A Reykjanes-félsziget egyes részein a lávafolyam megrongálta az utakat és a melegvízellátást biztosító csővezetékeket is. Emiatt számos iskola, óvoda, múzeum és más közintézmény is zárva maradt a mínusz 8 Celsius-fokos hidegben. Korábban átlagosan minden negyedik-ötödik évben volt példa vulkánkitörésre a szigetországban.
An Icelandic volcano erupts again, endangering the village of Grindavik (population 3,500). Evacuation is underway.#Grindavikpic.twitter.com/w29InGoe1d
An eruption has begun near the evacuated town of Grindavík. Our priorities remain to protect lives and infrastructure. Civil Defence has closed off the affected area. We now wait to see what the forces of nature have in store. We are prepared and remain vigilant. 📷 @Vedurstofanpic.twitter.com/yKx4WKU61c
#Indonesia 🇮🇩 At least 11 Mount #Marapi climbers were found dead after the mountain's massive eruption on Sunday in #Sumatra, Padang City SAR Office head Abdul Malik confirmed. Another 12 climbers are missing.
A volcano in Iceland erupted for the fourth time since December, spewing smoke and bright-orange lava into the air. An aerial video shot by Iceland's Department of Civil Protection showed a long, glowing fissure streaking across the ground https://t.co/L8vPHODJ0Gpic.twitter.com/pPfbLiX4JJ
#UPDATE A volcano in eastern Indonesia erupted overnight, killing at least 10 people as it spewed fireballs and ash on surrounding villages, officials said Monday as they raised the alert status to its highest levelhttps://t.co/aImkmCg4LApic.twitter.com/fZvhYRNmvW
An explosive eruption occurred at the summit vent of Kanlaon Volcano at 3:03 PM today, 9 December 2024. The eruption produced a voluminous plume that rapidly rose to 3,000 meters above the vent and drifted west-southwest. Pyroclastic density currents or PDCs descended the slopes… pic.twitter.com/EFNFDzRHEe
Guatemala három legaktívabb vulkánja tört ki egy időben, ami 180 ezer embert fenyeget a térségben – írta a Sky News alapján az Origo.
Legutóbb 2018-ban volt vulkánkitörés, akkor több mint száz ember halt meg – írja a lap.
Az országban csaknem harminc működő vulkán van, de olyan egyszer sem fordult elő, hogy ezekből három egyszerre legyen aktív.
A térségben 180 ezer ember él, a vulkánok környékéről fokozatosan ürülnek ki a falvak, magasabb helyet keresnek, ahol a láva nem fenyegeti őket. A vulkánokból láva és hamu tör ki, amit a robbanások ötszáz méter magasba repítenek. Az itt élők nagyon félnek, de a helyieknek nincs hova költözni – írja a lap.
Nehezíti az evakuációt, hogy a lakosság úgy érzi, a kormány nem segít rajtuk, ráadásul attól is tartanak, hogyha elhagyják a házaikat, azokat kifosztják.
[type] => post
[excerpt] => Guatemala három legaktívabb vulkánja tört ki egy időben, ami 180 ezer embert fenyeget a térségben – írta a Sky News alapján az Origo.
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[title] => Három vulkán tört ki egy időben Guatemalában, több mint százezer ember van veszélyben
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hurricane eta hit nicaragua, honduras and flooding has affected costa rica and panama. people’s entire houses have sunk in the water. i know the focus is on the elections right now, but please rt to spread awareness! i’ll be trying to addsome resources to help on this thread: pic.twitter.com/ZbpfWHs9Y2
Una pareja de estadounidenses, identificados como: Giorgio Salvador Rossili de 62 de edad y Estefani Allison Jolluck de 49 años, fueron capturados en Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez. pic.twitter.com/DO7b5aaFQJ
Hallan más de 1 mil 200 piezas arqueológicas durante allanamiento en Antigua Guatemala, los estadounidenses, Giorgio Salvidor Rossilli, de 62 años y Sephanie Allison Jolluck, 49, están acusados de robo y delito de tráfico de tesoros nacionales Juez les dio medida sustitutiva pic.twitter.com/aH1tnlFtJH
Las piezas arqueológicas fueron entregadas a personal de la Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural y Natural del Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, para su resguardo, custodia y análisis correspondiente. pic.twitter.com/iYgoVUvmsm
Una pareja de estadounidenses, identificados como: Giorgio Salvador Rossili de 62 de edad y Estefani Allison Jolluck de 49 años, fueron capturados en Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez. pic.twitter.com/DO7b5aaFQJ
Hallan más de 1 mil 200 piezas arqueológicas durante allanamiento en Antigua Guatemala, los estadounidenses, Giorgio Salvidor Rossilli, de 62 años y Sephanie Allison Jolluck, 49, están acusados de robo y delito de tráfico de tesoros nacionales Juez les dio medida sustitutiva pic.twitter.com/aH1tnlFtJH
Las piezas arqueológicas fueron entregadas a personal de la Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural y Natural del Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, para su resguardo, custodia y análisis correspondiente. pic.twitter.com/iYgoVUvmsm
Vulkáni hamu és füstfelhő miatt vasárnap lezárták a Fülöp-szigetek
fővárosának repülőterét, a környékről pedig emberek tízezreit szállították
otthonaikból biztonságos helyre.
A gondot egy viszonylag kisméretű tűzhányó, a Taal okozza, amely 60
kilométerre van Manilától, és amelynek festői látványa – máskor – sok turistát
vonz. A szigetország vulkanológiai intézetének közlése szerint a Taal gőzölögve
hamut és apróbb köveket lövell ki magából 10–15 kilométeres magasságba. A
hatóság négyes fokozatúra emelte a veszélyszintet, ami azt jelenti, hogy akár
órákon belül is heves vulkánkitörés következhet be.
Egyelőre nem történt emberi sérülés, és károk sem keletkeztek. A hatóság már
eddig több tízezer lakost vitetett biztonságba, vasárnap éjjel és a következő
napokban pedig további 300 ezernek fogja evakuálni otthonát.
Ami a repülőteret illeti, vulkáni hamu borítja a pályákat és a veszteglő
repülőgépeket. Az összes kül- és belföldi járatot törölték.
Typhoon #AmboPH makes landfall over this town - San Policarpio, Eastern Samar - at 12:15 PM on Thursday, May 14, It is the first typhoon to hit the Philippines in 2020 and amid the COVID-19 pandemic. pic.twitter.com/rLT5vf6Sp3
Abandoned. This is a street in Basak Malutlut, a village in Marawi City where the military raid vs Isnilon Hapilon happened @rapplerdotcompic.twitter.com/VVY4Og348a
— Carmela Fonbuena (@carmelafonbuena) May 30, 2017
#SuperTyphoon#Goni has intensified 25 kt from our 00z to 06z surface analysis, and looks exceptional in this vis Himawari imagery as the sun sets over the W Pacific. According to JTWC Goni will continue to track W through favorable conditions (warm SSTs and low vertical shear). pic.twitter.com/RgFXv9zZOF
A judge in Manila, the Philippine capital, was shot in her office at the city hall. Her condition was not immediately known. The mayor’s office said a court clerk had been named as a suspect by the police. https://t.co/oKBB3i44Ot
The Manila City Hall was locked down on Wednesday after a judge was allegedly shot inside her court room. | via Mores Heramis, ABS-CBN News pic.twitter.com/U9jFB68BZ3
LOOK: Phreatomagmatic eruption of #Taal Volcano from 3:16 PM to 3:21 PM today (July 1, 2021), as viewed from the Main Crater station. | Courtesy of @phivolcs_dost
This afternoon, the agency raised Taal's Alert Level to 3 (magmatic unrest). Stay safe and updated! pic.twitter.com/cIEGfv8oOG
FLASH REPORT: Dalawang sasakyang-pandagat, nagkabanggaan sa katubigan ng South Harbor Anchorage area kaninang 2:10 ng madaling araw, ayon sa @coastguardph. | via @Isa_Umali
Tens of thousands of people in the #Philippines have been evacuated from their homes after super-typhoon #Rai made its first landfall today.@WorldVisionPH is coordinating with local agencies and partners for possible response.
ALERT: A volcano in Philippines spewed a huge, dark cloud, prompting evacuations from ash-covered towns while authorities warned of possible further eruptions https://t.co/pA6e0Qkjptpic.twitter.com/Vx0BFLJIAn
Ash covers towns after Philippines volcano eruption: The blast from Bulusan volcano in the rural Sorsogon province lasted about 17 minutes, sending a grey plume shooting up at least one kilometre (0.6.. https://t.co/ctUOvCSA1l
The Philippine Air Force on Wednesday confirmed that one of its SIAI-Marchetti SF-260 trainer/light attack turboprop aircraft went down in Bataan as its two pilots were conducting "recurrency training."https://t.co/Gv89SgdnRr
A national historic landmark in the Philippines, the Central Post Office was reduced to a burned out husk with 80 fire tenders fighting the ? for 7 hours.
Typhoon #EgayPH (DOKSURI) Issued at 8:00 AM, 26 July 2023 Valid for broadcast until the next bulletin at 11:00 AM today. TYPHOON EGAY WOBBLES OVER THE WATERS NEAR FUGA ISLAND pic.twitter.com/1pSXOs4GAO
— Bayanihan Today ?? (@BayanihanToday) July 26, 2023
NEWS UPDATE | Kasalukuyang kinukuha ng Bureau of Fire Protection at QCDRRMO ang labi ng 15 katao na namatay sa sunog sa estabilisiyamento sa Kennedy Drive, Pleasant View Subd. sa Brgy. Tandang Sora, Quezon City, 5:30 kaninang umaga. | via @sheenatorno_pic.twitter.com/62IqwSOND2
A radio broadcaster in Misamis Occidental was gunned down while on air today, November 5. The shooting was caught livestream.
According to Calamba Municipal Police, Juan Jumalon, or "DJ Johnny Walker" of Gold FM 94.7 in Calamba, Misamis Occidental, was livestreaming a radio… pic.twitter.com/XD5QGlnNtz
LOOK: Two market goers died and three were injured after being hit by a KM450 military truck at Bankerohan Public Market, Davao City, on Sunday morning (December 24).
According to the Davao City Police, the military vehicle of the Task Force Davao was parked along Pichon Street… pic.twitter.com/noMeOszaLB
An Icelandic volcano erupts again, endangering the village of Grindavik (population 3,500). Evacuation is underway.#Grindavikpic.twitter.com/w29InGoe1d
BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 10 ang nawawala at 2 ang sugatan sa landslide sa Brgy. Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro kaninang tanghali (Jan.18).
Ayon sa Monkayo-LGU, tigil muna angvsearch and rescue operations dahil sa posibilidad ng bagong landslide. @News5PH (🎥John Laurito) pic.twitter.com/d8WuLMPOMD
BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 2 ang sugatan, at nasa 10 pa ang nawawala dahil sa landslide sa isang mining area sa Purok 20, Pag-asa, Barangay Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro bandang 12 ng tanghali nitong Huwebes, Enero 18.
TINGNAN: Narito ang drone shots ng malawakang landslide na nagbaon sa 2 bus at residential areas sa Zone 1, Brgy. Masara, Maco, Davao de Oro kagabi, February 6, 2024.
TINGNAN: Narito ang drone shots ng malawakang landslide na nagbaon sa 2 bus at residential areas sa Zone 1, Brgy. Masara, Maco, Davao de Oro kagabi, February 6, 2024.
Horror as Brit tourist's wife, 43, is killed in freak 'jumping balloon' accident after being catapulted into the air from an inflatable sea raft and landing on her head in the Philippines https://t.co/6TVpskbmZupic.twitter.com/IfBMFxiUkr
Extreme eyewall conditions in Super Typhoon #ManYi (#PepitoPH) in Dinalungan, Aurora as it made landfall a few hours ago with 150 mph (241 kph) sustained winds. #PHLwxpic.twitter.com/PeuS4gOkSJ
An explosive eruption occurred at the summit vent of Kanlaon Volcano at 3:03 PM today, 9 December 2024. The eruption produced a voluminous plume that rapidly rose to 3,000 meters above the vent and drifted west-southwest. Pyroclastic density currents or PDCs descended the slopes… pic.twitter.com/EFNFDzRHEe