Array ( [count_posts] => 1 [cache_key] => Query_Posts::global::hu::YTo1OntzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiaHUiO3M6NzoiZG9tYWlucyI7YToxOntpOjA7czo2OiJwb2RpamkiO31zOjY6Im9mZnNldCI7aTowO3M6OToidGF4X3F1ZXJ5IjthOjE6e2k6MDthOjM6e3M6ODoidGF4b25vbXkiO3M6ODoicG9zdF90YWciO3M6NToiZmllbGQiO3M6MjoiaWQiO3M6NToidGVybXMiO2E6MTp7aTowO2k6MjI1OTM4O319fXM6MTE6ImFmdGVyTG9ja2VyIjtpOjA7fQ== [has_result] => 1 [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 110516 [content] =>Szerdán robbanás történt egy üzemben, az oroszok által megszállt Kagyijivka városában, ahol az orosz katonák „lőszerrel teli teherautókat próbáltak elrejteni” – közölte Szerhij Hajdaj, Luhanszk megye katonai vezetője.
A kormányzó további részletekkel nem szolgált. Kagyijivka 2014 óta orosz megszállás alatt áll.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Szerdán robbanás történt egy üzemben, az oroszok által megszállt Kagyijivka városában, ahol az orosz katonák „lőszerrel teli teherautókat próbáltak elrejteni” – közölte Szerhij Hajdaj [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1677761400 [modified] => 1677745844 ) [title] => Robbanás történt egy orosz lőszergyárban [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 110516 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 110517 [image] => Array ( [id] => 110517 [original] => [original_lng] => 416750 [original_w] => 1920 [original_h] => 1080 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 576 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1536 [height] => 864 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1920 [height] => 1080 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1920 [height] => 1080 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1677738734:12 [_thumbnail_id] => 110517 [_edit_last] => 12 [translation_required] => 1 [views_count] => 1673 [_oembed_f45a3a4393f951e012eab4ede6e33412] =>[_oembed_time_f45a3a4393f951e012eab4ede6e33412] => 1677738737 [_oembed_c315221451b5bc9ab82329eb28b6ad3a] =>#Sar2667 impact, from Normandy countryside
— Hadrien D (@haaadry) February 13, 2023[_oembed_time_c315221451b5bc9ab82329eb28b6ad3a] => 1677738737 [_oembed_8afd0ade11c2093bde74afd9959bc2ea] =>Another angle
— Austin Huffmaster (@Austin_Huff59) February 13, 2023[_oembed_time_8afd0ade11c2093bde74afd9959bc2ea] => 1677738737 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_dfb302ecab6cf86a2e765eb278afcdb2] =>The unexploded bomb in #GreatYarmouth detonated earlier during work to disarm it. Our drone captured the moment. We can confirm that no one was injured. Public safety has been at the heart of our decision making all the way through this operation, which we know has been lengthy.
— Norfolk Police (@NorfolkPolice) February 10, 2023[_oembed_time_dfb302ecab6cf86a2e765eb278afcdb2] => 1680155562 [_oembed_2f68540e5d0a239ad2b6d62ae1d870c6] =>Here's video of an explosion at the RM Palmer Chocolate Factory in West Reading, PA.
— Chad Baker (@ChadBlue83) March 25, 2023[_oembed_time_2f68540e5d0a239ad2b6d62ae1d870c6] => 1680155562 [_oembed_c69ba1b37a62699726f15049e7f55287] => [_oembed_time_c69ba1b37a62699726f15049e7f55287] => 1681816689 [_oembed_faa5fcf4f90d21d5b01c321f00b1bf71] => [_oembed_time_faa5fcf4f90d21d5b01c321f00b1bf71] => 1682697444 [_oembed_f0f57a10307cd0e3c861e04ced099535] =>Numerous Emergency crews are responding to a 3-alarm fire with a Massive explosion at a RM Palmer chocolate company in West Reading Pennsylvania reports of multiple people have been trapped with injuries inside the building.
— ShotGunBonnie (@ShotGun_Bonnie) March 24, 2023[_oembed_time_f0f57a10307cd0e3c861e04ced099535] => 1682697444 [_oembed_d0c4ebac1083c5a6005eebe28a89a5ff] =>SpaceX #Starship launches, explodes minutes after takeoff.#StarshipLaunch
— Rahul Sisodia (@Sisodia19Rahul) April 20, 2023[_oembed_time_d0c4ebac1083c5a6005eebe28a89a5ff] => 1683298466 [_oembed_ec1331ea9bc8155ac5761a97a622101a] => [_oembed_time_ec1331ea9bc8155ac5761a97a622101a] => 1687875694 [_oembed_ce5d68f98c66564f6c22070f950c8956] =>?? An explosion occurred at a chemical plant in China - 5 people died
An explosion at Sinochem's hydrogen peroxide solution plant in Shandong Province caught fire. The Chinese authorities reported several dead, another person is missing.
The fire has been extinguished.[_oembed_time_ce5d68f98c66564f6c22070f950c8956] => 1687875694 [_oembed_e99314f245f0fb41790ac14beac0fd1a] =>Scenes of the panic inside the hotel that was attacked by gunmen in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia
— Everything you need to know (@Everything65687) June 10, 2023
?[_oembed_time_e99314f245f0fb41790ac14beac0fd1a] => 1689015197 [_oembed_60ec49a892b54c6455e229a96459d345] =>Fire at the the whittier fuel dock today
— Captain_Off_Grid (@Captain_0f_Alts) July 4, 2023[_oembed_time_60ec49a892b54c6455e229a96459d345] => 1689015197 [_oembed_e7805ff6e3db85d2fd28cf97118153d0] =>Two people were injured when a fire broke out at a fuel dock in Whittier on Tuesday, sinking one boat and damaging the dock
— Anchorage Daily News (@adndotcom) July 4, 2023[_oembed_time_e7805ff6e3db85d2fd28cf97118153d0] => 1689015197 [_oembed_7cf4eac2f920659b7bab1dfe0c227ac2] =>Romania, explosion at Petromidia Refinery on the Black Sea.
— Pierre Davide Borrelli (@PierreDBorrelli) June 21, 2023[_oembed_time_7cf4eac2f920659b7bab1dfe0c227ac2] => 1689015198 [_oembed_b66c0d060dbf2cc75496366b1e41e23d] =>explosion at #Romania oil refinery
— Mir (@sikandarmir_) June 21, 2023[_oembed_time_b66c0d060dbf2cc75496366b1e41e23d] => 1689015198 [_oembed_1ae51274bcca57998b9be131cfed8cd2] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_3655783ce013432b91ab1228cade700e] =>Explosion rocks Paris.
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) June 21, 2023
Several buildings have caught fire and four people are in critical condition following blast.[_oembed_time_3655783ce013432b91ab1228cade700e] => 1692546414 [_oembed_061b4a40b8cbcbe2ccf38dba001cd318] =>A large explosion struck the grain silos in the Turkish port of Derince today. The cause is yet unknown.
— Status-6 (@Archer83Able) August 7, 2023
Derince is one of the few ports in Turkey under government control.
According to CNN Türk, at least 5 people were injured and taken to the hospital.[_oembed_time_061b4a40b8cbcbe2ccf38dba001cd318] => 1692546415 [_oembed_0136e999b38f3fc6e9439aecafa0f77f] =>? || Se registró explosión de pirotecnia en San Bartolomé #Tenango en #Tetlatlahuca, murieron dos personas y 10 más resultaron heridas. Al lugar llegaron cuerpos de emergencia para apoyar a la poblacion. | @GobTlaxcala
— Sucesos Puebla (@sucesospuebla) August 6, 2023[_oembed_time_0136e999b38f3fc6e9439aecafa0f77f] => 1692546415 [_oembed_003832b488e2496519fa0cca3c980195] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_839b6988e8f3dc9952888079ac6bd846] => [_oembed_time_839b6988e8f3dc9952888079ac6bd846] => 1694002573 [_oembed_17b56de2786fb5abb9be549303e4ae5c] =>Warning: Graphic video.
— Thai Enquirer (@ThaiEnquirer) July 29, 2023
Ninety people were injured, and four people were reportedly killed by an explosion at a firecracker storage warehouse in Su-ngai Kolok, Narathiwat.
Vid via @jayz42400117#Thailand #โกดังพลุระเบิด #นราธิวาส #ตลาดมูโนะ[_oembed_time_17b56de2786fb5abb9be549303e4ae5c] => 1694002573 [_oembed_18109a7b09373b968138550e46c1c931] =>The moment of the explosion in #Makhachkala.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) August 14, 2023[_oembed_time_18109a7b09373b968138550e46c1c931] => 1694002574 [_oembed_6e1a1aa357a2a8d34d1e7a2ff0dca5be] =>Russia on ?
— LX (@LXSummer1) August 14, 2023
Makhachkala, Dagestan/Russia ❗
Big Black Bavovna ???
Powerful explosion tonight at the Nafta-24 gas station.[_oembed_time_6e1a1aa357a2a8d34d1e7a2ff0dca5be] => 1696069737 [_oembed_1ebdf8fed68dd7166788623928484854] =>A Customs Warehouse near the International Airport in the Uzbekistan Capital of Tashkent is reported to have Exploded earlier tonight after a Storage Building filled with Electric Cars and Batteries was possibly struck by Lightning; the Shockwave from the Explosion is said to…
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) September 28, 2023[_oembed_time_1ebdf8fed68dd7166788623928484854] => 1696069738 [_oembed_375efc469fa133f52e837074e8cb1af3] =>
— Makalukhabar English (@MakalukhabarEn) September 27, 2023
Five children and two women are among the people killed in the incident[_oembed_time_375efc469fa133f52e837074e8cb1af3] => 1696069738 [_oembed_ce7bb7f2b26d771e3a8fcc0ae5b49cf2] =>?[DRAME] Au #Bénin, un incendie s’est déclaré samedi dans un dépôt clandestin d’essence frelatée dans la localité de Sèmè-Kraké. Un premier bilan fait état de 33 morts (calcinés). ???
— LSI AFRICA (@lsiafrica) September 23, 2023[_oembed_time_ce7bb7f2b26d771e3a8fcc0ae5b49cf2] => 1696502484 [_oembed_eb627c8be8e4fb2eddf7bd6de978a3e3] =>A powerful explosion in Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine. According to preliminary data, the incident may have occurred at an oil depot or gas pipeline. Its cause is still unknown.
— Nanayakkarapathirage Martin Perera (@hotakasudzuki) September 30, 2023[_oembed_time_eb627c8be8e4fb2eddf7bd6de978a3e3] => 1696502484 [_oembed_fed1aedc03b03e9c81e166be6d844432] =>A powerful explosion near the village of Strymba in Ivano-Frankivsk Region has been reported by the Ukrainian media.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) September 30, 2023
According to preliminary information, the explosion occurred at a gas pipeline.[_oembed_time_fed1aedc03b03e9c81e166be6d844432] => 1696502485 [_oembed_300e0b3d872c4fcc205bfed9e414b199] =>At least 13 killed, more than 70 injured in suicide blast near mosque in Balochistan
— Start Up News (@Start_up_News__) September 29, 2023
At least 10 people, including a police officer, were killed and more than 70 suffered after a suicide bomber blew himself up near a mosque in Pakistan’s Balochistan province on Friday (Sept 29).…[_oembed_time_300e0b3d872c4fcc205bfed9e414b199] => 1696502485 [_oembed_fcbc92158cf15d50ff413ceb08d77734] =>According to the Pakistan Rangers, this elderly man was a suicide bomber and an intelligence basd operation was conducted to arrest him.
— Shoukat Ali (@Shoukat_Sumro) September 29, 2023
5 innocent villagers have been martyred in this so called intelligence based operation.#Sakrandbleeds #سڪرنڊسانحو #sakrandbleed[_oembed_time_fcbc92158cf15d50ff413ceb08d77734] => 1699027363 [_oembed_4cc29be6f6e7ae43f3cfeb59bdd83530] =>200 passengers and crew members of the Ocean Navigator cruise which came from Canada, have been evacuated after an explosion in the engine room.
— Hannah Yechivi (@hannahyechiviTV) October 18, 2023
Chief Gautreau from the @PortlandFD tells me one crew member got burns to their hands and arms from the fire. #NEWSCENTERmaine[_oembed_time_4cc29be6f6e7ae43f3cfeb59bdd83530] => 1699626658 [_oembed_8633023da70370b6484b76b4be43c072] =>⚡️An explosion occurred at a military factory in Russia's #Perm Krai.
— KyivPost (@KyivPost) October 31, 2023
The incident took place at the building of the Solikamsk plant "Ural," one of the largest military-industrial factories in Russia. They produce various military ammunition and explosives there.[_oembed_time_8633023da70370b6484b76b4be43c072] => 1701535993 [_oembed_46dd498ec982ad775f797231c1e5f674] =>Three people have died, and one person is injured after an explosion at Jimbo's Auto Shop, Hillsboro, Ohio, United States ?? | 28 November 2023 | #explosion #Hillsboro #Ohio
— Disaster Tracker (@DisasterTrackHQ) November 29, 2023[_oembed_time_46dd498ec982ad775f797231c1e5f674] => 1701535993 [_oembed_a4b7e2a5c7e25c3ba89b679f5abc4fe0] =>?Explosions and fire at a tractor plant in #Chelyabinsk #russia.
— Alf Really ?????????????????? (@vik8867dn) November 26, 2023
Diesel engines and russian tracked vehicles are produced there. If we consider that the parent company, #Uralvagonzavod, produces russian tanks, then everything is obvious.[_oembed_time_a4b7e2a5c7e25c3ba89b679f5abc4fe0] => 1701535993 [_oembed_fc8c86f2f4238dfa17692344c4c777a5] =>Footage from CCTV Cameras showing the Explosion of a Car at “Rainbow Bridge” Custom’s Checkpoint in Niagara Falls on the Border between Canada and the United States after the Vehicle can be seen Striking a Curb and going Airborne; the Incident was initially believed to have…
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) November 22, 2023[_oembed_time_fc8c86f2f4238dfa17692344c4c777a5] => 1701535993 [_oembed_ee35dac0ce5a3837b30f9dc92d1a8099] =>#NEW Statement from #FBI Buffalo regarding the investigation at Rainbow Bridge:
— FBI Buffalo (@FBIBuffalo) November 23, 2023[_oembed_time_ee35dac0ce5a3837b30f9dc92d1a8099] => 1703681993 [_oembed_ab19c85a1d6a5d32e552bea0fa7da440] =>WATCH: Massive explosion rocked a fuel depot in the Guinea capital Conakry, dozens injured
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) December 18, 2023[_oembed_time_ab19c85a1d6a5d32e552bea0fa7da440] => 1705747628 [_oembed_43eba5063f003a974fa9433da94b333e] =>BREAKING Horror explosion at fireworks factory kills at least 23 as plumes of smoke fill the air
— Daily Star (@dailystar) January 17, 2024[_oembed_time_43eba5063f003a974fa9433da94b333e] => 1705747628 [_oembed_e46556093b014ae0edf54f33dd388f92] =>At least 17 people have died in an explosion at a fireworks production factory in Suphan Buri's Mueang District, according to news reports. Some sources report the number as 23.
— Thai Enquirer (@ThaiEnquirer) January 17, 2024
The explosion occurred around 15:30. Locals said approximately 20-30 people were working in the…[_oembed_time_e46556093b014ae0edf54f33dd388f92] => 1705747629 [_oembed_ee6c2c235fdd2a0d8069b43625d8eff2] =>Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, on Wednesday, said preliminary investigations by security agencies revealed that the explosion that rocked the Bodija Area of Ibadan, the state capital on Tuesday was caused by explosive devices...
— Ripples Nigeria (@RipplesNG) January 17, 2024[_oembed_time_ee6c2c235fdd2a0d8069b43625d8eff2] => 1705747629 [_oembed_3e983c3f0ce86e3f6d273402d4fd000a] => [_oembed_time_3e983c3f0ce86e3f6d273402d4fd000a] => 1705747629 [_oembed_e68afe2892a83462ed29f027112bb4e6] => [_oembed_time_e68afe2892a83462ed29f027112bb4e6] => 1705747629 [_oembed_b64bd54a55a4cae2b97840d05c98b55b] =>Nigeria blast kills two, dozens hurt as buildings collapse
— ST Foreign Desk (@STForeignDesk) January 17, 2024[_oembed_time_b64bd54a55a4cae2b97840d05c98b55b] => 1707472020 [_oembed_be356086f705f90dcee6e05688bbc122] => [_oembed_time_be356086f705f90dcee6e05688bbc122] => 1707472020 [_oembed_2f4ed4f202bba7871c5eb7d9bf0499e6] => [_oembed_time_2f4ed4f202bba7871c5eb7d9bf0499e6] => 1708252469 [_oembed_a562c89edd353afe2c0a07ac05cb68c2] =>6 people died, 14 injured in a gas explosion caused by a vehicle crash in #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia today morning😔 A truck carrying 60 tons of liquified natural gas collided with a car & exploded killing 3 in the fire & 3👨🚒 died fighting the fire. My sincere condolences🙏
— Roberto (@UniqueMongolia) January 24, 2024[_oembed_time_a562c89edd353afe2c0a07ac05cb68c2] => 1708252469 [_oembed_3a9fc63873bb0e1344ae45a9cd20fec2] =>Two people killed, 222 injured after an explosion at a gas refilling company in Embakasi, Nairobi.
— Citizen TV Kenya (@citizentvkenya) February 2, 2024[_oembed_time_3a9fc63873bb0e1344ae45a9cd20fec2] => 1708252469 [_oembed_12562a9ef64743e28b51664812e5105b] =>BREAKING: Gas station explodes in Nairobi, Kenya. At least 165 injured, rescue work ongoing
— BNO News (@BNONews) February 2, 2024[_oembed_time_12562a9ef64743e28b51664812e5105b] => 1708252469 [_oembed_4851ae5e2cf31434a49c24ecc2d3e1c2] =>🚨#WATCH: As a Massive Explosion at Gas Plant Leaves Numerous Dead and Injured⁰⁰ 📌#Nairobi | #Kenya
— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) February 2, 2024
A significant explosion has occurred at a gas plant in Nairobi, Kenya, resulting in huge fireballs and fires raging close to blocks of flats in the Embakasi region. A…[_oembed_time_4851ae5e2cf31434a49c24ecc2d3e1c2] => 1708252469 [_oembed_c9963ada72ba2347cb77dbaab7606c04] =>Explosion occurred at thermal power plant in Bishkek. Five people injured
— The Truth of Kazakhstan (ORDA.KZ Media) (@Ordakazakhstan_) February 2, 2024
According to preliminary data, a boiler exploded.
Five employees of the station received severe burns and poisoning from combustion products, writes .
/1[_oembed_time_c9963ada72ba2347cb77dbaab7606c04] => 1709719601 [_oembed_36776705420d9888140714f47a1941b1] => [_oembed_time_36776705420d9888140714f47a1941b1] => 1713986152 [_oembed_5372937c68f7b4ce2ab3c085c774ffa7] =>#RussiaOnFire
— Tim White (@TWMCLtd) February 15, 2024
An explosion and fire at the Defence manufacturer FNVC Altai#Biysk is 3,500km east of #Moscow, so it will be very interesting to see what's happened here.
The blast wave reportedly blew in some windows.[_oembed_time_5372937c68f7b4ce2ab3c085c774ffa7] => 1713986152 [_oembed_2752c9a0f49c5ccf2a7d403525851dad] => [_oembed_time_2752c9a0f49c5ccf2a7d403525851dad] => 1717394837 [_oembed_93caed9c46e743e90bf9c569e9a863a3] =>🚨BREAKING: A Massive Explosion has occurred on Akal Bravo Maritime Platform Multiple Fatalities and Injuries have been Reported
— AJ Huber (@Huberton) April 7, 2024
Campeche,[_oembed_time_93caed9c46e743e90bf9c569e9a863a3] => 1719843936 [_oembed_b93cdb12e8a59b6ce522f6783b6d816b] =>𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐝’𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥
— Punch Newspapers (@MobilePunch) June 19, 2024
A deadly fire erupted at a huge military ammunition depot in Chad’s capital N’Djamena, sending powerful explosions into the night sky and shaking buildings miles from the blast.…[_oembed_time_b93cdb12e8a59b6ce522f6783b6d816b] => 1719843936 [_oembed_ff4f7bfe2d71ee403654afb58c644074] =>Ve Vojenském výcvikovém prostoru Libavá před polednem vybuchla blíže neurčená munice. Uvedla to armáda na síti X. Na místě jsou zranění
— (@iDNEScz) June 17, 2024[_oembed_time_ff4f7bfe2d71ee403654afb58c644074] => 1722675081 [_oembed_d619c367fea4113cef61dee260160c70] =>🇧🇬 ‼️ The moment of a powerful explosion of two tons of fireworks at a pyrotechnics factory in Bulgaria. Preliminary, two people were injured.
— Non Sibi Sed Aliis (@corRUSpondent) July 25, 2024
Three warehouses with pyrotechnics blew up in the suburb of Elin Pelin (about 30 kilometers from the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia). The…[_oembed_time_d619c367fea4113cef61dee260160c70] => 1722884199 [_oembed_089313a80f9aa917b224cf5e39933764] =>💥🇩🇪 Se produjo una explosión en la planta química más grande de Alemania, BASF, en Ludwigshafen.
— 𝐄𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐤𝐚 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐬 📰💻 (@EurekaNews10) July 29, 2024
Según Bild, 14 personas resultaron heridas.[_oembed_time_089313a80f9aa917b224cf5e39933764] => 1724079942 [_oembed_b27a65a3559aa31b2798cc0c7fd2b56c] =>Shchyalkovo, Moscow
— PS01 △ (@PStyle0ne1) August 11, 2024
The Russian air defense is active against drones[_oembed_time_b27a65a3559aa31b2798cc0c7fd2b56c] => 1725446997 [_oembed_0ade545a3f564ee0ec44e695d15636cb] =>17 dead, 41 injured in Escientia chemical unit fire in Atchutapuram SEZ Anakapalli; @AndhraPradeshCM @ncbn to visit blast site; if needed, air ambulance to shift injured to Hyd / Vizag; probe ordered to fix responsibility #WorstIndustrialAccident
— Uma Sudhir (@umasudhir) August 21, 2024[_oembed_time_0ade545a3f564ee0ec44e695d15636cb] => 1725446997 [_oembed_1c490d3a7679071296eb7d56c5eb8fab] =>VIDEO | Visuals from outside a chemical factory in the Special Economic Zone in the Rambilli Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle, where a blast left several workers injured earlier today.
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) August 21, 2024[_oembed_time_1c490d3a7679071296eb7d56c5eb8fab] => 1727337349 [_oembed_08756a0e039feef99f759b6637466fda] =>Tons of Hezbollah walkie talkies are reportedly blowing up in Lebanon today, including at a funeral for some of the militants who didn’t survive yesterday’s carnage.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 18, 2024[_oembed_time_08756a0e039feef99f759b6637466fda] => 1727337349 [_oembed_3b1f8d26859f14b2d44306ddbc2d2c0f] =>⚠️BREAKING: Dozens more pager explosions in Beirut, Lebanon, right now.
— Vivid.🇮🇱 (@VividProwess) September 18, 2024
I guess we’re not done.[_oembed_time_3b1f8d26859f14b2d44306ddbc2d2c0f] => 1727337349 [_oembed_42cf1e16aa97ca2827b366d899e8aa5e] =>Reports that it's not only pagers but vehicles that are getting blown up right now across Lebanon.
— 𝗡𝗶𝗼𝗵 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗴 ♛ ✡︎ (@NiohBerg) September 18, 2024[_oembed_time_42cf1e16aa97ca2827b366d899e8aa5e] => 1727337349 [_oembed_c517abcb6c84770b28090105e0887650] =>У ніч на 18 вересня у місті Торопець Тверської області Росії через атаку дронів виникла пожежа та детонація. Губернатор області Ігор Руденя розпорядився частково евакуювати населення.
— Українська правда ✌️ (@ukrpravda_news) September 18, 2024[_oembed_time_c517abcb6c84770b28090105e0887650] => 1727337350 [_oembed_c39bd7a80b03b4cdb5bd3d78b7e4a822] =>У місті Торопець Тверської області Росії атаковано склад із боєприпасами.
— Українська правда ✌️ (@ukrpravda_news) September 18, 2024[_oembed_time_c39bd7a80b03b4cdb5bd3d78b7e4a822] => 1727337350 [_oembed_2c6ca92568f09da3b3874280c819b0d9] =>Детонація складу боєприпасів у Тверській області Росії.
— Українська правда ✌️ (@ukrpravda_news) September 18, 2024[_oembed_time_2c6ca92568f09da3b3874280c819b0d9] => 1727337350 [_oembed_2876c5ca5b1215e2accdd3d9b18a87db] =>The ammunition warehouse in Toropets, Tver region, in Russia has been turned into volcanic region. It is still exploding. Absolutely spectacular view and possibly the biggest single event of that kind in this war.
— (((Tendar))) (@Tendar) September 18, 2024
Source: Telegram / Sternenko[_oembed_time_2876c5ca5b1215e2accdd3d9b18a87db] => 1727337350 [_oembed_203311647c9409019a2e99ec180ebd41] =>Additional footage of the massive secondary explosion at Russia's 107th GRAU Arsenal in Toropets after a successful Ukrainian drone attack earlier tonight.
— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) September 18, 2024
The large Russsian missile and ammunition storage facility suffered multiple explosions.[_oembed_time_203311647c9409019a2e99ec180ebd41] => 1728652371 [_oembed_cf67b7380af5b15d92655bbe60cf73a4] =>Runway closed at southwest Japan airport after explosion reported #miyazaki #airport
— Kyodo News | Japan (@kyodo_english) October 2, 2024[_oembed_time_cf67b7380af5b15d92655bbe60cf73a4] => 1729686361 [_oembed_24ee66f15fb52d2320fed60cbdb77c7c] =>Explosion ds la locomotive du train devant ramener les parlementaires européens et le personnel de #Strasbourg à #Bruxelles.
— Emmanuel Foulon (@efoulon1) October 10, 2024
Origine encore inconnue.
Les passagers appelés à « se réfugier » ds le tunnel
Gare paralysée, pompiers appelés en urgence #explosion #ParlementEuropeen[_oembed_time_24ee66f15fb52d2320fed60cbdb77c7c] => 1730099841 [_oembed_384454d05af5631d71dd0667aed3cba2] =>WATCH: Seconds before the deadly fuel tanker explosion near Uganda's capital.
— East Africa Media Group (@EAMGtv) October 23, 2024
[Follow @eamgtv] to stay updated#EAMGtv #Uganda #Explosion[_oembed_time_384454d05af5631d71dd0667aed3cba2] => 1733847669 [_oembed_74a2010a8bac5ab9ab719cf2e0867584] => [_oembed_time_74a2010a8bac5ab9ab719cf2e0867584] => 1734618808 [_oembed_d3413ede404d0e5b128d5a008f0d61a4] =>🇯🇵 | During the testing of the Epsilon S rocket engine in Japan, a major fire broke out. No reports of casualties have been received. According to media sources, the fire ignited 30 seconds after the test began.
— Channel 16 News (@C16News) November 26, 2024
®️ Channel 16 International#Japan #Rocket #EpsilonS #Fire…[_oembed_time_d3413ede404d0e5b128d5a008f0d61a4] => 1738349794 [_oembed_6499d56ced2e26470e3444be20bc0d3f] =>Bir ülkede maden patlaması: 12 kişi yaralandı
— İz Gazete (@izgazete2) January 22, 2025
📌Polonya'nın güneyindeki Knurow-Szczyglowice madeninde gaz sıkışması sonucu meydana gelen patlamada 12 madenci yaralandı. Arama-kurtarma çalışmaları sürüyor.#polonya #maden #patlama[_oembed_time_6499d56ced2e26470e3444be20bc0d3f] => 1738349794 [_oembed_644e40fcfb2c350fbbe2a5646fb7d224] =>#Update: Fuel tanker truck blast kills at least 60 in Nigeria
— ⚡️🌎 World News 🌐⚡️ (@ferozwala) January 18, 2025
At least 60 people were killed and others injured in northern #Nigeria on Saturday when a petrol tanker truck overturned, spilling petrol that exploded, the Federal Road Safety Corps (#FRSC) said.
The accident in…[_oembed_time_644e40fcfb2c350fbbe2a5646fb7d224] => 1738349794 [_oembed_f7869678e6f38d8129259f14c1dc9fee] =>Success is uncertain, but entertainment is guaranteed! ✨
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 16, 2025[_oembed_time_f7869678e6f38d8129259f14c1dc9fee] => 1738349794 [_oembed_8da9326d81ca596b42f5047a466f650c] =>ATACMS Strikes Chemical Plant Producing Explosives and Ammunition for Russia’s Ministry of Defense in Bryansk – Astra
— Bandera Fella *-^ (@banderafella) January 13, 2025
Precision at its finest. One less factory, one more setback for their war machine.[_oembed_time_8da9326d81ca596b42f5047a466f650c] => 1738349795 [_oembed_366732420b8df63c0d830534fe128fa4] =>Bryansk, ruSSia
— F76 (@f76pacificator) January 13, 2025
ATACMS hit the Bryansk Chemical Plant named after the 50th Anniversary of the USSR in the village of Seltso.[_oembed_time_366732420b8df63c0d830534fe128fa4] => 1739360890 [_oembed_82666684f13dffe326a3645884151645] => [_oembed_time_82666684f13dffe326a3645884151645] => 1739734385 [_oembed_16c0adf9595cf058d0eb0a59cc8f72c2] => [_oembed_time_16c0adf9595cf058d0eb0a59cc8f72c2] => 1739734385 [_oembed_59d0b22e39abd68d22b13245458d29af] =>An explosion occurred at a military plant of the German company Rheinmetall in Spain
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) January 31, 2025
As a result of the explosion at the warehouse of the defense enterprise, six workers were injured and taken to the hospital with burns. The fire covered an area of approximately 2,000 square…[_oembed_time_59d0b22e39abd68d22b13245458d29af] => 1739734385 [_oembed_b4c2abc69e0c5b3e49559590a8d7be08] =>Firefighters battle inferno after reported explosion near Texas airport, 7 injured
— New York Post (@nypost) February 12, 2025[_oembed_time_b4c2abc69e0c5b3e49559590a8d7be08] => 1739734385 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 225939 [1] => 225938 [2] => 1662 [3] => 74404 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Kagyijivka [1] => orosz lőszer [2] => robbanás [3] => Szerhij Hajdaj ) ) ) [model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [offset] => 0 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 225938 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [_model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [offset] => 0 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 225938 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [_domains] => Array ( [podiji] => 1 ) [status] => 1 [from_cache] => )🚨🇺🇸MASSIVE VEHICLE EXPLOSION NEAR TEXAS AIRPORT—FIREBALL ENGULFS BUILDING, 5 HOSPITALIZED
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) February 11, 2025
Firefighters are battling a massive inferno near El Paso International Airport after a reported vehicle explosion at the Sun Metro Transit Operations Center.
Over 100 firefighters and 40+…