Array ( [count_posts] => 5 [cache_key] => Query_Posts::global::hu::YTo1OntzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiaHUiO3M6NzoiZG9tYWlucyI7YToxOntpOjA7czo2OiJwb2RpamkiO31zOjY6Im9mZnNldCI7aTowO3M6OToidGF4X3F1ZXJ5IjthOjE6e2k6MDthOjM6e3M6ODoidGF4b25vbXkiO3M6ODoicG9zdF90YWciO3M6NToiZmllbGQiO3M6MjoiaWQiO3M6NToidGVybXMiO2E6MTp7aTowO2k6Njc2ODM7fX19czoxMToiYWZ0ZXJMb2NrZXIiO2k6MDt9 [has_result] => 1 [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 192813 [content] =>Péntek este két orosz régióban, a Tulai és a Kalugai területen is tűz ütött ki egy-egy olajtárolóban – számolt be az Index.
A The Kyiv Independent szerint az előbbi régióban egy Uzlovaja nevű település közelében gyulladt ki egy olajtároló. A hírről Dmitrij Miljajev, a régió kormányzója számolt be, aki azt közölte, hogy egy tartály kigyulladt „a régió egyik vállalkozásánál”.
A közösségi médiában közzétett és a lakosok által megosztott videókon látszik, hogy nagy tűz ütött ki az olajtárolónál. Miljajev azt állította, hogy a támadásban senki sem sérült meg (a károkról egyelőre nincsenek információk).
Az ukrán fegyveres erők vezérkara azóta szintén beszámolt a támadásról. A Moszkvától délre fekvő Tula területet rendszeresen támadják ukrán drónok, hogy megzavarják Oroszország katonai ellátási láncát.
Mindeközben Kalugában Ljudinovo városa közelében gyulladt ki egy olajtároló. A régió kormányzója, Vlagyiszlav Sapsa közölte, hogy a Kaluganyefteprodukt vállalat létesítményében ütött ki a tűz, amiről videók is készültek.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Péntek este két orosz régióban, a Tulai és a Kalugai területen is tűz ütött ki egy-egy olajtárolóban. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1737209640 [modified] => 1737209132 ) [title] => Az ukránok két orosz olajtárolót is lángba boríthattak [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 192813 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 192814 [image] => Array ( [id] => 192814 [original] => [original_lng] => 32636 [original_w] => 1114 [original_h] => 1114 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 300 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 768 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 1024 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1114 [height] => 1114 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1114 [height] => 1114 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1114 [height] => 1114 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1737201934:5 [_oembed_56818789c2e504ac1cf15f2dd98ca836] =>[_oembed_time_56818789c2e504ac1cf15f2dd98ca836] => 1737201384 [_thumbnail_id] => 192814 [_edit_last] => 5 [translation_required] => 1 [views_count] => 566 [_oembed_bbc8aad901e1a4cf7f88ff2ec1bdabfc] => [_oembed_time_bbc8aad901e1a4cf7f88ff2ec1bdabfc] => 1737201934 [_oembed_e1a01d162e5c5124f08ea39e376ca656] => {{unknown}} [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_1100135a2814a46a8b06c581a1c6af57] =>And another Russian oil depot area was targeted tonight. The one which is located near Dedilovo station in the Tula region of Russia. 335km from the frontline. (54.0238075, 38.0436448)
— Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (@bayraktar_1love) January 18, 2025[_oembed_time_1100135a2814a46a8b06c581a1c6af57] => 1738267964 [_oembed_b47e6fb2d5e93e5048c86564ce3574a7] =>Russian authorities report drone attack on Ryazan Oil Refinery
— European Media News 24 (@europeanMedia24) January 26, 2025
🔗 #IOCmedia #Moscow #Russia #Ukraine[_oembed_time_b47e6fb2d5e93e5048c86564ce3574a7] => 1738267964 [_oembed_559fd444f0861f4bb6f334be04eb45b5] => [_oembed_time_559fd444f0861f4bb6f334be04eb45b5] => 1738267964 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 67169 [2] => 49 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Háború [2] => Hírek [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 67683 [1] => 810 [2] => 68959 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => olajtároló [1] => Oroszország [2] => ukrán támadás ) ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 177044 [content] =>Braking News Ukraine have been fireing Drones at Russian Federation Oil Refinary in Ryazan for the Second night Distroying loads of Equipement & Oil Starasge Tanks.
— 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇪🇺🇺🇦🇮🇱 Miss Jessica Martina Winfield (@Jessica72351918) January 26, 2025Több mint egy héttel azután sem sikerült az orosz mentőszolgálatoknak megfékezniük a tüzet Oroszország Rosztovi területén, Proletarszk városánál. Az olajraktár lángjai egy negyedik helyszínre is átterjedtek, aminek következtében további olajtároló tartályok gyulladtak ki – írja a The Kyiv Independent a Szabad Európa Rádió információira hivatkozva.
A tűz augusztus 18-án kezdődött az olajraktár elleni ukrán csapást követően, amely egyike volt az orosz földön végrehajtott számos támadásnak.
Meg nem erősített jelentések szerint augusztus 23-án újabb támadást hajtottak végre, miután a tűz keletkezett. Több tucat tűzoltó sérült meg a tűz oltásakor. A tűz füstje több mint 60 kilométerre terjed az égbe.
Az olajraktár 340 kilométerre található az oroszok által felügyelt Donyecki terület határától.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Több mint egy héttel azután sem sikerült az orosz mentőszolgálatoknak megfékezniük a tüzet Oroszország Rosztovi területén, Proletarszk városánál. Az olajraktár lángjai egy negyedik helyszínre is átterjedtek, aminek következtében további olajtároló... [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1724772300 [modified] => 1724770935 ) [title] => Egy orosz olajtároló már 9 napja lángokban áll [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 177044 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 177045 [image] => Array ( [id] => 177045 [original] => [original_lng] => 36441 [original_w] => 1080 [original_h] => 608 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 84 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 576 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1080 [height] => 608 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1080 [height] => 608 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1080 [height] => 608 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1724760136:5 [_edit_last] => 5 [views_count] => 555 [_thumbnail_id] => 177045 [_oembed_21a9fa67460f77cb4457e7c452d08a24] =>[_oembed_time_21a9fa67460f77cb4457e7c452d08a24] => 1724764924 [_oembed_ef331e1e54f4f12384399840721b5075] => [_oembed_time_ef331e1e54f4f12384399840721b5075] => 1724764924 [_oembed_b2a4691b8e89939b89c5361181fed96e] =>Omsk oil refinery is on fire in Russia. As Russian media claim AVT-10 is on fire. Information regarding AVT-10 at the Omsk oil refinery:
— Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (@bayraktar_1love) August 1, 2024
“The design capacity for raw materials is 6 million tons per year. The products obtained are fuel gas, liquefied gas, straight-run gasoline…[_oembed_time_b2a4691b8e89939b89c5361181fed96e] => 1728714664 [_oembed_c94ef445111a8d9d167c859bb360a4f9] =>Early this evening, Ukrainian Navy R-360 Neptune cruise missiles slammed into a Russian storage facility outside of Yeysk, reportedly housing hundreds of Shahed-136 attack drones.
— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) October 9, 2024
Secondary explosions and fire continue to consume the complex.[_oembed_time_c94ef445111a8d9d167c859bb360a4f9] => 1734939564 [_oembed_09c06c3d11bfacae5f206bbc5dc3ed67] =>It's the refinery in Orel, Russhit.
— Reasonable Fella 🇺🇦 united 🇺🇲 (@TheReasonable66) December 14, 2024[_oembed_time_09c06c3d11bfacae5f206bbc5dc3ed67] => 1734939564 [_oembed_655b76b9fe79d8b612dcbaf9ab8267a8] =>#BREAKING
— ℂ𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕦𝕖𝕧𝕒𝕣𝕒 ★ (@cheguwera) December 3, 2024
Huge blaze breaks out near Canterbury Cathedral in UK
A large fire broke out at a former Debenhams store on Canterbury High Street, near the historic Canterbury Cathedral, late Monday night.
More than 40 firefighters have been working to tackle the blaze for over…[_oembed_time_655b76b9fe79d8b612dcbaf9ab8267a8] => 1737820258 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 67683 [1] => 810 [2] => 368 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => olajtároló [1] => Oroszország [2] => tűz ) ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 107437 [content] =>La #GuardiaCostiera è impegnata in queste ore in un’operazione complessa a seguito di un incendio divampato sulla piattaforma petrolifera Rospomare B al largo di Vasto nel Mar Adriatico.
— Guardia Costiera (@guardiacostiera) January 22, 2025
🔹 Nessun ferito e nessuna traccia di inquinamento in mare.űz ütött ki egy olajtárolóban az oroszországi Angarszk városában, emiatt rakodásra váró vasúti tartálykocsik is kigyulladtak.
Az Ukrajinszka Pravda beszámolója szerint a vasúti tartálykocsik mellett égett egy benzintartály is. Az olajtárolónál keletkezett tűz mintegy 400 négyzetméteren ég.
Mivel a tüzet az orosz védelmi minisztérium jelentette, valószínűsíthető, hogy az üzemanyagot katonai célokra szánták – vonta le a következtetést az ukrán lap.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Tűz ütött ki egy olajtárolóban az oroszországi Angarszk városában, emiatt rakodásra váró vasúti tartálykocsik is kigyulladtak. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1674376200 [modified] => 1674338185 ) [title] => Lángokban állt egy oroszországi olajtároló [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 107437 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 107439 [image] => Array ( [id] => 107439 [original] => [original_lng] => 190092 [original_w] => 690 [original_h] => 387 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 168 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 690 [height] => 387 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 690 [height] => 387 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 690 [height] => 387 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 690 [height] => 387 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 690 [height] => 387 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1674330986:12 [_oembed_43e071e7822b2c66a658c08da92aeb0f] =>[_oembed_time_43e071e7822b2c66a658c08da92aeb0f] => 1674330847 [_thumbnail_id] => 107439 [_edit_last] => 12 [views_count] => 1100 [_oembed_4b7eeaaa909bbeec4211d22c4ed71863] =>Fuel tanks are on fire in #Angarsk, which were planned to be sent to the occupiers in #Ukraine
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) January 21, 2023
According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the area of the fire is 400 sq. m.[_oembed_time_4b7eeaaa909bbeec4211d22c4ed71863] => 1674330885 [_oembed_eff13c9336ff1d6e5c25886ef58d179c] =>A fire alarm went off in one of the buildings of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a technical room.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) January 6, 2023
Firefighters are working at the site.[_oembed_time_eff13c9336ff1d6e5c25886ef58d179c] => 1674370267 [_oembed_1de19a99831f429b0e7fe49f000809ef] =>Drei Tote nach Brand in Pflegeheim #Reutlingen #Feuer
— StN_News (@StN_News) January 17, 2023[_oembed_time_1de19a99831f429b0e7fe49f000809ef] => 1675761997 [_oembed_cb5b28870af3e11c5e02316ab94dfb88] =>A two-story construction module caught fire in occupied #Sevastopol, #Crimea. The fire took place on an area of 200 square meters. Five people died.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) February 2, 2023[_oembed_time_cb5b28870af3e11c5e02316ab94dfb88] => 1679676182 [_oembed_3c379468ec1945101868706bf176e238] =>Another video from #Rostov-on-Don, where the building of the Border Service of the #FSB is on fire.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) March 16, 2023[_oembed_time_3c379468ec1945101868706bf176e238] => 1679676182 [_oembed_1fca1c752ee7ccf6e8885bde6eab298a] => [_oembed_time_1fca1c752ee7ccf6e8885bde6eab298a] => 1679676182 [_oembed_0da81cb898b40c513db64a44ad17941c] =>The building of the Border Service of the FSB RF is on fire in Rostov-on-Don.
— Saint Javelin (@saintjavelin) March 16, 2023[_oembed_time_0da81cb898b40c513db64a44ad17941c] => 1679676182 [_oembed_04f5ddc623fbd704ecac3f1ee94f7f27] =>JUST IN - Massive fire at fuel storage station belonging to state-owned energy company Pertamina at North Jakarta, Indonesia - multiple people dead.
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) March 3, 2023[_oembed_time_04f5ddc623fbd704ecac3f1ee94f7f27] => 1679676183 [_oembed_a0c55df49c465fdf530d69b2a20f54c2] =>?? Skyscraper under construction in Hong Kong catches fire
— Sinnaig (@Sinnaig) March 2, 2023[_oembed_time_a0c55df49c465fdf530d69b2a20f54c2] => 1679676183 [_oembed_bb6bf399d74e2df6536811e3af2a75c1] =>A fire tore through the upper floors of a skyscraper that was under construction in the Tsim Sha Tsui area of Hong Kong in the early hours of Friday
— Reuters (@Reuters) March 2, 2023[_oembed_time_bb6bf399d74e2df6536811e3af2a75c1] => 1679676183 [_oembed_46457f08514b3022a3e905be8a604f6e] =>Another Video-Fire hits #skyscraper being built on site of old Mariner’s Club in Hong Kong’s #tsimshatsui.
— Chaudhary Parvez (@ChaudharyParvez) March 3, 2023
Scaffolding around the building engulfed in flames & burning embers from the building in Middle Road Tsim Sha Tsui ignited objects on the ground#NEWS #fire #HongKong[_oembed_time_46457f08514b3022a3e905be8a604f6e] => 1680634326 [_oembed_7d6e13e0a7414cc14f6740e6ff6a3440] => [_oembed_time_7d6e13e0a7414cc14f6740e6ff6a3440] => 1680634326 [_oembed_393d1253807b5ac16845ecad29559697] => [_oembed_time_393d1253807b5ac16845ecad29559697] => 1680634326 [_oembed_a7008c6c3f6cb39031817fe4b8613802] =>Breaking: Russia’s main security agency said it had detained Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, a U.S. citizen, for what it described as espionage
— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) March 30, 2023[_oembed_time_a7008c6c3f6cb39031817fe4b8613802] => 1680634326 [_oembed_13c51e8a4b625698937fcb696e41fdb8] => [_oembed_time_13c51e8a4b625698937fcb696e41fdb8] => 1682274082 [_oembed_2bd27c60e04dfbd1a4cb74b5e049fdf4] =>Terrible news of a fire outbreak at a hotel in Istanbul's Pendik district.
— Daily Turkic (@DailyTurkic) March 24, 2023[_oembed_time_2bd27c60e04dfbd1a4cb74b5e049fdf4] => 1684572548 [_oembed_9ad243307cf96779f21e8b01a95a9389] =>A Slovak man in a wetsuit and with a swim ring was detained at the border of Estonia and the Russian Federation. He was trying to get to Russia by the Narva River.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 5, 2023[_oembed_time_9ad243307cf96779f21e8b01a95a9389] => 1685611145 [_oembed_f31e879d56b8889abbc52fe002f78667] =>Building on fire collapses in Sydney.
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) May 25, 2023[_oembed_time_f31e879d56b8889abbc52fe002f78667] => 1687802632 [_oembed_e7805ff6e3db85d2fd28cf97118153d0] =>⚡️The Russian Air Force has reportedly struck at the fuel depot in #Voronezh, where #Wagner PMC troops were reported, to deprive them of access to fuel, local media reported.
— KyivPost (@KyivPost) June 24, 2023[_oembed_time_e7805ff6e3db85d2fd28cf97118153d0] => 1687802632 [_oembed_7cf4eac2f920659b7bab1dfe0c227ac2] =>Romania, explosion at Petromidia Refinery on the Black Sea.
— Pierre Davide Borrelli (@PierreDBorrelli) June 21, 2023[_oembed_time_7cf4eac2f920659b7bab1dfe0c227ac2] => 1687802632 [_oembed_f01f617b86cb1231e6aa680dcdb51c8e] =>explosion at #Romania oil refinery
— Mir (@sikandarmir_) June 21, 2023[_oembed_time_f01f617b86cb1231e6aa680dcdb51c8e] => 1687802632 [_oembed_e965200459fb5bc3c427e79bc1b06df5] =>Énorme incendie à @EuropaParkFR @fan2europapark #europapark
— Loveme15 (@roudoudou90) June 19, 2023[_oembed_time_e965200459fb5bc3c427e79bc1b06df5] => 1687802633 [_oembed_18737e5f60976df3255f697865468cb5] =>Brand im #Europapark ?
— Johannes Schmidt ?️? (@DerDanlas) June 19, 2023
Anscheinend im Alpenexpress. Einer der alten Klassiker ?[_oembed_time_18737e5f60976df3255f697865468cb5] => 1687802633 [_oembed_3fbc924f4cb001d36eab55d108f3a929] =>Nouvel incendie à Europa-Park, le parc d'attraction allemand évacué
— France Bleu Lorraine Nord (@fblorrainenord) June 19, 2023
➡️[_oembed_time_3fbc924f4cb001d36eab55d108f3a929] => 1687802633 [_oembed_81a8adbf57fc08863e9d06e4c42ed2f3] =>Der #EuropaPark wird morgen für Besucher geöffnet sein!
— Europa-Park Sprecher (@ep_sprecher) June 19, 2023[_oembed_time_81a8adbf57fc08863e9d06e4c42ed2f3] => 1693480451 [_oembed_95450cb079b3e3842a7dbc5d0a2f5414] =>Ну і "літак Пригожина" впритул. ?
— GessenKozak (@GessenKozak) August 23, 2023
Останній капіталіст:[_oembed_time_95450cb079b3e3842a7dbc5d0a2f5414] => 1693480451 [_oembed_6ab54429ed4f26e41dba2c55eb448541] =>Official address of the movement "Wagner, Play":
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) August 23, 2023
"There are rumours about the death of the head of Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin. We directly say that we suspect the Kremlin officials led by Putin of an attempt to kill him!
If the information about Prigozhin's death is…[_oembed_time_6ab54429ed4f26e41dba2c55eb448541] => 1693480452 [_oembed_3975cb04e7ebc6f537f6fcaa07242625] =>Generál Gennadij Źidko, který velel okupačním silám na Ukrajině, zemřel v Rusku
— bety kovac (@betyna71) August 16, 2023
Guvernér oblasti Chabarovsk řekl, že Židko zemřel po dlouhé nemoci.[_oembed_time_3975cb04e7ebc6f537f6fcaa07242625] => 1693480452 [_oembed_4c3010bbd0dcae899a082c1000c8b569] => [_oembed_time_4c3010bbd0dcae899a082c1000c8b569] => 1693480452 [_oembed_2d7f57db2f68f2596e327372a87ba1cb] =>Russian General Gennady Zsidko and Lieutenant General Gennady Lopirev have been killed. The cause of their deaths are unclea.
— Eternal Glory (@EternalGlory0) August 17, 2023[_oembed_time_2d7f57db2f68f2596e327372a87ba1cb] => 1693480452 [_oembed_1d6544233de241ab25684f802812db04] =>#Ukrainian flag spotted in front of #FSB building in #NizhnyNovgorod ??
— Aurora Borealis ? (@aborealis940) August 18, 2023
Emergency Ministry workers immediately arrived at the scene ???[_oembed_time_1d6544233de241ab25684f802812db04] => 1693644614 [_oembed_983378664710d812a007a05a5d48b3a0] => [_oembed_time_983378664710d812a007a05a5d48b3a0] => 1693644614 [_oembed_a87447413d1a8bfefceca59a7c85f214] =>У російському Кємєрово горить склад піротехніки, пишуть російські пабліки.
— NV (@tweetsNV) August 26, 2023[_oembed_time_a87447413d1a8bfefceca59a7c85f214] => 1694457819 [_oembed_6dcd9f491260222e5a3c15cb455a58c6] =>Massive fire in St Petersburg today.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) September 2, 2023
More fires are expected in Russia in the coming months as Ukraine ramps up its production of long-range suicide drones.[_oembed_time_6dcd9f491260222e5a3c15cb455a58c6] => 1694457819 [_oembed_678d85b86151f23563e6ec31582ec62a] =>NEWS UPDATE | Kasalukuyang kinukuha ng Bureau of Fire Protection at QCDRRMO ang labi ng 15 katao na namatay sa sunog sa estabilisiyamento sa Kennedy Drive, Pleasant View Subd. sa Brgy. Tandang Sora, Quezon City, 5:30 kaninang umaga. | via @sheenatorno_
— Pulso Ng Bayan (@_PulsoNgBayan) August 31, 2023[_oembed_time_678d85b86151f23563e6ec31582ec62a] => 1697905127 [_oembed_9c51fb48d3f644cee15cf2fdf8e44003] =>? 7 Dead, 39 Injured After Massive Fire Breaks Out In Goregaon, Mumbai Building
— Harsh Patel (@Harshpatel1408) October 6, 2023
Some live visuals #Mumbai #fire[_oembed_time_9c51fb48d3f644cee15cf2fdf8e44003] => 1697905127 [_oembed_234fdb24255e7ba58d793de0be610134] =>U pogonu osječke tvrtke "Drava international" kod prigradskog naselja Brijest u srijedu poslije ponoći došlo je do požara uskladištene plastike na otvorenom prostoru, koji pokušavaju lokalizirati profesionalne i dobrovoljne vatrogasne postrojbe.
— HRT vijesti (@hrtvijesti) October 4, 2023[_oembed_time_234fdb24255e7ba58d793de0be610134] => 1697905128 [_oembed_6e26f15edecdea0e7ab0734e7868bcad] =>Vatrom je zahvaćena uskladištena plastika na više tisuća četvornih metara ?
— Bloomberg Adria Hrvatska (@BloombergAdrHR) October 4, 2023[_oembed_time_6e26f15edecdea0e7ab0734e7868bcad] => 1697905128 [_oembed_ee35dac0ce5a3837b30f9dc92d1a8099] =>??Factory Inferno As Warehouse Burns in Croatia
— il libanese (@Ramy_Sawma) October 4, 2023
A fire broke out at a Drava International plant in Osijek, with plastic going up in flames , while the fire also spread to the production plant.
Due to heavy smoke and pollution, citizens are asked to close their windows and not…[_oembed_time_ee35dac0ce5a3837b30f9dc92d1a8099] => 1703082401 [_oembed_19481bc1622a3664aba01f9579911d5c] =>WATCH: Massive explosion rocked a fuel depot in the Guinea capital Conakry, dozens injured
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) December 18, 2023[_oembed_time_19481bc1622a3664aba01f9579911d5c] => 1705303242 [_oembed_08aca66ea530947670577f3f34127932] =>The warehouse of a large online store Wildberries is on fire in St. Petersburg. The area of the fire is 70 thousand square meters, the Russian Emergencies Ministry said
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) January 13, 2024
Russian media report that the damage from the fire may amount to 10-11 billion rubles (approximately 126…[_oembed_time_08aca66ea530947670577f3f34127932] => 1705303243 [_oembed_3e983c3f0ce86e3f6d273402d4fd000a] => [_oembed_time_3e983c3f0ce86e3f6d273402d4fd000a] => 1705948415 [_oembed_58d98980e93d0c059c133c1df2d625a5] =>Respublika Perinatal Mərkəzində yanğın: 4 körpə ölüb, üç nəfər zəhərlənib
— BBC News Azərbaycanca (@bbcazeri) January 9, 2024[_oembed_time_58d98980e93d0c059c133c1df2d625a5] => 1706031914 [_oembed_3b3bd357d21f06b19c034997230b92ce] =>Flash:
— Yuvraj Singh Mann (@yuvnique) January 20, 2024
At least 13 people killed when fire broke out in a school dormitory in central China's #Henan province.
The fire at #YingcaiSchool in Henan's Yanshanpu village reported to local fire department at 11 pm local time Friday night.
Rescuers arrived at the scene quickly…[_oembed_time_3b3bd357d21f06b19c034997230b92ce] => 1706031914 [_oembed_3b1a391ec538464a49abf46c2dd82c79] =>Update: Thirteen students were killed and another one injured in a fire that took place in a school dormitory in the county of Fangcheng, Nanyang City, central China's Henan Province, on Friday night, according to local authorities Saturday
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) January 20, 2024[_oembed_time_3b1a391ec538464a49abf46c2dd82c79] => 1706031914 [_oembed_9cca237f1d906b647ce0cf83b69a0d9c] =>Fire at Seattle gallery damages art by Picasso, Rembrandt: ‘This is irreplaceable artwork’
— New York Post (@nypost) January 17, 2024[_oembed_time_9cca237f1d906b647ce0cf83b69a0d9c] => 1708448103 [_oembed_361b3f1d9aacff790e3f91b234ce90b9] =>#RussiaOnFire
— LX (@LXSummer1) February 8, 2024
Perm region, Russia ❗
Boom 💥 Bavovna 🔥🔥🔥💨🤌
Tonight, after an explosion of a gas pipeline in the village of Kueda, Perm Territory, a freight train and a residential building caught fire. 6 people are injured. A fire train has been sent to extinguish the fire…[_oembed_time_361b3f1d9aacff790e3f91b234ce90b9] => 1708448103 [_oembed_9739cc76ae8f149422f88bec88f2c837] =>/1. A large fire broke out in the Perm region due to an explosion in a gas pipeline.
— Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (@bayraktar_1love) February 8, 2024
Railway tanks are burning in the village of Kueda. The fire has begun to spread to residential buildings.[_oembed_time_9739cc76ae8f149422f88bec88f2c837] => 1711956511 [_oembed_2d0bc19a3be37f6da406b6b335453cd7] =>Overnight drones have attacked refinery in Slavyansk-na-Kubani, Krasnodar Krai of Russia
— Liveuamap (@Liveuamap) March 17, 2024
Despite reports that fire was extinguished fast(by local authorities), refinery could be suspended for a while. Capacity: 4 mln tonnes per year(~1.5% of overall)[_oembed_time_2d0bc19a3be37f6da406b6b335453cd7] => 1711956511 [_oembed_29e096c490e501a86c1631d1c177b808] =>🔥🛢️ Russia: Several Ukrainian drones struck the oil refinery in Slavyansk-na-Kubani, Krasnodar Krai, across the Kerch bridge from occupied Crimea.
— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) March 17, 2024[_oembed_time_29e096c490e501a86c1631d1c177b808] => 1711956511 [_oembed_4e33beecf0ffaec626a68a36c488ebd1] =>/1. This morning, 6am local time, Russian oil refinery in Syzran, Samara region, was attacked by drones.
— Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (@bayraktar_1love) March 16, 2024
On the video man mentions that “AVT-6 is done” and that “K-2 column is on fire”
The capacity of the AVT-6 on the Syzran oil refinery is 6 million tons per year. That is…[_oembed_time_4e33beecf0ffaec626a68a36c488ebd1] => 1711956512 [_oembed_8b450eb93ed045781b4fc734a7647a20] =>The accuracy of the Ukrainian drone strikes against Russian refineries is amazing
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) March 16, 2024
They aren’t striking random targets at the refineries but are hitting the towers, making sure the refineries will be out of commission for a long time
Video from the attack on Ryazan 3 days ago[_oembed_time_8b450eb93ed045781b4fc734a7647a20] => 1712423666 [_oembed_bd513e0232a856aca7d66cabbccdd72c] =>An e-bike just exploded outside Buckingham Palace
— 왕감자 (@daandydan) March 30, 2024[_oembed_time_bd513e0232a856aca7d66cabbccdd72c] => 1712423666 [_oembed_97f591afdfc779dd3985bdee3b065993] =>An E-bike caught fire outside Buckingham Palace.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) March 30, 2024
The police have told Sky News the fire was not believed to be suspicious or deliberate.[_oembed_time_97f591afdfc779dd3985bdee3b065993] => 1719536329 [_oembed_b4b13bb5e65075bfe9703b531681fed0] =>Fuel tanks are on fire in #Angarsk, which were planned to be sent to the occupiers in #Ukraine
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) January 21, 2023
According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the area of the fire is 400 sq. m.[_oembed_time_b4b13bb5e65075bfe9703b531681fed0] => 1720253426 [_oembed_70630b060c809ac24886994618f54c28] =>Fire breaks out on Icon of the Seas — the world’s largest cruise ship
— New York Post (@nypost) June 28, 2024[_oembed_time_70630b060c809ac24886994618f54c28] => 1721587069 [_oembed_3a915cc41a78299d1ae5bc7e19f5e833] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) July 11, 2024
A fire has erupted in the spire of the Notre Dame Cathedral in the French city Rouen.
It’s one of France’s most beautiful and important cathedrals.
Work started on it in 1080 and it was finished around 1200.
🇫🇷[_oembed_time_3a915cc41a78299d1ae5bc7e19f5e833] => 1721587069 [_oembed_968c0c94b7486c8fa8f87050d2f8f2c2] =>Début d'incendie en cours sur la flèche de la cathédrale de @Rouen. Origine inconnue à ce stade. Tous les moyens publics sont mobilisés. Merci de faciliter leur intervention.
— Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol (@NicolasMayerNMR) July 11, 2024[_oembed_time_968c0c94b7486c8fa8f87050d2f8f2c2] => 1721587070 [_oembed_f29f7d72b203633bf03747b98995f223] =>🔴 Un incendie est en cours sur la flèche de la cathédrale de Rouen
— BFMTV (@BFMTV) July 11, 2024[_oembed_time_f29f7d72b203633bf03747b98995f223] => 1722677490 [_oembed_32048623caa416e69906a7e7ff8688f3] =>❗️🔥🇨🇦 - A wildfire that ripped through the Canadian community of Jasper, Alta., on Wednesday night left large areas of the city incinerated.
— 🔥🗞The Informant (@theinformant_x) July 25, 2024
Video shared on social media on Thursday shows that blocks and blocks of buildings were destroyed by fire.
The wildfire, turned into a…[_oembed_time_32048623caa416e69906a7e7ff8688f3] => 1722677491 [_oembed_21a9fa67460f77cb4457e7c452d08a24] =>There are no words. Jasper is burned to the ground. 💔
— Ryan Jespersen (@ryanjespersen) July 25, 2024[_oembed_time_21a9fa67460f77cb4457e7c452d08a24] => 1724759740 [_oembed_ef331e1e54f4f12384399840721b5075] => [_oembed_time_ef331e1e54f4f12384399840721b5075] => 1724759740 [_oembed_c94ef445111a8d9d167c859bb360a4f9] =>Omsk oil refinery is on fire in Russia. As Russian media claim AVT-10 is on fire. Information regarding AVT-10 at the Omsk oil refinery:
— Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (@bayraktar_1love) August 1, 2024
“The design capacity for raw materials is 6 million tons per year. The products obtained are fuel gas, liquefied gas, straight-run gasoline…[_oembed_time_c94ef445111a8d9d167c859bb360a4f9] => 1734613630 [_oembed_09c06c3d11bfacae5f206bbc5dc3ed67] =>It's the refinery in Orel, Russhit.
— Reasonable Fella 🇺🇦 united 🇺🇲 (@TheReasonable66) December 14, 2024[_oembed_time_09c06c3d11bfacae5f206bbc5dc3ed67] => 1734613630 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 25 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Videók [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 67683 [1] => 810 [2] => 368 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => olajtároló [1] => Oroszország [2] => tűz ) ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 91867 [content] =>#BREAKING
— ℂ𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕦𝕖𝕧𝕒𝕣𝕒 ★ (@cheguwera) December 3, 2024
Huge blaze breaks out near Canterbury Cathedral in UK
A large fire broke out at a former Debenhams store on Canterbury High Street, near the historic Canterbury Cathedral, late Monday night.
More than 40 firefighters have been working to tackle the blaze for over…ábbterjedt a tűz a hét végén lángra kapott kubai olajfinomítóban, immár a harmadik nagy olajtároló is lángra kapott Matanzas városában.
A tűz a második tároló felrobbanásakor kiömlő olaj miatt terjed megállíthatatlanul, a katasztrófa évtizedek óta a legsúlyosabb ipari baleset a szigetországban.
A balesetben egy ember meghalt, 17-en eltűntek és több mint százan megsérültek. Kuba jelentős segítséget kapott Mexikótól és Venezuelától a tűz megfékezésére. Vasárnap éjjelre úgy tűnt, sikerül kordában tartani a lángokat, de ekkor terjedtek át a harmadik tárolóra. A matanzasi finomító Kuba legnagyobb olajtárolója, itt található az ország áramtermeléséhez szükséges készlet – írja a Reuters.
Kubában eddig is pattanásig feszült a helyzet a fenyegető csőd és a közszolgáltatások folyamatos leállása miatt, de amennyiben az olajellátás is elakad, újabb tüntetések robbanhatnak ki.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Továbbterjedt a tűz a hét végén lángra kapott kubai olajfinomítóban, immár a harmadik nagy olajtároló is lángra kapott Matanzas városában. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1660033920 [modified] => 1659995207 ) [title] => Kubában már a harmadik olajtároló is lángra kapott [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 91867 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 91870 [image] => Array ( [id] => 91870 [original] => [original_lng] => 81400 [original_w] => 1200 [original_h] => 776 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 194 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 497 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 662 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 776 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 776 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 776 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1659984409:12 [_oembed_ae082a599224d4dbe4b0f255db9abb26] =>[_oembed_time_ae082a599224d4dbe4b0f255db9abb26] => 1659984274 [_thumbnail_id] => 91870 [_edit_last] => 12 [translation_required] => 1 [views_count] => 1422 [_oembed_336c2fd195f8f14c26a917f40b54fbfa] =>Time-Lapse minutos antes y después de la terrible explosión del tanque #3
— Miriel Santana (@SantanaMiriel) August 8, 2022
#Matanzas[_oembed_time_336c2fd195f8f14c26a917f40b54fbfa] => 1659984410 [_oembed_c3a2a8dc05403fca91bc1799c42ace77] => [_oembed_time_c3a2a8dc05403fca91bc1799c42ace77] => 1659984410 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_b8f35f223a5f0a35211b87beefa3e840] =>"Cinecittà":
— Perché è in tendenza? (@perchetendenza) August 1, 2022
Per l'incendio divampato questo pomeriggio all'interno degli studi cinematografici romani che, secondo prime informazioni, avrebbe interessato la scenografia di Firenze[_oembed_time_b8f35f223a5f0a35211b87beefa3e840] => 1660023123 [_oembed_0996791a5b6d7a18791e8e509ee79255] =>En #Matanzas no se habla de otra cosa. Todos tienen sus ojos puestos en los tanques aledaños y piden a Dios que el fuego no se extienda. "Este país está maldito porque no se vuelve a Dios. Cuántas plagas serán necesarias para que el Faraón deje su cabeza dura”, me dice un vecino
— Mario J. Pentón (@MarioJPenton) August 6, 2022[_oembed_time_0996791a5b6d7a18791e8e509ee79255] => 1660023123 [_oembed_87ac781032305b2d098a7dc0b9d17884] => [_oembed_time_87ac781032305b2d098a7dc0b9d17884] => 1660023123 [_oembed_b971f731c0f6317a66c4d6bb994944b7] =>Significant fire overnight at a storage tank at a supertanker port in Matanzas, Cuba #Cuba
— CNW (@ConflictsW) August 6, 2022[_oembed_time_b971f731c0f6317a66c4d6bb994944b7] => 1660023124 [_oembed_0a1b339df137db1dff89fffb95161745] =>Thai police say 13 people killed, 35 injured in night club fire ..Video of nightclub #fire in #Thailand posted on social media
— Prateek Pratap Singh (@PrateekPratap5) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_0a1b339df137db1dff89fffb95161745] => 1660023124 [_oembed_daddadcf564b00432911a888c46e8f53] =>Fire broke out by shot circuit in Thailand
— Ritam App English (@RitamApp) August 5, 2022
13 died, 40+ injured as fire blazed up at ???????? ? ??? night club in Thailand's Chonburi province#ThailandNews #thai #BANGKOK[_oembed_time_daddadcf564b00432911a888c46e8f53] => 1660023124 [_oembed_9179912c60d3dbc18137e35b20b2fcbb] =>#ไฟไหม้ผับชลบุรี. Another tragedy. RIP. Opening a club ? Please use fire- resistant insulation like this. Please save lives versus saving a few baht. Proper Insulation, sprinklers and multiple exits will help protect your guests. ❤️. #thailand #fire
— Bangkok Community Help Foundation ?? (@BKK_community) August 5, 2022[_oembed_time_9179912c60d3dbc18137e35b20b2fcbb] => 1661445426 [_oembed_058ecb3069638dc72fc01e3673745cb0] =>Officials in Pakistan say at least 20 people were killed after a passenger bus rammed into a fuel truck on a highway in eastern Punjab province.
— The Associated Press (@AP) August 16, 2022[_oembed_time_058ecb3069638dc72fc01e3673745cb0] => 1661445426 [_oembed_3bfb470faa3d86a71c5ad72f7bae8265] =>BREAKING: 35 Christians killed, 45 injured in a Church fire during Sunday service in Giza city in Egypt.
— Hananya Naftali (@HananyaNaftali) August 14, 2022
My thoughts and prayers are with the victims today. ????[_oembed_time_3bfb470faa3d86a71c5ad72f7bae8265] => 1661445427 [_oembed_658dfa6abb9cffe539097eff9e5c27ca] => [_oembed_time_658dfa6abb9cffe539097eff9e5c27ca] => 1661445427 [_oembed_493e15e0bd14d61171b2dd8a37f07e76] =>#BREAKING: 45 dead, dozens injured in Abu Sefein Church fire in #Giza, Egypt. ‐ AFP
— The apprised (@the_apprised) August 14, 2022[_oembed_time_493e15e0bd14d61171b2dd8a37f07e76] => 1661445427 [_oembed_e02ccfa7a1ea15191d3f70af4826b176] =>???Video: Massive explosion in #Armenia's capital #Yerevan.
— Terror Alarm (@terror_alarm) August 14, 2022[_oembed_time_e02ccfa7a1ea15191d3f70af4826b176] => 1662391572 [_oembed_d217cddd92d989bf060cfedd308dc3b6] => [_oembed_time_d217cddd92d989bf060cfedd308dc3b6] => 1664548048 [_oembed_636348afe6faa6c91ee2c3e844184066] => [_oembed_time_636348afe6faa6c91ee2c3e844184066] => 1666635333 [_oembed_3c70206d25c501c135d374b892f05bb9] =>Off the coast of the #Philippines there was a fire on a passenger ship.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) August 26, 2022
At the time of the fire, 48 passengers and 34 crew members were on board.
Details are being specified.[_oembed_time_3c70206d25c501c135d374b892f05bb9] => 1666635334 [_oembed_156a7aa036550b376e562a48150eb7ee] =>Kubah Masjid Raya Jakarta Islamic center
— Hernomo (@Hernomo_Al1) October 19, 2022
Trend ? Alhamdulillah Amanda Zahra Pak Muh Minions Jakarta Utara FIFA Narnia PSSI Biji Bintang Emon Iklan Rasa Film Triple J BI Checking Innalilahi
Bintang Emon#IstiqomahDakwahSyariahKhilafah#OjoLerenDadiWongSholeh#ShameOnYouFIFA[_oembed_time_156a7aa036550b376e562a48150eb7ee] => 1666635334 [_oembed_e98d1a09286c972fb15c6c82a88eb4f8] =>Incendie à la mosquée du centre islamique de Jakarta
— Zouhair ⵣⵓⵀⴰⵢⵔ (@ZouM__) October 19, 2022[_oembed_time_e98d1a09286c972fb15c6c82a88eb4f8] => 1666635334 [_oembed_8d7c3d84adae975c450028e14f53c449] => [_oembed_time_8d7c3d84adae975c450028e14f53c449] => 1666635334 [_oembed_3b7443fe83a69496fddc05808f82d742] =>❗Сильный пожар на электроподстанции вспыхнул в Белгороде. По словам губернатора, пожар не связан с СВО, все дело в перенапряжении
— Газета.Ru (@GazetaRu) October 19, 2022— Kevin Rothrock (@KevinRothrock) October 17, 2022[_oembed_time_3b7443fe83a69496fddc05808f82d742] => 1666635335 [_oembed_a37b4e6e50d390fb130c2d2ca4a9c738] =>[_oembed_time_a37b4e6e50d390fb130c2d2ca4a9c738] => 1672814618 [_oembed_4b7eeaaa909bbeec4211d22c4ed71863] =>#incendie A Vaulx-en-Velin, des voisins ont filmé le drame ? Lire ici le témoignage "un enfant jeté et rattrapé".
— France 3 Rhône-Alpes (@F3Rhone_Alpes) December 16, 2022[_oembed_time_4b7eeaaa909bbeec4211d22c4ed71863] => 1674806909 [_oembed_1de19a99831f429b0e7fe49f000809ef] =>A fire alarm went off in one of the buildings of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a technical room.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) January 6, 2023
Firefighters are working at the site.[_oembed_time_1de19a99831f429b0e7fe49f000809ef] => 1676122736 [_oembed_13c51e8a4b625698937fcb696e41fdb8] => [_oembed_time_13c51e8a4b625698937fcb696e41fdb8] => 1682156752 [_oembed_a7008c6c3f6cb39031817fe4b8613802] =>A two-story construction module caught fire in occupied #Sevastopol, #Crimea. The fire took place on an area of 200 square meters. Five people died.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) February 2, 2023[_oembed_time_a7008c6c3f6cb39031817fe4b8613802] => 1682156753 [_oembed_a61c883042c6e9afe91e9f0fdbaa41f6] =>Terrible news of a fire outbreak at a hotel in Istanbul's Pendik district.
— Daily Turkic (@DailyTurkic) March 24, 2023[_oembed_time_a61c883042c6e9afe91e9f0fdbaa41f6] => 1683310385 [_oembed_650089985f4b87942ba066ffbf992f65] =>❗️Noční požár v Brně je čtvrtý nejtragičtější od roku 1990. Zahynulo osm lidí.
— Události Brno (@UdalostiBrno) May 4, 2023
❗️Požár vypukl po 2:00 ráno, hasiči jej zlikvidovali před 7:00.
❗️Jeho příčinu budou nyní zjišťovat @PolicieCZ a @hzsjhm
❗️Podle policie šlo o 12 spojených unimobuněk.[_oembed_time_650089985f4b87942ba066ffbf992f65] => 1683310385 [_oembed_7d318b0c7b967a7249dd6b675136a2e4] =>Incêndio no Banco Central de Cartum
— ????Paula Danich (@DanichPaula) April 30, 2023
??[_oembed_time_7d318b0c7b967a7249dd6b675136a2e4] => 1683310385 [_oembed_4d641c97188de7be77fa753935ceb0d0] =>In Izmir, a multi-storey building caught fire, some of the residents jumped out of the windows
— Spriter (@Spriter99880) April 27, 2023[_oembed_time_4d641c97188de7be77fa753935ceb0d0] => 1683310385 [_oembed_bfe3961e7a8a7c2ddd577a226d05540b] =>A devastating fire has raged at a holiday hotspot for Brits, forcing some flat block residents to jump off their balconies to escape the blaze
— Daily Star (@dailystar) April 28, 2023[_oembed_time_bfe3961e7a8a7c2ddd577a226d05540b] => 1683310386 [_oembed_cda7d5d921966dfd38bd391869efa093] =>BREAKING: People jumped out as #Karachi Express train caught fire in Khairpur, Pakistan. According to reports, 2 people died.
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) April 27, 2023[_oembed_time_cda7d5d921966dfd38bd391869efa093] => 1683310386 [_oembed_45415ec1a29745aea2ac1ded2f9090ae] =>Dozens of buildings caught fire in Sosva, #Sverdlovsk region, #Russia.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 26, 2023[_oembed_time_45415ec1a29745aea2ac1ded2f9090ae] => 1683310386 [_oembed_4b4387f28e5f77a5b2827332c12454b2] => [_oembed_time_4b4387f28e5f77a5b2827332c12454b2] => 1683557402 [_oembed_4e26a209fb6668114c65b3f15e7667e6] => [_oembed_time_4e26a209fb6668114c65b3f15e7667e6] => 1685032976 [_oembed_7f6bc014469f261d72559ea66456c25b] =>???The village of Sosva is on fire in the Sverdlovsk region of Russia.
— Malinda ???????????????????? (@TreasChest) April 25, 2023
the Russian media write that houses, a hospital, a school and even a colony are burning there. Locals say that there are almost no villages left.
Channel 24[_oembed_time_7f6bc014469f261d72559ea66456c25b] => 1685032977 [_oembed_9ad8647d0dc48d65c25fea0149633ab1] =>?⚠️?Terrifying evolution of the more than 80 current #Wildfires in #Alberta, as captured by #GOES18 today May 5 in the latest 7 hours via #ABFire @zoom_earth #Canada #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #climatebrawl @ai6yrham @StormHour @GeraldKutney
— SatWorld (@or_bit_eye) May 5, 2023[_oembed_time_9ad8647d0dc48d65c25fea0149633ab1] => 1686441470 [_oembed_1c963d083d64b54f5f9dd2f00579268e] =>Heute kam es aufgrund eines Oberleitungsschadens zu einem Brand im Terfener Tunnel. Die Rettungskette und Evakuierung haben gut funktioniert. Alle Personen des NJ420 wurden mittlerweile evakuiert. Danke an alle Einsatzkräfte vor Ort! #ÖBBStreckeninfo
— ÖBB (@unsereOEBB) June 7, 2023
© ÖBB / Gasser-Mair[_oembed_time_1c963d083d64b54f5f9dd2f00579268e] => 1686441470 [_oembed_9ad243307cf96779f21e8b01a95a9389] =>?ITALY ?? | A #fire ravaged an 8-storey building in east of #Rome (Colli Aniene district) killing one person and wounding at least 9, Italian officials said. Rome Firefighters managed to control the flames and an investigation is open. More than 100 residents are now homeless.
— Nanana365 (@nananamedia365) June 2, 2023[_oembed_time_9ad243307cf96779f21e8b01a95a9389] => 1686441471 [_oembed_e25b0da3b40881baf6f0a11d1584dddf] => [_oembed_time_e25b0da3b40881baf6f0a11d1584dddf] => 1689197381 [_oembed_e7805ff6e3db85d2fd28cf97118153d0] =>Building on fire collapses in Sydney.
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) May 25, 2023[_oembed_time_e7805ff6e3db85d2fd28cf97118153d0] => 1689781260 [_oembed_7cf4eac2f920659b7bab1dfe0c227ac2] =>Romania, explosion at Petromidia Refinery on the Black Sea.
— Pierre Davide Borrelli (@PierreDBorrelli) June 21, 2023[_oembed_time_7cf4eac2f920659b7bab1dfe0c227ac2] => 1689781260 [_oembed_f01f617b86cb1231e6aa680dcdb51c8e] =>explosion at #Romania oil refinery
— Mir (@sikandarmir_) June 21, 2023[_oembed_time_f01f617b86cb1231e6aa680dcdb51c8e] => 1689781260 [_oembed_e965200459fb5bc3c427e79bc1b06df5] =>Énorme incendie à @EuropaParkFR @fan2europapark #europapark
— Loveme15 (@roudoudou90) June 19, 2023[_oembed_time_e965200459fb5bc3c427e79bc1b06df5] => 1689781260 [_oembed_18737e5f60976df3255f697865468cb5] =>Brand im #Europapark ?
— Johannes Schmidt ?️? (@DerDanlas) June 19, 2023
Anscheinend im Alpenexpress. Einer der alten Klassiker ?[_oembed_time_18737e5f60976df3255f697865468cb5] => 1689781261 [_oembed_3fbc924f4cb001d36eab55d108f3a929] =>Nouvel incendie à Europa-Park, le parc d'attraction allemand évacué
— France Bleu Lorraine Nord (@fblorrainenord) June 19, 2023
➡️[_oembed_time_3fbc924f4cb001d36eab55d108f3a929] => 1689781261 [_oembed_b8a32b146ff0a6fe2408210020227476] => [_oembed_time_b8a32b146ff0a6fe2408210020227476] => 1692300755 [_oembed_b2dc99c354974b615fe4dba8944c2c95] =>Der #EuropaPark wird morgen für Besucher geöffnet sein!
— Europa-Park Sprecher (@ep_sprecher) June 19, 2023[_oembed_time_b2dc99c354974b615fe4dba8944c2c95] => 1692300756 [_oembed_434267c4c2434a7a8eaf69db7dc092f9] => [_oembed_time_434267c4c2434a7a8eaf69db7dc092f9] => 1692300756 [_oembed_90e637fcc4b95914303fa2467a221b57] =>Kupyansk, Kharkiv region. An aerial bomb dropped by russian terrorists destroyed the city's blood transfusion center. There are dead and wounded. Rescuers are putting out the fire.
— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) August 5, 2023[_oembed_time_90e637fcc4b95914303fa2467a221b57] => 1692300756 [_oembed_24a5c4de2bfc3677340ec4d3098d2c8f] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_1d6544233de241ab25684f802812db04] =>Terrifying moment toddler thrown from burning 16-storey block of flats
— Mirror World News (@MirrorWorldNews) August 1, 2023[_oembed_time_1d6544233de241ab25684f802812db04] => 1693567157 [_oembed_983378664710d812a007a05a5d48b3a0] => [_oembed_time_983378664710d812a007a05a5d48b3a0] => 1693567157 [_oembed_3e84942d7b53bbfe2b30e56b655e7287] =>У російському Кємєрово горить склад піротехніки, пишуть російські пабліки.
— NV (@tweetsNV) August 26, 2023[_oembed_time_3e84942d7b53bbfe2b30e56b655e7287] => 1693567157 [_oembed_82b4b7cfec6b4265cb8584a4c3ed5128] =>Russian state media reporting a huge fire at Novorossiysk’ oil terminal, which is Russia’s main oil export hub in the area as well as the route by which the majority of Kazakh oil hits world markets. Unclear if drone strikes involved
— Maximilian Hess (@zakavkaza) August 18, 2023[_oembed_time_82b4b7cfec6b4265cb8584a4c3ed5128] => 1693567158 [_oembed_e7188766f72affc33f9937690012ce4e] =>? NOVOROSSIYSK ??
— Jason Jay Smart (@officejjsmart) August 18, 2023
The cargo area of the port of Novorossiysk ??, is burning ? & exploding.
She says:
“It’s becoming bigger and bigger. Something just exploded… it’s continuing to explode.”
The port is Russia’s main port on the Black Sea.[_oembed_time_e7188766f72affc33f9937690012ce4e] => 1693567158 [_oembed_928c109d3ba25199e58dc016b649d27c] =>A major fire broke out at the Russian sea port of Novorossiysk. The container terminal is on fire.
— (((Tendar))) (@Tendar) August 18, 2023
Source:[_oembed_time_928c109d3ba25199e58dc016b649d27c] => 1695215621 [_oembed_a87447413d1a8bfefceca59a7c85f214] => Erdőtüzek tombolnak Indonéziában #foryou #foryourpage #hírek #hiradohu #erdőtűz #indonézia #nekedbe #fyp
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_a87447413d1a8bfefceca59a7c85f214] => 1695215621 [_oembed_f4644a4236841eb1deba59005ee3bd52] =>Massive fire in St Petersburg today.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) September 2, 2023
More fires are expected in Russia in the coming months as Ukraine ramps up its production of long-range suicide drones.[_oembed_time_f4644a4236841eb1deba59005ee3bd52] => 1696255121 [_oembed_375efc469fa133f52e837074e8cb1af3] =>In the evening of today, Sep 24, the Cuban embassy in the US was the target of a terrorist attack by an individual who launched 2 Molotov cocktails. The staff suffered no harm. Details are being worked out.
— Bruno Rodríguez P (@BrunoRguezP) September 25, 2023
This is the second violent attack against #Cuba's diplomatic mission ⤵️[_oembed_time_375efc469fa133f52e837074e8cb1af3] => 1696255121 [_oembed_7285bddf5dd181b35cd317c64248119c] =>?[DRAME] Au #Bénin, un incendie s’est déclaré samedi dans un dépôt clandestin d’essence frelatée dans la localité de Sèmè-Kraké. Un premier bilan fait état de 33 morts (calcinés). ???
— LSI AFRICA (@lsiafrica) September 23, 2023[_oembed_time_7285bddf5dd181b35cd317c64248119c] => 1697828788 [_oembed_678d85b86151f23563e6ec31582ec62a] =>Efforts are still ongoing to extinguish a serious fire at Luton Airport. We are continuing to protect surrounding airport infrastructure, vehicles and the Luton DART. For anyone whose travel plans may be affected, please refer to the advice being provided by London Luton Airport.
— Beds Fire and Rescue (@BedsFire) October 11, 2023[_oembed_time_678d85b86151f23563e6ec31582ec62a] => 1697828789 [_oembed_304ffc0fdace213299e4b2feaf810ad1] => [_oembed_time_304ffc0fdace213299e4b2feaf810ad1] => 1697828789 [_oembed_9c51fb48d3f644cee15cf2fdf8e44003] =>? 7 Dead, 39 Injured After Massive Fire Breaks Out In Goregaon, Mumbai Building
— Harsh Patel (@Harshpatel1408) October 6, 2023
Some live visuals #Mumbai #fire[_oembed_time_9c51fb48d3f644cee15cf2fdf8e44003] => 1697828789 [_oembed_234fdb24255e7ba58d793de0be610134] =>U pogonu osječke tvrtke "Drava international" kod prigradskog naselja Brijest u srijedu poslije ponoći došlo je do požara uskladištene plastike na otvorenom prostoru, koji pokušavaju lokalizirati profesionalne i dobrovoljne vatrogasne postrojbe.
— HRT vijesti (@hrtvijesti) October 4, 2023[_oembed_time_234fdb24255e7ba58d793de0be610134] => 1697828789 [_oembed_6e26f15edecdea0e7ab0734e7868bcad] =>Vatrom je zahvaćena uskladištena plastika na više tisuća četvornih metara ?
— Bloomberg Adria Hrvatska (@BloombergAdrHR) October 4, 2023[_oembed_time_6e26f15edecdea0e7ab0734e7868bcad] => 1697828790 [_oembed_5169c6de9f3395e75c779549ae8f0986] =>??Factory Inferno As Warehouse Burns in Croatia
— il libanese (@Ramy_Sawma) October 4, 2023
A fire broke out at a Drava International plant in Osijek, with plastic going up in flames , while the fire also spread to the production plant.
Due to heavy smoke and pollution, citizens are asked to close their windows and not…[_oembed_time_5169c6de9f3395e75c779549ae8f0986] => 1701094327 [_oembed_ee35dac0ce5a3837b30f9dc92d1a8099] =>У Москві горить електропідстанція «Чагіно» в районі Любліно
— Ukrinform (@UKRINFORM) November 24, 2023
? рос. телеграм-канали[_oembed_time_ee35dac0ce5a3837b30f9dc92d1a8099] => 1703942786 [_oembed_e9ad33a1970ca37cc574caf90330ff35] =>WATCH: Massive explosion rocked a fuel depot in the Guinea capital Conakry, dozens injured
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) December 18, 2023[_oembed_time_e9ad33a1970ca37cc574caf90330ff35] => 1707650235 [_oembed_da81050eaa1196f7574092e281791ec4] =>A video of a UAV attack on the Lukoil oil refinery in #Volgograd has appeared🔥🔥🔥
— Aurora Borealis 🤫 (@aborealis940) February 3, 2024[_oembed_time_da81050eaa1196f7574092e281791ec4] => 1711703173 [_oembed_6aa4be068cd0ffc70f2337b82ef05948] =>"QUEREMOS COMIDA". Milhares de cubanos protestam contra a ditadura de Miguel Díaz-Canel em meio à crise energética e ao desabastecimento. O regime cortou as comunicações e a internet para evitar a visibilidade global. Moradores de Santiago de Cuba exigem respostas, mas enfrentam…
— Gazeta Brasil (@SigaGazetaBR) March 18, 2024[_oembed_time_6aa4be068cd0ffc70f2337b82ef05948] => 1711703173 [_oembed_9739cc76ae8f149422f88bec88f2c837] =>ÚLTIMA HORA | "El hambre mató al miedo": Masiva protesta en Santiago de Cuba contra el régimen de Miguel Díaz-Canel
— AlbertoRodNews (@AlbertoRodNews) March 17, 2024[_oembed_time_9739cc76ae8f149422f88bec88f2c837] => 1711950398 [_oembed_2d0bc19a3be37f6da406b6b335453cd7] =>Overnight drones have attacked refinery in Slavyansk-na-Kubani, Krasnodar Krai of Russia
— Liveuamap (@Liveuamap) March 17, 2024
Despite reports that fire was extinguished fast(by local authorities), refinery could be suspended for a while. Capacity: 4 mln tonnes per year(~1.5% of overall)[_oembed_time_2d0bc19a3be37f6da406b6b335453cd7] => 1711950398 [_oembed_29e096c490e501a86c1631d1c177b808] =>🔥🛢️ Russia: Several Ukrainian drones struck the oil refinery in Slavyansk-na-Kubani, Krasnodar Krai, across the Kerch bridge from occupied Crimea.
— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) March 17, 2024[_oembed_time_29e096c490e501a86c1631d1c177b808] => 1711950398 [_oembed_4e33beecf0ffaec626a68a36c488ebd1] =>/1. This morning, 6am local time, Russian oil refinery in Syzran, Samara region, was attacked by drones.
— Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (@bayraktar_1love) March 16, 2024
On the video man mentions that “AVT-6 is done” and that “K-2 column is on fire”
The capacity of the AVT-6 on the Syzran oil refinery is 6 million tons per year. That is…[_oembed_time_4e33beecf0ffaec626a68a36c488ebd1] => 1711950399 [_oembed_8b450eb93ed045781b4fc734a7647a20] =>The accuracy of the Ukrainian drone strikes against Russian refineries is amazing
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) March 16, 2024
They aren’t striking random targets at the refineries but are hitting the towers, making sure the refineries will be out of commission for a long time
Video from the attack on Ryazan 3 days ago[_oembed_time_8b450eb93ed045781b4fc734a7647a20] => 1712248580 [_oembed_bd513e0232a856aca7d66cabbccdd72c] =>An e-bike just exploded outside Buckingham Palace
— 왕감자 (@daandydan) March 30, 2024[_oembed_time_bd513e0232a856aca7d66cabbccdd72c] => 1712248580 [_oembed_e9c01137dcc3a0fd99371127159d2f47] =>An E-bike caught fire outside Buckingham Palace.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) March 30, 2024
The police have told Sky News the fire was not believed to be suspicious or deliberate.[_oembed_time_e9c01137dcc3a0fd99371127159d2f47] => 1713615910 [_oembed_a4c800cb867f404f23bb076d77457038] =>Fire in packed Hong Kong building kills five,dozens in hospital
— Reuters World (@ReutersWorld) April 10, 2024[_oembed_time_a4c800cb867f404f23bb076d77457038] => 1715776134 [_oembed_33bf881bdf4ff46ddcb742717b057bb3] =>В Ростовській області Росії на залізниці горить цистерна з паливом
— Українська правда ✌️ (@ukrpravda_news) May 11, 2024[_oembed_time_33bf881bdf4ff46ddcb742717b057bb3] => 1715776134 [_oembed_fcf110a04404689479e6003afebbdc15] =>Schweinestall in Gossau brannte lichterloh – die rund 1500 Tiere sind wohl alle tot
— SolothurnerZeitung (@SZSolothurn) May 9, 2024[_oembed_time_fcf110a04404689479e6003afebbdc15] => 1715776134 [_oembed_09db9b6994508ae45c9733ba4d94e00c] =>Earlier tonight, Ukrainian forces successfully hit a Russian railside fuel depot in Yurovka, Krasnodar Krai, setting the facility ablaze.
— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) May 9, 2024[_oembed_time_09db9b6994508ae45c9733ba4d94e00c] => 1715776135 [_oembed_9859d0bfae8fa76b360430bbc5712303] => [_oembed_time_9859d0bfae8fa76b360430bbc5712303] => 1718014127 [_oembed_8ff5b01a998925f51a3da8f061d662a7] =>Update #Großbrand #Lichterfelde #Rauch zieht Richtung Norden und es wurde eine #Warnung herausgegeben.
— Berliner Feuerwehr (@Berliner_Fw) May 3, 2024
⚠️Verhaltenshinweise bei #Brandgeruch im Gebiet der Warnkarte⚠️:
-Fenster und Türen geschlossen halten
-Klimaanlagen ausschalten
-meiden sie verrauchte Bereiche[_oembed_time_8ff5b01a998925f51a3da8f061d662a7] => 1718265865 [_oembed_6868f7d6cd1126fb26adaee55fc0a6ae] =>A fire broke out in a building housing workers in the city of Mangaf in southern Kuwait early on Wednesday, killing at least 41 people including 5 Indians, senior police officers told state media.#Kuwait #Mangaf
— Professor CR (@TheProfessorCR) June 12, 2024[_oembed_time_6868f7d6cd1126fb26adaee55fc0a6ae] => 1718265865 [_oembed_e155bf895b957984b46a6bd681565e43] =>У Херсоні показали магазин, у який влучив російський снаряд
— Українська правда ✌️ (@ukrpravda_news) June 5, 2024[_oembed_time_e155bf895b957984b46a6bd681565e43] => 1718707823 [_oembed_13358e4d07f7ac575287d87346f5ed99] =>🔥A fast-moving brush fire began in the city of Gorman Los Angeles County,CA. Total burn estimates is at least 3,611 acres prompting an evacuation order. 0% contained no reported injuries at this time🔥
— The News You Dont See (@Crazynews4real) June 16, 2024
Less than 1 mile from I-5. #postfire #california #LAcounty #socal…[_oembed_time_13358e4d07f7ac575287d87346f5ed99] => 1718707823 [_oembed_6193087034b2d5770cfb2ee045ce5d2d] =>Firefighters in California are battling the #PostFire, which has burned more than 10,000 acres in northwestern Los Angeles County, as of Sunday morning.
— AccuWeather (@accuweather) June 16, 2024
California State Park Services evacuated 1,200 people from Hungry Valley Park, Cal Fire said.[_oembed_time_6193087034b2d5770cfb2ee045ce5d2d] => 1718707823 [_oembed_076203bb0eb677ae95f2308f911bcd0c] =>🔴⚡️Alerte - Le château de #Versailles a été évacué. De la fumée se dégage du toit de l’édifice selon des témoins. Les pompiers sont sur place. - témoins
— La Plume Libre (@LPLmedia) June 11, 2024[_oembed_time_076203bb0eb677ae95f2308f911bcd0c] => 1719063288 [_oembed_1d7c85b2be67f1c6ba42fb9f0c466220] =>Влада Ростовської області РФ повідомила, що нібито внаслідок атаки БпЛА у місті Азов загорілися резервуари з нафтопродуктами. За даними МНС РФ, горить 5 000 куб м. Відео МНС РФ
— Українська правда ✌️ (@ukrpravda_news) June 18, 2024[_oembed_time_1d7c85b2be67f1c6ba42fb9f0c466220] => 1719607760 [_oembed_b4b13bb5e65075bfe9703b531681fed0] =>Time-Lapse minutos antes y después de la terrible explosión del tanque #3
— Miriel Santana (@SantanaMiriel) August 8, 2022
#Matanzas[_oembed_time_b4b13bb5e65075bfe9703b531681fed0] => 1720189152 [_oembed_249ccba5801394f15530d50f2189dc26] =>Fire breaks out on Icon of the Seas — the world’s largest cruise ship
— New York Post (@nypost) June 28, 2024[_oembed_time_249ccba5801394f15530d50f2189dc26] => 1720189152 [_oembed_acf56d45111530a949631882be6bfe0d] =>📷Assos Antik Kenti'ni de etkileyen yangından kareler.
— Milliyet Arkeoloji Dergisi (@DergiArkeoloji) June 27, 2024
[Anadolu Ajansı-İHA][_oembed_time_acf56d45111530a949631882be6bfe0d] => 1720189152 [_oembed_688d96291cbc42219cad2b570efe4b05] =>🔥 Russia: Platan Electronic Research Institute in the Moscow suburb is on fire. The facility was developing radar jamming technology for the Russian military.
— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) June 24, 2024
At least 8 people dead.[_oembed_time_688d96291cbc42219cad2b570efe4b05] => 1727776194 [_oembed_5da2cbde59a56533c2f2258d8a2d584a] => [_oembed_time_5da2cbde59a56533c2f2258d8a2d584a] => 1728469269 [_oembed_3b8be7f007fef9b54d2df7c25ab572fe] => [_oembed_time_3b8be7f007fef9b54d2df7c25ab572fe] => 1732120576 [_oembed_1aacf9a91a2014a6296302526ce2c6cd] => [_oembed_time_1aacf9a91a2014a6296302526ce2c6cd] => 1732120576 [_oembed_09c06c3d11bfacae5f206bbc5dc3ed67] => {{unknown}} [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 25 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Videók [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 18356 [1] => 67683 [2] => 368 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Kuba [1] => olajtároló [2] => tűz ) ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 76853 [content] =>Fireworks go off before a yacht explodes in Marina del Rey
— FOX 11 Los Angeles (@FOXLA) September 19, 2024Találat ért két olajtárolót Zsitomirban, illetve Csernyihivben hétfő este. A tűz eloltásában több tucat ember vett részt, sérültekről és halottakról nem érkeztek jelentések.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Találat ért két olajtárolót Zsitomirban, illetve Csernyihivban hétfő este. A tűz eloltásában több tucat ember vett részt, sérültekről és halottakról nem érkeztek jelentések. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1646727960 [modified] => 1646705922 ) [title] => Olajtároló raktár kapott találatot Zsitomirban és Csernyihivben – (videó) [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 76853 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 76854 [image] => Array ( [id] => 76854 [original] => [original_lng] => 105330 [original_w] => 500 [original_h] => 187 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 112 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 500 [height] => 187 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 500 [height] => 187 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 500 [height] => 187 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 500 [height] => 187 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 500 [height] => 187 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1646698723:12 [_oembed_e694b1c910df3b8557c7a7d9052fc7b6] => [_oembed_time_e694b1c910df3b8557c7a7d9052fc7b6] => 1646698661 [_thumbnail_id] => 76854 [_edit_last] => 12 [views_count] => 2368 [_oembed_6038f8c2f2b98e7d9f0071b840c548e5] =>7 березня близько 20:20 внаслідок двох авіаударів сталося влучання в нафтобази у м. Житомир та смт Черняхів. У Житомирі виникло загорання резервуару ємністю 10 м. куб. Попередньо жертв та постраждалих немає. До гасіння залучено 20 осіб та 4 од. техніки ДСНС.
— War in Ukraine (@WarinUkraineV) March 7, 2022[_oembed_time_6038f8c2f2b98e7d9f0071b840c548e5] => 1646720763 [_oembed_b0a1ea40f5d8d6272aee06886e6846b6] => [_oembed_time_b0a1ea40f5d8d6272aee06886e6846b6] => 1646720763 [_oembed_9efa9f35f1b2495542c9dddbeb17631a] =>“We are not targeting civilian facilities”
— Myroslava Petsa (@myroslavapetsa) February 26, 2022[_oembed_time_9efa9f35f1b2495542c9dddbeb17631a] => 1646720763 [_oembed_eec2fe590f07c7e81517a27d45305aaa] => [_oembed_time_eec2fe590f07c7e81517a27d45305aaa] => 1646720764 [_oembed_cc0b59869649496ad954623202cd1cde] => [_oembed_time_cc0b59869649496ad954623202cd1cde] => 1646720764 [_oembed_2a91cfb480e199406b2d017a04aa8471] =>#Харьков, Конный рынок, двигатель от ракеты РСЗО
— Necro Mancer (@666_mancer) February 25, 2022[_oembed_time_2a91cfb480e199406b2d017a04aa8471] => 1652126299 [_oembed_075834345d9db251af180c20602c7dbf] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) April 25, 2022
Multiple major explosions in the Russian city of Bryansk tonight.
The city is located very close to the Ukrainian border.
No news yet on what has caused the explosions.
Developing story...[_oembed_time_075834345d9db251af180c20602c7dbf] => 1652126300 [_oembed_b5ad5697a16f65ee901fbae5f46f4c4c] =>‼️? В Брянске было слышно несколько взрывов
— Alexander Bunin (@abunin) April 25, 2022[_oembed_time_b5ad5697a16f65ee901fbae5f46f4c4c] => 1652126300 [_oembed_512e1a93b87a96daadd220388e9a5988] =>There is a large fire at an oil depot in Bryansk.
— Rob Lee (@RALee85) April 25, 2022[_oembed_time_512e1a93b87a96daadd220388e9a5988] => 1652126300 [_oembed_a714ae37f0e8f15141f51baa4c11f7bb] =>Más de 100 muertos en Nigeria por una explosión en un depósito ilegal de petróleo
— La Vanguardia (@LaVanguardia) April 23, 2022
Los hechos se han producido en el estado de Rivers, en el Delta del Níger, al sur del país[_oembed_time_a714ae37f0e8f15141f51baa4c11f7bb] => 1652126300 [_oembed_c2c14797167fa1be4a9ae74cc538ea95] =>At least 100 people killed in an overnight explosion at an illegal oil refining depot in #Nigeria's Rivers state.
— Mete Sohtaoğlu (@metesohtaoglu) April 23, 2022
? @savunmaisleri[_oembed_time_c2c14797167fa1be4a9ae74cc538ea95] => 1652126301 [_oembed_6d772e8841089041a684d3b2b01ec75a] =>Uma explosão em um depósito ilegal de refino de petróleo próximo à divisa entre os estados de Rivers e Imo, na Nigéria, matou mais de 100 pessoas durante a noite, disse um funcionário do governo local e a ONG YEAC no sábado.
— Previsibilidade (@previsibilidad) April 23, 2022[_oembed_time_6d772e8841089041a684d3b2b01ec75a] => 1652126301 [_oembed_ce0da1a8626e1ed6aa3d68bec3a86d3e] =>100 Dead And Scores Injured In Explosion At illegal Oil Refinery In Rivers
— KOKO TV Nigeria (@KOKO_TV) April 23, 2022[_oembed_time_ce0da1a8626e1ed6aa3d68bec3a86d3e] => 1652126301 [_oembed_9ce9e2f4773157b6abacd1e49ece000e] => [_oembed_time_9ce9e2f4773157b6abacd1e49ece000e] => 1654417100 [_oembed_5f34312f8ce1f66f4cba75679c74d621] =>100 Roasted In Rivers Illegal Refinery Explosion via @Nigerialawyers
— The Nigeria Lawyer (@Nigerialawyers) April 23, 2022[_oembed_time_5f34312f8ce1f66f4cba75679c74d621] => 1654450243 [_oembed_53d079aefda97dc6c7f9c0c92ba5faf7] =>Watched a @Tesla catch on fire this morning. As soon as it started smoking the electrical system locked trapping the guy inside. Luckily construction workers broke the window so he could escape. Neat feature
— Mjarchie (@Mjarchie1) May 20, 2022[_oembed_time_53d079aefda97dc6c7f9c0c92ba5faf7] => 1654793227 [_oembed_9eb373fc4a3b4d9a973086e800c8a642] =>Video from Mary Smith
— Mike Lorber (@NBCSky5) May 28, 2022[_oembed_time_9eb373fc4a3b4d9a973086e800c8a642] => 1655397403 [_oembed_5b403e0c84a88903d1745cbfbc87e231] =>In #Moscow, the Grand Setun Plaza business center is on fire. There are people in the building. The fire is assigned almost the maximum level of difficulty. #Russia #fire #fires #Incendio
— BRAVE SPIRIT (@Brave_spirit81) June 3, 2022[_oembed_time_5b403e0c84a88903d1745cbfbc87e231] => 1655397403 [_oembed_b4e6b4e25f7022d37ba91c3e3e514fad] =>The Grand Setun Plaza business center in #Moscow is on fire, reports local media.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) June 3, 2022[_oembed_time_b4e6b4e25f7022d37ba91c3e3e514fad] => 1655397403 [_oembed_922d2e9befe7b087830bce41be5d3dea] =>Dead and injured in fire in Czech Republic nursing home
— Jaun News Usa (@jaunnewsusa) June 2, 2022[_oembed_time_922d2e9befe7b087830bce41be5d3dea] => 1656185415 [_oembed_06b0460eb5c71b2720681370b98f7ebe] => [_oembed_time_06b0460eb5c71b2720681370b98f7ebe] => 1656185415 [_oembed_f4d70f1875194ca37e964059b5603bd3] =>Close-up video of passengers getting off the plane | #ONLYinDADE
— ONLY in DADE (@ONLYinDADE) June 22, 2022[_oembed_time_f4d70f1875194ca37e964059b5603bd3] => 1656185416 [_oembed_18265ae7c02926cf84a13b0107213869] =>At least 35 people were killed and over 450 injured after an explosion triggered a massive blaze at a private container storage depot in Sitakunda, near #Bangladesh’s main sea port of Chittagong. Details here -
— IndiaToday (@IndiaToday) June 5, 2022[_oembed_time_18265ae7c02926cf84a13b0107213869] => 1656185416 [_oembed_04fb5491de623c26d3e972b05d96f619] =>BANGLADESH: At least 25 people have been killed and over 450 injured in a fire caused by an explosion at a container depot in Chittagong.
— Apex World News (@apexworldnews) June 5, 2022[_oembed_time_04fb5491de623c26d3e972b05d96f619] => 1657263748 [_oembed_2da35986c01fa467ba17a9a615bd160e] =>Heftige blikseminslag te zien in #Nijmegen. Waarschijnlijk ingeslagen in Ubbergen.#onweer #bliksem @helgavanleur @DeGelderlander
— Anton ?✨?? (@MeijerNijmegen) June 23, 2022[_oembed_time_2da35986c01fa467ba17a9a615bd160e] => 1657263748 [_oembed_1032547ac9143e91efbbde716b412e29] =>Turkey: A large wildfire burning tens of thousands of acres broke out in Turkey this week. Nearly 1,500 personnel, 20 helicopters and 14 fixed wing aircraft were fighting the fire. The fire is mostly under control but what a view this is. #Turkey #Istanbul #wildfire #weather
— TheHotshotWakeUp (@HotshotWake) June 22, 2022[_oembed_time_1032547ac9143e91efbbde716b412e29] => 1658225441 [_oembed_afd3af70659ec5cb436e7957a5916b46] =>BREAKING ?? : The moment helicopter carrying 4 crashed into the sea off in Samos Island
— Zaid Ahmd (@realzaidzayn) July 13, 2022
♦️Pilots unharmed #Greece[_oembed_time_afd3af70659ec5cb436e7957a5916b46] => 1658225441 [_oembed_c3a2a8dc05403fca91bc1799c42ace77] => [_oembed_time_c3a2a8dc05403fca91bc1799c42ace77] => 1659632895 [_oembed_8ea07b103820c3d6a1cd58cb1f2032b8] => [_oembed_time_8ea07b103820c3d6a1cd58cb1f2032b8] => 1660289935 [_oembed_ae082a599224d4dbe4b0f255db9abb26] =>⚡️A fire broke out in the Croatian resort town of Pula, most of the city is out of power, -writes Jutarnji List.
— Flash (@Flash43191300) July 9, 2022[_oembed_time_ae082a599224d4dbe4b0f255db9abb26] => 1660289935 [_oembed_b8f35f223a5f0a35211b87beefa3e840] =>Time-Lapse minutos antes y después de la terrible explosión del tanque #3
— Miriel Santana (@SantanaMiriel) August 8, 2022
#Matanzas[_oembed_time_b8f35f223a5f0a35211b87beefa3e840] => 1660289935 [_oembed_0996791a5b6d7a18791e8e509ee79255] =>En #Matanzas no se habla de otra cosa. Todos tienen sus ojos puestos en los tanques aledaños y piden a Dios que el fuego no se extienda. "Este país está maldito porque no se vuelve a Dios. Cuántas plagas serán necesarias para que el Faraón deje su cabeza dura”, me dice un vecino
— Mario J. Pentón (@MarioJPenton) August 6, 2022[_oembed_time_0996791a5b6d7a18791e8e509ee79255] => 1660289935 [_oembed_87ac781032305b2d098a7dc0b9d17884] => [_oembed_time_87ac781032305b2d098a7dc0b9d17884] => 1660289936 [_oembed_658dfa6abb9cffe539097eff9e5c27ca] => [_oembed_time_658dfa6abb9cffe539097eff9e5c27ca] => 1660876174 [_oembed_493e15e0bd14d61171b2dd8a37f07e76] =>Significant fire overnight at a storage tank at a supertanker port in Matanzas, Cuba #Cuba
— CNW (@ConflictsW) August 6, 2022[_oembed_time_493e15e0bd14d61171b2dd8a37f07e76] => 1660876174 [_oembed_9179912c60d3dbc18137e35b20b2fcbb] =>???Video: Massive explosion in #Armenia's capital #Yerevan.
— Terror Alarm (@terror_alarm) August 14, 2022[_oembed_time_9179912c60d3dbc18137e35b20b2fcbb] => 1661516269 [_oembed_058ecb3069638dc72fc01e3673745cb0] =>Officials in Pakistan say at least 20 people were killed after a passenger bus rammed into a fuel truck on a highway in eastern Punjab province.
— The Associated Press (@AP) August 16, 2022[_oembed_time_058ecb3069638dc72fc01e3673745cb0] => 1661516270 [_oembed_3bfb470faa3d86a71c5ad72f7bae8265] =>BREAKING: 35 Christians killed, 45 injured in a Church fire during Sunday service in Giza city in Egypt.
— Hananya Naftali (@HananyaNaftali) August 14, 2022
My thoughts and prayers are with the victims today. ????[_oembed_time_3bfb470faa3d86a71c5ad72f7bae8265] => 1661516270 [_oembed_e02ccfa7a1ea15191d3f70af4826b176] =>#BREAKING: 45 dead, dozens injured in Abu Sefein Church fire in #Giza, Egypt. ‐ AFP
— The apprised (@the_apprised) August 14, 2022[_oembed_time_e02ccfa7a1ea15191d3f70af4826b176] => 1662654790 [_oembed_d217cddd92d989bf060cfedd308dc3b6] => [_oembed_time_d217cddd92d989bf060cfedd308dc3b6] => 1664187579 [_oembed_aa3ead07180d3e5ade6239784e523bbb] =>Off the coast of the #Philippines there was a fire on a passenger ship.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) August 26, 2022
At the time of the fire, 48 passengers and 34 crew members were on board.
Details are being specified.[_oembed_time_aa3ead07180d3e5ade6239784e523bbb] => 1664187579 [_oembed_0c661273bc3b589b40b1268e12c26fcb] =>❗️In #China, the skyscraper of the largest telecom operator China Telecom in #Changsha is on fire. Hundreds of people could be burned alive.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) September 16, 2022[_oembed_time_0c661273bc3b589b40b1268e12c26fcb] => 1665501054 [_oembed_1bf1497104fbf12fdab40b8247009497] =>A restaurant fire killed 17 and injured three on Wednesday in the city of #Changchun, northeast China's Jilin Province, according to local authorities.
— Ifeng News (@IFENG__official) September 28, 2022[_oembed_time_1bf1497104fbf12fdab40b8247009497] => 1665501055 [_oembed_3b7443fe83a69496fddc05808f82d742] =>17 Killed in Restaurant Fire in #China's #Changchun
— Newsistaan (@newsistaan) September 28, 2022
Three other people have been hospitalised. The cause of the first is being investigated. (Zhengguan News)— Kevin Rothrock (@KevinRothrock) October 17, 2022[_oembed_time_3b7443fe83a69496fddc05808f82d742] => 1666890149 [_oembed_e98d1a09286c972fb15c6c82a88eb4f8] =>[_oembed_time_e98d1a09286c972fb15c6c82a88eb4f8] => 1667070643 [_oembed_a2f268f4df7555e546a7d44f7a18d2ad] => [_oembed_time_a2f268f4df7555e546a7d44f7a18d2ad] => 1668366819 [_oembed_2da00139d3803ceb7a641bacf6bf00f3] =>❗Сильный пожар на электроподстанции вспыхнул в Белгороде. По словам губернатора, пожар не связан с СВО, все дело в перенапряжении
— Газета.Ru (@GazetaRu) October 19, 2022[_oembed_time_2da00139d3803ceb7a641bacf6bf00f3] => 1670783392 [_oembed_d54fd0e3e4a27fcef6b7d924a42af03e] =>Velký požár zachvátil obchodní centrum “Mega Khimki” na okraji Moskvy.
— Filip Horký (@FilipHorky) December 9, 2022
Video: RIA[_oembed_time_d54fd0e3e4a27fcef6b7d924a42af03e] => 1670783392 [_oembed_9e2c024debf94693881b21b9319db74a] =>#Moscow shopping mall Mega Khimki. Over 10,000 m2 (2.5 acres) on fire.
— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) December 9, 2022[_oembed_time_9e2c024debf94693881b21b9319db74a] => 1670783393 [_oembed_4e9f13c016312f89e17a56250d5cda47] =>⚡️ The moment of explosion in "Mega Khimki" Moscow Mall. Video from local social media.
— FLASH (@Flash_news_ua) December 9, 2022
? Follow @Flash_news_ua[_oembed_time_4e9f13c016312f89e17a56250d5cda47] => 1670783393 [_oembed_a37b4e6e50d390fb130c2d2ca4a9c738] =>Another fire in Moscow. This time at Mega Khimki shopping center. Arson is suspected according to Russian media
— Olga Lautman ?? (@OlgaNYC1211) December 9, 2022[_oembed_time_a37b4e6e50d390fb130c2d2ca4a9c738] => 1671885836 [_oembed_4f66ba358ed2253c4fbbc9747e764887] => [_oembed_time_4f66ba358ed2253c4fbbc9747e764887] => 1672661132 [_oembed_4b7eeaaa909bbeec4211d22c4ed71863] =>#incendie A Vaulx-en-Velin, des voisins ont filmé le drame ? Lire ici le témoignage "un enfant jeté et rattrapé".
— France 3 Rhône-Alpes (@F3Rhone_Alpes) December 16, 2022[_oembed_time_4b7eeaaa909bbeec4211d22c4ed71863] => 1673622921 [_oembed_eff13c9336ff1d6e5c25886ef58d179c] =>A fire alarm went off in one of the buildings of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a technical room.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) January 6, 2023
Firefighters are working at the site.[_oembed_time_eff13c9336ff1d6e5c25886ef58d179c] => 1674587510 [_oembed_43e071e7822b2c66a658c08da92aeb0f] =>Drei Tote nach Brand in Pflegeheim #Reutlingen #Feuer
— StN_News (@StN_News) January 17, 2023[_oembed_time_43e071e7822b2c66a658c08da92aeb0f] => 1675521736 [_oembed_1de19a99831f429b0e7fe49f000809ef] =>Fuel tanks are on fire in #Angarsk, which were planned to be sent to the occupiers in #Ukraine
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) January 21, 2023
According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the area of the fire is 400 sq. m.[_oembed_time_1de19a99831f429b0e7fe49f000809ef] => 1676450779 [_oembed_1fca1c752ee7ccf6e8885bde6eab298a] => [_oembed_time_1fca1c752ee7ccf6e8885bde6eab298a] => 1678384417 [_oembed_0da81cb898b40c513db64a44ad17941c] =>A two-story construction module caught fire in occupied #Sevastopol, #Crimea. The fire took place on an area of 200 square meters. Five people died.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) February 2, 2023[_oembed_time_0da81cb898b40c513db64a44ad17941c] => 1678384418 [_oembed_04f5ddc623fbd704ecac3f1ee94f7f27] =>JUST IN - Massive fire at fuel storage station belonging to state-owned energy company Pertamina at North Jakarta, Indonesia - multiple people dead.
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) March 3, 2023[_oembed_time_04f5ddc623fbd704ecac3f1ee94f7f27] => 1678384418 [_oembed_a0c55df49c465fdf530d69b2a20f54c2] =>?? Skyscraper under construction in Hong Kong catches fire
— Sinnaig (@Sinnaig) March 2, 2023[_oembed_time_a0c55df49c465fdf530d69b2a20f54c2] => 1678384418 [_oembed_bb6bf399d74e2df6536811e3af2a75c1] =>A fire tore through the upper floors of a skyscraper that was under construction in the Tsim Sha Tsui area of Hong Kong in the early hours of Friday
— Reuters (@Reuters) March 2, 2023[_oembed_time_bb6bf399d74e2df6536811e3af2a75c1] => 1678384419 [_oembed_cb5b28870af3e11c5e02316ab94dfb88] =>Another Video-Fire hits #skyscraper being built on site of old Mariner’s Club in Hong Kong’s #tsimshatsui.
— Chaudhary Parvez (@ChaudharyParvez) March 3, 2023
Scaffolding around the building engulfed in flames & burning embers from the building in Middle Road Tsim Sha Tsui ignited objects on the ground#NEWS #fire #HongKong[_oembed_time_cb5b28870af3e11c5e02316ab94dfb88] => 1680165333 [_oembed_3c379468ec1945101868706bf176e238] =>Another video from #Rostov-on-Don, where the building of the Border Service of the #FSB is on fire.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) March 16, 2023[_oembed_time_3c379468ec1945101868706bf176e238] => 1680165333 [_oembed_a7008c6c3f6cb39031817fe4b8613802] =>The building of the Border Service of the FSB RF is on fire in Rostov-on-Don.
— Saint Javelin (@saintjavelin) March 16, 2023[_oembed_time_a7008c6c3f6cb39031817fe4b8613802] => 1680176625 [_oembed_7d318b0c7b967a7249dd6b675136a2e4] =>Terrible news of a fire outbreak at a hotel in Istanbul's Pendik district.
— Daily Turkic (@DailyTurkic) March 24, 2023[_oembed_time_7d318b0c7b967a7249dd6b675136a2e4] => 1683188059 [_oembed_4d641c97188de7be77fa753935ceb0d0] =>In Izmir, a multi-storey building caught fire, some of the residents jumped out of the windows
— Spriter (@Spriter99880) April 27, 2023[_oembed_time_4d641c97188de7be77fa753935ceb0d0] => 1683188059 [_oembed_bfe3961e7a8a7c2ddd577a226d05540b] =>A devastating fire has raged at a holiday hotspot for Brits, forcing some flat block residents to jump off their balconies to escape the blaze
— Daily Star (@dailystar) April 28, 2023[_oembed_time_bfe3961e7a8a7c2ddd577a226d05540b] => 1683188059 [_oembed_650089985f4b87942ba066ffbf992f65] =>BREAKING: People jumped out as #Karachi Express train caught fire in Khairpur, Pakistan. According to reports, 2 people died.
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) April 27, 2023[_oembed_time_650089985f4b87942ba066ffbf992f65] => 1683749367 [_oembed_a61c883042c6e9afe91e9f0fdbaa41f6] =>Incêndio no Banco Central de Cartum
— ????Paula Danich (@DanichPaula) April 30, 2023
??[_oembed_time_a61c883042c6e9afe91e9f0fdbaa41f6] => 1683825654 [_oembed_7f6bc014469f261d72559ea66456c25b] =>❗️Noční požár v Brně je čtvrtý nejtragičtější od roku 1990. Zahynulo osm lidí.
— Události Brno (@UdalostiBrno) May 4, 2023
❗️Požár vypukl po 2:00 ráno, hasiči jej zlikvidovali před 7:00.
❗️Jeho příčinu budou nyní zjišťovat @PolicieCZ a @hzsjhm
❗️Podle policie šlo o 12 spojených unimobuněk.[_oembed_time_7f6bc014469f261d72559ea66456c25b] => 1684566520 [_oembed_4b4387f28e5f77a5b2827332c12454b2] => [_oembed_time_4b4387f28e5f77a5b2827332c12454b2] => 1684566520 [_oembed_9ad243307cf96779f21e8b01a95a9389] =>?⚠️?Terrifying evolution of the more than 80 current #Wildfires in #Alberta, as captured by #GOES18 today May 5 in the latest 7 hours via #ABFire @zoom_earth #Canada #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #climatebrawl @ai6yrham @StormHour @GeraldKutney
— SatWorld (@or_bit_eye) May 5, 2023[_oembed_time_9ad243307cf96779f21e8b01a95a9389] => 1686078150 [_oembed_e25b0da3b40881baf6f0a11d1584dddf] => [_oembed_time_e25b0da3b40881baf6f0a11d1584dddf] => 1686901926 [_oembed_9ad8647d0dc48d65c25fea0149633ab1] =>Building on fire collapses in Sydney.
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) May 25, 2023[_oembed_time_9ad8647d0dc48d65c25fea0149633ab1] => 1686901926 [_oembed_1c963d083d64b54f5f9dd2f00579268e] =>Heute kam es aufgrund eines Oberleitungsschadens zu einem Brand im Terfener Tunnel. Die Rettungskette und Evakuierung haben gut funktioniert. Alle Personen des NJ420 wurden mittlerweile evakuiert. Danke an alle Einsatzkräfte vor Ort! #ÖBBStreckeninfo
— ÖBB (@unsereOEBB) June 7, 2023
© ÖBB / Gasser-Mair[_oembed_time_1c963d083d64b54f5f9dd2f00579268e] => 1686901926 [_oembed_f01f617b86cb1231e6aa680dcdb51c8e] =>?ITALY ?? | A #fire ravaged an 8-storey building in east of #Rome (Colli Aniene district) killing one person and wounding at least 9, Italian officials said. Rome Firefighters managed to control the flames and an investigation is open. More than 100 residents are now homeless.
— Nanana365 (@nananamedia365) June 2, 2023[_oembed_time_f01f617b86cb1231e6aa680dcdb51c8e] => 1687779031 [_oembed_e965200459fb5bc3c427e79bc1b06df5] =>Énorme incendie à @EuropaParkFR @fan2europapark #europapark
— Loveme15 (@roudoudou90) June 19, 2023[_oembed_time_e965200459fb5bc3c427e79bc1b06df5] => 1687779031 [_oembed_18737e5f60976df3255f697865468cb5] =>Brand im #Europapark ?
— Johannes Schmidt ?️? (@DerDanlas) June 19, 2023
Anscheinend im Alpenexpress. Einer der alten Klassiker ?[_oembed_time_18737e5f60976df3255f697865468cb5] => 1687779032 [_oembed_3fbc924f4cb001d36eab55d108f3a929] =>Nouvel incendie à Europa-Park, le parc d'attraction allemand évacué
— France Bleu Lorraine Nord (@fblorrainenord) June 19, 2023
➡️[_oembed_time_3fbc924f4cb001d36eab55d108f3a929] => 1687779032 [_oembed_e7805ff6e3db85d2fd28cf97118153d0] =>Der #EuropaPark wird morgen für Besucher geöffnet sein!
— Europa-Park Sprecher (@ep_sprecher) June 19, 2023[_oembed_time_e7805ff6e3db85d2fd28cf97118153d0] => 1689069193 [_oembed_7cf4eac2f920659b7bab1dfe0c227ac2] =>Romania, explosion at Petromidia Refinery on the Black Sea.
— Pierre Davide Borrelli (@PierreDBorrelli) June 21, 2023[_oembed_time_7cf4eac2f920659b7bab1dfe0c227ac2] => 1689069193 [_oembed_3ee7854d828525c2077252f84fc3369f] =>explosion at #Romania oil refinery
— Mir (@sikandarmir_) June 21, 2023[_oembed_time_3ee7854d828525c2077252f84fc3369f] => 1690782488 [_oembed_434267c4c2434a7a8eaf69db7dc092f9] => [_oembed_time_434267c4c2434a7a8eaf69db7dc092f9] => 1691141905 [_oembed_90e637fcc4b95914303fa2467a221b57] =>??_||~ ✈️〰️? Explosion of #GAF Greek Air Force ammunition depot in #Volos after flames entered the area surrounding the base of the 111th Fighter Wing, population evacuated. #Greece #firefighter
— A Deniz Ekşioğlu (@_AD_CHANEL6) July 27, 2023[_oembed_time_90e637fcc4b95914303fa2467a221b57] => 1691141905 [_oembed_24a5c4de2bfc3677340ec4d3098d2c8f] => [_oembed_time_24a5c4de2bfc3677340ec4d3098d2c8f] => 1691141905 [_oembed_b2dc99c354974b615fe4dba8944c2c95] =>Terrifying moment toddler thrown from burning 16-storey block of flats
— Mirror World News (@MirrorWorldNews) August 1, 2023[_oembed_time_b2dc99c354974b615fe4dba8944c2c95] => 1691764511 [_oembed_983378664710d812a007a05a5d48b3a0] => [_oembed_time_983378664710d812a007a05a5d48b3a0] => 1693060671 [_oembed_1075ea5ef83ef340ac62bb8fab16de60] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_3e84942d7b53bbfe2b30e56b655e7287] =>Kupyansk, Kharkiv region. An aerial bomb dropped by russian terrorists destroyed the city's blood transfusion center. There are dead and wounded. Rescuers are putting out the fire.
— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) August 5, 2023[_oembed_time_3e84942d7b53bbfe2b30e56b655e7287] => 1693060672 [_oembed_82b4b7cfec6b4265cb8584a4c3ed5128] =>Russian state media reporting a huge fire at Novorossiysk’ oil terminal, which is Russia’s main oil export hub in the area as well as the route by which the majority of Kazakh oil hits world markets. Unclear if drone strikes involved
— Maximilian Hess (@zakavkaza) August 18, 2023[_oembed_time_82b4b7cfec6b4265cb8584a4c3ed5128] => 1693060672 [_oembed_e7188766f72affc33f9937690012ce4e] =>? NOVOROSSIYSK ??
— Jason Jay Smart (@officejjsmart) August 18, 2023
The cargo area of the port of Novorossiysk ??, is burning ? & exploding.
She says:
“It’s becoming bigger and bigger. Something just exploded… it’s continuing to explode.”
The port is Russia’s main port on the Black Sea.[_oembed_time_e7188766f72affc33f9937690012ce4e] => 1693060672 [_oembed_1d6544233de241ab25684f802812db04] =>A major fire broke out at the Russian sea port of Novorossiysk. The container terminal is on fire.
— (((Tendar))) (@Tendar) August 18, 2023
Source:[_oembed_time_1d6544233de241ab25684f802812db04] => 1693502556 [_oembed_a87447413d1a8bfefceca59a7c85f214] =>У російському Кємєрово горить склад піротехніки, пишуть російські пабліки.
— NV (@tweetsNV) August 26, 2023[_oembed_time_a87447413d1a8bfefceca59a7c85f214] => 1694969250 [_oembed_6dcd9f491260222e5a3c15cb455a58c6] =>Massive fire in St Petersburg today.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) September 2, 2023
More fires are expected in Russia in the coming months as Ukraine ramps up its production of long-range suicide drones.[_oembed_time_6dcd9f491260222e5a3c15cb455a58c6] => 1694969250 [_oembed_928c109d3ba25199e58dc016b649d27c] =>NEWS UPDATE | Kasalukuyang kinukuha ng Bureau of Fire Protection at QCDRRMO ang labi ng 15 katao na namatay sa sunog sa estabilisiyamento sa Kennedy Drive, Pleasant View Subd. sa Brgy. Tandang Sora, Quezon City, 5:30 kaninang umaga. | via @sheenatorno_
— Pulso Ng Bayan (@_PulsoNgBayan) August 31, 2023[_oembed_time_928c109d3ba25199e58dc016b649d27c] => 1695968272 [_oembed_41b5bc8368624df9243a61bacdbc36cb] => Erdőtüzek tombolnak Indonéziában #foryou #foryourpage #hírek #hiradohu #erdőtűz #indonézia #nekedbe #fyp
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_41b5bc8368624df9243a61bacdbc36cb] => 1696530392 [_oembed_9c51fb48d3f644cee15cf2fdf8e44003] =>In #Shchelkovo, near #Moscow, there was a big fire near the airfield.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) September 27, 2023[_oembed_time_9c51fb48d3f644cee15cf2fdf8e44003] => 1697130325 [_oembed_234fdb24255e7ba58d793de0be610134] =>U pogonu osječke tvrtke "Drava international" kod prigradskog naselja Brijest u srijedu poslije ponoći došlo je do požara uskladištene plastike na otvorenom prostoru, koji pokušavaju lokalizirati profesionalne i dobrovoljne vatrogasne postrojbe.
— HRT vijesti (@hrtvijesti) October 4, 2023[_oembed_time_234fdb24255e7ba58d793de0be610134] => 1697130325 [_oembed_6e26f15edecdea0e7ab0734e7868bcad] =>Vatrom je zahvaćena uskladištena plastika na više tisuća četvornih metara ?
— Bloomberg Adria Hrvatska (@BloombergAdrHR) October 4, 2023[_oembed_time_6e26f15edecdea0e7ab0734e7868bcad] => 1697130326 [_oembed_66258d5f94b41ac0b4796ff8a211b4ae] =>??Factory Inferno As Warehouse Burns in Croatia
— il libanese (@Ramy_Sawma) October 4, 2023
A fire broke out at a Drava International plant in Osijek, with plastic going up in flames , while the fire also spread to the production plant.
Due to heavy smoke and pollution, citizens are asked to close their windows and not…[_oembed_time_66258d5f94b41ac0b4796ff8a211b4ae] => 1697130326 [_oembed_7285bddf5dd181b35cd317c64248119c] =>#BREAKING #Egypt A massive fire in the Egyptian Ismailia Security Directorate.
— The National Independent (@NationalIndNews) October 2, 2023[_oembed_time_7285bddf5dd181b35cd317c64248119c] => 1697478646 [_oembed_678d85b86151f23563e6ec31582ec62a] =>Efforts are still ongoing to extinguish a serious fire at Luton Airport. We are continuing to protect surrounding airport infrastructure, vehicles and the Luton DART. For anyone whose travel plans may be affected, please refer to the advice being provided by London Luton Airport.
— Beds Fire and Rescue (@BedsFire) October 11, 2023[_oembed_time_678d85b86151f23563e6ec31582ec62a] => 1697736611 [_oembed_e3291ca15d9edae6315fc538d5be20a8] =>? 7 Dead, 39 Injured After Massive Fire Breaks Out In Goregaon, Mumbai Building
— Harsh Patel (@Harshpatel1408) October 6, 2023
Some live visuals #Mumbai #fire[_oembed_time_e3291ca15d9edae6315fc538d5be20a8] => 1700251378 [_oembed_5169c6de9f3395e75c779549ae8f0986] =>In der Nacht wurde am jüdischen Teil des Zentralfriedhofs (IV. Tor) ein Brand gelegt. Der Vorraum der Zeremonienhalle ist ausgebrannt. An Außenmauern wurden Hakenkreuze gesprayt. Personen kamen nicht zu Schaden. Feuerwehr und Polizei ermitteln.
— Oskar Deutsch (@DeutschOskar) November 1, 2023[_oembed_time_5169c6de9f3395e75c779549ae8f0986] => 1701188109 [_oembed_5ac691dc9ab5866de077725055f9abf8] =>У Москві горить електропідстанція «Чагіно» в районі Любліно
— Ukrinform (@UKRINFORM) November 24, 2023
? рос. телеграм-канали[_oembed_time_5ac691dc9ab5866de077725055f9abf8] => 1702019463 [_oembed_bfb01ec9c798c39eb76a37912f7b2ddb] => [_oembed_time_bfb01ec9c798c39eb76a37912f7b2ddb] => 1703926191 [_oembed_c0a1ce73f8978778c56a39ec8192a25b] =>At least 13 people killed in a hostel fire that broke out in Kazakhstan's largest city Almaty before sunrise, city's emergency situations department says
— TRT World (@trtworld) November 30, 2023[_oembed_time_c0a1ce73f8978778c56a39ec8192a25b] => 1703926192 [_oembed_2f67e77eb5111f384172bbc000b412d3] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) December 24, 2023
Nuclear incident in northern Russia.
A fire erupted on the nuclear-powered ice-breaking container ship Sevmorput in the Port of Murmansk.
It’s the largest nuclear-powered ship in Russia.[_oembed_time_2f67e77eb5111f384172bbc000b412d3] => 1703926192 [_oembed_ee35dac0ce5a3837b30f9dc92d1a8099] =>A fire that had erupted on #Russia's nuclear-powered container ship Sevmorput was put out, authorities said. No one was injured in the incident, occurred in one of the cabins of the vessel & affected an area of some 30 square meters, the emergency department of Murmansk region
— Bilkul Online: Business & Lifestyle News (@bilkulonline) December 25, 2023[_oembed_time_ee35dac0ce5a3837b30f9dc92d1a8099] => 1703926192 [_oembed_3b1a391ec538464a49abf46c2dd82c79] =>WATCH: Massive explosion rocked a fuel depot in the Guinea capital Conakry, dozens injured
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) December 18, 2023[_oembed_time_3b1a391ec538464a49abf46c2dd82c79] => 1706006809 [_oembed_3e983c3f0ce86e3f6d273402d4fd000a] => [_oembed_time_3e983c3f0ce86e3f6d273402d4fd000a] => 1706006809 [_oembed_19481bc1622a3664aba01f9579911d5c] =>Fire at Seattle gallery damages art by Picasso, Rembrandt: ‘This is irreplaceable artwork’
— New York Post (@nypost) January 17, 2024[_oembed_time_19481bc1622a3664aba01f9579911d5c] => 1706006809 [_oembed_a7b512d49c2636c36f4f49f000c20aba] =>The warehouse of a large online store Wildberries is on fire in St. Petersburg. The area of the fire is 70 thousand square meters, the Russian Emergencies Ministry said
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) January 13, 2024
Russian media report that the damage from the fire may amount to 10-11 billion rubles (approximately 126…[_oembed_time_a7b512d49c2636c36f4f49f000c20aba] => 1707123345 [_oembed_9cca237f1d906b647ce0cf83b69a0d9c] =>In #Kharkiv Oblast, #Russian aerial bombs hit the territory of a civilian hospital.
— Putin's IBS (@kardinal691) January 31, 2024
38 people were evacuated, five of them were employees of the facility, and four were given first aid on the spot. The facade of the building, windows, and roof were damaged.[_oembed_time_9cca237f1d906b647ce0cf83b69a0d9c] => 1708276403 [_oembed_361b3f1d9aacff790e3f91b234ce90b9] =>#RussiaOnFire
— LX (@LXSummer1) February 8, 2024
Perm region, Russia ❗
Boom 💥 Bavovna 🔥🔥🔥💨🤌
Tonight, after an explosion of a gas pipeline in the village of Kueda, Perm Territory, a freight train and a residential building caught fire. 6 people are injured. A fire train has been sent to extinguish the fire…[_oembed_time_361b3f1d9aacff790e3f91b234ce90b9] => 1708276403 [_oembed_d19b3bcee30ab857bc783ab5fcaf10af] =>/1. A large fire broke out in the Perm region due to an explosion in a gas pipeline.
— Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (@bayraktar_1love) February 8, 2024
Railway tanks are burning in the village of Kueda. The fire has begun to spread to residential buildings.[_oembed_time_d19b3bcee30ab857bc783ab5fcaf10af] => 1709287479 [_oembed_0ab66573fd3846ffe4c72986afab883d] => [_oembed_time_0ab66573fd3846ffe4c72986afab883d] => 1709287479 [_oembed_184599355820f73f36139cff23dd8656] =>Fire in paint factory kills 11 in India’s capital #FMTNews #FMTWorld
— Free Malaysia Today (@fmtoday) February 16, 2024[_oembed_time_184599355820f73f36139cff23dd8656] => 1710435363 [_oembed_0defb0ff0bcf667fcf0d5e5aa48eafb8] =>The Smokehouse Creek Fire has ravaged over a million acres in the Texas Panhandle, engulfing homes and ranches and claiming two lives.
— AccuWeather (@accuweather) March 2, 2024[_oembed_time_0defb0ff0bcf667fcf0d5e5aa48eafb8] => 1710435363 [_oembed_e14a304fc802b1e6d8b5e96bd78e42de] =>🚨#BREAKING: Firefighters are battling a Massive automobile Salvage Yard fire
— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) March 2, 2024
📌#Grandprairie | #Texas
Numerous firefighters and other emergency crews are currently on the scene in Grand Prairie, Texas, battling a massive fire at an automobile salvage yard. Numerous…[_oembed_time_e14a304fc802b1e6d8b5e96bd78e42de] => 1710435363 [_oembed_b6f4e65f8d4257f6709535c4ae3b59e6] =>At least 1000 cattle have already been killed in Texas wildfires. This area houses some of the biggest cattle farms in the United States. Video from Ft. Worth Fire Dept.
— Dave Bondy (@DaveBondyTV) March 2, 2024[_oembed_time_b6f4e65f8d4257f6709535c4ae3b59e6] => 1710600349 [_oembed_4f0c845a7dbe087a327b5bce208ec492] =>⚡️Russian Telegram channels report that a power plant is on fire in St #Petersburg.
— KyivPost (@KyivPost) March 12, 2024[_oembed_time_4f0c845a7dbe087a327b5bce208ec492] => 1710600349 [_oembed_9739cc76ae8f149422f88bec88f2c837] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) March 12, 2024
Ukrainian drones strike a power station in St Petersburg, setting it on fire[_oembed_time_9739cc76ae8f149422f88bec88f2c837] => 1712512954 [_oembed_2d0bc19a3be37f6da406b6b335453cd7] =>Overnight drones have attacked refinery in Slavyansk-na-Kubani, Krasnodar Krai of Russia
— Liveuamap (@Liveuamap) March 17, 2024
Despite reports that fire was extinguished fast(by local authorities), refinery could be suspended for a while. Capacity: 4 mln tonnes per year(~1.5% of overall)[_oembed_time_2d0bc19a3be37f6da406b6b335453cd7] => 1712512954 [_oembed_e9c01137dcc3a0fd99371127159d2f47] =>🔥🛢️ Russia: Several Ukrainian drones struck the oil refinery in Slavyansk-na-Kubani, Krasnodar Krai, across the Kerch bridge from occupied Crimea.
— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) March 17, 2024[_oembed_time_e9c01137dcc3a0fd99371127159d2f47] => 1713462912 [_oembed_09db9b6994508ae45c9733ba4d94e00c] =>Fire in packed Hong Kong building kills five,dozens in hospital
— Reuters World (@ReutersWorld) April 10, 2024[_oembed_time_09db9b6994508ae45c9733ba4d94e00c] => 1715664866 [_oembed_375ed70e5629517e9ce9ef484dbfcd09] => [_oembed_time_375ed70e5629517e9ce9ef484dbfcd09] => 1717133593 [_oembed_df6b271e1b09c9ad41246bd2024ea4dd] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_b4b13bb5e65075bfe9703b531681fed0] =>Update #Großbrand #Lichterfelde #Rauch zieht Richtung Norden und es wurde eine #Warnung herausgegeben.
— Berliner Feuerwehr (@Berliner_Fw) May 3, 2024
⚠️Verhaltenshinweise bei #Brandgeruch im Gebiet der Warnkarte⚠️:
-Fenster und Türen geschlossen halten
-Klimaanlagen ausschalten
-meiden sie verrauchte Bereiche[_oembed_time_b4b13bb5e65075bfe9703b531681fed0] => 1719831223 [_oembed_249ccba5801394f15530d50f2189dc26] =>Fire breaks out on Icon of the Seas — the world’s largest cruise ship
— New York Post (@nypost) June 28, 2024[_oembed_time_249ccba5801394f15530d50f2189dc26] => 1719831223 [_oembed_acf56d45111530a949631882be6bfe0d] =>📷Assos Antik Kenti'ni de etkileyen yangından kareler.
— Milliyet Arkeoloji Dergisi (@DergiArkeoloji) June 27, 2024
[Anadolu Ajansı-İHA][_oembed_time_acf56d45111530a949631882be6bfe0d] => 1719831223 [_oembed_70630b060c809ac24886994618f54c28] =>🔥 Russia: Platan Electronic Research Institute in the Moscow suburb is on fire. The facility was developing radar jamming technology for the Russian military.
— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) June 24, 2024
At least 8 people dead.[_oembed_time_70630b060c809ac24886994618f54c28] => 1722358391 [_oembed_3a915cc41a78299d1ae5bc7e19f5e833] =>BREAKING:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) July 11, 2024
A fire has erupted in the spire of the Notre Dame Cathedral in the French city Rouen.
It’s one of France’s most beautiful and important cathedrals.
Work started on it in 1080 and it was finished around 1200.
🇫🇷[_oembed_time_3a915cc41a78299d1ae5bc7e19f5e833] => 1722358391 [_oembed_968c0c94b7486c8fa8f87050d2f8f2c2] =>Début d'incendie en cours sur la flèche de la cathédrale de @Rouen. Origine inconnue à ce stade. Tous les moyens publics sont mobilisés. Merci de faciliter leur intervention.
— Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol (@NicolasMayerNMR) July 11, 2024[_oembed_time_968c0c94b7486c8fa8f87050d2f8f2c2] => 1722358391 [_oembed_23b294cb4cd2d2cbe41df771968a1cc7] => [_oembed_time_23b294cb4cd2d2cbe41df771968a1cc7] => 1727086211 [_oembed_688d96291cbc42219cad2b570efe4b05] =>🔴 Un incendie est en cours sur la flèche de la cathédrale de Rouen
— BFMTV (@BFMTV) July 11, 2024[_oembed_time_688d96291cbc42219cad2b570efe4b05] => 1727722252 [_oembed_42cf1e16aa97ca2827b366d899e8aa5e] =>Fireworks go off before a yacht explodes in Marina del Rey
— FOX 11 Los Angeles (@FOXLA) September 19, 2024[_oembed_time_42cf1e16aa97ca2827b366d899e8aa5e] => 1727722252 [_oembed_c517abcb6c84770b28090105e0887650] =>У ніч на 18 вересня у місті Торопець Тверської області Росії через атаку дронів виникла пожежа та детонація. Губернатор області Ігор Руденя розпорядився частково евакуювати населення.
— Українська правда ✌️ (@ukrpravda_news) September 18, 2024[_oembed_time_c517abcb6c84770b28090105e0887650] => 1727722252 [_oembed_c39bd7a80b03b4cdb5bd3d78b7e4a822] =>У місті Торопець Тверської області Росії атаковано склад із боєприпасами.
— Українська правда ✌️ (@ukrpravda_news) September 18, 2024[_oembed_time_c39bd7a80b03b4cdb5bd3d78b7e4a822] => 1727722253 [_oembed_2c6ca92568f09da3b3874280c819b0d9] =>Детонація складу боєприпасів у Тверській області Росії.
— Українська правда ✌️ (@ukrpravda_news) September 18, 2024[_oembed_time_2c6ca92568f09da3b3874280c819b0d9] => 1727722253 [_oembed_2876c5ca5b1215e2accdd3d9b18a87db] =>The ammunition warehouse in Toropets, Tver region, in Russia has been turned into volcanic region. It is still exploding. Absolutely spectacular view and possibly the biggest single event of that kind in this war.
— (((Tendar))) (@Tendar) September 18, 2024
Source: Telegram / Sternenko[_oembed_time_2876c5ca5b1215e2accdd3d9b18a87db] => 1727722253 [_oembed_3b8be7f007fef9b54d2df7c25ab572fe] => [_oembed_time_3b8be7f007fef9b54d2df7c25ab572fe] => 1732535809 [_oembed_c715d751d66e834371028f94928ca41f] => {{unknown}} [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 67169 [2] => 49 [3] => 167 [4] => 33 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Háború [2] => Hírek [3] => Tanú [4] => Ukrajna ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 67067 [1] => 20633 [2] => 67683 [3] => 368 [4] => 13874 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => bombatalálat [1] => Csernyihiv [2] => olajtároló [3] => tűz [4] => Zsitomir ) ) ) [model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [offset] => 0 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 67683 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [_model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [offset] => 0 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 67683 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [_domains] => Array ( [podiji] => 1 ) [status] => 1 [from_cache] => )Additional footage of the massive secondary explosion at Russia's 107th GRAU Arsenal in Toropets after a successful Ukrainian drone attack earlier tonight.
— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) September 18, 2024
The large Russsian missile and ammunition storage facility suffered multiple explosions.
olajtároló (1 Oldal)