Rice, who was shot and killed. https://t.co/30iULwhLkGpic.twitter.com/NL8gEa7kD6
“I’m just heartbroken this happened.” Friends & classmates of Jahmari Rice gathering outside the South Education Center in Richfield. He was fatally wounded outside there earlier today. #jahmari#shooting#friends#mourningpic.twitter.com/khwgjHfx4r
Breaking: 6 people were shot in the Brannon Hill apartment complex a little over an hour ago, DeKalb police say. Cops say they found three of them dead at the scene, three are at the hospital. No arrests yet. Everything we know ahead at 10 on @FOX5Atlantapic.twitter.com/pNGQnpwiBZ
BREAKING: BPD on scene of a mass shooting at the Tops in the 1200 block of Jefferson Avenue. Police say multiple people have been struck by gunfire. The shooter is in custody. Motorists and residents are urged to avoid the area.
Surveillance video from a local business shows pandemonium after shots ring out near South & 3rd streets in Philadelphia last night just before midnight. pic.twitter.com/XLqGWEXAu1
Here is a bird’s eye view of the scene of a shooting at the Natalie Building in the medical park at Saint Francis Hospital in Tulsa. pic.twitter.com/qE3ptBZUcR
6 courageous police officers ran towards gunfire today & are now laying in hospital. My heart goes out to the entire @SaanichPolice Dept during this difficult time. Please keep them & their families in your prayers. https://t.co/XmzbFTKZmEhttps://t.co/WEz1oShMta
#Breaking: Just in - The Copenhagen police is treating this shooting inside the shopping center as a "serious mass victim event" and dozens of first emergency responders are parked outside the shopping center. #Copenhagen#Denmarkpic.twitter.com/379xQgxLCq
BREAKING: Danish police said that several people were shot at a Copenhagen shopping mall. One person has been arrested in connection with the shooting. https://t.co/AduvUJws3O
Im Wild- und Freizeitpark Klotten fiel am Samstag eine Frau aus einer Achterbahn. Die 57-Jährige starb trotz Wiederbelebungsversuchen am Unfallort. https://t.co/nrRtOBb9XG
#Últimahora | #Montenegro??: Un tiroteig deixa un mínim d'onze morts i sis ferits a Cetinje. Segons els primers informes, seria la conseqüència d'un conflicte familiar. La policia ha abatut el sospitós.pic.twitter.com/AZC4l6Gzob
#Suede ??/ ? Le tireur est actuellement recherché par la police, les forces spéciales suédoises fouillent en ce moment le parking et l’intérieur du bâtiment. Le centre commercial a été évacué dans sa totalité. #Malmopic.twitter.com/Wytu5KQUGO
#UPDATE A Chesapeake police spokesperson tells us at this point he believes no more than 10 people have died. It’s unclear if the shooter was an employee. The shooter is now deceased. Officers are walking through the Walmart super center checking for victims. @WAVY_Newspic.twitter.com/gZs4CDV0q8
One person was killed in a bus rollover, according to Brandeis University, which chartered the bus. The accident happened near the Brandeis campus in Waltham, Massachuetts. https://t.co/RBdFsRaWj6
The UVA Police Department is looking for Christopher Darnell Jones regarding the shooting incident that occurred on the grounds of the University of Virginia. Call 911 if seen, do not approach. pic.twitter.com/mKcxF6ksxw
#Paris10 rue d'Enghien, intervention de police en cours. ➡️ Une personne interpellée ? Évitez le secteur et laissez les services de secours intervenir pic.twitter.com/5C5wcKCCHk
?? FLASH - Plusieurs victimes dans une #fusillade rue d’Enghien, dans le 10ᵉ arrondissement de #Paris. Un homme a été interpellé. La #préfecture de police demande d'éviter le secteur. (AFP) pic.twitter.com/5r9PtZjJ0Z
An injured person is taken for treatment from the scene of a shooting in 10th district of Paris that reportedly left two dead and others injured. A Kurdish centre was reportedly targeted. pic.twitter.com/diXqnHYd0X
I’m on scene on Jane Street at a shooting in Vaughan north of Toronto. Shooter dead. Unconfirmed reports of multiple shooting victims in upscale condo. Police to update shortly. pic.twitter.com/WHsF0lksvP
#BREAKING: Multiple people have been shot, and a suspect has been killed after a shooting inside a Vaughan condominium, York police confirm.https://t.co/V2n9tXNPPg
It's still an active scene where @Atlanta_Police say 2 teen boys are dead and 2 other teens + a preteen are in the hospital after being shot in what started as a dispute on social media. Investigators say there's multiple shooters, & young people are at police HQ. @11AliveNewspic.twitter.com/mCz5JUbmZ0
Our friend Pete Reed was killed yesterday at Bakhmut, doing what he always did - saving lives and helping humanity. Dedicated, generous, selfless, funny, hero. Rest easy, brother. Russia will pay. #petereedpic.twitter.com/zECRxrqf6r
Cientistas ambientais indo para Ohio para a limpeza morrem em um acidente de avião ... ... em Little Rock, Arkansas. KKKKKKKNOVIDADE eles DITAM AS LEIS , nao entendeu? releia https://t.co/AxZURGamo7
— Josué PR Bolsonaroreeleito é 22 (@JosuFer85741781) February 23, 2023
Cientistas ambientais indo para Ohio para a limpeza morrem em um acidente de avião ... ... em Little Rock, Arkansas. KKKKKKKNOVIDADE eles DITAM AS LEIS , nao entendeu? releia https://t.co/AxZURGamo7
— Josué PR Bolsonaroreeleito é 22 (@JosuFer85741781) February 23, 2023
JUST IN: Philly police just released pics of the 3 shooters who fired on a group outside the Blaine school. 7 people hit, inc. a 2-year-old girl + 5 teens. The shots started as the after school program ended, sending the victims running back into the schoolyard for cover. pic.twitter.com/HZi5NPS65q
⚠️La tarde de este jueves 20 de abril se registró una intensa movilización policiaca en la Ciudad de México, específicamente en la alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo. De acuerdo con los primeros reportes, se registró una intensa balacera en Starbucks de Plaza Carso, en la zona de Polanco,… pic.twitter.com/L59aNje6Z9
“We will pretty much take the firearms away from the citizens.”
— Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, via translator, announces new gun control measures following the country’s second mass shooting in 48 hours pic.twitter.com/H5hdcMgvJ3
A fire was also reported at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam while the shooting was taking place. The suspect may have carried out two shootings, one near his home and one at a Rotterdam hospital. pic.twitter.com/BiL9I8tSrR
?? | ÚLTIMA HORA: Al menos 18 personas resultan heridas y 2 muertas después de un tiroteo masivo durante una celebración de Halloween en Ybor City, Tampa, Florida. pic.twitter.com/arilfpr8s3
"The robotic arm, confusing the man for a box of vegetables, grabbed him and pushed his body against the conveyer belt, crushing his face and chest" https://t.co/B0qCeLakha
Surveillance camera footage shows the shooting attack at the entrance to Jerusalem this morning. Two people were killed, and at least seven others were hurt. Two off-duty soldiers and an armed civilian shot the terrorists dead. pic.twitter.com/CwucVb5IV7
Bulgaria and Romania experienced the impact of severe weather conditions over the weekend, resulting in two fatalities. Strong winds, heavy rain and snowfall, caused power disruptions and blocked roads in the eastern regions of both countries.https://t.co/VSEXVnoeg4pic.twitter.com/XhAdv3YinO
🚨Breaking News: Terror attack occured in Jerusalem, near Maale Adumim. Two terrorists started shooting at civilians, nine injured, three in critical condition. ⬇️ Video from the scene: pic.twitter.com/qXqUS59Wyn
One international client killed by elephant in Kafue National Park from lufupa Lodge during Safari. Two injured and being evacuated to Lusaka. Full details being awaited from the operator through the Senior Warden Kafue Region. Very unfortunate indeed. pic.twitter.com/4ntbyhec1G
Police officers are seen at the Viertola comprehensive school in Vantaa, Finland, where a number of children were injured in a shooting on Tuesday morning. A suspect has been apprehended, officials said. https://t.co/Y4SPERBOqwpic.twitter.com/ti2dMo0gqx
London: Four people including a child have been injured following a shooting in Hackney, east London, outside a restaurant. The shooter was on a motorcycle and fled away after shooting.
Hrvatski nogometni savez je u utorak najoštrije osudio incident koji se dogodio u Osijeku gdje je propucan automobil kojim se koristi sportski direktor NK Osijek Jose Boto.👇https://t.co/dIczyugfKo
Syrer vereinbaren mit Russen via Social Media einen Show down. Manche kommen dann unklugerweise nur mit Messern bewaffnet zur Schiesserei. Soll sein, aber wie kommt Wien-Brigittenau dazu, dass es dort zugeht wie im Wilden Westen? https://t.co/3JW0TaIjQr
Franz Hofer, the mayor of Kirchberg ob der Donau, a village with around 1,000 residents in Upper Austria, was shot dead this morning. The suspect is currently on the run; the motive remains unclear. https://t.co/A8bpLdIRrK
Spirit Airlines flight NK951 attempting to land in Haitian capital Port-au-Prince has been struck by gunfire, forcing it to be diverted to the Dominican Republic.
At least one person, a flight attendant, was grazed by a bullet, a source said.