У Камбоджі біля кордону з Таїландом спалахнула будівля казино. Загинуло близько 10 людей, ще 30 постраждали. Вогонь охопив готель-казино Grand Diamond City у Пойпеті пізно увечері в середу близько 23:30 (близько 18:30 за Києвом).
За даними BangkokPost, пожежа тривала до ранку. У охопленому вогнем будинку було заблоковано 400 людей. Кількість постраждалих може збільшитись — десятки людей, серед яких службовці та туристи були замкнені всередині будівлі та на даху.
Комплекс налічував 17 поверхів – на перших трьох розташовувалося казино. Коли прибули пожежники в деякі ділянки було вже не потрапити, а багато людей сиділи на вікнах або стояли на зовнішніх карнизах, намагаючись врятуватися від вогню. Багато людей отримали травми при стрибках із вікон.
Інші постраждали від вогню, отруєння димом та інших причин. Повідомляється, що пожежа почалася через вибух бензобаку з боку казино. Називається також версія про коротке замикання кухні.
Частини будівлі перебувають під загрозою обвалення. Воно повністю вигоріло. Під час гасіння пожежники зіштовхнулися із проблемами з водопостачанням через велику кількість задіяних машин.
L’emittente pubblica LRT riferisce che la città di #Pasvalys, situata nel nord della #Lituania, è stata evacuata a causa della https://t.co/E3kXpl4KcA sindaco “ci sono stati suoni inaspettati e spaventosi, sembrava che aerei sorvolassero la città da qualche parte a bassa quota.” pic.twitter.com/KS88RWOoQX
JUST IN - Massive fire at fuel storage station belonging to state-owned energy company Pertamina at North Jakarta, Indonesia - multiple people dead. pic.twitter.com/zSovcWb3AJ
- About 250 convicts with tuberculosis and HIV were evacuated from the medical correctional institution (video 2). The surgical building LIU-23 burned down. pic.twitter.com/1AkysHsDIv
— Malinda ???????????????????? (@TreasChest) April 25, 2023
?? An explosion occurred at a chemical plant in China - 5 people died
An explosion at Sinochem's hydrogen peroxide solution plant in Shandong Province caught fire. The Chinese authorities reported several dead, another person is missing.
ACTUALIZACIÓN | Ovejuela se suma a los municipios evacuados en la mañana de este viernes, Cadalso, Descargamaria y Robledillo de Gata, debido al incendio de #IFPinofranqueadopic.twitter.com/Uj0vI2EMb6
?ITALY ?? | A #fire ravaged an 8-storey building in east of #Rome (Colli Aniene district) killing one person and wounding at least 9, Italian officials said. Rome Firefighters managed to control the flames and an investigation is open. More than 100 residents are now homeless. pic.twitter.com/IdNtQlX6Vr
NEWS UPDATE | Kasalukuyang kinukuha ng Bureau of Fire Protection at QCDRRMO ang labi ng 15 katao na namatay sa sunog sa estabilisiyamento sa Kennedy Drive, Pleasant View Subd. sa Brgy. Tandang Sora, Quezon City, 5:30 kaninang umaga. | via @sheenatorno_pic.twitter.com/62IqwSOND2
@CityofJoburgEMS Firefighters are currently attending to a building on fire in @CityofJoburgZA CBD corner Delvers, Alberts street at this stage 10 people confirmed dead and multiple patients treated on scene transported to various health care facilities for further medical care pic.twitter.com/20b6NXaHvF
At least 177 people, including 27 crew members, were rescued by Italy’s coast guard after a fire broke out in the engine room of a ferry that was traveling to Porto Empedocle in Sicily from the island of Lampedusa https://t.co/wg886NXveopic.twitter.com/CVmaSiJGLJ
At least 13 people killed in a hostel fire that broke out in Kazakhstan's largest city Almaty before sunrise, city's emergency situations department sayshttps://t.co/FYoPVUG34G
A fire that had erupted on #Russia's nuclear-powered container ship Sevmorput was put out, authorities said. No one was injured in the incident, occurred in one of the cabins of the vessel & affected an area of some 30 square meters, the emergency department of Murmansk region pic.twitter.com/LVjsThLXMv
— Bilkul Online: Business & Lifestyle News (@bilkulonline) December 25, 2023
🚨#WATCH: As a Massive Explosion at Gas Plant Leaves Numerous Dead and Injured⁰⁰ 📌#Nairobi | #Kenya
A significant explosion has occurred at a gas plant in Nairobi, Kenya, resulting in huge fireballs and fires raging close to blocks of flats in the Embakasi region. A… pic.twitter.com/LxCfyyhgdt
The Smokehouse Creek Fire has ravaged over a million acres in the Texas Panhandle, engulfing homes and ranches and claiming two lives. pic.twitter.com/o5tLCkVrLr
Numerous firefighters and other emergency crews are currently on the scene in Grand Prairie, Texas, battling a massive fire at an automobile salvage yard. Numerous… pic.twitter.com/gVXena4ITW
At least 1000 cattle have already been killed in Texas wildfires. This area houses some of the biggest cattle farms in the United States. Video from Ft. Worth Fire Dept. pic.twitter.com/qIpa2k2CxM
Début d'incendie en cours sur la flèche de la cathédrale de @Rouen. Origine inconnue à ce stade. Tous les moyens publics sont mobilisés. Merci de faciliter leur intervention. pic.twitter.com/Lnu1vMrw5p
— Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol (@NicolasMayerNMR) July 11, 2024
12 липня в Камбоджі на берег викинуло корабель-привид, поблизу знайшли три рятувальні жилети.
Біля острова Тан неподалік узбережжя провінції Сіануквіль виявили величезне покинуте занедбане судно. Наступного дня влада обшукала територію, але нікого не знайшла. На березі на відстані 50 м від корабля було виявлено лише три рятувальні жилети. Через погані погодні умови судно-привид поки що залишили в спокої. Роботи розпочнуться, коли вщухне негода.
З цього приводу місцева берегова охорона, яка не може визначити, звідки могло прямувати судно і не має інформації про те, чи не зникав нещодавно весь екіпаж якогось корабля, зробила заяву в пресі. «Цілком можливо, що вони в рятувальній шлюпці перебувають у відкритому морі», – ідеться в повідомленні.
Згідно з деякими припущеннями, судно може бути з Китаю. Корабель-привид без екіпажу винесла на берег вода, і досі ніхто не знає, звідки він узявся.
Vietnam Railways announces the suspension of the trains SE1/2, SE3/4 on Oct 12, SE7/8 on Oct 13 between Hanoi and Hue due to persistent flooding in the north-central region. Some segments of the railway line are submerged and trains cannot run safely. ? https://t.co/fFtaxGIuOUpic.twitter.com/m1OSsWSH2q
Hurricane Iota whipped up huge waves on the Colombian island of San Andrés, off the coast of Nicaragua, as the powerful storm neared landfall in Central America. https://t.co/gIKlJgZk6Bpic.twitter.com/dnILa0U43R
Seems all the newly built verandas, balcony window structures cannot resist the extreme whirlwind of #lodos in #Istanbul The governors office issued a warning last night and this morning but nothing prepared the city for this type of #windstorm#Fırtınapic.twitter.com/uPEESW0MNs
??300 sapeurs-pompiers, sapeurs-sauveteurs et 2 hélicoptères #Dragon de la Sécurité civile sont mobilisés auprès des populations sinistrées en #Corse. 2 #Beech sont également engagés pour des opérations de reconnaissance. ☎️ Restez vigilants et en cas d'urgence 18/112 pic.twitter.com/A8TjLTiYhJ
The City of Naples has issued an emergency citywide curfew to protect and safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of City of Naples residents, visitors, and first responders. The curfew is effective immediately until further notice. pic.twitter.com/C1OIiFkCoN
According to phone conversation with the people on the boat carrying 160 Rohingya and a Rohingya, the boat is still Floating and urgently needs to be rescued. Datuk Seri @anwaribrahim, please be requested for a coordinated rescue efforts. pic.twitter.com/0GnKXUH68h
⛈?Trópusi ciklonná erősödik Cheneso Madagaszkár partjainál?⛈ A napokban Madagaszkáron tombolt a Cheneso trópusi vihar, most pedig trópusi ciklonná erősödik a térségben. Részletek?https://t.co/bee220KI8S Borítókép forrása: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center /a kép illusztráció/
Heavy rains caused by Tropical Storm Cheneso's landfall in Madagascar have killed 16 people and left 17 missing, according to the government's Office for Risk and Disaster Management.#Madagascar#environmentpic.twitter.com/qx7mdb2BQM
Ein heftiges #Unwetter mit #Orkanböen fegte heute gegen 11:30 Uhr über #LaChauxdeFonds hinweg. Ob es sich um Fallböen (#Downburst) oder um einen Tornado handelt und ob die gemessenen 217 km/h plausibel sind, werden die weiteren Abklärungen zeigen. https://t.co/oqCFhfVKYM ^jz
Morning update: raining, windy, no real change in the water level and the power is still on, so overall great here! On the lookout for tornado spin ups though ? #Opheliapic.twitter.com/89CoYOi5h0
This video shared on Snapchat shows rotation which supports the reports of a Tornado in Leitrim Village today. Hoping everyone is OK after this shocking event. pic.twitter.com/iYShm8PW15
The inside of a car that was badly damaged after a tornado tore threw Leitrim Village yesterday. A few planks of wood from a nearby roof went straight through the windscreen.
Didn't expect to be in the middle of a tornado today! 😳 The couple in the car in front of us are so lucky to be alive. Thanks to everyone in Leitrim village who looked after us. pic.twitter.com/EcEQMSzf9m
Vietnam Railways announces the suspension of the trains SE1/2, SE3/4 on Oct 12, SE7/8 on Oct 13 between Hanoi and Hue due to persistent flooding in the north-central region. Some segments of the railway line are submerged and trains cannot run safely. 📢 https://t.co/fFtaxGIuOUpic.twitter.com/m1OSsWSH2q
This video shared on Snapchat shows rotation which supports the reports of a Tornado in Leitrim Village today. Hoping everyone is OK after this shocking event. pic.twitter.com/iYShm8PW15
The inside of a car that was badly damaged after a tornado tore threw Leitrim Village yesterday. A few planks of wood from a nearby roof went straight through the windscreen.
Didn't expect to be in the middle of a tornado today! 😳 The couple in the car in front of us are so lucky to be alive. Thanks to everyone in Leitrim village who looked after us. pic.twitter.com/EcEQMSzf9m
🌊🇬🇧A few minutes ago: A tractor driver caused a huge wave of water to flood shops on Market Street in Tenbury Wells, UK, showing no regard for local businesses already affected by recent flooding.#StormBert#TenburyWells Via- Jay da Costa Fb pic.twitter.com/UmRdPgPq88