Array ( [count_posts] => 10 [cache_key] => Query_Posts::global::hu::YTo1OntzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiaHUiO3M6NzoiZG9tYWlucyI7YToxOntpOjA7czo2OiJwb2RpamkiO31zOjY6Im9mZnNldCI7aTowO3M6OToidGF4X3F1ZXJ5IjthOjE6e2k6MDthOjM6e3M6ODoidGF4b25vbXkiO3M6ODoicG9zdF90YWciO3M6NToiZmllbGQiO3M6MjoiaWQiO3M6NToidGVybXMiO2E6MTp7aTowO2k6MTE4NjA7fX19czoxMToiYWZ0ZXJMb2NrZXIiO2k6MDt9 [has_result] => 1 [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 181637 [content] =>Tízezrek tüntettek vasárnap Marokkóban, Törökországban és Pakisztánban palesztinpárti megmozdulásokon a Hamász terrorszervezet Izrael déli térségei ellen tavaly október 7-én végrehajtott összehangolt támadásának első évfordulója előestéjén.
A marokkói fővárosban, Rabatban, a parlament épülete előtt összegyűlt több tízezres tömeg egyebek között a diplomáciai kapcsolatok megszakítását követelte Izraellel.
Egyes transzparenseken „Nem ismerjük el Izraelt” feliratok voltak olvashatók.
Láthatók voltak a gázai övezeti Hamász, illetve az Irán támogatását élvező libanoni Hezbollah síita milícia vezetőinek képmásai is. A marokkói megmozdulást az Akciócsoport Palesztináért nevű, baloldali és iszlamista pártok alkotta szövetség szervezte.
Ankarában „Népirtással szembeni ellenállás – tüntetőmenet Palesztina támogatásáért” jeligével rendeztek megmozdulást. A tüntetésen, amelyen Izraelnek a Hamász terrortámadására adott válaszként indított gázai övezeti háborúját állították pellengérre, Bilal Erdogan, a török elnök fia is ott volt.
A CNN Türk helyi hírtelevízió szerint több mint hatvan török városban voltak hasonló megmozdulások, amelyeken a feltehetőleg izraeli támadásban megölt Iszmáil Haníje Hamász-vezető képmása, illetve a terrorszervezet zászlói is feltűntek.
A dél-pakisztáni Karacsiban a Dzsamaat-i-Iszlami mozgalom, az ország legnagyobb iszlamista pártja szervezett tömegtüntetést. Háfiz Naím ur-Rehman pártvezető szerint a megmozdulásuk célja „felébreszteni a világot” és „tudatni az Egyesült Államokkal, hogy terroristákat támogat”.
A nap folyamán Ausztráliában, valamint több európai fővárosban, így Londonban, Berlinben, Párizsban és Rómában is voltak palesztin, illetve Izrael párti tüntetések is.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Tízezrek tüntettek vasárnap Marokkóban, Törökországban és Pakisztánban palesztinpárti megmozdulásokon a Hamász terrorszervezet Izrael déli térségei ellen tavaly október 7-én végrehajtott összehangolt támadásának első évfordulója előestéjén. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1728304440 [modified] => 1728293876 ) [title] => Tízezrek tüntettek Marokkóban, Törökországban és Pakisztánban palesztinpárti megmozdulásokon [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 181637 [uk] => 181787 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 181638 [image] => Array ( [id] => 181638 [original] => [original_lng] => 1243081 [original_w] => 1042 [original_h] => 497 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 143 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 366 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 488 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1042 [height] => 497 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1042 [height] => 497 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1042 [height] => 497 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1728382346:3 [_thumbnail_id] => 181638 [_edit_last] => 12 [translation_required] => 1 [views_count] => 904 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_e997bc4e46110c5f8f9b5133a8622897] =>[_oembed_time_e997bc4e46110c5f8f9b5133a8622897] => 1728811891 [_oembed_3a61ea5f40557fdf43440e9c7d674585] =>#Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg was detained again🤡
— Lew Anno Suport#Israel #Ukraine 24/2-22 (@anno1540) October 5, 2024
This time, the girl, together with other activists, blocked a key street in Brussels, calling on the European Union to cancel subsidies for oil and gas production[_oembed_time_3a61ea5f40557fdf43440e9c7d674585] => 1730036244 [_oembed_b12f43df56d2f5b79d4c5486eaa6b7f9] =>Özel Harekat ekipleri TUSAŞ'ın önünde.
— BPT (@bpthaber) October 23, 2024[_oembed_time_b12f43df56d2f5b79d4c5486eaa6b7f9] => 1730226927 [_oembed_1fb326832ff1e8aba5ea9835b6c4bbb6] => [_oembed_time_1fb326832ff1e8aba5ea9835b6c4bbb6] => 1731732219 [_oembed_83001cefa0f67567c22077b504ce56ce] => [_oembed_time_83001cefa0f67567c22077b504ce56ce] => 1732206767 [_oembed_dfe99ef0f6b0ec124228c64e32724d21] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_a4a7af9b6951e8933bb032e85beec4c7] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_4a5cc5a0f83ef7ee16e81ca19b861a39] => {{unknown}} [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 11 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Kiemelt téma [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 11860 [1] => 2694 [2] => 300201 [3] => 1067 [4] => 308 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Marokkó [1] => Pakisztán [2] => palesztinpárti tüntetés [3] => Törökország [4] => tüntetés ) ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 172897 [content] =>8 Days 4 Terror attack. Our 3 Soldiers Martyred & 2 Porters Killed. Now Gulmarg.
— SajalDutta (@SajalD_IITKgP) October 25, 2024
Mother of Terrorists Pakistan again started terror launch in our Indian soil. It's killing people from all Religions. Soon Kashmiris understand this better for the Nation.#gulmarg #terrorattackább 21 ember életét vesztette a marokkói Beni Mellal városában az extrém hőség miatt – közölte csütörtökön az észak-afrikai ország hírügynöksége (MAP) a helyi egészségügyi hatóságokra hivatkozva.
A haláleseteket szerdán jelentették a fővárostól, Rabattól nagyjából 300 kilométerre délre fekvő városból.
Az áldozatok főként idős, illetve krónikus betegségekben szenvedő emberek voltak. A tájékoztatás szerint 17-en közülük kórházban haltak meg.
A városvezetés figyelmeztetést adott ki, hogy az emberek kerüljék az utcán tartózkodást és szükség esetén forduljanak orvoshoz.
Marokkót hőhullám sújtja a héten. A hőmérő higanyszála kedden és szerdán az ország egyes térségeiben 48 Celsius fokra kúszott fel a helyi meteorológiai szolgálat szerint.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Legalább 21 ember életét vesztette a marokkói Beni Mellal városában az extrém hőség miatt – közölte csütörtökön az észak-afrikai ország hírügynöksége (MAP) a helyi egészségügyi hatóságokra hivatkozva. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1722007560 [modified] => 1721948685 ) [title] => Több mint 20-an meghaltak egy marokkói városban az extrém hőségtől [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 172897 [uk] => 173312 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 158183 [image] => Array ( [id] => 158183 [original] => [original_lng] => 190758 [original_w] => 1260 [original_h] => 900 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 214 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 549 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 731 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1260 [height] => 900 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1260 [height] => 900 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1260 [height] => 900 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1722257405:3 [_thumbnail_id] => 158183 [_edit_last] => 5 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 948 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_e2a4b26e4d5004625a2cdb4725ea8e06] =>[_oembed_time_e2a4b26e4d5004625a2cdb4725ea8e06] => 1721996791 [_oembed_98ee8945def721bdbf3cdc6d0e89a586] =>A shooting at a care home in Daruvar, Croatia, leaves five dead and several injured, prompting condolences from the Prime Minister and calls for a thorough investigation.#Croatia #Daruvar #Shooting #CareHome #Tragedy #Investigation 🕊️
— TemA English (@EnglishTema) July 22, 2024[_oembed_time_98ee8945def721bdbf3cdc6d0e89a586] => 1723143049 [_oembed_80568dd0f4f93e5fdc9db2005e7fd504] =>''Bring him back.''
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) August 2, 2024
Nearly 300 people have been killed in landslides in India's Kerala state, and the toll is expected to rise[_oembed_time_80568dd0f4f93e5fdc9db2005e7fd504] => 1723143049 [_oembed_c3db94937bbd00b8391e7fef8a804f72] =>LIVE: Troubling scenes from Lido beach in Mogadishu, Somalia after the suicide bomb attack.#BREAKING #Somalia
— Target Reporter (@Target_Reporter) August 2, 2024[_oembed_time_c3db94937bbd00b8391e7fef8a804f72] => 1724074428 [_oembed_4df0e9c567f3feab961fe33f300ca75c] =>7 Die In Stampede At Bihar Temple Allegedly After Volunteers Lathi-Charge
— Adv. Debabrato (@debabrato1) August 12, 2024[_oembed_time_4df0e9c567f3feab961fe33f300ca75c] => 1724608304 [_oembed_312f6d0349f8ef273490ba0f82850e09] =>Casualties of the Nkhotakota plane crash have been identified as Zimbabwean pilot Fungay Jonathan, 50, & a Dutch national, Frisco Westheim, 29.
— Capital FM Malawi (@CapitalFMMw) August 21, 2024
The C210 aircraft number 7Q-PFU, with 3 passengers on board, crashed into Lake Malawi, around Nkhotakota, yesterday.#CFMNews#Malawi[_oembed_time_312f6d0349f8ef273490ba0f82850e09] => 1724825080 [_oembed_f273565866fa371c0360096e5527f9b0] => [_oembed_time_f273565866fa371c0360096e5527f9b0] => 1731177629 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 3126 [1] => 41 [2] => 49 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Aktuális [1] => Cikkek [2] => Hírek [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 16475 [1] => 13855 [2] => 531 [3] => 11860 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => halálos áldozatok [1] => hőség [2] => időjárás [3] => Marokkó ) ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 150141 [content] =>A bus on the #MakranHighway Coastal Highway crashed, killing 12 pilgrims. Additionally, #bus in Pakistan-ruled Kashmir fell into a ravine, 22 deaths#BusAccident #Rawalpindi #Kahuta #PakistanBusAccident #KahutaBusAccident #GirariBridge #TheDailyIntake
— The Daily Intake (@dailyintake2023) August 25, 2024Elfogtak Marokkóban egy hónapok óta szökésben lévő, hírhedt marseille-i drogbárót – jelentette be Gérald Darmanin francia belügyminiszter.
„A marokkói hatóságokkal folytatott együttműködésünknek köszönhetően ma súlyos csapást mértünk a kábítószeres bűnözésre” – írta a tárcavezető szombaton az X-en.
A bűnözőt már hónapok óta körözte az Interpol. A férfi a marseille-i drogháború egyik meghatározó alakja, a rivális bandák egyikének vezetője amint arról a BFM TV francia hírtelevízió beszámolt.
A 33 éves férfit egyebek között pénzmosással, kábítószer-csempészettel és -kereskedéssel, valamint bűnszervezeti tagsággal vádolják.
A kábítószer-kereskedelemmel foglalkozó bandák egész városrészeket ellenőriznek Franciaország második legnagyobb városában, Marseille-ben, ahol a halálos leszámolások nem számítanak ritkaságnak.
Csak tavaly Marseille városában 49 ember vesztette életét a rivális bűnszervezetek összecsapásaiban.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Elfogtak Marokkóban egy hónapok óta szökésben lévő, hírhedt marseille-i drogbárót – jelentette be Gérald Darmanin francia belügyminiszter. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1710151980 [modified] => 1710104736 ) [title] => Hírhedt francia drogbárót tartóztattak le Marokkóban [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 150141 [uk] => 150221 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 150142 [image] => Array ( [id] => 150142 [original] => [original_lng] => 13762 [original_w] => 933 [original_h] => 525 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 933 [height] => 525 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 933 [height] => 525 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 933 [height] => 525 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 933 [height] => 525 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1710155182:8 [_thumbnail_id] => 150142 [_edit_last] => 5 [translation_required] => 1 [views_count] => 1018 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_63947906bb2c5cb52cd79883270e3319] =>[_oembed_time_63947906bb2c5cb52cd79883270e3319] => 1710144793 [_oembed_75690f2d69b8f33058d6c5480f3e3a10] =>🚨 150 #AgriculteursEnColeres et leurs tracteurs occupent la place de l'Etoile à Paris en réaction à la signature de deux traités de libre-échange entre l'UE et le Chili et le Kenya. #Telematin
— Telematin (@telematin) March 1, 2024[_oembed_time_75690f2d69b8f33058d6c5480f3e3a10] => 1710144793 [_oembed_3b7d67775d94a80df0811886010a8391] =>EN DIRECT - Agriculteurs en colère : La FNSEA prête à se remobiliser «si ça bloque» au niveau du gouvernement
— 🇫🇷Ann Jill 🇫🇷 J’écris avec la main droite (@AnnJill1000) March 1, 2024
par @Le_Figaro[_oembed_time_3b7d67775d94a80df0811886010a8391] => 1710144793 [_oembed_c00cd5a55a893411b150982660008812] => [_oembed_time_c00cd5a55a893411b150982660008812] => 1710237374 [_oembed_cd3e33708ab80072b578562174bc66e8] =>❌ CHÂTEAU DE VERSAILLES BLOQUÉ !
— Résistance Paysanne 🚜 (@ResistPaysans) March 1, 2024
Les collègues paysans sont positionnés devant l’entrée du château de Versailles avec leurs tracteurs.#AgriculteursEnColère #SIA2024[_oembed_time_cd3e33708ab80072b578562174bc66e8] => 1712146996 [_oembed_05d2856fdb8e25c702c937efa0813cc4] =>À la Castellane, à Marseille, on lâche rien contre la drogue. On continue
— Gérald DARMANIN (@GDarmanin) March 29, 2024[_oembed_time_05d2856fdb8e25c702c937efa0813cc4] => 1714238312 [_oembed_b6305144e67ddf6981e4c79a4f1821c2] =>En France, tous les jours des gens massacrés, plantés, molestés, agressés, aujourd'hui deux gamines de 6 et 11 ans attaquées au couteau à #Souffelweyersheim.
— pamp' (@pamp69) April 18, 2024
Jusqu'à quand allons-nous tolérer l'intolérable?[_oembed_time_b6305144e67ddf6981e4c79a4f1821c2] => 1715335486 [_oembed_17bf4e01dcb41060636a7c096bd540a5] =>Innenministerin Faeser zu mutmaßlicher chinesischer #Spionage: „Der im aktuellen Fall betroffene Bereich militärisch nutzbarer innovativer Technologien aus🇩🇪 ist besonders sensibel. Umso wichtiger ist es, hier so konsequent zu begegnen, wie es uns in diesem Fall gelungen ist.“
— Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat (@BMI_Bund) April 22, 2024[_oembed_time_17bf4e01dcb41060636a7c096bd540a5] => 1715340045 [_oembed_6b5aa0ed53a3e0a9237ac9a328101552] =>V MOSKVI JE ARETIRAN PRODUCENT REUTERS: Konstantin Gabov je osumljen,da je pripravljal materiale za YouTube kanal Navalny LIVE.
— Mira Hace (@MiraHace) April 28, 2024
Celotno sporočilo pokojnega "vodje" skrajne opozicije Navalnega je bilo o korupciji v Rusiji, toda s producenti,ki jih financira Reuters - zdi se, 1/2[_oembed_time_6b5aa0ed53a3e0a9237ac9a328101552] => 1716824173 [_oembed_98b782e7257fcc0808b4f6f02637c494] => [_oembed_time_98b782e7257fcc0808b4f6f02637c494] => 1716824174 [_oembed_6193087034b2d5770cfb2ee045ce5d2d] =>Madhouse News
— Giuseppe Menefrego (@menefr1) May 20, 2024
The Tverskoy Court has fined Moscow resident Stanislav Netesov, who dyed his hair yellow and blue, under the article on discrediting the army.
Maybe they should just ban the colors yellow and blue altogether? The sun and the sky? Don't look up or you'll go jail...[_oembed_time_6193087034b2d5770cfb2ee045ce5d2d] => 1718897456 [_oembed_bd39cdd9a312d25ef723a62a3627e763] =>🔴⚡️Alerte - Le château de #Versailles a été évacué. De la fumée se dégage du toit de l’édifice selon des témoins. Les pompiers sont sur place. - témoins
— La Plume Libre (@LPLmedia) June 11, 2024[_oembed_time_bd39cdd9a312d25ef723a62a3627e763] => 1720974309 [_oembed_b425e20031d0d0826716b593a4e5d398] =>French ‘Excalibur’ sword vanishes after 1,300 years lodged in a rock
— New York Post (@nypost) July 3, 2024[_oembed_time_b425e20031d0d0826716b593a4e5d398] => 1724958946 [_oembed_b21f4a1d35bc4d2422e06a481b6d2232] =>#FRONTIGNAN France 18.08.2024
— SC5 (@sc5_7) August 19, 2024[_oembed_time_b21f4a1d35bc4d2422e06a481b6d2232] => 1724958946 [_oembed_337c19217c01d42596c67a7358ca396d] =>🔴 #FEU #Hérault
— Météo Languedoc (@MeteoLanguedoc) August 18, 2024
Scène surréaliste à #frontignan dans la fumée avec le feu de forêt qui se rapproche des habitations !
Évitez le secteur !
Vidéo : Thomas Merlette pour @MeteoLanguedoc[_oembed_time_337c19217c01d42596c67a7358ca396d] => 1726553813 [_oembed_e9383faa422dfb0869c3a4fc868177b3] => [_oembed_time_e9383faa422dfb0869c3a4fc868177b3] => 1729835183 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 7793 [1] => 304 [2] => 828 [3] => 11860 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => drogbáró [1] => Franciaország [2] => letartóztatás [3] => Marokkó ) ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 129815 [content] =>At least 118 eagles, 107 hawks among thousands of birds trafficking ring killed, prosecutors say - CBS News
— Nicole (@NicoleOutside) September 5, 2024Ezer fölé emelkedett a péntek éjszakai marokkói földrengés halálos áldozatainak száma – közölte a belügyminisztérium szombat délután.
Péntek éjjel súlyos földrengés rázta meg Marokkót. A mentési munkálatok, az áldozatok számbavétele jelenleg is zajlik. Magyar áldozata a szombat délelőtti információk szerint nem volt a rengésnek. A tragédiának a korábbi becslések szerint legalább több száz halottja volt.A marokkói állami televízió legfrissebb közlése szerint jelenleg 1037 halálos áldozatot tartanak számon, és több mint 1200 sérültről tudnak.
A rabati székhelyű geológiai központ megerősítette, hogy az országot 7-es erősségű rengés rázta meg, amelynek epicentruma a közép-marokkói Al-Hauz tartományban, Marrákestől 72 kilométerre délnyugatra volt. Az amerikai földtani intézet (USGS) 6,8-as erősségűnek mérte a földmozgást.
A marokkói minisztérium közleménye szerint a földrengés Al-Hauz, Marrákes, Varzazát, Azilal, Sisáva és Tárúdánt tartományokban okozott halálos pusztítást. Az epicentrumhoz legközelebb eső városban, Marrákesben több történelmi jelentőségű épület megrongálódott, az UNESCO világörökségi listáján is szereplő belvárosban egy mecset minaretje leomlott.
A legnagyobb pusztítást az epicentrumhoz közeli hegyvidéki területeken, a Magas-Atlasz hegységben végezte a földmozgás, arrafelé több távol eső faluban összedőltek az épületek.
Marrákes mellett a fővárosban, Rabatban, Casablancában, valamint Agadirban is érezték a rengést, amely pánikot keltett a lakosság körében. A közösségi oldalakon közzétett képek szerint sokan az utcára menekültek ezekben a városokban, attól tartva, hogy házaik összedőlnek.
VI. Mohamed marokkói király elrendelte a hadsereg és a különleges kutató- és mentőegységek mozgósítását, illetve egy kórház kialakítását a sérültek helyszíni ellátására.
Világszerte számos ország felajánlotta támogatását a marokkói hatóságoknak, amelyek azonban eddig hivatalosan nem kértek segítséget.
Ilyen nagy erejű földrengés korábban még nem volt Marokkóban.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Ezer fölé emelkedett a péntek éjszakai marokkói földrengés halálos áldozatainak száma – közölte a belügyminisztérium szombat délután. [autID] => 4 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1694336520 [modified] => 1694307042 ) [title] => Már több mint ezer áldozata van a marokkói földrengésnek [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 129815 [uk] => 129833 ) [aut] => avecsorinszka [lang] => hu [image_id] => 129816 [image] => Array ( [id] => 129816 [original] => [original_lng] => 240941 [original_w] => 1140 [original_h] => 760 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 200 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 512 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 683 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1140 [height] => 760 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1140 [height] => 760 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1140 [height] => 760 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1694335118:2 [_oembed_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] =>[_oembed_time_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] => 1694296052 [_thumbnail_id] => 129816 [_edit_last] => 4 [views_count] => 1486 [_oembed_efdac6aa149dc062cf098373c2def5b9] =>? #BREAKING | #Morocco | #earthquake | #Marrakech |#الزلزال | #المغرب
— Bot News (@BotNews18) September 9, 2023
There is almost nothing left of Adassil village in Morocco. You can hear the absolute heartbreak in this mans voice.[_oembed_time_efdac6aa149dc062cf098373c2def5b9] => 1694325903 [_oembed_fd3560246a0d98f52082a4f7a54e0cd5] =>?️ José Luis Martínez-Almeida, alcalde de Madrid: "El mensaje que quiero transmitir a los madrileños es que permanezcan en sus domicilios [...] Es una situación excepcional"
— RTVE Noticias (@rtvenoticias) September 3, 2023
La DANA deja alertas en el centro y sureste peninsular, con alerta roja en Madrid[_oembed_time_fd3560246a0d98f52082a4f7a54e0cd5] => 1694325903 [_oembed_c76396f14d3436c17e236673d00e35ed] =>Después de 2 años volvemos a ver otra inundación incontrolable en Alcanar platja. El canal del frente es el causante de tal desastre donde se concentra todo el rio pero el ayuntamiento no hace nada. #alcanar #inundación #DeltadelEbre
— JereM (@JM_M17) September 3, 2023[_oembed_time_c76396f14d3436c17e236673d00e35ed] => 1694327299 [_oembed_7651aabc5d23cd502700880da3afe303] =>O Rio Grande está em luto. Já são 21 vítimas confirmadas em decorrência das chuvas que começaram no domingo. Estamos consternados com a letalidade desse evento climático e mobilizados para salvar todos que ainda correm perigo.
— Eduardo Leite (@EduardoLeite_) September 5, 2023[_oembed_time_7651aabc5d23cd502700880da3afe303] => 1694332103 [_oembed_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] =>Massive floods due to heavy rains in the Tsarevo of Bulgaria ?? (05.09.2023)
— Disaster News (@Top_Disaster) September 5, 2023
TELEGRAM JOIN ?[_oembed_time_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] => 1694336190 [_oembed_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] =>Moment of building collapse after the strong #earthquake hits in #Marrakesh of #Morocco.
— Anil Kumar Verma (@AnilKumarVerma_) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] => 1694336191 [_oembed_da0693775d365b15b144f0d08a5a28a9] =>Horrific moment of collapse caught on security camera? #Morocco #earthquake #moroccoearthquake #deprem #زلزال #زلزال_المغرب #fas #fas_depremi #morocco #maroc #earthquake
— Muhammad Arif Khan (@M_Arif61) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_da0693775d365b15b144f0d08a5a28a9] => 1696431154 [_oembed_1ebdf8fed68dd7166788623928484854] =>Portugal stabbing death tied to twisted ‘Blue Whale’ suicide game
— New York Post (@nypost) September 25, 2023[_oembed_time_1ebdf8fed68dd7166788623928484854] => 1696431155 [_oembed_304ffc0fdace213299e4b2feaf810ad1] => [_oembed_time_304ffc0fdace213299e4b2feaf810ad1] => 1696612506 [_oembed_014942aa58cf1b00ebf754adb0809ecb] =>
— Makalukhabar English (@MakalukhabarEn) September 27, 2023
Five children and two women are among the people killed in the incident[_oembed_time_014942aa58cf1b00ebf754adb0809ecb] => 1696612506 [_oembed_52019d6d7ab76a26e891e30884ea85d5] =>¡Es una t3rrible trag3dia en Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas!
— Urbis Veracruz (@UrbisVeracruz) October 2, 2023
El gobernador de #Tamaulipas, Américo Villarreal Anaya, confirmó la mu3rte de 10 personas en el desplome de la Parroquia de la Santa Cruz en Ciudad Madero. Entre las víctimas se cuentan 5 mujeres, 2 hombres y tres niños.[_oembed_time_52019d6d7ab76a26e891e30884ea85d5] => 1696612506 [_oembed_0c52301eb4abb36d0b9baa51fdee7f23] => [_oembed_time_0c52301eb4abb36d0b9baa51fdee7f23] => 1696612506 [_oembed_678d85b86151f23563e6ec31582ec62a] =>UPDATE | People rushing to rescue people trapped beneath a church collapse in Ciudad Madero, Mexico.
— READY ALERTS (@ReadyAlerts) October 1, 2023[_oembed_time_678d85b86151f23563e6ec31582ec62a] => 1696935489 [_oembed_d0d382a026c7029386e3e3d2fc4fd9ad] =>? 7 Dead, 39 Injured After Massive Fire Breaks Out In Goregaon, Mumbai Building
— Harsh Patel (@Harshpatel1408) October 6, 2023
Some live visuals #Mumbai #fire[_oembed_time_d0d382a026c7029386e3e3d2fc4fd9ad] => 1698765631 [_oembed_1a39e36a260de14b7984de8b90f57663] =>Asie: Au moins 11 morts dans une mine d’ArcelorMittal au Kazakhstan
— 24 heures (@24heuresch) October 28, 2023[_oembed_time_1a39e36a260de14b7984de8b90f57663] => 1698765631 [_oembed_5035355dd13fe6ead1270d0918ce2d7b] =>⚡?#Mexico - This is how Club de Yates de Acapulco yacht club looks like after Otis Hurricane.
— X News Monitor (@xNewsMonitor) October 26, 2023
? Pepe Hanan #HurricaneOtis #Huracan #Otis #Acapulco #México #Guerrero[_oembed_time_5035355dd13fe6ead1270d0918ce2d7b] => 1698765632 [_oembed_7af071a94eb9ff25cb8900b68cae1683] =>⚡??? #Acapulco - (NEW VIDEO) Huge material damage after Category 5 Storm Hurricane Otis hit in Acapulco, Mexico #HuracánOtis #Hurricane
— X News Monitor (@xNewsMonitor) October 26, 2023[_oembed_time_7af071a94eb9ff25cb8900b68cae1683] => 1699439621 [_oembed_7a3869a8579aadd42347633aa656bcde] =>In pictures, the #Daylesford accident hits me terribly.
— RightMeansCorrect (@rightiscorrectZ) November 6, 2023
A father and son.
I believe it's the 38-year-old father and 11-year-old son. I have an 11-year-old.
Woman and her young daughter. Five people died.
My condolences.
A white BMW SUV ploughed into the beer garden at the Royal…[_oembed_time_7a3869a8579aadd42347633aa656bcde] => 1699439621 [_oembed_cae3677670cd9cc9e0e4b680fc307671] =>Paramedics respond to countless traumatic accidents but Terry Marshall from @AmbulanceVic tells us how crews cope with something of the magnitude of the deadly Daylesford car crash that took the lives of five people.
— The Project (@theprojecttv) November 6, 2023[_oembed_time_cae3677670cd9cc9e0e4b680fc307671] => 1699439621 [_oembed_a9c31e87a48ab70e718d1fcd071de100] =>#BREAKING: North India including bihar patna , delhi ncr , Gurgaon , haryana and Nepal hit by a scary earthquake.#earthquake #Delhi #Nepal #DelhiNCR #Noida #Tremors #भूकंप #Bihar #Patna
— Vidarbha Times (@VidarbhaaTimes) November 3, 2023[_oembed_time_a9c31e87a48ab70e718d1fcd071de100] => 1699439622 [_oembed_6c24a73ab41c18f9144e01d1a9091484] =>? #Sondakika ??
— Küresel Olaylar (@KureselOlaylar) November 3, 2023
Hırvatistan'dan Salzburg'a gitmekte olan Cirrus SR20 model küçük bir uçak, Avusturya'da kaza yaptı. Kazada 4 kişi hayatını kaybetti.[_oembed_time_6c24a73ab41c18f9144e01d1a9091484] => 1699439622 [_oembed_984495a799200a11cf9f65b7c8445c91] =>#Earthquake (#σεισμός) possibly felt 19 sec ago in #Greece. Felt it? Tell us via:
— EMSC (@LastQuake) November 3, 2023
⚠ Automatic crowdsourced detection, not seismically verified yet. More info soon![_oembed_time_984495a799200a11cf9f65b7c8445c91] => 1701083124 [_oembed_9e982e35d40e9bd3d6eb59c7f52eab60] =>BREAKING NEWS: ???
— Bondie ?????? (@jamesbond007nzl) November 22, 2023
7.0 - 98 km E of Port-Olry, Vanuatu at a depth of 22.5km
BASED ON ALL AVAILABLE DATA... THERE IS NO TSUNAMI THREAT FROM THIS EARTHQUAKE[_oembed_time_9e982e35d40e9bd3d6eb59c7f52eab60] => 1701083124 [_oembed_8ef78cf1c271869cfcee6f252f7ae831] =>At least 10 people died after an illegal gold mine collapsed in the South American country of Suriname, authorities say, adding it wasn’t immediately clear what may have caused the collapse
— Markets Today (@marketsday) November 21, 2023[_oembed_time_8ef78cf1c271869cfcee6f252f7ae831] => 1701083124 [_oembed_8633023da70370b6484b76b4be43c072] =>Let's pray for Brasil #BentoGonçalves #Brasil #Flood
— WarMonitoreu (@WarMonitoreu) November 19, 2023[_oembed_time_8633023da70370b6484b76b4be43c072] => 1702049434 [_oembed_abdc23da07168ece886d4f8f42259578] =>Three people have died, and one person is injured after an explosion at Jimbo's Auto Shop, Hillsboro, Ohio, United States ?? | 28 November 2023 | #explosion #Hillsboro #Ohio
— Disaster Tracker (@DisasterTrackHQ) November 29, 2023[_oembed_time_abdc23da07168ece886d4f8f42259578] => 1702315580 [_oembed_0e3e7423b62d941f6bb91543cd0b0aa5] =>In our briefing today: 47 dead following heavy rain that caused mudslides in Hanang, Tanzania;
— The Chanzo (@TheChanzo) December 4, 2023
PM: Tanganyika independence day celebrations will be held at regional level;
Government expect to complete 5000 housing units by March 2024 for the relocation of Ngorongoro…[_oembed_time_0e3e7423b62d941f6bb91543cd0b0aa5] => 1702315580 [_oembed_5ac691dc9ab5866de077725055f9abf8] =>23 people killed in flooding and landslides after overnight torrential rain wreak havoc in Manyara Region, Tanzania ?? | 3 December 2023 | #floods #flooding
— Disaster Tracker (@DisasterTrackHQ) December 4, 2023[_oembed_time_5ac691dc9ab5866de077725055f9abf8] => 1702315580 [_oembed_7a1c864a160995e7d36203450d9b712d] =>At least 13 people killed in a hostel fire that broke out in Kazakhstan's largest city Almaty before sunrise, city's emergency situations department says
— TRT World (@trtworld) November 30, 2023[_oembed_time_7a1c864a160995e7d36203450d9b712d] => 1702913580 [_oembed_7044d53e9ae56b935eb4e26a6ef2d369] =>Huge Explosion after Truck Crashes on Highway in Miranda, #Venezuela –
— War Reports (@cheguwera) December 13, 2023
at Least 8 Dead, 14 Injured[_oembed_time_7044d53e9ae56b935eb4e26a6ef2d369] => 1702913580 [_oembed_550e993fefa5156e6cd2cbf2dd2fbc54] => [_oembed_time_550e993fefa5156e6cd2cbf2dd2fbc54] => 1704530885 [_oembed_45eeee7a7e58677e30594254c12b74ed] =>5 people seriously injured when a construction site elevator plunged to the ground in Sweden
— Nordic News (@Nordic_News) December 11, 2023[_oembed_time_45eeee7a7e58677e30594254c12b74ed] => 1708267347 [_oembed_c00cd5a55a893411b150982660008812] => [_oembed_time_c00cd5a55a893411b150982660008812] => 1710234249 [_oembed_5d388e1cd0b5e8da28175cd06fcd44d4] => [_oembed_time_5d388e1cd0b5e8da28175cd06fcd44d4] => 1711220863 [_oembed_f849bd9143ad8c15b9bc435b060ead8a] =>🚨🇵🇭EARTHQUAKE OF MAGNITUDE 5.6 STRIKES MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) February 10, 2024
Source: Reuters[_oembed_time_f849bd9143ad8c15b9bc435b060ead8a] => 1711220863 [_oembed_a527988f74ec4305813d6ce953a94f1c] =>An Mi-8 helicopter with 20 passengers on board crashed in the Magadan region, russia
— 🇺🇦 paolo rel (@paolobucci18) March 14, 2024
The Mi-8 transported gold mine workers.[_oembed_time_a527988f74ec4305813d6ce953a94f1c] => 1716122074 [_oembed_56a140e5b470c71778f01aa26f2c2444] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_80a6f3c4b5b8324ce830266dbac70eae] => [_oembed_time_80a6f3c4b5b8324ce830266dbac70eae] => 1716122074 [_oembed_14efaf742ed6ee48cd9a171d381c64bf] =>UPDATE:
— FlashFeed (@FlashFeed365) May 14, 2024
The crash happened when a 2001 Ford pickup truck side-swiped the bus carrying farm workers in Marion County Florida.
The bus then went off the road, crashed into a fence, and overturned in a field.
8 people were killed and up to 50 injured, several in critical condition.[_oembed_time_14efaf742ed6ee48cd9a171d381c64bf] => 1716122074 [_oembed_cb4c753eee1a0641b08fc00396456207] =>The recent floods in Baghlan province have caused widespread devastation. According to reports, it has taken numerous lives and destroyed hundreds of homes resulting in displacement. Kindly help the victims by donating 👇🏼 #Afghanistan
— Bashir Gharwal غروال (@bashir_gharwall) May 10, 2024[_oembed_time_cb4c753eee1a0641b08fc00396456207] => 1718002432 [_oembed_6868f7d6cd1126fb26adaee55fc0a6ae] =>#WATCH: A two-story house in the Oya district of Wajima City after earthquake of magnitude 5.9 hits central Japan.#Oya #Japan #WajimaCity #Earthquake #Japanearthquake
— upuknews (@upuknews1) June 3, 2024[_oembed_time_6868f7d6cd1126fb26adaee55fc0a6ae] => 1718450932 [_oembed_4602cde267f7ef83d4d8d1fc431d4f81] =>У Херсоні показали магазин, у який влучив російський снаряд
— Українська правда ✌️ (@ukrpravda_news) June 5, 2024[_oembed_time_4602cde267f7ef83d4d8d1fc431d4f81] => 1718989835 [_oembed_8ff5b01a998925f51a3da8f061d662a7] =>A Kanchanjunga Express train met with an accident in Bengal's Siliguru on Monday. The train was en route to the Sealdah station in Kolkata and the accident happened when a goods train hit it from behind in Siliguri's Rangapani region.
— IndiaToday (@IndiaToday) June 17, 2024
The collision happened soon after the…[_oembed_time_8ff5b01a998925f51a3da8f061d662a7] => 1718989835 [_oembed_e954407d5def6fbbb2d25c1e7bbf9dd1] =>A fire broke out in a building housing workers in the city of Mangaf in southern Kuwait early on Wednesday, killing at least 41 people including 5 Indians, senior police officers told state media.#Kuwait #Mangaf
— Professor CR (@TheProfessorCR) June 12, 2024[_oembed_time_e954407d5def6fbbb2d25c1e7bbf9dd1] => 1719823071 [_oembed_eb084d7d2ce52bef457a8a99d10c121f] =>🚨 #BREAKING | #Morocco | #earthquake | #Marrakech |#الزلزال | #المغرب
— Bot News (@BotNews18) September 9, 2023
There is almost nothing left of Adassil village in Morocco. You can hear the absolute heartbreak in this mans voice.[_oembed_time_eb084d7d2ce52bef457a8a99d10c121f] => 1724241622 [_oembed_4946960de44f928ffc2aa4be4b58eb6b] =>Magnitude 5.7 earthquake strikes northeast Taiwan. All MRT lines in #Taipei and #NewTaipeiCity have resumed service ‼️
— TVBS World Taiwan (@tvbsworldtaiwan) August 15, 2024[_oembed_time_4946960de44f928ffc2aa4be4b58eb6b] => 1724241623 [_oembed_c3db94937bbd00b8391e7fef8a804f72] =>4.4 magnitude earthquake near Highland Park, California. Felt throughout #LosAngeles #breaking
— Chaudhary Parvez (@ChaudharyParvez) August 13, 2024[_oembed_time_c3db94937bbd00b8391e7fef8a804f72] => 1724241623 [_oembed_672e924270733f9d2ff4a1c7bc037ece] => [_oembed_time_672e924270733f9d2ff4a1c7bc037ece] => 1726553821 [_oembed_f273565866fa371c0360096e5527f9b0] => [_oembed_time_f273565866fa371c0360096e5527f9b0] => 1731136590 [_oembed_d5ca5c877e4743dcdda5446eecaf1164] => [_oembed_time_d5ca5c877e4743dcdda5446eecaf1164] => 1732540511 [_oembed_20932211c8705827dcc4ac7a603e68da] =>7 Die In Stampede At Bihar Temple Allegedly After Volunteers Lathi-Charge
— Adv. Debabrato (@debabrato1) August 12, 2024[_oembed_time_20932211c8705827dcc4ac7a603e68da] => 1732540512 [_oembed_b4eabe8c1023ed5bfe155fc65337cdf1] =>Un cyclone-bombe unique en son genre a balayé le nord-ouest des États-Unis 🇺🇸 et certaines régions du Canada 🇨🇦
— Benoit Martin ⚜ (@benoitm_mtl) November 20, 2024
Les premiers rapports font état de morts et de centaines de milliers de personnes privées d'électricité.
Bellevue, dans l'État de Washington ⤵️ 😬[_oembed_time_b4eabe8c1023ed5bfe155fc65337cdf1] => 1732540512 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 41 [2] => 49 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => A nap hírei [1] => Cikkek [2] => Hírek [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 1038 [1] => 16475 [2] => 11860 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => földrengés [1] => halálos áldozatok [2] => Marokkó ) ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 129758 [content] =>🤡Atmospheric River collided with Bomb Cyclone to create Triple Bombogenesis.
— Still🏝️Roaming (@roaming_rn) November 20, 2024
Can the climate crisis folks get any more dramatic?
ABC News reported that a woman was killed on Tuesday when a tree fell into a home in Bellevue, Wash., while she was in the shower. Another woman was…éntek éjjel egy súlyos földrengés rázta meg Marokkót, amelynek az eddigi becslések szerint legalább több száz halottja volt.
A földrengés epicentruma Marrákes városától 71 kilométerre délnyugatra, egy Igil nevű település közelében volt, és a Richter-skála szerint 6,8-as erősségűre becsülték. A BBC szerint a marokkói belügyminisztérium legutóbbi adatai szerint
Az áldozatok száma 632-re nőtt, további 329-en megsérültek.
A legtöbb ember az Igil környékén lévő hegyvidékes, nehezen megközelíthető területeken halt meg. A halottakon kívül legalább 153 ember megsérült a rengésben.
A földmozgás helyi idő szerint nem sokkal 23 óra után kezdődött a Geological Survey adatai szerint. Az X-re (korábbi Twitter) több helyszíni videó is felkerült már a katasztrófáról.
Az emberek sok helyen az utcára menekültek, és ott is maradtak, attól tartva, hogy az utórengések veszélyt jelenthetnek.
A videók alapján Marrákes városát (amelynek központja az a UNESCO világörökségi helyszínének számít) is súlyosan érintette a rengés: a Reuters hírügynökségnek egy szemtanú azt mondta, hogy az óvárosban több épület is összeomlott.
A The Guardian beszámolója szerint a rengést még Igiltől 350 kilométerre északra, Rabat városában és annak környékén is érezni lehetett a földrengést, sokan még ott is az utcára menekültek. Marrákéstől 200 kilométerre nyugatra, Esz-Szavíra városában pedig a szemtanúk szerint egy-egy épület homlokzatából kisebb darabok is leomlottak a rengés miatt. A katasztrófa következtében Marrákes térségében több helyen is megszakadt az áram- vagy internetszolgáltatás.
Marokkó északi felén relatíve gyakoriak a földrengések amiatt, hogy a térség két földlemez, az Afrikai-lemez és az Eurázsiai-lemez találkozásánál fekszik. A mostani rengés azonban példátlanul erősnek számít helyi viszonylatban is.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Péntek éjjel egy súlyos földrengés rázta meg Marokkót, amelynek az eddigi becslések szerint legalább több száz halottja volt. [autID] => 4 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1694260380 [modified] => 1694260140 ) [title] => Pusztító földrengés volt Marokkóban, több száz ember meghalt [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 129758 [uk] => 129753 ) [aut] => avecsorinszka [lang] => hu [image_id] => 129754 [image] => Array ( [id] => 129754 [original] => [original_lng] => 377521 [original_w] => 1088 [original_h] => 490 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 135 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 346 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 461 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1088 [height] => 490 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1088 [height] => 490 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1088 [height] => 490 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1694249341:4 [_oembed_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] =>[_oembed_time_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] => 1694248900 [_oembed_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] =>Moment of building collapse after the strong #earthquake hits in #Marrakesh of #Morocco.
— Anil Kumar Verma (@AnilKumarVerma_) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] => 1694249021 [_thumbnail_id] => 129754 [_edit_last] => 4 [views_count] => 1955 [_oembed_efdac6aa149dc062cf098373c2def5b9] =>Horrific moment of collapse caught on security camera? #Morocco #earthquake #moroccoearthquake #deprem #زلزال #زلزال_المغرب #fas #fas_depremi #morocco #maroc #earthquake
— Muhammad Arif Khan (@M_Arif61) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_efdac6aa149dc062cf098373c2def5b9] => 1694251855 [_oembed_fd3560246a0d98f52082a4f7a54e0cd5] =>?️ José Luis Martínez-Almeida, alcalde de Madrid: "El mensaje que quiero transmitir a los madrileños es que permanezcan en sus domicilios [...] Es una situación excepcional"
— RTVE Noticias (@rtvenoticias) September 3, 2023
La DANA deja alertas en el centro y sureste peninsular, con alerta roja en Madrid[_oembed_time_fd3560246a0d98f52082a4f7a54e0cd5] => 1694251856 [_oembed_7651aabc5d23cd502700880da3afe303] =>Después de 2 años volvemos a ver otra inundación incontrolable en Alcanar platja. El canal del frente es el causante de tal desastre donde se concentra todo el rio pero el ayuntamiento no hace nada. #alcanar #inundación #DeltadelEbre
— JereM (@JM_M17) September 3, 2023[_oembed_time_7651aabc5d23cd502700880da3afe303] => 1694254938 [_oembed_c76396f14d3436c17e236673d00e35ed] =>Massive floods due to heavy rains in the Tsarevo of Bulgaria ?? (05.09.2023)
— Disaster News (@Top_Disaster) September 5, 2023
TELEGRAM JOIN ?[_oembed_time_c76396f14d3436c17e236673d00e35ed] => 1694254938 [_oembed_6dcd9f491260222e5a3c15cb455a58c6] =>O Rio Grande está em luto. Já são 21 vítimas confirmadas em decorrência das chuvas que começaram no domingo. Estamos consternados com a letalidade desse evento climático e mobilizados para salvar todos que ainda correm perigo.
— Eduardo Leite (@EduardoLeite_) September 5, 2023[_oembed_time_6dcd9f491260222e5a3c15cb455a58c6] => 1694254939 [_oembed_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] =>NEWS UPDATE | Kasalukuyang kinukuha ng Bureau of Fire Protection at QCDRRMO ang labi ng 15 katao na namatay sa sunog sa estabilisiyamento sa Kennedy Drive, Pleasant View Subd. sa Brgy. Tandang Sora, Quezon City, 5:30 kaninang umaga. | via @sheenatorno_
— Pulso Ng Bayan (@_PulsoNgBayan) August 31, 2023[_oembed_time_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] => 1695453097 [_oembed_fed1aedc03b03e9c81e166be6d844432] =>? #BREAKING | #Morocco | #earthquake | #Marrakech |#الزلزال | #المغرب
— Bot News (@BotNews18) September 9, 2023
There is almost nothing left of Adassil village in Morocco. You can hear the absolute heartbreak in this mans voice.[_oembed_time_fed1aedc03b03e9c81e166be6d844432] => 1696086833 [_oembed_300e0b3d872c4fcc205bfed9e414b199] =>At least 13 killed, more than 70 injured in suicide blast near mosque in Balochistan
— Start Up News (@Start_up_News__) September 29, 2023
At least 10 people, including a police officer, were killed and more than 70 suffered after a suicide bomber blew himself up near a mosque in Pakistan’s Balochistan province on Friday (Sept 29).…[_oembed_time_300e0b3d872c4fcc205bfed9e414b199] => 1696086833 [_oembed_da0693775d365b15b144f0d08a5a28a9] =>According to the Pakistan Rangers, this elderly man was a suicide bomber and an intelligence basd operation was conducted to arrest him.
— Shoukat Ali (@Shoukat_Sumro) September 29, 2023
5 innocent villagers have been martyred in this so called intelligence based operation.#Sakrandbleeds #سڪرنڊسانحو #sakrandbleed[_oembed_time_da0693775d365b15b144f0d08a5a28a9] => 1696086833 [_oembed_1ebdf8fed68dd7166788623928484854] =>Portugal stabbing death tied to twisted ‘Blue Whale’ suicide game
— New York Post (@nypost) September 25, 2023[_oembed_time_1ebdf8fed68dd7166788623928484854] => 1696086834 [_oembed_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] =>
— Makalukhabar English (@MakalukhabarEn) September 27, 2023
Five children and two women are among the people killed in the incident[_oembed_time_8c7dd78a1b8f14851d65e48afbb57656] => 1698218438 [_oembed_4b649ee76bd62cf556ee6ff88b5493c0] => A földrengés sújtotta Afganisztánnak nemzetközi segítségre van szüksége az újjáépítéshez #fy #fyp #nekedbe #hiradohu #hirek #afganisztán #katasztrófa #földrengés #újjáépítés #túlélők
♬ eredeti hang – -[_oembed_time_4b649ee76bd62cf556ee6ff88b5493c0] => 1698218438 [_oembed_cae3677670cd9cc9e0e4b680fc307671] =>12 Killed After Speeding Mini-Bus Rams Container On Maharashtra Expressway
— NDTV News feed (@ndtvfeed) October 15, 2023[_oembed_time_cae3677670cd9cc9e0e4b680fc307671] => 1699727952 [_oembed_984495a799200a11cf9f65b7c8445c91] =>#BREAKING: North India including bihar patna , delhi ncr , Gurgaon , haryana and Nepal hit by a scary earthquake.#earthquake #Delhi #Nepal #DelhiNCR #Noida #Tremors #भूकंप #Bihar #Patna
— Vidarbha Times (@VidarbhaaTimes) November 3, 2023[_oembed_time_984495a799200a11cf9f65b7c8445c91] => 1700842019 [_oembed_abdc23da07168ece886d4f8f42259578] =>BREAKING NEWS: ???
— Bondie ?????? (@jamesbond007nzl) November 22, 2023
7.0 - 98 km E of Port-Olry, Vanuatu at a depth of 22.5km
BASED ON ALL AVAILABLE DATA... THERE IS NO TSUNAMI THREAT FROM THIS EARTHQUAKE[_oembed_time_abdc23da07168ece886d4f8f42259578] => 1702539291 [_oembed_0e3e7423b62d941f6bb91543cd0b0aa5] =>In our briefing today: 47 dead following heavy rain that caused mudslides in Hanang, Tanzania;
— The Chanzo (@TheChanzo) December 4, 2023
PM: Tanganyika independence day celebrations will be held at regional level;
Government expect to complete 5000 housing units by March 2024 for the relocation of Ngorongoro…[_oembed_time_0e3e7423b62d941f6bb91543cd0b0aa5] => 1702539291 [_oembed_7a1c864a160995e7d36203450d9b712d] =>23 people killed in flooding and landslides after overnight torrential rain wreak havoc in Manyara Region, Tanzania 🇹🇿 | 3 December 2023 | #floods #flooding
— Disaster Tracker (@DisasterTrackHQ) December 4, 2023[_oembed_time_7a1c864a160995e7d36203450d9b712d] => 1702834084 [_oembed_7044d53e9ae56b935eb4e26a6ef2d369] =>Huge Explosion after Truck Crashes on Highway in Miranda, #Venezuela –
— War Reports (@cheguwera) December 13, 2023
at Least 8 Dead, 14 Injured[_oembed_time_7044d53e9ae56b935eb4e26a6ef2d369] => 1702834085 [_oembed_550e993fefa5156e6cd2cbf2dd2fbc54] => [_oembed_time_550e993fefa5156e6cd2cbf2dd2fbc54] => 1704378551 [_oembed_9a6f80bcfcaa73d2259281bef8caec6e] =>5 people seriously injured when a construction site elevator plunged to the ground in Sweden
— Nordic News (@Nordic_News) December 11, 2023[_oembed_time_9a6f80bcfcaa73d2259281bef8caec6e] => 1705997454 [_oembed_a37e66e67d380b01318c49fc258aaa93] => [_oembed_time_a37e66e67d380b01318c49fc258aaa93] => 1705997455 [_oembed_7fc30d0f3aeaeaeb2f06f3f395b67053] =>Con nuestras unidades de PONALSAR hacemos presencia en el kilómetro 17 en la vía que conduce de Quibdo a Medellín, se realiza el traslado de heridos a centros asistenciales más cercanos y se continúa con la búsquedad de víctimas y recuperación de cuerpos
— Departamento de Policía Chocó (@PoliciaChoco) January 13, 2024[_oembed_time_7fc30d0f3aeaeaeb2f06f3f395b67053] => 1706471562 [_oembed_58d98980e93d0c059c133c1df2d625a5] =>At least eight people have been killed while 47 people from 18 households are missing after a monstrous landslide struck two villages in the southwestern city of Zhaotong, Yunnan Province, China 🇨🇳
— Disaster Tracker (@DisasterTrackHQ) January 22, 2024
| 22 January 2024 |#ZhenxiongCountylandslide #China #Zhaotong #landslide…[_oembed_time_58d98980e93d0c059c133c1df2d625a5] => 1706471563 [_oembed_3b3bd357d21f06b19c034997230b92ce] =>Flash:
— Yuvraj Singh Mann (@yuvnique) January 20, 2024
At least 13 people killed when fire broke out in a school dormitory in central China's #Henan province.
The fire at #YingcaiSchool in Henan's Yanshanpu village reported to local fire department at 11 pm local time Friday night.
Rescuers arrived at the scene quickly…[_oembed_time_3b3bd357d21f06b19c034997230b92ce] => 1706471563 [_oembed_bf540cd512d34495a3bf883f004762f6] =>Update: Thirteen students were killed and another one injured in a fire that took place in a school dormitory in the county of Fangcheng, Nanyang City, central China's Henan Province, on Friday night, according to local authorities Saturday
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) January 20, 2024[_oembed_time_bf540cd512d34495a3bf883f004762f6] => 1706471563 [_oembed_9532f3599d78f0551d2a53ef24badff4] =>WATCH: 10 bodies have already been recovered from the landslide in Purok 19, Pag-asa, Brgy. Mount Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro.
— Hernel Tocmo (@HernelTocmo) January 19, 2024
Responders are still digging through the heavy mud to find one missing person.@ABSCBNNews[_oembed_time_9532f3599d78f0551d2a53ef24badff4] => 1706471563 [_oembed_94e9f9c030a6fa1202e0de373a26b00c] =>BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 10 ang nawawala at 2 ang sugatan sa landslide sa Brgy. Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro kaninang tanghali (Jan.18).
— Reiniel Pawid (@PawidReiniel) January 18, 2024
Ayon sa Monkayo-LGU, tigil muna angvsearch and rescue operations dahil sa posibilidad ng bagong landslide. @News5PH (🎥John Laurito)[_oembed_time_94e9f9c030a6fa1202e0de373a26b00c] => 1706471564 [_oembed_45eeee7a7e58677e30594254c12b74ed] =>BREAKING: 7 ang patay, 2 ang sugatan, at nasa 10 pa ang nawawala dahil sa landslide sa isang mining area sa Purok 20, Pag-asa, Barangay Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro bandang 12 ng tanghali nitong Huwebes, Enero 18.
— ABS-CBN News (@ABSCBNNews) January 18, 2024
Ayon kay Jergrace Cabag, information officer ng LGU…[_oembed_time_45eeee7a7e58677e30594254c12b74ed] => 1708177109 [_oembed_e3a948478912820f852417c70d8151e3] => [_oembed_time_e3a948478912820f852417c70d8151e3] => 1716660941 [_oembed_8ff5b01a998925f51a3da8f061d662a7] =>🚨🇵🇭EARTHQUAKE OF MAGNITUDE 5.6 STRIKES MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) February 10, 2024
Source: Reuters[_oembed_time_8ff5b01a998925f51a3da8f061d662a7] => 1718438571 [_oembed_6868f7d6cd1126fb26adaee55fc0a6ae] =>A fire broke out in a building housing workers in the city of Mangaf in southern Kuwait early on Wednesday, killing at least 41 people including 5 Indians, senior police officers told state media.#Kuwait #Mangaf
— Professor CR (@TheProfessorCR) June 12, 2024[_oembed_time_6868f7d6cd1126fb26adaee55fc0a6ae] => 1718438571 [_oembed_cb4c753eee1a0641b08fc00396456207] =>У Херсоні показали магазин, у який влучив російський снаряд
— Українська правда ✌️ (@ukrpravda_news) June 5, 2024[_oembed_time_cb4c753eee1a0641b08fc00396456207] => 1718438571 [_oembed_387a170d748c44ac94c62049d8322541] =>#WATCH: A two-story house in the Oya district of Wajima City after earthquake of magnitude 5.9 hits central Japan.#Oya #Japan #WajimaCity #Earthquake #Japanearthquake
— upuknews (@upuknews1) June 3, 2024[_oembed_time_387a170d748c44ac94c62049d8322541] => 1719851805 [_oembed_0f15069d9d3f562102af482a2fc2d61e] =>Moment of building collapse after the strong #earthquake hits in #Marrakesh of #Morocco.
— Anil Kumar Verma (@AnilKumarVerma_) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_0f15069d9d3f562102af482a2fc2d61e] => 1719851806 [_oembed_acf56d45111530a949631882be6bfe0d] =>Horrific moment of collapse caught on security camera💔 #Morocco #earthquake #moroccoearthquake #deprem #زلزال #زلزال_المغرب #fas #fas_depremi #morocco #maroc #earthquake
— Muhammad Arif Khan (@M_Arif61) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_acf56d45111530a949631882be6bfe0d] => 1719851806 [_oembed_312f6d0349f8ef273490ba0f82850e09] =>🔥 Russia: Platan Electronic Research Institute in the Moscow suburb is on fire. The facility was developing radar jamming technology for the Russian military.
— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) June 24, 2024
At least 8 people dead.[_oembed_time_312f6d0349f8ef273490ba0f82850e09] => 1725112661 [_oembed_1993cd4dfdeb7b436444922495e91fa9] =>A bus on the #MakranHighway Coastal Highway crashed, killing 12 pilgrims. Additionally, #bus in Pakistan-ruled Kashmir fell into a ravine, 22 deaths#BusAccident #Rawalpindi #Kahuta #PakistanBusAccident #KahutaBusAccident #GirariBridge #TheDailyIntake
— The Daily Intake (@dailyintake2023) August 25, 2024[_oembed_time_1993cd4dfdeb7b436444922495e91fa9] => 1730356578 [_oembed_d5ca5c877e4743dcdda5446eecaf1164] => [_oembed_time_d5ca5c877e4743dcdda5446eecaf1164] => 1732289528 [_oembed_20932211c8705827dcc4ac7a603e68da] =>After everything said in Kazan, Russian murderers have resumed their usual business. This proves once again that aggression cannot be stopped by words alone but only by decisive action in defense of the state and the people against whom this war is waged.
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) October 26, 2024
Over the past evening…[_oembed_time_20932211c8705827dcc4ac7a603e68da] => 1732289529 [_oembed_b4eabe8c1023ed5bfe155fc65337cdf1] =>Un cyclone-bombe unique en son genre a balayé le nord-ouest des États-Unis 🇺🇸 et certaines régions du Canada 🇨🇦
— Benoit Martin ⚜ (@benoitm_mtl) November 20, 2024
Les premiers rapports font état de morts et de centaines de milliers de personnes privées d'électricité.
Bellevue, dans l'État de Washington ⤵️ 😬[_oembed_time_b4eabe8c1023ed5bfe155fc65337cdf1] => 1732289529 [_oembed_cdcaa652155a0e4484ea1eeef4524234] =>🤡Atmospheric River collided with Bomb Cyclone to create Triple Bombogenesis.
— Still🏝️Roaming (@roaming_rn) November 20, 2024
Can the climate crisis folks get any more dramatic?
ABC News reported that a woman was killed on Tuesday when a tree fell into a home in Bellevue, Wash., while she was in the shower. Another woman was…[_oembed_time_cdcaa652155a0e4484ea1eeef4524234] => 1732289529 [_oembed_daebb0d4f14d44aef20986326768b602] => [_oembed_time_daebb0d4f14d44aef20986326768b602] => 1732289529 [_oembed_74a2010a8bac5ab9ab719cf2e0867584] => [_oembed_time_74a2010a8bac5ab9ab719cf2e0867584] => 1733322639 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 41 [2] => 49 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => A nap hírei [1] => Cikkek [2] => Hírek [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 1038 [1] => 16475 [2] => 11860 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => földrengés [1] => halálos áldozatok [2] => Marokkó ) ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 125841 [content] =>BREAKING: The company confirmed two people died in yesterday's workplace explosion in Louisville.
— Olivia Russell (@ORussellNews) November 13, 2024Huszonnégyen életüket vesztették vasárnap Marokkóban egy súlyos buszbalesetben – közölték a helyi hatóságok.
A kisbusz egy vásárra tartott Azilal tartomány Demnat városába. Egy hegyvidéki útszakaszon a jármű felborult egy kanyarban, majd egy mély szurdokba zuhant.
A helyi televízióban közölt felvételeken látni lehetett, hogy a kisbusz teljesen összeroncsolódott. A demnati kórház szerint az utasok mindegyike meghalt, köztük nől és gyerekek is voltak. Ez volt Marokkó történetének egyik legsúlyosabb közlekedési balesete. A hatóságok vizsgálatot indítottak az ügyben.
Sok marokkói – különösen szegényebb társadalmi rétegekből – használ kisbuszokat, hogy elérhesse a 37 millió lakosú észak-afrikai ország vidéki, valamint egyéb nehezen megközelíthető térségeit. A rozoga úthálózat miatt gyakran fordulnak elő szerencsétlenségek. Tavaly 3200 ember vesztette életét Marokkóban közlekedési balesetben.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Huszonnégyen életüket vesztették vasárnap Marokkóban egy súlyos buszbalesetben – közölték a helyi hatóságok. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1691399400 [modified] => 1691366923 ) [title] => Szörnyű buszbaleset Marokkóban [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 125841 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 125845 [image] => Array ( [id] => 125845 [original] => [original_lng] => 75220 [original_w] => 700 [original_h] => 400 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 171 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 700 [height] => 400 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 700 [height] => 400 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 700 [height] => 400 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 700 [height] => 400 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 700 [height] => 400 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1691356119:5 [_thumbnail_id] => 125845 [views_count] => 1240 [_oembed_061b4a40b8cbcbe2ccf38dba001cd318] =>[_oembed_time_061b4a40b8cbcbe2ccf38dba001cd318] => 1691413214 [_oembed_17b56de2786fb5abb9be549303e4ae5c] =>? || Se registró explosión de pirotecnia en San Bartolomé #Tenango en #Tetlatlahuca, murieron dos personas y 10 más resultaron heridas. Al lugar llegaron cuerpos de emergencia para apoyar a la poblacion. | @GobTlaxcala
— Sucesos Puebla (@sucesospuebla) August 6, 2023[_oembed_time_17b56de2786fb5abb9be549303e4ae5c] => 1692325309 [_oembed_18109a7b09373b968138550e46c1c931] =>The moment of the explosion in #Makhachkala.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) August 14, 2023[_oembed_time_18109a7b09373b968138550e46c1c931] => 1692325309 [_oembed_f3b003382a30feb3899d59563d487ad8] =>Russia on ?
— LX (@LXSummer1) August 14, 2023
Makhachkala, Dagestan/Russia ❗
Big Black Bavovna ???
Powerful explosion tonight at the Nafta-24 gas station.[_oembed_time_f3b003382a30feb3899d59563d487ad8] => 1692897035 [_oembed_fac63a285db864e981bad0a789636b58] =>"At least nine persons died when a bus they were traveling in plunged into the Trishuli river near Gajuri along the Prithvi Highway on Wednesday"#busaccident #Trishuliriver #AMN
— The Annapurna Express (@TheAnnaExpress) August 23, 2023[_oembed_time_fac63a285db864e981bad0a789636b58] => 1692897035 [_oembed_6598bd45c7f85ed6f8ce8354e0257767] =>At least 8 dead as bus plunges into Trishuli river in Dhading
— The Kathmandu Post (@kathmandupost) August 23, 2023
The bus, heading to Pokhara from Kathmandu, veered off the road and plunged into the river near Gajuri along the Prithvi Highway, police said.[_oembed_time_6598bd45c7f85ed6f8ce8354e0257767] => 1692897035 [_oembed_b2fd808e6d2f49cfc8cf6f3c16c7d042] =>3 earthquakes in Colombia in half an hour :
— Anand Panna (@AnandPanna1) August 18, 2023
The fastest was 6.3 intensity, 1 killed; A part of the roof of Parliament collapsed
Moment when 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit #Bogotá in #Colombia #earthquake #sismo #ultimahora #terremoto #SismosColombiaSGC #tremor[_oembed_time_b2fd808e6d2f49cfc8cf6f3c16c7d042] => 1693732265 [_oembed_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] =>#PompanoBeach
— AllDayFlo (@AllDayFlorida) August 28, 2023[_oembed_time_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] => 1694878224 [_oembed_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] =>? #BREAKING | #Morocco | #earthquake | #Marrakech |#الزلزال | #المغرب
— Bot News (@BotNews18) September 9, 2023
There is almost nothing left of Adassil village in Morocco. You can hear the absolute heartbreak in this mans voice.[_oembed_time_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] => 1694878225 [_oembed_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] =>Moment of building collapse after the strong #earthquake hits in #Marrakesh of #Morocco.
— Anil Kumar Verma (@AnilKumarVerma_) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] => 1694878225 [_oembed_7651aabc5d23cd502700880da3afe303] =>Horrific moment of collapse caught on security camera? #Morocco #earthquake #moroccoearthquake #deprem #زلزال #زلزال_المغرب #fas #fas_depremi #morocco #maroc #earthquake
— Muhammad Arif Khan (@M_Arif61) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_7651aabc5d23cd502700880da3afe303] => 1694878225 [_oembed_c76396f14d3436c17e236673d00e35ed] =>Massive floods due to heavy rains in the Tsarevo of Bulgaria ?? (05.09.2023)
— Disaster News (@Top_Disaster) September 5, 2023
TELEGRAM JOIN ?[_oembed_time_c76396f14d3436c17e236673d00e35ed] => 1694878226 [_oembed_d0d382a026c7029386e3e3d2fc4fd9ad] =>O Rio Grande está em luto. Já são 21 vítimas confirmadas em decorrência das chuvas que começaram no domingo. Estamos consternados com a letalidade desse evento climático e mobilizados para salvar todos que ainda correm perigo.
— Eduardo Leite (@EduardoLeite_) September 5, 2023[_oembed_time_d0d382a026c7029386e3e3d2fc4fd9ad] => 1699026290 [_oembed_a9c31e87a48ab70e718d1fcd071de100] =>Asie: Au moins 11 morts dans une mine d’ArcelorMittal au Kazakhstan
— 24 heures (@24heuresch) October 28, 2023[_oembed_time_a9c31e87a48ab70e718d1fcd071de100] => 1699640273 [_oembed_52d64f5b2b22d55ae8a7888dfdc38c72] =>? #Sondakika ??
— Küresel Olaylar (@KureselOlaylar) November 3, 2023
Hırvatistan'dan Salzburg'a gitmekte olan Cirrus SR20 model küçük bir uçak, Avusturya'da kaza yaptı. Kazada 4 kişi hayatını kaybetti.[_oembed_time_52d64f5b2b22d55ae8a7888dfdc38c72] => 1708679716 [_oembed_d19b3bcee30ab857bc783ab5fcaf10af] =>Schulbus-Unfall in #Fürth-#Erlenbach +++ 12 Schüler und Busfahrer verletzt +++ Bus rollt laut Polizei 60 Meter weit führerlos in eine Wiese
— HIT RADIO FFH (@FFHRegional) February 14, 2024[_oembed_time_d19b3bcee30ab857bc783ab5fcaf10af] => 1708868891 [_oembed_0ab66573fd3846ffe4c72986afab883d] => [_oembed_time_0ab66573fd3846ffe4c72986afab883d] => 1708868891 [_oembed_dc4ef10daa476fd3ecf1b64c815c54de] =>Fire in paint factory kills 11 in India’s capital #FMTNews #FMTWorld
— Free Malaysia Today (@fmtoday) February 16, 2024[_oembed_time_dc4ef10daa476fd3ecf1b64c815c54de] => 1714236668 [_oembed_c3db94937bbd00b8391e7fef8a804f72] =>Сar flew into a crowd during a rally in Sri Lanka: 7 people were killed, and more than 20 injured
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 21, 2024
According to the local portal Daily Mirror, the driver failed to control the car. Whether he was injured, is not reported. The injured were hospitalized, some of them in critical…[_oembed_time_c3db94937bbd00b8391e7fef8a804f72] => 1724404455 [_oembed_d5ca5c877e4743dcdda5446eecaf1164] => [_oembed_time_d5ca5c877e4743dcdda5446eecaf1164] => 1732871274 [_oembed_20932211c8705827dcc4ac7a603e68da] =>7 Die In Stampede At Bihar Temple Allegedly After Volunteers Lathi-Charge
— Adv. Debabrato (@debabrato1) August 12, 2024[_oembed_time_20932211c8705827dcc4ac7a603e68da] => 1732871274 [_oembed_b4eabe8c1023ed5bfe155fc65337cdf1] =>Un cyclone-bombe unique en son genre a balayé le nord-ouest des États-Unis 🇺🇸 et certaines régions du Canada 🇨🇦
— Benoit Martin ⚜ (@benoitm_mtl) November 20, 2024
Les premiers rapports font état de morts et de centaines de milliers de personnes privées d'électricité.
Bellevue, dans l'État de Washington ⤵️ 😬[_oembed_time_b4eabe8c1023ed5bfe155fc65337cdf1] => 1732871275 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 17 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Sürgős [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 2521 [1] => 16475 [2] => 11860 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => buszbaleset [1] => halálos áldozatok [2] => Marokkó ) ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 60779 [content] =>🤡Atmospheric River collided with Bomb Cyclone to create Triple Bombogenesis.
— Still🏝️Roaming (@roaming_rn) November 20, 2024
Can the climate crisis folks get any more dramatic?
ABC News reported that a woman was killed on Tuesday when a tree fell into a home in Bellevue, Wash., while she was in the shower. Another woman was… marokkói hatóságok közlése szerint az Iszlám Állam egyik fegyveres sejtjét számolták az országban. Három embert tartóztattak le, akiket gyilkosság tervezésével vádolnak-közölték.
A Központi Terrorizmusellenes Bíróság adatai szerint 2002 óta a marokkói biztonsági szolgálatok több mint 2000 szélsőséges sejtet számoltak fel, és 3500 letartóztatást hajtottak végre terrorcselekményekkel összefüggésben.
[type] => post [excerpt] => A marokkói hatóságok közlése szerint az Iszlám Állam egyik fegyveres sejtjét számolták az országban. Három embert tartóztattak le, akiket gyilkosság tervezésével vádolnak-közölték. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1631812380 [modified] => 1631810764 ) [title] => Felszámolták az Iszlám Állam egyik fegyveres sejtjét Marokkóban [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 60779 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 58946 [image] => Array ( [id] => 58946 [original] => [original_lng] => 56231 [original_w] => 700 [original_h] => 393 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 168 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 700 [height] => 393 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 700 [height] => 393 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 700 [height] => 393 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 700 [height] => 393 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 700 [height] => 393 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1631799964:12 [_oembed_ec134c3ac268c434b167795b5046bbc0] =>[_oembed_time_ec134c3ac268c434b167795b5046bbc0] => 1631737431 [_thumbnail_id] => 58946 [_edit_last] => 12 [views_count] => 1824 [_oembed_3b9be76653b23a4a62a640f50f23a4df] => [_oembed_time_3b9be76653b23a4a62a640f50f23a4df] => 1631737562 [_oembed_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] =>فاجعة بطنجة.. تسرب لمياه الأمطار بوحدة سرية للنسيج يخلف 24 قتيلا والحصيلة في تزايد#طنجة #مصنع #غرق #وفاة
— Hespress هسبريس (@hespress) February 8, 2021[_oembed_time_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] => 1695117615 [_oembed_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] =>? #BREAKING | #Morocco | #earthquake | #Marrakech |#الزلزال | #المغرب
— Bot News (@BotNews18) September 9, 2023
There is almost nothing left of Adassil village in Morocco. You can hear the absolute heartbreak in this mans voice.[_oembed_time_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] => 1695117616 [_oembed_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] =>Moment of building collapse after the strong #earthquake hits in #Marrakesh of #Morocco.
— Anil Kumar Verma (@AnilKumarVerma_) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] => 1695117616 [_oembed_818ad6c3901ab6542c1fa7da31b0de3c] =>Horrific moment of collapse caught on security camera? #Morocco #earthquake #moroccoearthquake #deprem #زلزال #زلزال_المغرب #fas #fas_depremi #morocco #maroc #earthquake
— Muhammad Arif Khan (@M_Arif61) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_818ad6c3901ab6542c1fa7da31b0de3c] => 1719585115 [_oembed_e954407d5def6fbbb2d25c1e7bbf9dd1] => [_oembed_time_e954407d5def6fbbb2d25c1e7bbf9dd1] => 1719585115 [_oembed_387a170d748c44ac94c62049d8322541] =>🚨 #BREAKING | #Morocco | #earthquake | #Marrakech |#الزلزال | #المغرب
— Bot News (@BotNews18) September 9, 2023
There is almost nothing left of Adassil village in Morocco. You can hear the absolute heartbreak in this mans voice.[_oembed_time_387a170d748c44ac94c62049d8322541] => 1719585115 [_oembed_0f15069d9d3f562102af482a2fc2d61e] =>Moment of building collapse after the strong #earthquake hits in #Marrakesh of #Morocco.
— Anil Kumar Verma (@AnilKumarVerma_) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_0f15069d9d3f562102af482a2fc2d61e] => 1719585115 [_oembed_3ddc83bf49b057d526312a50d6eec604] =>Horrific moment of collapse caught on security camera💔 #Morocco #earthquake #moroccoearthquake #deprem #زلزال #زلزال_المغرب #fas #fas_depremi #morocco #maroc #earthquake
— Muhammad Arif Khan (@M_Arif61) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_3ddc83bf49b057d526312a50d6eec604] => 1719585115 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 17 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Sürgős [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 11860 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Marokkó ) ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 44862 [content] =>فاجعة بطنجة.. تسرب لمياه الأمطار بوحدة سرية للنسيج يخلف 24 قتيلا والحصيلة في تزايد#طنجة #مصنع #غرق #وفاة
— Hespress هسبريس (@hespress) February 8, 2021A marokkói hatóságok 4,7 tonna cannabist foglalt le az északi Nador városában és a közeli Dár-el-Kebdani településen pénteken.
A drog egy részét 47 csomagba rejtették a kábítószer-kereskedők egy autóban Dár-el-Kebdaniban, a többit egy házban tartották. Az ügyben egy gyanúsítottat vettek őrizetbe. A marokkói hatóságok tájékoztatása szerint a nyomozás jelenleg a kábítószer-kereskedők útvonalainak felderítésére összpontosít.
Az ENSZ kábítószer-kereskedelem és szervezett bűnözés elleni hivatala szerint az észak-afrikai ország továbbra is a világ egyik legnagyobb marihuánatermesztőjének számít, annak ellenére, hogy a marokkói hatóságok szigorúan fellépnek a kábítószer-bűnözők ellen.
A hivatalos statisztikák szerint a marokkói biztonsági erők az utóbbi három évben 843 tonna marihuánát, több mint 48 millió tabletta pszichotropikus drogot, 2,2 millió ecstasy pirulát és három tonna kokaint foglaltak le.
[type] => post [excerpt] => A marokkói hatóságok 4,7 tonna cannabist foglalt le az északi Nador városában és a közeli Dár-el-Kebdani településen pénteken. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1618659000 [modified] => 1618658016 ) [title] => Marokkóban közel öt tonna cannabist foglaltak le [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 44862 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 44864 [image] => Array ( [id] => 44864 [original] => [original_lng] => 11532 [original_w] => 297 [original_h] => 170 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 297 [height] => 170 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 297 [height] => 170 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 297 [height] => 170 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 297 [height] => 170 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 297 [height] => 170 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 297 [height] => 170 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1618647218:10 [_thumbnail_id] => 44864 [_edit_last] => 10 [views_count] => 1772 [_oembed_3b9be76653b23a4a62a640f50f23a4df] =>[_oembed_time_3b9be76653b23a4a62a640f50f23a4df] => 1618644981 [_oembed_f2af0047021347b4577c1948a3802fc4] =>فاجعة بطنجة.. تسرب لمياه الأمطار بوحدة سرية للنسيج يخلف 24 قتيلا والحصيلة في تزايد#طنجة #مصنع #غرق #وفاة
— Hespress هسبريس (@hespress) February 8, 2021[_oembed_time_f2af0047021347b4577c1948a3802fc4] => 1618644981 [_oembed_ec134c3ac268c434b167795b5046bbc0] => [_oembed_time_ec134c3ac268c434b167795b5046bbc0] => 1634587270 [_oembed_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] => [_oembed_time_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] => 1695730355 [_oembed_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] =>? #BREAKING | #Morocco | #earthquake | #Marrakech |#الزلزال | #المغرب
— Bot News (@BotNews18) September 9, 2023
There is almost nothing left of Adassil village in Morocco. You can hear the absolute heartbreak in this mans voice.[_oembed_time_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] => 1695730356 [_oembed_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] =>Moment of building collapse after the strong #earthquake hits in #Marrakesh of #Morocco.
— Anil Kumar Verma (@AnilKumarVerma_) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] => 1695730356 [_oembed_e954407d5def6fbbb2d25c1e7bbf9dd1] =>Horrific moment of collapse caught on security camera? #Morocco #earthquake #moroccoearthquake #deprem #زلزال #زلزال_المغرب #fas #fas_depremi #morocco #maroc #earthquake
— Muhammad Arif Khan (@M_Arif61) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_e954407d5def6fbbb2d25c1e7bbf9dd1] => 1719747841 [_oembed_387a170d748c44ac94c62049d8322541] =>🚨 #BREAKING | #Morocco | #earthquake | #Marrakech |#الزلزال | #المغرب
— Bot News (@BotNews18) September 9, 2023
There is almost nothing left of Adassil village in Morocco. You can hear the absolute heartbreak in this mans voice.[_oembed_time_387a170d748c44ac94c62049d8322541] => 1719747841 [_oembed_0f15069d9d3f562102af482a2fc2d61e] =>Moment of building collapse after the strong #earthquake hits in #Marrakesh of #Morocco.
— Anil Kumar Verma (@AnilKumarVerma_) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_0f15069d9d3f562102af482a2fc2d61e] => 1719747841 [_oembed_818ad6c3901ab6542c1fa7da31b0de3c] =>Horrific moment of collapse caught on security camera💔 #Morocco #earthquake #moroccoearthquake #deprem #زلزال #زلزال_المغرب #fas #fas_depremi #morocco #maroc #earthquake
— Muhammad Arif Khan (@M_Arif61) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_818ad6c3901ab6542c1fa7da31b0de3c] => 1719747841 [_oembed_3ddc83bf49b057d526312a50d6eec604] => [_oembed_time_3ddc83bf49b057d526312a50d6eec604] => 1719747841 [_oembed_dce37a2fa77fd8618e96edd4b10306f8] =>فاجعة بطنجة.. تسرب لمياه الأمطار بوحدة سرية للنسيج يخلف 24 قتيلا والحصيلة في تزايد#طنجة #مصنع #غرق #وفاة
— Hespress هسبريس (@hespress) February 8, 2021[_oembed_time_dce37a2fa77fd8618e96edd4b10306f8] => 1719747842 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 900 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Kriminális [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 8651 [1] => 11860 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => cannabis [1] => Marokkó ) ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 37659 [content] => Marokkóban legalább 24 ember meghalt a heves esőzések miatti áradás során, amely elöntött egy illegális textilüzemet.
Heves esőzés következtében áradás öntött el egy épület alagsorában található illegális textilüzemet a marokkói Tangerben, legalább 24 ember meghalt – közölték hétfőn a hatóságok, amelyek szerint tíz embert sikerült kimenekíteni.
Azt nem tudni, hogy hányan tartózkodtak az üzemben a baleset idején, de a hatóságok elmondták, hogy a mentési munkálatok jelenleg is zajlanak, illetve vizsgálatot indítottak a szerencsétlenség okainak tisztázására.
A Reuters hírügynökség megjegyzi: Marokkóban a nem mezőgazdasági tevékenységek körülbelül ötödét feketemunkások végzik, akik gyakran esnek áldozatául a nem biztonságos munkakörülményeknek.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Marokkóban legalább 24 ember meghalt a heves esőzések miatti áradás során, amely elöntött egy illegális textilüzemet. [autID] => 5 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1612809960 [modified] => 1612808032 ) [title] => Marokkó: Halásos áldozatai is vannak az illegális textilüzemben is betört áradásnak [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 37659 ) [aut] => gygabriella [lang] => hu [image_id] => 37661 [image] => Array ( [id] => 37661 [original] => [original_lng] => 87720 [original_w] => 764 [original_h] => 411 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 161 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 764 [height] => 411 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 764 [height] => 411 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 764 [height] => 411 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 764 [height] => 411 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 764 [height] => 411 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1612800832:5 [_oembed_3b9be76653b23a4a62a640f50f23a4df] =>[_oembed_time_3b9be76653b23a4a62a640f50f23a4df] => 1612800315 [_thumbnail_id] => 37661 [_edit_last] => 5 [translation_required] => 1 [views_count] => 1798 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_eaf84159668bc1554022e5d07c48e3c1] =>فاجعة بطنجة.. تسرب لمياه الأمطار بوحدة سرية للنسيج يخلف 24 قتيلا والحصيلة في تزايد#طنجة #مصنع #غرق #وفاة
— Hespress هسبريس (@hespress) February 8, 2021[_oembed_time_eaf84159668bc1554022e5d07c48e3c1] => 1612802816 [_oembed_d34ca2dd413a0a8d2315c05458610193] =>Three members of the Idaho National Guard were killed in a helicopter crash Tuesday night outside Boise during a "routine training flight," the Guard said in a statement.
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) February 3, 2021[_oembed_time_d34ca2dd413a0a8d2315c05458610193] => 1613096404 [_oembed_5cb7e6711d828bfcb5a9db83b644ea53] => [_oembed_time_5cb7e6711d828bfcb5a9db83b644ea53] => 1613745918 [_oembed_3afbd7bb6738f515fecd500d1ed2f8fa] =>Четыре человека погибли из-за схода снега с крыши зернохранилища в Алтайском крае:
— ТАСС (@tass_agency) February 8, 2021
© Пресс-служба ГУ МЧС по Алтайскому краю[_oembed_time_3afbd7bb6738f515fecd500d1ed2f8fa] => 1614335360 [_oembed_1aebb5130c400db6436442215c8a1c8a] => [_oembed_time_1aebb5130c400db6436442215c8a1c8a] => 1614335360 [_oembed_bfdcfc89702c060eb67504f928b925a8] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_222e3e5ed76853f82c5d345706c32ef6] => [_oembed_time_222e3e5ed76853f82c5d345706c32ef6] => 1615876329 [_oembed_c5759ffc9b0c10105ca891f5dc2b8c2a] =>Evacuations underway on Maui — Flooding on Hana Highway right now near Haiku — Kaupakalua Dam could break at any time with thousands in the impact zone (video: Carlos Rosaga) @KITV4 #Hawaii #HIWX #Flooding
— Tom George (@TheTomGeorge) March 9, 2021[_oembed_time_c5759ffc9b0c10105ca891f5dc2b8c2a] => 1615876330 [_oembed_624aaeabecace26a8bf22181c595353b] =>BREAKING: The situation of Haleiwa in Oahu, Hawaii - life-threatening flooding has damaged several homes and properties.
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) March 10, 2021[_oembed_time_624aaeabecace26a8bf22181c595353b] => 1617796906 [_oembed_b6ca890aa6ca22a4abc7aa6efb08a449] => [_oembed_time_b6ca890aa6ca22a4abc7aa6efb08a449] => 1620281130 [_oembed_e17d1e3c0b94fbc1794ae1097966fcf2] =>Jānis Grīnbergs, VUGD Operatīvās vadības pārvaldes priekšnieks: Durvis bija dzelzs ar koda atslēgu, bija problēma tikt tur iekšā. Par to, ka uguns varētu pāriet uz blakus esošajām ēkām, šobrīd uztraukties vairs nevajadzētu. Ir tikai konkrētās ēkas dzēšana šobrīd.
— LTV Ziņu dienests (@ltvzinas) April 28, 2021[_oembed_time_e17d1e3c0b94fbc1794ae1097966fcf2] => 1620281131 [_oembed_8cbbf65d8598fcc3c922408416dc62b7] =>Jānis Grīnbergs, VUGD Operatīvās vadības pārvaldes priekšnieks: Dzēšanas darbi turpinās. Ugunsgrēka platība ir aptuveni 140 kvadrātmetri, bet lokalizācijas vēl nav, tāpēc platība tiks precizēta. Uguns nedaudz izplatās pa jumta konstrukcijām un siltinājumiem.
— LTV Ziņu dienests (@ltvzinas) April 28, 2021[_oembed_time_8cbbf65d8598fcc3c922408416dc62b7] => 1620980511 [_oembed_621d7d862616a8bfda9e420b393476c1] =>tw // flood, landslide
— 하루도비 (@harudobbie) April 4, 2021
There was a tragedy in one of the areas of Indonesia so INA teumes can’t help us in hyping the tags. Please include them in your prayers and hope for things to get better soon ?? #PrayForNTT[_oembed_time_621d7d862616a8bfda9e420b393476c1] => 1620980511 [_oembed_ed8c585837482bd67ab449a40a9959db] =>Three vehicles were submerged in flood waters when a fourth car goes around good samaritans who tried to stop her. A man came to the young lady’s rescue.
— Roger Fregoso (@bigdaddyrog74) March 28, 2021[_oembed_time_ed8c585837482bd67ab449a40a9959db] => 1620980511 [_oembed_964b418eed3e8a335dd2fc0e4a689c17] =>Currey Rd in southeast Nashville. You can see where the water level is climbing on some fences and garages here. Two cars are submerged in water at the intersection of Finley Dr. Be careful through here. A few cars have sped up on this...slammed on the breaks and turned around.
— Forrest Sanders (@WSMV_Forrest) March 28, 2021[_oembed_time_964b418eed3e8a335dd2fc0e4a689c17] => 1620980511 [_oembed_727ee9cc0a09d1aa6c3734f6248b8482] =>Edmondson Pk near Brewer
— Andrew Gower (@AGower1) March 28, 2021[_oembed_time_727ee9cc0a09d1aa6c3734f6248b8482] => 1624195371 [_oembed_790095c181ccb5f196c298303fa3e3b0] =>Two journalists (Siraj Abishov and Maharram Ibrahimov) stepped on a mine and died while carrying out their service duties in Kalbajar. Armenia doesn't provide a map of the mined areas within the borders of Azerbaijan, it is trying to bury new mines in the territory of Azerbaijan.
— Araz ASLANLI (@ArazAslanli) June 4, 2021[_oembed_time_790095c181ccb5f196c298303fa3e3b0] => 1627130261 [_oembed_4b197c8489671f3943db59170cffa020] =>After heavy floods in Germany, Belgium and Netherlands - now Austria ??
— Daniel Moser (@_dmoser) July 17, 2021
“This is the climate crisis unravelling in one of the richest parts of the world — which for a long time thought it would be “safe”. No place is “safe” any more.”~ @Luisamneubauer[_oembed_time_4b197c8489671f3943db59170cffa020] => 1627130261 [_oembed_51c537eee282a50ec408ce4852ba7ce1] =>idk if you guys have heard of what is going on in parts of germany, belgium, the netherlands, suisse and austria. if you haven't, here i made a thread of whats happening. basically there are bad floods destroying whole cities and hundreds of people have died and are missing
— :) (@tooyoungghost) July 16, 2021[_oembed_time_51c537eee282a50ec408ce4852ba7ce1] => 1627130261 [_oembed_c254958c7369cff035d7eeb794aa51e3] =>Salzburg ....?
— Ourania ?? (@OuraniaNereus) July 18, 2021
Maar dan anders..[_oembed_time_c254958c7369cff035d7eeb794aa51e3] => 1627130262 [_oembed_9cc43e23a10810aeb37a15e3a4fffdef] => [_oembed_time_9cc43e23a10810aeb37a15e3a4fffdef] => 1627130262 [_oembed_b6f7fb260a5520922dda62f2c290184d] =>Indrukwekkende beelden uit Oostenrijk, ook daar hebben ze te maken met wateroverlast. In Salzburg geraken mensen in de problemen door het overvloedige water.#wateroverlast #hochwasser
— Meteo Reni - Het weer in België (@HetweerinBelgie) July 18, 2021
? par4d0kss[_oembed_time_b6f7fb260a5520922dda62f2c290184d] => 1629396133 [_oembed_62f7c9dec5502004692fb478e5a90cd7] =>Turkey’s military evacuates more than 350 people by helicopter from areas hit by flooding in northern Kastamonu, Sinop provinces
— DAILY SABAH (@DailySabah) August 13, 2021[_oembed_time_62f7c9dec5502004692fb478e5a90cd7] => 1629396133 [_oembed_cde76d195ffc7cc9173b2e694a103dea] =>Severe flooding for parts of Turkey. Kastamonu in the north recorded 61mm of rain in 24 hours.
— BBC Weather (@bbcweather) August 12, 2021[_oembed_time_cde76d195ffc7cc9173b2e694a103dea] => 1629396133 [_oembed_2518cb63581cb1d2691ca507a4ad0f71] => [_oembed_time_2518cb63581cb1d2691ca507a4ad0f71] => 1630672166 [_oembed_7fd5fb0b9d2ecc16fff893f051ba6a80] =>Kim Jong-un calls for relief in flood-hit areas of North Korea
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) August 8, 2021[_oembed_time_7fd5fb0b9d2ecc16fff893f051ba6a80] => 1630672167 [_oembed_7bb2b9501682d67249e66fc21c097c5b] =>Homes destroyed and thousands evacuated after North Korea floods
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) August 8, 2021[_oembed_time_7bb2b9501682d67249e66fc21c097c5b] => 1630672167 [_oembed_6d80d2fff5c05cabf442358218c01fd5] =>We revealed extensive flood damage in North Korea using satellite imagery on Weds, now KCTV admits it with video of the broken bridges, destroyed homes and fields in the same exact areas
— Colin Zwirko (@ColinZwirko) August 6, 2021
These images are in Sinhung main town and surrounding area[_oembed_time_6d80d2fff5c05cabf442358218c01fd5] => 1631934093 [_oembed_ec134c3ac268c434b167795b5046bbc0] => [_oembed_time_ec134c3ac268c434b167795b5046bbc0] => 1633200267 [_oembed_de858428f057a4b5ac33ad4ab741c2e0] => [_oembed_time_de858428f057a4b5ac33ad4ab741c2e0] => 1639645309 [_oembed_29e0de5d104a0edcae910d0c5089f578] =>In Navarra, the pre-alarm level is activated due to flooding: three rivers are about to overflow their banks #flood #flooding #floods #FlashFlood #heavyrain #HeavyRains #tormenta #thunderstorm #rainfall #alluvione #lluvias #lluvia
— Aleksander Onishchuk (@Brave_spirit81) December 9, 2021[_oembed_time_29e0de5d104a0edcae910d0c5089f578] => 1640954068 [_oembed_777b8a9320889383742be5db3c38a1b0] =>Sono vicino alla #Sicilia e al popolo catanese in queste ore drammatiche per la forte ondata di maltempo. Il Governo deve intervenire subito, con tutte le iniziative necessarie. #Catania
— Giuseppe Conte (@GiuseppeConteIT) October 26, 2021[_oembed_time_777b8a9320889383742be5db3c38a1b0] => 1640954069 [_oembed_da99e162aebb680715a2ebae87b45fdf] =>?LIVE da #Catania ⚠️#26ottobre #alluvionecatania
— 3B Meteo (@3BMeteo) October 26, 2021[_oembed_time_da99e162aebb680715a2ebae87b45fdf] => 1640954069 [_oembed_1c07ebf16b0047c9f715e9e1e6ba5676] =>Video inviato mi da mio fratello di questa mattina a Catania centro, macchina portate vie.
— Ant@72 (@Anto72web) October 26, 2021[_oembed_time_1c07ebf16b0047c9f715e9e1e6ba5676] => 1640954069 [_oembed_faa4b3a6669fa79cf9863abcfe8077e3] =>Ho il cuore in gola per #Catania ,città stupenda che amo.
— Elena (@punk_hearts) October 26, 2021
Per favore diamo visibilità al problema. #alluvione #Sicilia #Sicily #Italy[_oembed_time_faa4b3a6669fa79cf9863abcfe8077e3] => 1640954069 [_oembed_e089aaf55d4ad1238e2093e6850e273c] =>Allagamenti San Pietro D'Olba: strade come cascate #Maltempo #SanPietroD'Olba #Liguria
— Local Team (@localteamtv) October 4, 2021[_oembed_time_e089aaf55d4ad1238e2093e6850e273c] => 1648017630 [_oembed_b3cbfd629c652734912f621be14f5db5] =>Tropical storm Ana has caused widespread flooding, power outages and killed at least one person in Malawi.#ClimateCrisis
— Fridays For Future Uganda (@Fridays4FutureU) January 25, 2022[_oembed_time_b3cbfd629c652734912f621be14f5db5] => 1648062812 [_oembed_c2f99b36ea98633c064038aff6f59acc] =>Gunfire errupts at a car show in Dumas today injuring around 10 individuals.
— SnarkyMedia (@SnarkyMedia) March 20, 2022[_oembed_time_c2f99b36ea98633c064038aff6f59acc] => 1648062812 [_oembed_bbdacd52e835f771c0ab417e6aff4996] =>? #Bus #Ucraina, #vigilidelfuoco impegnati con due autogru per sollevare il mezzo ribaltato [#13marzo 9:30]#A14 Forlì-Cesena
— Vigili del Fuoco (@emergenzavvf) March 13, 2022[_oembed_time_bbdacd52e835f771c0ab417e6aff4996] => 1651764254 [_oembed_f9d667da5aebed4289f1398fa27c41a2] =>Trois morts dans un accident d’avion au décollage de Trémuson
— Le Télégramme (@LeTelegramme) April 10, 2022
➡️[_oembed_time_f9d667da5aebed4289f1398fa27c41a2] => 1651764254 [_oembed_aae0a95e601c521f221702c8a6d71297] =>While trying to leave #Mariupol, the ?? occupiers killed Lithuanian director Mantas Kvedaravičius, who is the author of the documentary Mariupolis.
— ArmyInform (@armyinformcomua) April 2, 2022
RIP #StopRussia #RussianWarCrimes[_oembed_time_aae0a95e601c521f221702c8a6d71297] => 1658167455 [_oembed_b62790ead01357d450e3d0dc5c08c9ec] =>Torrential rains have hit China's southwestern cities, causing flooding and water-logging in addition to traffic disruptions and leaving residents stranded.
— CGTN (@CGTNOfficial) July 13, 2022[_oembed_time_b62790ead01357d450e3d0dc5c08c9ec] => 1658167455 [_oembed_80809486d1027b785be4b2afffd1ebee] =>Men trapped in the sinking car were rescued in northwest China's Gansu Province #URHero❤️
— China News 中国新闻网 (@Echinanews) July 13, 2022[_oembed_time_80809486d1027b785be4b2afffd1ebee] => 1658167455 [_oembed_30f5c7b2ceb9c3ba33bca072aecd4327] =>Mountain torrents hit Pingwu County, SW China's Sichuan Province caused by sudden heavy #rainstorms, killing two and leaving four others missing on Tuesday. So far, 31 people have been rescued.
— China News 中国新闻网 (@Echinanews) July 13, 2022[_oembed_time_30f5c7b2ceb9c3ba33bca072aecd4327] => 1658747483 [_oembed_ddbbf07bf73ebb344a172fd72ecb135e] =>The Weeknd concert-goer dies after falling 40ft from escalator in horror fall
— The Latest Celebrity News 24/7 (@smackgirls) July 21, 2022[_oembed_time_ddbbf07bf73ebb344a172fd72ecb135e] => 1658747484 [_oembed_34c92ad423a7441b023b0fe552aaa19a] => [_oembed_time_34c92ad423a7441b023b0fe552aaa19a] => 1660389226 [_oembed_2f77af1df81e9f08ffeb2123bbb80819] =>Im Wild- und Freizeitpark Klotten fiel am Samstag eine Frau aus einer Achterbahn. Die 57-Jährige starb trotz Wiederbelebungsversuchen am Unfallort.
— BERLINER KURIER (@BERLINER_KURIER) August 7, 2022[_oembed_time_2f77af1df81e9f08ffeb2123bbb80819] => 1662994437 [_oembed_0e9c3d927806fa3a62243abdb3c0f4d9] => [_oembed_time_0e9c3d927806fa3a62243abdb3c0f4d9] => 1665054260 [_oembed_7b41647ab85ed3db9175b4a7a876c5fc] =>Subscribe?TELEGRAM:
— BRAVE SPIRIT (@Brave_spirit81) September 23, 2022
Heavy rain - Tarragona. Spain#Tarragona #LArrabassada[_oembed_time_7b41647ab85ed3db9175b4a7a876c5fc] => 1665054260 [_oembed_1a0d60a837e4d6c97716430a18f9e8b2] =>#spain #tarragona #flooding #beach #wwnc
— world wide news channel (@worldwidenc) September 24, 2022
Flooding on the beach of Spain
Entrance to Arrabassada beach (Tarragona).
Source: social networks.[_oembed_time_1a0d60a837e4d6c97716430a18f9e8b2] => 1665054260 [_oembed_8b0df9a6fb713e040acc8003965b4565] =>Club Tennis Tarragona ?? #tennis #tarragona @alexmegapc @TomasMolinaB @MeteoElpito @meteocat @Cat_Meteo @emergenciescat
— Jordi Madurell Perez (@MadurellJordi) September 23, 2022[_oembed_time_8b0df9a6fb713e040acc8003965b4565] => 1666797722 [_oembed_362488492167956877c48154f6030c69] =>BREAKING: A white male teen wearing camouflage is in custody after he used a rifle to kill five people in a mass shooting in Raleigh, North Carolina, including an off-duty law enforcement officer.
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) October 14, 2022[_oembed_time_362488492167956877c48154f6030c69] => 1666797722 [_oembed_f112e956b13ead681c7bf50bcb963a4f] =>#BREAKING: Multiple people dead including an off-duty cop, multiple others injured, in a shooting in the Hedingham neighborhood of Raleigh, North Carolina.
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) October 13, 2022
Raleigh police report an active shooter.
Photos from the area shared with me.[_oembed_time_f112e956b13ead681c7bf50bcb963a4f] => 1666797722 [_oembed_2da00139d3803ceb7a641bacf6bf00f3] =>This Thursday evening a mass shooting occurred in Raleigh, North Carolina. 5 people have been killed, including an off-duty police officer. The suspect, a 15-year-old male, was apprehended at a barn & has been taken to a hospital after a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
— ♔ ???? (@JURYR00M) October 14, 2022[_oembed_time_2da00139d3803ceb7a641bacf6bf00f3] => 1671017637 [_oembed_d54fd0e3e4a27fcef6b7d924a42af03e] =>Velký požár zachvátil obchodní centrum “Mega Khimki” na okraji Moskvy.
— Filip Horký (@FilipHorky) December 9, 2022
Video: RIA[_oembed_time_d54fd0e3e4a27fcef6b7d924a42af03e] => 1671017637 [_oembed_9e2c024debf94693881b21b9319db74a] =>#Moscow shopping mall Mega Khimki. Over 10,000 m2 (2.5 acres) on fire.
— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) December 9, 2022[_oembed_time_9e2c024debf94693881b21b9319db74a] => 1671017637 [_oembed_4e9f13c016312f89e17a56250d5cda47] =>⚡️ The moment of explosion in "Mega Khimki" Moscow Mall. Video from local social media.
— FLASH (@Flash_news_ua) December 9, 2022
? Follow @Flash_news_ua[_oembed_time_4e9f13c016312f89e17a56250d5cda47] => 1671017637 [_oembed_1d7855f6810008b267b46ffab1c6382a] =>Another fire in Moscow. This time at Mega Khimki shopping center. Arson is suspected according to Russian media
— Olga Lautman ?? (@OlgaNYC1211) December 9, 2022[_oembed_time_1d7855f6810008b267b46ffab1c6382a] => 1673793302 [_oembed_ff77b4858fac94e9566e4813eaeafe18] => [_oembed_time_ff77b4858fac94e9566e4813eaeafe18] => 1679064027 [_oembed_8b7dcea1d6a9ad127d299f916a73cbca] =>Severe floods affect Kahang, Kluang district, in Johor, Malaysia #flood #johor #malaysia #kahang #kluang
— Global News (@un121) March 1, 2023[_oembed_time_8b7dcea1d6a9ad127d299f916a73cbca] => 1679064027 [_oembed_60e602e333d57c67d37cf52fbcbdc42c] =>MALAYSIA'S TERRIBLE FLOOD TODAY 5 MARCH 2023, PASRAH CITIZENS!! FLOODING JOHOR MALAYSIA TODAY
— The World Is In Danger (@Tume_Live) March 5, 2023[_oembed_time_60e602e333d57c67d37cf52fbcbdc42c] => 1687685887 [_oembed_2d9a37117f648ac47287f0a73d38366b] =>Russia’s deliberate and long-planned destruction of the Kakhovka dam results in regional ecocide. Entire ecosystems are being irreversibly harmed. We urge states and international organisations to condemn Russia and join @ZelenskyyUa’s Peace Formula item “Prevention of ecocide”.
— Dmytro Kuleba (@DmytroKuleba) June 6, 2023[_oembed_time_2d9a37117f648ac47287f0a73d38366b] => 1689015635 [_oembed_e1b2d35a6e39ed525e15e1b78e50a982] => [_oembed_time_e1b2d35a6e39ed525e15e1b78e50a982] => 1692951101 [_oembed_14ea765a7f3cf27f696aac6442630a6f] =>江苏盐城局地遭遇龙卷风 致2人死亡15人受伤。
— 谷恒条野 (@BuuCooX) August 13, 2023
8月13日16时15分左右受强对流天气影响,江苏省盐城市大丰区部分镇出现龙卷风自然灾害。经专家鉴定,该龙卷等级为EF2级(中等强度)。[_oembed_time_14ea765a7f3cf27f696aac6442630a6f] => 1692951102 [_oembed_ddc23db9d960203864635b6fadb0b343] =>A tornado killed at least two people and injured 15 in China's eastern Jiangsu province
— Reuters (@Reuters) August 14, 2023[_oembed_time_ddc23db9d960203864635b6fadb0b343] => 1693558064 [_oembed_2d9a0912e9c75d1f33cf04e6754f2fea] => [_oembed_time_2d9a0912e9c75d1f33cf04e6754f2fea] => 1693558064 [_oembed_63a37ed0a0f1d65ebdda9074af76f686] => [_oembed_time_63a37ed0a0f1d65ebdda9074af76f686] => 1700948374 [_oembed_ca8ed85015235887642129b632ae0697] =>Bulgaria and Romania experienced the impact of severe weather conditions over the weekend, resulting in two fatalities. Strong winds, heavy rain and snowfall, caused power disruptions and blocked roads in the eastern regions of both countries.
— Euronews Albania (@EuronewsAlbania) November 19, 2023[_oembed_time_ca8ed85015235887642129b632ae0697] => 1700948375 [_oembed_a55a26d1f4eca45133c5460fbe67957e] =>Hurricane in Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
— The National Independent (@NationalIndNews) November 19, 2023[_oembed_time_a55a26d1f4eca45133c5460fbe67957e] => 1700948375 [_oembed_17b5b99499b831b84cc12c5034df3789] =>Hurricane force wind in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, Russia.
— Kirill Bakanov (@WeatherSarov1) November 19, 2023[_oembed_time_17b5b99499b831b84cc12c5034df3789] => 1700948375 [_oembed_56a2eac6b596857aed6e399738c816ff] => [_oembed_time_56a2eac6b596857aed6e399738c816ff] => 1705302136 [_oembed_c6c5bda0c149e0645875d48035f64af9] =>Ein Toter und mehrere Verletzte bei Klinikbrand in Uelzen
— BR24 (@BR24) January 5, 2024[_oembed_time_c6c5bda0c149e0645875d48035f64af9] => 1705302136 [_oembed_b12e62f1ef44ab620965cecbef10833a] =>Stabbing Incident in The Hale, N17: Young Man in Critical Condition
— London & UK Street News (@CrimeLdn) December 21, 2023[_oembed_time_b12e62f1ef44ab620965cecbef10833a] => 1707204055 [_oembed_c00cd5a55a893411b150982660008812] =>PICTURES:Burst riverbanks are causing turmoil in DR Congo's capital Kinshasa, with dark and foul-smelling water pouring into homes across working-class neighborhoods in the central African city.#NTVNews
— NTV UGANDA (@ntvuganda) January 13, 2024[_oembed_time_c00cd5a55a893411b150982660008812] => 1710780261 [_oembed_6ad7f5b50ed559620b5d74c364d04d17] => [_oembed_time_6ad7f5b50ed559620b5d74c364d04d17] => 1714213474 [_oembed_0b33614b0b644f24ed38bc2ed957a365] =>#BREAKING: A tight-knit Torres Strait community is calling for the removal of a 3.5m crocodile after the body of a missing 16-year-old boy was found on Saibai Island. Our thoughts are with the boy's family. Latest:
— Cairns Post (@TheCairnsPost) April 19, 2024[_oembed_time_0b33614b0b644f24ed38bc2ed957a365] => 1715954406 [_oembed_3ddc83bf49b057d526312a50d6eec604] =>Another video Heavy floods in #Shaoguan, #Guangdong on(2024-04-20)#china #floods
— Siraj Noorani (@sirajnoorani) April 22, 2024[_oembed_time_3ddc83bf49b057d526312a50d6eec604] => 1720260567 [_oembed_7f9c591b59b64f591afb43181bd3e03b] =>فاجعة بطنجة.. تسرب لمياه الأمطار بوحدة سرية للنسيج يخلف 24 قتيلا والحصيلة في تزايد#طنجة #مصنع #غرق #وفاة
— Hespress هسبريس (@hespress) February 8, 2021[_oembed_time_7f9c591b59b64f591afb43181bd3e03b] => 1728378071 [_oembed_d25f701fd2c096101473ae9cd95908c5] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_e9383faa422dfb0869c3a4fc868177b3] =>ISRAEL: TERROR: One person was killed Hy'd and eight others were wounded in a terror stabbing attack at the Beersheba central bus station. The Palestinian terrorist was shot and killed by security forces.
— KolHaolam (@KolHaolam) October 6, 2024[_oembed_time_e9383faa422dfb0869c3a4fc868177b3] => 1729861928 [_oembed_d0a7c1bceb94f9a7582536c79456e8c6] => [_oembed_time_d0a7c1bceb94f9a7582536c79456e8c6] => 1732618569 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 49 [2] => 17 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Hírek [2] => Sürgős [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 2341 [1] => 581 [2] => 11860 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => áradás [1] => halálos áldozat [2] => Marokkó ) ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 20158 [content] =>Zhuhai, China: A driver intentionally crashed into pedestrians near a sports center. Multiple injuries reported; medical teams responding.#China
— The ViRAL Videos (@The_viralvideo_) November 11, 2024A Covid-19 járvány utóbbi időben tapasztalt, gyorsuló terjedése miatt A marokkói kormány utasítására hétfőre virradóra elzárták a külvilágtól az ország főbb nagyvárosait.
A vasárnap kiadott kormányközlemény értelmében vasárnap éjféltől több nagyvárost tilos elhagyni, és beutazni sem lehet azokba. Kivételt képez az ország fővárosa, Rabat, ugyanakkor a meghatározatlan időre szóló tilalom olyan gazdaságilag vagy turisztikailag meghatározó városokra vonatkozik, mint Casablanca, Marrakes, Tanger, Tetuán, Féz, Berresíd.
A kormány különös tekintettel a július 31-én kezdődő „áldozati ünnepre” hozta meg ezt a szigorú intézkedést, mivel ezen az ünnepen hagyományosan nagy tömegek indulnak útnak. De azért is volt sürgető ez a lépés, mert az utóbbi napokban feltűnően emelkedett a koronavírusos esetek száma, különösen azóta, hogy július 19-én a kormány tovább enyhített a járvány miatt korábban bevezetett korlátozásokon. Kinyithattak ugyan a kávéházak, éttermek, üzletek, de hivatalosan az egészségügyi vészhelyzetet augusztus 10-ig meghosszabbították.
A vasárnapi közlemény ugyanakkor megállapítja, hogy a lakosság nagy része nem tartja be a járvány terjedésének megelőzését szolgáló intézkedéseket, elsősorban a maszkviselést, a társasági távolságtartást, akárcsak a fertőtlenítést. A hatóságok ezért súlyos büntetéseket helyeznek kilátásba az előírások megszegőivel szemben, akik akár háromhavi elzárásra és 1300 dínár (115 euró) pénzbírságra is számíthatnak.
Szombaton 811, vasárnap pedig 633 új estet regisztráltak az afrikai országban, az igazolt fertőzések száma így elérte a 20 278 főt, 313-an haltak bele a betegségbe.
[type] => post [excerpt] => A Covid-19 járvány utóbbi időben tapasztalt, gyorsuló terjedése miatt A marokkói kormány utasítására hétfőre virradóra elzárták a külvilágtól az ország főbb nagyvárosait. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1595859240 [modified] => 1595852965 ) [title] => Koronavírus: Elzárták a külvilágtól Marokkó főbb nagyvárosait [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 20158 [uk] => 20242 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 20159 [image] => Array ( [id] => 20159 [original] => [original_lng] => 137275 [original_w] => 1600 [original_h] => 900 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 576 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1536 [height] => 864 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1600 [height] => 900 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1600 [height] => 900 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => podiji [color] => green [title] => Події ) [_edit_lock] => 1595880523:3 [_thumbnail_id] => 20159 [_edit_last] => 10 [translation_required] => 1 [views_count] => 6205 [_oembed_953ae7e90f074d688713045236c1fe18] =>[_oembed_time_953ae7e90f074d688713045236c1fe18] => 1595839120 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_b4f94863deb8e65517b33ad733d2d027] => [_oembed_time_b4f94863deb8e65517b33ad733d2d027] => 1596862724 [_oembed_f71aa3fbe722fb03c6b63c80bd145ade] => [_oembed_time_f71aa3fbe722fb03c6b63c80bd145ade] => 1597994084 [_oembed_c33e7038b66ede79f5f1a7ce6e0a2060] => [_oembed_time_c33e7038b66ede79f5f1a7ce6e0a2060] => 1598369798 [_oembed_65e09d189df89288b6c41e9ebb832f40] => [_oembed_time_65e09d189df89288b6c41e9ebb832f40] => 1598650117 [_oembed_6fe83b92cbc72699060db21eea858967] => [_oembed_time_6fe83b92cbc72699060db21eea858967] => 1599315788 [_oembed_816a5ecc9a88bf52b622512adaddfa5d] => [_oembed_time_816a5ecc9a88bf52b622512adaddfa5d] => 1613574533 [_oembed_acf8af9acf1eb147959f94eba653615c] => [_oembed_time_acf8af9acf1eb147959f94eba653615c] => 1614511425 [_oembed_c1712923f590f39fa92e0de97a59387a] => [_oembed_time_c1712923f590f39fa92e0de97a59387a] => 1615914090 [_oembed_a9c05ecbdb6645476f7c51a17cbc6e35] => [_oembed_time_a9c05ecbdb6645476f7c51a17cbc6e35] => 1617060539 [_oembed_65dd4811104ce80155be3cdca8034f8d] => [_oembed_time_65dd4811104ce80155be3cdca8034f8d] => 1617619094 [_oembed_624aaeabecace26a8bf22181c595353b] => [_oembed_time_624aaeabecace26a8bf22181c595353b] => 1618231491 [_oembed_db1f2eac4db0ebadabe5f8bc13887e69] => [_oembed_time_db1f2eac4db0ebadabe5f8bc13887e69] => 1618650341 [_oembed_3b9be76653b23a4a62a640f50f23a4df] => [_oembed_time_3b9be76653b23a4a62a640f50f23a4df] => 1621908566 [_oembed_810c6d47a0b9d7660a950cd4fd0392cc] =>فاجعة بطنجة.. تسرب لمياه الأمطار بوحدة سرية للنسيج يخلف 24 قتيلا والحصيلة في تزايد#طنجة #مصنع #غرق #وفاة
— Hespress هسبريس (@hespress) February 8, 2021[_oembed_time_810c6d47a0b9d7660a950cd4fd0392cc] => 1622045951 [_oembed_eeafe2c80e4d906a984d86c69939857d] => [_oembed_time_eeafe2c80e4d906a984d86c69939857d] => 1622045952 [_oembed_b4ffb1dfc93f543f932e3a02c9029d63] => [_oembed_time_b4ffb1dfc93f543f932e3a02c9029d63] => 1622867117 [_oembed_e3ce234dc4f788b0792321370bf43a02] => [_oembed_time_e3ce234dc4f788b0792321370bf43a02] => 1624532783 [_oembed_c6b96ff99fc62697099b26c1b1dfa756] => [_oembed_time_c6b96ff99fc62697099b26c1b1dfa756] => 1628868930 [_oembed_89a6ce139e9f5a092ee26761356ba3ba] =>The Pentagon currently is on lock down due to an incident at the Pentagon Transit Center. We are asking the public to please avoid the area. More information will be forthcoming.
— Pentagon Force Protection Agency (Official) (@PFPAOfficial) August 3, 2021[_oembed_time_89a6ce139e9f5a092ee26761356ba3ba] => 1629679450 [_oembed_ec134c3ac268c434b167795b5046bbc0] => [_oembed_time_ec134c3ac268c434b167795b5046bbc0] => 1634554318 [_oembed_ebe6a28bea4dd11827787a85dcc96451] => [_oembed_time_ebe6a28bea4dd11827787a85dcc96451] => 1639244344 [_oembed_17a7d6f0d274dc05f309591288b5a1f4] =>RIGHT NOW: A GUY HAS A GUN IN FRONT OF THE UNITED NATIONS. POLICE ARE NEGOTIATING. STAND-OFF @UN @NYPDnews
— Greg Kelly-Ripped in 2022. (@gregkellyusa) December 2, 2021[_oembed_time_17a7d6f0d274dc05f309591288b5a1f4] => 1648447785 [_oembed_e1deebf847cfed5c50d8083e910385f6] => [_oembed_time_e1deebf847cfed5c50d8083e910385f6] => 1648637729 [_oembed_eee6b30e6acba0c21ff3b223154c58f1] =>Turkish Ministry of National Defense: "The mine-like object detected off the Bosphorus was secured by the SAS Teams and an intervention was started to neutralize it”
— Marc Brandenburg™ ?? (@pusztapunk) March 26, 2022[_oembed_time_eee6b30e6acba0c21ff3b223154c58f1] => 1650778802 [_oembed_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] => [_oembed_time_d2abc101ff3c2d05ed3b715980e429ea] => 1695644864 [_oembed_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] =>? #BREAKING | #Morocco | #earthquake | #Marrakech |#الزلزال | #المغرب
— Bot News (@BotNews18) September 9, 2023
There is almost nothing left of Adassil village in Morocco. You can hear the absolute heartbreak in this mans voice.[_oembed_time_fc84de2cae13fb37a42d7e6282aa08ff] => 1695644864 [_oembed_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] =>Moment of building collapse after the strong #earthquake hits in #Marrakesh of #Morocco.
— Anil Kumar Verma (@AnilKumarVerma_) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_af2c9d4b7d4a4de7e380bd7217cbe4cc] => 1695644864 [_oembed_e954407d5def6fbbb2d25c1e7bbf9dd1] =>Horrific moment of collapse caught on security camera? #Morocco #earthquake #moroccoearthquake #deprem #زلزال #زلزال_المغرب #fas #fas_depremi #morocco #maroc #earthquake
— Muhammad Arif Khan (@M_Arif61) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_e954407d5def6fbbb2d25c1e7bbf9dd1] => 1719559547 [_oembed_387a170d748c44ac94c62049d8322541] =>🚨 #BREAKING | #Morocco | #earthquake | #Marrakech |#الزلزال | #المغرب
— Bot News (@BotNews18) September 9, 2023
There is almost nothing left of Adassil village in Morocco. You can hear the absolute heartbreak in this mans voice.[_oembed_time_387a170d748c44ac94c62049d8322541] => 1719559547 [_oembed_0f15069d9d3f562102af482a2fc2d61e] =>Moment of building collapse after the strong #earthquake hits in #Marrakesh of #Morocco.
— Anil Kumar Verma (@AnilKumarVerma_) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_0f15069d9d3f562102af482a2fc2d61e] => 1719559547 [_oembed_6448258b33385a431ff7d1725ddf758e] =>Horrific moment of collapse caught on security camera💔 #Morocco #earthquake #moroccoearthquake #deprem #زلزال #زلزال_المغرب #fas #fas_depremi #morocco #maroc #earthquake
— Muhammad Arif Khan (@M_Arif61) September 9, 2023[_oembed_time_6448258b33385a431ff7d1725ddf758e] => 1719559547 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 3521 [2] => 49 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => COVID-19 HU [2] => Hírek [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 3281 [1] => 11861 [2] => 11860 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => koronavírus terjedés [1] => lezárás [2] => Marokkó ) ) ) [model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [offset] => 0 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 11860 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [_model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [offset] => 0 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 11860 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [domains] => Array ( [0] => podiji ) [_domains] => Array ( [podiji] => 1 ) [status] => 1 [from_cache] => )